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Some Praise for the developers, and some ideas how to make this game better?



  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    One other thing that would be appreciated by me, is an option to automatically remove certain stuff from my inventory. Walking through battlezones would be much more enjoyable if you didn't have to clear random white and green quality stuff every few minutes, stuff that you only pick up so that it can be discarded. Might as well discard it automatically.
  • jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    risian4 wrote: »
    nabreeki wrote: »
    risian4 wrote: »

    Why not? These devices have little added value in missions. 'Game actions' such as dropping a disco ball or using a special staff in social zones where no missions take place aren't important and should therefore include an option to be easily ignored if it annoys other players.

    It's up to those other players to decide whether they want to be influenced by such devices or not.

    Missions are not the be-all and end-all of STO for many of us players. Sure, it's something to do to pass the time (many of them aren't terribly interesting or inspired, in my opinion), but if you're narrowing what you think is "useful" or not to mission-only gameplay, then perhaps you'd be more comfortable playing a mission-driven single-player game. That's not how MMO's are run. Sure, they all have missions and storylines, but every successful mmo has much more than that as a way to keep players logging on. Social zones and items are nothing new to the genre.

    RP and emotes have little added value to missions, but they're in the game. I can ignore players who RP, but I still see the emotes on my screen.

    Sure, things may be different for various players. If you consider RP'ing and social zones more important than missions/queues/episodes etc., ok. But other players are not your little puppets. You're basically asking for other players to be turned into your puppets by requesting an item that would influence their actions in social zones and that would make you the focus point of those actions.

    The fact that you also don't seem to want an automatic option for others to opt-out of it, makes it harder to support such devices.

    Give people the freedom to decide whether or not to be influenced by such things and I'm all for it.

    You give these dental children too much credit. They don't want anyone to have an easy way out, because their entire existence is based on being annoying to everyone who is not them.

    You make excellent points, but you're casting pearls before swine.
    dareau wrote: »

    Of course, the below is "unprovable history" as it'll ultimately end in "he said, she said" - and there is a... lot... of heresay being bandied about. So:

    When I first started playing, Dental was "portrayed" as the "saviors" of the half-social, half-mission zone known as "Drozana Station, Ground". They would ply the (ab)use of "social zone accepted actions" like cryo grenades, fire extinguisher activation spam, "in your face" jumping antics, etc. to "dislodge" ERPers from the zone and keep it "child friendly".

    However, after multiple reports of their... hypocracy... in these matters, I ran a small, personal test. I left my male character "idle" on Drozana and watched these antics applied upon others, however, when I parked my first female toon there, she was the "recipient" of these actions - even when I didn't say a peep or hang within screen-distance of the "offenders". One might say that some of the... jumping... antics / positioning were... extremely suggestive...

    Dental has publicly displayed "questionable" signature designs extremely suggestive of Communist and Socialist regimes that place "the thoughts of the leadership" over the "thoughts of the masses". And they have recently shifted to "annoying" animated "tie-dye" GIFs / "borderline seizure inducing via repetitive blinking color pattern" signatures.

    Dental has a record of publicly championing the "questionable" uses of the Subspace Party Amplifier, and publicly using them "in spite of" multiple requests to not do so - and much as the Drozana rumors indicated, their presence was not restricted to a minimal number of instances, it was "widespread" in an effort to be seen by as many players as possible.
    I mean, they did this to the extent tha the Dev Team had to create "no amplifier" zones and applied the technology to the region around the Spock (Nimoy) Memorial.

    Now, while none of this is "wrong" in the "legal" sense, it does smack of "amoralizm" which many people (such as, admittedly, myself) find "wrong".

    Further "enhanced" by long-standing displays of haughtiness - such as an earlier statement that it only takes "half a brain cell to manipulate the exchange long enough to make 500 million EC and 'afford' my proposed opt-out" or other displays of such haughtiness / arrogance.

    Did I mention that it's not too hard to "read into" such a ridiculous price an "attempt" to "pay lip service" to providing an opt-out while, in all reality, making it to where the emote-forcer would be much more likely to force emotes? Whether or not said price/intent is the case?

    There you go - a few memories / "personal taints & opinions" as to why it's so easy to blame Dental / call them trolls...
  • jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited April 2016

    Gee surprise surprise look who the advocates and perpetrators are.

    Screenshots and all.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    risian4 wrote: »
    One other thing that would be appreciated by me, is an option to automatically remove certain stuff from my inventory. Walking through battlezones would be much more enjoyable if you didn't have to clear random white and green quality stuff every few minutes, stuff that you only pick up so that it can be discarded. Might as well discard it automatically.

    That would be a very welcome feature. Possibly including an option to automatically discard lockboxes as well (at least during the event). With 16 different lockboxes and lots of them dropping during ground combat your inventory fills up rather quickly.
  • thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    That's a lot of words to say "I'm an ERPer and I'm mad I got chased off of Droz because of it".

    It well and truly breaks the scare-quotes-per-sentence barrier I had previously thought existed for sake of clarity of meaning. (hint: it still exists. Use fewer of these. kthx)
  • gazurtoidgazurtoid Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    szim wrote: »
    That would be a very welcome feature. Possibly including an option to automatically discard lockboxes as well (at least during the event). With 16 different lockboxes and lots of them dropping during ground combat your inventory fills up rather quickly.
    Heh. While I could theoretically see a feature that autodiscards white/uncommon gear, one that discards lockboxes? Never!
  • jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    szim wrote: »
    risian4 wrote: »
    One other thing that would be appreciated by me, is an option to automatically remove certain stuff from my inventory. Walking through battlezones would be much more enjoyable if you didn't have to clear random white and green quality stuff every few minutes, stuff that you only pick up so that it can be discarded. Might as well discard it automatically.

    That would be a very welcome feature. Possibly including an option to automatically discard lockboxes as well (at least during the event). With 16 different lockboxes and lots of them dropping during ground combat your inventory fills up rather quickly.

    Oh good something normal to comment on. Yes, yes I totally agree with all of that. Inventory management in general could use some love.
  • thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    The feature exists, it's called buy-more-inventory slots. Lockboxes will stack.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    The feature exists, it's called buy-more-inventory slots. Lockboxes will stack.

    Not exactly what I had in mind but if you agree to buy me more inventory slots I'm fine with that ;-)
  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
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