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  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    leemwatson wrote: »
    mikew83 wrote: »
    On for all of 7 seconds before I got the boot... If the "rumor" mill is true, and this is another DDoS attack, truly shame-on-you, Cryptic/Arc! You can't run STO on Windows NT forever... Eventually you'll have to spring for the $180 10 Pro. Smdh :D

    You want THAT running the servers? I'm gonna upgrade to 8 as soon as I can!

    Yes. I'm serious. I find Windows 8 BETTER than the junk that is Windows 10.

    8! Seriously, that cloggy piece of software is well rid of. 10 is far less wasteful in my laptop's resources. It's 6 years old and now runs way more faster on 10 than it ever did on 7 and 8!

    Yes, but 8 didn't give MS the ability to brick your computer, now, did it?

    Let me ask you a question. Why do you think Windows 10 is CONSTANTLY phoning back to Microsoft, whether you tell it to or not? I will tell you why. The NSA.

    If the NSA is looking at each of us, don't you think we should let them?

    I mean, after all, 99.9% of our lives are so boring compared to what they are looking for, that the worst they can find out about you, is your need to sleep with a teddy-bear (or similar).
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • tacticalrooktacticalrook Member Posts: 810 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I was logged in all of 15 minutes, doing nothing but idling in chat when I was unexpectedly disconnected. I was just sitting there, minding my own business, waiting for someone to say something I wanted to respond to, when out of nowhere.. poof. I hope I don't lose my progress and can continue lurking that chat from where I left off. I had things I planned to chat about today, and those plans are quickly being ruined.
    /channel_join grind
  • lapisexillislapisexillis Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    anazonda wrote: »
    leemwatson wrote: »
    mikew83 wrote: »
    On for all of 7 seconds before I got the boot... If the "rumor" mill is true, and this is another DDoS attack, truly shame-on-you, Cryptic/Arc! You can't run STO on Windows NT forever... Eventually you'll have to spring for the $180 10 Pro. Smdh :D

    You want THAT running the servers? I'm gonna upgrade to 8 as soon as I can!

    Yes. I'm serious. I find Windows 8 BETTER than the junk that is Windows 10.

    8! Seriously, that cloggy piece of software is well rid of. 10 is far less wasteful in my laptop's resources. It's 6 years old and now runs way more faster on 10 than it ever did on 7 and 8!

    Yes, but 8 didn't give MS the ability to brick your computer, now, did it?

    Let me ask you a question. Why do you think Windows 10 is CONSTANTLY phoning back to Microsoft, whether you tell it to or not? I will tell you why. The NSA.

    If the NSA is looking at each of us, don't you think we should let them?

    I mean, after all, 99.9% of our lives are so boring compared to what they are looking for, that the worst they can find out about you, is your need to sleep with a teddy-bear (or similar).

    Most of us don't have a slave mentality like you. It's called privacy, we all have a right to it.

  • defiance12defiance12 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    leemwatson wrote: »
    mikew83 wrote: »
    On for all of 7 seconds before I got the boot... If the "rumor" mill is true, and this is another DDoS attack, truly shame-on-you, Cryptic/Arc! You can't run STO on Windows NT forever... Eventually you'll have to spring for the $180 10 Pro. Smdh :D

    You want THAT running the servers? I'm gonna upgrade to 8 as soon as I can!

    Yes. I'm serious. I find Windows 8 BETTER than the junk that is Windows 10.

    8! Seriously, that cloggy piece of software is well rid of. 10 is far less wasteful in my laptop's resources. It's 6 years old and now runs way more faster on 10 than it ever did on 7 and 8!

    Yes, but 8 didn't give MS the ability to brick your computer, now, did it?

    Let me ask you a question. Why do you think Windows 10 is CONSTANTLY phoning back to Microsoft, whether you tell it to or not? I will tell you why. The NSA.

    Who let the wack job out of the padded room? if the NSA wanted to spy on you they would. sit a car outside your house and watch you like a hawk. tap your phones and bank accounts. hell even moniter emails. they dont need Windows 10 reporting back to you when they can do it with the assistance of an OS.
  • mikoto8472mikoto8472 Member Posts: 607 Arc User
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    gradii wrote: »
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    This is stupid. I couldn't do "Butterfly" last night because the servers crashed. Now when I try again 10 minutes ago, it crashes again!

    Get your s&%t together Cryptic, I'd like to be able to finish the Iconian war sometime before the next century!

    Well storywise its literally the worst mission in STO. However the mission rewards make it worth suffering through.

    I've played all the Iconian stories on my Tac character, am TRYING to get my sci character through them as soon as possible. The idea was to burn my way through both missions yesterday night and have it done with.

    Then the server crashed so I thought I'd go to bed instead and finish off the two eps today. Here I am, 5 minutes logged in, just preparing to give Butterfly another run and it effing crashes again.

    As for storyline of Butterfly the whole freaking Iconian War storyline blows chunks in so many ways I've lost count of how much stupidity I've seen from both sides. My friends and I have renamed it the "Idiot War" after some of the sheer stupidity of the writing.

    I'd be happy to share the exact reasons I find the Idiot War so terrible if you like? ;)

    Yes please elablorate. Plenty of time while they fix the servers.

    Gladly. Who knows maybe I've missed something that might explain the downright idiocy? ;) Okay naturally there's a SPOILER ALERT FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS NOT FINISHED THE ICONIAN WAR.

    So, let's start out with the Iconian "day of fire" two hundred thousand years ago. Kagran appears in orbit around Iconia and spends two weeks learning about the Iconians of that time before the Player Captain (a tac human female in my case), and Sela arrive in orbit with specific orders from their governments/superiors to ensure that no Iconian survives this day.

