But don't they do that? They take us to the interior of a ship and the story continues? Our ships? No...but we do go inside ships, yeah? One of these days we'll get that actual tour of Voyager.
But we don't go aboard our ships.
Star Trek has plenty of "bottle episodes" where basically everything happens on the sets they already have - i.e. the ship.
But STO can't do that. We can have a mission that plays on Voyager, or on Deep Space Nine. But we can't have a mission that happens on the player's own ship, because the interiors are not set up for this.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
I integrated your passive effect idea when I said some mini missions / doff missions in the ship interior could grant buffs.
As to the "restrain your expectations", you seem to be confusing -full- interiors with -unique- interiors. Do you realize how many ships there are in game? To do a custom interior for each one would tie Taco and his team up for a year or more. It's not going to happen. And why would we even want to have it? What does it add? I say nothing.
Let each faction have a set interior that is more developed than the one we have and able to have some modular elements to it. Let us customize our bridge and our Quarters, and maybe our Lounge. Everything else, let it be stock to save developer time. They simply don't have the time and resources to make every ship different.
Some skin options? Ok, maybe. But not a unique interior for every vessel. That is insane.
Also, "full interior" in my mind means all the important locations you might see on a starship if it were featured in a series. Bridge, corridors, a lab or two, Sickbay, Engineering, a Cargo Bay or three, Shuttlebay, Transporter Room, etc. It doesn't mean a full map of every corridor and every room and crew quarters, again that is an insane amount of work. It means giving us the spaces we need to play scenes in.
Let me simplify, All ships should have full interiors (Bridge, sickbay, engineering, transporter room, and a mess hall) at minimum. Otherwise, again, having just a bridge makes me feel like my ship design was done half-assed compared to the faction ships. To list a few interiors that are not yet full (Undine, Voth, Vaadwaur, Tal Shiar Adapted, Tholian, Hazari, etc etc). I also feel the workload associated with such an undertaking is not "insane" at all. It's fair because they chose to pump out an incomplete ship. Especially if you compare it to other faction ships. Which is kind of funny considering how long it took for Romulans to get full interiors and they are a full fledged faction. But you do have a point... at this moment having a full interior wouldn't do much since interiors aren't of much use anyways. Which brings us back to the subject at hand...
I wish to better explain something here, or simplify it..... For all the ships that have full interiors (97% of all faction ships) I want them to have a bit more functionality and purpose..... and for the ships that don't have full interiors (lockbox, lobi, and event ships) I want them to get their deserved interiors to be up to standard with the faction ships.
With that being said I propose that the DOFF system be integrated with the ship's interior.
(Can't believe I'm actually saying this, LOL, but) Geko is right: first ppl wanted things to do on their bridges; then, when Cryptic moved Department Heads missions there, ppl again complained they had to go to their bridges for that.
FYI, saying that their are better things for them to be working on is irrelevant since your (if you apply) response was not required.
Honestly, this idea is never going to happen. Like ever. Regardless of how many times it's brought up (to the point where I wouldn't mind if it became an F.C.T.). And they have better things to work on. :P
(Can't believe I'm actually saying this, LOL, but) Geko is right: first ppl wanted things to do on their bridges; then, when Cryptic moved Department Heads missions there, ppl again complained they had to go to their bridges for that.
Honestly, this idea is never going to happen. Like ever. Regardless of how many times it's brought up (to the point where I wouldn't mind if it became an F.C.T.). And they have better things to work on. :P
Thanks for trying to flame the thread.... It's nice to know that nuisances are taking notice too
Thanks for trying to flame the thread.... It's nice to know that nuisances are taking notice too
The only nuisance is you starting a topic that has already been discussed to death, and been shut down countless times before, for well-explained reasons, by various Devs.
The only nuisance is you starting a topic that has already been discussed to death, and been shut down countless times before, for well-explained reasons, by various Devs.
Why are you here again? If you don't have something to contribute to the discussion than please go.
