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Some Praise for the developers, and some ideas how to make this game better?



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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    tousseau wrote: »
    OT, I know... but I keep getting "Goon Swarm" in my head where the vitriol is concerned against Dental...

    That is all it seems to be though... vitriol.

    I have yet to see anybody post or reference any conclusive evidence that Starfleet Dental has done anything wrong. All's I have ever seen is some very angry people go off on a tangent/crazy rant about why they don't like them, whilst never (ever) providing any evidence to backup their claims.

    As such, I view them in the same kind of category as 'tin foil hat/flat earth society' people.

    You are pathetic. You're groveling before them begging "Love me! Love me!"

    lol, disgusting.

    Nope. I am an independent person making up my own mind based upon evidence.

    What have I seen in game? A fleet who spends a huge amount of resources/time/effort supporting a dedicated channel to helping people. In addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What have I seen from you? A rant, and nothing else.

    Guess who wins Occams razor? (hint, it's not you).

    oh come off it. You're placing yourself as their pet.

    To what end?

    Please explain to me how your 'pet hate' and my disagreement with it can benefit me in anyway at all?
  • Options
    asdflksdfhasdflksdfh Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    I'm beginning to think these derail attempts are being used to shut down game player population discussion of developing game features. But that's ascribing an awful lot of capability to some. I would prefer if we could come together and discuss game features we'd like to see, as Dental AND others have posted.

    Because my god what a crafting revamp could do for STO...

    I like what they did to crafting. By removing Memory Alpha from the process and giving players reason to craft.

    What about crafting visuals?

    1) Select a visual in your crafting screen (learned, earned, bought schematics, etc).
    2) Craft them
    3) Double-click on the item visual token and click on the item you want to customize (Shield)

    I don't want to see prices get any more crazy than they currently are, so I would not like to see any more stats and power creep in crafting, XIV epic is enough for now. Gearing a character is way too expensive for the average player as it is.
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    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    tousseau wrote: »
    OT, I know... but I keep getting "Goon Swarm" in my head where the vitriol is concerned against Dental...

    That is all it seems to be though... vitriol.

    I have yet to see anybody post or reference any conclusive evidence that Starfleet Dental has done anything wrong. All's I have ever seen is some very angry people go off on a tangent/crazy rant about why they don't like them, whilst never (ever) providing any evidence to backup their claims.

    As such, I view them in the same kind of category as 'tin foil hat/flat earth society' people.

    You are pathetic. You're groveling before them begging "Love me! Love me!"

    lol, disgusting.

    Nope. I am an independent person making up my own mind based upon evidence.

    What have I seen in game? A fleet who spends a huge amount of resources/time/effort supporting a dedicated channel to helping people. In addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What have I seen from you? A rant, and nothing else.

    Guess who wins Occams razor? (hint, it's not you).

    oh come off it. You're placing yourself as their pet. You leap to their defense constantly, white knight for them even when they are the ones to start TRIBBLE, you willfully ignore their obvious nasty comments, everything adds up to you wanting to lie down at master's feet. You're the RCA dog looking in to the phonograph player.

  • Options
    captaintroikacaptaintroika Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    jros83 wrote: »
    ((I enjoy my USAA account, thanks.))

    Media-quoting is a popular nerd pasttime. I still think the device has merit in the setting, especially as a Ferengi-themed one.

    Go to Hell. Obvious liar is obvious. I will never, ever believe you have any uniformed military service. Ever. You are a simple forum troll with zero credibility. You can Google all sorts of TRIBBLE if you want to "prove" it. I don't care. All you will prove is your Googling is competent. That is all. Drop dead.

    Unless you INHERITED your USAA account.

    Your only purpose here, and the entire purpose of Dental Fleet fools here, is to cause problems, bait people, generate manipulated sympathy, and ultimately get people moderated out because you have friends on the forum mod team.

    You and your pals are nothing special. Asshats like you guys are a dime a dozen on forum communities.

    Settle down, Beavis.
  • Options
    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    jros83 wrote: »
    ((I enjoy my USAA account, thanks.))

    Media-quoting is a popular nerd pasttime. I still think the device has merit in the setting, especially as a Ferengi-themed one.

    Go to Hell. Obvious liar is obvious. I will never, ever believe you have any uniformed military service. Ever. You are a simple forum troll with zero credibility. You can Google all sorts of TRIBBLE if you want to "prove" it. I don't care. All you will prove is your Googling is competent. That is all. Drop dead.