    They have a few hours to kill and spend it getting to know the Iconians of this era, discovering they're advanced and peaceful. Kagran's convinced himself that they shouldn't carry out their orders and in fact should save the Iconians. For reasons of his/her own the Player Captain comes to agree.

    So when the attack comes, they run around saving Iconians and assist M'Lirien in the creation of the World Heart. On the way they save T'Ket and M'Tara along with a few other Iconians. They help these Iconians get to a Gateway that'll take them to a safe hiding place. At this point Sela remembers the orders given and shoots a couple Iconians, wounds L'Mirien and causes her to drop the World Heart. Kagran and the Player Captain, now known as "The Other" by the Iconians stop Sela from killing more Iconians and allow them to escape through the gateway.

    Presumably its Kagran that told the Iconians that Sela is a Romulan because none of us did during the mission. I'm not even sure if we gave our names so quite how the Iconians knew to wait two hundred thousand years for the Romulans to evolve and for Sela to be born, I don't know.

    In any case, the Iconians decide to confuse Sela with the rest of her species. Because of her single individual act, the Iconians decide to become genocidal monsters and that her whole species is forfeit. That's stupid and illogical, seeking to wipe out an entire species for the actions of one woman.

    The Iconians also decide apparently to become just like Sela, rather than follow the example of the Other in remaining a reasoned, collected, logical people. They also apparently decide that every single other species in the milky way have to be turned into slaves or exterminated. Species who had absolutely nothing to do with the bombardment of Iconia.

    Humans, Bajorans, Cardassians, Gorn, Orions, Betazoids to name but a few. None of them had done anything whatsoever to the Iconians. Most of them hadn't even evolved to their current form when Iconia was bombarded. There's no sense or logic in exterminating them. They're innocents. Its sheer stupidity to decide to go after completely innocent species-including the species of the Other. (In my case, human.)

    Okay so the Iconians lurk about aboard their Dyson sphere for two hundred thousands of years breeding a massive army of Heralds, building a huge armada of ships so they can exterminate billions or even trillions of innocent people from dozens of innocent species.

    They blow up Romulus and turn the Romulans into scattered refugees. Revenge enough perhaps if they're absolutely determined to blame an entire species on the acts of one woman?

    FYI, I don't think the destruction of Romulus was Sela's fault. Okay she provoked the Iconians, but ultimately it was they who freely made the informed choice to become genocidal monsters.

    And this is where things get *really* stupid in the mission "Cutting the Cord." The Iconians actually *capture* Sela. They have the woman they deem responsible quite literally helpless in their hands. This is a perfect opportunity to exact whatever sick torturous revenge T'Ket and M'Tara might have in mind for her. But instead they seem to ignore her and give her and her crew to the Elachi. They passed up the opportunity to have Sela answer for her crimes.

    Then comes another stupid part. M'Tara then meets the Other at end of Surface Tension in the Klingon Council chamber. They're right there in the same room. The Other is clearly visible at the front of the crowd. Yet.... M'Tara misses seeing the Other.

    We meet T'Ket briefly in Blood of the Ancients on New Romulus. Why did she not notice the Other then? Or again at the end of the mission M'Tara again meets the Other again when she murders the Preserver. Why didn't she recognise?

    Jump ahead to "Broken Circle" and this time we have extensive time with M'Tara as we slowly bleed her of life energy. But she STILL doesn't recognise the Other. How can this be? Then M'Lirien and T'Ket appear after being summoned. And M'Lirien, who spent the most time with us back on ancient Iconian, again didn't recognise the Other standing right before her?

    How many times must we stand face to face with an Iconian before they recognise the Player Character as the Other who saved them all that time ago?

    I could go further, what with their choices of Servitors, the manipulation of the Undine and whatnot, but I think that's for a different essay post. ;) Or I could go into far more detail about each episode. Butterfly, for example has some blinding examples of stupidity. As does Broken Circle.

    If anyone can clear any of this up, or I've missed something that clearly explains something, please tell because right now the Iconian War is looking like a friggin' mess of gross stupidity.
  • mike1027mike1027 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    lets blame it on the recent solar flare. I mean come on it can not be their end . their servers are never down for any other reason
  • gradiigradii Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    Midnight was actually the only GOOD mission in the iconian war. bad example.

    "He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
    Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
    he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
    In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
    He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
    He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
    He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
    He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
  • kirkson2kirkson2 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    I just hope someone who is suppose to be minding the servers for this stuff is getting whapped upside the head by a developer.
    Klingons smell worse than wookies:D
  • rajathomasrajathomas Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    I'd fill your 1/2 empty glass miko but it's obviously not capable of holding any more.
  • scousesiscousesi Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    is there anyway to run a sweep stake with ec for how long the server will be down? lol
  • defiance12defiance12 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    gradii wrote: »
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    This is stupid. I couldn't do "Butterfly" last night because the servers crashed. Now when I try again 10 minutes ago, it crashes again!

    Get your s&%t together Cryptic, I'd like to be able to finish the Iconian war sometime before the next century!

    Well storywise its literally the worst mission in STO. However the mission rewards make it worth suffering through.

    I've played all the Iconian stories on my Tac character, am TRYING to get my sci character through them as soon as possible. The idea was to burn my way through both missions yesterday night and have it done with.

    Then the server crashed so I thought I'd go to bed instead and finish off the two eps today. Here I am, 5 minutes logged in, just preparing to give Butterfly another run and it effing crashes again.

    As for storyline of Butterfly the whole freaking Iconian War storyline blows chunks in so many ways I've lost count of how much stupidity I've seen from both sides. My friends and I have renamed it the "Idiot War" after some of the sheer stupidity of the writing.

    I'd be happy to share the exact reasons I find the Idiot War so terrible if you like? ;)

    Yes please elablorate. Plenty of time while they fix the servers.

