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  • jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    shantavi wrote: »
    <long whiny rant snipped>

    It's a TEST server. It's there to test out issues exactly like this. If you can't deal with it being a TEST server and *gasp* having bugs, you probably shouldn't be logging into it (and therefore, saving your download limit).

    And, since you obviously didn't bother to read the patch notes and just going into full on whine, Character Transfer was disabled for a week. It'll be back. But please feel free to write whatever conspiracy theories you want, I guess. Reading comprehension should never get in the way of a good rant.

    On the bug part....he's my evidence to back that....


    I'm sure you'll pay attention to the date.

    Here is where I found the solution to switch instances:


    Again check out them dates buddy.

    Why those are indeed 3rd party forum websites here is the official one where it is discussed:


    You already know what I'm gonna say here so I'll spare you.

    Aside from that, I also covered the fact that no one wants to do a ton of stuff for which they won't be rewarded....reading comprehension of what I said there would tell you I meant no one wants to level a character from 1-60 just to test how they are implementing the system throughout the leveling process of the game which is what the rest of the original post on this topic said cause I read it. If you are the exception to that then by all means have fun there, but all I wanted to test was the skill revamp itself (comprehension: the sole reason I used my download limit on tribble updates) which I couldn't even do cause they lied (comprehension: you have to do more than just the tutorial to be able to get to Drozana Station). At no point did I throw in any sort of conspiracy theories.

    Now run along cause your trying to make it seem like it's me when it's not. I can deal with a lot of things not but a constant barrage of fail nor people trolling my comments putting words in my mouth.
  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    shantavi wrote: »
    <long whiny rant snipped>

    It's a TEST server. It's there to test out issues exactly like this. If you can't deal with it being a TEST server and *gasp* having bugs, you probably shouldn't be logging into it (and therefore, saving your download limit).

    And, since you obviously didn't bother to read the patch notes and just going into full on whine, Character Transfer was disabled for a week. It'll be back. But please feel free to write whatever conspiracy theories you want, I guess. Reading comprehension should never get in the way of a good rant.

    On the bug part....he's my evidence to back that....


    I'm sure you'll pay attention to the date.

    Here is where I found the solution to switch instances:


    Again check out them dates buddy.

    Why those are indeed 3rd party forum websites here is the official one where it is discussed:


    You already know what I'm gonna say here so I'll spare you.

    Aside from that, I also covered the fact that no one wants to do a ton of stuff for which they won't be rewarded....reading comprehension of what I said there would tell you I meant no one wants to level a character from 1-60 just to test how they are implementing the system throughout the leveling process of the game which is what the rest of the original post on this topic said cause I read it. If you are the exception to that then by all means have fun there, but all I wanted to test was the skill revamp itself (comprehension: the sole reason I used my download limit on tribble updates) which I couldn't even do cause they lied (comprehension: you have to do more than just the tutorial to be able to get to Drozana Station). At no point did I throw in any sort of conspiracy theories.

    Now run along cause your trying to make it seem like it's me when it's not. I can deal with a lot of things not but a constant barrage of fail nor people trolling my comments putting words in my mouth.

    You will not have to level the character all the way to 60. Once you complete the tutorial and initial mission after, you will be ported to Space Dock. At that time, you can leave for sector space, head over to Drozana station and talk to the console inside the building. At that console, you will be able to pick up skill point boxes, free of charge, and level your character to 60 within a matter of seconds.

    Enjoy ;-)
  • jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    Thanks for figuring out how far we gotta go just to be able to use a console which was implemented for the sole purpose of testing! I assume you used a Federation character by the sounds of it but what about Romulans? After the experience I had....smh.
  • zebulongileszebulongiles Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Before the map was switched to a map per quadrant I had to complete a few missions past the one where you choose your ally to unlock additional sector blocks. Might not be the case anymore, unless access for Romulans to old destinations in the old sector block area is still tied to certain missions, for some reason or accidently skipped over during the sector map update perhaps or something, or a bug? If you still can't access Drazona file a bug report if you haven't already/

