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We are survivors of a doomed expedition. Delta Recruitment is a failure.

emacsheadroomemacsheadroom Member Posts: 994 Arc User
Considering the gap in reputation and R&D once you hit 50, I don't see veterans' alts being used after they finish the Breen arc and I certainly don't see many new players wanting to keep playing when they'll still be lightyears behind veteran players. Delta Recruitment shouldn't be a month only event, it should be a permanent fixture for the game. Why? Because this game is not retaining new players:

The queues are still dead, so where are all the new players grinding for marks after hitting 50? They're nowhere to be found.

The sheer cost of getting decent gear at endgame is more than a non-paying or non-veteran player can handle. Whether new players need decent gear to be competitive is irrelevant because the only draw of endgame play is the promise of better gear.

As others have pointed out, the global goals are already not being met fast enough. This tells me that the majority of Delta recruits are done with the event and not enough new recruits are replacing them. That high and beautiful wave which we all rode the crest of has already broken and fallen back.

The only purpose of Delta Recruitment has been to pad out player numbers in the vain hope that enough of them will be retained until the end of the month to prevent season 10 from becoming "Delta Rising 2: Electric Boogaloo". The look of the Heralds and the new Iconian reputation armor does little to dissuade me from this conclusion.
Post edited by emacsheadroom on


  • teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Sorry you feel that way but seeing as how I've been away from the game so long delta recruits is perfect for me since my mains don't have those things.

    To be honest it seems like some you will complain about anything.
  • emacsheadroomemacsheadroom Member Posts: 994 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    teknesia wrote: »
    Sorry you feel that way but seeing as how I've been away from the game so long delta recruits is perfect for me since my mains don't have those things.

    I always welcome the voice of the minority.
    teknesia wrote: »
    To be honest it seems like some you will complain about anything.

    I'm certainly not complaining. I'm just the man with the sign on the street yelling out the truth to everyone.
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I always welcome the voice of the minority.

    I'm certainly not complaining. I'm just the man with the sign on the street yelling out the truth to everyone.

    Your not talking for everyone though. You say he is the voice of the minority but maybe just maybe you are.

    And that saying your the guy on the street yelling the truth isn't quite the example to set cause most of the time they are the ones shouting doom the end is nigh when yes one day maybe but not today my friend.
  • chandlerasharichandlerashari Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Every forum post is the voice of the minority...as i the minority of sto players who actually care enough to post in the forums, you think about that.

    but yea im not even playing my delta recruit anymore, focused on spec points for my maaaaain!
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I always welcome the voice of the minority.

    Wait what? How can you be sure He/she is a minority?

    Is it because YOU feel that the DR event is a failure, or do you have some kind of facts to support your statement apart from your personal opinion?
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • vsilverwings1vsilverwings1 Member Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'd say on the one hand the idea sounds good in theory.

    The problem is the practice. They've essentially allowed recruits the ability to get to level 50 really quickly with the room to still level up to 60. I won't put an exact figure on it but I'd argue less than 50% of the game progression by far. Why so low? Because the multiple reputations, spec trees (which unlike reputations came out with DR so it's new for all of us) make up one gigantic wall at endgame.

    Okay so we've got a max limit of reputation powers we can use at once and spec trees which keeps vets in check and yes after 5 years I don't think I'd be overly thrilled someone joining fresh and within a week being level with me reputation and spec points too.

    Really Cryptic have given players a leg up in the easiest/shortest part of progression to help them catch up with the vet players but it was only in DR we got slapped with spec trees which are being milked and reputations which are at least being added gradually but to a delta recruit they are going to hit level 50 and be met with so much endgame grinding with so little content.

    If I was a fresh recruit I'd look at the endgame grind and give up feeling there's no genuine progression other than to get from 50 to 60, get access to T6 ships and elite difficulty which I probably wouldn't be able to manage without getting past the grind wall. I'd have enjoyed the episodes and the story, do a bit of the PVE missions but other than that go back to whatever I was doing before trying out STO. Thinking about it if Cryptic wanted us to try each faction I'd definitely not bother, it's bad enough grinding for 1 character but 3?