While having things to do in my ship's interior would be nice *having* to recreate the opening to Spaceballs every time I want to doff would not be nice.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
With that being said I propose that the DOFF system be integrated with the ship's interior. For example, instead of pulling up a UI to start a doff mission I would like to be able to go up to the DoFFS (Replace the random NPCS in the interior with your actual DoFFs just like the bridge officers are your BoFFs) and be able to send them "personally" if you will to do missions. In addition, I would also like to be able to heal my captain as well as my officers from my sickbay(is that not what it's there for?) and I would also like to be able to repair ship injuries from engineering (just like in Star Trek because, again, this is a Star Trek MMO, no?). Aside from account bank access I feel like my bridge and interior is useless.
What are your thoughts?
I agree, we should be able to have sickbay heal our captain from our bridge interior. I do not know why this functionality isn't incorporated, but I think that this would be an easy QOL issue to fix. Maybe for the ships that just have bridges, an autodoc or a generic doctor contact to enable it?
But your other ideas - you can do that already in the Interior. There's no need to strip the Department Heads of their current functionality. The current DH functionality was put in because people hated going to their interiors because it took so long for the map to load. And having to do that when switching from individual sector blocks? I do not think that your idea would be feasible without substantial changes to how Doffing works.
I'm also incorporating what Meimei noted by reference, s/he is right that the reason why we don't have full ship interiors has been discussed to death, as has the issues with having individual doffs or Boffs populate the ship interiors instead of the generic NPCs.
I agree, we should be able to have sickbay heal our captain from our bridge interior. I do not know why this functionality isn't incorporated, but I think that this would be an easy QOL issue to fix. Maybe for the ships that just have bridges, an autodoc or a generic doctor contact to enable it?
But your other ideas - you can do that already in the Interior. There's no need to strip the Department Heads of their current functionality. The current DH functionality was put in because people hated going to their interiors because it took so long for the map to load. And having to do that when switching from individual sector blocks? I do not think that your idea would be feasible without substantial changes to how Doffing works.
I'm also incorporating what Meimei noted by reference, s/he is right that the reason why we don't have full ship interiors has been discussed to death, as has the issues with having individual doffs or Boffs populate the ship interiors instead of the generic NPCs.
I realize that you can already do some doffing from the interior but the doffing that's available there isn't rewarding enough to even bother visiting the interior in the first place. This is what I want to be changed among other things. Also, how much it's been discussed in the past is irrelevant if nothing came to fruition. The current state of ship interiors is proof of that.
I agree, we should be able to have sickbay heal our captain from our bridge interior. I do not know why this functionality isn't incorporated, but I think that this would be an easy QOL issue to fix. Maybe for the ships that just have bridges, an autodoc or a generic doctor contact to enable it?
Beaming back to your ship should just automatically heal character injuries just like docking with a star base should automatically repair your ship.
"You are cleared for docking U.S.S. 3nt3rprz3. Please dock in the "my warp core is about to breach section". If you do not blow up before you request to leave you will not be able to leave until we have verified that all your crew have signed waivers for acknowledging and accepting the complete lack of life support. If you do blow up your next of kin will be responsible for all damages caused by the inevitable destruction of your badly damaged ship."
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
we have dept heads we should at least see those dept heads in the depts . and for most of us who have alot of boffs would love to see them in ten forward or in the hallways dioing things if they r not scheduled on the bridge that might make interiors better at least.
Beaming back to your ship should just automatically heal character injuries just like docking with a star base should automatically repair your ship.
"You are cleared for docking U.S.S. 3nt3rprz3. Please dock in the "my warp core is about to breach section". If you do not blow up before you request to leave you will not be able to leave until we have verified that all your crew have signed waivers for acknowledging and accepting the complete lack of life support. If you do blow up your next of kin will be responsible for all damages caused by the inevitable destruction of your badly damaged ship."
repairing ships should be a mission in it self having to go into different depts repairing things also engineering and repairing warp core or computer main frame and so on .. thats trek going to space dock for easy heal as u near it reminds me of a cheap game or star trek knock off[/COLOR]
Beaming back to your ship should just automatically heal character injuries just like docking with a star base should automatically repair your ship.
"You are cleared for docking U.S.S. 3nt3rprz3. Please dock in the "my warp core is about to breach section". If you do not blow up before you request to leave you will not be able to leave until we have verified that all your crew have signed waivers for acknowledging and accepting the complete lack of life support. If you do blow up your next of kin will be responsible for all damages caused by the inevitable destruction of your badly damaged ship."
repairing ships should be done by us having to repair depts or head to engineering to repair warp core or computer main frame etc... also in trek dept heads and first officers lead away teams at times. we should have same ability doing this this would go well with the new command traits and skills
(Can't believe I'm actually saying this, LOL, but) Geko is right: first ppl wanted things to do on their bridges; then, when Cryptic moved Department Heads missions there, ppl again complained they had to go to their bridges for that.
