Admiral Valdez had studied the battlefield well and was moving his forces into position. He arranged his forces into a buffalo head formation. Shade was noting the way Valdez was moving the troops on the board, "Admiral, the emperor is watching this live at the Imperial Palace. Could you explain your strategy to his excellency" asked Shade, "Excellency, this is an old Zulu tactic called the horns of the buffalo. The head moves forward to draw the enemy in, then they are funneled into the loin as the head forms the horns which move round and encircle" briefed Valdez.
"How do you intend to provoke B'Vat into your trap?" asked the Emperor. "Make him angry, I will provoke him into attacking by calling him a coward. I studied his record very thoroughly" answered Valdez. "Thank you Mr Valdez, end this rebellion now" ordered the emperor and Valdez saluted. "Phase one, all ships form up and set the trap" ordered Valdez to his forces. "All ships reporting ready and in position" reported Ensign Andrew Westin. "Phase two, provoke your enemy into acting prematurely" said Valdez. "Know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of 100 battles" quoted Shade.
"Sun Tzu" replied Valdez smiling. "Sending message now" reported Shade, the message read "What honor is there sitting in your fortress? That is the strategy of a coward." "Lets wait and see. Shade, get your team together and do what you do best. You are to board the flagship covertly and terminate with extreme prejudice B'Vat and the entire rebel command. Feel free to cause as much disruption as possible. We'll avoid firing on the flagship" responded Valdez. "With pleasure" answered Shade and she left the astronomic lab.
Valdez's provocation had the desired effect. "Head, advance on the enemy" he ordered and the ships in the head of the formation advanced in an unbroken line drawing in the Klingon ships in on the loin as the head divisions became the horns. Valdez watched the situation develop and acted accordingly. So far he had only engaged with his Terran divisions, seeing the Klingon fleet being surrounded on three sides. "Phoenix and aristocracy forces, move in and engage their flanks and rear" was his next order. The Klingon rebellion was now being squeezed tighter and tighter as they are completely surrounded.
On the Klingon flagship, Shade got to work infiltrating through the bowels of the ship. "Target in sight" she thought calmly. Seeing the amount of soldiers blocking her route to her targets, Shade decided to improvise, "I need a distraction" Shade reported to Valdez covertly. "Knock out the enemy flagship's weapons and engines" Solat ordered to V'ran, he was the new tactical officer. "Firing now" he reported and the Agincourt's accuracy was pinpoint. "Weapons down" reported V'ran. Shade used the confusion and activated her personal cloak. Realizing the bridge was too heavily defended, Shade decided to lure the guards away by a bang.
The guards went down the corridor as Shade covertly entered onto the Bridge, using a programme created by Marie to lock the bridge down as the drone dispatched the bridge crew. Shade showed no mercy as the entire rebel leadership was wiped out by her hand. "Request extraction" she asked over the covert channel, Valdez beamed her straight to Astrometrics and congratulated her on a job well done. "Now we finish them for good, all ships interlock your fields and target their reactors" Valdez ordered to the fleet and signal "Witch's Cauldron" went out. "The infamous Valdez Witch's Cauldron?" asked Shade and Valdez answered "it is" smiling.
"All ships, fire" ordered Valdez calmly and the fleet made sure no Klingon were left alive on the battlefield, the rebellion had been swiftly and brutally extinguished. Valdez counted his losses, of his force of 600; he had lost 40 ships but they were recoverable at least. "Wiped out to the last" said Shade smiling, "what do we do about Qo'nos?" asked Valdez. "Let the emperor decide" answered Shade. The emperor gave the order himself, Qo'nos was to be wiped out with no mercy. Placing thalaron ships, they took up key position in orbit and fired. Qo'nos was now a dead world, over the next 2 weeks every Klingon populated world was wiped out without mercy.
"Such is the fate of those who would oppose us" said Valdez.
Post edited by theraven2378 on
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Admiral Valdez had rushed his fleets back to Betazed and prepared to make sure the system was ready for war. Valdez and General Wray visited the cities looking at good defensive positions to oppose any landing operations, the Imperial military began turning the cities into fortresses and an underground Bunker complex was in the process of being built in the Mountains near Rixx for the Regent as a command centre. Heavy ground emplacements were also being constructed to fire on any air and space assault.
In orbit, defense platforms were built in record time and numbers. In light of the dominion threat, the Regent had ordered the conscription of all military age citizens to fill out the ranks. Betazed was being militarized so any attack on the planet would be opposed by the entire population. Valdez's fleets now drilled to prepare for any hostile assault on the system. Valdez dealt with the space side of defense while General Wray dealt with ground defense. On the surface Teanna made sure all medical facilities were moved underground and were ready to take casualties and the civilian population were conscripted to build defenses.
One of the precautions taken was putting the power grid underground to protect it from orbital bombardment and food and medicine production increased in the event of a siege. The entire system had been put on lock down and the changeling moved to the capital secretly, no ship could leave or enter without authorization. To ensure the population were behind the regent, the secret police were out in force to crack down on dissent and defeatism. Marie and the regent's tech teams made sure all computers were locked down to stop any cyber attack.
To placate Sito, Valdez had brought her the last bottles of blood wine in existence as an apology. He had carried out the emperor's orders and now he carried out Sito's orders to make sure Betazed was being prepared for war. At the regent's palace, Valdez was reunited with his daughters and he smiled. "Dad, you should hear what propaganda is calling you" said Trianna and Marie added "you've been called the hammer over the crack down on the Klingons." Valdez laughed and replied "how original of them."
"Kestrella, how have they been?" Valdez then asked to Kestrella. Kestrella answered "Trianna took extra work but she has behaved, Marie has been on her best behavior as well." Valdez looked at the twins and told them "I expect you both to be calm from now on." "Yes dad" answered the twins. Teanna walked in and hugged Valdez and congratulated him on a job well done. Valdez now decided that the whole planet needed to be inspected from the air.
Trianna was the pilot on the shuttle, "That looks interesting" noted Valdez looking at the plains near Rixx. "Possible landing place?" asked Trianna and Iblim agreed. "Note this location for the artillery, Trianna take us over Rixx. I need to see the perimeter of the city" ordered General Wray. "Mark this for a perimeter defensive wall lined with infantry fighting positions and heavy weapon emplacements" replied Valdez. "We can use the buildings and cellars as fighting positions, set up barricades and minefields to funnel the enemy into preset kill zones in the squares" added General Wray.
Rixx's urban plan lent itself to defense with the streets and buildings forming multiple lines of defense all the way to the citadel and the Regent's palace. "Trianna, we need an aerial view of the citadel and regent's palace" said Valdez and Trianna took the shuttle over. "Fortify the steps and the walls to the regent's palace and set up covert transporter scramblers here, we'll need a shield generator to protect from orbital attack. Heavy weapons placed 100 metres apart with a strong garrison" said General Wray. "I remember charging up those steps 21 years ago, cost us a lot of people" replied Valdez and Trianna understood why the last assault on the Regent's palace was costly.
"Agreed, we lose the Regent's palace and Rixx, we lose Betazed" replied Valdez. "All other cities have been ordered to start construction on their defenses. We use the cities as fortresses to bleed the enemy through sheer attrition" added General Wray. "This world is more than an Imperial planet to us, it's our home" said Valdez and everyone on the shuttle agreed.
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"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Shade's boots made no noise as she walked through the hallway of her ship, followed by Valdez MACOs.
"Once we get on board, the Klingons will move quickly to stop us.... You've all been briefed on your target of the primary reactor core, and the command center.... Each of you know your assigned group, and I have only one more thing to say,... We will show the galaxy what happens to any who would dare oppose the Empire!"
Two dozen different teams beamed onto the starbase this coupled with the simultaneous transport of multiple explosives created complete havoc for the defenders.
The group in the main reactor entrenched themselves after taking the room, preparing to repel the counter attack. Shade narrowed her gaze at the door and nodded.
The explosion created a dust cloud and several smoke grenades obscured the view beyond, green blaster fire flooded the hallway and the attackers took cover where they could. Emma flinched as she was blinded by a disrupted bolt that narrowly missed her head.
She checked her wrist screen, and moved a drone above the door. She'd lost one getting here she wasn't loosing another to.... Him. "I've been looking forward to this Alexander! You half Klingon PetaQ!" She bellowed mocking her adversary in his preferred tounge.
"You won't escape my blade this time assassin, come out of your hidding hole!"
"Why would I hide from a being of your intelligence?"
Emma disintegrated a charging warrior emerging from the doorway. "Return fire!" Now it was the invaders turn to unleash their weaponry, Shade sent their number forward, following in the rear a wicked smirk claiming her face.
Advancing into the chamber, Emma shot two of the rebellious Klingons from the side, preventing one bring down a MACO, with what would have been a well placed slash of his blade.
"Hold fire! That last one is mine!"
Her enemy was on the ground kneeling. Shades was caught off guard at the speed he jumped to his feet, and charged her, yelling so loud it was probably heard in space. The half-breed slammed into her body as she missed her shot. She grunted, at the impact and proceeded to start gouging her thumb into his eye and he crushed her into a console, falling back when the assassin devlivered two swift kicks to his face.
Emma rolled backwards off the other side of the machine as she dodged a bat'leth. Landing on her feet, Emma, wiped blood from a cut on her brow and charged foward jumping of the top if the sparking console and wrapped her mucseled legs around the aliens neck intending to break it with the impending fall.
She felt her rib crack, and Alexander pushed her off and brought his foot down on her wrist.
A resounding crack was heard throughout the room. Emma knocked his feet out from under him as she noticed a MACO going for his gun. "I hope you find Gre'Thor to your displeasure!"
Her drone fired at the distracted Klingon.
Struggling to her feet Emma held her wrist. "Turn off the life suport system- we're taking control of this base." She checked Alaexanders pulse- tough customer it seemed- that had been set to kill and he still had a pulse.
Post edited by zionus0 on
Why do I still play and put money into STO?
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
Sword teams 1 and 2 fought their way to operations, the Betazoid commandos carried out Shade's orders to the letter. Every room on the way to command was swept and cleared and walls breached to avoid corridors. "Operations surrounded" reported Major Lyanna Dreisse, Shade gave the order "move in and clear, leave no survivors." Dreisse acknowledged and made her move, the operations centre was breached and cleared with no quarter given and the commandos entrenched in the room covering the door.
"Operations secure" reported Dreisse over the comm channel. "You have access to environmental controls?" asked Shade, Dreisse reported "we're in and ready to vent all sections apart from the reactor and operations." Shade ordered Dreisse's team to put a forcefield around the reactor room and operations, Dreisse obeyed and reported "ready to vent." Shade then gave the order "vent them" and Dreisse vented the entire station apart from the reactor and operations suffocating the garrison. After pressurizing the station, Driesse and her teams set off for the extraction site. Shade's teams were also on their way to extraction with Alexander Son of Worf in cuffs. All teams were beamed to Shade's ship and a Loyal garrison deployed as her ship sped away to link up with the fleet.
On Agincourt, Admiral Valdez congratulated Shade and the MACOs. "Now Qo'nos is wide open, all ships set course for Qo'nos. We're ending this rebellion swiftly, there will be no quarter given and none asked" ordered Valdez. "What about the prisoner?" asked Solat. "Old friend, work with Shade and question him. Use Trianna's mind probes on him" replied Valdez, Solat and Shade left the bridge and went to the holding cells.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Admiral Valdez was supervising defense preparations from the Regent's palace. "How many citizens under arms?" he asked Solat. "So far 10 million in uniform and under arms. All other able bodied citizens not in uniform are digging defenses but they need to be built faster" reported Solat. "Use the prison inmate population as cheap labor, use the prisoners of war as well" ordered Valdez.
"Admiral, your preparations are thorough" said Papela Lot. "To the people of this world this is our home, we will never give it up without a fight" answered Valdez. "Good, as of now this is now a fortress world" replied Papela, "orbital defenses are operational and the system filled with our ships, any attacker coming in will face a wall of our ships. Our defense grid and planetary shields are fully operational and ready" answered Valdez.
"What about our ground defenses?" asked Papela to which General Wray answered "all cities are being fortified and possible landing sites zeroed for our artillery, all high ground has been occupied by fire bases with the roads ready to be mined. Space ports have had their anti air and ground defenses increased and medical facilities and power have been moved deep underground, we have a command bunker being built for you in the mountains as another fortress."
"I'm not leaving the palace and neither are my daughters" replied Papela. "We'll strengthen your underground tunnel network under the palace and turn it into a command and control hub" answered Wray. "Thank you General, I'll be needing updates daily from you and Mr Valdez" replied Papela. "As you command" said both brothers and they saluted the regent. Valdez was called away by a priority call. "Admiral Nathan Valdez?" asked the inquisitor on the screen. "I am, who is this?" Valdez asked. "You've been called to Terra, a ship will pick you and Marie Valdez up at Betazed" replied the Inquisitor. "May I ask why?" Valdez asked and the inquisitor gave his answer. "The ship's captain will brief you both en route, anything else cannot be discussed over subspace, inquisition out" answered the Inquisitor.
