Finish the Intel ship lines for the KDF and Roms... consequently offering both the KDF and Roms a T6 Science Ship in the process. Adding faction Intel 3-Packs would be icing on the cake.
Once they've finished the homework that's been put off for ages, then maybe the T6 Defiant/BoP/T'Varo and T6 HEC/Heavy Raptor-Carrier/Tactical Carrier Warbird packs that have been posited.
Beyond that... maybe a T6 Flagship release? I know an updated Oddy and Bort would need a hell of a buff to come anywhere close to the capabilities of the Scim, but it's a thought...
Or maybe Specialization ships, one per Specialization for each of the factions, that have a full Cmdr Specialization seat and a Starship Trait that grants access to the Specialization powers when slotted (gather intel, insiration, piloting maneuvers).
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
I would love to see them releease a full on dreadnaught multi-ppack, but less of a normal multi pack of three varients of the same ship, and more of a multi-ship pack of three different ships built to the different needs of the three careers. Like a Gal-x class that is tactical oriented, The jupiter class that is more of a science oriented, and then the Odyssey class that is engineer oriented, though i could even like if you could choose which varient (like getting a more engeeriing or sci oriented gal-x if you like). This would give us more veriety to our dreads an also ships in our selection, since i would do this with each factions dreads giving them several to choose from. Also you could calance our the three factions dreads to be less lopsided, makign them more inline with each other an making the scimitar less op in many people's eyes.
I would not mind this done more with other ships releasing three escorts, such as the patrol escort, the reg escort, and the advanced escort. In doing this the classes of ships that have less veriety in them for the other two factions would get some help an built up with more veriety in them of ships to use.
We will get a T6 Scimitar ... just before we get T7 ships.
I do agree that we need T6 versions of most of the classic ships (particularly the Nebula and Sovereign) but we also need a T6 Odyssey class since the new Enterprise -- the flagship of Starfleet -- is supposed to be an Odyssey class.
It gives me a stomach ache to think that the "Enterprise" is outclassed by a wide variety of ships in this game.
In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
I'd quite like a T6 Vesta, not a 3-pack like the old ones but a more generic version at T6 with a fleet version available. Give in uni boff seating so it can work as any of the original 3 variants but with a more science focused console set-up.
After that I'd really love them to turn their attention on some of the less seen ships that rarely get any attention like the Recon Science Vessel (Luna) or Deep Space Science Vessel (Trident), or even the Olympic class. These guys never get any love and you very rarely see then around.
We've had way too many cruisers recently and even the escort numbers are getting pretty full with the T6 Defiant on the way plus the pilot ships just out.
ya damned feds have too many ship options as it is. Yall need to wait in line
I do not expect that we'll see any Romulan or Klingon "out of band" releases ever again.
The best the KDF or RR can hope for are more Triple-Faction releases. Be it a whole 9-pack or be it just a cross-faction 3-pack. The leaks suggested that a few more 3-packs might be coming.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
T6 HEC/Flight Deck Raptor/whatever the Romulan one was.
We know it's coming. It would be nice to have a new fighter pet for it that actually has some punch as Fed battle pets are almost universally lame compared to lockbox items.
ya damned feds have too many ship options as it is. Yall need to wait in line
I do not expect that we'll see any Romulan or Klingon "out of band" releases ever again.
The best the KDF or RR can hope for are more Triple-Faction releases. Be it a whole 9-pack or be it just a cross-faction 3-pack. The leaks suggested that a few more 3-packs might be coming.
I dont EXPECT it either, doesn't mean Im still not disgusted by it. Or the feds with there like 4:1 bloat "demanding" more
ya damned feds have too many ship options as it is. Yall need to wait in line
I do not expect that we'll see any Romulan or Klingon "out of band" releases ever again.
The best the KDF or RR can hope for are more Triple-Faction releases. Be it a whole 9-pack or be it just a cross-faction 3-pack. The leaks suggested that a few more 3-packs might be coming.
I dont EXPECT it either, doesn't mean Im still not disgusted by it. Or the feds with there like 4:1 bloat "demanding" more
Come on, especially when it comes to requesting canon ships - there are lots of Fed ones, and very few KDF or RR ones. Of course there will always be demand for ships from the Federation.
