The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all * damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Its not a new thing..If you fly a long range science Vessel you can use the both the Ablative Field Generator (+900 All) and the Solanae 4 piece "Advanced Metaphasic Shields" (+600 All) for 30 seconds of 500+ All rez or 90%+ all rez
THe Flagship "Dampening Wave emitter" is nearly the same thing but in the opposite direction (80% reduction in dmg output for foe)
Abalative takes energy weapons offline (although you are probably going to be using torps on it) + can only be equipped on that series of ships.
Solanae requires you to use that set, reduces outgoing damage and speed and turn aswell. And I didn't know about it.
It will be usefull against Nah'kul Plasma Waves (or whatever they call it)....
True. Of course you can use reverse shield polarity and stuff against them already (I am still not saying it won't be useful). + they are a lot easier to dodge then lots of other things ingame.
I've got to agree with the Account Unlock for Special Rewards crowd (not Dil/Marks/EC). You keep doing events like DR and AoY which REQUIRE new alts, and then events like this which completely TRIBBLE future alts. Account unlock status for this stuff (and for the old FE rewards, if you're not going to give us another FE Rerun in the near future) is only fair and reasonable. Please consider these, and thank you.
The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all Energy* damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Of course if +500 is kept the PvPers would really appreciate it if that energy damage resistance was turned into kinetic damage resistance (since torps are way too OP in PvP) (and resistance against tbr (tractor beam repuslors) is never a bad thing) (resistance against feedback pulse is an insanely good thing). In Addition PvEers would love that change aswell. But really there are a lot of players who leave STO for a while then come back. You are discouraging them from playing the game by introducing stuff like this. I want those players to have access. I DO NOT want to be more powerful than other players. Of course some people do. But most people just want to have the best stuff, not be more powerful than others, its a serious problem.
*A minor correction where you'd put the asterisk, though the following paragraph implies that you did already notice that it doesn't protect against Kinetic damage.
Anyway, don't forget about diminishing returns on DRM. Even with this console active, you'll be taking a minimum of 25% All Energy damage to your hull and full All Energy damage to shields... and whatever Kinetic damage you'd be taking regardless of whether or not the "clicky" is active. This isn't an immunity power, it's just a massive DRM boost; +500 All Energy damage resistance just isn't all that amazing, and reducing it to something like +50 All Energy damage resistance (on a 2 minute cooldown) would make it insanely "meh" at best.
It would be nice if we were allowed to choose which Event Project to slot, though. That would get folks more interested in running them, especially if (as you mentioned) someone is a new or returning player. I'm not sure most of the Event gear is useful beyond specific setups, but at least gaining the option would be nice.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all Energy* damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Of course if +500 is kept the PvPers would really appreciate it if that energy damage resistance was turned into kinetic damage resistance (since torps are way too OP in PvP) (and resistance against tbr (tractor beam repuslors) is never a bad thing) (resistance against feedback pulse is an insanely good thing). In Addition PvEers would love that change aswell. But really there are a lot of players who leave STO for a while then come back. You are discouraging them from playing the game by introducing stuff like this. I want those players to have access. I DO NOT want to be more powerful than other players. Of course some people do. But most people just want to have the best stuff, not be more powerful than others, its a serious problem.
*A minor correction where you'd put the asterisk, though the following paragraph implies that you did already notice that it doesn't protect against Kinetic damage.
Anyway, don't forget about diminishing returns on DRM. Even with this console active, you'll be taking a minimum of 25% All Energy damage to your hull and full All Energy damage to shields... and whatever Kinetic damage you'd be taking regardless of whether or not the "clicky" is active. This isn't an immunity power, it's just a massive DRM boost; +500 All Energy damage resistance just isn't all that amazing, and reducing it to something like +50 All Energy damage resistance (on a 2 minute cooldown) would make it insanely "meh" at best.