    Alt unfriendly and the grind wall at endgame are what would put me off.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm certainly not complaining. I'm just the man with the sign on the street yelling out the truth to everyone.

    You mean like one of those wackos with a "repent your sins - the end is near" sign? :D
  • teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I always welcome the voice of the minority.

    I'm certainly not complaining. I'm just the man with the sign on the street yelling out the truth to everyone.

    So you speak for everyone and your a damn prophet. Pretty high opinion you have of yourself eh?
  • killer1986chriskiller1986chris Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I always welcome the voice of the minority.

    The fact you believe a troll about not meeting goals fast enough shows this.
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,454 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    "Doom Threads" are listed in the FCT.
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The bump didn't last -- http://steamcharts.com/app/9900#All

    I deleted my recruits after unlocking the account rewards. 6 of my 7 existing toons were already inactive due to forced obsolesence--their stables of Fleet T5 ships are at a technological dead-end, and more than one toon is unneeded for PVE, so I am only using one toon for whatever content comes along. Another toon for replaying the same PVE over and over is redundant, and any money I spent on the character would be wasted.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Some folks are happy.
    Some folks are not happy.

    They don't like each other.

    The end.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The bump didn't last -- http://steamcharts.com/app/9900#All

    I deleted my recruits after unlocking the account rewards. 6 of my 7 existing toons were already inactive due to forced obsolesence--their stables of Fleet T5 ships are at a technological dead-end, and more than one toon is unneeded for PVE, so I am only using one toon for whatever content comes along. Another toon for replaying the same PVE over and over is redundant, and any money I spent on the character would be wasted.

    If you look at the 3 month chart you will see that the hump is larger than both the anniversary and crystalline events.

    Gearing up a new character is determined by the limiting factor: spec points, fleet credits, or marks/dil

    For me it's fleet credits. Yet I expect to have him up to speed in about 1 month.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • redvengeredvenge Member Posts: 1,425 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    bergins wrote: »
    "Doom Threads" are listed in the FCT.

    I see your point, but "this event/season/release sucks/fails" has been a thing on the STO forums for awhile. Every Season is a failure. Every ship released sucks. Every reputation is a pointless grind. I thought the "no doom threads" in the FCT were referring specifically to the state of the game, not bits of it.

    The STO forums are for complaining and hate. It's a convenient place to collect it. That and ESD, though I have noticed more idiocy dribbling into Qo'nos. Just to be expected though. With all the new Delta Recruits, the chances of more trolls joining the KDF goes up.
  • emacsheadroomemacsheadroom Member Posts: 994 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    anazonda wrote: »
    do you have some kind of facts to support your statement apart from your personal opinion?

    Read my first post.
    teknesia wrote: »
    So you speak for everyone and your a damn prophet. Pretty high opinion you have of yourself eh?

    Certainly not high enough.
    Alt unfriendly and the grind wall at endgame are what would put me off.

    Yours is the majority perspective.
    reyan01 wrote: »
    I don't think it has been a failure at all.

    If the long term goal was attracting a new wave of players and retaining them, it's already doomed to failure. Endgame is a pointless waste of time; this has not been addressed and still won't be with season 10.
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm sorry, I read through your post twice and I didn't see the data point breakdown of log in behavior needed to prove your case.

    Please provide this information so we can discuss whether your theory holds water.
  • emacsheadroomemacsheadroom Member Posts: 994 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    I'm sorry, I read through your post twice and I didn't see the data point breakdown of log in behavior needed to prove your case.

    Please provide this information so we can discuss whether your theory holds water.

    Oh dear, you're one of those guys who doesn't notice or acknowledge a trend without being handed an in-depth report of empirical data painstakingly defined, delineated, gathered, compiled, analysed, signed, stamped, sanctioned, numbered, and approved by peer review. You must be German.
    reyan01 wrote: »
    And with a little luck, he'll tell his friends - some of them might register too... who knows?

