With AoY we get roughly the same amount of contend like we got with LoR it’s just a bit better distributed for everybody to enjoy even when TOS is not on someone’s agenda.
indeed. but LOR was more interesting; more unique contents, new story, new everything.
btw, finally I'm disppointed by the new "Future Proof" missions. I thought it was a more interesting plot, with Daniels involved in all the troubles. But nope, false hope. it is still a basic story, with a basic plot
I think this is my least favorite. I love the environment but the scope of what they did is way too small. It should have been enough content to get us to level 20-30. If I have to take another character through Nimbus III, I may gouge my eyes out...
With AoY we get roughly the same amount of contend like we got with LoR it’s just a bit better distributed for everybody to enjoy even when TOS is not on someone’s agenda.
indeed. but LOR was more interesting; more unique contents, new story, new everything.
btw, finally I'm disppointed by the new "Future Proof" missions. I thought it was a more interesting plot, with Daniels involved in all the troubles. But nope, false hope. it is still a basic story, with a basic plot
Well I suppose your right with that. Much of it is just a matter of personal preference. I was never a big fan of Romulans (or Cardassians which are also brought up regularly as faction option) so LoR was cool and all but never much for me to get into.
The whole AoY thing on the other hand fits much more with my taste especially under consideration how one could celebrate the 50th anniversary of our franchise best in a videogame.
The whole new stuff just feels like a big, easy birthday-party ranging over centuries within the Star Trek universe even integrating the JJ stuff in a harmonic way.
It feels like, you know, party time and that without regrets. Could also be that my expectations have just grown smaller after the DR hangover that lasted for over a year.
I don’t know really, but from the first look: well done from me cryptic!
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Lvl 30 is half the game. I think that expectation is a little high.
10 is ok, 15 would have been better. I hope there will be more temporal missions distributed in between the existing ones to make the whole construct feel a little bit more organic.
Is it better than Delta Rising? Yes, but that's not much of a door prize.
Is it actually a good expansion? After playing as one of the new faction toons and also completing the new story on my KDF toon, I can conclusively say....gods no, it's not a good expansion at all.
I'll try to explain in depth here, feel free to skip to the TL;DR if you don't want to read it all. Otherwise, it's a long read ahead, so you've been warned!
Let's review some of the major promises that were offered here. We were promised a new faction which was "at least as large as the Romulans", and the devs put a lot of effort into squashing the rumor that there were "only six missions" in AOY. They were very boastful about how much content there would be, how this new faction would encapsulate the TOS era, while at the same time wrapping up the story that had been ongoing for the last few months. They actually got me excited for this expansion. Now, I'm sort of furious with the devs, because I feel like I've been lied to.
But we'll get to that. I'll start with the parts I enjoyed. I liked the wrap-up of the present storyline in Future Proof. Temporal Reckoning was pretty good (except for the "big reveal", more of that in the next paragraph), and Ragnarok was an intense and lengthy mission that I found enjoyable to play through from beginning to end, in a way that almost no other mission in STO has been able to. Whoever wrote those two missions gets a gold star. Great missions, great content, and actually useful rewards in the form of some halfway decent sci and engie consoles.
But the bad definitely outweighs the good here. Yesterday's War is a clunky, misguided mess, and it's far FAR too short, at a length of only three missions, bringing the overall number of missions available to existing characters to a dismal five total missions (which, last I checked, is in fact a smaller number than six). It's so bad that the Future Proof missions are actually dragged down by the elements introduced in Yesterday's War. The missions feel....very disjointed, seemingly having almost nothing to do with one another. The big bragging about the introduction of the Kelvin Timeline is a waste, because you get to see it for all of one mission. Without getting spoiler-y, the only connecting link between the missions is the absolutely pointless red herring known as the "Envoy", who is leading all of these factions against the Federation for reasons unknown. Now, the story arc very intentionally leads you to believe a particular person is the Envoy, but this turns out not to be the case. In fact, when the Envoy's identity is finally revealed, two problems instantly emerge.