It would be nice if we were allowed to choose which Event Project to slot, though. That would get folks more interested in running them, especially if (as you mentioned) someone is a new or returning player. I'm not sure most of the Event gear is useful beyond specific setups, but at least gaining the option would be nice.
Okay yes I had an oops moment. Thing is in PvP, there are a lot of debuffs and pen and stuff that eats damage resistance. The console would be highly effective there, and energy weapons are already not very effective. Feedback pulse in PvE on a player doesn't make you effectively immune, but in PvP it often (almost always with a lot of builds) does. Yes pilot ships can become immune to kinetic damage in PvP, but most ships can't (its very much an unfair advantage). PvP is often about getting the player at the moment they don't have all these resists up. Adding more makes the difficulty of vsing a player much much larger.
Yes debuffs can be cleared, but that still takes time... Time to activate the thing to clear them, actually having to have that thing and waiting that up to 1 second often for them to be cleared again.
The console makes energy builds much more unpleasant to use in PvP. They are already pretty much infeasible in kerrat. This just knocks them completely out against most people there. And most people use energy builds (not really in PvP anymore as they aren't very feasible).
Shields are not very useful in PvP right now, since tons of stuff penetrates shields and they only really protect against energy weapons that nobody is using.
The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all Energy* damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Of course if +500 is kept the PvPers would really appreciate it if that energy damage resistance was turned into kinetic damage resistance (since torps are way too OP in PvP) (and resistance against tbr (tractor beam repuslors) is never a bad thing) (resistance against feedback pulse is an insanely good thing). In Addition PvEers would love that change aswell. But really there are a lot of players who leave STO for a while then come back. You are discouraging them from playing the game by introducing stuff like this. I want those players to have access. I DO NOT want to be more powerful than other players. Of course some people do. But most people just want to have the best stuff, not be more powerful than others, its a serious problem.
*A minor correction where you'd put the asterisk, though the following paragraph implies that you did already notice that it doesn't protect against Kinetic damage.
Anyway, don't forget about diminishing returns on DRM. Even with this console active, you'll be taking a minimum of 25% All Energy damage to your hull and full All Energy damage to shields... and whatever Kinetic damage you'd be taking regardless of whether or not the "clicky" is active. This isn't an immunity power, it's just a massive DRM boost; +500 All Energy damage resistance just isn't all that amazing, and reducing it to something like +50 All Energy damage resistance (on a 2 minute cooldown) would make it insanely "meh" at best.
It would be nice if we were allowed to choose which Event Project to slot, though. That would get folks more interested in running them, especially if (as you mentioned) someone is a new or returning player. I'm not sure most of the Event gear is useful beyond specific setups, but at least gaining the option would be nice.
Okay yes I had an oops moment. Thing is in PvP, there are a lot of debuffs and pen and stuff that eats damage resistance. The console would be highly effective there, and energy weapons are already not very effective. Feedback pulse in PvE on a player doesn't make you effectively immune, but in PvP it often (almost always with a lot of builds) does. Yes pilot ships can become immune to kinetic damage in PvP, but most ships can't (its very much an unfair advantage). PvP is often about getting the player at the moment they don't have all these resists up. Adding more makes the difficulty of vsing a player much much larger.
The console makes energy builds much more unpleasant to use in PvP. They are already pretty much infeasible in kerrat. This just knocks them completely out against most people there. And most people use energy builds (not really in PvP anymore as they aren't very feasible).
Eh, I just don't see how setups that already make PvP unpleasant for energy builds would even need this console, or why it would be worth trading out what those builds already have. If you already have a setup that can counter energy builds, and energy weapons are already not very effective against you... is it worth slotting this console in place of what you have, losing the benefits of that other console, and gaining nothing against the Kinetic builds that have become more prevalent? It just seems like the opportunity cost would make this console less, rather than more, desirable for PvP.