Valdez then asked Solat "I'll need you to cover things here while I'm away. I cannot tell you why as it's classified." "Understood Nathan, I'll keep things running smoothly here". Valdez then spoke to Marie and told her "we've been called to Terra, I cannot give the reason why, we'll be picked up by ship and briefed en route to Terra." "Understood dad, it must be important" Marie answered.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Sirrius Sector, Sol System
Terra Prime, Imperial Palace
Shade greeted Valdez with a curt nod, before soundlessly following him into the throne room. Both of them bowed at the end of am overpriced carpet.
"Your Excellency." Nathan and Emma said to the floor.
"Admiral, you are to be commended for your exemplary service to the Empire. We are pleased that the Klingons will serve as an example to others, and shall never be a problem again.... Shade has suggested your candidacy for the Imperial Inquisition, I am in-agreement. You need not make your decision immediately however- you've earned that much."
"You should've been made aware of events involved in the recent Romulan rebellion as it's been been termed. Part of Shade's mission during the Klingon campaign was to find any information linking the two events..."
Shade turned to the admiral. " I didn't find anything that links the two directly aside from a small group of Klingon warbirds during the first Romulan investigation. What I did find however was that there is indeed a link- your Federation counterpart. In 2390 he made an alliance with B'Vat, and his ship was seen during the battle of Sythus. I believe the Klingons were of the opinion their old allies were emerging from hiding and saw an opportunity."
The Emperor continued. "After all was said and done the Romulans fled... Their last known course has the warbirds that didn't go to the other reality running for the Gamma and Delta quadrants. Their intentions are unknown, as are their numbers. Admiral- I want you to devise several plans a possible worst case scenario to the best of your ability. If she accepts the offer to join Imperial Intelligence, your daughter Marie will be permitted to share information on the matter with you on a need to know basis... I thank you for time Admiral, you are dismissed."
Why do I still play and put money into STO?
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
"These Romulans are not strong enough to attack given their severe losses, they may have allies in the Delta and Gamma quadrants" noted Valdez. "After the beating they got at Sythus, if I was in their position, I would regroup and find allies" replied Marie. "They'll be back but stronger and bringing friends, potentially we may be facing a massive invasion from either the Gamma or Delta quadrants" answered Valdez.
"The distance from either the Gamma quadrant and the Delta quadrant is roughly 70,000 light years from the Empire, it would take years for them to get here, the wormhole at Bajor will need to be monitored vigilantly" replied Marie but she was countered by Valdez, "what about those Dyson Spheres?" he asked. "Interestingly, some of our ships have picked up a strange power signature in the Jouret System where there is clear space" answered Marie.
"A hidden gateway into the sphere?" asked Valdez and Marie answered "according to the Federation logs, in their reality there is a fully functioning Iconian space gate at Jouret. Chances are it's the same here." This got Valdez thinking, "What's the nearest known Iconian Gateway to Jouret?" he asked Marie. "That would be Brea III, it's the same Iconian power signature" answered Marie. "Interesting, the enemy would most likely use the spheres and gateways to attack into Imperial territory, we need to find these gateways to the spheres and if we cannot utilize them, they must be destroyed to deny them to the enemy" replied Valdez.
Shade walked into the room and said "Agreed, I was monitoring your strategy talk." "Nothing gets past you Shade" replied Valdez smiling, "admiral, have you considered the emperor's offer to become an Inquisitor?" Shade asked calmly. "Take the job dad, you could do much more than just being an admiral" said Marie. "I will take the job of Inquisitor but I do it as my duty to the Empire" replied Valdez. "Dad, I'll accept the the job to be a member of Imperial Intelligence. My talents would be put to better use serving the empire" said Marie.
Shade smiled, "who were your superiors in the Betazed sector?" she asked afterwards. "Fleet Admiral Sito Thay and Regent Papela Lot of Betazed" answered Valdez. "Can you trust them?" asked Shade and Valdez answered "I can plus I'm in a position to assist them against Leeta." "Me and my sister Trianna have been offered a posting on Sito's Enterprise" added Marie. "Will you accept a post to Sito's Enterprise?" asked Shade. "I will, all relevant information would be need to know" answered Marie. "I'll be assisting Sito directly, Marie will also assist Sito unless her orders conflict with the Emperor's" added Valdez.
"She won't like it" replied Marie and Valdez added "of course she won't but we will give her every bit of help she needs, we owe her that at least." "Agreed Inquisitor, make sure the Betazed, Trill and Bajor sectors are kept loyal, this sector has been causing us problems for years" said Shade handing Valdez over a PADD containing a list of systems in the Minos Korvos sector. "Mostly Cardassian populations" noted Valdez. "Here's someone of interest to you, Skrain Garok" replied Shade handing another PADD to Valdez.
Valdez took one look at Garok's face and it brought back that fateful day 31 years earlier. "I remember that face, he was the one who shot my biological parents. I've been after him for years trying to bring him to justice for what happened on Terra when he was overseer, that man is responsible for the deaths of at least 20 million Terrans" "How did you find this criminal?" asked Marie and Shade smiled and answered "he emerged from hiding and is leading an insurrection against the empire. Inquisitor, avenge your biological parents and bring Minos Korvos into line."
"With pleasure, this is a reckoning I've been waiting for. Garok will die by my hand" replied Valdez. Marie noted the face for future reference. "Dad, since we are on Terra, can we pay our respects to my grandparents?" asked Marie and Valdez answered "We will, if they were still alive they would be proud of you."
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
The Enteri'Is took up position in the middle of the Cardassian force. Her targets ship was less than 500 meters from her own hull.
Shade beamed on to the Keldon, making her way to the captain's quarters.
Garok entered his room later, giving confused look to the pile of ashes on the floor. Kneeling to inspect them in his hand, the door suddenly closed behind him. Invisible to his eyes Emma put her weapon to the back his neck.
"I don't recomend bringing your wife on military operations she's liable to have a terrible accident Energize."
On the brig of the Phantom rapidly leaving the scene to avoid the searh that would come when the Cardaisn realized the dispearance. Emma spoketo her prisioner with a knowijgn smile. "I've got someoen who's been dying to see you again Spoon-head."
Why do I still play and put money into STO?
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
On board the Agincourt, the entire Valdez family were having dinner together when Valdez got the call from Shade with "we've got him." Valdez smiled after taking the message. "Why's dad happy?" asked Trianna, Marie added "dad will tell you in his own time." Garok was delivered to the Agincourt 15 minutes later and Valdez decided to make an example of him.
"You remember me?" asked Valdez calmly. Garok refused to answer so Valdez used the old alliance records as ammunition. "31 years ago, Yukon labor camp" he recalled and Garok showed a slight response. "These two people here, their names were Juan and Maria Valdez" said Valdez showing him the picture. "You are the one who got away, you must be Nathan" replied Garok and Valdez poked deeper into the records not reacting to the taunt.
"You were overseer for Terra from 2377-2390, 20 million Terrans died under your rule" said Valdez reading Garok's record. "Expendable" sneered Garok and Valdez knew he had got the right man. "Thank you Garok" replied Valdez calmly. "Seal the room" he ordered to his guards and the room was cleared except for Garok. "Sealed and ready to vent" reported Dreisse, Valdez pushed the button himself and the room was vented. "Leave it off for an hour at least" he ordered to his guards.
"Make a recording, and distribute to propaganda. This is the fate of Alliance war criminals" Valdez ordered calmly. "Inquisitor" acknowledged Dreisse and she got to work. Valdez was smiling for the rest of the day and that caught Trianna's attention. The twins and Teanna soon found out why Valdez was smiling when he told them, "that explains it" said Marie and Trianna added "very creative dad." Valdez then replied "felt good pushing that button."
Post edited by theraven2378 on
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Miss Marie Valdez, I have a priority one encoded message for you and you alone." "Alright, I'll take it in my room." She went in to her room and activated the screen. Jodi appeared scowling. "Captain, how may I help you?" "Listen closely. There will be no record of this transmission in any logs. If you attempt to try and search for it, you will be killed. Repeat any of what you are about to hear to anyone they will be killed as will you. Do you understand?" "..." "I asked you a question." "I understand." "What Sito is doing is for the survival of the empire, not Emperor." "That is treason! The Emperor..." "Is only the latest in a line. Yet the empire survives. It is greater than one person. It will endure long after we are gone." Jodi paused to let that sink in. "What Sito is doing now would look to some as treason, however it is necessary for the empire to survive. And you and your family a posing a threat to that work. Understood?" "What do you want?" "Stay out of Sito's way. Do not hinder her in the slightest. Or else..." "Or else what?" "Your a smart girl. You figure it out." "Who are you?" "Pray to whatever deity you believe in that you never find out. And remember, we are always watching." The screen went blank.
Jodi sighed as a hand rested on her shoulder. "You did well." "Thank you ma'am." "Young lady, what have told you about that when we're alone?" Jodi smiled. "Sorry mother."
The crew of the Kronos warbird RDW Sky-Queen, had used their experience with Iconian technology to access the gateway computer system. Being one of the last 22 Union warbirds in Terran space every reasouce, every weapon, any possible avenue was to be exploited and turned against the enemy.
"Captain, the upload is nearly finished but there's an imperial scout coming to us."
"One Miranda.... let's see what kind of trap they're planning shall we?"
"I need a couple minutes ma'am." Said the Reman science officer.
The warbird cloaked and deftly came to fire on the frigate from the underside, shreading shields and shearing off a nacelle with its antiproton cannons. Then finishing off the bait with torpedoes.
Three Defiants sent a volley of phaser fire at their target, a photon torpedo catching the rapidly evading vessel.
The Sky-Queen used it's integrated Iconian gate to get behind an escort, quickly dispatching it.
"Wouldn't this be a good time to cloak?!"
"It's offline, hey got a lucky hit."
The warbird turned hard to starboard clearing an enemy line of fire, before once again bring it's own weapons to bear. Now to finish-
The Sky-Queens crew didn't have time to scream as the Lance of a dreadnought ripped through the ship.
Levtro system (Prime universe) 2719
"Did they finish?" Shivorn turned to Daniels.
"No," He sighed, before looking at Vulcan. "The good news is that the Empire will have significantly more trouble getting to the second sphere... Bad news is the gateway atJouret won't destroy itself."
Why do I still play and put money into STO?
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
"I won't forget that, I recorded it all" said Marie smiling. "Making threats against the emperor's operatives will not go unpunished. I've just pulled all my forces to Terra. Betazed is to be left on her own with no help if she is attacked" replied Valdez calmly. "I have the shut down code for her defense grid. The regent will see sense or lose her orbital defenses" answered Marie. "The best part is the regent has no idea we slipped out of the system quietly, your mother and Trianna are more than willing to assist us as well here at Terra" replied Valdez.
"Good, make sure she gets the message, shut down Medara's power grid as a demonstration" ordered Valdez. "As you command" and Marie shut down Medara's power grid remotely. "The cries of hungry citizens will bring the Regent to her senses, put an embargo on Betazed for good measure as well. An arrest warrant is to be issued for Kestrella Lot, she won't go easily so if she resists stun her and bring her to Terra" said Valdez calmly, Marie sent out the orders. "News from Jouret" reported Marie passing the PADD to Valdez. "Tell the captain of the Executor to retrieve the computer core from that ship and bring it to Terra" ordered Valdez.
"Order sent on a secure channel" replied Marie. "Valdez to Solat, move the fleet to Jouret and await instructions" Valdez then ordered and Solat took the fleet to Jouret as Inquisitional special ops secured the gate on Brea III. "Gate secured on Napada III as well" reported Marie. Valdez now put his teams to work on the gates, "The emperor will be wanting an update on progress" said Marie and Valdez made sure only Shade got the report. "His excellency is to be kept up to date on our progress at all times, Shade is the only person I can trust to deliver that information straight to the emperor" answered Valdez.
"Mom and Trianna want to show us something of interest" said Marie and they left for sickbay. "We found these in the Ceti Alpha system" said Teanna showing Valdez the insect like creature. "Here's the cool part, their young when introduced through the ear wrap around the victim's cerebral cortex rendering them susceptible to suggestion. Long term the victim goes insane as the creature grows" said Trianna. "Interesting" said Valdez smiling. "We tested them on some deserters, the results were promising" added Teanna. "Nice work, some days you two enjoy your work" joked Marie.
Post edited by theraven2378 on
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Thay, we're getting a message from Admiral Valdez in the Terran Sector." Sito's head perked towards her loyal captain. "He's calling for the arrest of Kestrella Lot?"