    Unless you INHERITED your USAA account.

    Your only purpose here, and the entire purpose of Dental Fleet fools here, is to cause problems, bait people, generate manipulated sympathy, and ultimately get people moderated out because you have friends on the forum mod team.

    You and your pals are nothing special. Asshats like you guys are a dime a dozen on forum communities.

    Settle down, Beavis.

    As long as you are SF Dental, I will not taking anything you say seriously. So there's no point in you telling me to "settle down." Idiot.

    SF Dental is a troll fleet. Period. Your credibility is shot by association.
  • Options
    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    jros83 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    tousseau wrote: »
    OT, I know... but I keep getting "Goon Swarm" in my head where the vitriol is concerned against Dental...

    That is all it seems to be though... vitriol.

    I have yet to see anybody post or reference any conclusive evidence that Starfleet Dental has done anything wrong. All's I have ever seen is some very angry people go off on a tangent/crazy rant about why they don't like them, whilst never (ever) providing any evidence to backup their claims.

    As such, I view them in the same kind of category as 'tin foil hat/flat earth society' people.

    You are pathetic. You're groveling before them begging "Love me! Love me!"

    lol, disgusting.

    Nope. I am an independent person making up my own mind based upon evidence.

    What have I seen in game? A fleet who spends a huge amount of resources/time/effort supporting a dedicated channel to helping people. In addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What have I seen from you? A rant, and nothing else.

    Guess who wins Occams razor? (hint, it's not you).

    oh come off it. You're placing yourself as their pet. You leap to their defense constantly, white knight for them even when they are the ones to start TRIBBLE, you willfully ignore their obvious nasty comments, everything adds up to you wanting to lie down at master's feet. You're the RCA dog looking in to the phonograph player.

    Well it certainly seems when you get angry you resort to 'potty mouth'. Is that the be and end all of your argument?

    I have put forth a perfectly simple argument for your rebuttal, I shall state it again:

    What I have seen is based upon evidence is a fleet who spends a large amount of resources/time/effort to support a channel open to all in game, in addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What I have seen from you is nothing but 'rants'.

    Now, what is your logical rebuttal?
  • Options
    captaintroikacaptaintroika Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    jros83 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    ((I enjoy my USAA account, thanks.))

    Media-quoting is a popular nerd pasttime. I still think the device has merit in the setting, especially as a Ferengi-themed one.

    Go to Hell. Obvious liar is obvious. I will never, ever believe you have any uniformed military service. Ever. You are a simple forum troll with zero credibility. You can Google all sorts of TRIBBLE if you want to "prove" it. I don't care. All you will prove is your Googling is competent. That is all. Drop dead.

    Unless you INHERITED your USAA account.

    Your only purpose here, and the entire purpose of Dental Fleet fools here, is to cause problems, bait people, generate manipulated sympathy, and ultimately get people moderated out because you have friends on the forum mod team.

    You and your pals are nothing special. Asshats like you guys are a dime a dozen on forum communities.

    Settle down, Beavis.

    As long as you are SF Dental, I will not taking anything you say seriously. So there's no point in you telling me to "settle down." Idiot.

    SF Dental is a troll fleet. Period. Your credibility is shot by association.

    Nice meltdown.
  • Options
    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    tousseau wrote: »
    OT, I know... but I keep getting "Goon Swarm" in my head where the vitriol is concerned against Dental...

    That is all it seems to be though... vitriol.

    I have yet to see anybody post or reference any conclusive evidence that Starfleet Dental has done anything wrong. All's I have ever seen is some very angry people go off on a tangent/crazy rant about why they don't like them, whilst never (ever) providing any evidence to backup their claims.

    As such, I view them in the same kind of category as 'tin foil hat/flat earth society' people.

    You are pathetic. You're groveling before them begging "Love me! Love me!"

    lol, disgusting.

    Nope. I am an independent person making up my own mind based upon evidence.

    What have I seen in game? A fleet who spends a huge amount of resources/time/effort supporting a dedicated channel to helping people. In addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What have I seen from you? A rant, and nothing else.

    Guess who wins Occams razor? (hint, it's not you).

    oh come off it. You're placing yourself as their pet. You leap to their defense constantly, white knight for them even when they are the ones to start TRIBBLE, you willfully ignore their obvious nasty comments, everything adds up to you wanting to lie down at master's feet. You're the RCA dog looking in to the phonograph player.

    Well it certainly seems when you get angry you resort to 'potty mouth'. Is that the be and end all of your argument?