I admit that it could make specialized anti-Energy setups better against Energy, but those setups already exist... and you really shouldn't be in PvP with a PvE all-Energy build anyway. Assuming you have Kinetics, this is merely +DRM; that means you can still use your Energy weapons and Drains to punch through Shields and you can still use your Kinetics to deal with Hull. If you don't have Kinetics, it's kind of your own damn fault for getting killed by an anti-Energy setup because you chose to attack the guy whose build is specifically designed to counter yours. Pick someone else to shoot, especially if it's another PvE player that forgot to swap in their PvP setup (usually me, when I go to Kerrat, even when I know better... which is why it's always my own damn fault ).
Otherwise, you yourself even pointed out that the console would be better if it worked against Kinetics, and that doing so wouldn't actually fit the Crystalline Entity theme it was designed around...
Oh, as a side note, +DRM and -DRM are actually separate damage modifiers, rather than working out as a single DRM value subject to diminishing returns (technically, there are two different types of -DRM, iirc). This console will help by increasing +DRM, but it won't offset increases to -DRM directly; this is why having [Pen] is so effective... it's not working at the tail end of diminishing returns (taking a 100 DRM down to 90 DRM), but applying a separate adjustment to your damage at the lesser end of that scale (and thereby providing a greater damage boost). I'm probably not explaining it very clearly, so here is the math version.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all Energy* damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Of course if +500 is kept the PvPers would really appreciate it if that energy damage resistance was turned into kinetic damage resistance (since torps are way too OP in PvP) (and resistance against tbr (tractor beam repuslors) is never a bad thing) (resistance against feedback pulse is an insanely good thing). In Addition PvEers would love that change aswell. But really there are a lot of players who leave STO for a while then come back. You are discouraging them from playing the game by introducing stuff like this. I want those players to have access. I DO NOT want to be more powerful than other players. Of course some people do. But most people just want to have the best stuff, not be more powerful than others, its a serious problem.
*A minor correction where you'd put the asterisk, though the following paragraph implies that you did already notice that it doesn't protect against Kinetic damage.
Anyway, don't forget about diminishing returns on DRM. Even with this console active, you'll be taking a minimum of 25% All Energy damage to your hull and full All Energy damage to shields... and whatever Kinetic damage you'd be taking regardless of whether or not the "clicky" is active. This isn't an immunity power, it's just a massive DRM boost; +500 All Energy damage resistance just isn't all that amazing, and reducing it to something like +50 All Energy damage resistance (on a 2 minute cooldown) would make it insanely "meh" at best.
It would be nice if we were allowed to choose which Event Project to slot, though. That would get folks more interested in running them, especially if (as you mentioned) someone is a new or returning player. I'm not sure most of the Event gear is useful beyond specific setups, but at least gaining the option would be nice.
Okay yes I had an oops moment. Thing is in PvP, there are a lot of debuffs and pen and stuff that eats damage resistance. The console would be highly effective there, and energy weapons are already not very effective. Feedback pulse in PvE on a player doesn't make you effectively immune, but in PvP it often (almost always with a lot of builds) does. Yes pilot ships can become immune to kinetic damage in PvP, but most ships can't (its very much an unfair advantage). PvP is often about getting the player at the moment they don't have all these resists up. Adding more makes the difficulty of vsing a player much much larger.
The console makes energy builds much more unpleasant to use in PvP. They are already pretty much infeasible in kerrat. This just knocks them completely out against most people there. And most people use energy builds (not really in PvP anymore as they aren't very feasible).
Eh, I just don't see how setups that already make PvP unpleasant for energy builds would even need this console, or why it would be worth trading out what those builds already have. If you already have a setup that can counter energy builds, and energy weapons are already not very effective against you... is it worth slotting this console in place of what you have, losing the benefits of that other console, and gaining nothing against the Kinetic builds that have become more prevalent? It just seems like the opportunity cost would make this console less, rather than more, desirable for PvP.