Puzzled by the turn of events, Sito sat down, not saying a word to anyone. 'What did she do?' Sito thought to herself. Captain Heath, however, was not finished. "We're also picking up a signal coming from Betazed; It's Papela Lot!"
"Betazed losses power and we receive a message calling for the arrest of one of her citizens?" Sito looked at Heath, placing her hand on hers. "What you're about to witness is what we call politics over here. Mr. Valdez is trying to show up my mother; I suspect he's hoping to make her appear incompetent to neighboring sector commanders."
Heath looked at Sito who was know leaning back on her chair. "What are you going to do? Have him killed?" Heath asked.
"No. Contact Bajor and Trill, tell them to divert aid to the people of Betazed immediately, then set a course for Betazed. I'll be in my office." Sito said as she left the bridge for the private walls of her room.
---- Sito's Office ----
Sito marched into her office, pointing at her Trill consort. "Out!" Sito cried at the Trill as she quickly departed without hesitation.
"Computer, open a secure line to Captain Lot. Tell her I want her to rendezvous with me at Betazed. Also, inform mother... Regent Lot I will be taking Kestrella Lot into custody." Sito gazed at her screen.
"Send a coded message to the Terra System. Advise Admiral Valdez I am open to trying to defuse this without the waste of Imperial resources on some pathetic power game." Sito looked out the window raising a PADD to her eyes and entering four words, fifteen characters long. 'You did not listen.'
"Fleet Admiral, this is no power play, the regent's past actions have been put into question. Turn those ships away from Betazed and release Kestrella Lot to Inquisition custody, we only want to ask her some questions. She will not be harmed" calmly said Valdez over subspace. "Kestrella Lot is an Imperial citizen, she's been loyal. Admiral, why the arrest warrant? " replied Sito. Valdez calmly answered "need I mention the regent lost a very high ranking prisoner and the theft of classified records?"
"Why Kestrella Lot?" asked Sito and Valdez told her "Kestrella Lot is important in an investigation. That's all you need to know fleet admiral. Valdez to embargo fleet, stop any ship trying to enter the Betazed system. You are authorized to arrest and detain anyone attempting to run the blockade" said Valdez. Sito protested the blockade order but was shut down by Valdez, "the sooner the regent comes to her senses, the sooner the power is turned back on and the blockade lifted. Fleet Admiral, you will keep your officers in order or they will face investigation. Report to Terra with Kestrella Lot and hand her over to my people along with all information concerning the Dyson Spheres and the Iconian gate network, remember we are always watching, one more thing give Jodi this message, "Do not threaten a loyal servant of the Empire, next time you will be arrested and brought to Terra for questioning. Tell Naynta any attempt by either one of you will result in arrest of the offender and brought to Terra for questioning, we will be watching you and Naynta very closely. I've also frozen your family's assets pending a further investigation" Valdez out."
"Shall I restore power as an act of good faith?" asked Marie and Valdez approved. On Betazed the power was restored but the embargo stayed. Back at Terra Marie recieved a message from Betazed, it was the regent. "Just the person I was wanting to speak to" said Valdez over subspace. "Why have you put an arrest order out on my daughter?" asked Papela and Valdez answered her question with "we just need to ask her some questions, she will not be harmed in any way."
"You are playing a dangerous game Inquisitor, remember that" replied Papela. "Your recent security failures got our attention, one of which led to a rebellion against the empire and destruction of Imperial property and a battle group. You've got your power back but the embargo stays until we are satisfied there has been no more wrong doing. Regent, keep your daughters in line. I've got an arrest warrant for Jodi here ready to be signed and sent, if she ever causes a problem that gets my attention I will issue the warrant, you are now under our scrutiny" answered Valdez.
"I see you have frozen my assets, part of your embargo?" asked Papela and Valdez told her "that's a different matter entirely, I hope your business dealings have been legal and above board because the last thing you need is a corruption investigation and we will find out if you have been doing deals illegally." The screen went blank and Valdez read the reports from his teams, the Executor also arrived and delivered the computer core from the RDW Sky-Queen.
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"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Ok. Once again we need to stop, back up and look at things.
There is NO evidence that the Regent told Jodi to make that call. NONE WHAT SO EVER! The only way we know it was because of the scene AFTER the call ended. Blaming the Regent for what Jodi did is like blaming her for Naynta's invasion and war with the prime universe. Accusing the Regent and attacking her planet with no proof is a death sentence for all involved.
I'm going to suggest that we ignore everything that happened from the call forward and that from now on the characters only act on what they personally experience, not what we read.
It's what the Regent has done in the past that's being brought up. Betazed is under embargo until the Inquisition investigation into the security breaches is over. The escape of a high ranking Federation admiral from a Betazoid prison and theft of classified information does not go unnoticed and that's put the Regent on the Inquisition's sensors.
The fact Sito got the stolen information back keeps her off the hook for now, though there is another solution. If Sito gives the Inquisition her intel on the Dyson spheres, the matter concerning Betazed may be quietly dropped. It's nothing personal just business and enforcement of the law which no one is above.
Jodi would never act alone usually. Kestrella just needs to answer a few questions and she's free to go, Valdez has no intention of harming her, he just needs her co-operation.
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"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I'm not sure the spheres would exist in this MU. The spheres were built around the time or after the fall of the Iconians ... It's possible they don't exist here. (maybe the Herald Sphere ... that one was old.) Or they've been abandond in the Andromeda Galaxy/Dark Space when Leeta attacked Iconia.
As for Papela/Betazed.
"need I mention the regent lost a very high ranking prisoner and the theft of classified records?"
What prisoner are you referring too?
the sooner the power is turned back on and the blockade lifted.
I've also frozen your family's assets pending a further investigation" Valdez out."
Power play? personal attack?
"You are playing a dangerous game Inquisitor, remember that" replied Papela. "Your recent security failures got our attention, one of which led to a rebellion against the empire and destruction of Imperial property and a battle group. You've got your power back but the embargo stays until we are satisfied there has been no more wrong doing. Regent, keep your daughters in line. I've got an arrest warrant for Jodi here ready to be signed and sent, if she ever causes a problem that gets my attention I will issue the warrant, you are now under our scrutiny" answered Valdez.
I'm not sure the spheres would exist in this MU. The spheres were built around the time or after the fall of the Iconians ... It's possible they don't exist here. (maybe the Herald Sphere ... that one was old.) Or they've been abandoned in the Andromeda Galaxy/Dark Space when Leeta attacked Iconia.
As for Papela/Betazed.
"need I mention the regent lost a very high ranking prisoner and the theft of classified records?"
What prisoner are you referring too?
the sooner the power is turned back on and the blockade lifted.
I've also frozen your family's assets pending a further investigation" Valdez out."
Power play? personal attack?
"You are playing a dangerous game Inquisitor, remember that" replied Papela. "Your recent security failures got our attention, one of which led to a rebellion against the empire and destruction of Imperial property and a battle group. You've got your power back but the embargo stays until we are satisfied there has been no more wrong doing. Regent, keep your daughters in line. I've got an arrest warrant for Jodi here ready to be signed and sent, if she ever causes a problem that gets my attention I will issue the warrant, you are now under our scrutiny" answered Valdez.
Uhmmm ... Terran Empire Civil War .2?
Ideally concerning Betazed, it is being dealt with legally and officially. The high ranking prisoner was Valdez's federation counterpart and the rebellion was led by that Valdez at first.
The blockade is there to ensure operational security in the Inquisition's investigation, that's why every ship trying to enter Betazed including the Enterprise is to be stopped and searched.
The freezing of assets is nothing personal, just business. Valdez prefers to fully investigate individuals and that includes financial records. It's no power play, Papela's assets will be released after the investigation is over.
Valdez could have taken what Papela said as a threat but he won't act on it unless Papela gives him good reason to. Papela has been notified why she's under investigation, she's got power back at least.
Jodi made the threat so that's made her a target for arrest if she ever causes problems again. Jodi knows the penalty for threatening a servant of the Empire, the warrant stands and it all depends on Jodi. Teanna has some new pets she has been playing with as a way of loosening suspect's tongues for questioning. Valdez wants no violence and for the Regent to co-operate with the law in the Inquisition's investigation.
It'll be the same for any sector commander who catches the Inquisition's attention, their systems will be legally embargoed and they will be fully investigated. Any found guilty are replaced with immediate effect, those found innocent are let off the hook but will be under extra scrutiny. If Sito refuses to stand down for Inquisition inspection and fires on the embargo, it will be her who starts a civil war. The information Sito gathered at Iconia is of interest to Valdez and his teams, their mission is to map the network and destroy it if it cannot be utilized.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I think you've just shot yourself in the foot. This is the Mirror Universe... publically ... the Empire is witnessing Valdez launching a blockade of Betazed for no apparent reason. That and in doing so, those ships would have to been pulled away from somewhere else leaving X, Y or Z lightly or undefended.
I visioned the Inquisitors as units that focus on internal threats to the Terran Empire. Granted I'm more than willing to entertain the idea they're not beyond corruption.
---- I.S.S. Enterprise ---- (Bridge)
Heath: "They've blockaded the trade lanes to Betazed. They're also sending out a message claiming to have frozen the Lot's family assets and all vessels, military and civilian will be searched upon approaching their position."
Sito: "Remind him I outrank him and send a message directly to the Agincourt and the Los Lobos, tell them to rendezvous at these coordinates in the Kinjun System and inform Heath ... Admiral Heath to assemble her task force nearby."
Ena: "You're going to attack them?"
Sito: "No. Not yet anyway ... We'll take a page out of Heath's book, but when the diplomacy fails, violence will be our only alternative.
He's attacked my home, my friends, my family and my authority! I'm not going to injure him, but he will be leaving this ship with a message."
Ena: "What kind of message?"
Sito: "The kind that only Jodi and Naynta can provide."
Inquisitor Valdez had not come alone, with him was a battle group of his best ships. "My people have finished on Betazed and we got what we needed. I've just ordered the embargo lifted and the Regent's assets have been released. She still has the Betazed Sector but I will give her this warning, her security has to be watertight from now on or she risks incurring the Inquisition's displeasure again" said Valdez over the screen.
"Is he backing down?" asked Heath to Sito, "no far from it, he's not risking an internal incident. I suspect though he will be watching Betazed very closely from now on" answered Sito. "Sito, you have distracted me long enough. I'm willing to drop the matter entirely if you hand over all data concerning the Iconians, those are my conditions" said Valdez over the screen. "What was your investigation's verdict?" asked Heath and Valdez gave his answer, "since the breaches were unforeseen circumstances, the regent gets to keep her job but there are conditions."
"What kind of conditions?" asked Sito and Valdez told Sito "an inquisition team has been deployed to the Betazed Sector, they will be monitoring security now on Betazed and the Regent's police forces will co-operate with them. The Regent is also to keep her daughters under control, Jodi has dodged a bullet but if she acts up or threatens any servant of the emperor again, she will find herself in one of my holding cells for questioning and judgement. Make sure she hears that, Valdez out." Valdez then took his battle group and left the system having dealt with the situation without firing a shot.
"Helm set course for Terra, warp 9.6" ordered Valdez and the fleet left for Terra. Back at Terra 48 hours later Valdez got his tech team to work on the captured computer core. "I want it isolated" ordered Marie and her team obeyed. Now she got to work decoding the computer core. Valdez decided to see how Teanna's experiment with the Ceti Alpha creatures were progressing. "Making progress I see" said Valdez looking at Alexander as the Ceti Alpha larvae were introduced.
"Leave it for a few hours" ordered Teanna and Trianna put the force field around Alexander. "I'll contact Shade, she will be interested in this" replied Valdez. "What's the official line on Betazed?" asked Trianna and Valdez answered "to the people of the empire, Betazed was a fleet exercise. If anyone questions it, they are to be arrested as enemies of the state and detained indefinitely"
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"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Marie had made progress on the captured computer core and she smiled at the information she had retrieved. "What did you find?" asked Valdez and Marie answered "the location of every Iconian Gateway in the galaxy and how to bring them online. We also have the locations of every RSU ship in imperial space." "How accurate?" asked Valdez and Marie punched up a star chart of Imperial space and she added Iconian power signatures to the search. "Lets see where these gates are" said Valdez as the chart lit up.
"There is a space gate at Jouret, problem is it's hidden in subspace" replied Marie. "What about our RSU intruders?" asked Valdez. "Only 21 of them left and they are running towards Iconia" answered Marie. Valdez sent an elite hunter killer battle group to Iconia to head the RSU survivors off. "We've found a gate on Betazed" said Marie.
"That could be a problem, the Lot family hate my guts. Send a special ops team to secure that gate. If the Regent or Sito tries to interfere, their forces are to be subdued or eliminated. Nothing gets in our way" replied Valdez. "Order sent, the team have been ordered to set weapons to stun" replied Marie. "Use the prefix codes to the Enterprise, I may need your talents for this" responded Valdez.