The issue with statements like "People wanted this, we gave it to them, then they complained about it" are that "the people" or "they" are never the same people. No single person said "I want more functional ship interiors" and then in the next breath followed up with "Don't require me to go to my ship interior to do things".
What really happened was SOME people wanted it one way and OTHER people wanted it to work differently. It should be no surprise that people in the game are going to want different things and no item in game is going to be universally accepted.
Personally, I would like my ship interior to be the hub of how I interact with the game. When I log in I'd like to start there, manage my doffs, heal my bridge officers, read my mail, do my banking, review my available missions, plot a course and when I've arrived there begin the mission. (No I'm not talking about the forbidden "be in your bridge and sector space at the same time" concept)... When the mission was complete beam back up to my ship's interior and then start the cycle again.
Who knows, maybe someday someone new here will come up with an idea that Cryptic can monetize, that the players embrace as a strong addition to the game and everyone would be happy!
I couldnt care less for interiors. So much for "what player need".
There are a ton of things far more important than a few more interaction-npcs in the ship (and it should be "in addition to the gui" and not "instead of the gui", the latter being a nerf of quality of life), the very first ones being bugfixes and lagfixes.
P.S.: Instead of lamenting what you want, how about thinking how it would benefit cryptic? If they dont get a benefit, they wont do it. The Voy-Interieur was implemented because they already had most of the design incorporated in the new missions, and then they went on selling it to the players.
I couldnt care less for interiors. So much for "what player need".
There are a ton of things far more important than a few more interaction-npcs in the ship (and it should be "in addition to the gui" and not "instead of the gui", the latter being a nerf of quality of life), the very first ones being bugfixes and lagfixes.
It's good to know people don't read or just don't care. That being said... leave.
I will answer with an example.... my Vaadwaur Manasa has only a bridge. No transporter room, no mess hall, no sickbay, and no engineering. What I thought I had gotten across is that all current ( and future) ships should have full interiors. The galaxy bridges for example are my idea of full interiors( they just lack functionality).
Lets take this for example. I like those small interiors. They load in the blink of an eye, everything is in close proximity to each other. That is an efficient design, not one you have to walk down a long big corridor just to walk down a long big corridor.
But well, reading through the thread it is pretty clear you are not open for arguments, not even the ones stating why your suggestion falls on deaf ears. If you had just watched more in Star Trek than just the interiors...
I realize that you can already do some doffing from the interior but the doffing that's available there isn't rewarding enough to even bother visiting the interior in the first place. This is what I want to be changed among other things. Also, how much it's been discussed in the past is irrelevant if nothing came to fruition. The current state of ship interiors is proof of that.
So are you arguing for new, unique DOFF missions that are super-duper rewarding as a "reward" for going into your ship interior; or are you suggesting that the current Department Head UI interface be removed completely to force people to go into the interiors? If so, I oppose that because I do not want to waste my time zoning EVERY TIME I cross sector borders. Can you explain to me why it would be worthwhile to have to zone for every single sector border?
Also, a point of clarification - are you suggesting every single ship in the game receive a unique interior, or are you suggesting that every single "alien" ship get a unique interior, with a few KDF/Fed/Romulan Interiors for the faction ships?
The issue with statements like "People wanted this, we gave it to them, then they complained about it" are that "the people" or "they" are never the same people. No single person said "I want more functional ship interiors" and then in the next breath followed up with "Don't require me to go to my ship interior to do things".
What really happened was SOME people wanted it one way and OTHER people wanted it to work differently.
Yup, that's pretty much how it went down. I can still see Geko's point, though, that there is no pleasing everyone.
Personally, I would like my ship interior to be the hub of how I interact with the game. When I log in I'd like to start there, manage my doffs, heal my bridge officers, read my mail, do my banking, review my available missions, plot a course and when I've arrived there begin the mission. (No I'm not talking about the forbidden "be in your bridge and sector space at the same time" concept)... When the mission was complete beam back up to my ship's interior and then start the cycle again.
