Is there a place where these 'noobs' can learn then?
It's not like normal missions are really challenging and make it necessary to follow strategies...
Yes, the internet is full of videos and walkthroughs I hear...
People apparantly want to play the game, not go through external sources of information just to play a mission. I can't say I blame them for that. Keep in mind, it's a game. People play it for fun, not because they want to do research on some content in a game.
Also, most queues are less active, so they jump in the first one that has some people in it. Hence why you'll find players who don't know the basics in IGA or KAGA.
Just saying there's multiple reasons why we're observing the problems that are being discussed here. Not all those players are leechers, noobs or whatever they've been called. Some are just there to have fun and not worry about things too much because they can worry about stuff enough in real life, others may have been traumatised by the conversations - or worse, the pointless comments that aren't even part of a conversation of any sorts - in Zone chat...
Not saying that it's acceptable behaviour or anything, but there are reasons for this behaviour. And some of those reasons have to do with the game itself: like limited documentation, less populated queues, chat channels that are automatically active and that are turned off for good reasons once someone sees all the bull TRIBBLE that is spread there. These issues will have to be adressed as well.
Is there a place where these 'noobs' can learn then?
It's not like normal missions are really challenging and make it necessary to follow strategies...
Yes, the internet is full of videos and walkthroughs I hear...
People apparantly want to play the game, not go through external sources of information just to play a mission. I can't say I blame them for that. Keep in mind, it's a game. People play it for fun, not because they want to do research on some content in a game.
Also, most queues are less active, so they jump in the first one that has some people in it. Hence why you'll find players who don't know the basics in IGA or KAGA.
Just saying there's multiple reasons why we're observing the problems that are being discussed here. Not all those players are leechers, noobs or whatever they've been called. Some are just there to have fun and not worry about things too much because they can worry about stuff enough in real life, others may have been traumatised by the conversations - or worse, the pointless comments that aren't even part of a conversation of any sorts - in Zone chat...
Not saying that it's acceptable behaviour or anything, but there are reasons for this behaviour. And some of those reasons have to do with the game itself: like limited documentation, less populated queues, chat channels that are automatically active and that are turned off for good reasons once someone sees all the bull TRIBBLE that is spread there. These issues will have to be adressed as well.
That's kind of like saying a completely inexperienced worker, decides to operate a nuclear reactor, simply because it's the first job spot open!!!
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet just because there's a picture with a quote next to it." - Abraham Lincoln
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
You have to learn the game somehow. I wonder about these "elite" players who seem to have nothing to do in an stf but monitor everyone else's ship. Seems like you should be focused on your objectives, not worrying about how well other players are stacking up against you.
Well, a very well experienced elite player, can actually do both!!!
You don't really need to be experienced, nor an elite player to do that though. One look at your team mates who are suddenly destroying a generator on the right side, while everyone else is smashing space bar on the left side in ISA, or a look at the status bar in borg ground missions where the 'adapted' icon appears is usually enough...
I don't know why it would be a problem to keep an eye on your team mates while fighting. Though perhaps @bossheisenberg is playing the game on a very wide screen. Size of a cinema screen or something like that
Is there a place where these 'noobs' can learn then?
It's not like normal missions are really challenging and make it necessary to follow strategies...
Yes, the internet is full of videos and walkthroughs I hear...
People apparantly want to play the game, not go through external sources of information just to play a mission. I can't say I blame them for that. Keep in mind, it's a game. People play it for fun, not because they want to do research on some content in a game.
Also, most queues are less active, so they jump in the first one that has some people in it. Hence why you'll find players who don't know the basics in IGA or KAGA.
Just saying there's multiple reasons why we're observing the problems that are being discussed here. Not all those players are leechers, noobs or whatever they've been called. Some are just there to have fun and not worry about things too much because they can worry about stuff enough in real life, others may have been traumatised by the conversations - or worse, the pointless comments that aren't even part of a conversation of any sorts - in Zone chat...
Not saying that it's acceptable behaviour or anything, but there are reasons for this behaviour. And some of those reasons have to do with the game itself: like limited documentation, less populated queues, chat channels that are automatically active and that are turned off for good reasons once someone sees all the bull TRIBBLE that is spread there. These issues will have to be adressed as well.
That's kind of like saying a completely inexperienced worker, decides to operate a nuclear reactor, simply because it's the first job spot open!!!
Ehm.. we may have warp cores, but don't worry, they're not real . I don't think playing STO is that dangerous.