    And, I experienced a crash after first updating Tribble. Had the launcher verify files, and there was another update to Tribble, and then I was able to enter the Tribble server
  • mike03ucmike03uc Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    Thank you so very much for updating us on this. I damn near blew a gasket earlier when my beloved characters went poof. For the record, I am not a fan of the new system, but I do think it's an excellent system for most players, as it makes the skills progression simpler and easier to navigate. So, in other words, I hate the new system, but great job folks.
  • shantavishantavi Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    <snip more ranting yadda yadda>

    I also covered the fact that no one wants to do a ton of stuff for which they won't be rewarded

    Those people (and you it seems) aren't the kind of people who should be using the Test server then. Previewing stuff and not reporting the bugs in the proper forum (instead of just ranting ranting ranting on Reddit) does absolutely no good to anyone.

    "Back on topic. Destinii is correct."

    (Formerly Destinii until the 'Great PWE Forum Shakeup of 2012')
  • jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    Before the map was switched to a map per quadrant I had to complete a few missions past the one where you choose your ally to unlock additional sector blocks. Might not be the case anymore, unless access for Romulans to old destinations in the old sector block area is still tied to certain missions, for some reason or accidently skipped over during the sector map update perhaps or something, or a bug? If you still can't access Drazona file a bug report if you haven't already/

    And, I experienced a crash after first updating Tribble. Had the launcher verify files, and there was another update to Tribble, and then I was able to enter the Tribble server
    Before the map was switched to a map per quadrant I had to complete a few missions past the one where you choose your ally to unlock additional sector blocks. Might not be the case anymore, unless access for Romulans to old destinations in the old sector block area is still tied to certain missions, for some reason or accidently skipped over during the sector map update perhaps or something, or a bug? If you still can't access Drazona file a bug report if you haven't already/

    And, I experienced a crash after first updating Tribble. Had the launcher verify files, and there was another update to Tribble, and then I was able to enter the Tribble server

    So for a Romulan that's the entire first chapter of episodes -.- You know....how hard would it have been to just place the console at ESD, First City, and the Flotilla?? A lil foresight goes a long way.....speaking of....was this skill revamp system implemented with set piece bonuses in mind or is that a power creep/underpowered situation waiting to happen?
  • zebulongileszebulongiles Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    it could just be a bug, not being able to enter Drazona, fill a bug report, in game and here in the forums
  • afaernafaern Member Posts: 2 Arc User

    I'm sure you'll pay attention to the date.

    Here is where I found the solution to switch instances:


    Again check out them dates buddy.

    Why those are indeed 3rd party forum websites here is the official one where it is discussed:

    Yes, this has been an ongoing problem. Yes, it affects Holodeck, too. Yes, I once trashed 6 characters in a row trying to progress in this mission before doing it on another PC. No, it never occurred to me to try to switch instances in a non-social zone.

    I didn't (and won't) rant on forums about it. From my experience, it affects a very small number of people and it's probably difficult to reproduce which would make it nearly impossible to fix. You see, the devs need to understand what is happening in that situation before they can figure out how to fix it.

  • zebulongileszebulongiles Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    To any dev's, how do we unlock Tier 3 and 4 of the training manuals for Engineering, Science and Tactical in the new system to get those manuals for training our bridge officers. I don't see anything about training manual unlocks, unless I am missing something? or it doesn't show up for some reason. Thank you.

    Edit, I see it now, for each class, engineering, science, and tactical, on the bottom row of the skills window. The little lightening bolts on each line show what is unlocked for how many points spent in each category. So after we unlock all the training manuals in one branch, and retrain, do they stay unlocked while spending points in another area? I would think it stays unlocked. I just would like an official response if any dev's are able too. Thank you for your hard work on STO. :)

    Would that make it possible to unlock all bridge officer abilities shown for each bridge officer type that isn't from a lock box for each class, engineering, science and tactical?
  • mreboy3200mreboy3200 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Ok so, FSMs, SURs and Salvaged Technology are all getting their own Exchange category. So while you guys are in there fiddling with the Exchange codebase, why do we still have/need a Recipes category ?
  • jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    Ummm....so kemocite can't crit but now on tribble it can since this fix...can someone explain why on live server all this showed up???