I'd love that too.
Who knows, maybe someday someone new here will come up with an idea that Cryptic can monetize, that the players embrace as a strong addition to the game and everyone would be happy!
Personally, I love anything involving bridges, and 'player housing' in general. But I also understand why they won't do it. And I'm afraid they won't do the Foundry bridge thing either. Probably more because of legal reasons than anything else (letting ppl compose their own bridges will likely not go over well with CBS, who are constantly monitoring Cryptic to see whether they don't mess up the IP too much; hence, no T5 Connie).
So are you arguing for new, unique DOFF missions that are super-duper rewarding as a "reward" for going into your ship interior; or are you suggesting that the current Department Head UI interface be removed completely to force people to go into the interiors? If so, I oppose that because I do not want to waste my time zoning EVERY TIME I cross sector borders. Can you explain to me why it would be worthwhile to have to zone for every single sector border?
Also, a point of clarification - are you suggesting every single ship in the game receive a unique interior, or are you suggesting that every single "alien" ship get a unique interior, with a few KDF/Fed/Romulan Interiors for the faction ships?
Unique DoFF missions with passive space and ground bonuses and I want full interiors for ships that don't have it. Which is mostly alien ships.
I have always favored ship interior as a quest hub. The big thing I see is that having timers would work best if we had missions on our interiors.
The problem with that becomes what happens if someone has a Defiant or an Intrepid interior/etc. Does Cryptic have to remake missions for each interior and, if so, do they go unused?
My take would be to do that but to tie mission availability based on passengers. So I could pick up passengers at a starbase and that would prompt dialogue puzzle missions aboard the ship with the passengers I have picked up displaying.
WoW did something like this with its player housing where the Inn in your Garrison has guests who supply you with distinctive missions.
Why would I need to go to med bay to get components to "manually" heal my captain and officers instead of just healing my captain and officers OR why can't the same hold true for the chief engineer in engineering?
Don't know. Vague memories cry out how "there needs to be a purpose to drive people to the social hubs, this is why fleet starbases don't have exchanges".
Are full heals, whether ship engineer or crew doctor one of those things that they want you "going back to base" for?
At least the option exists to "DOff up" or buy components from your interior - is it perfect? No. Is it better than nothing? Perhaps, YMMV.
A balance must be struck. Allow skip shortcuts for people who don't give a damn about immersion, but give us true fans that hook to put us in the middle of this world you've built. We will reward you.
And there's quite a few of us who are going "you want that immersion? Well, the option to run to the various DH stations scattered throughout the ship exists if you desire it. The option to DOff from your ready room / ready room chair exists." "We've heard many a time that the option of sitting on the bridge while the ship travels from point A to point B (say, Mol'Rihan to Risa) isn't feasible due to our technology base, please don't ask us again."
Is it counter to the OP's "if you're not 'being constructive' and supporting more-or-less what I want then don't bother posting" mentality? Well, I feel that if we at least tell you it might be better than the usual mental note and silence that many suggestion threads have gotten from the Devs.
Personally, I've always thought that if they "redid" the original interiors with "variable textures" and "variable doors", then they could at least attempt to pass off semi-immersive (though obviously, glaringly, and whiningly generic) interiors.
To wit: Why, when I pick a Reddish-tan walls with brown carpeted bridge, do I get stock feddie blue throughout the rest of the ship? With a simple "variable texture wall", the interiors would "know" that the walls should be reddish-tan and the deck brown, because the bridge choice I made would tell it to apply those colors to the walls.
Or, it can pull whole "Tholian textured" wall panels instead of Feddie ones, so that when running around my Recluse it looks like it was a pirated ship at one point.
Same with doors. Normal bridges pull the "normal" octagonish door with possibly the little "lock plate", other bridges pull the square doors, or circular Solanae Doors, etc.
And as to the rest of this - missions using "your" interior, etc.? As I said earlier, it's not hidden information that the original bridges were intentionally built oversized / out of proportion so that the camera had the range of motion necessary to allow interactions on those bridges and those deck areas, however, we all have seen what 3 to 5 years of this ability having been around has led to...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I wrote a massive tome (see link in signature) on how I felt ship interiors could be revamped to be user-customisable and closely-integrated into episode missions.