"What's the job?" asked Marie. "Get into the Enterprise's computer network remotely and download all intelligence on the Iconian gateways. Erase the files off Enterprise's computers afterwards, Sito will not beat us to the prize of those spheres" answered Valdez. "He he with pleasure" replied Marie and she got to work, less than five minutes later she had retrieved the information and erased Sito's logs on the gateways from Enterprise's computer. Marie laughed as she left a little surprise in the network, "a nasty little programme, Enterprise should start experiencing a massive computer crash any time now. Let's see how Sito likes being reduced to impulse in the middle of nowhere and the best part is that my little raid into Sito's computer will be wiped with the crash" she remarked.
"That will teach Sito for interfering where she is not welcome" replied Valdez smiling. "Sito does not know about my skill set" remarked Marie laughing. Valdez then asked for a update on his covert operations on Betazed and Marie reported "gate secured, no resistance." "What's up with our computer?" asked Valdez as the terminal crashed. "Heath, I should have taken her into account. She had my federation counterpart devise a defense against a cyber attack" answered Marie. "Good thing that terminal was isolated" replied Valdez.
"But I did get the programme, very clever Heath. Using Iconian viruses as computer defense" answered Marie.
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"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Status?" Sito barked. "All systems back on line," Heath reported. "Told you those offline backups were a good idea." "Congratulate yourself later. What happened and what's the damage?" "It was Marie. It has her signature all over it. They took all the data you had on the Iconians." "Damn it!" Sito shouted slamming her fist on her desk. "We were close to having it functional." "That we were," Heath agreed. "Another two weeks and we would have been ready for testing. By the way, here." Heath handed her a PADD. "What's this?" "I pulled from both imperial and federation records all the times she's done this hacking in battle. You have enough proof there to hang her for sabatoging an imperial ship if you want." Sito's scowl slowly turned into a grim smile. "You always know how to make me feel better." "Yes ma'am." Heath pulled a second PADD out from behind her. “What’s that? Heath smiled. “i said they got all the information you had. This is all the information that I have on the Iconians. Including our excavation and repair details. Since we got called back in an emergency I held off uploading it to the main computer just in case someone tried to gain access to it.” Sito’s eyes went wide. “No one else knows you have this?” “Commander Wheeler and her team gave it to me but their surly enough to be difficult if questioned.” Sito smiled “There are reasons I fantasize about you.” “I'm still not wearing that pink thing you got.” “Oh come on, you'd look adorable in it.” “Pink is not my color. Oh and I've had the computer warfare group upgrade our computer security with a few other toys I brought with me from the other place. Next time she tries that she's in for a very fatal surprise.” “I don’t know what I want more. To throw you on the desk and ravage you or get you on your way back there.” “We do have a problem though.” “Don’t ruin the mood. But what is it?” “Their watching us now. If we go back there they’ll know somethings up.” Sito scowled. “That’s true. I..” She trailed off as a look of sudden inspiration spread across her face. She tapped a code on her desk and unlocked a drawer. She pulled out a PADD and handed it to Heath. “What’s this?” Sito smiled. “This was to be a little piece of bribery to help bring you over to my side. But then things went to hell and I forgot about it. Now you’re already here it’ll be our salvation.” Heath looked over the PADD. “An old Miranda class ship?” “Keep reading.” Sito smiled as she watched to look of shock/surprise swept over Heath’s face. “How...” she stuttered. “The fleet yards were destroyed. Who was going to miss an old broken down museum piece? You are so cute when you’re stunned. I’ll have to do it more often. Of course we had to bring it up to current specs. I wasn’t going let you fly around in that death trap. She’s got current power system, weapons, shields and of course a cloak for sneaking around.” Sito stood came around the desk. “Get together the crew you need,” Sito said closing Heath’s open mouth with her finger. “I have enough duplicates that they’ll never notice anyone is missing. I’ll transport you there in my own special way. They won’t be able to track you. If he wanted that information then there's most likely people are already on the way there so be careful. I'll have back up near by if you need. If you can't secure it, destroy it. And when you get done we’ll celebrate properly. Until then…” Sito pulled her in and kissed her. The PADDs fell to the floor on top of each other. On the top one it read “USS Los Lobos” Miranda Class assault refit.
"Sito wants you hung" said Valdez to Marie. Marie laughed and replied "time to change identity, let's play a game of deception." "What have you got in mind?" asked Valdez and Marie answered "let Sito think she is winning, meanwhile we get the gate network operational as Sito is tied down on a wild goose chase across her sectors." "Pass it onto Sito that a gate has been found on Bajor, she will send teams to investigate and they will find nothing" replied Valdez.
"Sito is then humiliated, my attack on Enterprise's computer has been erased from all records. Sito has no evidence to hang me" said Marie laughing. "Send this to Sito, there has been an accident. Marie Valdez was tragically killed when her computer terminal overloaded" replied Valdez. "Message sent with 'evidence', Sito will think I am dead" answered Marie.
"What's the news from our gate teams?" asked Marie. "Sito's data has gained us progress, we should have part of the network operational within 48 hours" answered Valdez. "Thank you Sito, you have been helpful" replied Marie. "Shame Iblim and Obin did not want any part of this" answered Valdez. On Enterprise Sito got a call from Betazed, "Fleet Admiral Sito, why have my people been denied access to a recently uncovered gateway?" asked Papela.
"They are not my people, if I was running an operation like that, you would know" answered Sito. "I know, one more thing. The recent blockade has been called a 'fleet exercise' and citizens who have questioned it have disappeared" replied Papela. "How many?" asked Sito. "At least 50 so far and all in the middle of the night" answered Papela. "What were they charged with?" asked Sito. "When I asked, all I was told that it was classified" answered Papela.
"He has his operatives everywhere, even I don't know where they are" replied Sito.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Trianna was in her quarters finishing up a report for her father. The door chimed and Trianna said "enter." Heath walked in and asked Trianna to take a seat. "How can I help you captain" she asked Heath, Heath passed her a PADD and asked her to read aloud. After reading it, Trianna replied "interesting, looks like my dad's counterpart has put a bulls-eye on me." "It was intercepted and passed onto me, I'm increasing security for you, you are now a target for kidnap" answered Heath. Trianna noted it down.
"This would be a breach of the ceasefire, make sure dad gets this" replied Trianna. "He's got the report on his desk already, he has put precautions in place. I was on subspace to him this morning about it" said Heath. "What level of precaution?" asked Trianna and Heath answered "if they attempt to mount any operation against us, you are to be moved to a secure location out of the way."
"I'll thank dad but I'm staying. This ship is my home and her crew like a family to me, you understand that captain better than most" replied Trianna. "That's what I told your father, he mentioned you have the Valdez stubbornness" answered Heath. "I'll be on my guard just to be sure, thanks for the heads up captain" replied Trianna. "You are a credit to your father Trianna" answered Heath as Trianna lit a candle in a isolated box. "What's that for?" asked Heath.
"To remember my mom and my former crew mates answered Trianna, Heath noticed the Klingon armour and Bat'leth on the wall and asked "where did you get that? Excellent workmanship" Trianna smiled and answered "it was a gift from the other reality's B'Vat." "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but B'Vat is dead along with every Klingon in the other reality" said Heath. "What happened?" asked Trianna and Heath told her "B'Vat's rebellion was brutally crushed by your father's counterpart, he then proceeded on a campaign of total genocide against the Klingon people."
Trianna broke and had to sit down. "The monster, every Klingon?" she asked Heath and Heath answered "down to the last man, woman and child." "Some of those were friends and comrades" replied Trianna and Heath answered "It gets worse from there, he blockaded Betazed and cut their power, people were starting to starve by time he ordered the blockade lifted." "We have allies over there?" asked Trianna and Heath replied "keep this between us, I'll need you for a job. I'll be having a chat with Fleet Admiral Sito and I'll need you as an adviser when I meet with her next." "Captain, you did not need to ask. I'll help bring dad's counterpart to justice over this genocide" answered Trianna.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Callie: The Los Lobos is overpowered for a Miranda frigate. It's more than likely she'll blow her own weapon pods off before taken down by an enemy vessel.
Thay: You're not helping!
Callie: I think you're putting too much faith into this Federation captain. If she's anything like her record suggests, I still believe she's playing you for the right moment to return back to her universe.
Thay: I doubt she would do that with half of her crew still here.
Callie: Do you really have that much faith in her to complete this mission?
Thay: You don't know her like I do.
Callie: On that I am grateful. They'll be intercepted the moment they leave the Betazed System!
Thay: Why do you care so much?
Callie: I don't. You've ordered me and Naynta to stay around to keep you sane, as much as I'm willing to entertain the idea of-
Thay: You're trembling? You're worried about that fighter pilot? Cosl?
Callie: No!
Thay: Liar.
Callie: You gave them fighters! Fighters get torn about in every engagement! The life expectancy of a fighter pilot once deployed in less than 15 min-
*Thay puts the tips of her fingers over Callie's mouth*
Thay: I also gave them a way to interface with the fighters, which can be operated from their launch craft. You really think I'm going to waste lives in those death traps?
Callie: But What of Valdez and the Terra Fleet?
Thay: Leeta remains our top priority. I care little for the Humans and their internal bickering over glory and victory. The real threat is the genocidal Bajoran with a temporal warship.
Callie: If the Terra Fleet is following the orders of that fool then that would imply the Emperor is-
Thay: Yes, an interesting twist to things. A man with supposed god like powers giving a tactless fool like Valdez command of the home fleet is worth investigating.
Callie: We don't have sufficient forces to search for Leeta and combat forces loyal to the Emperor.
Thay: Which is why we will allow both problems to solve themselves.
Callie: Meaning?!
Thay: Meaning we wait. We'll secure our own sectors, and continue with ship construction and the recruitment of loyal worlds. Our fleets will stay within loyal sectors, until such a time comes that requires our assistance.
Callie: And what of Valdez and his 'request' of the Iconians? and this supposed gateway on Bajor?
Thay: With Bajor's proximity to the anomaly? I seriously doubt that.
If we compare the history of this universe to the others, the spheres were constructed after the attack on Iconia, by a species called the Solanae under guidance from the Iconians. I personally believe these Dyson Spheres do not exist in this universe.
Callie: what of the gateway network?
Thay: If it exists, then it must be destroyed, I don't have much faith in either Valdez or the Terran Empire to successfully operate Iconian technology.
Callie: We did. Our Empire defeated the Iconians-
Thay: At the cost of all life in the Andromeda Galaxy!
"We've got a problem with the Betazed gate" reported Marie. "What kind of problem?" asked Valdez and Marie punched up a display of Betazed. "That's the problem, the gate is in the Loneel Valley, a caldera to an ancient super-volcano. If that gate is activated or destroyed, the force-field keeping that magma below the surface will collapse" said Marie. "When was the last eruption of Loneel?" asked Valdez and Marie answered "700,000 years ago, typically super-volcanoes erupt on average every 640,000 years."
"An eruption of that scale would render the planet uninhabitable for years. The resulting refugee crisis would put a massive strain on Sito's resources" replied Valdez. "Problem is we need that gate" answered Marie. "Tell our teams to be careful and evacuate the other teams and operatives off Betazed just in case" ordered Valdez. "News from Jouret, Solat has activated the space gate, it's operational" reported Marie smiling.
"Now we activate the network in Romulan space. Let Sito have her sectors, prepare our entry teams for entering the network. Now we map it" ordered Valdez. On Betazed, the gate was activated and the gate team having taken precautions entered the gate. "When Sito finds out we've activated the network, she'll react" noted Valdez. At Jouret, Solat sent in the recon group into the space gate and they emerged in the Solonae sphere and deactivated the jump mechanism before activating a second gate into the Jenolan sphere disabling the jump mechanism.
"Solat to Terra, we're in" she reported over a secure channel. "We've just made the discovery of a millennium" said Valdez. "These spheres do exist and we have control of two of them" replied Marie. "Even without the Iconians, the Solonae did indeed build these. Sito was wrong about these spheres not existing" said Valdez smiling. "Lets make sure Sito does not find out that we've found and taken control of two spheres" replied Marie. "I'll update the emperor with the good news" answered Valdez.
Post edited by theraven2378 on
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
It was suppose to be Leeta's 'F' at first, but I didn't like the red version so I decided "sod it, I want 'my' Mirror Wars Enterprise"
(This was not built by me.)