    Gladly. Who knows maybe I've missed something that might explain the downright idiocy? ;) Okay naturally there's a SPOILER ALERT FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS NOT FINISHED THE ICONIAN WAR.

    So, let's start out with the Iconian "day of fire" two hundred thousand years ago. Kagran appears in orbit around Iconia and spends two weeks learning about the Iconians of that time before the Player Captain (a tac human female in my case), and Sela arrive in orbit with specific orders from their governments/superiors to ensure that no Iconian survives this day.

    They have a few hours to kill and spend it getting to know the Iconians of this era, discovering they're advanced and peaceful. Kagran's convinced himself that they shouldn't carry out their orders and in fact should save the Iconians. For reasons of his/her own the Player Captain comes to agree.

    So when the attack comes, they run around saving Iconians and assist M'Lirien in the creation of the World Heart. On the way they save T'Ket and M'Tara along with a few other Iconians. They help these Iconians get to a Gateway that'll take them to a safe hiding place. At this point Sela remembers the orders given and shoots a couple Iconians, wounds L'Mirien and causes her to drop the World Heart. Kagran and the Player Captain, now known as "The Other" by the Iconians stop Sela from killing more Iconians and allow them to escape through the gateway.

    Presumably its Kagran that told the Iconians that Sela is a Romulan because none of us did during the mission. I'm not even sure if we gave our names so quite how the Iconians knew to wait two hundred thousand years for the Romulans to evolve and for Sela to be born, I don't know.

    In any case, the Iconians decide to confuse Sela with the rest of her species. Because of her single individual act, the Iconians decide to become genocidal monsters and that her whole species is forfeit. That's stupid and illogical, seeking to wipe out an entire species for the actions of one woman.

    The Iconians also decide apparently to become just like Sela, rather than follow the example of the Other in remaining a reasoned, collected, logical people. They also apparently decide that every single other species in the milky way have to be turned into slaves or exterminated. Species who had absolutely nothing to do with the bombardment of Iconia.

    Humans, Bajorans, Cardassians, Gorn, Orions, Betazoids to name but a few. None of them had done anything whatsoever to the Iconians. Most of them hadn't even evolved to their current form when Iconia was bombarded. There's no sense or logic in exterminating them. They're innocents. Its sheer stupidity to decide to go after completely innocent species-including the species of the Other. (In my case, human.)

    Okay so the Iconians lurk about aboard their Dyson sphere for two hundred thousands of years breeding a massive army of Heralds, building a huge armada of ships so they can exterminate billions or even trillions of innocent people from dozens of innocent species.

    They blow up Romulus and turn the Romulans into scattered refugees. Revenge enough perhaps if they're absolutely determined to blame an entire species on the acts of one woman?

    FYI, I don't think the destruction of Romulus was Sela's fault. Okay she provoked the Iconians, but ultimately it was they who freely made the informed choice to become genocidal monsters.

    And this is where things get *really* stupid in the mission "Cutting the Cord." The Iconians actually *capture* Sela. They have the woman they deem responsible quite literally helpless in their hands. This is a perfect opportunity to exact whatever sick torturous revenge T'Ket and M'Tara might have in mind for her. But instead they seem to ignore her and give her and her crew to the Elachi. They passed up the opportunity to have Sela answer for her crimes.

    Then comes another stupid part. M'Tara then meets the Other at end of Surface Tension in the Klingon Council chamber. They're right there in the same room. The Other is clearly visible at the front of the crowd. Yet.... M'Tara misses seeing the Other.

    We meet T'Ket briefly in Blood of the Ancients on New Romulus. Why did she not notice the Other then? Or again at the end of the mission M'Tara again meets the Other again when she murders the Preserver. Why didn't she recognise?

    Jump ahead to "Broken Circle" and this time we have extensive time with M'Tara as we slowly bleed her of life energy. But she STILL doesn't recognise the Other. How can this be? Then M'Lirien and T'Ket appear after being summoned. And M'Lirien, who spent the most time with us back on ancient Iconian, again didn't recognise the Other standing right before her?

    How many times must we stand face to face with an Iconian before they recognise the Player Character as the Other who saved them all that time ago?

    I could go further, what with their choices of Servitors, the manipulation of the Undine and whatnot, but I think that's for a different essay post. ;) Or I could go into far more detail about each episode. Butterfly, for example has some blinding examples of stupidity. As does Broken Circle.

    If anyone can clear any of this up, or I've missed something that clearly explains something, please tell because right now the Iconian War is looking like a friggin' mess of gross stupidity.

    finally someone who understands the MASSIVE plot holes in the whole Idiot.... i mean Iconian War
  • tacticalrooktacticalrook Member Posts: 810 Arc User
    scousesi wrote: »
    is there anyway to run a sweep stake with ec for how long the server will be down? lol

    How so?
    /channel_join grind
  • bulabajonesbulabajones Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    -lots of things-

    Was it actually surprising the Iconian War thing made very little sense and was poorly written?
    Patching 11 files, 0 KB/s
    Patching 87 files, 160.08 KB/s


  • phrgphrg Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    Thanks mikoto8472 - something to read while they wind up the hamsters... :D
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    gradii wrote: »
    Midnight was actually the only GOOD mission in the iconian war. bad example.
    Many think Midnight was not only the worst mission in the Iconian war but one of the worst missions in game. It had bad design flaws which made it frustrating to play and a terrible story.
  • mikew83mikew83 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    mikew83 wrote: »
    On for all of 7 seconds before I got the boot... If the "rumor" mill is true, and this is another DDoS attack, truly shame-on-you, Cryptic/Arc! You can't run STO on Windows NT forever... Eventually you'll have to spring for the $180 10 Pro. Smdh :D

    You want THAT running the servers? I'm gonna upgrade to 8 as soon as I can!

