I can't say that I have 100% of the details, but from what I have read; Enterprise-B was lost after a deadly infection caught the crew and then it was never heard of again.
So Enterprise-B is still out there, drifting in space. It's a great premise for a great story line, and since none of the tv shows and movies touched the subjects, perhaps STO can.
.... that actually WOULD be really awesome
Would be a swell way to wrap up October.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I don't remember anything about the B in canon though. Aside from its maiden voyage, there is nothing on her in canon.
"Let them eat static!"
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
The E is MIA? I thought it was retired eventually in STO-lore? Replaced by Odyessey.
Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds
Hast thou not lacked vigor
Hast thou exerted all possible efforts
Hast thou not become slothful
Actually I was wrong. Apparently the E was destroyed in 2408 by Undine forces. Data is alive though.
Source: http://sto.gamepedia.com/U.S.S._Enterprise_(NCC-1701-E)
"Let them eat static!"
That would be very cool indeed
Cue zombies.
-Dedication plaque of the Federation Starship U.S.S. Merkava
Edit: I just thought of a great idea surrounding this idea, Command decides to send a ship out, after all these years the Enterprise-B had been found, but they send the player instead of Shon choose to NOT risk the loss of yet another Enterprise. We get sent in and find the derilect ship floating in space and aas we board it, the crew is dead, and the infection gone....or so we think..... perhaps it's mutated into some odd being.
It's crazy but that kind of thing has worked in Trek Before, it would be an awesome idea.
Defending The Galaxy By Breaking One Starfleet Regulation After The Next.
I don't wanna any zombie things, just a derelict spaceship with dark walkways and bodies floating around.
Makes me all giggle of excitement.
With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't happen. Ideas like these must come from Cryptic, not the fanbase. It will give the fans to much control... just my 2 cents..
But I hope I'm wrong.
Dead ship in the middle of nowhere, the only lights coming from the player's ship while the shuttle approaches with the boarding party. First thing in the to-do list is to feed some power to the ship, and for that we are carrying a couple redshirts with a pocket reactor that should provide enough energy for the lights, computers and gravity... but the system is not completely "empty", having enough to restart the Warp Drive with the pocket reactor, inmediately going to warp.
Your ship, of course, follows, while you and the boarding party looks for a way to stop this. Leaving the engineering redshirts where they are (since they can access more stuff) you go with your boffs to the bridge (where all answers always are). But when you finish reading the captain's log, you lose contact with the redshirts. Dead.
Turns out the ship was the last "man" alive of the crew, programmed by the last living member to integrate him in the computer, trying to cheat the death that claimed all the other shipmates and left him stranded in the middle of nowhere. Now he is awakened (barely) and tries to get home and purge the "infection" inside his "body" (the ship!)...
The last part of the mission is, undoubtely, to make the computer to stop the madness and return to your ship. And hopefully, the ship to Earth. Earning a new photonic Doff along the way, since it would be quite cruel to leave the man trapped inside a relic which will be used as a musem!
Ship is however disabled by infected crew. Turns out whole thing was an early attempt with the Iconian Parasytes, but they proved uncontrollable.
You find some Infected crew members placed in stasis pods, hooked up to power sources from a shuttle craft. They initially seem fine, help you disable the suicide course the ship is on, then turn on the player.
Attempting to infect you and your ship.
You eventually escape, then fight the repaired Enterprise-B, and return it to Fed space under Quarenteen, and bring the prior remaining infected crew to Facility 4028 (or whatever) for evaluation.
Mission is assigned by Franklin Drake.
Please, god, no. Franklin Drake just gets Starfleet personnel killed needlessly and there is no good reason why this mission shouldn't come from the legitimate chain of command.
I can see my officers' response now:
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Windows 10 Pro
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Of course, the story idea of the Enterprise B being infected and lost in space did not originate with Cryptic so they may not be able to do it. Creator of that story may want royalties.
I agree no zombies... ffs puhleez no zombies... overdone genre much?
if we want a note of horror why not go and borrow a little from Event Horizon and the "enemy" in the episode is the ship itself... maybe have the corridors and stuff flicker as we move along and show hellish scenes kind of like how we get undine bits in mindscape while traversing voyager.
Something with actual "ghostly" things could be cool too, not dravidians, but out of phase or temporally locked crew
Maybe not the actual Barclay retrovirus, but perhaps they encountered something similar on their travels?
We find the Enterprise-B, beam down, and immediately get swarmed by hook spiders. The inside of the ship has become a jungle inhabited by generations of creepy crawlies. And skeletons. Lots of skeletons. Maybe crazed phrases drawn on the walls? A malfunctioning ship computer that is replaying the last logs of the crew, where they are all going insane? It would be fun.
Think Everything is under CBS control
Just the idea of seeing a biological technological hybrid of the Enterprise-B would be interesting, but to then get hailed by the ship hearing the echoing combined voices of the crew cry out to your own ship. After disabling the ship an beaming over seeing the Bio-logically altered an merged corridors with shapes an forms of the crew in the walls an such, with maybe the ship launching defenses that look like the crew but act like white blood cells trying to eradicate the forgien indiviguals.
I share this sentiment as well . The whole zombie thing has been overdone way too much, besides the Borg to me have always been just a high tech version of zombies anyway. I would prefer an eerier setting as the one described above where you float around the darkened hallways with a bunch of corpses with a mystery to solve and all the while you hear a muffled step from the dark, strange shadows and spooky music. Oh yeah, I would play the hell out of that mission!