Nice, looks good in those colours
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"We've lost contact with our recon group" reported Westin. "Did our team get to the core?" asked Solat and Westin reported "They're overloading it's core now. The resulting detonation will devastate that region of space for at least 20,000 light years." "Tell them to disable the gateway to the Jenolen Sphere" ordered Solat. The team carried out their orders and the Jenolan sphere gate was shut down permanently
"Solat to Terra, we found a massive Molindran armada. We've overloaded the Jenolan sphere's gate and disabled it" she reported to Valdez. "Copy that" replied Valdez. "We still have the Solonae sphere" reported Marie and Valdez smiled. "The emperor has just been updated, he supports Solat's decision" said Valdez, Marie agreed. "We've denied it to the enemy at least" she answered. "Updates from our other gate team?" asked Valdez. "Gateways have been been mapped and are under our control" reported Marie. "We've beaten Sito to the prize and we can send special ops teams to anywhere in the empire covertly and unseen" replied Valdez.
"Which gives us the advantage over our rival" said Marie. "The emperor will be pleased, we've given him the strategic and tactical advantage. If Sito tries to stop us, she will fail" replied Valdez smiling at his victory. "Do we send our teams into Sito's sectors?" asked Marie and Valdez gave the order to deploy teams to Sito's sectors, their orders were to track Sito's fleet movements and communications.
Post edited by theraven2378 on
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Those two spheres were built AFTER the attack on Iconia in the prime universe, If Leeta went back and killed the Iconians before they were built, I doubt they were built in the MU.
Without the Iconians, I doubt the Solanae would have built them. They would of had no reason to ... for all we know Leeta wiped them out too.
Even if they do, you've just shot yourself in the foot. Then blew it off with a shotgun. Terra is within that 20,000 LY gap. You just committed treason against the Terran Empire not to mention forcing everyone in the AQ to develop a new means of propulsion.
Admiral Valdez had studied the battlefield well and was moving his forces into position. He arranged his forces into a buffalo head formation. Shade was noting the way Valdez was moving the troops on the board, "Admiral, the emperor is watching this live at the Imperial Palace. Could you explain your strategy to his excellency" asked Shade, "Excellency, this is an old Zulu tactic called the horns of the buffalo. The head moves forward to draw the enemy in, then they are funneled into the loin as the head forms the horns which move round and encircle" briefed Valdez.
"How do you intend to provoke B'Vat into your trap?" asked the Emperor. "Make him angry, I will provoke him into attacking by calling him a coward. I studied his record very thoroughly" answered Valdez. "Thank you Mr Valdez, end this rebellion now" ordered the emperor and Valdez saluted. "Phase one, all ships form up and set the trap" ordered Valdez to his forces. "All ships reporting ready and in position" reported Ensign Andrew Westin. "Phase two, provoke your enemy into acting prematurely" said Valdez. "Know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of 100 battles" quoted Shade.
"Sun Tzu" replied Valdez smiling. "Sending message now" reported Shade, the message read "What honor is there sitting in your fortress? That is the strategy of a coward." "Lets wait and see. Shade, get your team together and do what you do best. You are to board the flagship covertly and terminate with extreme prejudice B'Vat and the entire rebel command. Feel free to cause as much disruption as possible. We'll avoid firing on the flagship" responded Valdez. "With pleasure" answered Shade and she left the astronomic lab.
Valdez's provocation had the desired effect. "Head, advance on the enemy" he ordered and the ships in the head of the formation advanced in an unbroken line drawing in the Klingon ships in on the loin as the head divisions became the horns. Valdez watched the situation develop and acted accordingly. So far he had only engaged with his Terran divisions, seeing the Klingon fleet being surrounded on three sides. "Phoenix and aristocracy forces, move in and engage their flanks and rear" was his next order. The Klingon rebellion was now being squeezed tighter and tighter as they are completely surrounded.
On the Klingon flagship, Shade got to work infiltrating through the bowels of the ship. "Target in sight" she thought calmly. Seeing the amount of soldiers blocking her route to her targets, Shade decided to improvise, "I need a distraction" Shade reported to Valdez covertly. "Knock out the enemy flagship's weapons and engines" Solat ordered to V'ran, he was the new tactical officer. "Firing now" he reported and the Agincourt's accuracy was pinpoint. "Weapons down" reported V'ran. Shade used the confusion and activated her personal cloak. Realizing the bridge was too heavily defended, Shade decided to lure the guards away by a bang.
The guards went down the corridor as Shade covertly entered onto the Bridge, using a programme created by Marie to lock the bridge down as the drone dispatched the bridge crew. Shade showed no mercy as the entire rebel leadership was wiped out by her hand. "Request extraction" she asked over the covert channel, Valdez beamed her straight to Astrometrics and congratulated her on a job well done. "Now we finish them for good, all ships interlock your fields and target their reactors" Valdez ordered to the fleet and signal "Witch's Cauldron" went out. "The infamous Valdez Witch's Cauldron?" asked Shade and Valdez answered "it is" smiling.
"All ships, fire" ordered Valdez calmly and the fleet made sure no Klingon were left alive on the battlefield, the rebellion had been swiftly and brutally extinguished. Valdez counted his losses, of his force of 600; he had lost 40 ships but they were recoverable at least. "Wiped out to the last" said Shade smiling, "what do we do about Qo'nos?" asked Valdez. "Let the emperor decide" answered Shade. The emperor gave the order himself, Qo'nos was to be wiped out with no mercy. Placing thalaron ships, they took up key position in orbit and fired. Qo'nos was now a dead world, over the next 2 weeks every Klingon populated world was wiped out without mercy.
"Such is the fate of those who would oppose us" said Valdez.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Admiral Valdez had rushed his fleets back to Betazed and prepared to make sure the system was ready for war. Valdez and General Wray visited the cities looking at good defensive positions to oppose any landing operations, the Imperial military began turning the cities into fortresses and an underground Bunker complex was in the process of being built in the Mountains near Rixx for the Regent as a command centre. Heavy ground emplacements were also being constructed to fire on any air and space assault.
In orbit, defense platforms were built in record time and numbers. In light of the dominion threat, the Regent had ordered the conscription of all military age citizens to fill out the ranks. Betazed was being militarized so any attack on the planet would be opposed by the entire population. Valdez's fleets now drilled to prepare for any hostile assault on the system. Valdez dealt with the space side of defense while General Wray dealt with ground defense. On the surface Teanna made sure all medical facilities were moved underground and were ready to take casualties and the civilian population were conscripted to build defenses.
One of the precautions taken was putting the power grid underground to protect it from orbital bombardment and food and medicine production increased in the event of a siege. The entire system had been put on lock down and the changeling moved to the capital secretly, no ship could leave or enter without authorization. To ensure the population were behind the regent, the secret police were out in force to crack down on dissent and defeatism. Marie and the regent's tech teams made sure all computers were locked down to stop any cyber attack.
To placate Sito, Valdez had brought her the last bottles of blood wine in existence as an apology. He had carried out the emperor's orders and now he carried out Sito's orders to make sure Betazed was being prepared for war. At the regent's palace, Valdez was reunited with his daughters and he smiled. "Dad, you should hear what propaganda is calling you" said Trianna and Marie added "you've been called the hammer over the crack down on the Klingons." Valdez laughed and replied "how original of them."
"Kestrella, how have they been?" Valdez then asked to Kestrella. Kestrella answered "Trianna took extra work but she has behaved, Marie has been on her best behavior as well." Valdez looked at the twins and told them "I expect you both to be calm from now on." "Yes dad" answered the twins. Teanna walked in and hugged Valdez and congratulated him on a job well done. Valdez now decided that the whole planet needed to be inspected from the air.
Trianna was the pilot on the shuttle, "That looks interesting" noted Valdez looking at the plains near Rixx. "Possible landing place?" asked Trianna and Iblim agreed. "Note this location for the artillery, Trianna take us over Rixx. I need to see the perimeter of the city" ordered General Wray. "Mark this for a perimeter defensive wall lined with infantry fighting positions and heavy weapon emplacements" replied Valdez. "We can use the buildings and cellars as fighting positions, set up barricades and minefields to funnel the enemy into preset kill zones in the squares" added General Wray.
Rixx's urban plan lent itself to defense with the streets and buildings forming multiple lines of defense all the way to the citadel and the Regent's palace. "Trianna, we need an aerial view of the citadel and regent's palace" said Valdez and Trianna took the shuttle over. "Fortify the steps and the walls to the regent's palace and set up covert transporter scramblers here, we'll need a shield generator to protect from orbital attack. Heavy weapons placed 100 metres apart with a strong garrison" said General Wray. "I remember charging up those steps 21 years ago, cost us a lot of people" replied Valdez and Trianna understood why the last assault on the Regent's palace was costly.
"Agreed, we lose the Regent's palace and Rixx, we lose Betazed" replied Valdez. "All other cities have been ordered to start construction on their defenses. We use the cities as fortresses to bleed the enemy through sheer attrition" added General Wray. "This world is more than an Imperial planet to us, it's our home" said Valdez and everyone on the shuttle agreed.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Shade's boots made no noise as she walked through the hallway of her ship, followed by Valdez MACOs.
"Once we get on board, the Klingons will move quickly to stop us.... You've all been briefed on your target of the primary reactor core, and the command center.... Each of you know your assigned group, and I have only one more thing to say,... We will show the galaxy what happens to any who would dare oppose the Empire!"
Two dozen different teams beamed onto the starbase this coupled with the simultaneous transport of multiple explosives created complete havoc for the defenders.
The group in the main reactor entrenched themselves after taking the room, preparing to repel the counter attack. Shade narrowed her gaze at the door and nodded.
The explosion created a dust cloud and several smoke grenades obscured the view beyond, green blaster fire flooded the hallway and the attackers took cover where they could. Emma flinched as she was blinded by a disrupted bolt that narrowly missed her head.
She checked her wrist screen, and moved a drone above the door. She'd lost one getting here she wasn't loosing another to.... Him. "I've been looking forward to this Alexander! You half Klingon PetaQ!" She bellowed mocking her adversary in his preferred tounge.
"You won't escape my blade this time assassin, come out of your hidding hole!"
"Why would I hide from a being of your intelligence?"
Emma disintegrated a charging warrior emerging from the doorway. "Return fire!" Now it was the invaders turn to unleash their weaponry, Shade sent their number forward, following in the rear a wicked smirk claiming her face.
Advancing into the chamber, Emma shot two of the rebellious Klingons from the side, preventing one bring down a MACO, with what would have been a well placed slash of his blade.
"Hold fire! That last one is mine!"
Her enemy was on the ground kneeling. Shades was caught off guard at the speed he jumped to his feet, and charged her, yelling so loud it was probably heard in space. The half-breed slammed into her body as she missed her shot. She grunted, at the impact and proceeded to start gouging her thumb into his eye and he crushed her into a console, falling back when the assassin devlivered two swift kicks to his face.
Emma rolled backwards off the other side of the machine as she dodged a bat'leth. Landing on her feet, Emma, wiped blood from a cut on her brow and charged foward jumping of the top if the sparking console and wrapped her mucseled legs around the aliens neck intending to break it with the impending fall.
She felt her rib crack, and Alexander pushed her off and brought his foot down on her wrist.
A resounding crack was heard throughout the room. Emma knocked his feet out from under him as she noticed a MACO going for his gun. "I hope you find Gre'Thor to your displeasure!"
Her drone fired at the distracted Klingon.
Struggling to her feet Emma held her wrist. "Turn off the life suport system- we're taking control of this base." She checked Alaexanders pulse- tough customer it seemed- that had been set to kill and he still had a pulse.
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
Sword teams 1 and 2 fought their way to operations, the Betazoid commandos carried out Shade's orders to the letter. Every room on the way to command was swept and cleared and walls breached to avoid corridors. "Operations surrounded" reported Major Lyanna Dreisse, Shade gave the order "move in and clear, leave no survivors." Dreisse acknowledged and made her move, the operations centre was breached and cleared with no quarter given and the commandos entrenched in the room covering the door.
"Operations secure" reported Dreisse over the comm channel. "You have access to environmental controls?" asked Shade, Dreisse reported "we're in and ready to vent all sections apart from the reactor and operations." Shade ordered Dreisse's team to put a forcefield around the reactor room and operations, Dreisse obeyed and reported "ready to vent." Shade then gave the order "vent them" and Dreisse vented the entire station apart from the reactor and operations suffocating the garrison. After pressurizing the station, Driesse and her teams set off for the extraction site. Shade's teams were also on their way to extraction with Alexander Son of Worf in cuffs. All teams were beamed to Shade's ship and a Loyal garrison deployed as her ship sped away to link up with the fleet.
On Agincourt, Admiral Valdez congratulated Shade and the MACOs. "Now Qo'nos is wide open, all ships set course for Qo'nos. We're ending this rebellion swiftly, there will be no quarter given and none asked" ordered Valdez. "What about the prisoner?" asked Solat. "Old friend, work with Shade and question him. Use Trianna's mind probes on him" replied Valdez, Solat and Shade left the bridge and went to the holding cells.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Admiral Valdez was supervising defense preparations from the Regent's palace. "How many citizens under arms?" he asked Solat. "So far 10 million in uniform and under arms. All other able bodied citizens not in uniform are digging defenses but they need to be built faster" reported Solat. "Use the prison inmate population as cheap labor, use the prisoners of war as well" ordered Valdez.