    I have put forth a perfectly simple argument for your rebuttal, I shall state it again:

    What I have seen based upon evidence is a fleet who spends a large amount of resources/time/effort to support an channel open to all in game, in addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What I have seen from you is nothing but 'rants'.

    Now, what is your logical rebuttal?

    My God, are you expecting them to satisfy you sexually or something?
  • Options
    captaintroikacaptaintroika Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    tousseau wrote: »
    OT, I know... but I keep getting "Goon Swarm" in my head where the vitriol is concerned against Dental...

    That is all it seems to be though... vitriol.

    I have yet to see anybody post or reference any conclusive evidence that Starfleet Dental has done anything wrong. All's I have ever seen is some very angry people go off on a tangent/crazy rant about why they don't like them, whilst never (ever) providing any evidence to backup their claims.

    As such, I view them in the same kind of category as 'tin foil hat/flat earth society' people.

    You are pathetic. You're groveling before them begging "Love me! Love me!"

    lol, disgusting.

    Nope. I am an independent person making up my own mind based upon evidence.

    What have I seen in game? A fleet who spends a huge amount of resources/time/effort supporting a dedicated channel to helping people. In addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What have I seen from you? A rant, and nothing else.

    Guess who wins Occams razor? (hint, it's not you).

    oh come off it. You're placing yourself as their pet. You leap to their defense constantly, white knight for them even when they are the ones to start TRIBBLE, you willfully ignore their obvious nasty comments, everything adds up to you wanting to lie down at master's feet. You're the RCA dog looking in to the phonograph player.

    Well it certainly seems when you get angry you resort to 'potty mouth'. Is that the be and end all of your argument?

    I have put forth a perfectly simple argument for your rebuttal, I shall state it again:

    What I have seen based upon evidence is a fleet who spends a large amount of resources/time/effort to support an channel open to all in game, in addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What I have seen from you is nothing but 'rants'.

    Now, what is your logical rebuttal?

    My God, are you expecting them to satisfy you sexually or something?

    They're waiting for you, Gordon. In the BANNED CHAMBER.
  • Options
    thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    They're waiting for you, Gordon. In the BANNED CHAMBER.

  • Options
    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    tousseau wrote: »
    OT, I know... but I keep getting "Goon Swarm" in my head where the vitriol is concerned against Dental...

    That is all it seems to be though... vitriol.

    I have yet to see anybody post or reference any conclusive evidence that Starfleet Dental has done anything wrong. All's I have ever seen is some very angry people go off on a tangent/crazy rant about why they don't like them, whilst never (ever) providing any evidence to backup their claims.

    As such, I view them in the same kind of category as 'tin foil hat/flat earth society' people.

    You are pathetic. You're groveling before them begging "Love me! Love me!"

    lol, disgusting.

    Nope. I am an independent person making up my own mind based upon evidence.

    What have I seen in game? A fleet who spends a huge amount of resources/time/effort supporting a dedicated channel to helping people. In addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What have I seen from you? A rant, and nothing else.

    Guess who wins Occams razor? (hint, it's not you).

    oh come off it. You're placing yourself as their pet. You leap to their defense constantly, white knight for them even when they are the ones to start TRIBBLE, you willfully ignore their obvious nasty comments, everything adds up to you wanting to lie down at master's feet. You're the RCA dog looking in to the phonograph player.

    Well it certainly seems when you get angry you resort to 'potty mouth'. Is that the be and end all of your argument?

    I have put forth a perfectly simple argument for your rebuttal, I shall state it again:

    What I have seen based upon evidence is a fleet who spends a large amount of resources/time/effort to support an channel open to all in game, in addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What I have seen from you is nothing but 'rants'.

    Now, what is your logical rebuttal?

    My God, are you expecting them to satisfy you sexually or something?

    Ahh, so you have no answer. You are simply here to rant and have absolutely no evidence to back up your rants. I think this pretty much wraps up the discussion as you have no logical rebuttal to put forth.

    Bye now.
  • Options
    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    tousseau wrote: »
    OT, I know... but I keep getting "Goon Swarm" in my head where the vitriol is concerned against Dental...

    That is all it seems to be though... vitriol.

    I have yet to see anybody post or reference any conclusive evidence that Starfleet Dental has done anything wrong. All's I have ever seen is some very angry people go off on a tangent/crazy rant about why they don't like them, whilst never (ever) providing any evidence to backup their claims.