    Yes. I'm serious. I find Windows 8 BETTER than the junk that is Windows 10.

    Besides, Windows 10 is basically an updated version of Windows NT. All NT is is the framework for the current verisons of Windows.

    I personally hated 8, love 10... BUT, I was just trying to lighten the mood :) I know a DDoS attack really has nothing to do with the OS, but it really does make you wonder what Cryptic is using in terms of gear. The servers/host seem really picky. Lots of up-time, but how many times has STO been collateral damage when they target Neverwinter.

    Do they not have the capital to invest in infrastructure improvements? Maybe a nice Iconian will share the secrets to advanced data solutions with them one day lol This is clearly not cutting it anymore

  • scousesiscousesi Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    defiance12 wrote: »
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    gradii wrote: »
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    This is stupid. I couldn't do "Butterfly" last night because the servers crashed. Now when I try again 10 minutes ago, it crashes again!

    Get your s&%t together Cryptic, I'd like to be able to finish the Iconian war sometime before the next century!

    Well storywise its literally the worst mission in STO. However the mission rewards make it worth suffering through.

    I've played all the Iconian stories on my Tac character, am TRYING to get my sci character through them as soon as possible. The idea was to burn my way through both missions yesterday night and have it done with.

    Then the server crashed so I thought I'd go to bed instead and finish off the two eps today. Here I am, 5 minutes logged in, just preparing to give Butterfly another run and it effing crashes again.

    As for storyline of Butterfly the whole freaking Iconian War storyline blows chunks in so many ways I've lost count of how much stupidity I've seen from both sides. My friends and I have renamed it the "Idiot War" after some of the sheer stupidity of the writing.

    I'd be happy to share the exact reasons I find the Idiot War so terrible if you like? ;)

    Yes please elablorate. Plenty of time while they fix the servers.

    Gladly. Who knows maybe I've missed something that might explain the downright idiocy? ;) Okay naturally there's a SPOILER ALERT FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS NOT FINISHED THE ICONIAN WAR.

    So, let's start out with the Iconian "day of fire" two hundred thousand years ago. Kagran appears in orbit around Iconia and spends two weeks learning about the Iconians of that time before the Player Captain (a tac human female in my case), and Sela arrive in orbit with specific orders from their governments/superiors to ensure that no Iconian survives this day.

    They have a few hours to kill and spend it getting to know the Iconians of this era, discovering they're advanced and peaceful. Kagran's convinced himself that they shouldn't carry out their orders and in fact should save the Iconians. For reasons of his/her own the Player Captain comes to agree.

    So when the attack comes, they run around saving Iconians and assist M'Lirien in the creation of the World Heart. On the way they save T'Ket and M'Tara along with a few other Iconians. They help these Iconians get to a Gateway that'll take them to a safe hiding place. At this point Sela remembers the orders given and shoots a couple Iconians, wounds L'Mirien and causes her to drop the World Heart. Kagran and the Player Captain, now known as "The Other" by the Iconians stop Sela from killing more Iconians and allow them to escape through the gateway.

    Presumably its Kagran that told the Iconians that Sela is a Romulan because none of us did during the mission. I'm not even sure if we gave our names so quite how the Iconians knew to wait two hundred thousand years for the Romulans to evolve and for Sela to be born, I don't know.

    In any case, the Iconians decide to confuse Sela with the rest of her species. Because of her single individual act, the Iconians decide to become genocidal monsters and that her whole species is forfeit. That's stupid and illogical, seeking to wipe out an entire species for the actions of one woman.

    The Iconians also decide apparently to become just like Sela, rather than follow the example of the Other in remaining a reasoned, collected, logical people. They also apparently decide that every single other species in the milky way have to be turned into slaves or exterminated. Species who had absolutely nothing to do with the bombardment of Iconia.

    Humans, Bajorans, Cardassians, Gorn, Orions, Betazoids to name but a few. None of them had done anything whatsoever to the Iconians. Most of them hadn't even evolved to their current form when Iconia was bombarded. There's no sense or logic in exterminating them. They're innocents. Its sheer stupidity to decide to go after completely innocent species-including the species of the Other. (In my case, human.)

    Okay so the Iconians lurk about aboard their Dyson sphere for two hundred thousands of years breeding a massive army of Heralds, building a huge armada of ships so they can exterminate billions or even trillions of innocent people from dozens of innocent species.

    They blow up Romulus and turn the Romulans into scattered refugees. Revenge enough perhaps if they're absolutely determined to blame an entire species on the acts of one woman?

    FYI, I don't think the destruction of Romulus was Sela's fault. Okay she provoked the Iconians, but ultimately it was they who freely made the informed choice to become genocidal monsters.

    And this is where things get *really* stupid in the mission "Cutting the Cord." The Iconians actually *capture* Sela. They have the woman they deem responsible quite literally helpless in their hands. This is a perfect opportunity to exact whatever sick torturous revenge T'Ket and M'Tara might have in mind for her. But instead they seem to ignore her and give her and her crew to the Elachi. They passed up the opportunity to have Sela answer for her crimes.

    Then comes another stupid part. M'Tara then meets the Other at end of Surface Tension in the Klingon Council chamber. They're right there in the same room. The Other is clearly visible at the front of the crowd. Yet.... M'Tara misses seeing the Other.

    We meet T'Ket briefly in Blood of the Ancients on New Romulus. Why did she not notice the Other then? Or again at the end of the mission M'Tara again meets the Other again when she murders the Preserver. Why didn't she recognise?

    Jump ahead to "Broken Circle" and this time we have extensive time with M'Tara as we slowly bleed her of life energy. But she STILL doesn't recognise the Other. How can this be? Then M'Lirien and T'Ket appear after being summoned. And M'Lirien, who spent the most time with us back on ancient Iconian, again didn't recognise the Other standing right before her?