The first is that the Envoy's identity (again, without spoiling) makes it completely unnecessary for him to have disguised himself in the first place. There is absolutely no reason for him to have done so, especially considering his previous actions in the game to date. The second is that it leaves the red herring character's situation begging for an explanation. The story makes no effort to explain the former problem, but attempts to hastily resolve the latter by providing what might be one of the most terrible explanations for what was happening that I've ever heard of. It's hard to go into much detail without ruining it for those who haven't played, but it basically takes the Doctor Who "timey-wimey" ball and runs away with it....and it runs straight into traffic.
With that finished, I proceeded to make a new toon in this new faction, which I'll call TOS from now on because I'm not actually sure what else to call it. This is perhaps an even bigger disappointment than the missions provided to existing characters, as hard as that is for me to believe. Why? Because it's not at all what I expected. When they said they were going to make the new faction in the TOS era, and that it would be "at least as large as the Romulans" in terms of scale, I expected to spend a good chunk of time here exploring the TOS era. What I got instead was only six missions (seven if you count the one which has you wander 23rd century ESD aimlessly, which I don't) of time spent in this era. Now, it's true that these missions are longer than some of the Romulan missions, but the Romulans also had nearly four full story arcs of individualized content, spanning over at least 20 missions. This faction is NOT "at least as large as the Romulans". It's insultingly short.
And half of that mission count isn't even spent on the TOS era at all! Instead, it's establishing direct plot element links to the Temporal Cold War. Instead of giving us a chance to get sucked into the classic era of TOS, we're immediately sucked right back out by the introduction of plot elements that have nothing to do with anything in the TOS era, and won't appear again for another 50+ levels on our TOS toons. Why did you bother making this a unique faction at all? You took 3 whole seasons of potential stories about exploring the galaxy....and whittled it down to a half-dozen missions, many of which have only tangential connections to the actual TOS era, instead focusing on setting up plot elements for something else entirely. If I were a bigger fan of TOS, I wouldn't consider this a heartwarming tribute, I'd consider it an insult.
The biggest problem, though, in terms of story is that at Lvl 5, as a brand new captain who just got their first command hours earlier, I'm already been entrusted with top secret temporal intelligence relating to the Temporal Cold War. This makes no sense! By the time Future Proof rolled out on our existing toons, we had been through countless battles, saved the galaxy several times over, and jumped around in time on multiple occasions. It made sense for us to be appointed as temporal agents, given our outstanding service records. It makes NO sense whatsoever for a Lvl 5 rookie captain to be entrusted with something of this magnitude! Especially since, as Yesterday's War repeatedly kept showing, the timeline can in fact be changed significantly. How can this agent know with ANY sort of certainty that we'll be useful to Starfleet Temporal Intelligence when we haven't done anything of distinction yet, and in a mutable future, it's possible we won't ever do anything of distinction, either. This is precisely why time-travel stories tend to be so badly written. You're forced into a lot of assumptions, have to place a lot of lampshades, and spend much of your time dodging your own plot holes. What annoys me most is that this could have just been done as a separate story arc (immediately preceding Future Proof) for the three existing factions, and it would have made infinitely more sense that way. Instead, it's a lazily done faction with a handful of missions, and it doesn't live up to its hype in the slightest.
TL;DR: We were promised a number of things in this new expansion, and they were not delivered. We were promised "more than six missions", we got five for existing toons and six for TOS toons, neither of which (at least individually) fulfills that promise. We were promised a faction "at least as large as the Romulans", and got a faction with a storyline less than half the size of the Romulan storyline, and far less interesting. It's not as bad as Delta Rising, but you don't get awarded a medal just because you managed not to trip down a flight of stairs the second time around. I feel stupid for letting myself get hyped up by this expansion, as it is a total and complete letdown for me. But I assure you, I won't make the mistake of getting excited for future STO content ever again.