    As such, I view them in the same kind of category as 'tin foil hat/flat earth society' people.

    You are pathetic. You're groveling before them begging "Love me! Love me!"

    lol, disgusting.

    Nope. I am an independent person making up my own mind based upon evidence.

    What have I seen in game? A fleet who spends a huge amount of resources/time/effort supporting a dedicated channel to helping people. In addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What have I seen from you? A rant, and nothing else.

    Guess who wins Occams razor? (hint, it's not you).

    oh come off it. You're placing yourself as their pet. You leap to their defense constantly, white knight for them even when they are the ones to start TRIBBLE, you willfully ignore their obvious nasty comments, everything adds up to you wanting to lie down at master's feet. You're the RCA dog looking in to the phonograph player.

    Well it certainly seems when you get angry you resort to 'potty mouth'. Is that the be and end all of your argument?

    I have put forth a perfectly simple argument for your rebuttal, I shall state it again:

    What I have seen based upon evidence is a fleet who spends a large amount of resources/time/effort to support an channel open to all in game, in addition to hosting events and give-aways.

    What I have seen from you is nothing but 'rants'.

    Now, what is your logical rebuttal?

    My God, are you expecting them to satisfy you sexually or something?

    Ahh, so you have no answer. You are simply here to rant and have absolutely no evidence to back up your rants. I think this pretty much wraps up the discussion as you have no logical rebuttal to put forth.

    Bye now.

    How many times are you going to say "bye" and yet continue to reply and comment at me...

    By the way, I like the part where you continually harassed a forum member to the point where they spammed you forum rules, but only they get moderated (actually they got outright banned) but you got absolutely nothing. Very interesting.
  • Options
    thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    jros83 wrote: »
    How many times are you going to say "bye" and yet continue to reply and comment at me...

    Probably once, because he doesn't have massive rage and last-word-having issues.
  • Options
    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    jros83 wrote: »
    How many times are you going to say "bye" and yet continue to reply and comment at me...

    Probably once, because he doesn't have massive rage and last-word-having issues.

    Except that he does and has shown it in both this thread and others. So... Also he's as much a troll as you are, and we all know trolls can't let anything go.
  • Options
    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    jros83 wrote: »
    By the way, I like the part where you continually harassed a forum member to the point where they spammed you forum rules, but only they get moderated (actually they got outright banned) but you got absolutely nothing. Very interesting.

    Yes, it is interesting. Particularly since you have just tried to do the same (I've deleted them by the way).

    Perhaps you and them are the same person?

    All very peculiar given you recent return ect.

    Oh, and in you are wondering. This is my final goodbye to you. :)

    Cheerio friend!
  • Options
    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »
    By the way, I like the part where you continually harassed a forum member to the point where they spammed you forum rules, but only they get moderated (actually they got outright banned) but you got absolutely nothing. Very interesting.

    Yes, it is interesting. Particularly since you have just tried to do the same (I've deleted them by the way).

    Perhaps you and them are the same person?

    All very peculiar given you recent return ect.

    Oh, and in you are wondering. This is my final goodbye to you. :)

    Cheerio friend!

    Oh gee look at that, I was right. Again. Say "bye" and then reply again.

    Yes bye. You're done now.

    (I invite mods to crosschecl IPs and regions. I have only ever had this one account, as if I need to defend that)
  • Options
    thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    You've shut down game development discussion almost singlehandedly after many attempts to keep it on topic. I don't think you know who the troll is here.
  • Options
    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    You've shut down game development discussion almost singlehandedly after many attempts to keep it on topic. I don't think you know who the troll is here.

    Yes. Keep pretending that anyone in SF Dental has a genuine interest in real discussion. You're totally not an immature troll fleet.
  • Options
    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    It's fine though. Some of us know SF Dental has forum mod friends, thus enabling you clowns to act any way you wish.
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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    jros83 wrote: »

    Oh gee look at that, I was right. Again. Say "bye" and then reply again.
    (I invite mods to crosschecl IPs and regions. I have only ever had this one account, as if I need to defend that)

    Oh, gee! Look! I am replying again (yeah I changed my mind, deal with it).

    I am now almost 99.9% sure you are the person who got banned spamming my wall. I.P's can be spoofed quite easily, and you have almost the exact same personality. And now you just 'happend' to turn up right afterwards with an urge to comment on something so obscure. (In addition to attempting to spam my wall again).

    All very 'interesting' don't you thing?

