Up to 19 accolades from 10 (of 14) missions possibly going away... [14 missions for Feds but Roms & Klingons only have 7 missions* affected with means 11 accolades] Rom-Feds may be able to get more accolades if they group with Feds while they do their Fed only missions.
*Badlands - No Accolades
Suspect - No Accolades
Wargames - 1 Accolade
Shutdown - 1 Accolade
*Rapier - 3 Accolades
*Forging Bonds - 2 Accolades
*Long Night - 2 Accolades
Tribble with Klingons - 2 Accolades
Tear of the Prophets - 2 Accolades
*Crack in the Mirror - 2 Accolades
*New Link - 2 Accolades
*Seeds of Dissent - No Accolades
The Other Side - 2 Accolades
Cage of Fire - No Accolades
Gonna need to grind these out on my main account...
You forgot that without War Games, there is no way to get the Starfleet kill accolades on the Fed side, so there are 6 more accolades affected if they don't add another way to kill Starfleet officers on the Fed side.
What would be neat is that they added some mission to go kill Rebel Klingons. Having a single one in one mission really sucks since you have to repeat that Nimbus episode 1000 times for that kill accolade.
How exactly are they shrinking the game when they release a new episode each month?
New content will become "old" soon enough.
They are removing all the current Cardassian Arc missions (minues the 2800 series) and giving us four missins in its place.
The dramatic over reactions are ridiculous. The revamp is a prelude to expanding the Cardassian story line with more future content. And Cardassian is likely the first new playable race.
Over all the game has done nothing but expand. And this is just a step for more later.
How exactly are they shrinking the game when they release a new episode each month?
New content will become "old" soon enough.
They are removing all the current Cardassian Arc missions (minues the 2800 series) and giving us four missins in its place.
The dramatic over reactions are ridiculous. The revamp is a prelude to expanding the Cardassian story line with more future content. And Cardassian is likely the first new playable race.
Over all the game has done nothing but expand. And this is just a step for more later.
Well, I don't know about cardies becoming a new faction. Pretty sure that's been shot down many times. Doesn't seem that appealing, honestly.
Since this replaces the Cardassian struggle and 2800 is unchanged Kurland will probably make an appearance. I do hope in New Dawn content we can do away with him. But I'm not holding my breath, I got my hopes up in Sphere of Influence when Shran was abducted but they broke my heart and I had to save him...
Trendy, when did you become the Administrator? Are you like Q now with your all seeing powers? Can you read my mind and realize that I'm thinking about the bacon you'll be providing players that you had some handsome Qs make on your behalf for us as a reward for one of these episodes?
What?! You read my mind and knew all about that?! SHE'S A Q! RUN FOR YOUR LIVERS, FOLKS! RUN FOR THE LIVERS!
...no, I'm not drunk. I'm only having my 6th cup of my 12th pot of coffee. Why do you ask?
In all seriousness, is that Cardassia I see? Because that certainly isn't Bajor architecture in that picture. Maybe you'll add an actual Cardassian race to all factions? So that I can make a Cardassian who saves DS9 and Bajor and they hate me? Please? I'll give you livers for this to happen.
Wait! What? does this mean we will get playable Cardies, and be able to goto Cardassia?
can i ask can you not get the fed kill accolasdes from doing PvP or the missions in the Spectres FE Arc or does it have to bet that one mission was mentioned before
Could this be the first glimpse of a Star Trek Online Cardassian Expansion???? Seriously, though, why is so much content being removed from this game? The endless rep/dil grinds are not going to sell this game to anyone, other than the mentally deranged that are already playing...er...like me.
Well, I don't know about cardies becoming a new faction. Pretty sure that's been shot down many times. Doesn't seem that appealing, honestly.
I do believe they said the problem with Cardies is the same problem with The Dominion becoming a playable faction... all their ships are already in lockboxes.
Anyways, a Cardy story would basically be Romulans all over again
-Wa our race got beat down!
-Now we are trying to rebuild!
-But everyone hates us!
-We gotta prove ourselves to the Feds/Klingons before they will let us join them!
Then you run into problems like how The Iconian war arc is over, so trying to shoehorn Cardassians into early game content wouldn't make any sense because it would have to involve either
A. Adding a new Iconian servitor race no one has seen before to attack them, which begs the question as to why this race was never mentioned before.
B. Just use the Elachi all over again, which does nothing but further increase how similar it is to the Romulan faction, but also creates another plothole as to why no one else ever mentioned the Elachi attacking the Cardassians.
First off, Cardies don't have the same problem that a potential Dominion faction has with regards to ships.
Dominion has the Jem'hadar Attack Ship/Recon Ship/Strike Ship, the Jem'hadar Heavy Escort Carrier and the Jem'hadar Dreanought Carrier as ships in the game.
