With the Summer Festival on Risa right around the corner, Captains can expect a whole new set of rewards to celebrate the summer with! From Aloha shirts, to the insanely-adorable Caracal, we have tons of fun in store for Captains this Thursday!
Seriously. The Caracal is frackin' adorable.~LaughingTrendy
Also Aloha shirts! Thank you Cryptic.
= I love it.
*reads whole thing* Well if the goal is to make us chuckle, ya succeeded. Heh.
Was hoping it would look a little more like the real world caracal, but ah well.
Also, the next eeveelution confirmed.
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Winter Event is great thanks to duty officer assignments that reward Winter Ornaments. There are no duty officer assignments on Risa and all the activities reward way too little Favors.
As such, I won't even bother with the Risa-only outfits, or the powerboards. It's just a waste of time and money.
Not to mention, I can't see myself spending too much time on Risa if the FPS loss issue isn't going to be addressed soon...
New kit modules? Including a weather generator? Check.
You also get a bonus point for putting Tom Selleck from Magnum P.I. in the Dev Blog.
Pretty sure that powerboard was there last year as a decoration, it just wasn't attainable. Unless this is a completely different powerboard.
I remember because I was annoyed I couldn't get it then. So, thanks for releasing it this year. Too bad it took Leonard Nimoy dying for it to happen. If I had the choice I'd rather you keep the powerboard as a decoration and give us back Leonard Nimoy.
The costume options do look interesting. Does this mean they'll be available in open and closed shirt options?
"No matter where you go...there you are."
more importantly, chest hair?
Either that or Glen Quagmire. Giggity!
"No matter where you go...there you are."
I do have to agree with that. I much prefer the winter event because getting event currency is much easier, thus more fun.
It gets very tedious trying to buy outfits and floaters and what not for numerous toons at such high prices when your only viable sources are horga'hn hunt and dance party on repeat. Even doing the same few things during Winter event, mixed in with the odd ginger bread colony queued mission or last years addition of the snow Borg mission it seems much more fun to get the rewards and much less of a dull repetitive ache. Plus the winter event stuff costs less and you can wear all of that clothing anywhere you want.
Also, "Hurricane Generator". LMAO!
I hope an NPC Holo-Rubin Carter shows up and punches all the enemies in the face.
But looking at the art of the article... when did we get the option for chest hair?
Real captains have body hair!!!
People who wanted it always had the option...by rolling a cat and buying the shorts...
None of the summer stuff has worked off Risa, so it is doubtful!
Or Archer Vice. They had a missed opportunity to combine it with the Pilot Ships.
....Dammit, they totally had something for this.