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Leveling is WAY too fast



  • rgzarcherrgzarcher Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Personally I'm torn. The OP is using a Delta Recruit toon, which had an unusual boon to help it level up.

    So on the one hand, part of me thinks the OP should start over from zero with a new toon to see what those of us who started out years ago had to deal with when the Delta expansion came out.

    On the other hand, part of me is curious to see what the OP would have to say after completing two Spec tree's (not counting Commando as its half a tree) and if they still believe it's too quick and too easy.

    At best, you can get one spec point for about two hours of griding once you hit level 60, and that's if you don't count travel time between Patrols.

    As for 'rank up too quickly' I believe Quinn tells you at the start it's basically a field promotion, which means your rank is only whatever it is while in battle. It's why at certain points in the story you are able to order around a character such as Admiral Tuvok (in battle) while he is free to ignore you completely OUTSIDE of battle.

    You're rank is conditional, not official. Outside of a combat situation you are still an Ensign.

    Of course the big thing is they can make ships pretty quickly, but lack competent captains and bridge crews. Standard crews don't even exist anymore (as the higher end Science ships outright have in their descriptions the entire crews sans the bridge are Holographic).

    Its much like Ace Combat Infinity, where in the future industrial manufacturing has reduced the time and cost to build very high end fighter craft such as SU-32's to pocket change, but they still need pilots who can fly them.
    "Why all the sales"?

    And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
    -jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
  • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    amezuki wrote: »
    No, I think it's more an issue that too many people here lack sufficient perspective, history, and exposure to both current and past MMOs other than this one.

    Thats probably becuase I suspect most of us don't really care what other games we probably are not playing do.

    I figure a decent chunk of STO players are here becuase its a Star Trek game and could care less about how much like other MMOs it is.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    How many times do I have to say I don't have ADHD and thus don't care that I actually have to put in time and work to gain those... ooo... last five levels. Oh dear, how will I survive? Honestly, once I run out of content, I'll probably just make a new alt to go through lower stuff again because this game's endgame SUCKS. Or rather is nonexistent. Again, I'm in no hurry at all.

    I'm just saying that those last 5 levels will take an inordinate amount of time.

    On the whole:

    The early levels are fine. You want to reward people just for deciding to play.

    The curve probably isn't steep enough towards the middle. I'm curious to see how that is after the DS9 sector revamp that will probably cut the number of missions there down substantially. My suspicion is that we'll see about 20 missions cut down to about 10. (Ie. 15 non-FEs become 5 more polished missions, following the Romulan example.) Now, we'll probably see the remaining 5 get XP boosts but they'll be longer and the net result will be less XP while leveling.

    The DR missions have XP gaps. Big gaps. Other western games like WoW have twice the XP needed to level. DR has about half if you were caught up on missions prior to DR. And if you level a new character now, you will still have gaps. Modern, western MMOs don't have gaps.

    Now, the curve being adjusted, I could see.

    Heck, the game having 100 levels? Fine. HOWEVER, you have over 100 levels counting spec points and there's not enough ways to get XP aside from killing tens of thousands of enemies. Progress should be proportional to content. I'm fine with your idea of progress if it meant 60 more missions in the game. Since it doesn't, it doesn't work.

    As for DOffing, a lot of the devs said they don't touch it and the EP has said he doesn't follow it that closely and that it needs a revamp. It was an alternate progression system albeit a less optimal one. You're essentially smoking with a nicotine patch on here.
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i can't be the only one smelling troll coming off the op at this point. a dev should just scan the op's isp address posted to the forum, run a forum cross reference for the isp, and ban all his or her accounts.
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So must good gaming and good business always be mutually exclusive? Still sounds moronic to me.

    Removing content = BAD.

    There are few to no exceptions to this prime directive.

    Putting the emphasis only on endgame also makes this, well, like every other boring MMORPG. Makes it feel like it's not really Star Trek.

    Did you actually read any of the text in Divide et Imperia?

    Removing bad content = GOOD.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Quality over quantity. I'd rather repeat a genuinely entertaining mission a few times for XP than have to trawl through endless generic content that bores me.

    Due to the lack of real content variety in general, it's not a loss to me if your standard 'turn up, kill X, leave' missions are cut out, and if a few of them are removed and replaced with a single mission actually fun I think it's good.