With AoY we get roughly the same amount of contend like we got with LoR it’s just a bit better distributed for everybody to enjoy even when TOS is not on someone’s agenda.
indeed. but LOR was more interesting; more unique contents, new story, new everything.
btw, finally I'm disppointed by the new "Future Proof" missions. I thought it was a more interesting plot, with Daniels involved in all the troubles. But nope, false hope. it is still a basic story, with a basic plot
Well I suppose your right with that. Much of it is just a matter of personal preference. I was never a big fan of Romulans (or Cardassians which are also brought up regularly as faction option) so LoR was cool and all but never much for me to get into.
The whole AoY thing on the other hand fits much more with my taste especially under consideration how one could celebrate the 50th anniversary of our franchise best in a videogame.
The whole new stuff just feels like a big, easy birthday-party ranging over centuries within the Star Trek universe even integrating the JJ stuff in a harmonic way.
It feels like, you know, party time and that without regrets. Could also be that my expectations have just grown smaller after the DR hangover that lasted for over a year.
I don’t know really, but from the first look: well done from me cryptic!
yep, it is a matter of taste, and like personally I don't like the TOS stuff, I just would say that this expansion is not for me.
cryptic has made a very nice job for all the TOS stuff (maps, objects, environment etc), they have some good artist
I can't speak about the TOS missions, but the other temporal missions lack suspens and are too predictable. this is my only disappointment. the other good thing is that temporal arc is finally finished, one of the worse never done (with DR and the iconian TRIBBLE), imo
I hope more jjtrek stuff for the future, or something not related to a tv show
The faces on the NPCs during the quest frankly are not up to the prior packs. It is almost like they picked an intern a random and said you make the faces but you can only barely resemble the actors from the shows. And they nailed the barely resemble part..
Considering I can't even log into the damn game and it crashes on the Cryptic loading screen I'd have to say false. They kept promising that players w/ older PCs won't have a problem logging in once this TRIBBLE hits the fan, but lo and behold I can't login... Thank you very much Cryptic!
P.S. Glad I managed to get my summer ship yesterday b4 patch or that really would've made me quit this game, now I'm gonna wait and see if they fix this or I have to look for something else.
Ok guys, i have only played until Lvl 11 by now, but as much as i can see this new "expansion" is basically over after Lvl 10 (except for "Yesterdays War which will get more missions, i suppose?). So to me this new "faction" looks more like a new version of the delta recruitment event, but it's not a new faction by far.
Really, it's baffeling to me that this is even recognised by the players as a new faction. Even the reputation Jump start packs only give 25th century versions of weapons (at least the ones i saw), instead of spitting out some of those nice 23rd century phaser weapons.
But the biggest dissappointment to me is that this new "faction" doesn't even get a own social hub, like the romulans get for example.
No, instead of having DS-K13 somehow being put into the 25th century and serving as base of operations, you hang around ESD like the six years before... This is lame, even for cryptic.
Seriously guys, i have expected more and i'm really frustrated right now. Calling this a disappointment would be a understatement.
I really, really hope they are finally done with this lame timetravel stuff after this "expansion".
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
My T6 Daedalus is PERFECT! I myself still need to learn how to kit it out and fly it better. But holey moley! I am a terror! An old, dated, decomissioned golfball of destruction cutting a swath through the enemies we face. Cube meet Golfball!
an expanded, dilated, or enlarged portion or form of a thing: The present article is an expansion of one he wrote last year.
Agents of Yesterday is an expanded or enlarged portion of the Star Trek Online timeline, as well as the Temporal story they've been telling. In fact, one can easily modify the sentence example from definition 4 to fit AoY ...
The present mission arcs are an expansion of the ones STO wrote in the past year.
Steam numbers. Maybe the weekend will be bigger when the bugs are fixed. Maybe the playerbase is down further. And maybe more have migrated to ARC, but these are the only numbers we have.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
This expansion is pretty underwhelming when you compare it to the LOR/Romulan one. 10 levels and bang straight into the existing content. All that effort to make those episodes and its over before you have time to take it in. Basically it's just a new tutorial for Fed characters with some old trek graphics like scanning and transporters. Kinda feels half finished
It's been bitter sweet for me. I came back because I wanted the new lock box ships and basically threw away all my money for nothing but otherwise the game was pretty entertaining.