I admit that it could make specialized anti-Energy setups better against Energy, but those setups already exist... and you really shouldn't be in PvP with a PvE all-Energy build anyway. Assuming you have Kinetics, this is merely +DRM; that means you can still use your Energy weapons and Drains to punch through Shields and you can still use your Kinetics to deal with Hull. If you don't have Kinetics, it's kind of your own damn fault for getting killed by an anti-Energy setup because you chose to attack the guy whose build is specifically designed to counter yours. Pick someone else to shoot, especially if it's another PvE player that forgot to swap in their PvP setup (usually me, when I go to Kerrat, even when I know better... which is why it's always my own damn fault ).
Otherwise, you yourself even pointed out that the console would be better if it worked against Kinetics, and that doing so wouldn't actually fit the Crystalline Entity theme it was designed around...
True. But All Energy should work in PvP. It certainly used to. Some commentary could be made that somehow idk, causes crystal technology to work in different ways when adapted to alliance (Fed, Kdf, Rom) technology.
Well, I'm not jazzed about the main prize. For me the crystalline spike is the best event reward so far. I use on I think all my characters. I use no other prizes at all anymore, though the shotgun and neutronic torpedo got some use for a while. I was hoping for something I would actually use.
That said, bring it on! I'm always down for some crystal action. All 6 characters lined up on the chalk and ready.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all * damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Its not a new thing..If you fly a long range science Vessel you can use the both the Ablative Field Generator (+900 All) and the Solanae 4 piece "Advanced Metaphasic Shields" (+600 All) for 30 seconds of 500+ All rez or 90%+ all rez
THe Flagship "Dampening Wave emitter" is nearly the same thing but in the opposite direction (80% reduction in dmg output for foe)
Abalative takes energy weapons offline (although you are probably going to be using torps on it) + can only be equipped on that series of ships.
Solanae requires you to use that set, reduces outgoing damage and speed and turn aswell. And I didn't know about it.
Just saying..This level of all damage rez is not new...Ive always wanted the sci ship set peices to be freely used on other sic ships..but Ill take the new console instead :P
Hey @Afree100, I'd suggest easing off on the 'torches and pitchforks', people made just as big of a fuss over the Crystalline torpedo saying it was too OP since it was energy based and would shred shields, which normal torpedoes can't.
Point is, since it hasn't gone live yet no one (except the Devs) has any idea how it'll perform in actual combat scenarios. If it's anything like the Ablative console on the Intrepid it likely won't be all that overpowered. I don't even use that console, the duration of the active damage resistance is just too low to be any more than a 'panic button', which I'm guessing is what this new console will be. A 'Panic Button' with a little punch to it.
And honestly +500 energy resistance will get eaten up pretty bad by diminishing returns, according to the formula posted on gamepedia, you'll get just shy of 75% energy resistance with +500 resistance rating** so you won't be completely invulnerable to energy weapons, and then it's only temporary, any good PvPer will notice you're resistant to energy weapons and hold fire for a couple of seconds, or hit you with science powers or torps... lol
** my work for those who don't want to take my word for it:
3*( (1/4) - (75/(150+500)^2)) = 0.74946745562130177515
Oddly enough, the math doesn't match the table on gamepedia... hmm, wonder if my math is wrong or theirs...
Hey @Afree100, I'd suggest easing off on the 'torches and pitchforks', people made just as big of a fuss over the Crystalline torpedo saying it was too OP since it was energy based and would shred shields, which normal torpedoes can't.
Point is, since it hasn't gone live yet no one (except the Devs) has any idea how it'll perform in actual combat scenarios. If it's anything like the Ablative console on the Intrepid it likely won't be all that overpowered. I don't even use that console, the duration of the active damage resistance is just too low to be any more than a 'panic button', which I'm guessing is what this new console will be. A 'Panic Button' with a little punch to it.