    How many times must we stand face to face with an Iconian before they recognise the Player Character as the Other who saved them all that time ago?

    I could go further, what with their choices of Servitors, the manipulation of the Undine and whatnot, but I think that's for a different essay post. ;) Or I could go into far more detail about each episode. Butterfly, for example has some blinding examples of stupidity. As does Broken Circle.

    If anyone can clear any of this up, or I've missed something that clearly explains something, please tell because right now the Iconian War is looking like a friggin' mess of gross stupidity.

    finally someone who understands the MASSIVE plot holes in the whole Idiot.... i mean Iconian War

    All war is a friggin' mess of gross stupidity, missed opportunities for peace, needless lives lost. Now I know I need to get on playing I'm being far too serious...

  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    gradii wrote: »
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    This is stupid. I couldn't do "Butterfly" last night because the servers crashed. Now when I try again 10 minutes ago, it crashes again!

    Get your s&%t together Cryptic, I'd like to be able to finish the Iconian war sometime before the next century!

    Well storywise its literally the worst mission in STO. However the mission rewards make it worth suffering through.

    I've played all the Iconian stories on my Tac character, am TRYING to get my sci character through them as soon as possible. The idea was to burn my way through both missions yesterday night and have it done with.

    Then the server crashed so I thought I'd go to bed instead and finish off the two eps today. Here I am, 5 minutes logged in, just preparing to give Butterfly another run and it effing crashes again.

    As for storyline of Butterfly the whole freaking Iconian War storyline blows chunks in so many ways I've lost count of how much stupidity I've seen from both sides. My friends and I have renamed it the "Idiot War" after some of the sheer stupidity of the writing.

    I'd be happy to share the exact reasons I find the Idiot War so terrible if you like? ;)

    Yes please elablorate. Plenty of time while they fix the servers.

    Presumably its Kagran that told the Iconians that Sela is a Romulan because none of us did during the mission. I'm not even sure if we gave our names so quite how the Iconians knew to wait two hundred thousand years for the Romulans to evolve and for Sela to be born, I don't know.

    Quite easy to guess, actually. T'Ket remembers that the one who betrayed the Iconians and the other is called Sela, is a Romulan and comes from a chroniton-filled anomaly and may be from the future, thanks to the details Kagran told to M'Tara. Then, 200,000 years later, a Romulan shows up (Hakeev and/or Taris) and T'Ket learns their empress is called Sela and they probably have a holorecording of her. T'Ket recognizes her and decides to try and kill her with the rest of her species.

    In any case, the Iconians decide to confuse Sela with the rest of her species. Because of her single individual act, the Iconians decide to become genocidal monsters and that her whole species is forfeit. That's stupid and illogical, seeking to wipe out an entire species for the actions of one woman.
    For T'Ket, it's only logical as for her, lesser species killed her species and she's in for revenge. As for the "one individual does something terrible, so all the species/ethnicity must die"... well, it happens in the real world too.
    The Iconians also decide apparently to become just like Sela, rather than follow the example of the Other in remaining a reasoned, collected, logical people. They also apparently decide that every single other species in the milky way have to be turned into slaves or exterminated. Species who had absolutely nothing to do with the bombardment of Iconia.
    My theory is T'Ket took over as the Iconians' hidden ruler, using M'Tara as a puppet queen (which explains why M'Tara is the second most evil Iconian after T'Ket, despite the fact she was a diplomat before) and corrupting her sisters to make them powerful enough and telling them "told you so, lesser species must die, now if you want to survive, you'll do as I say!".
    Humans, Bajorans, Cardassians, Gorn, Orions, Betazoids to name but a few. None of them had done anything whatsoever to the Iconians. Most of them hadn't even evolved to their current form when Iconia was bombarded. There's no sense or logic in exterminating them. They're innocents. Its sheer stupidity to decide to go after completely innocent species-including the species of the Other. (In my case, human.)
    T'Ket doesn't care whether other species or even other Iconians die, she's just in for blood. The other innocent species are just an excuse.

    And this is where things get *really* stupid in the mission "Cutting the Cord." The Iconians actually *capture* Sela. They have the woman they deem responsible quite literally helpless in their hands. This is a perfect opportunity to exact whatever sick torturous revenge T'Ket and M'Tara might have in mind for her. But instead they seem to ignore her and give her and her crew to the Elachi. They passed up the opportunity to have Sela answer for her crimes.
    The same reason Khan doesn't directly kill Kirk in WOK: death is far too good for a revenge. So they make her suffer, make her watch her crew being converted, make her realize what she has caused to happen to all those Romulans, trying to break her before finishing her off in a long and agonizing death.

    Then comes another stupid part. M'Tara then meets the Other at end of Surface Tension in the Klingon Council chamber. They're right there in the same room. The Other is clearly visible at the front of the crowd. Yet.... M'Tara misses seeing the Other.

    We meet T'Ket briefly in Blood of the Ancients on New Romulus. Why did she not notice the Other then? Or again at the end of the mission M'Tara again meets the Other again when she murders the Preserver. Why didn't she recognise?

    Jump ahead to "Broken Circle" and this time we have extensive time with M'Tara as we slowly bleed her of life energy. But she STILL doesn't recognise the Other. How can this be? Then M'Lirien and T'Ket appear after being summoned. And M'Lirien, who spent the most time with us back on ancient Iconian, again didn't recognise the Other standing right before her?
    Only L'Miren recognizes and cares about the Other to really want to find him/her again, M'Tara is brainwashed by T'Ket (again, as part of my theory) and T'Ket doesn't care, she even seems furious the PC is still alive because it convinces L'Miren and the others to stop. The only time Iconians could recognize the Other is when L'Miren shows up to assist to her sister's death while the player is far away and among other different characters, a situation where she wouldn't even think to look for the Other. Plus, she/he could be wearing different clothes.