I rather enjoyed the AoY expansion so far. I know a lot of people complain about the "Grainy" effects while you're playing but I thought it was a nice touch. I was a little disappointed that the story pretty much died out after level 10, but there's always room for growth I suppose. It was pretty awesome being able to participate in some of those old episode stories and would love to see more.
LoR was the best expansion to date, and I wasn't even here when it hit.
If only Roms were made into an independent faction, to me it would have been the best expansion ever period.
Haven't had time to play this new expansion yet, but I grew up in TNG era and not TOS so I'm not exactly the target audience, but I'm happy for those who are.
Also, the Vengeance is one awesome ship, hoping to get that D4x some day too, liking the retro menus, and revamped skin on the TOS Connie, plus there's some new gameplay mechanics to play around with, and lots more in-game activity, so it's looking good so far.
Steam numbers. Maybe the weekend will be bigger when the bugs are fixed. Maybe the playerbase is down further. And maybe more have migrated to ARC, but these are the only numbers we have.
Yeah, but bad stats can't be made good by lacking alternatives. The point is that (with this data) any inference about player trends is:
1. Meaningless , any explanation of how those three numbers are moving (which represent human behavior in an open system with no experimental design and unaccounted factors up the yin-yang) works. You can't select between them (without just projecting) as three coordinate points doesn't carry a whole lot of information content.
2. Pointless because, regardless of all else, there's TRIBBLE all we can do about it here except increase the intensity of whining if we forum goers find there's a population problem. The scale of the data is characteristically above our level.
So, the thing to do is revel in subjectivity and give cryptic the individual voice that's lacking in the complete pop stats they have.
(and I say this with a lot more invested with statistics than STO. What's actually going on with the population is a separate issue. This is about the numbers. )
Anyway, I'm liking AOY but that's not because of any innate superiority it has to other releases. For where I am right now with the game its what I need to take another look at old content. The intro campaign was a bit scattershot but it had a good arc if you just look at where it was moving the player's (presumed) personality. Where that leads is a really fascinating character angle that flips the established STO setting on its head. I haven't been able to really invest in a new character in quite some time but I'm looking at my TOS as something to fully develop.
Good times, but if you're not in the same position as me you're certainly going to have some kind of different reaction (ex. "that was it?")
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Steam numbers. Maybe the weekend will be bigger when the bugs are fixed. Maybe the playerbase is down further. And maybe more have migrated to ARC, but these are the only numbers we have.
This expansion does not deserve the implied hyperbolic irony that comes with the phrase "Best Ever and the Players Love It!" nor is it actually STO's best expansion, so I voted False.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
As far as story content goes, LOR wins hands down, both in quality and quantity. Say what you want about Tovan Khev, but he really helped to add a "human" dimension to Romulan republic story arcs. Made it far more personal. Far FAR better than the Fed/KDF missions, which were usually just feeble excuse after feeble excuse for why we were fighting someone (and to be fair to cryptic, a lot of MMO's have that problem... though they tend to have better characters).
I will say AOY is more enjoyable than DR, but it's lacking in new mission content. However, they did add a lot of new graphics/effects and ships.
I'd say AOY is good (I'm certainly loving the TOS feel). The biggest criticism you could level at it is that there's just not much there.
The problem is that they billed this as a full expansion, which it's not so as a full fledged expansion it's false. However, if you look at it just as a mini-expansion or just stop being a troll and look at it as simply new content we get to play with, then it becomes true, because as far as new content goes, while admittedly small, it's well done. The issue isn't with the content, which so many people are whining about, it's about how Cryptic decided to advertise it. The content is great, the advertising is a bit misleading.
Steam numbers. Maybe the weekend will be bigger when the bugs are fixed. Maybe the playerbase is down further. And maybe more have migrated to ARC, but these are the only numbers we have.
Yeah, but bad stats can't be made good by lacking alternatives. The point is that (with this data) any inference about player trends is:
1. Meaningless , any explanation of how those three numbers are moving (which represent human behavior in an open system with no experimental design and unaccounted factors up the yin-yang) works. You can't select between them (without just projecting) as three coordinate points doesn't carry a whole lot of information content.