With people either not knowing or not paying attention to the optional objectives in stfs, and/or going in just for the elite marks (implants, power-cells, and such). I wish they would change the system to make it that getting the elite marks in the elite an advanced ques were tied to the optional objectives. Such as that all difficulties of the stfs gave marks yet no elite marks, while getting the optional objectives is tied getting the elite marks with the higher difficulty stfs (while the normal optional objectives would be more just getting higher mark rewards still.). I mean make it that for each optional you get it gives you one (maybe two in elite) elite mark/s as well as a few more normal marks, and then have some other reward if you get all of the optional objectives in a stfs. Such a change would make it that you have to work for the elite marks and learn how to complete the optional objectives, even though people would not like the change that does not mean it would be bad for the game actually.
Is there a place where these 'noobs' can learn then?
It's not like normal missions are really challenging and make it necessary to follow strategies...
Yes, the internet is full of videos and walkthroughs I hear...
People apparantly want to play the game, not go through external sources of information just to play a mission. I can't say I blame them for that. Keep in mind, it's a game. People play it for fun, not because they want to do research on some content in a game.
Also, most queues are less active, so they jump in the first one that has some people in it. Hence why you'll find players who don't know the basics in IGA or KAGA.
Just saying there's multiple reasons why we're observing the problems that are being discussed here. Not all those players are leechers, noobs or whatever they've been called. Some are just there to have fun and not worry about things too much because they can worry about stuff enough in real life, others may have been traumatised by the conversations - or worse, the pointless comments that aren't even part of a conversation of any sorts - in Zone chat...
Not saying that it's acceptable behaviour or anything, but there are reasons for this behaviour. And some of those reasons have to do with the game itself: like limited documentation, less populated queues, chat channels that are automatically active and that are turned off for good reasons once someone sees all the bull TRIBBLE that is spread there. These issues will have to be adressed as well.
That's kind of like saying a completely inexperienced worker, decides to operate a nuclear reactor, simply because it's the first job spot open!!!
Don't aggrandize yourself by comparing the play of an MMO to operating a nuclear reactor. Completely inappropriate.
"Intelligence is finite, stupidity is infinite" -- Umberto Eco
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
OP with a post count of 69 calling out newbies. Hey, Moderators? Is there someplace where people with a post count of less than 100 can learn to not post threads like these? I come to the forums to kick back and learn some things and all I see are these noob posters who keep QQing about the same stupid TRIBBLE over and over. There are the FCT rules and other stuff right out in the open where everyone can see. Do these people read? Nope.
Can we please add a "Rookie" level to the forums where they can learn what not to post and quit ruining everyone's life?
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
Does it make any sense to play a mission on the hardest difficulty if you have no idea what to do? Why does this happen everyday? Objectives clearly listed on right side of screen but nope. Still Don't get it.
Personally I believe most players know what to do, and even if they don't it is kinda easy to read the objectives and/or follow another player your first time around in that STF to get the feeling for it. I don't have a problem with players not knowing what to do. One time has got to be their first, right?
However, what I don't like is how many people are afraid of dying and tend to flock around the strongest player(s) and thus distributing the team strength unevenly... and this whether they are new, veteran, undergeared or average.
As for being undergeared, it is fairly easy to get decent if not super good gear with all of the rewards from the episodes. Unfortunately not enough people spend enough time playing solo missions and acquiring that gear before heading into normal, advanced and elite STFs. That's my only suggestion to all of you new players. Give the solo content a chance because there is plentiful of gear to get, and it might actually surprise you. You can then work towards getting the various reputation consoles first and then the remaining reputation gear such as shields, deflectors, engines and what not.
Does it make any sense to play a mission on the hardest difficulty if you have no idea what to do? Why does this happen everyday? Objectives clearly listed on right side of screen but nope. Still Don't get it.
1.) They want higher rewards you get from harder STFs.
2.) Figure they can be carried till they know the fight.
3.) They want higher rewards you get from harder STFs.
The biggest issue in my mind are the "Coat Tail Riders" Those individuals who are obviously going into Advanced and Elite STF's COMPLETELY under powered / geared for the sole purpose of getting the Borg Neural Processors or Ancient Power Cells...Etc. Hoping that the rest of the team will carry them through to completion. They have no regard for the rest of the team who may only be there to gain the marks they need and causing there to be far fewer marks then would normally be. If you go into an advanced Infected and your only able to pull out 2, 3, 8k DPS...... YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING THERE! Stop being so damn selfish and think of other for once in your pathetic lives!! We ALL had to work our way up and have paid our dues to get to the point where we actually contribute to the team.
