I know the exchange is player based, but don't you folks think 108M EC for a kemocite laced weapons training manual is somewhat excessive?
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Value is in the eye of the purchaser, for you it may be overvalued ( for me as well, no way, I could buy far more performance for that price) but clearly not what the market believes.
The other case is no-one is buying them at that price, so when one drops to sell it goes quick!
I would definatley sell it for 108 if that was the market price, be silly not to!
Edit: I do like the idea of the devs trolling the exchange with a "classic gear" lock box. KLW manuals, Plasmonic Leech, the expensive doffs, 50 million EC traits, etc.
I actually don't think it IS market value, but a group driving up the cost.
In all honesty, even with an efficient skill and prices for dil/keys this one should never have topped 10M and that would have been excessive.
Player driven is one thing, but greed?
yes, same thing for the lockbox keys. they were at 2.5 mil ec each, now if you can buy one at 3.6 mil ec, you are lucky.
Keys are up, Prices on the exchange are up, dil exchange is up, i think cryptic just changed their business model and said TRIBBLE the whiners, lets no longer cater to them.
BTW the way those Kemocite weaponrys drop, and all that, dictates their value. Ive opened 400 lockboxes in the last week and just today finally got a Xindi-manual box.... lo and behold it had an enginerring skill in it lol.
They are rare, and up your DPS. This game, is about DPS.
When 90% of the game catches up to the dps monsters who can do 100k DPS, the price will go down. You can obviously tell the influx of way new players to the game. No one is opening lockboxes at the rate they used to, due to nerfs and such ticking people off and chasing them away. No offense cryptic but you guys know what you did lol......
Actually, that's because EC has lost value and probably will continue to lose value.
That is some crazy inflation at work....like wow.
Also, yes, groups are price controlling for these sorts of rare items. No way the leech goes from 20 million to 120 million in a few months otherwise. Sorry.
How is the attack delta trait doing? Someone tell me when it goes under 20 million
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
At least 3 months of EC grind for a manual to train a single skill on a single boff without certainty if it will be beneficial to your build.
Perhaps if it unlocked the ability to craft the manuals i could see a reason for an increased price in the exchange, but that's not the case either.
I like my torpedo builds, but no way in h*** do i spend that kind of EC on a gamble.
The Kemos are worth 75-150 mil for a simple reason. They are NOT that easy to get. They come from the last lockbox... if you wanted one cheaper you should have gotten it when there where still lots of people opening Xindi-T boxes.
Even when people open that box now (and they do mostly to try and get this trait) you have something like a 5% chance to pull the book box... which itself has a 33% chance of giving you a Tac book and not the engi or sci books instead, if you are looking for KEMO 1 specific like the chances are 33% again once you pull a Tac skill.
So yes to get a KEMO you could easily be looking at opening 100+ boxes.... if you did pull 1 in 100, considering that is 370 MILLION worth of Keys... and 95% of the other pulls from those keys are going to be boosters and such and only recoup 1/2 or so of that EC. That means the Open the box cost of that trait is right around 150 million. So frankly if you can pick up a Kemo III for 75 Mil and a Kemo 1 is going for right around 150 million then they are priced right around where you should expect. (when people where selling them for 20-30 mil during the xindi promo they where being a bit silly frankly)
That being said, Yes I agree with you. I also advise you to just give it some time. Cryptic is on a roll with these new abilitys. In the next few months or at least by the end of the year I wouldn't be suprised to see more and more ensign abilitys. When that happens the Kemocite prices are gonna drop. Just be patient. Work on maxing out your specialization trees and wait for more maybe even better ensign abilitys.
Sometimes I think Cryptic inflates Exchange prices and Dil prices to make it look like spending real world cash is a cheaper Option. Maybe?
Finished that on all my characters a couple of months ago.
There are people that say the same thing about ships/weapons/traits/boffs ect ect ect.
The truth is.. its not hard to make EC in STO... its not hard to farm resources... and things like Kemo/Lockbox Ships/Traits that come from terrible lockboxes/Ships from Promo packs/Items with specific mods are all somewhat rare. Obtaining them isn't as simple as opening your wallet and saying, here Cryptic here is my 50 bucks I want a X now. So it seems natural that things that are rare have pricing set to what the seller feels is a reasonable amount of EC to compensate them for it. If I just opened 100 boxes (which I do many days using EC) If I just spent 370 Million on Keys... I am sure as heck not going to sell the 1-2 lockbox ships I pulled and 4-5 good traits at a price that will see me loosing EC. Because a lot of people don't like to gamble they sell me keys... they get a good return on their Real life $... and I make a profit of them, and have to spend the time understanding the market opening the right boxes at the right time moving the right stuff here and there and knowing when to hold things as an investment. Its the system we have... so if you choose to not play and simply use things that are less rare (which in most cases are just fine) that is your choice.
Really though what else are people doing with the millions of EC they make just playing this game normally ? Save it up and get the odd rare piece here and there and slowly collect them. Isn't that the point, of playing most games ?
I do think one one hand there's a lack of EC sinks. That has pros and cons but is starting to create issues as items now have market values which exceed the exchange cap even though the exchange IS the safest way to trade.
I think there are key problems however that make it so that all the unsunk EC tends to wind up concentrated into the hands of people dedicated to acquiring it. And, yes, with very rare items, you can create a cartel with enough start-up EC. I don't know if that happened with KLW but I think it did happen recently with purple Consultant DOffs.
And part of the problem there is that we have no exchange transaction fees and relatively few limits aside from the 40 listing per character limit.
So we have EC which is relatively unsunk and losing value rapidly. Then we have EC inequality which is driven by the ability of people who are motivated to gain vast sums of EC which can then be employed to create cartels, monopolies, and such as well as driving up inflation, which wouldn't be as much of a problem without wealth inequality.
I think a core problem with the design all along has been that people don't get EC as a direct drop and it only comes from vendoring or other players, which creates a knowledge gap in EC acquisition. This means that the value of EC actually is different depending on which knowledge sector of gameplay you exist in. (Efficient market theory requires perfect information flow which I don't think we have in STO or else people wouldn't say, "I can tell you privately how to make a lot of EC if you promise not to let everyone else in on it." That is, by definition, not an efficient free market.)
Then I paid 145m for another lieutenant level for my pirate fed nausicaan.
They will probably add another tactical BOff with good space abilities and I will buy another one for them too.
This is definitely my personal experience. How do I get dilithium? I play the game. 10 million refined and 10,000 zen worth and counting after having bought countless sets and upgraded everything.
How do I get EC? I dunno. In 4 years I have acquired about 600 million. Buy that kemosabi and a leech - oops you're broke. Play the market? I can guarantee I would lose hundreds of millions trying this. Converting dilithium to EC is about 150 million EC for 1 million dilithium. To me that is a sad joke. 125 days or 4 months of grinding dilithium for 150 million EC. I would rather dump it into space.
I say many times before and now again EC is the most valuable resource in STO.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Cool story, bro.
I couldn't do that though. When I see an item I want that item. Not months or years from now when I have saved up enough EC through in-game methods. Grinding isn't my thing and as long as a way exists to bypass that, I'm going to use it.
For this reason if they removed the P2W and didn't adjust their grinding mechanics at all, I wouldn't play STO at all. To hold my interest they would have to increase rewards for everything across the board - especially EC.
Nevermind, misunderstood the sentence, my fault.