But as much as I desire better ship interior functionality, until Cryptic and PWE are convinced that devoting time and effort into such features offers significant financial returns (and not just a feel-good and intangible "honoring the spirit of Trek!" sentiment), I'm tempted to agree that ship interiors should be low on the devs' list of priorities for the forseeable future.
Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
I'm going to provide a slightly dissenting opinion here.
Say you made the ship interior the hub of some sort of major system. Doffing for example or major services. What would players do? Well, quite frankly they'd spend all their time in their ships micro-managing some task or another.
That's counterproductive for an MMO. They are generally enriched by (if not the actual interaction between players) the appearance of other players in some major hub world (ESD for example.) It makes it feel lively. Though of course it would make more sense canonically that starship captains spend more of their down time in their starships than in the ST's equivalent of Azeroth, the game has other things in mind (for what makes it work or not.)
IMO, a ship interior revamp can only work if whatever is added is does not directly compete with some other location or system in the game. And there is a type of content that is perfect for this: mission content (minus new systems). We do it by ourselves or in small groups anyway so adding more will only affect population distribution as much as any other playable add-on.
And this could take a couple of forms. 1. repeatable assignments (relatively short, highly variable, emulating sub-plots from the TV shows [diplomacy, security, first contact, holodeck malfunctions, Q, ect]) and 2. special foundry missions (built for the new ship interiors after the revamp which could also include non-malfunctioning holodeck programs, if there is such a thing.)
And once in place a gameplay focused interior could also be repurposed for the major featured episodes. There's a lot of non-complicated utility, and quite frankly more than a lot of the new art assets created for a season.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
The problem with that becomes what happens if someone has a Defiant or an Intrepid interior/etc. Does Cryptic have to remake missions for each interior and, if so, do they go unused.
What about special bridges (ex. lock box, lobi, and event ships?)
No revamp is going to be able to include all current interiors. Inevitably new features will have to be disabled or reduced. I'd be perfectly comfortable extending that to the "classic" interiors as well (their appeal is ostensibly with their iconic status anway, its only now without a revamp that they're potentially substituting for high-quality interior spaces.)
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I'm going to provide a slightly dissenting opinion here.
Say you made the ship interior the hub of some sort of major system. Doffing for example or major services. What would players do? Well, quite frankly they'd spend all their time in their ships micro-managing some task or another.
That's counterproductive for an MMO. They are generally enriched by (if not the actual interaction between players) the appearance of other players in some major hub world (ESD for example.) It makes it feel lively. Though of course it would make more sense canonically that starship captains spend more of their down time in their starships than in the ST's equivalent of Azeroth, the game has other things in mind (for what makes it work or not.)
IMO, a ship interior revamp can only work if whatever is added is does not directly compete with some other location or system in the game. And there is a type of content that is perfect for this: mission content. We do it by ourselves or in small groups anyway so adding more will only affect population distribution as much as any other playable add-on.
And this could take a couple of forms. 1. repeatable assignments (relatively short, highly variable, emulating sub-plots from the TV shows [diplomacy, security, first contact, holodeck malfunctions, Q, ect]) and 2. special foundry missions (built for the new ship interiors after the revamp which could also include non-malfunctioning holodeck programs, if there is such a thing.)
And once in place a gameplay focused interior could also be repurposed for the major featured episodes. There's a lot of non-complicated utility, and quite frankly more than a lot of the new art assets created for a season.
I mentioned something like this in my original working document, but this is an excellent, well-reasoned summary.
Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
I'm going to provide a slightly dissenting opinion here.
Say you made the ship interior the hub of some sort of major system. Doffing for example or major services. What would players do? Well, quite frankly they'd spend all their time in their ships micro-managing some task or another.
That's counterproductive for an MMO. They are generally enriched by (if not the actual interaction between players) the appearance of other players in some major hub world (ESD for example.) It makes it feel lively. Though of course it would make more sense canonically that starship captains spend more of their down time in their starships than in the ST's equivalent of Azeroth, the game has other things in mind (for what makes it work or not.)
IMO, a ship interior revamp can only work if whatever is added is does not directly compete with some other location or system in the game. And there is a type of content that is perfect for this: mission content (minus new systems). We do it by ourselves or in small groups anyway so adding more will only affect population distribution as much as any other playable add-on.
