I love how some of the same people howl about how big the JJprize is based on comments by people vs in screen vs written licensed material... Even after CBS/Paramount have given a stated size as a final answer... then some of these same people ignore the Caitians on the same grounds they howled that the JJprize is huge.
Correct. There is little onscreen evidence for a 700m Constitution and zero onscreen evidence for those being Caitians.
So by CBS' own canon policy, the onscreen evidence stands alone.
I suspect that's not what you were trying to say though.
Theres almost none for the JJprize being 700m and yet CBS went there and stated it is based on off the off screen stuff.. Yall yowling about them being Caitians or not and the only evidence is and off screen 'yes'. So until CBS/Paramount say otherwise... they're Caitian. Deal.
Actually I'm quite happy now that Caitians aren't in AOY. Cause They'd most likely be those non Caitian hairless freaks from JJTrek. Bad enough with the JJ Invasion, but this........yucky.
nah, itd be TAS Caitians or not(which is what we have). Now we just need more rage about TOS tellarites not having hoof-hands like they do in the blessed "on screen" TOS episode
Peanut Butter Sandwichs in school, where have you been? These days you can't bring Peanut Butter to school. I'm surprised it doesn't have the 500 foot exclusion zone that firearms have from school grounds.
Its funny you mentioned that. Back when I was in college they made us take one of those logic and problem solving classes and as part of that they did this exercise where they give really specific instructions about making a peanut butter sandwich, to give an indication as to how literally computers take their instructions. So the instructor picked one of the students and put the jar of peanut butter and bread on a different guys desk and started the demo. It was about a minute in when the guy who's desk the stuff was on turned to the instructor and mentioned how hes severely allergic to peanut butter, as theres an open jar in front of him and a guy standing in front of him making a sandwich
Granted thats college not high school but it makes you wonder how well these things are actually enforced. They never seemed to have an issue with it when I was in high school at least
Bearing in mind that there are zero differences between the PR and AR prior to the attack on the Kelvin in any other species at all.
Yes there are. Otherwise it wouldn't have existed as an alternate universe in the first place, it would have been simple time travel that would have affected the future of the prime universe instead, which it clearly didn't. The different appearance of the klingons is one example
Bearing in mind that there are zero differences between the PR and AR prior to the attack on the Kelvin in any other species at all.
Yes there are. Otherwise it wouldn't have existed as an alternate universe in the first place, it would have been simple time travel that would have affected the future of the prime universe instead, which it clearly didn't. The different appearance of the klingons is one example
Even if the Kelvin Universe is a new timeline created by Nero destroying the USS Kelvin and the Prime Universe was magically saved despite all Star Trek evidence to the contrary, the Kelvin Universe would have a lot of differences due to time travel. There are a ton of instances of time travel in Star Trek that change the timeline before 2233. With the timeline being vastly changed by this instance, then every single instance of time travel that we have seen in the Prime Universe Star Trek has been wiped clean and new instances of time travel have changed the past.
After all, to get exactly the same past would require Kirk going to the 60s and 80s to sneak onto an American base, meet Gary Seven, and steal some whales, Picard to go to the 21st Century to stop the Earth from being assimilated by the Borg, Quark and Odo being the Roswell aliens, Janeway to stop some businessman from destroying the future, and numerous other instances of time travel. The assumption that someone will go back in time and some how it matches the Prime Universe's past is delusional. Although, separating would changes are due to being in a parallel universe and what changes are due to time travel would be impossible.
The main benefit for the Kelvin Universe being in a parallel universe rather than an alternate timeline is that it doesn't need to have the same enemies or have them act in a different manner. The Kelvin Universe could have no Borg, Cardassians, or Dominion, but other hostile empires. Or the Borg could be a bunch of hippies. With it set in an alternate timeline, the Borg and Dominion have to exist and have to act like how we have seen them.
nah, itd be TAS Caitians or not(which is what we have). Now we just need more rage about TOS tellarites not having hoof-hands like they do in the blessed "on screen" TOS episode
You can have that, I'm rooting for that since I joined STO in 2011... Missing that opportunity with the TOS makeup is (within the boundaries of what's reasonable when talking about a videogame based on a science fiction television show) inexcusable. If Cryptic is unable to add those details due to the lack of manpower or money something's clearly amiss here because you can't claim to make a super authentic TOS experience but half-TRIBBLE all the details. The hands aren't even part of any costume save gloves and those can simply be locked out and characters hands never correctly aline with anything they do or hold anyway, heck the type III TOS phaser rifle has the handle upside down since it was put into the game, the hands of the characters are nowhere they are supposed to be. So there's absolutely no reason I could accept them not getting cloven hoof hands with their TOS makeover, which is inaccurate anyway because they're still ENT Tellarites, they can't ge bigger, they can't have their characteristic bristly beards and hair (only the default, this is like putting dreadlocks on Klingons... oh, wait...) and they still don't have a ship despite everyone's hot and devout love for ENT
@lazarus51166 you are correct in some regards. The name "Kelvin Timeline" is indeed not canon by CBS own rules, but it's the name they use to refer to it in real life, for promotional purposes. It does indeed not make sense to consider it a "timeline", at least not one that branched off with the NErada incident, but they insist that it is a timeline branch following the Nerada incident. Old Spock says so in 09 (I think), it's canon (although thinking about it, he just says it caused changes, not saying the word timeline...). That does indeed not mean it makes sense, it is nonsensical canon but canon never the less. The parallel reality theory is way more plausible and makes more sense, but it's gone. CBS decided to use a nonsensical term which is official. Not canon (that means no in-universe character knows the term "Kelvin Timeline") but for us people watching it is the term CBS wants us to use.