And honestly +500 energy resistance will get eaten up pretty bad by diminishing returns, according to the formula posted on gamepedia, you'll get just shy of 75% energy resistance with +500 resistance rating** so you won't be completely invulnerable to energy weapons, and then it's only temporary, any good PvPer will notice you're resistant to energy weapons and hold fire for a couple of seconds, or hit you with science powers or torps... lol
** my work for those who don't want to take my word for it:
3*( (1/4) - (75/(150+500)^2)) = 0.74946745562130177515
Oddly enough, the math doesn't match the table on gamepedia... hmm, wonder if my math is wrong or theirs...
Your math is incorrect. The formula should be 1-((1/4) + (3 * ((75/(150+500))^2)))=71%, which matches with what is listed on that wiki page.
eh, i'm not complaining. this is the absolute easiest of all of the events and is the only one i might do on all my characters instead of just one or 2
1. I was aware of the 75% "limit" to damage resistance, although admittedly I didn't give it as much focus as it deserved
2. Yes its going to be a little hard to get damage resistance that much lower, though it can be done with tons of sensor scan, fire on my mark etc when on a team.
3. The device will probably be used after you get attacked (but could also often be used just before an encounter), or as a replacement/compliment for/to damage resistance debuff clears
4. People often can't just "switch weapons", you first have to own the weapons to switch, then you have to go out of combat to switch them and maybe you don't want to use them. Point is most people use torps now in kerrat since they are feasible and there isn't a whole lot you can do to counter them in most builds when using energy.
5. This item is not like the torpedo, it is rather obvious how it will perform.
6. I never said it was an immunity, I originally compared it against other things that give damage resistance. I merely then noticed lots of immunities that are even more powerful than it.
7. If you hold fire you are dead and/or they are undefeatable, since that player can attack you while you are doing that and/or you miss the non immunity window (when the player doesn't have some immune to damage thing up). Also you don't need to hold fire when its not feedback pulse (your outgoing damage is often going to be a lot more of an advantage than the counterattack the console provides is going to be a detriment).
This console if alone isn't OP. It is more it can be combined with other things to make players very hard to defeat.
breadandcircuses effectively said that most people won't use it as it isn't required, as energy is already so weak in PvP that you can already defeat all energy builds so why bother equipping the console when you are mainly going to go up against builds it will be useless against. This console is effectively an advantage against something that is already weak (except on pilot ships with kinetic immunity that can be increased in duration by a lot (e.g. 100% uptime on kinetic immunity) to make it massively insanely OP) (requiring a subnuc or drain to be defeatable, esp. since feedback pulse can be equipped).
That said, lots of builds can escape or withdraw from a engagement, e.g. with cloak, fast escape consoles/boff abilities. It is more the "can use weapons" while being invulnerable that is the problem. Of course the dpsers in PvE have a hard enough time justifying stuff that makes them tankier over more dps.
Whoa, that's a whole lot of sourness in that one statement!
Please don't misunderstand my point, I understand that all the immunities/ultra-high resistances used in combination contributes to unbalanced PvP (along with a few other things that I won't get into here).
I'm just trying to look at this specific console rationally, I highly doubt that the clicky effect will last any more than 15-20 seconds, so with the 120 second cooldown it shouldn't contribute to unbalancing things too much by itself.
Honestly, if it performs as I suspect it might, it could make a 'tank' role a bit more attractive to build instead of the usual 'DPS FTW', but that's just my first impression of it. I'll reserve my final opinion until I aquire one in a couple of weeks.
I'd still like to suggest holding off on the harshness about this single item until it hits the fan. The Devs can always adjust its specifics after launch if it unbalances things too much.
So don't worry, have a cup of tea, and prepare for the impending two weeks of mind-numbing, alt-hopping, snowflake smashing. lol
Whoa, that's a whole lot of sourness in that one statement!
Please don't misunderstand my point, I understand that all the immunities/ultra-high resistances used in combination contributes to unbalanced PvP (along with a few other things that I won't get into here).
I'm just trying to look at this specific console rationally, I highly doubt that the clicky effect will last any more than 15-20 seconds, so with the 120 second cooldown it shouldn't contribute to unbalancing things too much by itself.