Cardassians only have the Galor in the game, which they can always rename (look at the first Xindi lock box) to something like the True Way Cardassian Galor.
Second, it's true that the Cardassians got beat down. I don't think its true though that everyone hates them. Most of the Cardassians were misunderstood since the military acted kind of like the Tal Shiar did, wanting to control everything.
Third, you have to remember that the True Way exists in the game. They can be the Enemy to a Cardassian enemy the way the Tal Shiar was the major enemy to the Romulan Republic. There would be no need to have to use the Elachi at all. If anything, the Cardassians will get an extended story like the Romulans did, some of which will be filled in by the cross faction episodes.
Cards! Cards! Cards!!!!!!! Yes I want to be able to play as a Cardassian! The Union could be the gate way to EXPLORING the gamma quad. And the Bajorans whine too much! Plus those uniforms look very nice, one of my favorite in all of trek. I would love to know more history of Cardassia from Earth Date 1200 to the present era in game.
Well, I don't know about cardies becoming a new faction. Pretty sure that's been shot down many times. Doesn't seem that appealing, honestly.
I do believe they said the problem with Cardies is the same problem with The Dominion becoming a playable faction... all their ships are already in lockboxes.
Anyways, a Cardy story would basically be Romulans all over again
-Wa our race got beat down!
-Now we are trying to rebuild!
-But everyone hates us!
-We gotta prove ourselves to the Feds/Klingons before they will let us join them!
Then you run into problems like how The Iconian war arc is over, so trying to shoehorn Cardassians into early game content wouldn't make any sense because it would have to involve either
A. Adding a new Iconian servitor race no one has seen before to attack them, which begs the question as to why this race was never mentioned before.
B. Just use the Elachi all over again, which does nothing but further increase how similar it is to the Romulan faction, but also creates another plothole as to why no one else ever mentioned the Elachi attacking the Cardassians.
They already rebuilt and are commencing through alpha and beta quadrant.
Nobody hates them anymore after switching sides and the government democratization.
They are already allies of the feds and klingon, they have a peace treaty with the federation and a commerce treaty with the Ferengi and the Romulans, they even sent humanitarian help to the Romulans after Hobus.
They sent military aid to fight the Iconians and were present in the delta quadrant conference.
There is no need to create a new enemy, we already have the True Way and the New Link which is a new type of storyline, loyalists vs totalitarian rebels, they could begin with a prelude to the true way war, then follow the true way storyline, then spectres, then the 2800, wasteland, romulan arc, borg, breen, etc.
They seriously need to add the Cardassians to the game itself and complete all the major powers of the series in the Alpha and Beta Quadrant of the Star Trek Franchise.
ok u wthink the cardies r the last power what about the denobulans or the novans i would like to know what happened to them and one last bit totally different subjext but as most ppl probably have at least 1 Reman in the toon list i would like the option to visit the remen part of New Romulus and finally see them complete that gods damned city they have been working on for the past few years LOL
The remainder of the arc, beginning with “Second Wave”, will remain unchanged.
Starting with 'Second Wave' Kurland is in command of DS9, so no need to worry about that. I was worried that all episodes were being removed with 4 taking their place, but this means the last 5 are going to still be there.
As for Delta Recruits, the episodes "The long night", "Crack in the mirror", and "A gathering darkness" were the only episodes in the Cardassian Struggle/Dominion Domination arc that had stuff for Delta Recruits and they are not part of the final 5 episodes that aren't being touched. And these episodes are probably going to be removed, so they'll need to place the Delta Recruit stuff in the new episodes.
Where's Kurland? Don't you mean where's Andrews, she's the Commander. She dies after this episode is set, not before
Andrews was Kurland's first officer and she dies in the episode "Second Wave", which isn't being touched or removed. http://sto.gamepedia.com/Karen_Andrews
The last few episodes starting with "Second Wave" are not being removed or touched.
They mention in the blog which episodes are going.
And who says one of the new episodes doesn't replace it?
Both the Borg/Undine and Romulan episode revamps were formed from merging various aspects of past missions together.
The blog says every mission not part of the 2800 is going, which means nothing as we already knew that, just like we knew every Borg/Undine/Romulan mission was getting axed.
Think before you post next time.
Yeah, but if they are taking elements from the proper True Way, and Mirror (as other people have suggested), and New Link missions, all into just four missions, it suddenly starts to look pretty cramped.
Can you retype that in something that resembles English? Because it painfully hard to make out what you were trying to say. I'll try to respond as best I can anyways
-No, they really aren't. Hence why only one Cardassian ship was able to help in the defense of earth. The Cardassians have made great strides in rebuilding, but they are FAR from what they once were
-Plenty of people hate them, aka, everyone in the Marquis rebellion hated them. And plenty of people would still hold grudges against them for being responsible for the death of friends/family during The Dominion war.