The caitian thing is indeed stupid. Canonical they simply cannot be, there's not even anything feline about them, their whole appearance is completely different save a tail whoch also looks different. It's like looking at a Sheliak and calling it Vulcan. Even asking wether or not they're meant to be Caitians makes no sense in the first place. Lindhof saying they are caitians may be a designer statement but doesn't make sense (and is actively countered by the design process behind those characters which at no point showed any resemblance to cats - he may have been a designer/writer but when he says they're meant to be Caitians he's simply wrong). It's your "Kelvin Timeline" again, although this time it's literally just a singular opinion which can be included into discussions about the topic since it happened but one can only come to the conlusion that it has to be discarded as nonsense unless CBS says otherwise. And even if CBS says they are, if the next movie would clarify it it still wouldn't make sense. It would be canon at that point, though. Do I make sense?
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Thought I made myself perfectly clear, but I will rephrase it. Since Paula Block which is in charge of all licensed Star Trek products has stated that "canon is Star Trek continuity as represented on TV and Movie screens", then even CBS can't define what is canon outside of TV and Movie screens. CBS is claiming the Kelvin Universe to be the Kelvin Timeline, but there is absolutely no mention of timelines in Star Trek 2009 just an alternate reality as shown in my previous post that you didn't even bother reading. Therefore, CBS calling it the Kelvin Timeline is not canon.
A parallel universe would be what is shown in the Parallels episode in TNG. An infinite number of realities that have slight differences, but were created naturally. The Sliders series is another good example of this. Alternate timelines are the result of temporal manipulation. Old Biff steals Doc's Delorean and gives Grays Sport Almanac to his younger self and creates a dystopian 1980s timeline as a result. McCoy goes to the 20th Century and the Enterprise in the 23rd Century disappears. The Borg go to the 21st Century and 24th Century Earth is assimilated.
If you want to call it the Kelvin Universe or Reality, go ahead. But to CBS it's the Kelvin Timeline in the same way the stuff with Picard is The Next Generation. It's their name for the product.
You ca do an image search on the "twins". There are several concept sketches for them and all of them were supposed to be just some random colourful alien (human with bodypaint, basically). There's nothing at all hinting at any planned resemblance to anything else, least of all Caitians that have actual cat features.
It's because Lindelof latched onto the word 'Caitian' and agreed because he assumed it made him look like he knew what he was on about. At no point in the design of the random aliens (including the final one onscreen) were Caitians considered.
Not unless somebody finds anything feline about this?
What do you expect from JJ Trek? The Gorn they had in mind to make at one point looked hideous.
And yet were still recognisable as Gorn. They even had the dual head ridges down. They also made perfectly accurate Orions, Klingons, and Romulans.
Correct. There is little onscreen evidence for a 700m Constitution and zero onscreen evidence for those being Caitians.
So by CBS' own canon policy, the onscreen evidence stands alone.
I suspect that's not what you were trying to say though.
Theres almost none for the JJprize being 700m and yet CBS went there and stated it is based on off the off screen stuff.. Yall yowling about them being Caitians or not and the only evidence is and off screen 'yes'. So until CBS/Paramount say otherwise... they're Caitian. Deal.
It's like you're not paying attention, so I won't bother with you.
Actually I'm quite happy now that Caitians aren't in AOY. Cause They'd most likely be those non Caitian hairless freaks from JJTrek. Bad enough with the JJ Invasion, but this........yucky.
Actually I'm quite happy now that Caitians aren't in AOY. Cause They'd most likely be those non Caitian hairless freaks from JJTrek. Bad enough with the JJ Invasion, but this........yucky.
nah, itd be TAS Caitians or not(which is what we have). Now we just need more rage about TOS tellarites not having hoof-hands like they do in the blessed "on screen" TOS episode
I think you mean canon, not blessed. But yeah, that's been brought up before, Tellarites without that feature appear as well.
Yes there are. Otherwise it wouldn't have existed as an alternate universe in the first place, it would have been simple time travel that would have affected the future of the prime universe instead, which it clearly didn't. The different appearance of the klingons is one example
That's because it didn't. It split off after the attack on the Kelvin. What different appearance of the Klingons? They look the same as all non-TOS Klingons.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
So where in the movies and TV series do they explain that a new timeline was created from the the actions of Nero? Since there is no mention of a new timeline, then it is not canon. All the movie mentions is an alternate reality which can be an alternate timeline or parallel universe which are two completely different concepts.
What? You're going to have to make that a bit more legible.
Thought I made myself perfectly clear, but I will rephrase it. Since Paula Block which is in charge of all licensed Star Trek products has stated that "canon is Star Trek continuity as represented on TV and Movie screens", then even CBS can't define what is canon outside of TV and Movie screens. CBS is claiming the Kelvin Universe to be the Kelvin Timeline, but there is absolutely no mention of timelines in Star Trek 2009 just an alternate reality as shown in my previous post that you didn't even bother reading. Therefore, CBS calling it the Kelvin Timeline is not canon.
I think you put way too much stake in the wording here. Timeline, reality, dimension, quantum reality, continuity, universe. They are all pretty much interchangeable, contrary to what some fans come up with, the meaning is not all that defined - and if you take science, the meaning is usually not what people think about it. But you have to pick one name for it if you want to talk publically about it, in advertising, in supplementary books. These are words used outside of canon to allow us to speak about it. Just like there is no concept of "DS9 Season 5" in canon, but defines something about Star Trek for us.
Ok, really guys, does the mere existence of this whole conversation not tell you why Cryptic didn't open that can of worms on a product plainly designed to attract new players?
Which is why it doesn't make sense. If they are trying to attract new players to the game, then they would focus on adding the popular new races from the new Star Trek movies not limit it to 4 races from TOS. I could see Klingons getting an update so that we get the Kelvin Universe Klingons.
