With all the grumbling about the number of species available for the TOS faction, I realized something - there's no Lifer-exclusive species.
For those who may be unaware somehow, Lifetime Subscribers get access to two exclusive species for their investment - Liberated Borg and Talaxians, both available (in slightly different flavors) to each existing faction. TOS Starfleet, however, has no analog. Neither of those races makes any sense for the time period, so they're out of the question. So what could be done to honor the precedent of a Lifer-only playable species? I have a suggestion for that...
Lifers would be allowed the option of creating a Caitian for TOS Starfleet. If they do not own the C-Store Caitian playable species, however, they will not be able to make a Caitian for modern Starfleet. Owning the C-Store Caitians will not allow players to create a TOS Caitian.
Ideally some unique assets would be created, such as an M'Ress inspired hairstyle and/or a new tail type, which would be universally unlocked for all Caitians and Ferasans when AoY drops.
Though the Animated Series is not immediately relevant to the Original Series theme, it does establish Caitians as existing in Starfleet in the TOS era, thereby not actually breaking the TOS theme (though admittedly bending it) and providing a lore-backed "in" to include a Lifer species in a faction that currently lacks a more sensible option.
Frankly I wouldn't roll one, but I can't think of a species better suited for the need.
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Too lazy to dig up all the trascripts, reddit comments, etc. but that's the gist of it.
Where are the differences? There are non, it's the same costume. One was drawn in a cartoon obviously but that doesn't justify speaking of "differences". And the legs were wrong from the beginning. They can't claim the current Caitians are entirely based on the two masks we see in the TMP era movies when they call them Caitians which is clearly what they are called in TAS. The whole argument doesn't make sense.
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Never said it did, a whole lot of cryptic's arguments & responses never made sense but that's what they're apparently rolling with.
Crypitc didn't plan/want caitians, people starded pressing them about the "why" and they had to come up with something other than "we just didn't want to". That's how we get stuff like "being too different", "people got lost in it", "we don't make those ships because they don't sell", etc, etc.
exlusive in the pack or sub/life
-> everyone will become lifer or buy packs
cough cough my vision of a Studio excutive performing real life mindmelt :
my hand in your pocket
your cash to my account
Everytime you buy something you will forget about this
I’m not that much of a catian fan but understand that others would want them. I also don’t see any time period issues with them being in Starfleet at that time.
My personal preference would be playable Aenar, Fed-Orion, Denobulan or Deltan.
Whatever they do I hope they bring it out directly with the actual release of AoY. Think last time the Talaxians arrived a bit late.
Atm I’m at peace with doing an Andorian. Only Aenar or Fed-Orion would convince me to pick them over it.
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Aenar should be relatively easy for them to do as they're already available in the game. It would be nice to have this as a premium species. And, together with Denobulans, there's no reason why we couldn't have them, not even the flawed 'canon purity' reasoning can be used as an excuse here
Rather, staying true to canon would actually force them to include at least Denobulans.
Sure, I'm sorry if I made it seem like I was personally blaming you. It's just a point that grinds my gears a bit
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"Awaiting orders, Sir!" - "EEEEEEEHHHHK"
Playable Organians.
Playable... Deltans.
Half-Vulcan and can grow beard.
For the second I am torn. TOS/Fed Orions or Augments.
These would also spark an interest in buying lifer accounts.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
A way to create half Human/half Alien toons with the ability to choose trait combinations from both.
It would probably just be Human/Vulcan (Spock) for a TOS toon, since we didn't see any others during that time period.
(that I can remember)
But for the three other Factions it could also be Human/Klingon (B'elanna), Human/Betazoid (Deanna), Vulcan/Romulan (T'Pol?) and so on.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Alien builds....GO FOR IT ! no heartburn here.
Human/Vulcan hybrids, or Humans with ESP (Gary Mitchell style!) are my two votes!
Yeah, TRIBBLE the people who would've unlocked the Caitains via C-store.
Saavik was a Vulcan/Romulan hybrid, according to the novelization and a deleted scene.
Oh yeah, forgot about her.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Cryptic just decided that They were ONLY going to use the Three Seasons of Classic Trek for this expansion.
It is what it is.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
TAS is part of the official continuity at least since 2007 and it was created for that purpose in the 70s already. It's just that Gene Rodenberry didn't like it and "removed" it from his canon when he still had a say in it (taking a dump on all the hard work the people involved invested in it) but it's safe to assume that by the time he was relieved of control and ownership of the IP it was part of the canon again. This is supported by references added to the live action shows and at least since 2007 we have it officially stated that it is part of canon by definition.
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You purchased Federation Caitians, not TOS Caitians. Lifers would get TOS Caitians, not Federation Caitians. Kind of like how purchasing Ferasans doesn't unlock Caitians for the Federation.
It's a small difference, but enough of one.
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The appropriate method is make the TOS Caitian look available to every Caitian and make TOS Caitians available to everyone that has purchased the Caitian race. While giving the Lifers their own unique race, whatever that might be.
Easier said than done in Kirk's era.
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