"Admiral, your preparations are thorough" said Papela Lot. "To the people of this world this is our home, we will never give it up without a fight" answered Valdez. "Good, as of now this is now a fortress world" replied Papela, "orbital defenses are operational and the system filled with our ships, any attacker coming in will face a wall of our ships. Our defense grid and planetary shields are fully operational and ready" answered Valdez.
"What about our ground defenses?" asked Papela to which General Wray answered "all cities are being fortified and possible landing sites zeroed for our artillery, all high ground has been occupied by fire bases with the roads ready to be mined. Space ports have had their anti air and ground defenses increased and medical facilities and power have been moved deep underground, we have a command bunker being built for you in the mountains as another fortress."
"I'm not leaving the palace and neither are my daughters" replied Papela. "We'll strengthen your underground tunnel network under the palace and turn it into a command and control hub" answered Wray. "Thank you General, I'll be needing updates daily from you and Mr Valdez" replied Papela. "As you command" said both brothers and they saluted the regent. Valdez was called away by a priority call. "Admiral Nathan Valdez?" asked the inquisitor on the screen. "I am, who is this?" Valdez asked. "You've been called to Terra, a ship will pick you and Marie Valdez up at Betazed" replied the Inquisitor. "May I ask why?" Valdez asked and the inquisitor gave his answer. "The ship's captain will brief you both en route, anything else cannot be discussed over subspace, inquisition out" answered the Inquisitor.
Valdez then asked Solat "I'll need you to cover things here while I'm away. I cannot tell you why as it's classified." "Understood Nathan, I'll keep things running smoothly here". Valdez then spoke to Marie and told her "we've been called to Terra, I cannot give the reason why, we'll be picked up by ship and briefed en route to Terra." "Understood dad, it must be important" Marie answered.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Terra Prime, Imperial Palace
Shade greeted Valdez with a curt nod, before soundlessly following him into the throne room. Both of them bowed at the end of am overpriced carpet.
"Your Excellency." Nathan and Emma said to the floor.
"Admiral, you are to be commended for your exemplary service to the Empire. We are pleased that the Klingons will serve as an example to others, and shall never be a problem again.... Shade has suggested your candidacy for the Imperial Inquisition, I am in-agreement. You need not make your decision immediately however- you've earned that much."
"You should've been made aware of events involved in the recent Romulan rebellion as it's been been termed. Part of Shade's mission during the Klingon campaign was to find any information linking the two events..."
Shade turned to the admiral. " I didn't find anything that links the two directly aside from a small group of Klingon warbirds during the first Romulan investigation. What I did find however was that there is indeed a link- your Federation counterpart. In 2390 he made an alliance with B'Vat, and his ship was seen during the battle of Sythus. I believe the Klingons were of the opinion their old allies were emerging from hiding and saw an opportunity."
The Emperor continued. "After all was said and done the Romulans fled... Their last known course has the warbirds that didn't go to the other reality running for the Gamma and Delta quadrants. Their intentions are unknown, as are their numbers. Admiral- I want you to devise several plans a possible worst case scenario to the best of your ability. If she accepts the offer to join Imperial Intelligence, your daughter Marie will be permitted to share information on the matter with you on a need to know basis... I thank you for time Admiral, you are dismissed."
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
"These Romulans are not strong enough to attack given their severe losses, they may have allies in the Delta and Gamma quadrants" noted Valdez. "After the beating they got at Sythus, if I was in their position, I would regroup and find allies" replied Marie. "They'll be back but stronger and bringing friends, potentially we may be facing a massive invasion from either the Gamma or Delta quadrants" answered Valdez.
"The distance from either the Gamma quadrant and the Delta quadrant is roughly 70,000 light years from the Empire, it would take years for them to get here, the wormhole at Bajor will need to be monitored vigilantly" replied Marie but she was countered by Valdez, "what about those Dyson Spheres?" he asked. "Interestingly, some of our ships have picked up a strange power signature in the Jouret System where there is clear space" answered Marie.
"A hidden gateway into the sphere?" asked Valdez and Marie answered "according to the Federation logs, in their reality there is a fully functioning Iconian space gate at Jouret. Chances are it's the same here." This got Valdez thinking, "What's the nearest known Iconian Gateway to Jouret?" he asked Marie. "That would be Brea III, it's the same Iconian power signature" answered Marie. "Interesting, the enemy would most likely use the spheres and gateways to attack into Imperial territory, we need to find these gateways to the spheres and if we cannot utilize them, they must be destroyed to deny them to the enemy" replied Valdez.
Shade walked into the room and said "Agreed, I was monitoring your strategy talk." "Nothing gets past you Shade" replied Valdez smiling, "admiral, have you considered the emperor's offer to become an Inquisitor?" Shade asked calmly. "Take the job dad, you could do much more than just being an admiral" said Marie. "I will take the job of Inquisitor but I do it as my duty to the Empire" replied Valdez. "Dad, I'll accept the the job to be a member of Imperial Intelligence. My talents would be put to better use serving the empire" said Marie.
Shade smiled, "who were your superiors in the Betazed sector?" she asked afterwards. "Fleet Admiral Sito Thay and Regent Papela Lot of Betazed" answered Valdez. "Can you trust them?" asked Shade and Valdez answered "I can plus I'm in a position to assist them against Leeta." "Me and my sister Trianna have been offered a posting on Sito's Enterprise" added Marie. "Will you accept a post to Sito's Enterprise?" asked Shade. "I will, all relevant information would be need to know" answered Marie. "I'll be assisting Sito directly, Marie will also assist Sito unless her orders conflict with the Emperor's" added Valdez.
"She won't like it" replied Marie and Valdez added "of course she won't but we will give her every bit of help she needs, we owe her that at least." "Agreed Inquisitor, make sure the Betazed, Trill and Bajor sectors are kept loyal, this sector has been causing us problems for years" said Shade handing Valdez over a PADD containing a list of systems in the Minos Korvos sector. "Mostly Cardassian populations" noted Valdez. "Here's someone of interest to you, Skrain Garok" replied Shade handing another PADD to Valdez.
Valdez took one look at Garok's face and it brought back that fateful day 31 years earlier. "I remember that face, he was the one who shot my biological parents. I've been after him for years trying to bring him to justice for what happened on Terra when he was overseer, that man is responsible for the deaths of at least 20 million Terrans" "How did you find this criminal?" asked Marie and Shade smiled and answered "he emerged from hiding and is leading an insurrection against the empire. Inquisitor, avenge your biological parents and bring Minos Korvos into line."
"With pleasure, this is a reckoning I've been waiting for. Garok will die by my hand" replied Valdez. Marie noted the face for future reference. "Dad, since we are on Terra, can we pay our respects to my grandparents?" asked Marie and Valdez answered "We will, if they were still alive they would be proud of you."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Shade beamed on to the Keldon, making her way to the captain's quarters.
Garok entered his room later, giving confused look to the pile of ashes on the floor. Kneeling to inspect them in his hand, the door suddenly closed behind him. Invisible to his eyes Emma put her weapon to the back his neck.
"I don't recomend bringing your wife on military operations she's liable to have a terrible accident Energize."
On the brig of the Phantom rapidly leaving the scene to avoid the searh that would come when the Cardaisn realized the dispearance. Emma spoketo her prisioner with a knowijgn smile. "I've got someoen who's been dying to see you again Spoon-head."
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
On board the Agincourt, the entire Valdez family were having dinner together when Valdez got the call from Shade with "we've got him." Valdez smiled after taking the message. "Why's dad happy?" asked Trianna, Marie added "dad will tell you in his own time." Garok was delivered to the Agincourt 15 minutes later and Valdez decided to make an example of him.
"You remember me?" asked Valdez calmly. Garok refused to answer so Valdez used the old alliance records as ammunition. "31 years ago, Yukon labor camp" he recalled and Garok showed a slight response. "These two people here, their names were Juan and Maria Valdez" said Valdez showing him the picture. "You are the one who got away, you must be Nathan" replied Garok and Valdez poked deeper into the records not reacting to the taunt.
"You were overseer for Terra from 2377-2390, 20 million Terrans died under your rule" said Valdez reading Garok's record. "Expendable" sneered Garok and Valdez knew he had got the right man. "Thank you Garok" replied Valdez calmly. "Seal the room" he ordered to his guards and the room was cleared except for Garok. "Sealed and ready to vent" reported Dreisse, Valdez pushed the button himself and the room was vented. "Leave it off for an hour at least" he ordered to his guards.
"Make a recording, and distribute to propaganda. This is the fate of Alliance war criminals" Valdez ordered calmly. "Inquisitor" acknowledged Dreisse and she got to work. Valdez was smiling for the rest of the day and that caught Trianna's attention. The twins and Teanna soon found out why Valdez was smiling when he told them, "that explains it" said Marie and Trianna added "very creative dad." Valdez then replied "felt good pushing that button."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Miss Marie Valdez, I have a priority one encoded message for you and you alone."
"Alright, I'll take it in my room."
She went in to her room and activated the screen. Jodi appeared scowling.
"Captain, how may I help you?"
"Listen closely. There will be no record of this transmission in any logs. If you attempt to try and search for it, you will be killed. Repeat any of what you are about to hear to anyone they will be killed as will you. Do you understand?"
"I asked you a question."
"I understand."
"What Sito is doing is for the survival of the empire, not Emperor."
"That is treason! The Emperor..."
"Is only the latest in a line. Yet the empire survives. It is greater than one person. It will endure long after we are gone."
Jodi paused to let that sink in.
"What Sito is doing now would look to some as treason, however it is necessary for the empire to survive. And you and your family a posing a threat to that work. Understood?"
"What do you want?"
"Stay out of Sito's way. Do not hinder her in the slightest. Or else..."
"Or else what?"
"Your a smart girl. You figure it out."
"Who are you?"
"Pray to whatever deity you believe in that you never find out. And remember, we are always watching."
The screen went blank.
Jodi sighed as a hand rested on her shoulder.
"You did well."
"Thank you ma'am."
"Young lady, what have told you about that when we're alone?"
Jodi smiled.
"Sorry mother."
The crew of the Kronos warbird RDW Sky-Queen, had used their experience with Iconian technology to access the gateway computer system. Being one of the last 22 Union warbirds in Terran space every reasouce, every weapon, any possible avenue was to be exploited and turned against the enemy.
"Captain, the upload is nearly finished but there's an imperial scout coming to us."
"One Miranda.... let's see what kind of trap they're planning shall we?"
"I need a couple minutes ma'am." Said the Reman science officer.
The warbird cloaked and deftly came to fire on the frigate from the underside, shreading shields and shearing off a nacelle with its antiproton cannons. Then finishing off the bait with torpedoes.
Three Defiants sent a volley of phaser fire at their target, a photon torpedo catching the rapidly evading vessel.
The Sky-Queen used it's integrated Iconian gate to get behind an escort, quickly dispatching it.
"Wouldn't this be a good time to cloak?!"
"It's offline, hey got a lucky hit."
The warbird turned hard to starboard clearing an enemy line of fire, before once again bring it's own weapons to bear. Now to finish-
The Sky-Queens crew didn't have time to scream as the Lance of a dreadnought ripped through the ship.
Levtro system (Prime universe) 2719
"Did they finish?" Shivorn turned to Daniels.
"No," He sighed, before looking at Vulcan. "The good news is that the Empire will have significantly more trouble getting to the second sphere... Bad news is the gateway atJouret won't destroy itself."
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
"I won't forget that, I recorded it all" said Marie smiling. "Making threats against the emperor's operatives will not go unpunished. I've just pulled all my forces to Terra. Betazed is to be left on her own with no help if she is attacked" replied Valdez calmly. "I have the shut down code for her defense grid. The regent will see sense or lose her orbital defenses" answered Marie. "The best part is the regent has no idea we slipped out of the system quietly, your mother and Trianna are more than willing to assist us as well here at Terra" replied Valdez.
"Good, make sure she gets the message, shut down Medara's power grid as a demonstration" ordered Valdez. "As you command" and Marie shut down Medara's power grid remotely. "The cries of hungry citizens will bring the Regent to her senses, put an embargo on Betazed for good measure as well. An arrest warrant is to be issued for Kestrella Lot, she won't go easily so if she resists stun her and bring her to Terra" said Valdez calmly, Marie sent out the orders. "News from Jouret" reported Marie passing the PADD to Valdez. "Tell the captain of the Executor to retrieve the computer core from that ship and bring it to Terra" ordered Valdez.