And this could take a couple of forms. 1. repeatable assignments (relatively short, highly variable, emulating sub-plots from the TV shows [diplomacy, security, first contact, holodeck malfunctions, Q, ect]) and 2. special foundry missions (built for the new ship interiors after the revamp which could also include non-malfunctioning holodeck programs, if there is such a thing.)
And once in place a gameplay focused interior could also be repurposed for the major featured episodes. There's a lot of non-complicated utility, and quite frankly more than a lot of the new art assets created for a season.
Although you are right that, that, would be counter-productive to an MMO BUT is that not what we do already? Whether it be moving sliders for reputation missions(projects), fleet projects, event projects, item upgrades, etc etc. If not that people are usually trying( with queues being dead) to do PvE's OR they are Bs'ing time away in Zone chat. But this is beside the point.... I see no harm in going to your interior (after all the ships, including "alien" ships, get full interiors) and running two daily missions/DoFF assignments/minigames/activities that would provide some minor passive for both space and ground. I will re-iterate my idea of having the player's captain visiting engineering to run a diagnostic on the warp core and, if successful, is granted a EPS or bonus power passive that lasts for X amount of time. For ground there could be something similar where your captain goes to the holodeck to run a combat scenario and, if successful, gets a minor bonus to ground weapon damage for X amount of time. If you wanted it to be blown up a scale a bit and increase the immersion you could have a similar set-up forever relevant ship system... like impulse engines diagnostic, deflector diagnostic, shield diagnostic, weapons diagnostic, tactical systems diagnostic,- the list can go on. Of course this idea could be expanded upon beyond measure and could lead to an unnecessary overhaul of DoFFing or an unnecessary and grand overhaul of interiors BUT it's a reasonable idea nonetheless.
But we don't go aboard our ships.
Star Trek has plenty of "bottle episodes" where basically everything happens on the sets they already have - i.e. the ship.
But STO can't do that. We can have a mission that plays on Voyager, or on Deep Space Nine. But we can't have a mission that happens on the player's own ship, because the interiors are not set up for this.
Let me simplify, All ships should have full interiors (Bridge, sickbay, engineering, transporter room, and a mess hall) at minimum. Otherwise, again, having just a bridge makes me feel like my ship design was done half-assed compared to the faction ships. To list a few interiors that are not yet full (Undine, Voth, Vaadwaur, Tal Shiar Adapted, Tholian, Hazari, etc etc). I also feel the workload associated with such an undertaking is not "insane" at all. It's fair because they chose to pump out an incomplete ship. Especially if you compare it to other faction ships. Which is kind of funny considering how long it took for Romulans to get full interiors and they are a full fledged faction. But you do have a point... at this moment having a full interior wouldn't do much since interiors aren't of much use anyways. Which brings us back to the subject at hand...
(Can't believe I'm actually saying this, LOL, but) Geko is right: first ppl wanted things to do on their bridges; then, when Cryptic moved Department Heads missions there, ppl again complained they had to go to their bridges for that.
Honestly, this idea is never going to happen. Like ever. Regardless of how many times it's brought up (to the point where I wouldn't mind if it became an F.C.T.). And they have better things to work on. :P
Thanks for trying to flame the thread.... It's nice to know that nuisances are taking notice too
The only nuisance is you starting a topic that has already been discussed to death, and been shut down countless times before, for well-explained reasons, by various Devs.
Why are you here again? If you don't have something to contribute to the discussion than please go.
I agree, we should be able to have sickbay heal our captain from our bridge interior. I do not know why this functionality isn't incorporated, but I think that this would be an easy QOL issue to fix. Maybe for the ships that just have bridges, an autodoc or a generic doctor contact to enable it?
But your other ideas - you can do that already in the Interior. There's no need to strip the Department Heads of their current functionality. The current DH functionality was put in because people hated going to their interiors because it took so long for the map to load. And having to do that when switching from individual sector blocks? I do not think that your idea would be feasible without substantial changes to how Doffing works.
I'm also incorporating what Meimei noted by reference, s/he is right that the reason why we don't have full ship interiors has been discussed to death, as has the issues with having individual doffs or Boffs populate the ship interiors instead of the generic NPCs.