I still am working my way up and have just started running advanced ques again after Delta Rising. I waited until I thought I was ready for advanced again and won't even try elite ques yet. Maybe you should just stick with elite ques and your elite team if it upsets you so much. I take it that your need for a few extra marks is more important than my need for the marks and the elite marks that I can use to better myself and be even more helpful to the team. Maybe you should step back once in your pathetic life and stop being soo selfish and think about others and their situation.
I’m under the impression that it is the general consensus around here that most of the PvE have gotten too easy again because of power creep.
Salute the noobs then! They are the uncontrollable element which helps to set the difficulty for the others straight. I wish there were more around. Since those PvE where a single noob is in a position to auto fail a match on his own are few in number (Is there besides UIE?) noobs in general should give everybody a good time.
Queue all up noobs, I’d love to PvE with you.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
There are a small number of players who troll the queues to fail things.
There are also a small minority who do t give a damn how good they are and essentially have forsaken the team for their own play style even if it doesn't work.
Then there's the wannabe elite players who go off all Rambo style and bugger things up with poor target selection or piloting, failing optionals or not communicating to the team what their plan is.
You've also got experienced players who might be testing out new builds or ships to see how they handle.
And you've got other players with specialised builds that maybe don't fit in with your idea of some arbitrary DPS number requirement, those with healer, crowd control, support builds.
And finally you have newer players who've not been in the advanced run before and have to deal with a big step from normal difficulty with no guidance. Everyone was a newbie at some time, I mean how many of us totally messed up runs right after DR hit and everything had a bazillion HPs, we weren't prepared for that were we?
If you don't like the randomness of the team you get placed in go run a premade team. You have to accept that pug runs will include players of all abilities and you just have to go along with it.
Two main reasons are under equipped freeloaders who want more rewards and so go for the harder stfs despite not knowing what to do because they jumped in at the deep end. Also people who have very high dps (about 40K or more) inadvertently encourage people not to learn because they are mostly doing the STFs by themselves, so new people think they are easy without realising that they aren't contributing much, and in fact doing it the wrong way for a lower dps team. This leads to situations when they do silly things like in Space infected either blowing the nanite generators at the earliest opportunity and/or the new trend of starting both sides at once.
I mean, these days its rare to find yourself in an instance that doesn't contain at least one preposterously OP BFAW spamming Scimitar, even more so now there is a T6 version.
I fail to see how even the worst 'noob' would be able to ruin an instance of something that lasts a little over one minute in the first place.
Well if you refer to borg STF I pug those each day. Not exclusively but with pugs involved most of the time. I have a habit of parsing my matches and can quiet assure you that for every 75k scim out there you have like five players below 10k, some even manage 2k.
I could imagine ISA to be quiet an obstacle still if the wrong team is thrown at an instance.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
I think what we are seeing here is not people really being noobs but more of people being lazy. Many times my friend and me will play Khitomer on various difficulties and we will say, "We've got the right side the rest of you take the left." We do this in order to keep the power balanced between the two gates. So what happens you guessed it everyone comes over to our side except for the one person who got the message and is by themselves on the left. So what my friend and I do is go over to the left and guess what they follow. We will bounce around the map until people get the point and unfortunately this when a probe goes through the gate. I could careless about the optional but if stupidity causes the mission to fail I'm going to say something about it.
I don't mind helping other players in STFs and sometimes I downright carry them the point is why is everyone so afraid to die in this game. You get to respawn so I don't really see what the problem is. It's not like you need uber gear to play these (well maybe except Korfez) the objectives are simple and really basic teamwork is all you need. I'm not asking people to develop strategies and what not and spend the first minute of the stf discussing what has to be done. Cryptic made these STFs self-explanatory when it comes to objectives so that everyone can play. I just wish that people would read that little chat box because there is important information in there sometimes. Perhaps Cryptic should make it where you automatically join team chat and your window has to be open so you can see what is going on.
But how else do you expect them to get those things? Without those things, they can never get the gear the need to BE geared.
While I do agree that PUGs will be PUGs and that people will have varying performance in the game brought about by a lot of external circumstances (some of them perfectly valid), but I think the above no longer holds true and is a bad excuse to run advanced/elite content before they are ready.
With the number of free sets given to us now as mission rewards, you can build a perfectly capable ship well before you land into an advanced queue. You don't need a ton of resources either. All you need is the patience to level up your character and build up your reps and R&D for useful traits in normal queues.