    Just in case it's blurry its that first line..... Forcus All deals 20381 (19612) Radiation Damage(Critical) to you with Kemocite Explosion.

    If ever this here Cryptic team goes to Ker'rat and watches zone chat they would figure out what a lot of people fuss about and right now it's torps cause look!!!! JUST LOOK AT THEM!!! And don't bother mentioning I didn't make my ship right cause all that damage you see was done to my Kobali Samsar maxed rank with 57% Damage resist sitting still and AHH trait on while the only debuff i got hit with was kemocite. This is what I'm talking about when I say fix the old before making the new.
  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    so when the reputations were revamped they removed the choice at each rank to make it fair for everyone and yet here we are again with the new skill tree with the same thing they just got rid of from reputation.
  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Ummm....so kemocite can't crit but now on tribble it can since this fix...can someone explain why on live server all this showed up???


    Just in case it's blurry its that first line..... Forcus All deals 20381 (19612) Radiation Damage(Critical) to you with Kemocite Explosion.

    If ever this here Cryptic team goes to Ker'rat and watches zone chat they would figure out what a lot of people fuss about and right now it's torps cause look!!!! JUST LOOK AT THEM!!! And don't bother mentioning I didn't make my ship right cause all that damage you see was done to my Kobali Samsar maxed rank with 57% Damage resist sitting still and AHH trait on while the only debuff i got hit with was kemocite. This is what I'm talking about when I say fix the old before making the new.

    Hey look! The first of the crowd of haters to complain about Kemocite now that it is fixed because they can not afford it! Where have you all been? I think the line to start crying about Subspace Vortex is over there. LOL

    Seriously though, it is not live on holodeck. After I seen this screenshot, I fired up the parser and headed into an STF. Kemocite is still contributing a WHOPPIN 500 DPS to my DPS total with 0 criticals. My embassy consoles are almost tripling the DPS of kemocite. Not sure what was going on that screen shot of yours, but it definitely does not happen like that for me lol.
    Post edited by nateham101#2745 on
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Glad to see Concussive tachyon emission is being corrected. Edit: but I do wonder if it will still be worth it to have high aux power after these changes and the changes to particle generators.

    Too bad I can't copy my Science character to Tribble now :/
  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,925 Arc User
    Please fix the flashing Purchase Skill button and Purchase Skill icon. It was flashing before my character reached 5th level, and is still flashing when my character is 6th level and I've purchased all the skills I can.
  • jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    Ummm....so kemocite can't crit but now on tribble it can since this fix...can someone explain why on live server all this showed up???
    Because Kemocide still works for torps, obviously. This is a known fact.

    Yea used to work so well in fact that you didn't even have to activate kemocite for it to work everytime you use torp spread you just had to have it slotted on your ship....not sure if it's still like that but I do know Quantum Phase torps shield drain my Romulan drones if there too close to impact point which is just smh lol. And what about those 6 charge warhead chambers 0.o There like an AP Alpha isokinetic cannon with 400 PG hitting a ship debuffed with FoM just in a torp form 0.o I ain't mad I got whooped I'm just upset how it happened and the fact we're just a moving on with the game before really stopping to look at these things first.

    After looking at the skill revamp anyway damage numbers are gonna creep higher cause people will have more crit chance and crit sev than before so it's something that needs to be addressed before moving forward. Probably is a really good time to address buff stacking (from consoles and officer abilities) then cause it's obviously making things work much better, than I would believe, originally intended.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    Ummm....so kemocite can't crit but now on tribble it can since this fix...can someone explain why on live server all this showed up???


    Just in case it's blurry its that first line..... Forcus All deals 20381 (19612) Radiation Damage(Critical) to you with Kemocite Explosion.

    If ever this here Cryptic team goes to Ker'rat and watches zone chat they would figure out what a lot of people fuss about and right now it's torps cause look!!!! JUST LOOK AT THEM!!! And don't bother mentioning I didn't make my ship right cause all that damage you see was done to my Kobali Samsar maxed rank with 57% Damage resist sitting still and AHH trait on while the only debuff i got hit with was kemocite. This is what I'm talking about when I say fix the old before making the new.

