Comprised of Temporal Operatives from all signatories across multiple historical periods, the TDI defends the timeline against attempts to alter our common history!
- ground weapons: always the same models reskinned to infinity. boooooring
- rep traits: more choice for only 5 slots
- sets: nothing new; always the same stuff reuse again and again. boooring
there is a glaring lack of novelty. the reputation system is a snake biting its tail. maybe it is time to create something totally new.
fortunately there is at least the dil at T5. the only thing interesting.
A space set and reputation traits geared towards "SCIENCE!"?
The ability to completely outfit your ship in rainbow beams?
A ground set that includes dual pistols?
All the reputation currency is available through the badlands battle zone?
Ok, upon what altar do I have to sacrifice a mound of tribbles to get that armor skin included IN THE NORMAL UNIFORM OPTIONS so I can mix an match with it instead of it forever being dammed to some aesthetic purgatory of its own separate tab? Seriously: tribbles will die. Donuts and fruit baskets will be sent to the office. Whatever it takes. But PLEASE stop kicking costume creativity in the balls with separate tabs for every Rep-armor...
Ok, upon what altar do I have to sacrifice a mound of tribbles to get that armor skin included IN THE NORMAL UNIFORM OPTIONS so I can mix an match with it instead of it forever being dammed to some aesthetic purgatory of its own separate tab? Seriously: tribbles will die. Donuts and fruit baskets will be sent to the office. Whatever it takes. But PLEASE stop kicking costume creativity in the balls with separate tabs for every Rep-armor...
Well, to be fair, they did it with the Mirror Rep armor, so hopefully, they'll do it again for this one.
I'm kind of excited about it, myself I can see where this rep might be too... subtle, for some people.
Me, this is actually the first reputation that might make me want to go after reputation gear all out and finally give us sciencey Control freaks serious power, between this and the specialization.
I wasn't planning to put my TOS character in science blues, but I may have to rethink that. Now I might lean heavily toward an Andorian science officer. Decisions, decisions...
Ok, upon what altar do I have to sacrifice a mound of tribbles to get that armor skin included IN THE NORMAL UNIFORM OPTIONS so I can mix an match with it instead of it forever being dammed to some aesthetic purgatory of its own separate tab? Seriously: tribbles will die. Donuts and fruit baskets will be sent to the office. Whatever it takes. But PLEASE stop kicking costume creativity in the balls with separate tabs for every Rep-armor...
actually herald thrall and terran defence sets are available in duty uniform section off duty seciton and if you are stubborn enought you can fit some of pieces into beachwear separates :P
as for the reputation itself - daaaamn I'll need to rework my build from the scratch to fit all these new shinies into it...
I am definitely going to grind out both the ground sets for the armour and the space sets to outfit one of my temporal starships I will get (unsure which actual ship to buy yet)
Rainbow dual pistols for everyone! This alone makes this rep worth grinding for something besides dil bonus, at least for some of my alts...
I also like that the 4-piece space set is sciency and the 3-piece could, at least theoretically, be useful on AP beamboats (would be even more if console was a [DrainX] instead of [CtrlX], but, whatever, it's not like AP beamboats desperately need buffing. )
I wonder how the new cores would interact with other sector speed perma-buffs... Is it a base warp increase that things like [Drv] or [+SecSpd] can build upon, or is it just the same as one of those buffs? What happens if you have both this and Assimilated engine?
Rainbow dual puistols for everyone! This alone makes this rep worth grinding for something besides dil bonus, at least for some of my alts...
I also like that the 4-piece space set is sciency and the 3-piece could, at least theoretically, be useful on AP beamboats (would be even more if console was a [DrainX] instead of [CtrlX], but, whatever, it's not like AP beamboats desperately need buffing. )
I wonder how the new cores would interact with other sector speed perma-buffs... Is it a base warp increase that things like [Drv] or [+SecSpd] can build upon, or is it just the same as one of those buffs? What happens if you have both this and Assimilated engine?
Yep, curious about this as well. They really need to go back and re-visit all of the old sets and add and move the sector speed buffs to warp cores. Some time ago one of the devs said that adding cores/4-piece bonuses to the old sets was on the board, this might be the first real sign of that.
Pass, no solo way to do this Rep. Just like the last one. So instead I will focus on my lower level Alts.
Ummm, if I'm not mistaken, the Badlands Battlezone is able to be completed while not teamed, as long as there are other players in the zone working towards the same goal. Perhaps not "soloable", but pretty close.
It sounds like this will work the same way the Dyson ground BZ works and the Undine Space BZ as well. You can get marks and Elite marks simply by contributing.
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.
And thanks for finally including Dual Pistols as part of a rep set.
"No matter where you go...there you are."
- rep traits: more choice for only 5 slots
- sets: nothing new; always the same stuff reuse again and again. boooring
there is a glaring lack of novelty. the reputation system is a snake biting its tail. maybe it is time to create something totally new.
fortunately there is at least the dil at T5. the only thing interesting.
STO Resources: <Ship Comparison - All Tiers + Small Craft + Hangar Pets> <Damage Resistance>
<R&D + Upgrade Costs> <Duty Officer Finder> <Suliban Doff Reqs> <Fleet Costs> <Rep Costs>
<Keybind Tour the Galaxy> <Fleet / Armada Management> <Currency Exchange> <Other STO Links>
The Time Force Megazord won't exist for 250 years. We are so far behind in 2769!
The ability to completely outfit your ship in rainbow beams?
A ground set that includes dual pistols?
All the reputation currency is available through the badlands battle zone?
Awwww yissssssssssssss.
Me, this is actually the first reputation that might make me want to go after reputation gear all out and finally give us sciencey Control freaks serious power, between this and the specialization.
I wasn't planning to put my TOS character in science blues, but I may have to rethink that. Now I might lean heavily toward an Andorian science officer. Decisions, decisions...
actually herald thrall and terran defence sets are available in duty uniform section off duty seciton and if you are stubborn enought you can fit some of pieces into beachwear separates :P
as for the reputation itself - daaaamn I'll need to rework my build from the scratch to fit all these new shinies into it...
and daaaamn those new armors looks sexy
I also like that the 4-piece space set is sciency and the 3-piece could, at least theoretically, be useful on AP beamboats (would be even more if console was a [DrainX] instead of [CtrlX], but, whatever, it's not like AP beamboats desperately need buffing.
I wonder how the new cores would interact with other sector speed perma-buffs... Is it a base warp increase that things like [Drv] or [+SecSpd] can build upon, or is it just the same as one of those buffs? What happens if you have both this and Assimilated engine?
Yep, curious about this as well. They really need to go back and re-visit all of the old sets and add and move the sector speed buffs to warp cores. Some time ago one of the devs said that adding cores/4-piece bonuses to the old sets was on the board, this might be the first real sign of that.
"Rainbow guns huh? Mm" *nods*
Liking the Miniaturized Chrono-Capacitor and Chrono-Capacitor Array (Passive)
Reaction after taking a closer look:
Need more info!
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
Can rep armors be tinted any color you want or are they set to a default set of colors?
If I can choose the colors, then I might be getting the armor simply so I can play as a Paragon Protector.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
No one else on the forums so far mentioned it. But... Enterprise J is coming!
Scroll up 3 posts and you'll find me just as exctied
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
That is indeed great.
Tier 6 Nova FTW?
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Ummm, if I'm not mistaken, the Badlands Battlezone is able to be completed while not teamed, as long as there are other players in the zone working towards the same goal. Perhaps not "soloable", but pretty close.
It sounds like this will work the same way the Dyson ground BZ works and the Undine Space BZ as well. You can get marks and Elite marks simply by contributing.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.