"Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer" "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
Hey dude...you should put a warning to readers....Your avatar GIF can cause EPILEPSY
Anyone that has issues with the Imperial flag should report themselves to their nearest agony booth.
(Seriously though I already sent a message to mod about my gif to see if they wanted me to change it, after someone in another thread said my avatar was against TOS. So far I've been given the all clear.)
"Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer" "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
Interesting reward, appears better than an Admirality card...
Guess I'm not getting out of 12 runs/day.
I'll go ahead and ask the expected question (though I don't expect any results): Any chance of rewards from events like this becoming account unlocks?
Yeah it's been asked before. They had a ask-me-anything a while back with the executive producer, Steve "SausageInferno" Ricossa, and he basically said at the time "No current plans for it". He didn't say no, but he didn't say yes either. It was a cryptic message that we have to decode and figure out ourselves.
I did manage to figure it out through hours of Googling, spying on dentists, and checking that data mining fleet
Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine.
Normally I'd do the Crystalline event on all 15 characters, but I haven't even touched the new skill tree on any of them. Quite frankly it confuses the jebus out of me.
I could just skill up my main, but he has all reps completed and doesn't need marks. All my other 14 characters have all but Terran Empire rep done, and none have started on it yet (though I do have sponsorship tokens made for all of them).
I might just skip the build making for now and just charge in there with no skill points set and do the best I can on all of them.
Mark is right, @monkeybone13, if you avoid Advanced you shouldn't have any problem with that giant snowflake without any skills assigned, even if your alts have some sub-par gear you should be ok (with an appropriate boff setup any gear above MK XI blue should suffice). So, don't panic.
As for the Dev's 'official' standpoint on account unlocks, I am also aware of this. However, I'm also aware that if enough players ask for something enough times the chances of it happening increase.
I certainly don't expect the marks or dilithium to be account wide, so I'd lose out on ~550k dilithium if the shiny went account wide, but that's a trade-off I'd be more than happy to make. I don't want to sound like an entitled, whiny 'I want everything NOW!!' player, so I'm trying to be polite about it.
More flies with honey... or something like that. lol
Mark is right, @monkeybone13, if you avoid Advanced you shouldn't have any problem with that giant snowflake without any skills assigned, even if your alts have some sub-par gear you should be ok (with an appropriate boff setup any gear above MK XI blue should suffice). So, don't panic.
As for the Dev's 'official' standpoint on account unlocks, I am also aware of this. However, I'm also aware that if enough players ask for something enough times the chances of it happening increase.
I certainly don't expect the marks or dilithium to be account wide, so I'd lose out on ~550k dilithium if the shiny went account wide, but that's a trade-off I'd be more than happy to make. I don't want to sound like an entitled, whiny 'I want everything NOW!!' player, so I'm trying to be polite about it.
More flies with honey... or something like that. lol
Well, looking at the skill planner at STO Academy, it doesn't look too complicated. Since I prefer to have all characters of a single career to have the same skill tree setup, I only need to make 3 builds, then set my toons up in game. I've got 2 days to do this so I better get to it.
Whiny or not, I'll add my voice to the "make these types of rewards account unlocks" crowd.
I don't expect the Dilithium or mark bonuses to be unlocked, but getting the Console would be nice for future alts who will likely get made when a certain expansion goes live in a few months. While they may be time travelers, these new characters cannot get these items.
Yeah, I'm with the rest on this one, especially with a brand new mini-faction on the way. I'll still run it on all my eligible characters, though, at the very least for the dilithium and Marks.
Time to fill out the Skill Trees on a few characters I'd abandoned due to the inconvenience.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all * damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Of course if +500 is kept the PvPers would really appreciate it if that energy damage resistance was turned into kinetic damage resistance (since torps are way too OP in PvP) (and resistance against tbr (tractor beam repuslors) is never a bad thing) (resistance against feedback pulse is an insanely good thing). In Addition PvEers would love that change aswell. But really there are a lot of players who leave STO for a while then come back. You are discouraging them from playing the game by introducing stuff like this. I want those players to have access. I DO NOT want to be more powerful than other players. Of course some people do. But most people just want to have the best stuff, not be more powerful than others, its a serious problem.