    AFAIK Kemocite does not crit for Energy Weapons but works for torpedoes. The fix is for that.
  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    Ummm....so kemocite can't crit but now on tribble it can since this fix...can someone explain why on live server all this showed up???
    Because Kemocide still works for torps, obviously. This is a known fact.

    Yea used to work so well in fact that you didn't even have to activate kemocite for it to work everytime you use torp spread you just had to have it slotted on your ship....not sure if it's still like that but I do know Quantum Phase torps shield drain my Romulan drones if there too close to impact point which is just smh lol. And what about those 6 charge warhead chambers 0.o There like an AP Alpha isokinetic cannon with 400 PG hitting a ship debuffed with FoM just in a torp form 0.o I ain't mad I got whooped I'm just upset how it happened and the fact we're just a moving on with the game before really stopping to look at these things first.

    After looking at the skill revamp anyway damage numbers are gonna creep higher cause people will have more crit chance and crit sev than before so it's something that needs to be addressed before moving forward. Probably is a really good time to address buff stacking (from consoles and officer abilities) then cause it's obviously making things work much better, than I would believe, originally intended.

    Even with the torpedo kemo crit combo, it is still FAR underpowered. They have already nerfed it into oblivion. For an ability that is that rare and expensive, it should be were it was the first time imo. For PVE purposes it was fine. I have no desire to PVP in this game, mainly because it is a joke, so I can tell you what I think of it for that. But one thing is for sure, they should not be balancing this stuff around pvp. That small crowd of people can keep whining.
  • jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    Underpowered....huh...that's not quite the word I would have chosen but I'm curious what you think optimal powered numbers would look like then.
  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Underpowered....huh...that's not quite the word I would have chosen but I'm curious what you think optimal powered numbers would look like then.

    Yes, Underpowered. Why do you think almost no one is using this or buying this anymore? Players know it is broke.

    Well according the many parser reports I have ran, this thing is only contributing 5-600 dps in a conduit run. The highest I have managed to get it was 1k. 2 Embassy consoles are pulling 2k+. I see a problem there. When the fix is released to holodeck and it does not contribute at least 2k or more, ill put it away for good...
  • uglydiseaseuglydisease Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Can somebody explain shield hardening to me. The tooltip says "shields negate .2% of the damage they take per current point of shield power" and then allows you to put skill points in to increase shield hardness by as much as +100%, but this doesn't make sense they way I read it, because it implies that that the shields will never go down, and the only damage dealt to the ship will be through pass through or shield pen?
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    I think the space nurse doff was forgotten in those patch notes. The one that affects crew if below 75% crew.
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Also, the Jem'Hadar shield was forgotten. Also affects crew.

    It would be helpful if these were posted in the Bug subforum. Thanks for pointing them out! The Nurse has already been updated, but it looks like the JH Shield was overlooked in the first pass.

    what about boarding party and orion slaver hangar pets?

    boarding party costs crew to even be able activate, and one of its random effects is crew killing, and slavers have a small chance to steal enemy crew (though i couldn't even begin to tell you if this actually works, assuming it ever did)

    if they were both updated, what replaced those functions?​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
  • jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    Underpowered....huh...that's not quite the word I would have chosen but I'm curious what you think optimal powered numbers would look like then.

    Yes, Underpowered. Why do you think almost no one is using this or buying this anymore? Players know it is broke.

    Well according the many parser reports I have ran, this thing is only contributing 5-600 dps in a conduit run. The highest I have managed to get it was 1k. 2 Embassy consoles are pulling 2k+. I see a problem there. When the fix is released to holodeck and it does not contribute at least 2k or more, ill put it away for good...

