I'm looking that specific doff, do you have a name?
Well there multiple names but the cheapest fed side atm i think is Lespsa at about 1 million. Kdf side Stradurol is the cheapest at about 4 million past that there are some xindi doffs that do the same thing but cost 20+ million.
I'm using gravity well on my guardian combined with ionic turbulence. I was thinking of using eject warp plasma as well to up the exotic particle damage.
Might have to crack out a science ship.
Yeah, never knew it got that powerful. I'll have to make a build on my Sci captain and go have fun!
For a Science Captain, I think Gravity Well is both crowd control and DPS source. It's a good idea to load up the right torpedoes, anything that has an AoE effect is a good start. Though I wouldn't recommend any heavy torpedoes, but that's a general problem with their unreliability.
The Particle Emission Torpedo (Crafting/Exchange), the Gravimetric Torpedo, the Neutronic Torpedo and the Bio-whatever Torpedo from the Undine reputation all deliver here to some extent. Torpedo Spread is the better buff in general for these - if all those enemies clump together in the center of the grav well, all those torpedoes and all their AOEs and later all those warp core explosion affect most of your targets.
Sometimes, when you catch one of those SPhere/Probe only groups in a Borg Red Alert, it really seems they melt under your Grav Well + torpedo salvo. (THat said - anyone with a good DPS/BFAW build will have the same experience...)
The crowd control potential is awesome for many STFs, as you can ensure that your enemies don't get anywhere you want them to go (like the Nanite Spheres in Infected, or all those Crystal Shards and Tholian ships that are suddenly trapped around the Entity.)
Unfortunately, it's really hard to find any alternatives to Gravity Well. I know there are some people focusing on drain builds, but I don't think anyone is still using Charged Particle Burst, Photonic Shockwave or Scramble Sensors...
Just like to add the wide angle quantum torp from the regent (or any torp with the (arc) mod) are great to use with grav well and torp spread, I actually ditched my particle emisson torp for this as it saves me pointing my nose at the enemy and I can keep all my beam arrays on target.
Would love an (arc) particle emmision torp (if there is such a thing) though
I wanted to mention it in case someone didn't specifically notice the comment: Kemocite laced weapondry + any rank of spread will do mind-boggling amounts of damage inside a grav well. The higher the rank of spread, the more radiation explosions. Rank 1 kemo is ideal because it can be used on any ship.
For example: I was able to kill a group of nanite spheres with one "volley" in Infected Advanced. Kemo 1, Grav Well 3, Spread 3, Grav Torp (MK XIV Very Rare). A number of other buffs/debuffs were used to make this work, but all of the ones used were listed somewhere in this thread.
Kemocite Laced Weapondry is... very expensive. Totally worth it.
For daredevils: Pilot Spec as primary (maxed out). Jumping into your own grav well can have fantastic results. Plus it's a ton of fun. You'll die unless you're durable enough to survive several warp core breaches. Yes, I know that sounds crazy, but doing a little bit of investigation about Pilot Spec... you'll understand what I'm talking about. This tactic works very well with Reverse TBR and even Photonic Shockwave (with secondary shockwaves).
I like both the Particle Emission and Grav Torp. I use them both. Grav in the front, PE in the back. Damage-wise, I'd say both of these torps are about even. If anything, I'd say the more you use them, the more you'll know when it's best to use one or the other.
I'm currently using a Fleet Dauntless (for kemo and spread 3), but I love the Fleet Scryer (structural integrity collapse, OSS3, gather intel, cloaking) just as much.
I've been lucky at some point, after opening a "few" packs, and got the Annorax. Never really was into science that much before, except for GW I on some ships, but totally unbuffed at grav & part gens. Now with this ships layout, I had to think about something else, since it's got a CMD Science seat. So, right now I am going with a kind of "hybrid" version, DPS (3x AP crtDx4 beams @ about 19% CrtH global + delta prime + 1 blue CrtH & 1 blue CrtD doff) & science abilities and thus far, I am amazed by how much damage a "properly" spec'ed GW III + a well placed GravTorp Spread III can produce. In CCA, mostly thanks to particle and graviton gens @ about 200 + particle manipulator trait, the Minor Gravimetric Rift II - Gravimetric Rift produced by the Grav Torp is giving me huge amounts of dps (15k in yesterdays run, just from these rifts, which could have been even more, since I've died once). At ISA on the other hand, the rifts can still compete with my beams dmg output.
I am still not sure which ability i should use on the LtCmd Science spot. Right now, I am going with Destabilizing Resonance Beam II which is usually dealing about 2k DPS, and adds to the light show :P I want to make use of the GravWell III the most, so I wonder what else could be used, what other people combine with this ability.