Honestly, if it performs as I suspect it might, it could make a 'tank' role a bit more attractive to build instead of the usual 'DPS FTW', but that's just my first impression of it. I'll reserve my final opinion until I aquire one in a couple of weeks.
I'd still like to suggest holding off on the harshness about this single item until it hits the fan. The Devs can always adjust its specifics after launch if it unbalances things too much.
So don't worry, have a cup of tea, and prepare for the impending two weeks of mind-numbing, alt-hopping, snowflake smashing. lol
Well the problem is, I actually don't know how the activation time affects combat. It is highly build and ship specific. But well feedback pulse can be placed on any tier 5/6 ship I believe and that lasts for 15 seconds. Making the console kinetic kind of solves that problem to an extent. Torps have other advantages, they don't need feedback pulse as another. Maybe ensure this console can be subnucced off aswell. As long as something can be subnucced off its probably not going to cause insane amounts of unbalance in team settings. Problem is more in 1v1 and kerrat where often there is no science (for subnuc).
Of course there are enemies in PvE that can subnuc, but subnuc does not really affect PvE much.
You could also do something like place other immunities to that type of damage on cooldown when the console (and for similar consoles/immunities) is/are used. That affects PvEers a lot less (since they often worry about pressure damage, though definately a bit of spike from NPCs there) and requires more skill from them in timing/healing. PvP can worry about pressure damage in 1v1 esp. and to an extent in kerrat and arena/[capture and hold], but it is much less frequent.
Well you could also make that a system where max 2 (possibly a different number) immunities are used then cooldown placed, but that would take more developer effort.
Our Crystalline Entity event is coming back! Captains will be able to queue up to defeat the Crystalline Entity and earn tons of rewards in the process!
6 characters in under 20 minutes with messing around with inventory and admiralty. You really can't complain about the burden. Also the console has 2 relevant passives so may be useful for my antiproton captain - captain antiproton.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I'll play the event to get the console, but I am not sure if I would actually use for any of my 9 captains. I kinda like gear they all have already... just need to slow upgrade them to Mk XIV. I will test it out though.
I am more interested in playing the mission itself. Crystalline Catastrophe is kinda boring, but quick. Crystalline Cataclysm is much more fun to play. I wish they would replace Catastrophe with Cataclysm and come up with something else for the Crystalline Event.
Abalative takes energy weapons offline (although you are probably going to be using torps on it) + can only be equipped on that series of ships.
Solanae requires you to use that set, reduces outgoing damage and speed and turn aswell. And I didn't know about it.
True. Of course you can use reverse shield polarity and stuff against them already (I am still not saying it won't be useful). + they are a lot easier to dodge then lots of other things ingame.
*A minor correction where you'd put the asterisk, though the following paragraph implies that you did already notice that it doesn't protect against Kinetic damage.
Anyway, don't forget about diminishing returns on DRM. Even with this console active, you'll be taking a minimum of 25% All Energy damage to your hull and full All Energy damage to shields... and whatever Kinetic damage you'd be taking regardless of whether or not the "clicky" is active. This isn't an immunity power, it's just a massive DRM boost; +500 All Energy damage resistance just isn't all that amazing, and reducing it to something like +50 All Energy damage resistance (on a 2 minute cooldown) would make it insanely "meh" at best.
It would be nice if we were allowed to choose which Event Project to slot, though. That would get folks more interested in running them, especially if (as you mentioned) someone is a new or returning player. I'm not sure most of the Event gear is useful beyond specific setups, but at least gaining the option would be nice.
Okay yes I had an oops moment. Thing is in PvP, there are a lot of debuffs and pen and stuff that eats damage resistance. The console would be highly effective there, and energy weapons are already not very effective. Feedback pulse in PvE on a player doesn't make you effectively immune, but in PvP it often (almost always with a lot of builds) does. Yes pilot ships can become immune to kinetic damage in PvP, but most ships can't (its very much an unfair advantage). PvP is often about getting the player at the moment they don't have all these resists up. Adding more makes the difficulty of vsing a player much much larger.