    I do.
  • Options
    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    LOL HE KEEPS DOING IT TOO that's the best part! That's hysterical. He literally can not help himself.
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    voyagerfan9751voyagerfan9751 Member Posts: 1,120 Arc User
    Wow, In an interesting note. even though I closed this thread (and my internet browser) the forums seemed to have kept my quotes were they were. So some of this might be a rehash. Sorry for that.

    nabreeki wrote: »

    I would also like the devs to revisit andoria and actually finished what was started there. The map itself is uninspired and could use some reworking, and the zone-wide dueling/pvp was never implemented. It's not much of a zone for anything right now, and has largely been forgotten, unfortunately.

    I know people are clamoring for DS9 updates and so on, but Andoria has been neglected since launch.

    Andoria definitely could use a revamp. As it is, it serves little reason to be in game. I have been out of the game/forums for a while now, so I am not sure why everyone wants DS9 'Fixed'. Seems fine the way it is to me.
    Would be nice to be able to really recycle things to get the base crafting components. Even if it's just half.

    I could get behind this too. Although R&D components don't seem that hard to come by, I do find it odd that we can break down a phaser/disruptor pistol and all we get out of it is some EC. Especially in a group that supposedly has no monetary economy (and before anyone goes there. Yes, I know it is an MMO and I know the realities of MMOs)
    asdflksdfh wrote: »
    I really like the new skill system and visual slots, even though there aren't many deflectors in the game which have visuals.

    Here's some things I want in the game.
    *Snip* .

    First, Know that I did read everything you wrote, but as I have a feeling this post is going to be long anyways, I figure I would not quote everything and cut the length down a bit.

    That said. Other then my personal feeling that the Dominion and Cardassian Union should be different factions (assuming they are/will ever become factions), I think all of them have merit. And there are some interesting things here.
    gazurtoid wrote: »
    Well. In an effort to get this thread back on track after that unpleasant derail, how about this:

    We already have the Discoball ingame, and it is here to stay. But what about similar devices for other emotes? Such as Mok'bara, Jumping Jacks, Press-ups, etc.

    These don't necessarily have to have a fancy animation like the disco lights (though I would welcome any ideas people might have), but would basically have the same effect as disco-balls, except instead of having (non-nullifier equipped) nearby players dance, it would make them do one of the above emotes. There would be different balls for each of the major emotes.

    I am against anything in this game that forces someone to do something that can not be unforced. And no, any nullification device to prevent unwanted interruptions in gameplay should NOT be expensive. You want to interrupt what I am doing to have some fun. You can pay whatever ridiculous amount you want. But I should not have to pay out the nose just because your definition of "fun" and my definition of "fun" do not agree.
    equinox976 wrote: »

    That is all it seems to be though... vitriol.

    I have yet to see anybody post or reference any conclusive evidence that Starfleet Dental has done anything wrong. All's I have ever seen is some very angry people go off on a tangent/crazy rant about why they don't like them, whilst never (ever) providing any evidence to backup their claims.

    As such, I view them in the same kind of category as 'tin foil hat/flat earth society' people.

    'Naming and shaming' is against the rules for a reason. For all we know this person with a grudge could be an ex fleet member. The 'body of knowledge' they have put forth is little more than 'I don't like them' so 'Whaaa!' I'll disparage them.

    Given the large number of people who are part of (or who have been) the Dental Fleet (I hear it is pretty big, but I am not one) it would not be surprising if a few nutcases got kicked out now and then and put forth these conspiracy theories.

    At the risk of derailing this thread again, I will say my peace and then drop it. Granted I have been away from the forums for a while, So in defense of Dental things might have changed, But from what I do know of them and their actions, they take great delight in exploiting aspects of the game to impose their own definition of fun on the playerbase, with little or no regard to the consequences to others or if their actions are wanted. And nothing I have seen in this thread has done anything to change that impression on me. I can not and will not support any actions they take or sympathize with them in any way so long as their actions continue to disregard anyone's thought or opinons beyond their own.
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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    jros83 wrote: »
    LOL HE KEEPS DOING IT TOO that's the best part! That's hysterical. He literally can not help himself.

    Yes, it's interesting is it not? I recall that the last person who spammed my wall used that word quite a bit too.

  • Options
    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
  • Options
    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    Wow, In an interesting note. even though I closed this thread (and my internet browser) the forums seemed to have kept my quotes were they were. So some of this might be a rehash. Sorry for that.

    nabreeki wrote: »

    I would also like the devs to revisit andoria and actually finished what was started there. The map itself is uninspired and could use some reworking, and the zone-wide dueling/pvp was never implemented. It's not much of a zone for anything right now, and has largely been forgotten, unfortunately.