That's assuming that the new races are even popular to begin with, and Humans (and close too as human as possible) isn't a vastly preferred choice anyway.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
nah, itd be TAS Caitians or not(which is what we have). Now we just need more rage about TOS tellarites not having hoof-hands like they do in the blessed "on screen" TOS episode
You can have that, I'm rooting for that since I joined STO in 2011... Missing that opportunity with the TOS makeup is (within the boundaries of what's reasonable when talking about a videogame based on a science fiction television show) inexcusable. If Cryptic is unable to add those details due to the lack of manpower or money something's clearly amiss here because you can't claim to make a super authentic TOS experience but half-**** all the details. The hands aren't even part of any costume save gloves and those can simply be locked out and characters hands never correctly aline with anything they do or hold anyway, heck the type III TOS phaser rifle has the handle upside down since it was put into the game, the hands of the characters are nowhere they are supposed to be. So there's absolutely no reason I could accept them not getting cloven hoof hands with their TOS makeover, which is inaccurate anyway because they're still ENT Tellarites, they can't ge bigger, they can't have their characteristic bristly beards and hair (only the default, this is like putting dreadlocks on Klingons... oh, wait...) and they still don't have a ship despite everyone's hot and devout love for ENT
Actually I'm quite happy now that Caitians aren't in AOY. Cause They'd most likely be those non Caitian hairless freaks from JJTrek. Bad enough with the JJ Invasion, but this........yucky.
nah, itd be TAS Caitians or not(which is what we have). Now we just need more rage about TOS tellarites not having hoof-hands like they do in the blessed "on screen" TOS episode
I think you mean canon, not blessed. But yeah, that's been brought up before, Tellarites without that feature appear as well.
no I was mocking Cryptic's "It had to be on screen in TOS for it to be in AoY" policy. The pig-men of TOS had hoof hands, on screen, by the blessed decree of Cryptic itself, they simply must fix this critical issue.
(...)What different appearance of the Klingons? They look the same as all non-TOS Klingons.
I disagree here, they don't However, you can see that they're supposed to be Klingons (like someone wanted to draw a picture of one and made a AR Klingon - they screwed up, but you see where they were going with it) - the differences are subtle enough to say "Klingon". The twin girls however don't even remotely resemble any Caitian we have ever seen, thus concluding they are Caitians in the first place (someone had to bring up the question int he interview, after all) defies all reason in the first place.
There's "costume updates" and then there's "total continuity TRIBBLE-up". Klingons are category 1 and the twins (if caitians) category 2
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
So where in the movies and TV series do they explain that a new timeline was created from the the actions of Nero? Since there is no mention of a new timeline, then it is not canon. All the movie mentions is an alternate reality which can be an alternate timeline or parallel universe which are two completely different concepts.
What? You're going to have to make that a bit more legible.
Thought I made myself perfectly clear, but I will rephrase it. Since Paula Block which is in charge of all licensed Star Trek products has stated that "canon is Star Trek continuity as represented on TV and Movie screens", then even CBS can't define what is canon outside of TV and Movie screens. CBS is claiming the Kelvin Universe to be the Kelvin Timeline, but there is absolutely no mention of timelines in Star Trek 2009 just an alternate reality as shown in my previous post that you didn't even bother reading. Therefore, CBS calling it the Kelvin Timeline is not canon.
I think you put way too much stake in the wording here. Timeline, reality, dimension, quantum reality, continuity, universe. They are all pretty much interchangeable, contrary to what some fans come up with, the meaning is not all that defined - and if you take science, the meaning is usually not what people think about it. But you have to pick one name for it if you want to talk publically about it, in advertising, in supplementary books. These are words used outside of canon to allow us to speak about it. Just like there is no concept of "DS9 Season 5" in canon, but defines something about Star Trek for us.
They might be interchangeable for some people, but it is due to this that confusion persists about the subject. Reality, dimension, quantum reality, continuity, and universe are all pretty much the same thing. However, timeline and parallel universe mean two different things. The easiest way to understand this is Sliders and Back to the Future. Sliders deals with jumping from parallel universe to parallel universe. Most parallel universes are similar, but there is some major difference in them. Back to the Future deals with jumping from timeline to timeline due to changing the past. We have the original timeline, the one where Marty's family is rich and Biff is a loser timeline, the dystopia 1980s timeline, and the timeline that we never see where Marty is not fired from some job in 2015.
Calling the Kelvin Universe as the Kelvin Parallel Universe or Kelvin Timeline forces a certain definition onto the Kelvin Universe that is not proven in the movie. Spock and Nero don't know if they traveled to a parallel universe similar to the 23rd Century or to their 23rd Century and there is no way for us to know either unless they introduce someone like Q or Daniels. Kelvin Reality, Kelvin Dimension, Kelvin Quantum Reality, Kelvin Continuity, or Kelvin Universe doesn't force a certain definition onto the Kelvin Universe. It is just a name to distinguish the Kelvin Universe from the Mirror Universe and Prime Universe.
But ... I actually am the direct target audience of this expansion. It's bringing me pretty much everything I've ever wanted out of this game. And I'm spending money to get it. This is a coup for Cryptic when it comes to me, this game and my wallet.
for me, it is not a problem. i'm going to create a male human, his name will be John Doe, and when all the rewards will unlocked, bye bye John Doe and thx
So where in the movies and TV series do they explain that a new timeline was created from the the actions of Nero? Since there is no mention of a new timeline, then it is not canon. All the movie mentions is an alternate reality which can be an alternate timeline or parallel universe which are two completely different concepts.
What? You're going to have to make that a bit more legible.
