This for 40K fans to ponder over, I've not put Tyranids and Necron into this poll
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
My character Tsin'xing
Considering someone at some point summarized the 40k-verse along the lines of "a depiction of how TRIBBLE up the universe has to be to let fascism seem like a halfway decent idea", the best answer to this is probably "none"
I actually play and have army schemes and story ready for Dark Eldar, Eldar, Tau, Space Marines, IG, Sororitas and Orcs. Chaos, Nids 'n Necrons never really inspired me to get interested into those.
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At least you know where you stand with the rest of the races
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
You also know where you stand with nids and necrons. Even more so, no other nid or necron will turn on you. With the humans, be it marines, inquisition or guard, your next guy will shoot you without a second thought if somebody even hints at possible heretic thoughts in you, orcs will bash you just for fun, as Dark Eldar getting stabbed in the back by your own is like a workout and Tau society isn't really more forgiving than the Imperium of Man. Eldar seem to be the only ones that are kind of not total TRIBBLE towards their own kin - or you are nid and part of a swarm or a silver terminator and go to sleep once your world is cleansed.
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Necrons are split into factions that don't always agree with each other and fight. Some Tyranids fleets meet up with other Tyranid fleets and eat/fight each other. So I am not sure you know where you stand with nids or Necrons.
My character Tsin'xing
Granted there were a few instances where they were willing to put asside differences. But those are few and far between. And even then... if its for the greater good of the planet, region, or whole galaxy, those that choose to fight the greater evil tend to get punished for siding with "foul Xenos".
While I admit sometime the Eldar have a rather high and mighty attitude, and do some dirty tricks, out of all the races in 40k they tend to be the most level headed, with the Tau a close second.
I will also admit playing Orks in DoW is a riot. DAKKA DAKKA!
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1. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!
2. They're probably one of the few for which WH40k galaxy is a fun place to be.
3. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Personally, however... it would be the more open-minded and "I won't kill you if you don't try and kill me first" Tau if not for the fact that the idea of "The Greater Good" makes me uncomfortable since I know how that phrase has been used to try and justify tragedies and horrors throughout history, so I'm going to go with Orks, one of my other favorites. They're just a simple race with a simple dream; WAAAAGH! But they come in so many flavors; the sneaky humie-imitatin' Blood Axes, the rambunctious Speed Freeks... and if one wants to go back to 'Gorkamorka', those cute and vicious little fighters for green equality, the Rebel Grots.
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
You can safely assume that every human commander willing to even temporarily collaborate with Xenos will be executed afterwards for treachery and if the Inquisitor feels like it, his or her whole garrison/company will be exterminated as well, just to be safe.
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And that is why this particular universe is one where I'm not really a fan of the humans.
Although in DoW: Winter Assault, the Eldar and Imperial Guard do make a truce to deal with not only Orks and Chaos, but Necrons as well in the "Order" Campaign. And I think Captain Angelos of the Blood Ravens is actually respected by the Eldar.
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I think he is, I mean not every human in Warhammer is an idiot. I also like the protagonist in the "Space Marine" game which should have become a series but unfortunately THQ went bankrupt. (But still, if anyone wants to play Space Marine Multiplayer I'm on board, PUGs don't work anymore as the servers are empty/shut down). Still, don't forget that in Dawn of War the whole Blood Raven chapter is under inquisitorial investigation, especially since in Dark Crusade and Soulstorm they always fight against the Imperium, in Soulstorm it's even worse since they openly fight the Inquisition.
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My character Tsin'xing
That would be Chaos if I remember correctly.
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Yes, I know, the various Chaos gods are essentially at war with each other thus you kinda need to avoid them. But... you get cool toys.
My character Tsin'xing
Tell that to Lord Commissar Ciaphas Cain and Lord General Militant Zyvan, who fought with the tau against the tyranids twice: once against a genestealer infestation on a planet neither side considered worth getting into a shooting war over, and once against Hive Fleet Kraken (and that time they even had Imperial astropaths serving on Water Caste ships to pass intelligence). I also recall a tale of a Space Marine chapter that allied with the tau against a Chaos incursion and let them leave in once piece afterwards.
Even the Imperium of Man has plenty of people with a sufficient ratio of brains to fanaticism to take the pragmatic choice.
By the way, this is my Space Marine chapter: the Blue Suns.
(Yes, I stuck a Firefly logo on him. I love modding.)
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Say hello to the Ghost Bears, inspired by Clan Ghost Bear from MechWarrior/Battletech.
The Colonial Marines from Aliens.
And for the lulz... the Bug Stompers, named after one of the dropships from Aliens.
And that is only 3 of the custom armies I have on DoW 2.
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My Imperial Guard Regiment
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Gue'vesa reporting, Shas'O.
-Dedication plaque of the Federation Starship U.S.S. Merkava
Seriously, ALL those groups in WH40k will TRIBBLE you over. They all have some really cool things about them, but there's so much bad things happening in WH40k that everybody is f'ed. Even the ones that seem "Pretty cool all around and not maniacal" are too small and stand to be overrun in the grand scope of a galaxy at complete war.