2. Pointless because, regardless of all else, there's **** all we can do about it here except increase the intensity of whining if we forum goers find there's a population problem. The scale of the data is characteristically above our level.
So, the thing to do is revel in subjectivity and give cryptic the individual voice that's lacking in the complete pop stats they have.
(and I say this with a lot more invested with statistics than STO. What's actually going on with the population is a separate issue. This is about the numbers. )
Anyway, I'm liking AOY but that's not because of any innate superiority it has to other releases. For where I am right now with the game its what I need to take another look at old content. The intro campaign was a bit scattershot but it had a good arc if you just look at where it was moving the player's (presumed) personality. Where that leads is a really fascinating character angle that flips the established STO setting on its head. I haven't been able to really invest in a new character in quite some time but I'm looking at my TOS as something to fully develop.
Good times, but if you're not in the same position as me you're certainly going to have some kind of different reaction (ex. "that was it?")
Fair enough - I agree these stats could be misleading. I had just been curious if we could at least beat DR steam numbers. I haven't played it yet so I can't give a subjective opinion. Hope to begin after the maintenance today.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
indeed. but LOR was more interesting; more unique contents, new story, new everything.
Well I suppose your right with that. Much of it is just a matter of personal preference. I was never a big fan of Romulans (or Cardassians which are also brought up regularly as faction option) so LoR was cool and all but never much for me to get into.
The whole AoY thing on the other hand fits much more with my taste especially under consideration how one could celebrate the 50th anniversary of our franchise best in a videogame.
The whole new stuff just feels like a big, easy birthday-party ranging over centuries within the Star Trek universe even integrating the JJ stuff in a harmonic way.
It feels like, you know, party time and that without regrets. Could also be that my expectations have just grown smaller after the DR hangover that lasted for over a year.
I don’t know really, but from the first look: well done from me cryptic!
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
10 is ok, 15 would have been better. I hope there will be more temporal missions distributed in between the existing ones to make the whole construct feel a little bit more organic.
Is it actually a good expansion? After playing as one of the new faction toons and also completing the new story on my KDF toon, I can conclusively say....gods no, it's not a good expansion at all.
I'll try to explain in depth here, feel free to skip to the TL;DR if you don't want to read it all. Otherwise, it's a long read ahead, so you've been warned!
Let's review some of the major promises that were offered here. We were promised a new faction which was "at least as large as the Romulans", and the devs put a lot of effort into squashing the rumor that there were "only six missions" in AOY. They were very boastful about how much content there would be, how this new faction would encapsulate the TOS era, while at the same time wrapping up the story that had been ongoing for the last few months. They actually got me excited for this expansion. Now, I'm sort of furious with the devs, because I feel like I've been lied to.
But we'll get to that. I'll start with the parts I enjoyed. I liked the wrap-up of the present storyline in Future Proof. Temporal Reckoning was pretty good (except for the "big reveal", more of that in the next paragraph), and Ragnarok was an intense and lengthy mission that I found enjoyable to play through from beginning to end, in a way that almost no other mission in STO has been able to. Whoever wrote those two missions gets a gold star. Great missions, great content, and actually useful rewards in the form of some halfway decent sci and engie consoles.
But the bad definitely outweighs the good here. Yesterday's War is a clunky, misguided mess, and it's far FAR too short, at a length of only three missions, bringing the overall number of missions available to existing characters to a dismal five total missions (which, last I checked, is in fact a smaller number than six). It's so bad that the Future Proof missions are actually dragged down by the elements introduced in Yesterday's War. The missions feel....very disjointed, seemingly having almost nothing to do with one another. The big bragging about the introduction of the Kelvin Timeline is a waste, because you get to see it for all of one mission. Without getting spoiler-y, the only connecting link between the missions is the absolutely pointless red herring known as the "Envoy", who is leading all of these factions against the Federation for reasons unknown. Now, the story arc very intentionally leads you to believe a particular person is the Envoy, but this turns out not to be the case. In fact, when the Envoy's identity is finally revealed, two problems instantly emerge.