Thought I made myself perfectly clear, but I will rephrase it. Since Paula Block which is in charge of all licensed Star Trek products has stated that "canon is Star Trek continuity as represented on TV and Movie screens", then even CBS can't define what is canon outside of TV and Movie screens. CBS is claiming the Kelvin Universe to be the Kelvin Timeline, but there is absolutely no mention of timelines in Star Trek 2009 just an alternate reality as shown in my previous post that you didn't even bother reading. Therefore, CBS calling it the Kelvin Timeline is not canon.
I think you put way too much stake in the wording here. Timeline, reality, dimension, quantum reality, continuity, universe. They are all pretty much interchangeable, contrary to what some fans come up with, the meaning is not all that defined - and if you take science, the meaning is usually not what people think about it. But you have to pick one name for it if you want to talk publically about it, in advertising, in supplementary books. These are words used outside of canon to allow us to speak about it. Just like there is no concept of "DS9 Season 5" in canon, but defines something about Star Trek for us.
They might be interchangeable for some people, but it is due to this that confusion persists about the subject. Reality, dimension, quantum reality, continuity, and universe are all pretty much the same thing. However, timeline and parallel universe mean two different things. The easiest way to understand this is Sliders and Back to the Future. Sliders deals with jumping from parallel universe to parallel universe. Most parallel universes are similar, but there is some major difference in them. Back to the Future deals with jumping from timeline to timeline due to changing the past. We have the original timeline, the one where Marty's family is rich and Biff is a loser timeline, the dystopia 1980s timeline, and the timeline that we never see where Marty is not fired from some job in 2015.
Calling the Kelvin Universe as the Kelvin Parallel Universe or Kelvin Timeline forces a certain definition onto the Kelvin Universe that is not proven in the movie. Spock and Nero don't know if they traveled to a parallel universe similar to the 23rd Century or to their 23rd Century and there is no way for us to know either unless they introduce someone like Q or Daniels. Kelvin Reality, Kelvin Dimension, Kelvin Quantum Reality, Kelvin Continuity, or Kelvin Universe doesn't force a certain definition onto the Kelvin Universe. It is just a name to distinguish the Kelvin Universe from the Mirror Universe and Prime Universe.
That's what some people want it to mean, but it doesn't have to.
The only area where you will see language precise enough for this would be in science or maybe in law. And Star Trek is neither.
Whether Timeline means that it's a parallel universe, an altered version of the original universe, or not, is completely open. Unless CBS officially produced material that defines all these terms and what they mean, there is no definition to go back on that's universally agreed on for this matter.
The only thing the name Kelvin Timeline implies is that it's based on the last 2 (soon last 3) Star Trek pictures by Paramount.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
So where in the movies and TV series do they explain that a new timeline was created from the the actions of Nero? Since there is no mention of a new timeline, then it is not canon. All the movie mentions is an alternate reality which can be an alternate timeline or parallel universe which are two completely different concepts.
What? You're going to have to make that a bit more legible.
Thought I made myself perfectly clear, but I will rephrase it. Since Paula Block which is in charge of all licensed Star Trek products has stated that "canon is Star Trek continuity as represented on TV and Movie screens", then even CBS can't define what is canon outside of TV and Movie screens. CBS is claiming the Kelvin Universe to be the Kelvin Timeline, but there is absolutely no mention of timelines in Star Trek 2009 just an alternate reality as shown in my previous post that you didn't even bother reading. Therefore, CBS calling it the Kelvin Timeline is not canon.
I think you put way too much stake in the wording here. Timeline, reality, dimension, quantum reality, continuity, universe. They are all pretty much interchangeable, contrary to what some fans come up with, the meaning is not all that defined - and if you take science, the meaning is usually not what people think about it. But you have to pick one name for it if you want to talk publically about it, in advertising, in supplementary books. These are words used outside of canon to allow us to speak about it. Just like there is no concept of "DS9 Season 5" in canon, but defines something about Star Trek for us.
They might be interchangeable for some people, but it is due to this that confusion persists about the subject. Reality, dimension, quantum reality, continuity, and universe are all pretty much the same thing. However, timeline and parallel universe mean two different things. The easiest way to understand this is Sliders and Back to the Future. Sliders deals with jumping from parallel universe to parallel universe. Most parallel universes are similar, but there is some major difference in them. Back to the Future deals with jumping from timeline to timeline due to changing the past. We have the original timeline, the one where Marty's family is rich and Biff is a loser timeline, the dystopia 1980s timeline, and the timeline that we never see where Marty is not fired from some job in 2015.
Calling the Kelvin Universe as the Kelvin Parallel Universe or Kelvin Timeline forces a certain definition onto the Kelvin Universe that is not proven in the movie. Spock and Nero don't know if they traveled to a parallel universe similar to the 23rd Century or to their 23rd Century and there is no way for us to know either unless they introduce someone like Q or Daniels. Kelvin Reality, Kelvin Dimension, Kelvin Quantum Reality, Kelvin Continuity, or Kelvin Universe doesn't force a certain definition onto the Kelvin Universe. It is just a name to distinguish the Kelvin Universe from the Mirror Universe and Prime Universe.
That's what some people want it to mean, but it doesn't have to.
The only area where you will see language precise enough for this would be in science or maybe in law. And Star Trek is neither.
Whether Timeline means that it's a parallel universe, an altered version of the original universe, or not, is completely open. Unless CBS officially produced material that defines all these terms and what they mean, there is no definition to go back on that's universally agreed on for this matter.
The only thing the name Kelvin Timeline implies is that it's based on the last 2 (soon last 3) Star Trek pictures by Paramount.
Memory Alpha might not be canon, but it is the best Star Trek resource we have since CBS doesn't bother clarifying things. It has differing definitions for what is an alternate timeline and parallel universe. According to Memory Alpha, "A parallel universe, also called an alternate universe, is a self-contained universe existing separate and parallel to the primary universe." Parallel Universes includes transdimensional realms, subspace domains, and quantum realities.