Having things like this as char unlocks discourages players from creating more characters. I believe it hurts Cryptics profit, not the opposite. Also it makes the game more grindy, that severely hurts Cryptics profit. Grind == players leave. Tons of players do not even play MMOs just because there is grind, and it severely hurts those who do. You would get a lot more money if you find a better solution (surely the Foundry could be made a lot more popular, the ranking system needs vast improvement there).
Some of the spotlight missions are of really low quality, while lots of non spotlight missions are of higher quality. + you need to hide the fact its the foundry from players. The name puts people off!!! Perhaps try to divide foundry missions into categories better, customised more to individual taste. Also its pretty much impossible to find all the foundry missions as its all hidden behind search.
Lots of people do not buy ships because they are much less feasible in combat I SEE THIS ALL THE TIME. You are loosing money and upsetting your playerbase.
The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all * damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Of course if +500 is kept the PvPers would really appreciate it if that energy damage resistance was turned into kinetic damage resistance (since torps are way too OP in PvP). But really there are a lot of players who leave STO for a while then come back. You are discouraging them from playing the game by introducing stuff like this.
Having things like this as char unlocks discourages players from creating more characters. I believe it hurts Cryptics profit, not the opposite.
I have to agree with @markhawkman, the mention of a 2 minute cooldown leads me to believe it's a clicky console as well.
And you have a good point with the character unlock, this is actually a contributing factor as to why I haven't created more alts lol.
I know its a clicky, but +500 is still insanely high. Polarise Hull 1 for instance is approx 60 all damage resist, yes its all damage but... This is a console...
The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all * damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Of course if +500 is kept the PvPers would really appreciate it if that energy damage resistance was turned into kinetic damage resistance (since torps are way too OP in PvP) (and resistance against tbr (tractor beam repuslors) is never a bad thing) (resistance against feedback pulse is an insanely good thing). In Addition PvEers would love that change aswell. But really there are a lot of players who leave STO for a while then come back. You are discouraging them from playing the game by introducing stuff like this. I want those players to have access. I DO NOT want to be more powerful than other players. Of course some people do. But most people just want to have the best stuff, not be more powerful than others, its a serious problem.
Having things like this as char unlocks discourages players from creating more characters. I believe it hurts Cryptics profit, not the opposite. Also it makes the game more grindy, that severely hurts Cryptics profit. Grind == players leave. Tons of players do not even play MMOs just because there is grind, and it severely hurts those who do. You would get a lot more money if you find a better solution (surely the Foundry could be made a lot more popular, the ranking system needs vast improvement there).
Some of the spotlight missions are of really low quality, while lots of non spotlight missions are of higher quality. + you need to hide the fact its the foundry from players. The name puts people off!!! Perhaps try to divide foundry missions into categories better, customised more to individual taste. Also its pretty much impossible to find all the foundry missions as its all hidden behind search.
Lots of people do not buy ships because they are much less feasible in combat I SEE THIS ALL THE TIME. You are loosing money and upsetting your playerbase.
Yeah actually 40 or 50 resistance would be too low my bad. And there are consoles like the Kar'Fi and annorax. Kar'Fi is full immunity for 10 seconds to basically everything but no outgoing torps. Annorax is -40% energy out for full energy immunty + insane speed.
WTF? I was gonna copy my main over to the test server so I can get an idea on how this skill tree thingy works, without messing it up on Holodeck. But all I'm getting is ERROR 502 BAD GATEWAY on the character copy page.
The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all * damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Of course if +500 is kept the PvPers would really appreciate it if that energy damage resistance was turned into kinetic damage resistance (since torps are way too OP in PvP). But really there are a lot of players who leave STO for a while then come back. You are discouraging them from playing the game by introducing stuff like this.
Having things like this as char unlocks discourages players from creating more characters. I believe it hurts Cryptics profit, not the opposite.