    The Cardassian arc still needs looking at but it's probably in the pipeline.
  • arion08arion08 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I disagree ... i hate missions, i did then once , twice ..., enough. I play a game to have fun. Repeating the same missions over and over for every new toon i make i find it tedious, boring, stupidly easy and no fun. At least after lvl 50 u can do whatever stuff u want to lvl up ... so no ty.
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I disagree. Better to fix what's wrong than remove, especially when there is already a content drought according to everyone who has disagreed with me.

    Bad Content > No Content

    Okay, once more since it was ignored the first two times I posted it apparently.

    To your first point. Divide at Imperial was simply BAD. The developers were right to remove that mission and long may it be gone. I mean running around slaughtering an entire space station because an admiral says so, then you find out your duped and then just go "oh well, stuff happens" was freaking asinine. Sometimes bad content like that that makes little sense needs to go.

    Far as your second point. Wasn't ignored, it was a BAD IDEA NOBODY LIKED. Many said so. And fyi, re quoting yourself like that makes you seem pretentious.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Okay, I don't have the energy to argue about it anymore, especially since I doubt anyone working on the game even checks these threads. I'm too old for this TRIBBLE.

    Yeah, that's likely true in a general way.

    Of course, there's also the part where they don't currently have the resources to implement much of what you were asking for (i.e, to make the vast amount of additional content that would be needed to fill up a 1/3-speed 1-50 leveling curve), so all of this was just a discussion topic for the sake of it. There was always 0% chance that any of it would actually happen.

    Realistically, you've been saying "be a different game", which isn't a thing that occurs in the 5th year of a f2p MMO. Heck, barely in a pay MMO - I think only WoW has the staff & budget to do something like Cataclysm with it's revamp of the entire low-level world & quests. So this was more of a "here's what I'd like in the next Star Trek game". Discussion for the sake of discussion.
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'd agree with that if we were getting quality. But we're getting neither quality nor quantity in the 50-59 range. Some of the 60 stuff has been good, but it does no good locked at 60. That stuff should be used to fill the content gaps in the 50-59 range.

    Yes. When I say 'quality' I do mean this in STO terms, as in 'the best we'll likely get'.

    And you are right. As new FE's are released perhaps they should look to reducing the level cap on previous ones, probably after the time limited loot is no longer available since it tends to be endgame stuff.
  • daciaeternadaciaeterna Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Okay, I don't have the energy to argue about it anymore, especially since I doubt anyone working on the game even checks these threads. I'm too old for this TRIBBLE.

    I sure hope u are right about devs not checking this treads lol. Why ?

    Step one: Geko sees the tread and thinks "what a great idea, lets do something about it"
    Step two: Geko does "something" about it, XP is spread around all missions ... almost ... now it takes x3 time to get a toon to lvl 60 ... ups ... but its spread, so its all good ...
    Step three: Players ask why, 1 month later a message from Cryptic saying " Our equalization of XP was a great success and all the players absolutely love it "

    Yeah ... lets hope no one see this lol, my friends list gone from 100+ to ... 3-4 active since DR and the removal of NWS. I invested lots of time and resources in this game and now i barley manage to find players to do some damn stfs without waiting forever.
    • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      talonxv wrote: »
      Divide at Imperial was simply BAD.

      It was such garbage. It was a part of the linear story progression (and thus implicitly required) and negatively affected the STO experience for 99.999999% of players.

      It straps the Stupid Ball to the player and forces them to act like the stupidest most incompetent morons in the history of Star Trek, then gives absolutely no chance of redemption because the storyline is completely dropped.

      It's like it if the Klingons were forced to run away from two pudgy unarmed Ferengi, then had to grovel and beg for their lives when set up to be caught, and end up wearing a frilly pink dress performing I'm A Little Teapot.

      Divide et Imperia is a piece of **** that should be scoured from existence and memory. :mad:
    • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      darkjeff wrote: »
      It straps the Stupid Ball to the player and forces them to act like the stupidest most incompetent morons in the history of Star Trek, then gives absolutely no chance of redemption because the storyline is completely dropped.

      My first captain to hit that mission, with me not even thinking of the Undine, still had me thinking quite quickly that the Admiral was a shapechanger and this was a ploy to reveal her. Then wondering how far they were going to take it. Then wondering if I'm the only one that suspects Admiral Genocidey. Then wondering what the aftermath is going to be. Then realizing there is no aftermath. That's when Divide et Imperia took the worst mission ever crown for me. From then on in head canon those missions were from a bad holonovel.
      This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
    • agentdunnagentdunn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      I'm too old for this TRIBBLE.