According to Memory Alpha, "Alternate timelines were altered versions of a single universe. There were several methods of temporal manipulation that could create an altered version of a timeline." Alternate timelines were created when time travel to the past change certain events except when it was a predestination paradox , when someone traveled to the future and stayed there, or when the current timeline changes enough that the time traveler from the future vanishes.
So the name Kelvin Timeline means something more than just separating the new Star Trek movies created by Paramount from the rest. As I said before, "Spock and Nero don't know if they traveled to a parallel universe similar to the 23rd Century or to their 23rd Century and there is no way for us to know either unless they introduce someone like Q or Daniels."
If you skip JJ verse for a sec, the original movie set had 2 male Caitians...in uniform and 1 female Caitian
at the city paradise.
not sure if the JJ verse version was Caitian, half Caitian or something totally different.
not that it matters
Here is my beef,
I can see humans, and vulcans...for this trip back to the origin series.
I can even see andorians because they had a sizable fleet equal to the
vulcans back in Enterprise era
If you skip JJ verse for a sec, the original movie set had 2 male Caitians...in uniform and 1 female Caitian
at the city paradise.
not sure if the JJ verse version was Caitian, half Caitian or something totally different.
not that it matters
Here is my beef,
I can see humans, and vulcans...for this trip back to the origin series.
I can even see andorians because they had a sizable fleet equal to the
vulcans back in Enterprise era
But Tellarites ? why them ?
Because of the Babel episode in which they are featured as members of the federation. I think it's supposed that by virtue of being 'on screen' members that they are also more than capable of being members of Starfleet.
no I was mocking Cryptic's "It had to be on screen in TOS for it to be in AoY" policy. The pig-men of TOS had hoof hands, on screen, by the blessed decree of Cryptic itself, they simply must fix this critical issue.
(...)What different appearance of the Klingons? They look the same as all non-TOS Klingons.
I disagree here, they don't However, you can see that they're supposed to be Klingons (like someone wanted to draw a picture of one and made a AR Klingon - they screwed up, but you see where they were going with it) - the differences are subtle enough to say "Klingon". The twin girls however don't even remotely resemble any Caitian we have ever seen, thus concluding they are Caitians in the first place (someone had to bring up the question int he interview, after all) defies all reason in the first place.
There's "costume updates" and then there's "total continuity ****-up". Klingons are category 1 and the twins (if caitians) category 2
I don't agree. this no more or less looks exactly like this than this looks more or less like this.
If you skip JJ verse for a sec, the original movie set had 2 male Caitians...in uniform and 1 female Caitian
at the city paradise.
not sure if the JJ verse version was Caitian, half Caitian or something totally different.
not that it matters
Only two. The two Admirals from TVH are clearly the same species as M'Ress. The cat alien on Nimbus is unlikely to be Caitian, she has three b.reasts and her features don't resemble M'Ress'. I wouldn't rule it out, but it's unlikely.
The Aliens from ID have no feline features at all so are not Caitians of any sort, half or full.
Neither Andorians nor Tellarites ever appeared onscreen in TOS in Starfleet uniforms. The single, only, lonely appearance of a TOS era Andorian in Starfleet uniform was in TAS. There is also one single background Andorian Admiral in TVH.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
I was anticipating doing the AoY recruit event by quickly grinding out the rewards and deleting the TOS toon like i did the Delta recruit. But with the details of the rewards that came out to day it essentially manipulates you to make a keeper toon due to the long long term nature of it.
I'm not thrilled with the 4 boring TOS species available for making a keeper toon.
I'm not going to sit here and whine how unfair it is that we cannot use species we paid for from the Cstore and LTS because that has been done.......instead im just simply going to state how epically disapointed i am and beg the powers that be reconsider at least ONE of these species. Even if you introduce one i dont have I'll buy it just for this TOS event.
Is there any talk of reconsideration? I dont care how much it makes sense for species X to be walking around the 23rd century, this is after all centered around time travel.
How about making it possible to start a human toon in the 23rd century and have him travel to the 25th century and go through a borg STF like Khitomer in Stasis and get assimilated then have the option of turning him into a liberated borg if we own that option?
You youngsters with your different color ipads, spatulas, and headsets. They all do the same thing. What difference does it make? Does the game play different if you're a klink versus if you're a fed? The response is the same, the NPC's don't fear or react to you any different.
So where in the movies and TV series do they explain that a new timeline was created from the the actions of Nero? Since there is no mention of a new timeline, then it is not canon. All the movie mentions is an alternate reality which can be an alternate timeline or parallel universe which are two completely different concepts.
What? You're going to have to make that a bit more legible.
Thought I made myself perfectly clear, but I will rephrase it. Since Paula Block which is in charge of all licensed Star Trek products has stated that "canon is Star Trek continuity as represented on TV and Movie screens", then even CBS can't define what is canon outside of TV and Movie screens. CBS is claiming the Kelvin Universe to be the Kelvin Timeline, but there is absolutely no mention of timelines in Star Trek 2009 just an alternate reality as shown in my previous post that you didn't even bother reading. Therefore, CBS calling it the Kelvin Timeline is not canon.
I think you put way too much stake in the wording here. Timeline, reality, dimension, quantum reality, continuity, universe. They are all pretty much interchangeable, contrary to what some fans come up with, the meaning is not all that defined - and if you take science, the meaning is usually not what people think about it. But you have to pick one name for it if you want to talk publically about it, in advertising, in supplementary books. These are words used outside of canon to allow us to speak about it. Just like there is no concept of "DS9 Season 5" in canon, but defines something about Star Trek for us.