And, I've seen a few diffrent numbers for the max level you want to get your PartGens to. Is there a concensus of what that max number? Where putting anymore into it doesn't make much of a difference?
And, I've seen a few diffrent numbers for the max level you want to get your PartGens to. Is there a concensus of what that max number? Where putting anymore into it doesn't make much of a difference?
IMO you want it to be as high as you can get it to be. Remember there is no ceiling to the base damage and Critical Severity with PartGens.
For a Science Captain, I think Gravity Well is both crowd control and DPS source. It's a good idea to load up the right torpedoes, anything that has an AoE effect is a good start. Though I wouldn't recommend any heavy torpedoes, but that's a general problem with their unreliability.
The Particle Emission Torpedo (Crafting/Exchange), the Gravimetric Torpedo, the Neutronic Torpedo and the Bio-whatever Torpedo from the Undine reputation all deliver here to some extent. Torpedo Spread is the better buff in general for these -
Don't forget the Harg'Peng: It has 3 things that make it perfect for a GW situation: 1) Super quick time-to-target (fastest of all torps) 2) short range splash, which is perfect for a bunch of close targets and of course 3) A secondary AOE explosion.
For a Science Captain, I think Gravity Well is both crowd control and DPS source. It's a good idea to load up the right torpedoes, anything that has an AoE effect is a good start. Though I wouldn't recommend any heavy torpedoes, but that's a general problem with their unreliability.
The Particle Emission Torpedo (Crafting/Exchange), the Gravimetric Torpedo, the Neutronic Torpedo and the Bio-whatever Torpedo from the Undine reputation all deliver here to some extent. Torpedo Spread is the better buff in general for these -
Don't forget the Harg'Peng: It has 3 things that make it perfect for a GW situation: 1) Super quick time-to-target (fastest of all torps) 2) short range splash, which is perfect for a bunch of close targets and of course 3) A secondary AOE explosion.
Hmm. Is the Peng buffable by Torpedo Spread these days? I haven't tried in a while. If not, I'd probably only take it a on ship without sufficient tactical slots for TS.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Hmm. Is the Peng buffable by Torpedo Spread these days? I haven't tried in a while. If not, I'd probably only take it a on ship without sufficient tactical slots for TS.
No it's not affected by spread or HY. If it was it would be insanely OP.
The only issue I have with the Hargh Peng is that you've gotta wait at least 10 seconds (?) for the secondary explosion and often the targets in the well are already dead from core breaches or all the other kinds of hell that's raining down on them. It is good if you trap a big target like a capital ship in the well though, it's more likely to last long enough for that massive explosion.
As for the skills themselves this is how I got 255 in prtgens:
9pts in the skill
Solanae deflector MkXIV VR
Secondary deflector (+prtg) MkXIV VR
Nukara Console MkXIV VR
Exotic Field Exciter MkXIV UR
Fleet Sci Console (+prtg) MkXIV UR
Everything else can be stuffed into grav gens. So on my Pathfinder that leaves me at least two sci console slots free and with the new R&D consoles you can "double up" on the skills used for grav wells, this can also be done with the Exotic Field Exciter too.
Note: On my build most of those items are only VR so if they were up to epic quality it would leave even more room for items that boost grav gens as I could probably drop that fleet sci console or swap it to a grav gen variety..
Yeah getting the particle generators wasn't too hard, I did a few consoles and equipment upgrades so right now I'm right about 386. It'll be more than that when I get the new research consoles from the science station (part/grav). Since it doesn't seem that i need to be that high now I'm backing up and trying to replace consoles to get higher gravity. So far I'm looking at the tachy Universal console, the Borg universal, and either the Reman or the jem'hadar deflector dish
Personally, I'm a huge huge fan of reverse-TBR. I use it on a cruiser (either Fleet Guardian or Geneva) and combine it with Eject Warp Plasma 3. Basically, things get pulled in, dragged through the cloud, and then immobilized once the TBR stops. The whole mess does stupid damage and is by far my favorite thing to do in game.
If you want to still be very sciency and add in Grav Well and DRB, the Scryer allows you to use EWP1. I have a fleet Scryer, but the ship is kinda ugly
Is there any data on the correlation between graviton generators and the pull radius of a grav well? Like how much equals the 20km mentioned in the thread, how much for 15km? etc. How much graviton generators extends the duration of the gravimetric torp rifts, e.g. 50=1sec?
Are there any good resources on the equips to use to maximize gravitons and particle generators for maximizing gravity wells?
The Nebula-configured Odyssey needs to be a thing.
I have found that I love fighting Heralds with my PartGen Vesta.