There really is no point into rushing into advanced queues. The mark rewards may be higher, but it is no more enjoyable than normal (if that's where your ship and skill is set out to be). Enjoy the scenery, enjoy the game. Rushing to more difficult queues before you are ready is a good way to get burnt out.
I mean, these days its rare to find yourself in an instance that doesn't contain at least one preposterously OP BFAW spamming Scimitar, even more so now there is a T6 version.
I fail to see how even the worst 'noob' would be able to ruin an instance of something that lasts a little over one minute in the first place.
Well if you refer to borg STF I pug those each day. Not exclusively but with pugs involved most of the time. I have a habit of parsing my matches and can quiet assure you that for every 75k scim out there you have like five players below 10k, some even manage 2k.
I could imagine ISA to be quiet an obstacle still if the wrong team is thrown at an instance.
Fair enough - but my experience is that eight times out of ten, when I play ISA, I am in an instance with OP BFAW spamming Scimitars and the instance lasts between one and two minutes depending on how many BFAW spammers are present.
And frankly, if we were to argue two scenarios:
1: New players enter instance of ISA and do badly because of inexperience
2: New players enter instance of ISA with two BFAW spamming Scimitars present.
Which instance will the new players learn the most from? Instance #1 will likely go badly, but they might at least get some inkling of the fact that they did something wrong.
But I would argue that they'd learn even less from #2, because they might get the impression that they're doing something right, unaware of the fact that the BFAW spammers are making the instance a complete cakewalk. Plus, in most cases, those BFAW spammers will likely clear the map within one - two minutes and the new players won't have learnt anything due to the instance ending before it really started.
And it's even worse in ISN. If there's one above average player present there, no one will get a chance to shoot anything. There's also less reason to target the spheres (instead of the cube in advanced) on top of the transformer before you start working on the generators.
Perhaps it's not just the advanced versions that are too easy for those 50k+ Scimitars, normal missions may be too easy too. Or there's too many good players in normal missions who vaporise everything too quickly, that's another possibility.
Does it make any sense to play a mission on the hardest difficulty if you have no idea what to do? Why does this happen everyday? Objectives clearly listed on right side of screen but nope. Still Don't get it.
About as much sense as making every post a mealy-mouthed complaint about other players.
And finally you have newer players who've not been in the advanced run before and have to deal with a big step from normal difficulty with no guidance. Everyone was a newbie at some time, I mean how many of us totally messed up runs right after DR hit and everything had a bazillion HPs, we weren't prepared for that were we?
True but it appears as if 80% of the player pool consists of these newbies... and are they all newbies or just lazy people? Anyways, it isn't that difficult to go in unguided. People put too much emphasis on people being newbies and that it justifies their lack of deductive ability. To be honest, you really don't need much guidance to know whether your build is decent or not. All you gotta do is run a few STFs and observe other strong players and you can immediately figure out how they play, how the fly and how much damage they do in general. This should be a major indicator as to whether you achieved your end goal or if there is something else to strive for.
Fair enough - but my experience is that eight times out of ten, when I play ISA, I am in an instance with OP BFAW spamming Scimitars and the instance lasts between one and two minutes depending on how many BFAW spammers are present.
And frankly, if we were to argue two scenarios:
1: New players enter instance of ISA and do badly because of inexperience
2: New players enter instance of ISA with two BFAW spamming Scimitars present.
Which instance will the new players learn the most from? Instance #1 will likely go badly, but they might at least get some inkling of the fact that they did something wrong.
But I would argue that they'd learn even less from #2, because they might get the impression that they're doing something right, unaware of the fact that the BFAW spammers are making the instance a complete cakewalk. Plus, in most cases, those BFAW spammers will likely clear the map within one - two minutes and the new players won't have learnt anything due to the instance ending before it really started.
Are you seriously blaming these so called power creepds for the lack of good attitude and self motivation among the people who fall into the category of leechers and lazy bunch? Sure, they may spoil these weaker players a lot and it may partially be their fault for the newbie perception of weak/good builds, but it's still the responsibility of each person to have some level of self discipline and attitude. You cannot blame their laziness and lack of self discipline on the strong players. And like I said to Lord Steve, it isn't particularly hard to deduce whether your build is sufficient as you would like. All you gotta do is observe other players and if they kill things 10 x times faster than you the obviously you got 1-10x room to improve your build... whichever stage you end up with.