-I never said they didn't have peace treaties with anyone. Stop trying to straw man my words. There is a difference between having a treaty, and proving yourself worthy to join the faction. The Breen have a treaty with the Federation, don't mean they are best pals.
-ONE guy, and ONE ship were there. Even the fledgling Romulan Republic offered more, which really shows the sorry state the Cardassians are in right now.
-The True Way have nothing to do with the Iconians like the Tal Shiar did. Fighting the true Way wouldn't logically lead the Cardassians into the Iconian War plot like the Romulans battle against the Tal Shiar and Elachi did. they are by no means an acceptable enemy for early game mission leading to the Iconian War plot.
In short, you obviously didn't think about anything you said, and attempted nothing more then pure contrarianism. Don't bother responding to my posts if you don't have anything intelligent to say,
I love reading your replies they are so full of anger issues.
You forgot that without War Games, there is no way to get the Starfleet kill accolades on the Fed side, so there are 6 more accolades affected if they don't add another way to kill Starfleet officers on the Fed side.
What would be neat is that they added some mission to go kill Rebel Klingons. Having a single one in one mission really sucks since you have to repeat that Nimbus episode 1000 times for that kill accolade.
They mention in the blog which episodes are going.
The dramatic over reactions are ridiculous. The revamp is a prelude to expanding the Cardassian story line with more future content. And Cardassian is likely the first new playable race.
Over all the game has done nothing but expand. And this is just a step for more later.
Well, I don't know about cardies becoming a new faction. Pretty sure that's been shot down many times. Doesn't seem that appealing, honestly.
At least forum polling they are the most popular.
Not sure about it as a faction, but they certainly discuss the possible playable races in a podcast not to long ago.
Can see this revamp as a prelude to them joining the Fed.
It was one of the Rom missions... Cardy ship drifting in space with no corpses...
Wait! What? does this mean we will get playable Cardies, and be able to goto Cardassia?
Could this be the first glimpse of a Star Trek Online Cardassian Expansion???? Seriously, though, why is so much content being removed from this game? The endless rep/dil grinds are not going to sell this game to anyone, other than the mentally deranged that are already playing...er...like me.
i hope we get those for usable toon uniform pls cryptic
First off, Cardies don't have the same problem that a potential Dominion faction has with regards to ships.
Dominion has the Jem'hadar Attack Ship/Recon Ship/Strike Ship, the Jem'hadar Heavy Escort Carrier and the Jem'hadar Dreanought Carrier as ships in the game.
Cardassians only have the Galor in the game, which they can always rename (look at the first Xindi lock box) to something like the True Way Cardassian Galor.
Second, it's true that the Cardassians got beat down. I don't think its true though that everyone hates them. Most of the Cardassians were misunderstood since the military acted kind of like the Tal Shiar did, wanting to control everything.
Third, you have to remember that the True Way exists in the game. They can be the Enemy to a Cardassian enemy the way the Tal Shiar was the major enemy to the Romulan Republic. There would be no need to have to use the Elachi at all. If anything, the Cardassians will get an extended story like the Romulans did, some of which will be filled in by the cross faction episodes.
Bigger Picture - 3rd mission in 2nd arc - Allies.
They already rebuilt and are commencing through alpha and beta quadrant.
Nobody hates them anymore after switching sides and the government democratization.
They are already allies of the feds and klingon, they have a peace treaty with the federation and a commerce treaty with the Ferengi and the Romulans, they even sent humanitarian help to the Romulans after Hobus.
They sent military aid to fight the Iconians and were present in the delta quadrant conference.
There is no need to create a new enemy, we already have the True Way and the New Link which is a new type of storyline, loyalists vs totalitarian rebels, they could begin with a prelude to the true way war, then follow the true way storyline, then spectres, then the 2800, wasteland, romulan arc, borg, breen, etc.
ok u wthink the cardies r the last power what about the denobulans or the novans i would like to know what happened to them and one last bit totally different subjext but as most ppl probably have at least 1 Reman in the toon list i would like the option to visit the remen part of New Romulus and finally see them complete that gods damned city they have been working on for the past few years LOL
As for Delta Recruits, the episodes "The long night", "Crack in the mirror", and "A gathering darkness" were the only episodes in the Cardassian Struggle/Dominion Domination arc that had stuff for Delta Recruits and they are not part of the final 5 episodes that aren't being touched. And these episodes are probably going to be removed, so they'll need to place the Delta Recruit stuff in the new episodes.
Andrews was Kurland's first officer and she dies in the episode "Second Wave", which isn't being touched or removed. http://sto.gamepedia.com/Karen_Andrews
The last few episodes starting with "Second Wave" are not being removed or touched.
I love reading your replies they are so full of anger issues.