Yes debuffs can be cleared, but that still takes time... Time to activate the thing to clear them, actually having to have that thing and waiting that up to 1 second often for them to be cleared again.
The console makes energy builds much more unpleasant to use in PvP. They are already pretty much infeasible in kerrat. This just knocks them completely out against most people there. And most people use energy builds (not really in PvP anymore as they aren't very feasible).
Shields are not very useful in PvP right now, since tons of stuff penetrates shields and they only really protect against energy weapons that nobody is using.
Eh, I just don't see how setups that already make PvP unpleasant for energy builds would even need this console, or why it would be worth trading out what those builds already have. If you already have a setup that can counter energy builds, and energy weapons are already not very effective against you... is it worth slotting this console in place of what you have, losing the benefits of that other console, and gaining nothing against the Kinetic builds that have become more prevalent? It just seems like the opportunity cost would make this console less, rather than more, desirable for PvP.
I admit that it could make specialized anti-Energy setups better against Energy, but those setups already exist... and you really shouldn't be in PvP with a PvE all-Energy build anyway. Assuming you have Kinetics, this is merely +DRM; that means you can still use your Energy weapons and Drains to punch through Shields and you can still use your Kinetics to deal with Hull. If you don't have Kinetics, it's kind of your own damn fault for getting killed by an anti-Energy setup because you chose to attack the guy whose build is specifically designed to counter yours. Pick someone else to shoot, especially if it's another PvE player that forgot to swap in their PvP setup (usually me, when I go to Kerrat, even when I know better... which is why it's always my own damn fault
Otherwise, you yourself even pointed out that the console would be better if it worked against Kinetics, and that doing so wouldn't actually fit the Crystalline Entity theme it was designed around...
Oh, as a side note, +DRM and -DRM are actually separate damage modifiers, rather than working out as a single DRM value subject to diminishing returns (technically, there are two different types of -DRM, iirc). This console will help by increasing +DRM, but it won't offset increases to -DRM directly; this is why having [Pen] is so effective... it's not working at the tail end of diminishing returns (taking a 100 DRM down to 90 DRM), but applying a separate adjustment to your damage at the lesser end of that scale (and thereby providing a greater damage boost). I'm probably not explaining it very clearly, so here is the math version.
True. But All Energy should work in PvP. It certainly used to. Some commentary could be made that somehow idk, causes crystal technology to work in different ways when adapted to alliance (Fed, Kdf, Rom) technology.
That said, bring it on! I'm always down for some crystal action. All 6 characters lined up on the chalk and ready.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Just saying..This level of all damage rez is not new...Ive always wanted the sci ship set peices to be freely used on other sic ships..but Ill take the new console instead :P
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Point is, since it hasn't gone live yet no one (except the Devs) has any idea how it'll perform in actual combat scenarios. If it's anything like the Ablative console on the Intrepid it likely won't be all that overpowered. I don't even use that console, the duration of the active damage resistance is just too low to be any more than a 'panic button', which I'm guessing is what this new console will be. A 'Panic Button' with a little punch to it.
And honestly +500 energy resistance will get eaten up pretty bad by diminishing returns, according to the formula posted on gamepedia, you'll get just shy of 75% energy resistance with +500 resistance rating** so you won't be completely invulnerable to energy weapons, and then it's only temporary, any good PvPer will notice you're resistant to energy weapons and hold fire for a couple of seconds, or hit you with science powers or torps... lol
** my work for those who don't want to take my word for it:
3*( (1/4) - (75/(150+500)^2)) = 0.74946745562130177515
Oddly enough, the math doesn't match the table on gamepedia... hmm, wonder if my math is wrong or theirs...
Your math is incorrect. The formula should be 1-((1/4) + (3 * ((75/(150+500))^2)))=71%, which matches with what is listed on that wiki page.