If there stops being demand for Fed ships, the game is probably done for, unless suddenly all the Fed focused players started to focus on KDF or RR.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Come on, especially when it comes to requesting canon ships - there are lots of Fed ones, and very few KDF or RR ones. Of course there will always be demand for ships from the Federation.
If there stops being demand for Fed ships, the game is probably done for, unless suddenly all the Fed focused players started to focus on KDF or RR.
This. I cringe every time I read "the feds demand" - everybody is free to play everything in this game and most canon ships are Starfleet ships, naturally. Klingons have B'Rel (K'vort), K'tinga, Vor'Cha and Negh'Var. These are all the canon ships there are for Klingons. Romulans have four as well: Bird of Prey ("T'Liss"), D7 (K'tinga), D'Deridex and Mogai whereas the Romulan fleet, canonically, would consist of almost exclusively D'Ds. Yes, the Scimitar as well though technically it's not Romulan, but for the sake of canon have it in-game I don't care. Starfleet has alternate reality Galaxy refits as well, so what.
There's nothing wrong with balancing the factions but some people are just not interested in Cryptic designs but want to see all canon ships in the game.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
I wouldn't mind seeing new ships from a decent artist for the other 2. Sure as the shows were Fed oriented and rightly so, they would have the lionshare of canon ships. But certainly this didn't mean the Romulans had none but T'varos T'lisses and K'tingas only until they made some big leap into the D'dex. Nor that the Klingons only had K'tingas and B'rel up to the first sighting of the Vor'cha in ST:TNG. Until the T6's started I had just the Mogai for a somewhat suitable warbird for the Romulans. Now I have a great attack ship and a cruiser I can actually move around a decent bit. I also picked up the first raptor ever when the pilot ships came out too. I look forward to the upcoming T6 classics but new doesn't always mean bad, it just hadn't had the history that we appreciate behind it.
ya damned feds have too many ship options as it is. Yall need to wait in line
Well I don't have my T6 Sovereign and I still don't want any other ships beside it for my main character.
I have also mentioned in one of the ships wishlist threads that they could implement certain Romulan and Klingon ships from games like Armada 2, Starfleet Command 3... It's not my fault they don't want to do that.
FED ENG:FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC:ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta):LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member SUPPORTING PLAYABLE CARDASSIAN AND DOMINION FACTIONS!
The next T6 ships I'd like to see are...
For the Feds: Akira, Defiant, Prometheus, Oddysey,
For the KDF: B'rel, Hegh'ta, the rumored flight deck raptor
For the Romulans, maybe the Ar'kif, very likely so especially if it comes with the Akira and flight deck raptor in a pack
I've heard the rumors of all of these but until I see them in the ship shops, I'm still calling them rumor, not chiseled in stone fact.
It would be nice to have a real Klingon and Romulan science ship, not Gorn, not a remodeled sluggish Ha'pax, and certainly not the Dyson garbage scows. I'm more sure the others will come this very month than a KDF/Rom science ship will ever, and I do mean EEEEEEEEEVER come at all.
The Ar'kif??? lol. Dont think so. They didnt even fix the singularity beam and you asking for a new version.. i just hate broken ships.
I suppose Heavy Escort Carriers were a given. The only reason I might consider it is because my KDF and Rom characters don't have enough ship options at T6 and the Coordinated Assault trait would work well with any of my characters flying a carrier. But I won't be paying full price... future ship sale.
I understand some people are asking for a cloaking Vesta, but that's seriously wishful thinking. I can't imagine a good justification for giving Vesta a cloak on top of all of the other benefits a T6 version would get. The original didn't get it; the update won't either. That's the whole point of the Fed Intel ships... to give Feds cloaking ships over and above what they already had at T5.
There's nothing wrong with balancing the factions but some people are just not interested in Cryptic designs but want to see all canon ships in the game.
Here's the issue in a nutshell... they AREN'T balancing the factions and need to. -.-
Frankly, as the past has shown imo, Taco and co do their best work on Romulan ships, and even some of the klinks (Imma just ignore the existence of the command BC for klinks).