I don't blame players for being new and for exploring new things. However, I will hold them solely responsible for their lack of self awareness and lack of deductive ability. They cannot be spoon fed everything and it seems like a lot of people think that they have to be. Players cannot or should not take things for granted and expect to be spoon fed what build to use, the acknowledge that their build is weaker than desired and so forth. People have to figure at least something out on their own and if they cannot be arsed to do that then perhaps they should just TV series.
Not everyone speaks English,,,,some u win some u loose, the answer is if u dont like it dont pug.
ps i pug 90% of the time,,,,,,its more interesting,,,:) also my chat dont work all the time.
Chat is partly bugged (what isn't). To get team chat channel to work, manually re-select it from the list (even if it is already set to team chat), which switches it from local chat to team chat.
Oddly I have a different problem in these. The chat channel is dead till we finish and I send a GG and get maybe one reply if that.
And I can't tell how I am performing. I run the terran mission over ds9 and one day I am melting the dreadnoughts. Next day same ship and build I am not even tickling a frigate. Pound on terak nor and keep myself alive while I have agro and then I blow up right after I respawn. . .
So how do I know if I am good enough to handle advanced or elite?
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
People apparantly want to play the game, not go through external sources of information just to play a mission. I can't say I blame them for that. Keep in mind, it's a game. People play it for fun, not because they want to do research on some content in a game.
Also, most queues are less active, so they jump in the first one that has some people in it. Hence why you'll find players who don't know the basics in IGA or KAGA.
Just saying there's multiple reasons why we're observing the problems that are being discussed here. Not all those players are leechers, noobs or whatever they've been called. Some are just there to have fun and not worry about things too much because they can worry about stuff enough in real life, others may have been traumatised by the conversations - or worse, the pointless comments that aren't even part of a conversation of any sorts - in Zone chat...
Not saying that it's acceptable behaviour or anything, but there are reasons for this behaviour. And some of those reasons have to do with the game itself: like limited documentation, less populated queues, chat channels that are automatically active and that are turned off for good reasons once someone sees all the bull TRIBBLE that is spread there. These issues will have to be adressed as well.
That's kind of like saying a completely inexperienced worker, decides to operate a nuclear reactor, simply because it's the first job spot open!!!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
You don't really need to be experienced, nor an elite player to do that though. One look at your team mates who are suddenly destroying a generator on the right side, while everyone else is smashing space bar on the left side in ISA, or a look at the status bar in borg ground missions where the 'adapted' icon appears is usually enough...
I don't know why it would be a problem to keep an eye on your team mates while fighting. Though perhaps @bossheisenberg is playing the game on a very wide screen. Size of a cinema screen or something like that
Ehm.. we may have warp cores, but don't worry, they're not real
Don't aggrandize yourself by comparing the play of an MMO to operating a nuclear reactor. Completely inappropriate.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
OP with a post count of 69 calling out newbies. Hey, Moderators? Is there someplace where people with a post count of less than 100 can learn to not post threads like these? I come to the forums to kick back and learn some things and all I see are these noob posters who keep QQing about the same stupid TRIBBLE over and over. There are the FCT rules and other stuff right out in the open where everyone can see. Do these people read? Nope.
Can we please add a "Rookie" level to the forums where they can learn what not to post and quit ruining everyone's life?
However, what I don't like is how many people are afraid of dying and tend to flock around the strongest player(s) and thus distributing the team strength unevenly... and this whether they are new, veteran, undergeared or average.
As for being undergeared, it is fairly easy to get decent if not super good gear with all of the rewards from the episodes. Unfortunately not enough people spend enough time playing solo missions and acquiring that gear before heading into normal, advanced and elite STFs. That's my only suggestion to all of you new players. Give the solo content a chance because there is plentiful of gear to get, and it might actually surprise you. You can then work towards getting the various reputation consoles first and then the remaining reputation gear such as shields, deflectors, engines and what not.
1.) They want higher rewards you get from harder STFs.
2.) Figure they can be carried till they know the fight.
3.) They want higher rewards you get from harder STFs.
I still am working my way up and have just started running advanced ques again after Delta Rising. I waited until I thought I was ready for advanced again and won't even try elite ques yet. Maybe you should just stick with elite ques and your elite team if it upsets you so much. I take it that your need for a few extra marks is more important than my need for the marks and the elite marks that I can use to better myself and be even more helpful to the team. Maybe you should step back once in your pathetic life and stop being soo selfish and think about others and their situation.
Salute the noobs then! They are the uncontrollable element which helps to set the difficulty for the others straight. I wish there were more around. Since those PvE where a single noob is in a position to auto fail a match on his own are few in number (Is there besides UIE?) noobs in general should give everybody a good time.