"Order sent on a secure channel" replied Marie. "Valdez to Solat, move the fleet to Jouret and await instructions" Valdez then ordered and Solat took the fleet to Jouret as Inquisitional special ops secured the gate on Brea III. "Gate secured on Napada III as well" reported Marie. Valdez now put his teams to work on the gates, "The emperor will be wanting an update on progress" said Marie and Valdez made sure only Shade got the report. "His excellency is to be kept up to date on our progress at all times, Shade is the only person I can trust to deliver that information straight to the emperor" answered Valdez.
"Mom and Trianna want to show us something of interest" said Marie and they left for sickbay. "We found these in the Ceti Alpha system" said Teanna showing Valdez the insect like creature. "Here's the cool part, their young when introduced through the ear wrap around the victim's cerebral cortex rendering them susceptible to suggestion. Long term the victim goes insane as the creature grows" said Trianna. "Interesting" said Valdez smiling. "We tested them on some deserters, the results were promising" added Teanna. "Nice work, some days you two enjoy your work" joked Marie.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Thay, we're getting a message from Admiral Valdez in the Terran Sector." Sito's head perked towards her loyal captain. "He's calling for the arrest of Kestrella Lot?"
Puzzled by the turn of events, Sito sat down, not saying a word to anyone. 'What did she do?' Sito thought to herself. Captain Heath, however, was not finished. "We're also picking up a signal coming from Betazed; It's Papela Lot!"
"Betazed losses power and we receive a message calling for the arrest of one of her citizens?" Sito looked at Heath, placing her hand on hers. "What you're about to witness is what we call politics over here. Mr. Valdez is trying to show up my mother; I suspect he's hoping to make her appear incompetent to neighboring sector commanders."
Heath looked at Sito who was know leaning back on her chair. "What are you going to do? Have him killed?" Heath asked.
"No. Contact Bajor and Trill, tell them to divert aid to the people of Betazed immediately, then set a course for Betazed. I'll be in my office." Sito said as she left the bridge for the private walls of her room.
---- Sito's Office ----
Sito marched into her office, pointing at her Trill consort. "Out!" Sito cried at the Trill as she quickly departed without hesitation.
"Computer, open a secure line to Captain Lot. Tell her I want her to rendezvous with me at Betazed. Also, inform mother... Regent Lot I will be taking Kestrella Lot into custody." Sito gazed at her screen.
"Send a coded message to the Terra System. Advise Admiral Valdez I am open to trying to defuse this without the waste of Imperial resources on some pathetic power game." Sito looked out the window raising a PADD to her eyes and entering four words, fifteen characters long. 'You did not listen.'
"Fleet Admiral, this is no power play, the regent's past actions have been put into question. Turn those ships away from Betazed and release Kestrella Lot to Inquisition custody, we only want to ask her some questions. She will not be harmed" calmly said Valdez over subspace. "Kestrella Lot is an Imperial citizen, she's been loyal. Admiral, why the arrest warrant? " replied Sito. Valdez calmly answered "need I mention the regent lost a very high ranking prisoner and the theft of classified records?"
"Why Kestrella Lot?" asked Sito and Valdez told her "Kestrella Lot is important in an investigation. That's all you need to know fleet admiral. Valdez to embargo fleet, stop any ship trying to enter the Betazed system. You are authorized to arrest and detain anyone attempting to run the blockade" said Valdez. Sito protested the blockade order but was shut down by Valdez, "the sooner the regent comes to her senses, the sooner the power is turned back on and the blockade lifted. Fleet Admiral, you will keep your officers in order or they will face investigation. Report to Terra with Kestrella Lot and hand her over to my people along with all information concerning the Dyson Spheres and the Iconian gate network, remember we are always watching, one more thing give Jodi this message, "Do not threaten a loyal servant of the Empire, next time you will be arrested and brought to Terra for questioning. Tell Naynta any attempt by either one of you will result in arrest of the offender and brought to Terra for questioning, we will be watching you and Naynta very closely. I've also frozen your family's assets pending a further investigation" Valdez out."
"Shall I restore power as an act of good faith?" asked Marie and Valdez approved. On Betazed the power was restored but the embargo stayed. Back at Terra Marie recieved a message from Betazed, it was the regent. "Just the person I was wanting to speak to" said Valdez over subspace. "Why have you put an arrest order out on my daughter?" asked Papela and Valdez answered her question with "we just need to ask her some questions, she will not be harmed in any way."
"You are playing a dangerous game Inquisitor, remember that" replied Papela. "Your recent security failures got our attention, one of which led to a rebellion against the empire and destruction of Imperial property and a battle group. You've got your power back but the embargo stays until we are satisfied there has been no more wrong doing. Regent, keep your daughters in line. I've got an arrest warrant for Jodi here ready to be signed and sent, if she ever causes a problem that gets my attention I will issue the warrant, you are now under our scrutiny" answered Valdez.
"I see you have frozen my assets, part of your embargo?" asked Papela and Valdez told her "that's a different matter entirely, I hope your business dealings have been legal and above board because the last thing you need is a corruption investigation and we will find out if you have been doing deals illegally." The screen went blank and Valdez read the reports from his teams, the Executor also arrived and delivered the computer core from the RDW Sky-Queen.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Once again we need to stop, back up and look at things.
There is NO evidence that the Regent told Jodi to make that call.
The only way we know it was because of the scene AFTER the call ended.
Blaming the Regent for what Jodi did is like blaming her for Naynta's invasion and war with the prime universe.
Accusing the Regent and attacking her planet with no proof is a death sentence for all involved.
I'm going to suggest that we ignore everything that happened from the call forward and that from now on the characters only act on what they personally experience, not what we read.
The fact Sito got the stolen information back keeps her off the hook for now, though there is another solution. If Sito gives the Inquisition her intel on the Dyson spheres, the matter concerning Betazed may be quietly dropped. It's nothing personal just business and enforcement of the law which no one is above.
Jodi would never act alone usually. Kestrella just needs to answer a few questions and she's free to go, Valdez has no intention of harming her, he just needs her co-operation.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
As for Papela/Betazed.
What prisoner are you referring too?
Power play? personal attack?
Uhmmm ... Terran Empire Civil War .2?
Ideally concerning Betazed, it is being dealt with legally and officially. The high ranking prisoner was Valdez's federation counterpart and the rebellion was led by that Valdez at first.
The blockade is there to ensure operational security in the Inquisition's investigation, that's why every ship trying to enter Betazed including the Enterprise is to be stopped and searched.
The freezing of assets is nothing personal, just business. Valdez prefers to fully investigate individuals and that includes financial records. It's no power play, Papela's assets will be released after the investigation is over.
Valdez could have taken what Papela said as a threat but he won't act on it unless Papela gives him good reason to. Papela has been notified why she's under investigation, she's got power back at least.
Jodi made the threat so that's made her a target for arrest if she ever causes problems again. Jodi knows the penalty for threatening a servant of the Empire, the warrant stands and it all depends on Jodi. Teanna has some new pets she has been playing with as a way of loosening suspect's tongues for questioning. Valdez wants no violence and for the Regent to co-operate with the law in the Inquisition's investigation.
It'll be the same for any sector commander who catches the Inquisition's attention, their systems will be legally embargoed and they will be fully investigated. Any found guilty are replaced with immediate effect, those found innocent are let off the hook but will be under extra scrutiny. If Sito refuses to stand down for Inquisition inspection and fires on the embargo, it will be her who starts a civil war. The information Sito gathered at Iconia is of interest to Valdez and his teams, their mission is to map the network and destroy it if it cannot be utilized.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I think you've just shot yourself in the foot. This is the Mirror Universe... publically ... the Empire is witnessing Valdez launching a blockade of Betazed for no apparent reason. That and in doing so, those ships would have to been pulled away from somewhere else leaving X, Y or Z lightly or undefended.
I visioned the Inquisitors as units that focus on internal threats to the Terran Empire. Granted I'm more than willing to entertain the idea they're not beyond corruption.
---- I.S.S. Enterprise ---- (Bridge)
Heath: "They've blockaded the trade lanes to Betazed. They're also sending out a message claiming to have frozen the Lot's family assets and all vessels, military and civilian will be searched upon approaching their position."
Sito: "Remind him I outrank him and send a message directly to the Agincourt and the Los Lobos, tell them to rendezvous at these coordinates in the Kinjun System and inform Heath ... Admiral Heath to assemble her task force nearby."
Ena: "You're going to attack them?"
Sito: "No. Not yet anyway ... We'll take a page out of Heath's book, but when the diplomacy fails, violence will be our only alternative.
He's attacked my home, my friends, my family and my authority! I'm not going to injure him, but he will be leaving this ship with a message."
Ena: "What kind of message?"
Sito: "The kind that only Jodi and Naynta can provide."
Inquisitor Valdez had not come alone, with him was a battle group of his best ships. "My people have finished on Betazed and we got what we needed. I've just ordered the embargo lifted and the Regent's assets have been released. She still has the Betazed Sector but I will give her this warning, her security has to be watertight from now on or she risks incurring the Inquisition's displeasure again" said Valdez over the screen.
"Is he backing down?" asked Heath to Sito, "no far from it, he's not risking an internal incident. I suspect though he will be watching Betazed very closely from now on" answered Sito. "Sito, you have distracted me long enough. I'm willing to drop the matter entirely if you hand over all data concerning the Iconians, those are my conditions" said Valdez over the screen. "What was your investigation's verdict?" asked Heath and Valdez gave his answer, "since the breaches were unforeseen circumstances, the regent gets to keep her job but there are conditions."
"What kind of conditions?" asked Sito and Valdez told Sito "an inquisition team has been deployed to the Betazed Sector, they will be monitoring security now on Betazed and the Regent's police forces will co-operate with them. The Regent is also to keep her daughters under control, Jodi has dodged a bullet but if she acts up or threatens any servant of the emperor again, she will find herself in one of my holding cells for questioning and judgement. Make sure she hears that, Valdez out." Valdez then took his battle group and left the system having dealt with the situation without firing a shot.
"Helm set course for Terra, warp 9.6" ordered Valdez and the fleet left for Terra. Back at Terra 48 hours later Valdez got his tech team to work on the captured computer core. "I want it isolated" ordered Marie and her team obeyed. Now she got to work decoding the computer core. Valdez decided to see how Teanna's experiment with the Ceti Alpha creatures were progressing. "Making progress I see" said Valdez looking at Alexander as the Ceti Alpha larvae were introduced.
"Leave it for a few hours" ordered Teanna and Trianna put the force field around Alexander. "I'll contact Shade, she will be interested in this" replied Valdez. "What's the official line on Betazed?" asked Trianna and Valdez answered "to the people of the empire, Betazed was a fleet exercise. If anyone questions it, they are to be arrested as enemies of the state and detained indefinitely"
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Marie had made progress on the captured computer core and she smiled at the information she had retrieved. "What did you find?" asked Valdez and Marie answered "the location of every Iconian Gateway in the galaxy and how to bring them online. We also have the locations of every RSU ship in imperial space." "How accurate?" asked Valdez and Marie punched up a star chart of Imperial space and she added Iconian power signatures to the search. "Lets see where these gates are" said Valdez as the chart lit up.
"There is a space gate at Jouret, problem is it's hidden in subspace" replied Marie. "What about our RSU intruders?" asked Valdez. "Only 21 of them left and they are running towards Iconia" answered Marie. Valdez sent an elite hunter killer battle group to Iconia to head the RSU survivors off. "We've found a gate on Betazed" said Marie.
"That could be a problem, the Lot family hate my guts. Send a special ops team to secure that gate. If the Regent or Sito tries to interfere, their forces are to be subdued or eliminated. Nothing gets in our way" replied Valdez. "Order sent, the team have been ordered to set weapons to stun" replied Marie. "Use the prefix codes to the Enterprise, I may need your talents for this" responded Valdez.
"What's the job?" asked Marie. "Get into the Enterprise's computer network remotely and download all intelligence on the Iconian gateways. Erase the files off Enterprise's computers afterwards, Sito will not beat us to the prize of those spheres" answered Valdez. "He he with pleasure" replied Marie and she got to work, less than five minutes later she had retrieved the information and erased Sito's logs on the gateways from Enterprise's computer. Marie laughed as she left a little surprise in the network, "a nasty little programme, Enterprise should start experiencing a massive computer crash any time now. Let's see how Sito likes being reduced to impulse in the middle of nowhere and the best part is that my little raid into Sito's computer will be wiped with the crash" she remarked.
"That will teach Sito for interfering where she is not welcome" replied Valdez smiling. "Sito does not know about my skill set" remarked Marie laughing. Valdez then asked for a update on his covert operations on Betazed and Marie reported "gate secured, no resistance." "What's up with our computer?" asked Valdez as the terminal crashed. "Heath, I should have taken her into account. She had my federation counterpart devise a defense against a cyber attack" answered Marie. "Good thing that terminal was isolated" replied Valdez.
"But I did get the programme, very clever Heath. Using Iconian viruses as computer defense" answered Marie.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Status?" Sito barked.