  • defiance12defiance12 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    scousesi wrote: »
    defiance12 wrote: »
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    gradii wrote: »
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    This is stupid. I couldn't do "Butterfly" last night because the servers crashed. Now when I try again 10 minutes ago, it crashes again!

    Get your s&%t together Cryptic, I'd like to be able to finish the Iconian war sometime before the next century!

    Well storywise its literally the worst mission in STO. However the mission rewards make it worth suffering through.

    I've played all the Iconian stories on my Tac character, am TRYING to get my sci character through them as soon as possible. The idea was to burn my way through both missions yesterday night and have it done with.

    Then the server crashed so I thought I'd go to bed instead and finish off the two eps today. Here I am, 5 minutes logged in, just preparing to give Butterfly another run and it effing crashes again.

    As for storyline of Butterfly the whole freaking Iconian War storyline blows chunks in so many ways I've lost count of how much stupidity I've seen from both sides. My friends and I have renamed it the "Idiot War" after some of the sheer stupidity of the writing.

    I'd be happy to share the exact reasons I find the Idiot War so terrible if you like? ;)

    Yes please elablorate. Plenty of time while they fix the servers.

    Gladly. Who knows maybe I've missed something that might explain the downright idiocy? ;) Okay naturally there's a SPOILER ALERT FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS NOT FINISHED THE ICONIAN WAR.

    So, let's start out with the Iconian "day of fire" two hundred thousand years ago. Kagran appears in orbit around Iconia and spends two weeks learning about the Iconians of that time before the Player Captain (a tac human female in my case), and Sela arrive in orbit with specific orders from their governments/superiors to ensure that no Iconian survives this day.

    They have a few hours to kill and spend it getting to know the Iconians of this era, discovering they're advanced and peaceful. Kagran's convinced himself that they shouldn't carry out their orders and in fact should save the Iconians. For reasons of his/her own the Player Captain comes to agree.

    So when the attack comes, they run around saving Iconians and assist M'Lirien in the creation of the World Heart. On the way they save T'Ket and M'Tara along with a few other Iconians. They help these Iconians get to a Gateway that'll take them to a safe hiding place. At this point Sela remembers the orders given and shoots a couple Iconians, wounds L'Mirien and causes her to drop the World Heart. Kagran and the Player Captain, now known as "The Other" by the Iconians stop Sela from killing more Iconians and allow them to escape through the gateway.

    Presumably its Kagran that told the Iconians that Sela is a Romulan because none of us did during the mission. I'm not even sure if we gave our names so quite how the Iconians knew to wait two hundred thousand years for the Romulans to evolve and for Sela to be born, I don't know.

    In any case, the Iconians decide to confuse Sela with the rest of her species. Because of her single individual act, the Iconians decide to become genocidal monsters and that her whole species is forfeit. That's stupid and illogical, seeking to wipe out an entire species for the actions of one woman.

    The Iconians also decide apparently to become just like Sela, rather than follow the example of the Other in remaining a reasoned, collected, logical people. They also apparently decide that every single other species in the milky way have to be turned into slaves or exterminated. Species who had absolutely nothing to do with the bombardment of Iconia.

    Humans, Bajorans, Cardassians, Gorn, Orions, Betazoids to name but a few. None of them had done anything whatsoever to the Iconians. Most of them hadn't even evolved to their current form when Iconia was bombarded. There's no sense or logic in exterminating them. They're innocents. Its sheer stupidity to decide to go after completely innocent species-including the species of the Other. (In my case, human.)

    Okay so the Iconians lurk about aboard their Dyson sphere for two hundred thousands of years breeding a massive army of Heralds, building a huge armada of ships so they can exterminate billions or even trillions of innocent people from dozens of innocent species.

    They blow up Romulus and turn the Romulans into scattered refugees. Revenge enough perhaps if they're absolutely determined to blame an entire species on the acts of one woman?

    FYI, I don't think the destruction of Romulus was Sela's fault. Okay she provoked the Iconians, but ultimately it was they who freely made the informed choice to become genocidal monsters.

    And this is where things get *really* stupid in the mission "Cutting the Cord." The Iconians actually *capture* Sela. They have the woman they deem responsible quite literally helpless in their hands. This is a perfect opportunity to exact whatever sick torturous revenge T'Ket and M'Tara might have in mind for her. But instead they seem to ignore her and give her and her crew to the Elachi. They passed up the opportunity to have Sela answer for her crimes.

    Then comes another stupid part. M'Tara then meets the Other at end of Surface Tension in the Klingon Council chamber. They're right there in the same room. The Other is clearly visible at the front of the crowd. Yet.... M'Tara misses seeing the Other.

    We meet T'Ket briefly in Blood of the Ancients on New Romulus. Why did she not notice the Other then? Or again at the end of the mission M'Tara again meets the Other again when she murders the Preserver. Why didn't she recognise?

    Jump ahead to "Broken Circle" and this time we have extensive time with M'Tara as we slowly bleed her of life energy. But she STILL doesn't recognise the Other. How can this be? Then M'Lirien and T'Ket appear after being summoned. And M'Lirien, who spent the most time with us back on ancient Iconian, again didn't recognise the Other standing right before her?

    How many times must we stand face to face with an Iconian before they recognise the Player Character as the Other who saved them all that time ago?

    I could go further, what with their choices of Servitors, the manipulation of the Undine and whatnot, but I think that's for a different essay post. ;) Or I could go into far more detail about each episode. Butterfly, for example has some blinding examples of stupidity. As does Broken Circle.