"A Solar Gateway? That's cute. Here, have a Black Hole".
Oooh.... I just thought of something... gates are destroyable, and if you make the radius of your GW large enough it will damage them even if they aren't at the center.
Damagew= particles generators. Attraction = graviton generators. Go for damage.
True, but the bigger your well, the more targets you can suck into it, so there's the question of higher damage with the few targets you can catch or lower damage with potentially heaps more targets, plus making those occasional (once per 40 seconds at lowest cooldown) grav wells count and be less sensitive to positioning with great range.
The Nebula-configured Odyssey needs to be a thing.
Damagew= particles generators. Attraction = graviton generators. Go for damage.
True, but the bigger your well, the more targets you can suck into it, so there's the question of higher damage with the few targets you can catch or lower damage with potentially heaps more targets, plus making those occasional (once per 40 seconds at lowest cooldown) grav wells count and be less sensitive to positioning with great range.
This guy gets it though, I mean what's the point of speccing for damage if your radius is pathetic? Technically by expanding the reach you get more targets in the well, and more targets means more potential warp core breaches affecting each other alongside the other powers you throw into the mix.
It is a case with these things to have both as far as possible, and the new Lab consoles can help make that work.
Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
This guy gets it though, I mean what's the point of speccing for damage if your radius is pathetic? Technically by expanding the reach you get more targets in the well, and more targets means more potential warp core breaches affecting each other alongside the other powers you throw into the mix.
It is a case with these things to have both as far as possible, and the new Lab consoles can help make that work.
That's the point really isn't it, a grav well can be highly damaging but the true purpose is to cause some serious crowd control problems to the enemy so they become ineffective. I'd much rather see a massive 20KM well in ISE on the spheres that locks them down indefinitely than one that will kill them faster but only suck in half of them (letting the other half escape).
If I see a group of enemies coming at me I always shoot the grav well onto the weakest target first, the intention being if that weak target dies it's core breach will start a chain reaction and everything else goes down with it. With high enough grav gens it won't mater if there's bigger targets nearby as they all get hoovered up in the vortex of death. It is something truly special to see a whole fleet go bang in one go from your attacks when other heavier hitting allies are struggling to make a dent.
This guy gets it though, I mean what's the point of speccing for damage if your radius is pathetic? Technically by expanding the reach you get more targets in the well, and more targets means more potential warp core breaches affecting each other alongside the other powers you throw into the mix.
It is a case with these things to have both as far as possible, and the new Lab consoles can help make that work.
That's the point really isn't it, a grav well can be highly damaging but the true purpose is to cause some serious crowd control problems to the enemy so they become ineffective. I'd much rather see a massive 20KM well in ISE on the spheres that locks them down indefinitely than one that will kill them faster but only suck in half of them (letting the other half escape).
If I see a group of enemies coming at me I always shoot the grav well onto the weakest target first, the intention being if that weak target dies it's core breach will start a chain reaction and everything else goes down with it. With high enough grav gens it won't mater if there's bigger targets nearby as they all get hoovered up in the vortex of death. It is something truly special to see a whole fleet go bang in one go from your attacks when other heavier hitting allies are struggling to make a dent.
+1. I don't get the fascination with the majority of players with boosting GW damage when it's so much more awesome and useful to increase the radius to epic proportions and seriously acts as a force multiplier in a team. If one is trying to do damage at such great expense of science crowd control, why use a science vessel in the first place when an escort will always do far better?
My character Tsin'xing
Must find one! Thanks!
Yeah, never knew it got that powerful. I'll have to make a build on my Sci captain and go have fun!
Just like to add the wide angle quantum torp from the regent (or any torp with the (arc) mod) are great to use with grav well and torp spread, I actually ditched my particle emisson torp for this as it saves me pointing my nose at the enemy and I can keep all my beam arrays on target.
Would love an (arc) particle emmision torp (if there is such a thing) though
250~ part gen, everything else into grav gen.
I wanted to mention it in case someone didn't specifically notice the comment: Kemocite laced weapondry + any rank of spread will do mind-boggling amounts of damage inside a grav well. The higher the rank of spread, the more radiation explosions. Rank 1 kemo is ideal because it can be used on any ship.
For example: I was able to kill a group of nanite spheres with one "volley" in Infected Advanced. Kemo 1, Grav Well 3, Spread 3, Grav Torp (MK XIV Very Rare). A number of other buffs/debuffs were used to make this work, but all of the ones used were listed somewhere in this thread.
Kemocite Laced Weapondry is... very expensive. Totally worth it.