I have also mentioned in one of the ships wishlist threads that they could implement certain Romulan and Klingon ships from games like Armada 2, Starfleet Command 3... It's not my fault they don't want to do that.
Oh I am sure they'd love to port and update those ships, it'd save a ton of work for them and appease/cash in on fan/player desires... This, however, is a matter of legally can't, not a matter of want. To get said permissions would probably cost more in just legal fees and royalties than they would get off the designs in the cash shop
Here's the issue in a nutshell... they AREN'T balancing the factions and need to. -.-
No... they've already point-blank stated that they are not ever going to produce ships on the basis of "balancing the factions". They are going to produce what they think they can sell a lot of. What we as individuals might prefer them to produce is not part of the equation.
I want a T6 BoP based on the B'Rel retrofit. I want it to have EBC and Intel spec seating. I want it yesterday. I am going to continue to be disappointed until they decide to release one, and it probably won't have all of the gimmies I want it to have.
Nothing wrong with having a wishlist, but it's not realistic to insist they deliver everything that's on it.
a lot of things go in to the 'not ever' catagory, and a more than a few end up happening, sometimes years later but they happen. *points at sector space* When the walls came down.
Also to point at the hole in your own argument, I said they 'need to' balance the factions, you said 'what they think will sell' ... just because they think X don't make it right. They've stuck themselves in the worst circular logic... KDF/Roms sell less so less gets developed so less people play/buy so they sell less so less gets developed.... on and on.
I want a T6 BoP based on the B'Rel retrofit. I want it to have EBC and Intel spec seating.
While I'd prefer Intel, the one in the works will almost certainly be Pilot. And of course, it's not from a lockbox, so obviously Cryptic won't give it both...
the Coordinated Assault trait would work well with any of my characters flying a carrier.
I was looking forward to this trait aswell, except when I noticed how the trait works.
While this starship trait is slotted and you activate Beam: Overload I, II or III you will allow your pets to use Beam: Overload I. Using Cannon: Rapid Fire I, II or III will allow your pets to use Cannon: Rapid Fire I. NOTE: Your pets must have weapons that are compatible with these attack upgrades in order to benefit from this starship trait.
Which means you gotta have a Cannon Pet if you only got cannon weapon upgrade buffs. Or Beam Pets if you only got Beam upgrade buffs. In order to benefit from the trait.
Looking at
On Fed side, all hangar pets are beam users, except 2 of them, Peregrine Fighters and Stalker Fighters(But the Stalker can only be used on the caitian carrier.).
And there are only 2 crossfation pets which uses cannons. The Jem'Hadar Fighters(if you are lucky to have them unlocked) and Scorpion Fighters.
So in reality for a cannon boat, the options are between the two very similar and weak pets, Peregrine and Scorpion Fighters.
Meanwhile on KDF side, most hangar pets use cannons. So using this trait with cannon shuttle pets, on a Vo'Quv or Kar'Fi, you would have to have a Cannon: Rapid Fire upgrade thats used for your pets only.
Only the Orion Slavers use beams. And looking for crossfaction beam pets, we got: Tholian Widow Fighters and Obelisk Swarmers.
Really isn't a lot of options from my point of view.
"Please, Captain, not in front of the Klingons." Spock to Kirk, as Kirk is about to hug him.
Star Trek V: "The Final Frontier"
I don't know, I though the best builds these days have to rely on BFAW anyway.
But one of the traditional escort builds before all the BFAW / Plasma Doping crazes was DHC plus a single double beam bank.
Cannon Rapid Fire for the DHCs, and then Beam Overload III for the DBB for maximum spike damage potential. Very important in PvP particularly, but also good in PvE.
It might not be that en vogue anymore, but it seems this trait might actually be the best reason to go back to one of those builds. And I think the purpose of the trait is to provide a buff to two powers that are not used as often anymore thanks to the BFAW dominance - Beam Overload and Cannon Rapid Fire.
So, in the end - Beam Overload can be worked easily into any build not based around BFAW. You just need a single beam out of your 6-8 weapon slots. If in doubt, replace a single turret with an omnibeam.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
(...)Although, I do wonder where Cryptic/PWE stand on using the Vesta design again, in view of the (rather lengthy) process that they had to undertake to obtain the right to use it in STO.