    I've tested it now myself in some infected runs and yea it doesn't contribute a large amount to my overall dps table, however, I'm not running anything which would buff radiation damage and as well it is still at this point broken for energy weapons. Also, speaking of kemocite something else that strikes me odd about is that it is the only activatable BoFF ability with a chance to proc on energy weapons. LoL. That must be a recent change! Would be like giving Torp Spread a chance to proc a torp spread on torps after you activated the ability! Aside from that though given that Kemocite is also a debuff as well as a radiation driven ability I wouldn't expect it to do much damage on a ship with no radiation buffing power, but that debuff along with the coalition disruptors and an attack pattern beta 3 is nice. Really though in that instance Beta 3 is probably going a step too far with it and I would get more using just an omega 3. But still a 20k crit on it from a torp spread and a 12k non crit on it from the same torp spread is overpowered. That needs to be looked into imho.
  • tarastheslayertarastheslayer Member Posts: 1,541 Bug Hunter
    It was long overdue that Concussive Tachyon Emission got fixed, that power was being abused like no tomorrow.
    Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
    I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
  • genemorphgenemorph Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    WTF, from what I'm reading science is getting a nerf. The two main stats to science damage: Part gens and high aux. Science is already the lowest dps out of the classes/ships, so why the nerf? Typical Cryptic non-logic nonsense.
  • jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    genemorph wrote: »
    WTF, from what I'm reading science is getting a nerf. The two main stats to science damage: Part gens and high aux. Science is already the lowest dps out of the classes/ships, so why the nerf? Typical Cryptic non-logic nonsense.

    It's about time they did my friend. I still wish these DPS meters would come out with some damage effectiveness numbers cause when tbr can totally bypass shields on NPC's it makes damage effectiveness 100% which tactical and engineer damaging powers can't achieve. But don't worry as long as you go full sci path you'll get a 40% damage reduction from shield mastery...yea read it...40%. 20% of that will stack on top of your already OP fbp.

    Aside from that....news flash....the skill revamp is gonna be a nerf to quite a few things like power boosts for romulans unless they go full eng path. It's even going to affect impulse speed levels of everyone unless they go full eng path. Weapon power levels all of it....cause that warp core potential/efficiency we love so much is on down in eng path.

    I think it's going to be a good nerfing all around which has been long overdue for this game. However, I can see why I've been coming across more and more EBC torp boats....this skill revamp will only make torps better and with the recent Terran Rep system going the total opposite direction of where torps needed to go....well. EBC torp boats will still have nuclear missles when all the rest of us get butter knives comparatively speaking. Nerf torps into the ground (slam a nice long 30 sec global cooldown across launching multiple torps and give TS a 5 sec time to shoot instead of current 30 where you can TS one right after another basically) and we all might have rocket launcher then to be on a lil more equal playing field.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Benefits gained from Auxiliary power have been rescaled, so that low-Aux grants more benefit and high-Aux grants less benefit.
    This new scale pivots around 100 Aux Power, at which point no differences are present.

    I'm wondering what this exactly means? Will abilities that benefit from auxiliary power be less powerful if Aux is set at something higher than 100? Or are there diminishing returns above 100 aux power setting?

    Quite a difference, cause if it's the former, then there's literally no reason to have auxiliary power above 100 and that would be pretty bad. If it's the latter, then it might still be useful to set aux power at 125 or 130.

    Edit: the former would be bad as in, completely render specific warp cores etc useless. So I'm assuming it's the latter? That there are diminishing returns above 100, but at 130 auxiliary power our sci abilities will still be more powerful than at 100 aux power? It would be the logical thing to do.
  • primar13primar13 Member Posts: 1,896 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2016
    risian4 wrote: »
    Benefits gained from Auxiliary power have been rescaled, so that low-Aux grants more benefit and high-Aux grants less benefit.
    This new scale pivots around 100 Aux Power, at which point no differences are present.

    I'm wondering what this exactly means? Will abilities that benefit from auxiliary power be less powerful if Aux is set at something higher than 100? Or are there diminishing returns above 100 aux power setting?

    Quite a difference, cause if it's the former, then there's literally no reason to have auxiliary power above 100 and that would be pretty bad. If it's the latter, then it might still be useful to set aux power at 125 or 130.

    Edit: the former would be bad as in, completely render specific warp cores etc useless. So I'm assuming it's the latter? That there are diminishing returns above 100, but at 130 auxiliary power our sci abilities will still be more powerful than at 100 aux power? It would be the logical thing to do.

    Regarding the Changes to Aux Power

  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    Ah thanks :)

    Phew. Good to see I didn't buy my +aux and +max aux gear for nothing then :)
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