      If you're too old for this TRIBBLE why did you bother posting an unpopular opinion in the first place? If you were expecting a rational debate over an opinion like this your obviously new to the forum
    • grtiggygrtiggy Member Posts: 444 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      in my opinion its more that leveling speed is so inconsistant in this game and the first 50 levels feel totaly pointless especuly trying to gear up in the first 50 levels cause you go through them so quickly it feels like im wasting EC/dill, if the entire games leveling felt more consistant and more of a curve than hit 50 then meet brick wall, it should feel easy first few levels then start to get harder and harder to level up and at least make you feel a tad better about gearing up in the earlyer levels than get some equipment then have it obsolete only a couple hours later, it kinda feels like the reason folks are always screaming there is nothing to do cause its so rediculusly easy to hit that end game content then farm like crazy till ya burn out.
    • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      So basically you should have read before posting.

      After DR there was a massive flood of complaints about how difficult it was to hit 60, because awarded mission XP was insufficient to bring you to the minimum required level for the next mission, resulting in people having to find things to grind. That's not even including complaints about needing to grind another 35 points of Spec after level 60 to max out the previously maxed out characters.

      Then they actually banned and rolled back a chunk of players for daring to find the most efficient way to grind, labeling it an exploit in spite of said method being explicitly pointed out back on Tribble. They ended up undoing a large amount of this.

      Then we had the DOffing XP fix/nerf that turned 12 hour assignments being a viable source of XP in line with the others (ie. not a viable source of XP), leading to more complaints about leveling.

      In response to the constant and ongoing complaints about this they implemented spec points as rewards, and are apparently going to do something else.

      Considering that most people in the forum were level 50 for ages before DR hit, and you're only in the Cardassian arc, your opinion against consensus on a highly controversial issue is not going to be regarded as an informed opinion regardless of whatever geek cred you claim.
    • ashlotteashlotte Member Posts: 316 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      takeguru wrote: »
      This is bait, right?

      Going from 50-60 is some of the slowest leveling I've seen in an MMO to date.

      And you want to halve that?

      You haven't ever played Perfect World have you? No, no, you haven't...
    • daciaeternadaciaeterna Member Posts: 219 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      So why'd they do that? Sounds like another dumb decision on their part. It sounds like they really are incompetent and that all the players can do is suck it up and play what they give us. They don't listen to players apparently (especially if this Geko would look at my suggestion and make it takes three times longer to get to 60 when my suggestion kept the XP needed for 60 and only spread out the existing 1.4 million better.

      I guess all the game companies do this now, and it's a shame. They don't know what they're doing, clearly.

      What u can seem to comprehend is that since DR hit the new dev direction is to use any reasonable idea that players give regarding game progression and resources to do a nerf, then say everything is fine and all players love it.
      Wow ... so all my friends ware dumb and incompetent ... hmmm ... maybe but even so way better that a drama queen. Lol just how arrogant can u be to insult lots of people what u did not even began to know ?. U are here only for your big ego, miss drama queen ...
      • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        sophlogimo wrote: »
        They've already done that for some DR missions. I am sure they are aware of the usefulness of that approach.

        Of course, I'd still want to be able to try all the spec trees, which the current spec point cost forbids.

        *shudder* spec points. Never really got into them for precisely that reason. If normal levelling is slow that slog is practically going in reverse.
      • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        So you disagree with me that removing NWS was incompetent? Because based on what I know, it was a cool challenge scenario.

        You mean Always Win Scenario? It hasn't been No Win Scenario for a long time.
        This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
      • daciaeternadaciaeterna Member Posts: 219 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        So you disagree with me that removing NWS was incompetent? Because based on what I know, it was a cool challenge scenario. Also, since when were Cryptic employees your friends? Oh, and what you're saying right now contradicts nearly everyone else in the thread. Are you trolling me or something? Any which way, I'm reasonably sure that over 50% of the people playing this game could do better at making it than Cryptic based on what I've seen and heard now.

        Lol sorry i need my glasses, when i read that i understood u mean my friends but u meant the devs, lol. No more reading in the morning until i get my coffee.
        • gl2814egl2814e Member Posts: 328 Arc User
          edited May 2015
          How did a thread about the pre-level 50 leveling curve get so big?

          I will say this to the post-level 60 leveling, once you have a couple of filled out trees leveling gets much easier with your increased abilities. At least that's been my observation.
        • agentdunnagentdunn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
          edited May 2015
          Still kinda confused how no one liked my amended educated suggestion, seeing as it actually lowered the total XP to 60 by a couple hundred thousand, but spread the XP needs over more levels (especially those occuring during the Captain rank.