I've been wondering similiarily about the Steamrunner. While there are no license hassles involved, they have an exclusive contract with Valve for this one and I feel it and the Vesta (as well as the Luna) might just be forgotten for a while because maybe the licenses don't cover new versions?
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
(...)Although, I do wonder where Cryptic/PWE stand on using the Vesta design again, in view of the (rather lengthy) process that they had to undertake to obtain the right to use it in STO.
I've been wondering similiarily about the Steamrunner. While there are no license hassles involved, they have an exclusive contract with Valve for this one and I feel it and the Vesta (as well as the Luna) might just be forgotten for a while because maybe the licenses don't cover new versions?
Indeed; I find it difficult to beleive that they could introduce new (T6) versions of said ships without paying royalities to those who designed them. And, as you know, their fairly recent position on this matter was that they are unwilling to use third-parties designs.
The only way I can see that being overcome is if the cost of producing said ships was guaranteed to make a profit; but I am not sure how that can be guaranteed as such.
A T6 Vesta and Oddy would make money though i'm sure. I don't fly either tbh but there's plenty of requests for both on these very forums
Once they've finished the homework that's been put off for ages, then maybe the T6 Defiant/BoP/T'Varo and T6 HEC/Heavy Raptor-Carrier/Tactical Carrier Warbird packs that have been posited.
Beyond that... maybe a T6 Flagship release? I know an updated Oddy and Bort would need a hell of a buff to come anywhere close to the capabilities of the Scim, but it's a thought...
Or maybe Specialization ships, one per Specialization for each of the factions, that have a full Cmdr Specialization seat and a Starship Trait that grants access to the Specialization powers when slotted (gather intel, insiration, piloting maneuvers).
That'd be cool too.
Sovereign [T6] - Ascendant Class
I would not mind this done more with other ships releasing three escorts, such as the patrol escort, the reg escort, and the advanced escort. In doing this the classes of ships that have less veriety in them for the other two factions would get some help an built up with more veriety in them of ships to use.
We will get a T6 Scimitar ... just before we get T7 ships.
I do agree that we need T6 versions of most of the classic ships (particularly the Nebula and Sovereign) but we also need a T6 Odyssey class since the new Enterprise -- the flagship of Starfleet -- is supposed to be an Odyssey class.
It gives me a stomach ache to think that the "Enterprise" is outclassed by a wide variety of ships in this game.
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
After that I'd really love them to turn their attention on some of the less seen ships that rarely get any attention like the Recon Science Vessel (Luna) or Deep Space Science Vessel (Trident), or even the Olympic class. These guys never get any love and you very rarely see then around.
We've had way too many cruisers recently and even the escort numbers are getting pretty full with the T6 Defiant on the way plus the pilot ships just out.
Others are:
Galaxy X
For Klingons Vorcha and for Romulans Scimitar. And if/when Cardassians become playable faction Keldon class of course
The best the KDF or RR can hope for are more Triple-Faction releases. Be it a whole 9-pack or be it just a cross-faction 3-pack. The leaks suggested that a few more 3-packs might be coming.
We know it's coming. It would be nice to have a new fighter pet for it that actually has some punch as Fed battle pets are almost universally lame compared to lockbox items.
I dont EXPECT it either, doesn't mean Im still not disgusted by it. Or the feds with there like 4:1 bloat "demanding" more
If there stops being demand for Fed ships, the game is probably done for, unless suddenly all the Fed focused players started to focus on KDF or RR.
This. I cringe every time I read "the feds demand" - everybody is free to play everything in this game and most canon ships are Starfleet ships, naturally. Klingons have B'Rel (K'vort), K'tinga, Vor'Cha and Negh'Var. These are all the canon ships there are for Klingons. Romulans have four as well: Bird of Prey ("T'Liss"), D7 (K'tinga), D'Deridex and Mogai whereas the Romulan fleet, canonically, would consist of almost exclusively D'Ds. Yes, the Scimitar as well though technically it's not Romulan, but for the sake of canon have it in-game I don't care. Starfleet has alternate reality Galaxy refits as well, so what.