The first is that the Envoy's identity (again, without spoiling) makes it completely unnecessary for him to have disguised himself in the first place. There is absolutely no reason for him to have done so, especially considering his previous actions in the game to date. The second is that it leaves the red herring character's situation begging for an explanation. The story makes no effort to explain the former problem, but attempts to hastily resolve the latter by providing what might be one of the most terrible explanations for what was happening that I've ever heard of. It's hard to go into much detail without ruining it for those who haven't played, but it basically takes the Doctor Who "timey-wimey" ball and runs away with it....and it runs straight into traffic.
With that finished, I proceeded to make a new toon in this new faction, which I'll call TOS from now on because I'm not actually sure what else to call it. This is perhaps an even bigger disappointment than the missions provided to existing characters, as hard as that is for me to believe. Why? Because it's not at all what I expected. When they said they were going to make the new faction in the TOS era, and that it would be "at least as large as the Romulans" in terms of scale, I expected to spend a good chunk of time here exploring the TOS era. What I got instead was only six missions (seven if you count the one which has you wander 23rd century ESD aimlessly, which I don't) of time spent in this era. Now, it's true that these missions are longer than some of the Romulan missions, but the Romulans also had nearly four full story arcs of individualized content, spanning over at least 20 missions. This faction is NOT "at least as large as the Romulans". It's insultingly short.
And half of that mission count isn't even spent on the TOS era at all! Instead, it's establishing direct plot element links to the Temporal Cold War. Instead of giving us a chance to get sucked into the classic era of TOS, we're immediately sucked right back out by the introduction of plot elements that have nothing to do with anything in the TOS era, and won't appear again for another 50+ levels on our TOS toons. Why did you bother making this a unique faction at all? You took 3 whole seasons of potential stories about exploring the galaxy....and whittled it down to a half-dozen missions, many of which have only tangential connections to the actual TOS era, instead focusing on setting up plot elements for something else entirely. If I were a bigger fan of TOS, I wouldn't consider this a heartwarming tribute, I'd consider it an insult.
The biggest problem, though, in terms of story is that at Lvl 5, as a brand new captain who just got their first command hours earlier, I'm already been entrusted with top secret temporal intelligence relating to the Temporal Cold War. This makes no sense! By the time Future Proof rolled out on our existing toons, we had been through countless battles, saved the galaxy several times over, and jumped around in time on multiple occasions. It made sense for us to be appointed as temporal agents, given our outstanding service records. It makes NO sense whatsoever for a Lvl 5 rookie captain to be entrusted with something of this magnitude! Especially since, as Yesterday's War repeatedly kept showing, the timeline can in fact be changed significantly. How can this agent know with ANY sort of certainty that we'll be useful to Starfleet Temporal Intelligence when we haven't done anything of distinction yet, and in a mutable future, it's possible we won't ever do anything of distinction, either. This is precisely why time-travel stories tend to be so badly written. You're forced into a lot of assumptions, have to place a lot of lampshades, and spend much of your time dodging your own plot holes. What annoys me most is that this could have just been done as a separate story arc (immediately preceding Future Proof) for the three existing factions, and it would have made infinitely more sense that way. Instead, it's a lazily done faction with a handful of missions, and it doesn't live up to its hype in the slightest.
TL;DR: We were promised a number of things in this new expansion, and they were not delivered. We were promised "more than six missions", we got five for existing toons and six for TOS toons, neither of which (at least individually) fulfills that promise. We were promised a faction "at least as large as the Romulans", and got a faction with a storyline less than half the size of the Romulan storyline, and far less interesting. It's not as bad as Delta Rising, but you don't get awarded a medal just because you managed not to trip down a flight of stairs the second time around. I feel stupid for letting myself get hyped up by this expansion, as it is a total and complete letdown for me. But I assure you, I won't make the mistake of getting excited for future STO content ever again.
yep, it is a matter of taste, and like personally I don't like the TOS stuff, I just would say that this expansion is not for me.
cryptic has made a very nice job for all the TOS stuff (maps, objects, environment etc), they have some good artist
I can't speak about the TOS missions, but the other temporal missions lack suspens and are too predictable. this is my only disappointment. the other good thing is that temporal arc is finally finished, one of the worse never done (with DR and the iconian TRIBBLE), imo
I hope more jjtrek stuff for the future, or something not related to a tv show
When your expansion consists of 20% playable content and 80% stuff you pay for, that is when things go wrong...