I realize that you can already do some doffing from the interior but the doffing that's available there isn't rewarding enough to even bother visiting the interior in the first place. This is what I want to be changed among other things. Also, how much it's been discussed in the past is irrelevant if nothing came to fruition. The current state of ship interiors is proof of that.
Beaming back to your ship should just automatically heal character injuries just like docking with a star base should automatically repair your ship.
"You are cleared for docking U.S.S. 3nt3rprz3. Please dock in the "my warp core is about to breach section". If you do not blow up before you request to leave you will not be able to leave until we have verified that all your crew have signed waivers for acknowledging and accepting the complete lack of life support. If you do blow up your next of kin will be responsible for all damages caused by the inevitable destruction of your badly damaged ship."
repairing ships should be a mission in it self having to go into different depts repairing things also engineering and repairing warp core or computer main frame and so on .. thats trek going to space dock for easy heal as u near it reminds me of a cheap game or star trek knock off[/COLOR]
repairing ships should be done by us having to repair depts or head to engineering to repair warp core or computer main frame etc... also in trek dept heads and first officers lead away teams at times. we should have same ability doing this this would go well with the new command traits and skills
The issue with statements like "People wanted this, we gave it to them, then they complained about it" are that "the people" or "they" are never the same people. No single person said "I want more functional ship interiors" and then in the next breath followed up with "Don't require me to go to my ship interior to do things".
What really happened was SOME people wanted it one way and OTHER people wanted it to work differently. It should be no surprise that people in the game are going to want different things and no item in game is going to be universally accepted.
Personally, I would like my ship interior to be the hub of how I interact with the game. When I log in I'd like to start there, manage my doffs, heal my bridge officers, read my mail, do my banking, review my available missions, plot a course and when I've arrived there begin the mission. (No I'm not talking about the forbidden "be in your bridge and sector space at the same time" concept)... When the mission was complete beam back up to my ship's interior and then start the cycle again.
Who knows, maybe someday someone new here will come up with an idea that Cryptic can monetize, that the players embrace as a strong addition to the game and everyone would be happy!
Captain Ariel Trueheart Department of Temporal Investigations
U.S.S. Valkyrie - NCC 991701
=/\= ================================= =/\=
There are a ton of things far more important than a few more interaction-npcs in the ship (and it should be "in addition to the gui" and not "instead of the gui", the latter being a nerf of quality of life), the very first ones being bugfixes and lagfixes.
P.S.: Instead of lamenting what you want, how about thinking how it would benefit cryptic? If they dont get a benefit, they wont do it. The Voy-Interieur was implemented because they already had most of the design incorporated in the new missions, and then they went on selling it to the players.
It's good to know people don't read or just don't care. That being said... leave.
Lets take this for example. I like those small interiors. They load in the blink of an eye, everything is in close proximity to each other. That is an efficient design, not one you have to walk down a long big corridor just to walk down a long big corridor.
But well, reading through the thread it is pretty clear you are not open for arguments, not even the ones stating why your suggestion falls on deaf ears. If you had just watched more in Star Trek than just the interiors...
So are you arguing for new, unique DOFF missions that are super-duper rewarding as a "reward" for going into your ship interior; or are you suggesting that the current Department Head UI interface be removed completely to force people to go into the interiors? If so, I oppose that because I do not want to waste my time zoning EVERY TIME I cross sector borders. Can you explain to me why it would be worthwhile to have to zone for every single sector border?
Also, a point of clarification - are you suggesting every single ship in the game receive a unique interior, or are you suggesting that every single "alien" ship get a unique interior, with a few KDF/Fed/Romulan Interiors for the faction ships?
Yup, that's pretty much how it went down.
I'd love that too.
Personally, I love anything involving bridges, and 'player housing' in general. But I also understand why they won't do it. And I'm afraid they won't do the Foundry bridge thing either. Probably more because of legal reasons than anything else (letting ppl compose their own bridges will likely not go over well with CBS, who are constantly monitoring Cryptic to see whether they don't mess up the IP too much; hence, no T5 Connie).
Unique DoFF missions with passive space and ground bonuses and I want full interiors for ships that don't have it. Which is mostly alien ships.
The problem with that becomes what happens if someone has a Defiant or an Intrepid interior/etc. Does Cryptic have to remake missions for each interior and, if so, do they go unused?