There's nothing wrong with balancing the factions but some people are just not interested in Cryptic designs but want to see all canon ships in the game.
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Well I don't have my T6 Sovereign and I still don't want any other ships beside it for my main character.
I have also mentioned in one of the ships wishlist threads that they could implement certain Romulan and Klingon ships from games like Armada 2, Starfleet Command 3... It's not my fault they don't want to do that.
Who would have known.
I understand some people are asking for a cloaking Vesta, but that's seriously wishful thinking. I can't imagine a good justification for giving Vesta a cloak on top of all of the other benefits a T6 version would get. The original didn't get it; the update won't either. That's the whole point of the Fed Intel ships... to give Feds cloaking ships over and above what they already had at T5.
Frankly, as the past has shown imo, Taco and co do their best work on Romulan ships, and even some of the klinks (Imma just ignore the existence of the command BC for klinks).
Oh I am sure they'd love to port and update those ships, it'd save a ton of work for them and appease/cash in on fan/player desires... This, however, is a matter of legally can't, not a matter of want. To get said permissions would probably cost more in just legal fees and royalties than they would get off the designs in the cash shop
No... they've already point-blank stated that they are not ever going to produce ships on the basis of "balancing the factions". They are going to produce what they think they can sell a lot of. What we as individuals might prefer them to produce is not part of the equation.
I want a T6 BoP based on the B'Rel retrofit. I want it to have EBC and Intel spec seating. I want it yesterday. I am going to continue to be disappointed until they decide to release one, and it probably won't have all of the gimmies I want it to have.
Nothing wrong with having a wishlist, but it's not realistic to insist they deliver everything that's on it.
Also to point at the hole in your own argument, I said they 'need to' balance the factions, you said 'what they think will sell' ... just because they think X don't make it right. They've stuck themselves in the worst circular logic... KDF/Roms sell less so less gets developed so less people play/buy so they sell less so less gets developed.... on and on.
While I'd prefer Intel, the one in the works will almost certainly be Pilot. And of course, it's not from a lockbox, so obviously Cryptic won't give it both...
Looking at
On Fed side, all hangar pets are beam users, except 2 of them, Peregrine Fighters and Stalker Fighters(But the Stalker can only be used on the caitian carrier.).
And there are only 2 crossfation pets which uses cannons. The Jem'Hadar Fighters(if you are lucky to have them unlocked) and Scorpion Fighters.
So in reality for a cannon boat, the options are between the two very similar and weak pets, Peregrine and Scorpion Fighters.
Meanwhile on KDF side, most hangar pets use cannons. So using this trait with cannon shuttle pets, on a Vo'Quv or Kar'Fi, you would have to have a Cannon: Rapid Fire upgrade thats used for your pets only.
Only the Orion Slavers use beams. And looking for crossfaction beam pets, we got: Tholian Widow Fighters and Obelisk Swarmers.
Really isn't a lot of options from my point of view.
Spock to Kirk, as Kirk is about to hug him.
Star Trek V: "The Final Frontier"
But one of the traditional escort builds before all the BFAW / Plasma Doping crazes was DHC plus a single double beam bank.
Cannon Rapid Fire for the DHCs, and then Beam Overload III for the DBB for maximum spike damage potential. Very important in PvP particularly, but also good in PvE.
It might not be that en vogue anymore, but it seems this trait might actually be the best reason to go back to one of those builds. And I think the purpose of the trait is to provide a buff to two powers that are not used as often anymore thanks to the BFAW dominance - Beam Overload and Cannon Rapid Fire.
So, in the end - Beam Overload can be worked easily into any build not based around BFAW. You just need a single beam out of your 6-8 weapon slots. If in doubt, replace a single turret with an omnibeam.
Looking forward to my T6 Oddy.
I've been wondering similiarily about the Steamrunner. While there are no license hassles involved, they have an exclusive contract with Valve for this one and I feel it and the Vesta (as well as the Luna) might just be forgotten for a while because maybe the licenses don't cover new versions?
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A T6 Vesta and Oddy would make money though i'm sure. I don't fly either tbh but there's plenty of requests for both on these very forums