"All systems back on line," Heath reported. "Told you those offline backups were a good idea."
"Congratulate yourself later. What happened and what's the damage?"
"It was Marie. It has her signature all over it. They took all the data you had on the Iconians."
"Damn it!" Sito shouted slamming her fist on her desk. "We were close to having it functional."
"That we were," Heath agreed. "Another two weeks and we would have been ready for testing. By the way, here."
Heath handed her a PADD.
"What's this?"
"I pulled from both imperial and federation records all the times she's done this hacking in battle. You have enough proof there to hang her for sabatoging an imperial ship if you want."
Sito's scowl slowly turned into a grim smile.
"You always know how to make me feel better."
"Yes ma'am."
Heath pulled a second PADD out from behind her.
“What’s that?
Heath smiled.
“i said they got all the information you had. This is all the information that I have on the Iconians. Including our excavation and repair details. Since we got called back in an emergency I held off uploading it to the main computer just in case someone tried to gain access to it.”
Sito’s eyes went wide.
“No one else knows you have this?”
“Commander Wheeler and her team gave it to me but their surly enough to be difficult if questioned.”
Sito smiled
“There are reasons I fantasize about you.”
“I'm still not wearing that pink thing you got.”
“Oh come on, you'd look adorable in it.”
“Pink is not my color. Oh and I've had the computer warfare group upgrade our computer security with a few other toys I brought with me from the other place. Next time she tries that she's in for a very fatal surprise.”
“I don’t know what I want more. To throw you on the desk and ravage you or get you on your way back there.”
“We do have a problem though.”
“Don’t ruin the mood. But what is it?”
“Their watching us now. If we go back there they’ll know somethings up.”
Sito scowled.
“That’s true. I..”
She trailed off as a look of sudden inspiration spread across her face. She tapped a code on her desk and unlocked a drawer. She pulled out a PADD and handed it to Heath.
“What’s this?”
Sito smiled.
“This was to be a little piece of bribery to help bring you over to my side. But then things went to hell and I forgot about it. Now you’re already here it’ll be our salvation.”
Heath looked over the PADD.
“An old Miranda class ship?”
“Keep reading.”
Sito smiled as she watched to look of shock/surprise swept over Heath’s face.
“How...” she stuttered.
“The fleet yards were destroyed. Who was going to miss an old broken down museum piece? You are so cute when you’re stunned. I’ll have to do it more often. Of course we had to bring it up to current specs. I wasn’t going let you fly around in that death trap. She’s got current power system, weapons, shields and of course a cloak for sneaking around.”
Sito stood came around the desk.
“Get together the crew you need,” Sito said closing Heath’s open mouth with her finger. “I have enough duplicates that they’ll never notice anyone is missing. I’ll transport you there in my own special way. They won’t be able to track you. If he wanted that information then there's most likely people are already on the way there so be careful. I'll have back up near by if you need. If you can't secure it, destroy it. And when you get done we’ll celebrate properly. Until then…”
Sito pulled her in and kissed her.
The PADDs fell to the floor on top of each other. On the top one it read “USS Los Lobos” Miranda Class assault refit.
"Sito wants you hung" said Valdez to Marie. Marie laughed and replied "time to change identity, let's play a game of deception." "What have you got in mind?" asked Valdez and Marie answered "let Sito think she is winning, meanwhile we get the gate network operational as Sito is tied down on a wild goose chase across her sectors." "Pass it onto Sito that a gate has been found on Bajor, she will send teams to investigate and they will find nothing" replied Valdez.
"Sito is then humiliated, my attack on Enterprise's computer has been erased from all records. Sito has no evidence to hang me" said Marie laughing. "Send this to Sito, there has been an accident. Marie Valdez was tragically killed when her computer terminal overloaded" replied Valdez. "Message sent with 'evidence', Sito will think I am dead" answered Marie.
"What's the news from our gate teams?" asked Marie. "Sito's data has gained us progress, we should have part of the network operational within 48 hours" answered Valdez. "Thank you Sito, you have been helpful" replied Marie. "Shame Iblim and Obin did not want any part of this" answered Valdez. On Enterprise Sito got a call from Betazed, "Fleet Admiral Sito, why have my people been denied access to a recently uncovered gateway?" asked Papela.
"They are not my people, if I was running an operation like that, you would know" answered Sito. "I know, one more thing. The recent blockade has been called a 'fleet exercise' and citizens who have questioned it have disappeared" replied Papela. "How many?" asked Sito. "At least 50 so far and all in the middle of the night" answered Papela. "What were they charged with?" asked Sito. "When I asked, all I was told that it was classified" answered Papela.
"He has his operatives everywhere, even I don't know where they are" replied Sito.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Trianna was in her quarters finishing up a report for her father. The door chimed and Trianna said "enter." Heath walked in and asked Trianna to take a seat. "How can I help you captain" she asked Heath, Heath passed her a PADD and asked her to read aloud. After reading it, Trianna replied "interesting, looks like my dad's counterpart has put a bulls-eye on me." "It was intercepted and passed onto me, I'm increasing security for you, you are now a target for kidnap" answered Heath. Trianna noted it down.
"This would be a breach of the ceasefire, make sure dad gets this" replied Trianna. "He's got the report on his desk already, he has put precautions in place. I was on subspace to him this morning about it" said Heath. "What level of precaution?" asked Trianna and Heath answered "if they attempt to mount any operation against us, you are to be moved to a secure location out of the way."
"I'll thank dad but I'm staying. This ship is my home and her crew like a family to me, you understand that captain better than most" replied Trianna. "That's what I told your father, he mentioned you have the Valdez stubbornness" answered Heath. "I'll be on my guard just to be sure, thanks for the heads up captain" replied Trianna. "You are a credit to your father Trianna" answered Heath as Trianna lit a candle in a isolated box. "What's that for?" asked Heath.
"To remember my mom and my former crew mates answered Trianna, Heath noticed the Klingon armour and Bat'leth on the wall and asked "where did you get that? Excellent workmanship" Trianna smiled and answered "it was a gift from the other reality's B'Vat." "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but B'Vat is dead along with every Klingon in the other reality" said Heath. "What happened?" asked Trianna and Heath told her "B'Vat's rebellion was brutally crushed by your father's counterpart, he then proceeded on a campaign of total genocide against the Klingon people."
Trianna broke and had to sit down. "The monster, every Klingon?" she asked Heath and Heath answered "down to the last man, woman and child." "Some of those were friends and comrades" replied Trianna and Heath answered "It gets worse from there, he blockaded Betazed and cut their power, people were starting to starve by time he ordered the blockade lifted." "We have allies over there?" asked Trianna and Heath replied "keep this between us, I'll need you for a job. I'll be having a chat with Fleet Admiral Sito and I'll need you as an adviser when I meet with her next." "Captain, you did not need to ask. I'll help bring dad's counterpart to justice over this genocide" answered Trianna.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Callie: The Los Lobos is overpowered for a Miranda frigate. It's more than likely she'll blow her own weapon pods off before taken down by an enemy vessel.
Thay: You're not helping!
Callie: I think you're putting too much faith into this Federation captain. If she's anything like her record suggests, I still believe she's playing you for the right moment to return back to her universe.
Thay: I doubt she would do that with half of her crew still here.
Callie: Do you really have that much faith in her to complete this mission?
Thay: You don't know her like I do.
Callie: On that I am grateful. They'll be intercepted the moment they leave the Betazed System!
Thay: Why do you care so much?
Callie: I don't. You've ordered me and Naynta to stay around to keep you sane, as much as I'm willing to entertain the idea of-
Thay: You're trembling? You're worried about that fighter pilot? Cosl?
Callie: No!
Thay: Liar.
Callie: You gave them fighters! Fighters get torn about in every engagement! The life expectancy of a fighter pilot once deployed in less than 15 min-
*Thay puts the tips of her fingers over Callie's mouth*
Thay: I also gave them a way to interface with the fighters, which can be operated from their launch craft. You really think I'm going to waste lives in those death traps?
Callie: But What of Valdez and the Terra Fleet?
Thay: Leeta remains our top priority. I care little for the Humans and their internal bickering over glory and victory. The real threat is the genocidal Bajoran with a temporal warship.
Callie: If the Terra Fleet is following the orders of that fool then that would imply the Emperor is-
Thay: Yes, an interesting twist to things. A man with supposed god like powers giving a tactless fool like Valdez command of the home fleet is worth investigating.
Callie: We don't have sufficient forces to search for Leeta and combat forces loyal to the Emperor.
Thay: Which is why we will allow both problems to solve themselves.
Callie: Meaning?!
Thay: Meaning we wait. We'll secure our own sectors, and continue with ship construction and the recruitment of loyal worlds. Our fleets will stay within loyal sectors, until such a time comes that requires our assistance.
Callie: And what of Valdez and his 'request' of the Iconians? and this supposed gateway on Bajor?
Thay: With Bajor's proximity to the anomaly? I seriously doubt that.
If we compare the history of this universe to the others, the spheres were constructed after the attack on Iconia, by a species called the Solanae under guidance from the Iconians. I personally believe these Dyson Spheres do not exist in this universe.
Callie: what of the gateway network?
Thay: If it exists, then it must be destroyed, I don't have much faith in either Valdez or the Terran Empire to successfully operate Iconian technology.
Callie: We did. Our Empire defeated the Iconians-
Thay: At the cost of all life in the Andromeda Galaxy!
It was suppose to be Leeta's 'F' at first, but I didn't like the red version so I decided "sod it, I want 'my' Mirror Wars Enterprise"
(This was not built by me.)
"We've got a problem with the Betazed gate" reported Marie. "What kind of problem?" asked Valdez and Marie punched up a display of Betazed. "That's the problem, the gate is in the Loneel Valley, a caldera to an ancient super-volcano. If that gate is activated or destroyed, the force-field keeping that magma below the surface will collapse" said Marie. "When was the last eruption of Loneel?" asked Valdez and Marie answered "700,000 years ago, typically super-volcanoes erupt on average every 640,000 years."
"An eruption of that scale would render the planet uninhabitable for years. The resulting refugee crisis would put a massive strain on Sito's resources" replied Valdez. "Problem is we need that gate" answered Marie. "Tell our teams to be careful and evacuate the other teams and operatives off Betazed just in case" ordered Valdez. "News from Jouret, Solat has activated the space gate, it's operational" reported Marie smiling.
"Now we activate the network in Romulan space. Let Sito have her sectors, prepare our entry teams for entering the network. Now we map it" ordered Valdez. On Betazed, the gate was activated and the gate team having taken precautions entered the gate. "When Sito finds out we've activated the network, she'll react" noted Valdez. At Jouret, Solat sent in the recon group into the space gate and they emerged in the Solonae sphere and deactivated the jump mechanism before activating a second gate into the Jenolan sphere disabling the jump mechanism.
"Solat to Terra, we're in" she reported over a secure channel. "We've just made the discovery of a millennium" said Valdez. "These spheres do exist and we have control of two of them" replied Marie. "Even without the Iconians, the Solonae did indeed build these. Sito was wrong about these spheres not existing" said Valdez smiling. "Lets make sure Sito does not find out that we've found and taken control of two spheres" replied Marie. "I'll update the emperor with the good news" answered Valdez.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Nice, looks good in those colours
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"We've lost contact with our recon group" reported Westin. "Did our team get to the core?" asked Solat and Westin reported "They're overloading it's core now. The resulting detonation will devastate that region of space for at least 20,000 light years." "Tell them to disable the gateway to the Jenolen Sphere" ordered Solat. The team carried out their orders and the Jenolan sphere gate was shut down permanently
"Solat to Terra, we found a massive Molindran armada. We've overloaded the Jenolan sphere's gate and disabled it" she reported to Valdez. "Copy that" replied Valdez. "We still have the Solonae sphere" reported Marie and Valdez smiled. "The emperor has just been updated, he supports Solat's decision" said Valdez, Marie agreed. "We've denied it to the enemy at least" she answered. "Updates from our other gate team?" asked Valdez. "Gateways have been been mapped and are under our control" reported Marie. "We've beaten Sito to the prize and we can send special ops teams to anywhere in the empire covertly and unseen" replied Valdez.
"Which gives us the advantage over our rival" said Marie. "The emperor will be pleased, we've given him the strategic and tactical advantage. If Sito tries to stop us, she will fail" replied Valdez smiling at his victory. "Do we send our teams into Sito's sectors?" asked Marie and Valdez gave the order to deploy teams to Sito's sectors, their orders were to track Sito's fleet movements and communications.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Without the Iconians, I doubt the Solanae would have built them. They would of had no reason to ... for all we know Leeta wiped them out too.
Even if they do, you've just shot yourself in the foot. Then blew it off with a shotgun. Terra is within that 20,000 LY gap. You just committed treason against the Terran Empire not to mention forcing everyone in the AQ to develop a new means of propulsion.