How did the Imperial Guard get so many votes? Their idea of fixing a problem is how many millions of soldiers do they have to lose today to fight tomorrow?
The Tau have few advantages they are pretty much the only race that isn’t stagnant or going backwards. In fact I would go as far as to say they are the only race that is expending and developing new technology plus unlike Humans they understand how their own technology works.
This will never happen as it would break/ruin the game but from a technology point of view Tau seem unbeatable to me. Mass produce rail rifles give them to basic troops and suddenly even the most Elite Space Marines are wearing paper as armor and don’t stand a chance. Stealth drones, stealth ships on mass could destroy entire army’s without being shot back. The new Stealth battle suits as big as a tank would be deadly on mass. Apply that stealth technology to ships and air fighters and well they could dominate air and space battles.
Tau has such cool toys like defense walls mounted on grav generators so the defense structures, walls and turrets move with the army as they advance or need to retreat. If it wasn’t for game balance reasons there technology would wipe the floor against most army’s.
Partly I agree. But I have to admit I'm out of active tabletop more than a decade, since then my army collects dust (but I hired out some of my units to other players from time to time). But I try to keep up with the fluff and enjoy the computerized works of the franchise. Anyhow, while the Tau may technologically be very advanced, the Eldar tech is still a quantum leap ahead of them, also it may be that the Eldar helped the Tau in the first place - and don't forget the Necron whose ancient tech is also still more advanced than any pulse rifle or stealth suit. And Tau numbers are still small compared to the other races. Not only for game balance but also canonically no power in the 40k verse could even dream of dominating or winning as the most advanced tech will in the end succumb to sheer, relentless numbers or literal immortal dangers. And what the chaos gods themselves bring to the battle can't be meassured in technology either.
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Not anymore the Tau received a revamp in 2013 and became a Tier 1 army plus a new updated came out yesterday making them even more deadly and advanced. I used to have my Firewarrior squad shoot 4 shots per model with +1bs and ignore cover far more deadly than Necron troops. Pulse weapons have advanced as well with new ones like Pulse Blaster which do more damage the closer the target get to you. Pulse Blaster can reach Assault 2, S6, AP3 at point blank. Burst Cannons are now 4 pulse shots per weapon.
Basic Stealth Suits have been improved and in case you haven't seen it as its brand new there is a new Stealth Ghostkeel battlesuits. The Tau are well setup to counter Necrons.
The thing is the only threat to the Tau was the imperium. The imperium had trouble getting though the Damocles Gulf with the psychic beacon. Now the Astronomican psychic beacon has shrank so much the core Tau Empire is outside the reach of the imperium and safe from invasion. What’s effetely happening is the imperium is shrinking on the Eastern side of the Galaxy while the Tau are expending as the imperium is abandoning to worlds as they fall outside the Astronomican psychic beacon.
Personably I don’t believe the Chaos gods are a threat as the Tau are practically immune to them. Tau have no psychics for the Chaos gods to infiltrate and it’s been said the Tau themselves are almost invisible in the warp. Also the Tau don't enter the warp either so no exposure there. Tau don’t seem to suffer from all the corruption and internal problems the Chaos gods like to cause. In the Firewarrior story the Chaos gods did try to corrupt them but failed. What’s worse is as the imperium shrinks and Tau Empire expends the Chaos gods are getting weaker. The Tau Empire doesn’t have the emotional turmoil the Chaos gods feed off. Orks are the same the emotional turmoil from them goes to the Ork gods. Necrons don’t give off anything into the warp and the Elder are to small, so as the imperium shrinks so does the Chaos gods power base. Chaos don’t want to win they want the constant war the worst thing that could happen for them is to win or for the imperium to shrink to much.
That leaves the old style Necrons which would have been a threat to the Tau but the Necrons got retconned and changed to make them more interesting, but this changed means they are not longer the threat they used to be. The new ones are all splintered into factions. Tau don’t seem to struggle with the Tyranids either by the story’s. Who is there to stop the steady expansion?
Anyway The Tau wont win because it would ruin the game balance and destroy the universe. But in my mind long team Tau stand the best chance of wining, but even that would take 1000's of years.
EDIT: Another reason to vote Tau. Just think of the cool gaming systems and VR systems they would have for entrainment. No one has AI’s as advanced as them not even the Elder.
Seriously? I must have missed that. That is Borg-grade rewriting and ruining. And it makes no sense.
Do Tau need entertainment? I thought the second reboot of them wrote that all of them are controlled by the Ethereals.
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Necron are split into dynasties which represent former great houses and dynasties now act independently from one another and pursue their own agendas. It has given the Necron more flavor and variety with different dynasties focusing on different things. But not everyone is happy with the change.
But to my knowledge that is exactly what they do. Ethereals control the Tau through biological manipulation/pheromones. I remember that because originally yes, the Tau were basically the "good guys" but they were changed to incorporate more grim tones because it wouldn't have fit the universe.
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