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
P.S. Glad I managed to get my summer ship yesterday b4 patch or that really would've made me quit this game, now I'm gonna wait and see if they fix this or I have to look for something else.
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Really, it's baffeling to me that this is even recognised by the players as a new faction. Even the reputation Jump start packs only give 25th century versions of weapons (at least the ones i saw), instead of spitting out some of those nice 23rd century phaser weapons.
But the biggest dissappointment to me is that this new "faction" doesn't even get a own social hub, like the romulans get for example.
No, instead of having DS-K13 somehow being put into the 25th century and serving as base of operations, you hang around ESD like the six years before... This is lame, even for cryptic.
Seriously guys, i have expected more and i'm really frustrated right now. Calling this a disappointment would be a understatement.
I really, really hope they are finally done with this lame timetravel stuff after this "expansion".
I'd say it fits definition number 4:
Agents of Yesterday is an expanded or enlarged portion of the Star Trek Online timeline, as well as the Temporal story they've been telling. In fact, one can easily modify the sentence example from definition 4 to fit AoY ...
The present mission arcs are an expansion of the ones STO wrote in the past year.
DR 5,432
AOY 4,557
Steam numbers. Maybe the weekend will be bigger when the bugs are fixed. Maybe the playerbase is down further. And maybe more have migrated to ARC, but these are the only numbers we have.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
lets see if they do a rollback when ppl play throu it too fast :P
If only Roms were made into an independent faction, to me it would have been the best expansion ever period.
Haven't had time to play this new expansion yet, but I grew up in TNG era and not TOS so I'm not exactly the target audience, but I'm happy for those who are.
Also, the Vengeance is one awesome ship, hoping to get that D4x some day too, liking the retro menus, and revamped skin on the TOS Connie, plus there's some new gameplay mechanics to play around with, and lots more in-game activity, so it's looking good so far.
Yeah, but bad stats can't be made good by lacking alternatives. The point is that (with this data) any inference about player trends is:
1. Meaningless , any explanation of how those three numbers are moving (which represent human behavior in an open system with no experimental design and unaccounted factors up the yin-yang) works. You can't select between them (without just projecting) as three coordinate points doesn't carry a whole lot of information content.
2. Pointless because, regardless of all else, there's TRIBBLE all we can do about it here except increase the intensity of whining if we forum goers find there's a population problem. The scale of the data is characteristically above our level.
So, the thing to do is revel in subjectivity and give cryptic the individual voice that's lacking in the complete pop stats they have.
(and I say this with a lot more invested with statistics than STO. What's actually going on with the population is a separate issue. This is about the numbers.
Anyway, I'm liking AOY but that's not because of any innate superiority it has to other releases. For where I am right now with the game its what I need to take another look at old content. The intro campaign was a bit scattershot but it had a good arc if you just look at where it was moving the player's (presumed) personality. Where that leads is a really fascinating character angle that flips the established STO setting on its head. I haven't been able to really invest in a new character in quite some time but I'm looking at my TOS as something to fully develop.
Good times, but if you're not in the same position as me you're certainly going to have some kind of different reaction (ex. "that was it?")
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
My character Tsin'xing
I will say AOY is more enjoyable than DR, but it's lacking in new mission content. However, they did add a lot of new graphics/effects and ships.
I'd say AOY is good (I'm certainly loving the TOS feel). The biggest criticism you could level at it is that there's just not much there.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Fair enough - I agree these stats could be misleading. I had just been curious if we could at least beat DR steam numbers. I haven't played it yet so I can't give a subjective opinion. Hope to begin after the maintenance today.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."