1-((1/4) + (3 * ((75/(150+500))^2))) = 0.71005917159763313609
Thanks @crypticspartan for the correct equation.
Note to self: Drink more coffee...
Or at least bind to account so I can earn it now and give it to someone else later.
2. Yes its going to be a little hard to get damage resistance that much lower, though it can be done with tons of sensor scan, fire on my mark etc when on a team.
3. The device will probably be used after you get attacked (but could also often be used just before an encounter), or as a replacement/compliment for/to damage resistance debuff clears
4. People often can't just "switch weapons", you first have to own the weapons to switch, then you have to go out of combat to switch them and maybe you don't want to use them. Point is most people use torps now in kerrat since they are feasible and there isn't a whole lot you can do to counter them in most builds when using energy.
5. This item is not like the torpedo, it is rather obvious how it will perform.
6. I never said it was an immunity, I originally compared it against other things that give damage resistance. I merely then noticed lots of immunities that are even more powerful than it.
7. If you hold fire you are dead and/or they are undefeatable, since that player can attack you while you are doing that and/or you miss the non immunity window (when the player doesn't have some immune to damage thing up). Also you don't need to hold fire when its not feedback pulse (your outgoing damage is often going to be a lot more of an advantage than the counterattack the console provides is going to be a detriment).
This console if alone isn't OP. It is more it can be combined with other things to make players very hard to defeat.
breadandcircuses effectively said that most people won't use it as it isn't required, as energy is already so weak in PvP that you can already defeat all energy builds so why bother equipping the console when you are mainly going to go up against builds it will be useless against. This console is effectively an advantage against something that is already weak (except on pilot ships with kinetic immunity that can be increased in duration by a lot (e.g. 100% uptime on kinetic immunity) to make it massively insanely OP) (requiring a subnuc or drain to be defeatable, esp. since feedback pulse can be equipped).
That said, lots of builds can escape or withdraw from a engagement, e.g. with cloak, fast escape consoles/boff abilities. It is more the "can use weapons" while being invulnerable that is the problem. Of course the dpsers in PvE have a hard enough time justifying stuff that makes them tankier over more dps.
Please don't misunderstand my point, I understand that all the immunities/ultra-high resistances used in combination contributes to unbalanced PvP (along with a few other things that I won't get into here).
I'm just trying to look at this specific console rationally, I highly doubt that the clicky effect will last any more than 15-20 seconds, so with the 120 second cooldown it shouldn't contribute to unbalancing things too much by itself.
Honestly, if it performs as I suspect it might, it could make a 'tank' role a bit more attractive to build instead of the usual 'DPS FTW', but that's just my first impression of it. I'll reserve my final opinion until I aquire one in a couple of weeks.
I'd still like to suggest holding off on the harshness about this single item until it hits the fan. The Devs can always adjust its specifics after launch if it unbalances things too much.
So don't worry, have a cup of tea, and prepare for the impending two weeks of mind-numbing, alt-hopping, snowflake smashing. lol
The active ability duration is 15 seconds.
If I didn't know better I'd think you enjoy correcting me... lol.
Hehe, no worries, extra information is always appreciated.
Just trying to share what I can.
Of course there are enemies in PvE that can subnuc, but subnuc does not really affect PvE much.
You could also do something like place other immunities to that type of damage on cooldown when the console (and for similar consoles/immunities) is/are used. That affects PvEers a lot less (since they often worry about pressure damage, though definately a bit of spike from NPCs there) and requires more skill from them in timing/healing. PvP can worry about pressure damage in 1v1 esp. and to an extent in kerrat and arena/[capture and hold], but it is much less frequent.
Well you could also make that a system where max 2 (possibly a different number) immunities are used then cooldown placed, but that would take more developer effort.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I am more interested in playing the mission itself. Crystalline Catastrophe is kinda boring, but quick. Crystalline Cataclysm is much more fun to play. I wish they would replace Catastrophe with Cataclysm and come up with something else for the Crystalline Event.