They might be interchangeable for some people, but it is due to this that confusion persists about the subject. Reality, dimension, quantum reality, continuity, and universe are all pretty much the same thing. However, timeline and parallel universe mean two different things. The easiest way to understand this is Sliders and Back to the Future. Sliders deals with jumping from parallel universe to parallel universe. Most parallel universes are similar, but there is some major difference in them. Back to the Future deals with jumping from timeline to timeline due to changing the past. We have the original timeline, the one where Marty's family is rich and Biff is a loser timeline, the dystopia 1980s timeline, and the timeline that we never see where Marty is not fired from some job in 2015.
Calling the Kelvin Universe as the Kelvin Parallel Universe or Kelvin Timeline forces a certain definition onto the Kelvin Universe that is not proven in the movie. Spock and Nero don't know if they traveled to a parallel universe similar to the 23rd Century or to their 23rd Century and there is no way for us to know either unless they introduce someone like Q or Daniels. Kelvin Reality, Kelvin Dimension, Kelvin Quantum Reality, Kelvin Continuity, or Kelvin Universe doesn't force a certain definition onto the Kelvin Universe. It is just a name to distinguish the Kelvin Universe from the Mirror Universe and Prime Universe.
That's what some people want it to mean, but it doesn't have to.
The only area where you will see language precise enough for this would be in science or maybe in law. And Star Trek is neither.
Whether Timeline means that it's a parallel universe, an altered version of the original universe, or not, is completely open. Unless CBS officially produced material that defines all these terms and what they mean, there is no definition to go back on that's universally agreed on for this matter.
The only thing the name Kelvin Timeline implies is that it's based on the last 2 (soon last 3) Star Trek pictures by Paramount.
Memory Alpha might not be canon, but it is the best Star Trek resource we have since CBS doesn't bother clarifying things. It has differing definitions for what is an alternate timeline and parallel universe. According to Memory Alpha, "A parallel universe, also called an alternate universe, is a self-contained universe existing separate and parallel to the primary universe." Parallel Universes includes transdimensional realms, subspace domains, and quantum realities.
According to Memory Alpha, "Alternate timelines were altered versions of a single universe. There were several methods of temporal manipulation that could create an altered version of a timeline." Alternate timelines were created when time travel to the past change certain events except when it was a predestination paradox , when someone traveled to the future and stayed there, or when the current timeline changes enough that the time traveler from the future vanishes.
So the name Kelvin Timeline means something more than just separating the new Star Trek movies created by Paramount from the rest. As I said before, "Spock and Nero don't know if they traveled to a parallel universe similar to the 23rd Century or to their 23rd Century and there is no way for us to know either unless they introduce someone like Q or Daniels."
And that still doesn't mean that this is CBS (or Micheal Okuda's) interpretation of the term.
In the end, it means just what you already said - there is no canonical definition whether it's a seperate universe, or the same universe with a new timeline, or whatever. But the name for promotional material in the future is Kelvin Timeline.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
to be honest i was going to buy the AOY pack as i planned to make a Trill who was a decedent of my main but when i learned that i couldn't make one i didn't buy it. so it saved me £90 guess that a good thing
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
actually if we want to stick to the strict...only TV and movies is canon and nothing anyone says in behind the scenes then no one needs to worry about the two girls in Kirk's bed. 'Caitian' is not a term uttered anywhere in in the movie or TV. The term was created for a non-canon biography on M'ress. If we are eliminating a producer's words because it's 'not onscreen' then we also eliminate the term 'Caitian'.
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Upcoming reports from GNN. It appears that Caitian never existed in the movies or TV series. Some speculate that they are in fact hamsters that were genetically manipulated to grant them human level intelligence and bipedal body construction for unknown purposes. Caitian bystanders appear to be outraged at this level of ignorance and demand for the UFP to acknowledge them as species of TOS era. This is GNN Quoting For The Truth.
"Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer" "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
actually if we want to stick to the strict...only TV and movies is canon and nothing anyone says in behind the scenes then no one needs to worry about the two girls in Kirk's bed. 'Caitian' is not a term uttered anywhere in in the movie or TV. The term was created for a non-canon biography on M'ress. If we are eliminating a producer's words because it's 'not onscreen' then we also eliminate the term 'Caitian'.
Correct. I've already said that. But Caitian is a shorter way of saying 'same species as M'Ress from TAS'.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
actually if we want to stick to the strict...only TV and movies is canon and nothing anyone says in behind the scenes then no one needs to worry about the two girls in Kirk's bed. 'Caitian' is not a term uttered anywhere in in the movie or TV. The term was created for a non-canon biography on M'ress. If we are eliminating a producer's words because it's 'not onscreen' then we also eliminate the term 'Caitian'.
Correct. I've already said that. But Caitian is a shorter way of saying 'same species as M'Ress from TAS'.