Queue all up noobs, I’d love to PvE with you.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
There are also a small minority who do t give a damn how good they are and essentially have forsaken the team for their own play style even if it doesn't work.
Then there's the wannabe elite players who go off all Rambo style and bugger things up with poor target selection or piloting, failing optionals or not communicating to the team what their plan is.
You've also got experienced players who might be testing out new builds or ships to see how they handle.
And you've got other players with specialised builds that maybe don't fit in with your idea of some arbitrary DPS number requirement, those with healer, crowd control, support builds.
And finally you have newer players who've not been in the advanced run before and have to deal with a big step from normal difficulty with no guidance. Everyone was a newbie at some time, I mean how many of us totally messed up runs right after DR hit and everything had a bazillion HPs, we weren't prepared for that were we?
If you don't like the randomness of the team you get placed in go run a premade team.
You have to accept that pug runs will include players of all abilities and you just have to go along with it.
Well if you refer to borg STF I pug those each day. Not exclusively but with pugs involved most of the time. I have a habit of parsing my matches and can quiet assure you that for every 75k scim out there you have like five players below 10k, some even manage 2k.
I could imagine ISA to be quiet an obstacle still if the wrong team is thrown at an instance.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
I don't mind helping other players in STFs and sometimes I downright carry them the point is why is everyone so afraid to die in this game. You get to respawn so I don't really see what the problem is. It's not like you need uber gear to play these (well maybe except Korfez) the objectives are simple and really basic teamwork is all you need. I'm not asking people to develop strategies and what not and spend the first minute of the stf discussing what has to be done. Cryptic made these STFs self-explanatory when it comes to objectives so that everyone can play. I just wish that people would read that little chat box because there is important information in there sometimes. Perhaps Cryptic should make it where you automatically join team chat and your window has to be open so you can see what is going on.
While I do agree that PUGs will be PUGs and that people will have varying performance in the game brought about by a lot of external circumstances (some of them perfectly valid), but I think the above no longer holds true and is a bad excuse to run advanced/elite content before they are ready.
With the number of free sets given to us now as mission rewards, you can build a perfectly capable ship well before you land into an advanced queue. You don't need a ton of resources either. All you need is the patience to level up your character and build up your reps and R&D for useful traits in normal queues.
There really is no point into rushing into advanced queues. The mark rewards may be higher, but it is no more enjoyable than normal (if that's where your ship and skill is set out to be). Enjoy the scenery, enjoy the game. Rushing to more difficult queues before you are ready is a good way to get burnt out.
| USS Curiosity - Pathfinder | USS Rift - Eternal |
The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
And it's even worse in ISN. If there's one above average player present there, no one will get a chance to shoot anything. There's also less reason to target the spheres (instead of the cube in advanced) on top of the transformer before you start working on the generators.
Perhaps it's not just the advanced versions that are too easy for those 50k+ Scimitars, normal missions may be too easy too. Or there's too many good players in normal missions who vaporise everything too quickly, that's another possibility.
About as much sense as making every post a mealy-mouthed complaint about other players.
Are you seriously blaming these so called power creepds for the lack of good attitude and self motivation among the people who fall into the category of leechers and lazy bunch? Sure, they may spoil these weaker players a lot and it may partially be their fault for the newbie perception of weak/good builds, but it's still the responsibility of each person to have some level of self discipline and attitude. You cannot blame their laziness and lack of self discipline on the strong players. And like I said to Lord Steve, it isn't particularly hard to deduce whether your build is sufficient as you would like. All you gotta do is observe other players and if they kill things 10 x times faster than you the obviously you got 1-10x room to improve your build... whichever stage you end up with.
I don't blame players for being new and for exploring new things. However, I will hold them solely responsible for their lack of self awareness and lack of deductive ability. They cannot be spoon fed everything and it seems like a lot of people think that they have to be. Players cannot or should not take things for granted and expect to be spoon fed what build to use, the acknowledge that their build is weaker than desired and so forth. People have to figure at least something out on their own and if they cannot be arsed to do that then perhaps they should just TV series.
Chat is partly bugged (what isn't). To get team chat channel to work, manually re-select it from the list (even if it is already set to team chat), which switches it from local chat to team chat.
And I can't tell how I am performing. I run the terran mission over ds9 and one day I am melting the dreadnoughts. Next day same ship and build I am not even tickling a frigate. Pound on terak nor and keep myself alive while I have agro and then I blow up right after I respawn. . .
So how do I know if I am good enough to handle advanced or elite?
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.