          How is it educated? Spreading the xp more evenly may sound like a good idea but not everyone wants to spend time at those lower levels where you don't have access to the better abilities. Personally i hate those early levels where i cant chain my engineering abilities to keep myself alive and my tactical powers are far less efficient. The longer this thread is up the more fire its going to create and im surprised its even gone on this long. Some could say im a hypocrite since im contributing to a thread that should have slipped and to that i say... you're right.

          Also this contradicts your initial idea of leveling being too fast. With your proposed idea you will get to level 60 faster than you do currently.
        • lunastolunasto Member Posts: 774 Arc User
          edited May 2015
          agentdunn wrote: »
          The longer this thread is up the more fire its going to create and im surprised its even gone on this long.


          IMHO, I believe that we should be able to play each episode all the way through, without having to build up to it with replays and grinds. Each episode should provide you with enough experience to get to the next.

          This also goes for the missions that are just patrols, I'm not trying to be mean and second guess the planning team for the game, this would just make it more convenient for me as a player with more then one character to level up.

          The way they had it setup for the Delta Recruit thingy was perfect!! That was, until you reached the Delta Quadrant and hit the leveling gap again like other characters.

          My Rommie made it to 60, I may still enjoy the level 60 content with her. < I'm loving the space battles BTW!> What you have done with the Romulans in this game is so freak'n cool! They are my favorite new race!!
          Lightningdealwithit.gifNew Lunar Republic
          "Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!" -Lina Inverse
        • bahamut1978bahamut1978 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
          edited May 2015
          Still kinda confused how no one liked my amended educated suggestion, seeing as it actually lowered the total XP to 60 by a couple hundred thousand, but spread the XP needs over more levels (especially those occuring during the Captain rank.

          Basically, because we don't care about it. It was slow, it was fast, who cares? We are now looking at those shiny specialization trees and those specialization points at 160,000 XP each (once you hit level 60).
        • agentdunnagentdunn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
          edited May 2015
          I'm going to be honest here, I had an incredibly (perhaps overly) detailed spreadsheet with the totals of the actual and your proposed requirements to back myself up when I realized something, who cares? (i was also working from out of date information, to my intense embarrassment).

          You obviously have a strong opinion to keep commenting on this thread, is it a wrong opinion? To me yes but we live in a world where everyone is entitled to their own opinion and this thread is not going to get anything changed (So why it was started in the first place beyond a place to rant is beyond me). The requirements will stay the same, end level content will be gated behind level 60 and people will complain that Tovan needs to be left on Virinat.

          The anonymous forum rage almost made me say something I would regret but lets face it, your opinion will not change not matter how much people say you may or may not be wrong, its always going to be your opinion and your idea of what the game should be.

          I highly doubt that there is someone out there who is 100% satisfied with the current state of the game but all the forum rage in the world wont make the developers change the game for you.

          You said with age comes wisdom, i know young people who come out with things that would make humble the village elders and i know older people who i'm surprised made it through life to this stage. I can see you are an intelligent person to maintain your view with dignity and without resorting to troll tactics, you presented numbers in defense of your idea and thought it out well, and because of that I did not give I tried to write this with as much humanity and decency as I could muster.

          Also, with youth comes the ability to adapt to the new, give me that over wisdom any day.
        • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
          edited May 2015

          If they actually ever do overhaul the entire leveling system I have a better one thats more consistent with the Star Trek universe.

          Captain 1-60

          Admiral optional and becomes NPC quest giver.

          And no I am actually serious about this becuase then we don't have to worry about leveling speed or what not and just enjoy them game.

          Also they should just have your ship be a customizable avatar and not gear, so that all you have to do is switch out the gear and maybe promote a boff or two after every level up.
        • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
          edited May 2015
          Still kinda confused how no one liked my amended educated suggestion, seeing as it actually lowered the total XP to 60 by a couple hundred thousand, but spread the XP needs over more levels (especially those occuring during the Captain rank.

          Here's the problem, most of us have been saying this since delta rising released, and things have actually gotten worse not better as Crptic has a different idea of what fun is. For a while we patrolled Romulan space, then playing the game was called an exploit and nerfed because it wasn't being done in the delta quadrant. Then we did patrols in the delta quadrant and that was time gated. Then we started doffing more, then that was nerfed.

          Bottom line while your idea and proposal is good, someone in Crptic has this misguided idea that your proposal isn't just wrong, but is the exact opposite of what it should be and every time someone proposes a fix the exact opposite happens and things get worse.
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