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Skill System Revamp



  • wwwwoodywwwwoody Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    toiva wrote: »
    kelettes wrote: »
    toiva wrote: »
    I use crouch a lot, it gives many benefits from a range of gear pieces. But I never learned what aim was...

    Basically it's an alt. firing mode that you can keybind -- for the middle mouse button for example.
    It's analogous to "aiming down the sights of a weapon", and gets you roughly +30% damage on every shot fired while "aiming".

    The commando spec. boosts aim with crit chance, and the new skill revamp slaps that with an unlock that boost the raw damage bonus.

    Find it quite handy, I do :3

    Any idea what the default keybind of it is?

    The only alternate firing mode I know is by default 'B' and that's the first-person shooter.

    X is what it is on mine, I'm fairly certain I haven't changed any bindings. If you use it, there is an option in controls so choose whether the camera zooms in or not when using it, I found the zoom annoying, but it can be turned off.
  • metlz#6056 metlz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    the specialization tree should have been reset with the introduction of the strategic tree. I wasted a free revamp of skills token to see if that would do the trick...but no. reset specialization as well.
  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    The one thing I don't like is the removal of the skills reset and accept feature, I guess this was done to make people buy more retrain tokens. :/
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
  • keletteskelettes Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    avoozuul wrote: »
    The one thing I don't like is the removal of the skills reset and accept feature, I guess this was done to make people buy more retrain tokens. :/


    This should help :smile:

    Spread the word!
    "Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
    "To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
  • xanime0xxanime0x Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    I see this skill change as a nerffing in a way as you lose DPS in some ways and skills choices of moves and skills that were there. This skill tree is as a Wiffle ball bat compared to the other skill set which a was a Louisville slugger bat. It lacks real choices and dose not make up for what was lost. I see it as a step backwards. I see how it can be easier for the Dev to track and the programmers to program. but i see no improvement as in it being better than what was there be for. I see less strategy in this skill set now as what there was in the other skill set. i see it setting up as a mindless point and shoot and forget skill set as in boring and no real thinking behind it. I see this as a way to slow us down and work with less.
  • psiversepsiverse Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    eldritchx wrote: »
    I really got turned off by the choice of aim or crouch at one point. I don't need either and never bothered using either. So giving on that "choice" is like a waste.
    toiva wrote: »
    I use crouch a lot, it gives many benefits from a range of gear pieces. But I never learned what aim was...

    I don't die by standing up and just firing. So it's kind of blah IMO but to force a choice of which can benefit when not using either and never will is seen as a lack of choice in this cookie cutter system.

    If you're too stubborn/stupid to use abilities that have quite meaningful bonuses in combat, don't claim that as a reason for not having options that boost them. Plenty of other, smarter, players will appreciate it.

    Or might be you're the one that is too stubborn/stupid to waste time on it in this game. It's not necessary to get in crouch or aim position to kill things. Thus it's a choice. No need to be a complete jerk on it. The game isn't that difficult that you can't survive without aim or crouch. And if it is for you, then might be it's you that is not smarter if you are too stupid to feel you have to use it in a forced way. Nobody is against allowing it to be used by saying a game is built on choice or customization, forced is far from either of those two claims Cryptic has made about their games.
    If you destroy your fleet by taking your ball and going home, why should the next group of people trust you will lead the fleet properly? Things that make you go hmmmm.
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    Terrible is all I can say about the skill revamp.
  • adorkabledoriadorkabledori Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    Got my doubts, but with the skill setup that I have now, I deal more dps then before, without losing defenses (even improved).
  • wurmixwurmix Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    I just noticed that the +25 bonuses i gained through some "critical success" duty officer asignments seem to be gone.
    All the ships stats went back to 0.
  • raj011raj011 Member Posts: 987 Arc User
    In the new skill system, can you put in how many points you want in a certain skill or multiple skills before accepting it?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    nope, one at a time.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    So far... this revamp has been nice to my main toon. So far...
  • i8myhelli8myhell Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    I agree this new skill revamp has an affect on a lot of game mechanics including Specialization therefore if possible it would've been good to allow a reset of that as well.

    So far, but I'm still researching & learning about the skill revamp, it seems more limiting than promised versus the yadda yadda yadda players wont lose much. It seems too linear/binary, but I'm hoping after awhile I'll learn the pros & cons to it before using my free reset token.

    The descriptions I find are lacking in detail. Also, what would be good is if you could place a point into something & see the numerical value added before confirming it for players to decide if worth the value. Heck even color code the change.

    It makes me wonder if they do stuff like this just to generate spending of the tokens. LOL
  • sylveriareldensylveriarelden Member Posts: 531 Arc User
    i8myhell wrote: »
    It makes me wonder if they do stuff like this just to generate spending of the tokens. LOL

    You're really not alone in this line of thought. Especially when it's something they make exclusive to the C-Store and you have to spend RL cash to obtain it.
    It's not you- it's me. I just need my space.

    Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    xanime0x wrote: »
    I see this skill change as a nerffing in a way as you lose DPS in some ways and skills choices of moves and skills that were there. This skill tree is as a Wiffle ball bat compared to the other skill set which a was a Louisville slugger bat. It lacks real choices and dose not make up for what was lost. I see it as a step backwards. I see how it can be easier for the Dev to track and the programmers to program. but i see no improvement as in it being better than what was there be for. I see less strategy in this skill set now as what there was in the other skill set. i see it setting up as a mindless point and shoot and forget skill set as in boring and no real thinking behind it. I see this as a way to slow us down and work with less.

    If you're going for Science DPS, yes it is, due to the "normalization" of Skills and their effect on damage at the upper end of things. If you're going for Weapon DPS, not so much, since Weapon damage was not "normalized" as part of the Skill Revamp and additional bonuses have been added that can push your output even further. Naturally, both of those assume you are a Tactical captain (whose abilities all now perform as if fully invested in the relevant Skills)... and if you're aiming for the DPS races you probably were already.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • raj011raj011 Member Posts: 987 Arc User
    What is the maximum standard transwarp speed? The warp cores now give maximum warp 10 plus an increase to sector speed. From the exchange the highest points I found was +17.5, is this the highest or can the increase to sector speed go even higher? I can not look in my fleet as my fleet is not at the right level to access fleet ship items and I looked in the S.T.O wiki, which the information on warp cores and other things is out of date and will need updating again.
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    raj011 wrote: »
    What is the maximum standard transwarp speed? The warp cores now give maximum warp 10 plus an increase to sector speed. From the exchange the highest points I found was +17.5, is this the highest or can the increase to sector speed go even higher? I can not look in my fleet as my fleet is not at the right level to access fleet ship items and I looked in the S.T.O wiki, which the information on warp cores and other things is out of date and will need updating again.

    Yup..Its being worked on...So many things changed..Tho...if you know something please post it here or on the wiki :P

    Keep in mind..the people who update the wiki are players like you,with about 6 or so making daily changes...They also don't have everything in the game..So updates will take time.. But come on..its barely been a week since season 11.5 launched..
    Post edited by odinforever20000 on


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    Anyone notice that they changed the retrain token price AFTER they had the sale?

    I appreciate that they made the change but why not make the change when they rolled the system out? I am sure I am not the only one who bought retrain tokens while they were on sale because it was on sale. I could have waited to buy them if I had known that the sale price would be the norm', and the next "services" sale would drop them even more.

    Like I said, I appreciated that they made the change but the timing was pretty poor, kina like closing the barn door AFTER the horse ran out.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Anyone notice that they changed the retrain token price AFTER they had the sale?

    I appreciate that they made the change but why not make the change when they rolled the system out? I am sure I am not the only one who bought retrain tokens while they were on sale because it was on sale. I could have waited to buy them if I had known that the sale price would be the norm', and the next "services" sale would drop them even more.

    Like I said, I appreciated that they made the change but the timing was pretty poor, kina like closing the barn door AFTER the horse ran out.

    Yeah... the new price still works out to a bit under 100K dilithium to Respec a single character at current rates, with a worse system for performing a Respec than we had prior to 11.5. It's a nice thought and all to reduce the price, but I don't see that being a hot seller at those rates, nor do I see it leading to a lot of experimentation. I've worked out a pretty solid "generalist" setup, and I'm pretty sure that's what I'll use for my characters when all is said and done. It's just not "worth it" to me to tinker with my Skill Tree when it's as inconvenient as it is to Respec, and as costly in resources (to actually tinker; a single Respec might not be so bad, but tinkering will eat up resources fast).
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • raj011raj011 Member Posts: 987 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    raj011 wrote: »
    What is the maximum standard transwarp speed? The warp cores now give maximum warp 10 plus an increase to sector speed. From the exchange the highest points I found was +17.5, is this the highest or can the increase to sector speed go even higher? I can not look in my fleet as my fleet is not at the right level to access fleet ship items and I looked in the S.T.O wiki, which the information on warp cores and other things is out of date and will need updating again.

    Yup..Its being worked on...So many things changed..Tho...if you know something please post it here or on the wiki :P

    Keep in mind..the people who update the wiki are players like you,with about 6 or so making daily changes...They also don't have everything in the game..So updates will take time.. But come on..its barely been a week since season 11.5 launched..