My take would be to do that but to tie mission availability based on passengers. So I could pick up passengers at a starbase and that would prompt dialogue puzzle missions aboard the ship with the passengers I have picked up displaying.
WoW did something like this with its player housing where the Inn in your Garrison has guests who supply you with distinctive missions.
Don't know. Vague memories cry out how "there needs to be a purpose to drive people to the social hubs, this is why fleet starbases don't have exchanges".
Are full heals, whether ship engineer or crew doctor one of those things that they want you "going back to base" for?
At least the option exists to "DOff up" or buy components from your interior - is it perfect? No. Is it better than nothing? Perhaps, YMMV.
And there's quite a few of us who are going "you want that immersion? Well, the option to run to the various DH stations scattered throughout the ship exists if you desire it. The option to DOff from your ready room / ready room chair exists." "We've heard many a time that the option of sitting on the bridge while the ship travels from point A to point B (say, Mol'Rihan to Risa) isn't feasible due to our technology base, please don't ask us again."
Is it counter to the OP's "if you're not 'being constructive' and supporting more-or-less what I want then don't bother posting" mentality? Well, I feel that if we at least tell you it might be better than the usual mental note and silence that many suggestion threads have gotten from the Devs.
Personally, I've always thought that if they "redid" the original interiors with "variable textures" and "variable doors", then they could at least attempt to pass off semi-immersive (though obviously, glaringly, and whiningly generic) interiors.
To wit: Why, when I pick a Reddish-tan walls with brown carpeted bridge, do I get stock feddie blue throughout the rest of the ship? With a simple "variable texture wall", the interiors would "know" that the walls should be reddish-tan and the deck brown, because the bridge choice I made would tell it to apply those colors to the walls.
Or, it can pull whole "Tholian textured" wall panels instead of Feddie ones, so that when running around my Recluse it looks like it was a pirated ship at one point.
Same with doors. Normal bridges pull the "normal" octagonish door with possibly the little "lock plate", other bridges pull the square doors, or circular Solanae Doors, etc.
And as to the rest of this - missions using "your" interior, etc.? As I said earlier, it's not hidden information that the original bridges were intentionally built oversized / out of proportion so that the camera had the range of motion necessary to allow interactions on those bridges and those deck areas, however, we all have seen what 3 to 5 years of this ability having been around has led to...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
But as much as I desire better ship interior functionality, until Cryptic and PWE are convinced that devoting time and effort into such features offers significant financial returns (and not just a feel-good and intangible "honoring the spirit of Trek!" sentiment), I'm tempted to agree that ship interiors should be low on the devs' list of priorities for the forseeable future.
Say you made the ship interior the hub of some sort of major system. Doffing for example or major services. What would players do? Well, quite frankly they'd spend all their time in their ships micro-managing some task or another.
That's counterproductive for an MMO. They are generally enriched by (if not the actual interaction between players) the appearance of other players in some major hub world (ESD for example.) It makes it feel lively. Though of course it would make more sense canonically that starship captains spend more of their down time in their starships than in the ST's equivalent of Azeroth, the game has other things in mind (for what makes it work or not.)
IMO, a ship interior revamp can only work if whatever is added is does not directly compete with some other location or system in the game. And there is a type of content that is perfect for this: mission content (minus new systems). We do it by ourselves or in small groups anyway so adding more will only affect population distribution as much as any other playable add-on.
And this could take a couple of forms. 1. repeatable assignments (relatively short, highly variable, emulating sub-plots from the TV shows [diplomacy, security, first contact, holodeck malfunctions, Q, ect]) and 2. special foundry missions (built for the new ship interiors after the revamp which could also include non-malfunctioning holodeck programs, if there is such a thing.)
And once in place a gameplay focused interior could also be repurposed for the major featured episodes. There's a lot of non-complicated utility, and quite frankly more than a lot of the new art assets created for a season.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
What about special bridges (ex. lock box, lobi, and event ships?)
No revamp is going to be able to include all current interiors. Inevitably new features will have to be disabled or reduced. I'd be perfectly comfortable extending that to the "classic" interiors as well (their appeal is ostensibly with their iconic status anway, its only now without a revamp that they're potentially substituting for high-quality interior spaces.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I mentioned something like this in my original working document, but this is an excellent, well-reasoned summary.