For daredevils: Pilot Spec as primary (maxed out). Jumping into your own grav well can have fantastic results. Plus it's a ton of fun. You'll die unless you're durable enough to survive several warp core breaches. Yes, I know that sounds crazy, but doing a little bit of investigation about Pilot Spec... you'll understand what I'm talking about. This tactic works very well with Reverse TBR and even Photonic Shockwave (with secondary shockwaves).
I like both the Particle Emission and Grav Torp. I use them both. Grav in the front, PE in the back. Damage-wise, I'd say both of these torps are about even. If anything, I'd say the more you use them, the more you'll know when it's best to use one or the other.
I'm currently using a Fleet Dauntless (for kemo and spread 3), but I love the Fleet Scryer (structural integrity collapse, OSS3, gather intel, cloaking) just as much.
I am still not sure which ability i should use on the LtCmd Science spot. Right now, I am going with Destabilizing Resonance Beam II which is usually dealing about 2k DPS, and adds to the light show :P I want to make use of the GravWell III the most, so I wonder what else could be used, what other people combine with this ability.
IMO you want it to be as high as you can get it to be. Remember there is no ceiling to the base damage and Critical Severity with PartGens.
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so 250 part gen and as much grav as possible for a megawell (tm)
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Don't forget the Harg'Peng: It has 3 things that make it perfect for a GW situation: 1) Super quick time-to-target (fastest of all torps) 2) short range splash, which is perfect for a bunch of close targets and of course 3) A secondary AOE explosion.
Hmm. Is the Peng buffable by Torpedo Spread these days? I haven't tried in a while. If not, I'd probably only take it a on ship without sufficient tactical slots for TS.
No it's not affected by spread or HY. If it was it would be insanely OP.
The only issue I have with the Hargh Peng is that you've gotta wait at least 10 seconds (?) for the secondary explosion and often the targets in the well are already dead from core breaches or all the other kinds of hell that's raining down on them. It is good if you trap a big target like a capital ship in the well though, it's more likely to last long enough for that massive explosion.
As for the skills themselves this is how I got 255 in prtgens:
9pts in the skill
Solanae deflector MkXIV VR
Secondary deflector (+prtg) MkXIV VR
Nukara Console MkXIV VR
Exotic Field Exciter MkXIV UR
Fleet Sci Console (+prtg) MkXIV UR
Everything else can be stuffed into grav gens. So on my Pathfinder that leaves me at least two sci console slots free and with the new R&D consoles you can "double up" on the skills used for grav wells, this can also be done with the Exotic Field Exciter too.
Note: On my build most of those items are only VR so if they were up to epic quality it would leave even more room for items that boost grav gens as I could probably drop that fleet sci console or swap it to a grav gen variety..
My character Tsin'xing
I know that consoles that buff radiation damage don't. But I would love to do some tests to see if the hargh peng radiation could be buffed...
My character Tsin'xing
If you want to still be very sciency and add in Grav Well and DRB, the Scryer allows you to use EWP1. I have a fleet Scryer, but the ship is kinda ugly
My character Tsin'xing
Are there any good resources on the equips to use to maximize gravitons and particle generators for maximizing gravity wells?
The Nebula-configured Odyssey needs to be a thing.
"A Solar Gateway? That's cute. Here, have a Black Hole".
My character Tsin'xing
Ha that made me laugh.
Good point about the gateways, now we just need that GravGen point:GW diameter formula
The Nebula-configured Odyssey needs to be a thing.
Lol! :P That was good
This guy gets it though, I mean what's the point of speccing for damage if your radius is pathetic? Technically by expanding the reach you get more targets in the well, and more targets means more potential warp core breaches affecting each other alongside the other powers you throw into the mix.
It is a case with these things to have both as far as possible, and the new Lab consoles can help make that work.
That's the point really isn't it, a grav well can be highly damaging but the true purpose is to cause some serious crowd control problems to the enemy so they become ineffective. I'd much rather see a massive 20KM well in ISE on the spheres that locks them down indefinitely than one that will kill them faster but only suck in half of them (letting the other half escape).
If I see a group of enemies coming at me I always shoot the grav well onto the weakest target first, the intention being if that weak target dies it's core breach will start a chain reaction and everything else goes down with it. With high enough grav gens it won't mater if there's bigger targets nearby as they all get hoovered up in the vortex of death. It is something truly special to see a whole fleet go bang in one go from your attacks when other heavier hitting allies are struggling to make a dent.
+1. I don't get the fascination with the majority of players with boosting GW damage when it's so much more awesome and useful to increase the radius to epic proportions and seriously acts as a force multiplier in a team. If one is trying to do damage at such great expense of science crowd control, why use a science vessel in the first place when an escort will always do far better?