    If anyone can clear any of this up, or I've missed something that clearly explains something, please tell because right now the Iconian War is looking like a friggin' mess of gross stupidity.

    finally someone who understands the MASSIVE plot holes in the whole Idiot.... i mean Iconian War

    All war is a friggin' mess of gross stupidity, missed opportunities for peace, needless lives lost. Now I know I need to get on playing I'm being far too serious...

    well all down time and no play makes us all very serious
  • torsten1009torsten1009 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    Green light in the Launcher
    If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Green light in the Launcher

    Should probably wait until there's an announcement before trying. Last thing you want to do is flood the server with login requests the moment it seems to be back up.

    EDIT: I stand corrected :smiley:
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,432 Arc User
    leemwatson wrote: »
    mikew83 wrote: »
    On for all of 7 seconds before I got the boot... If the "rumor" mill is true, and this is another DDoS attack, truly shame-on-you, Cryptic/Arc! You can't run STO on Windows NT forever... Eventually you'll have to spring for the $180 10 Pro. Smdh :D

    You want THAT running the servers? I'm gonna upgrade to 8 as soon as I can!

    Yes. I'm serious. I find Windows 8 BETTER than the junk that is Windows 10.

    8! Seriously, that cloggy piece of software is well rid of. 10 is far less wasteful in my laptop's resources. It's 6 years old and now runs way more faster on 10 than it ever did on 7 and 8!

    Yes, but 8 didn't give MS the ability to brick your computer, now, did it?

    Let me ask you a question. Why do you think Windows 10 is CONSTANTLY phoning back to Microsoft, whether you tell it to or not? I will tell you why. The NSA.

    Paranoid much?? Let me tell you this....I have nothing to fear, nor nothing to hide as I'm not in the NSA's jurisdiction. Tell me this....what's the name of the process called? I'm sure everyone would love to know what it is seeing as I didn't give MS authorisation to receive data. Oh, and by the way 7 and 8 also have the same 'reporting' capability as 10 does, providing you give it permission to report! And lastly, 10 can't brick my computer.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • jstewart55jstewart55 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    Hi, Cryptic,

    Haven't received my reward yet for completing MI. Assume that this is all in the works, however, and will be rectified soon? Will send another message soon if not; I know you're busy with stuff, but I'm sure you'll make time for this.

    Thank you,
  • mikoto8472mikoto8472 Member Posts: 607 Arc User
    phrg wrote: »
    Thanks mikoto8472 - something to read while they wind up the hamsters... :D

    You're welcome. It was actually quite fun to write out actually.

    Admittedly I got so caught up in the writing that I forgot to mention that in Midnight we're actually praised for disobeying direct orders by saving the ancient Iconians. I'd have actually rounded them up into one place, beamed up and bombed the lot from orbit, thus following orders. Twelve lives in exchange for the billions they would later slaughter either directly or indirectly in the years leading up to the invasion, plus the invasion itself, is a fair trade IMO. Sela actually was the only one who got it right.

    It doesn't matter that people confused individual for entire species in real life. Its still stupid.

    Anyway its clear that T'Ket is bats**t crazy as well as stupid. Not recognising different species is stupid, not caring and wanting to wade to the hips in blood is insane. Khaless should have done the whole universe a favour and chopped her head off when he had the chance rather than monologuing and cutting off her arm.

    I'm not sure I buy the "T'Ket brainwashed the other Iconians" theory. M'Tara never stated that she wanted to fill lakes with blood or whatever it was T'Ket said on Kyana moon. She carped on about duty when she murdered the Preserver.

    I dunno, the whole thing is a mess. I'll have to do Midnight again soon(ish) whenever Cryptic finally gets its s**t together and fixes the servers long enough for me to play. I'll see if we were ever "introduced" by name during the mission.
  • blazeritterblazeritter Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    mikoto8472 wrote: »

    You're welcome. It was actually quite fun to write out actually.

    To be completely honest, the idea of a "war" against the Iconians - as was presented - is really nonsense. The Iconians would have to be the absolute dumbest "conquerors" ever to lose, even if they're vastly outnumbered (which isn't what was portrayed). Think of their demonstrated capabilities:
    • Self-teleport over vast distances
    • Energy-based lifeforms with the ability to mass disintegrate organic lifeforms with a thought, only shown weakness apparently involves being too close to a bad machine
    • Solar-system sized fortresses that can transport at least between quadrants, if not galaxies
    • Numerous servant races (even if some have been reduced in population), some of whom should remain concealed as a secret weapon
    • An absolutely inconceivable number of starships, enough to "blot out the sun"
    • The ability to teleport/channel fragments of a star anywhere near their ships (one of the space abilities)
    • Devices that can apparently blow up one star and obliterate planets light years away

    A traditional war with weapons and troops against such an enemy is beyond stupid. Their sphere (assume that they only have one just for the sake of argument, which likely isn't true) itself would be a nearly incalculable weapon. Imagine if something that big jumped into Earth's orbit, or if they just started opening gateways draining out portions of stars in inhabited solar systems.

    Just with the demonstrated technology, the Iconians could basically wipe out entire planets/solar systems without firing a single shot. Trying to fight them with conventional weapons shouldn't even elicit more than a passing chuckle, yet "we won."

    Basically, the only way the organic races should have stood a chance was if Q, the Prophets, the Organians, maybe even the Zalconians had chosen to help us out. While that could have happened, it was never even hinted at.
  • galattgalatt Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    matkemp wrote: »
    The cleaners are in....

    Dev 1:"Whats just happened?"
    Dev 2:"I'll go have a look.....wt!...who's plugged this vacuum into the server power socket!....unplug it now!"
    Cleaner: "Noooo! me clean now!"

    I'd laugh at that, but I actually been through this. Worse, it was the dept. manager that told the cleaners to do it so they could polish the floor
  • rajathomasrajathomas Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    mikoto8472 wrote: »

    You're welcome. It was actually quite fun to write out actually.