In addition, it doesn't really matter. We just use the term to refer to something, just like CBS uses "Kelvin Timeline" to refer to something. Caitian as a race name is just a "norm" that developed and people generally know what one talks about. It doesn't change the fact that there is literally nothing putting M'Ress and these twins into the same boat, literally nothing. As I said earlier, point at a Sheliak and call it Vulcan. Lindelof didn't design these costumes, the costume design sketches indicate no intented connection whatsoever to Caitians and frankly even if something is said by someone who worked on it, canon argument aside, if he states obvious nonsense it cannot be taken for granted like this. Roddenberry once did say V'Ger and the Borg may originate from the same home world, but by all canonical evidence this statement is wrong and nonsensical. But it's a comparable situation, he had nothing to do with the design or implementation of the Borg in the first place and just fired away at the question asked.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
nah, itd be TAS Caitians or not(which is what we have). Now we just need more rage about TOS tellarites not having hoof-hands like they do in the blessed "on screen" TOS episode
Its funny you mentioned that. Back when I was in college they made us take one of those logic and problem solving classes and as part of that they did this exercise where they give really specific instructions about making a peanut butter sandwich, to give an indication as to how literally computers take their instructions. So the instructor picked one of the students and put the jar of peanut butter and bread on a different guys desk and started the demo. It was about a minute in when the guy who's desk the stuff was on turned to the instructor and mentioned how hes severely allergic to peanut butter, as theres an open jar in front of him and a guy standing in front of him making a sandwich
Granted thats college not high school but it makes you wonder how well these things are actually enforced. They never seemed to have an issue with it when I was in high school at least
Yes there are. Otherwise it wouldn't have existed as an alternate universe in the first place, it would have been simple time travel that would have affected the future of the prime universe instead, which it clearly didn't. The different appearance of the klingons is one example
Even if the Kelvin Universe is a new timeline created by Nero destroying the USS Kelvin and the Prime Universe was magically saved despite all Star Trek evidence to the contrary, the Kelvin Universe would have a lot of differences due to time travel. There are a ton of instances of time travel in Star Trek that change the timeline before 2233. With the timeline being vastly changed by this instance, then every single instance of time travel that we have seen in the Prime Universe Star Trek has been wiped clean and new instances of time travel have changed the past.
After all, to get exactly the same past would require Kirk going to the 60s and 80s to sneak onto an American base, meet Gary Seven, and steal some whales, Picard to go to the 21st Century to stop the Earth from being assimilated by the Borg, Quark and Odo being the Roswell aliens, Janeway to stop some businessman from destroying the future, and numerous other instances of time travel. The assumption that someone will go back in time and some how it matches the Prime Universe's past is delusional. Although, separating would changes are due to being in a parallel universe and what changes are due to time travel would be impossible.
The main benefit for the Kelvin Universe being in a parallel universe rather than an alternate timeline is that it doesn't need to have the same enemies or have them act in a different manner. The Kelvin Universe could have no Borg, Cardassians, or Dominion, but other hostile empires. Or the Borg could be a bunch of hippies. With it set in an alternate timeline, the Borg and Dominion have to exist and have to act like how we have seen them.
You can have that, I'm rooting for that since I joined STO in 2011...
@lazarus51166 you are correct in some regards. The name "Kelvin Timeline" is indeed not canon by CBS own rules, but it's the name they use to refer to it in real life, for promotional purposes. It does indeed not make sense to consider it a "timeline", at least not one that branched off with the NErada incident, but they insist that it is a timeline branch following the Nerada incident. Old Spock says so in 09 (I think), it's canon (although thinking about it, he just says it caused changes, not saying the word timeline...). That does indeed not mean it makes sense, it is nonsensical canon but canon never the less. The parallel reality theory is way more plausible and makes more sense, but it's gone. CBS decided to use a nonsensical term which is official. Not canon (that means no in-universe character knows the term "Kelvin Timeline") but for us people watching it is the term CBS wants us to use.
The caitian thing is indeed stupid. Canonical they simply cannot be, there's not even anything feline about them, their whole appearance is completely different save a tail whoch also looks different. It's like looking at a Sheliak and calling it Vulcan. Even asking wether or not they're meant to be Caitians makes no sense in the first place. Lindhof saying they are caitians may be a designer statement but doesn't make sense (and is actively countered by the design process behind those characters which at no point showed any resemblance to cats - he may have been a designer/writer but when he says they're meant to be Caitians he's simply wrong). It's your "Kelvin Timeline" again, although this time it's literally just a singular opinion which can be included into discussions about the topic since it happened but one can only come to the conlusion that it has to be discarded as nonsense unless CBS says otherwise. And even if CBS says they are, if the next movie would clarify it it still wouldn't make sense. It would be canon at that point, though. Do I make sense?
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ENT retconned TOS remember.
If you want to call it the Kelvin Universe or Reality, go ahead. But to CBS it's the Kelvin Timeline in the same way the stuff with Picard is The Next Generation. It's their name for the product.
And yet were still recognisable as Gorn. They even had the dual head ridges down. They also made perfectly accurate Orions, Klingons, and Romulans.
Theres almost none for the JJprize being 700m and yet CBS went there and stated it is based on off the off screen stuff.. Yall yowling about them being Caitians or not and the only evidence is and off screen 'yes'. So until CBS/Paramount say otherwise... they're Caitian. Deal.
It's like you're not paying attention, so I won't bother with you.
There were Caitians in the AR films? Where?
I think you mean canon, not blessed. But yeah, that's been brought up before, Tellarites without that feature appear as well.
That's because it didn't. It split off after the attack on the Kelvin. What different appearance of the Klingons? They look the same as all non-TOS Klingons.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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That's assuming that the new races are even popular to begin with, and Humans (and close too as human as possible) isn't a vastly preferred choice anyway.
much better
no I was mocking Cryptic's "It had to be on screen in TOS for it to be in AoY" policy. The pig-men of TOS had hoof hands, on screen, by the blessed decree of Cryptic itself, they simply must fix this critical issue.
yes that was sarcasm dripping off my reply
I disagree here, they don't
There's "costume updates" and then there's "total continuity TRIBBLE-up". Klingons are category 1 and the twins (if caitians) category 2
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Vulcans still look like vulcans
Klingons like klingons
since there ARE caitians in the ST main , they exist in Kelvin
If their planet didn't blow up
we may never see them, but there are there unless one angry Romulan found a way to
hunt and kill them all without anyone noticing
We may never see a founder in the Kelvin movie series...but they are still there.