    Apparently the maximum Starship Sector Speed [SecSpd] is +20 at all all qualities.
    Post edited by raj011 on
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Having had time to study and play with the the new skill tree on wiki, I'm not seeing the improvement. Tho having played thru the entire game without allocating a single skill point pre-revamp I can only see the skill revamp as a way push non trinity players into the standard MMO roles. I expect it'll be months before enough builds get posted and I can review the non-traditional builds in detail, as almost all of the currently posted builds are cookie-cutter tac/dps builds. Almost no difference between them.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Having had time to study and play with the the new skill tree on wiki, I'm not seeing the improvement. Tho having played thru the entire game without allocating a single skill point pre-revamp I can only see the skill revamp as a way push non trinity players into the standard MMO roles. I expect it'll be months before enough builds get posted and I can review the non-traditional builds in detail, as almost all of the currently posted builds are cookie-cutter tac/dps builds. Almost no difference between them.

    That's what the devs want. They don't want players trying to have the trinity roles. I'm paraphrasing, but, they kinda said that since all the captains can do all roles, there is no need to the trinity. So in other words, if you are not built for DPS, then you are doing it wrong. They also claim the revamp is to remove "bad choices" from the old skill tree. If there was "bad choices" why were they implemented in the first place?

    I tried the revamp on tribble, and the holodeck. I can safely say that my DPS has been hurt, and survivability is gone. My niche build is gone as well. Might as well stop using fancy abilities and go back to using old school BFAW and pray I survive the BS, nonstop ability spamming enemies.

  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    dragnridr wrote: »
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Having had time to study and play with the the new skill tree on wiki, I'm not seeing the improvement. Tho having played thru the entire game without allocating a single skill point pre-revamp I can only see the skill revamp as a way push non trinity players into the standard MMO roles. I expect it'll be months before enough builds get posted and I can review the non-traditional builds in detail, as almost all of the currently posted builds are cookie-cutter tac/dps builds. Almost no difference between them.

    That's what the devs want. They don't want players trying to have the trinity roles. I'm paraphrasing, but, they kinda said that since all the captains can do all roles, there is no need to the trinity. So in other words, if you are not built for DPS, then you are doing it wrong. They also claim the revamp is to remove "bad choices" from the old skill tree. If there was "bad choices" why were they implemented in the first place?

    I tried the revamp on tribble, and the holodeck. I can safely say that my DPS has been hurt, and survivability is gone. My niche build is gone as well. Might as well stop using fancy abilities and go back to using old school BFAW and pray I survive the BS, nonstop ability spamming enemies.

    Having done my own setup on wiki, my tree is 17,14,15 so I don't get how/why everyone elses posted tree is maxxed out for an ultimate skill or two. it's just a balanced tree is niche, and a maxxed specialty for the ultimate skill is the norm. It seems completely backwards.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    dragnridr wrote: »
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Having had time to study and play with the the new skill tree on wiki, I'm not seeing the improvement. Tho having played thru the entire game without allocating a single skill point pre-revamp I can only see the skill revamp as a way push non trinity players into the standard MMO roles. I expect it'll be months before enough builds get posted and I can review the non-traditional builds in detail, as almost all of the currently posted builds are cookie-cutter tac/dps builds. Almost no difference between them.
    That's what the devs want. They don't want players trying to have the trinity roles. I'm paraphrasing, but, they kinda said that since all the captains can do all roles, there is no need to the trinity. So in other words, if you are not built for DPS, then you are doing it wrong. They also claim the revamp is to remove "bad choices" from the old skill tree. If there was "bad choices" why were they implemented in the first place?

    I tried the revamp on tribble, and the holodeck. I can safely say that my DPS has been hurt, and survivability is gone. My niche build is gone as well. Might as well stop using fancy abilities and go back to using old school BFAW and pray I survive the BS, nonstop ability spamming enemies.
    Having done my own setup on wiki, my tree is 17,14,15 so I don't get how/why everyone elses posted tree is maxxed out for an ultimate skill or two. it's just a balanced tree is niche, and a maxxed specialty for the ultimate skill is the norm. It seems completely backwards.
    Yeah, it's especially true if you want a build that can work with several ship types.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    Has anyone gottern an ideas of how to get past the stupid 68.6 sector speed limit?? You cant even finish the first third of "Tour the Galaxy" now its so slow..
    Whent from having some good fast ships before the revamp, to slow as snail ships immediately afterwards. I've seen ships fly faster than me so i know it can be done, but how the blazes do you do it..
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    wufangchu wrote: »
    Has anyone gottern an ideas of how to get past the stupid 68.6 sector speed limit?? You cant even finish the first third of "Tour the Galaxy" now its so slow..
    Whent from having some good fast ships before the revamp, to slow as snail ships immediately afterwards. I've seen ships fly faster than me so i know it can be done, but how the blazes do you do it..

    Id be curios to know how you got to 68.6--

    Edit..NVM..Thats just the assimilated engines..



    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

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