Yes, Sela may have caused the destruction of your homeworld.
But remember, Sela wouldn't exist if Tasha Yar hadn't gone back in time with the Enterprise C.
And Yar only did that because Picard let her.
Romulus' destruction falls squarely on the shoulders of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
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Which wouldn't have happened if Rachel Garrett hadn't let her ship get sucked into a temporal portal.
And that wouldn't have happened if the Romulans hadn't attacked Khitomer...though admittedly removing that attack possibly costs the peace with the Klingons. But who knows, maybe there could've been another way for the Feds to demonstrate their good faith to the Klingons if the attack never happened at all.
I hear the sound of minds being blown.
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And please tell me why we couldn't have just given Sela to T'Ket at the end as part of the settlement? Or just shot her when she started shooting Iconians in the past? Even better, let's just do one more teensy Krenim incursion and erase her.
Isn't that a bit like blaming Hitler's grandparents for World War 2? You can always go back and find earlier causes. Heck, let's blame Archer for helping start that Federation thing.
them temporal causality loops and paradoxes are a TRIBBLE.
if you want to see a "what come first the chicken or the egg" temporal causality loop movie check out "Predestination" its a whopper of a mind bender.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
picard is the one who destroyed romulus...but but ..sela
But you then tasha yar and ...
but taco sela she she , she turned me into a newt ...
wait but you said picard was responsible?? O.O
picard destroyed romulus??
Man, time travel.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
In fact, since this would absolve me of any guilt associated with the consequences of my own actions, I will do exactly that.
Thanks, tacofangs, for teaching me the way of 'Passing The Buck'.
You realize you've just put yourself at risk of orbital bombardment with a billion BIG RED ROMULAN BALLS OF DEATH by defending the halfwit Pretender, right? Right??
And in response to other comments here and in other related threads, ...
My sword shall not rest from the killing of Tal'Shiar and Imperialists until it bathes in her lifeblood.
And then I'll switch to a pistol ...
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
Which Surak would've never done if not for Vulcan's massive nuclear war.
Dear woman have you forgotten what it is to be romulan?
Why soil your hands on a half breed incompetent fool ,when you can have someone else soil their hands for you, it doesnt matter how she meets her end dear long as sela meets it.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
And no, Picard is not to blame for... anything, "Sir" Jean Luc Picard is a hero, and a credit to the human race.
He can do no wrong
And if you really want to point fingers, maybe we should be pointing them at Guinan :P
She was the one who told Picard;
"Jean-Luc Picard: How can I ask them to sacrifice themselves based solely on your intuition?
Guinan: I don't know. But I do know that this is a mistake. Every fiber in my being says this is a mistake. I can't explain it to myself, so I can't explain it to you. I only know that I'm right.
Jean-Luc Picard: Who is to say that this history is any less proper than the other?
Guinan: I suppose I am.
Jean-Luc Picard: Not good enough, damn it, not good enough! I will not ask them to die!
Guinan: 40 billion people have already died. This war is not supposed to be happening. You've got to send those people back to correct this.
Jean-Luc Picard: And what is to guarantee that if they go back, they will succeed? Every instinct is telling me this is wrong, it is dangerous, it is futile!
Guinan: We've known each other a long time. You have never known me to impose myself on anyone, or take a stance based on trivial or whimsical perceptions. This timeline must not be allowed to continue. Now, I've told you what you must do. You have only your trust in me to help you decide to do it."
Its all right there in print.
Not only this, but she convinces Yar that she doesn't belong in this timeline and that she died a senseless death.
This encourages her to ask to be sent back with the C.
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So it's Kirk's fault for saving Guinan, then our fault for saving Kirk, then the Borg's fault for getting us promoted fast enough to do that, then Janeway's fault for provoking the Borg, then the Caretaker's fault for flinging her there, then the Ocampa's fault for making him want to do that.
Conclusion: #BlametheOcampa
That's what I meant, the only ships we see attacking the C in that episode are Klingon ships.
But yes in the C's time, they were defending a Klingon outpost from Romulans.
...I can live with that
Which only happened because she left, therefore the blame rests on Maurice Hurley, for creating an environment toxic enough that it made many of the TNG actors, especially the female ones, want to leave (Denise Crosby and Gates McFadden for one season of course did).
Given what I've heard of him, I'd gladly convict Maurice of war crimes.