I have to agree with @markhawkman, the mention of a 2 minute cooldown leads me to believe it's a clicky console as well.
And you have a good point with the character unlock, this is actually a contributing factor as to why I haven't created more alts lol.
500 is on the active. The passive value is massively lower.
Other thing is this can work on every ship (arguably a good thing), not just 1. Though Kar'Fi is kind of obsolete And the vesta one disables outgoing fire.
The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all * damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Of course if +500 is kept the PvPers would really appreciate it if that energy damage resistance was turned into kinetic damage resistance (since torps are way too OP in PvP). But really there are a lot of players who leave STO for a while then come back. You are discouraging them from playing the game by introducing stuff like this.
Having things like this as char unlocks discourages players from creating more characters. I believe it hurts Cryptics profit, not the opposite.
I have to agree with @markhawkman, the mention of a 2 minute cooldown leads me to believe it's a clicky console as well.
And you have a good point with the character unlock, this is actually a contributing factor as to why I haven't created more alts lol.
500 is on the active. The passive value is massively lower.
So it's like the Nandi console and does something all the time, until you put it in over drive?
I'd be a lot more tempted to grind for this if the event were longer, required more crystals, BUT was an account unlock. (Gotta have players spend more time in the game to make account-wide unlocks worth their time to program in.). The technology exists. Time to implement it to other events.
Either that, or make the rewards Lobi-based purchases bound to character. Some way to make these available to other alts after the event ends.
Account Unlock is Needed for the "special" reward. How are our Agents of Yesterday suppose to get this console? I totally see the requirement for the Dil, Marks, and ECs, but the "special" reward truly needs to be account unlock for all characters. I would further add the same for "special" clothing offered during the Featured Episode events. People with multiple characters don't always have the time to run the missions on each alt, especially for those who have 10+ alts.
The console that comes with this is crazy powerful. +500 all * damage resistance is insanely high. For the sanity of players who do not participate in this event (not me) please reduce that. It will basically make players who do have this console extremely strong compared to those who do not. Something like +40 +50 energy damage resistance would be much more resonable.
Its not a new thing..If you fly a long range science Vessel you can use the both the Ablative Field Generator (+900 All) and the Solanae 4 piece "Advanced Metaphasic Shields" (+600 All) for 30 seconds of 500+ All rez or 90%+ all rez
THe Flagship "Dampening Wave emitter" is nearly the same thing but in the opposite direction (80% reduction in dmg output for foe)
We already have far too many things making us immune to energy damage. Its not going to hurt to do it to the kinetic side. Its just that the burst protection such a console gives matters a lot in PvP, not so much in PvE, but kinetic immunity would be much more interesting. Of course crystal entity is inheritly energy resistant, so it is a little hard to justify from the story side of things.
It might if we keep asking nicely. Event ships happened.
I wish you success.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
Hey dude...you should put a warning to readers....Your avatar GIF can cause EPILEPSY
Anyone that has issues with the Imperial flag should report themselves to their nearest agony booth.
(Seriously though I already sent a message to mod about my gif to see if they wanted me to change it, after someone in another thread said my avatar was against TOS. So far I've been given the all clear.)
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
Yeah it's been asked before. They had a ask-me-anything a while back with the executive producer, Steve "SausageInferno" Ricossa, and he basically said at the time "No current plans for it". He didn't say no, but he didn't say yes either. It was a cryptic message that we have to decode and figure out ourselves.
I did manage to figure it out through hours of Googling, spying on dentists, and checking that data mining fleet
Normally I'd do the Crystalline event on all 15 characters, but I haven't even touched the new skill tree on any of them. Quite frankly it confuses the jebus out of me.
I could just skill up my main, but he has all reps completed and doesn't need marks. All my other 14 characters have all but Terran Empire rep done, and none have started on it yet (though I do have sponsorship tokens made for all of them).
I might just skip the build making for now and just charge in there with no skill points set and do the best I can on all of them.