    I know people are clamoring for DS9 updates and so on, but Andoria has been neglected since launch.

    Andoria definitely could use a revamp. As it is, it serves little reason to be in game. I have been out of the game/forums for a while now, so I am not sure why everyone wants DS9 'Fixed'. Seems fine the way it is to me.
    Would be nice to be able to really recycle things to get the base crafting components. Even if it's just half.

    I could get behind this too. Although R&D components don't seem that hard to come by, I do find it odd that we can break down a phaser/disruptor pistol and all we get out of it is some EC. Especially in a group that supposedly has no monetary economy (and before anyone goes there. Yes, I know it is an MMO and I know the realities of MMOs)
    asdflksdfh wrote: »
    I really like the new skill system and visual slots, even though there aren't many deflectors in the game which have visuals.

    Here's some things I want in the game.
    *Snip* .

    First, Know that I did read everything you wrote, but as I have a feeling this post is going to be long anyways, I figure I would not quote everything and cut the length down a bit.

    That said. Other then my personal feeling that the Dominion and Cardassian Union should be different factions (assuming they are/will ever become factions), I think all of them have merit. And there are some interesting things here.
    gazurtoid wrote: »
    Well. In an effort to get this thread back on track after that unpleasant derail, how about this:

    We already have the Discoball ingame, and it is here to stay. But what about similar devices for other emotes? Such as Mok'bara, Jumping Jacks, Press-ups, etc.

    These don't necessarily have to have a fancy animation like the disco lights (though I would welcome any ideas people might have), but would basically have the same effect as disco-balls, except instead of having (non-nullifier equipped) nearby players dance, it would make them do one of the above emotes. There would be different balls for each of the major emotes.

    I am against anything in this game that forces someone to do something that can not be unforced. And no, any nullification device to prevent unwanted interruptions in gameplay should NOT be expensive. You want to interrupt what I am doing to have some fun. You can pay whatever ridiculous amount you want. But I should not have to pay out the nose just because your definition of "fun" and my definition of "fun" do not agree.
    equinox976 wrote: »

    That is all it seems to be though... vitriol.

    I have yet to see anybody post or reference any conclusive evidence that Starfleet Dental has done anything wrong. All's I have ever seen is some very angry people go off on a tangent/crazy rant about why they don't like them, whilst never (ever) providing any evidence to backup their claims.

    As such, I view them in the same kind of category as 'tin foil hat/flat earth society' people.

    'Naming and shaming' is against the rules for a reason. For all we know this person with a grudge could be an ex fleet member. The 'body of knowledge' they have put forth is little more than 'I don't like them' so 'Whaaa!' I'll disparage them.

    Given the large number of people who are part of (or who have been) the Dental Fleet (I hear it is pretty big, but I am not one) it would not be surprising if a few nutcases got kicked out now and then and put forth these conspiracy theories.

    At the risk of derailing this thread again, I will say my peace and then drop it. Granted I have been away from the forums for a while, So in defense of Dental things might have changed, But from what I do know of them and their actions, they take great delight in exploiting aspects of the game to impose their own definition of fun on the playerbase, with little or no regard to the consequences to others or if their actions are wanted. And nothing I have seen in this thread has done anything to change that impression on me. I can not and will not support any actions they take or sympathize with them in any way so long as their actions continue to disregard anyone's thought or opinons beyond their own.

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    captaintroikacaptaintroika Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    jros83 wrote: »
    It's fine though. Some of us know SF Dental has forum mod friends, thus enabling you clowns to act any way you wish.

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    gazurtoidgazurtoid Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Good grief. A promising thread with some interesting suggestions made by several people for fun little additions to the game, is utterly derailed and will probably end up closed soon, simply because one player has some kind of personal issues with others (though has provided no real evidence of any wrongdoing) and can't resist trolling in every thread he can find.
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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    jros83 wrote: »

    Yeah. That 'command' does not seem to be working out so well for you. Nor does spamming people's walls and then pretending to be somebody else.
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    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
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    jros83jros83 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    equinox976 wrote: »
    jros83 wrote: »

    Yeah. That 'command' does not seem to be working out so well for you. Nor does spamming people's walls and then pretending to be somebody else.

    lol this asswagon keeps saying "bye" but then keeps talking to me lol
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