They might be interchangeable for some people, but it is due to this that confusion persists about the subject. Reality, dimension, quantum reality, continuity, and universe are all pretty much the same thing. However, timeline and parallel universe mean two different things. The easiest way to understand this is Sliders and Back to the Future. Sliders deals with jumping from parallel universe to parallel universe. Most parallel universes are similar, but there is some major difference in them. Back to the Future deals with jumping from timeline to timeline due to changing the past. We have the original timeline, the one where Marty's family is rich and Biff is a loser timeline, the dystopia 1980s timeline, and the timeline that we never see where Marty is not fired from some job in 2015.
Calling the Kelvin Universe as the Kelvin Parallel Universe or Kelvin Timeline forces a certain definition onto the Kelvin Universe that is not proven in the movie. Spock and Nero don't know if they traveled to a parallel universe similar to the 23rd Century or to their 23rd Century and there is no way for us to know either unless they introduce someone like Q or Daniels. Kelvin Reality, Kelvin Dimension, Kelvin Quantum Reality, Kelvin Continuity, or Kelvin Universe doesn't force a certain definition onto the Kelvin Universe. It is just a name to distinguish the Kelvin Universe from the Mirror Universe and Prime Universe.
But ... I actually am the direct target audience of this expansion. It's bringing me pretty much everything I've ever wanted out of this game. And I'm spending money to get it. This is a coup for Cryptic when it comes to me, this game and my wallet.
That's what some people want it to mean, but it doesn't have to.
The only area where you will see language precise enough for this would be in science or maybe in law. And Star Trek is neither.
Whether Timeline means that it's a parallel universe, an altered version of the original universe, or not, is completely open. Unless CBS officially produced material that defines all these terms and what they mean, there is no definition to go back on that's universally agreed on for this matter.
The only thing the name Kelvin Timeline implies is that it's based on the last 2 (soon last 3) Star Trek pictures by Paramount.
Memory Alpha might not be canon, but it is the best Star Trek resource we have since CBS doesn't bother clarifying things. It has differing definitions for what is an alternate timeline and parallel universe. According to Memory Alpha, "A parallel universe, also called an alternate universe, is a self-contained universe existing separate and parallel to the primary universe." Parallel Universes includes transdimensional realms, subspace domains, and quantum realities.
According to Memory Alpha, "Alternate timelines were altered versions of a single universe. There were several methods of temporal manipulation that could create an altered version of a timeline." Alternate timelines were created when time travel to the past change certain events except when it was a predestination paradox , when someone traveled to the future and stayed there, or when the current timeline changes enough that the time traveler from the future vanishes.
So the name Kelvin Timeline means something more than just separating the new Star Trek movies created by Paramount from the rest. As I said before, "Spock and Nero don't know if they traveled to a parallel universe similar to the 23rd Century or to their 23rd Century and there is no way for us to know either unless they introduce someone like Q or Daniels."
at the city paradise.
not sure if the JJ verse version was Caitian, half Caitian or something totally different.
not that it matters
Here is my beef,
I can see humans, and vulcans...for this trip back to the origin series.
I can even see andorians because they had a sizable fleet equal to the
vulcans back in Enterprise era
But Tellarites ? why them ?
Because of the Babel episode in which they are featured as members of the federation. I think it's supposed that by virtue of being 'on screen' members that they are also more than capable of being members of Starfleet.
Oooh. In that case I agree.
I don't agree. this no more or less looks exactly like this than this looks more or less like this.
Memory Alpha is mistaken. There are no feline aliens at all in Into Darkness, never mind Caitians.
Only two. The two Admirals from TVH are clearly the same species as M'Ress. The cat alien on Nimbus is unlikely to be Caitian, she has three b.reasts and her features don't resemble M'Ress'. I wouldn't rule it out, but it's unlikely.
The Aliens from ID have no feline features at all so are not Caitians of any sort, half or full.
Neither Andorians nor Tellarites ever appeared onscreen in TOS in Starfleet uniforms. The single, only, lonely appearance of a TOS era Andorian in Starfleet uniform was in TAS. There is also one single background Andorian Admiral in TVH.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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You youngsters with your different color ipads, spatulas, and headsets. They all do the same thing. What difference does it make? Does the game play different if you're a klink versus if you're a fed? The response is the same, the NPC's don't fear or react to you any different.
Adapt and overcome!
And that still doesn't mean that this is CBS (or Micheal Okuda's) interpretation of the term.
In the end, it means just what you already said - there is no canonical definition whether it's a seperate universe, or the same universe with a new timeline, or whatever. But the name for promotional material in the future is Kelvin Timeline.
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Upcoming reports from GNN. It appears that Caitian never existed in the movies or TV series. Some speculate that they are in fact hamsters that were genetically manipulated to grant them human level intelligence and bipedal body construction for unknown purposes. Caitian bystanders appear to be outraged at this level of ignorance and demand for the UFP to acknowledge them as species of TOS era. This is GNN Quoting For The Truth.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
Correct. I've already said that. But Caitian is a shorter way of saying 'same species as M'Ress from TAS'.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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In addition, it doesn't really matter. We just use the term to refer to something, just like CBS uses "Kelvin Timeline" to refer to something. Caitian as a race name is just a "norm" that developed and people generally know what one talks about. It doesn't change the fact that there is literally nothing putting M'Ress and these twins into the same boat, literally nothing. As I said earlier, point at a Sheliak and call it Vulcan. Lindelof didn't design these costumes, the costume design sketches indicate no intented connection whatsoever to Caitians and frankly even if something is said by someone who worked on it, canon argument aside, if he states obvious nonsense it cannot be taken for granted like this. Roddenberry once did say V'Ger and the Borg may originate from the same home world, but by all canonical evidence this statement is wrong and nonsensical. But it's a comparable situation, he had nothing to do with the design or implementation of the Borg in the first place and just fired away at the question asked.
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I'd rest my case but I feel like I'm not quite able to tear my eyes away from this train wreck for a few more days.