My character Tsin'xing
Well that and traits. Thankfully the skill revamp didn't empty my traits, ship stations, or away teams. Cryptic is getting better at things.
As for the Dev's 'official' standpoint on account unlocks, I am also aware of this. However, I'm also aware that if enough players ask for something enough times the chances of it happening increase.
I certainly don't expect the marks or dilithium to be account wide, so I'd lose out on ~550k dilithium if the shiny went account wide, but that's a trade-off I'd be more than happy to make. I don't want to sound like an entitled, whiny 'I want everything NOW!!' player, so I'm trying to be polite about it.
More flies with honey... or something like that. lol
Well, looking at the skill planner at STO Academy, it doesn't look too complicated. Since I prefer to have all characters of a single career to have the same skill tree setup, I only need to make 3 builds, then set my toons up in game. I've got 2 days to do this so I better get to it.
I also like to have similar builds on my characters, but some of my characters do vary somewhat. lol.
I think I have somewhere between 5-6 different setups across my 12 toons...
Still, it isn't too complicated I'm sure you'll get it without any trouble, just take it easy and read the tooltips before clicking 'buy' lol
Yeah, I'm with the rest on this one, especially with a brand new mini-faction on the way. I'll still run it on all my eligible characters, though, at the very least for the dilithium and Marks.
Time to fill out the Skill Trees on a few characters I'd abandoned due to the inconvenience.
Of course if +500 is kept the PvPers would really appreciate it if that energy damage resistance was turned into kinetic damage resistance (since torps are way too OP in PvP) (and resistance against tbr (tractor beam repuslors) is never a bad thing) (resistance against feedback pulse is an insanely good thing). In Addition PvEers would love that change aswell. But really there are a lot of players who leave STO for a while then come back. You are discouraging them from playing the game by introducing stuff like this. I want those players to have access. I DO NOT want to be more powerful than other players. Of course some people do. But most people just want to have the best stuff, not be more powerful than others, its a serious problem.
Having things like this as char unlocks discourages players from creating more characters. I believe it hurts Cryptics profit, not the opposite. Also it makes the game more grindy, that severely hurts Cryptics profit. Grind == players leave. Tons of players do not even play MMOs just because there is grind, and it severely hurts those who do. You would get a lot more money if you find a better solution (surely the Foundry could be made a lot more popular, the ranking system needs vast improvement there).
Some of the spotlight missions are of really low quality, while lots of non spotlight missions are of higher quality. + you need to hide the fact its the foundry from players. The name puts people off!!! Perhaps try to divide foundry missions into categories better, customised more to individual taste. Also its pretty much impossible to find all the foundry missions as its all hidden behind search.
Lots of people do not buy ships because they are much less feasible in combat I SEE THIS ALL THE TIME. You are loosing money and upsetting your playerbase.
My character Tsin'xing
I have to agree with @markhawkman, the mention of a 2 minute cooldown leads me to believe it's a clicky console as well.
And you have a good point with the character unlock, this is actually a contributing factor as to why I haven't created more alts lol.
There's PVP in this game?
http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1182325/want-to-transfer-your-captain-to-the-tribble-shard-character-copy-page-location I click the link in the post and it takes me to my Arc account page and says I need to "sign up" to to test server, when I've been signed up to it for years already. So I click the sign up button and a new tab opens in my browser and I get that stupid 502 error.
http://www.arcgames.com/en/my/character/copy/sto <--- it done broke!
Edit: Just saw this thread after my post here http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1215577/502-bad-gateway-error
Yep. It done broke.
500 is on the active. The passive value is massively lower.
My character Tsin'xing
Either that, or make the rewards Lobi-based purchases bound to character. Some way to make these available to other alts after the event ends.
Its not a new thing..If you fly a long range science Vessel you can use the both the Ablative Field Generator (+900 All) and the Solanae 4 piece "Advanced Metaphasic Shields" (+600 All) for 30 seconds of 500+ All rez or 90%+ all rez
THe Flagship "Dampening Wave emitter" is nearly the same thing but in the opposite direction (80% reduction in dmg output for foe)
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.