    To be completely honest, the idea of a "war" against the Iconians - as was presented - is really nonsense. The Iconians would have to be the absolute dumbest "conquerors" ever to lose, even if they're vastly outnumbered (which isn't what was portrayed). Think of their demonstrated capabilities:
    • Self-teleport over vast distances
    • Energy-based lifeforms with the ability to mass disintegrate organic lifeforms with a thought, only shown weakness apparently involves being too close to a bad machine
    • Solar-system sized fortresses that can transport at least between quadrants, if not galaxies
    • Numerous servant races (even if some have been reduced in population), some of whom should remain concealed as a secret weapon
    • An absolutely inconceivable number of starships, enough to "blot out the sun"
    • The ability to teleport/channel fragments of a star anywhere near their ships (one of the space abilities)
    • Devices that can apparently blow up one star and obliterate planets light years away

    A traditional war with weapons and troops against such an enemy is beyond stupid. Their sphere (assume that they only have one just for the sake of argument, which likely isn't true) itself would be a nearly incalculable weapon. Imagine if something that big jumped into Earth's orbit, or if they just started opening gateways draining out portions of stars in inhabited solar systems.

    Just with the demonstrated technology, the Iconians could basically wipe out entire planets/solar systems without firing a single shot. Trying to fight them with conventional weapons shouldn't even elicit more than a passing chuckle, yet "we won."

    Basically, the only way the organic races should have stood a chance was if Q, the Prophets, the Organians, maybe even the Zalconians had chosen to help us out. While that could have happened, it was never even hinted at.

    So what would your response be when faced with impossible odds? Lay down and call it quits apparently since the way you portrayed this war was "nonsense". I hope I don't have you on my team when the chips are down, I prefer people who will fight no matter how hopeless things are. Anyway, it was all explained very clearly, how the war was being lost and how the alliance was resorting to whatever drastic methods they could to attempt a victory. You probably skipped all the dialogs and missed how it finally ended, with someone laying down their guns and making a gesture, which Picard and many others in Trek have done countless times. I guess some people really just can't grasp this happening, let alone a war ending where there wasn't a victor who blew up more stuff.

  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    rajathomas wrote: »
    “Anyway, it was all explained very clearly, how the war was being lost and how the alliance was resorting to whatever drastic methods they could to attempt a victory.”
    That’s not how I recall it. They explained the Iconians wouldn’t stand a chance if the races united and if the Dominion join in the Iconinans are doomed. We get to the final battle the Iconinan fleet is being beaten with ease with single Star ships taking out entire squadron after squadron of Iconinan with ease. Then just after we wipe out a large part of the Iconinan fleet the Dominion warp in to help us. What chance did the Iconians have?

    “For T'Ket, it's only logical as for her, lesser species killed her species and she's in for revenge. As for the "one individual does something terrible, so all the species/ethnicity must die"... well, it happens in the real world too.”
    What about when 7 Romulans save T'Ket and the Iconians. Then one individual that is human half breed and not Romulen does something bad. Basically we end up with the Romulans being the others that saved the Iconians. The human half breed though is a reason to wipe out the Romulans that saved the day.
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    What about when 7 Romulans save T'Ket and the Iconians. Then one individual that is human half breed and not Romulen does something bad. Basically we end up with the Romulans being the others that saved the Iconians. The human half breed though is a reason to wipe out the Romulans that saved the day.
    In T'ket's mind, you probably lulled them into a false sense of safety and only one Klingon prevented you from killing her sister, whether you're Starfleet, Romulan or Klingon.
    She's only remembering you as the Other because L'Miren and the other Iconians are deluded in believing you saved their life and won't shut up about it, so she's rolling with it.
    She doesn't care, "your existence is an insult to the memory of the fallen Iconians", after all, even after you reveal you're the Other.

    That or the game assumes you're Starfleet and nothing else, once again.
  • blazeritterblazeritter Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    rajathomas wrote: »

    So what would your response be when faced with impossible odds? Lay down and call it quits apparently since the way you portrayed this war was "nonsense". I hope I don't have you on my team when the chips are down, I prefer people who will fight no matter how hopeless things are. Anyway, it was all explained very clearly, how the war was being lost and how the alliance was resorting to whatever drastic methods they could to attempt a victory. You probably skipped all the dialogs and missed how it finally ended, with someone laying down their guns and making a gesture, which Picard and many others in Trek have done countless times. I guess some people really just can't grasp this happening, let alone a war ending where there wasn't a victor who blew up more stuff.

    Huh? You may want to stop jumping to conclusions that are completely unrelated.

    To your...question?...about impossible odds, the answer is to change the odds. You don't attack a tank head-on with a pitchfork and hope to bludgeon the tank into submission, you find its weak spot and exploit that. Use the landscape, gum up the works, make it chase you until it runs out of gas, find somebody with a bazooka - anything that might have a real chance at success.

    That's not what the allies did (at least that was portrayed) - they sent wave after wave of ships to their death in the hopes of getting lucky and breaking through the tank's armor. The Krenim weapon ship was a start, but abandoned instead for a do-over (why not try using the weapon to wipe the sphere itself out of existence?).

    There were tons of other suggestions in the forums about things that could have been done - I particularly liked the one from a Commander Kitt-ay (something like that) about using phase cloaks to get in and drop a doomsday weapon into the heart of the spheres. Many of them were far more inventive and at least would have had a chance at success given the "threat."

    The point is that - as described by lore - the Iconians were far too great a threat to try to fight with conventional weapons, but that's what happened anyway. I get why to a degree because of game mechanics, but that doesn't suddenly excuse the plotholes. It also doesn't make the Iconians look any smarter for apparently not bringing their A-game to their galactic conquest march.
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