    Please get back to me in June or July and tell me if he still plays the game.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    To me it wasn't a failure. I saw a lot of Deltas during the first of the event. When I was on playing. After that they all scattered. And I went back to my main 3 for now. It even got me to make a Delta to use. Where before I had doubt in making another alt. Since I have 3 mains, and 3 more alts behind them. So it was enough to get to make another one. The players almost hit tier 3 in a week. To me that was impressive. Despite the player base we have and playing time. I did what I could, but I only play a few hours per week.

    Speaking of minority. We are the minority on the forums. As many players don't even visit the forums and some don't even the website. Only a few of us actually care to chat about it. At times I rather not come on forums due to "forum attitude." Which I don't blame people for not wanting to be on the forums due to the horrible, deplorable attitudes. And go back to what I used to do on wow. Just read the news page for any new stuff coming out and move on. This is part of the reason why I don't do group missions anymore or PVP.

    As you saying its a failure, its just your opinion.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    No, Headroom, it is because hard data is what it takes to overcome confirmation bias--which, with you as highly invested in a certain answer as you appear to be, you may be vulnerable to. It happens to anyone who becomes very invested in an issue.


    Of course, this doesn't mean your conclusions can't be borne out. It is unfortunately a very real possibility given the state of the grind past 50. But actually seeing data is what confirms or denies it. "Being German" has nothing to do with that.

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
  • chandlerasharichandlerashari Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Oh dear, you're one of those guys who doesn't notice or acknowledge a trend without being handed an in-depth report of empirical data painstakingly defined, delineated, gathered, compiled, analysed, signed, stamped, sanctioned, numbered, and approved by peer review. You must be German.

    Please get back to me in June or July and tell me if he still plays the game.

    You like star trek AND you make generalizations based on nationality?! Lawl lawl so rich

    Hahah gtfo loser
  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I plan on keeping my Delta Recruit and getting him to 60. I abandoned my other, more geared character out of boredom when DR came out.
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,454 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Oh dear, you're one of those guys who doesn't notice or acknowledge a trend without being handed an in-depth report of empirical data painstakingly defined, delineated, gathered, compiled, analysed, signed, stamped, sanctioned, numbered, and approved by peer review. You must be German.

    Please get back to me in June or July and tell me if he still plays the game.
    So in one statement you want to discount the need for empirical data...

    But in the next demand....

    Empirical data?
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The queues are still dead, so where are all the new players grinding for marks after hitting 50? They're nowhere to be found.

    Question: why do you assume that a "new player" would have super-blasted through all the leveling content already, to be grinding marks in the queues?

    The sheer cost of getting decent gear at endgame is more than a non-paying or non-veteran player can handle.

    I'm also curious as to what you consider "decent gear". Not to refute anything in your post, I'm just honestly curious. (I wonder if my main that I've played on-and-off for 3+ years has decent gear...... likely not, since I'm not a big "endgame" guy.)

    As others have pointed out, the global goals are already not being met fast enough.

    Do you mean that one dude who's going on and on about how we didn't get T3 XP bonus? The first week fell short of Tier 3 by 6%, apparently. How is this "goals aren't being met fast enough?"

    Seriously, what does that even mean? "Fast enough." Would there have been some extra prize if T1 had been hit in 3 hours, T2 in one day, T3 in three days? Would T1 have to have been hit in half the time it was, in order for the event to be "a success"?

    (As I mentioned in the other thread, I honestly think the three-tier system was designed to not be maxed out at T3, unless people went totally uber-grind nuts. I have no problem having a multi-stage contest with an unreachable final goal - gotta have something out there in front to ever strive for, right?)

    This tells me that the majority of Delta recruits are done with the event and not enough new recruits are replacing them. That high and beautiful wave which we all rode the crest of has already broken and fallen back.

    Well based on the forums, I expected this. All the super-grinders going on about how many DR's they slammed to 50 in the first few days..... that's insane, and if ipeople expected it to keep that pace up for four weeks, they're deluded.

    (And based on the new week's contest - do Doff missions - I think Cryptic wasn't expecting people to keep leveling new DR's either. But they are trying to encourage people to keep playing them. Not make new ones.)

    Personally, my DR is partway into the Romulan arc, in the mid-high-30's (pesky XP bonus week, TRIBBLE up my leveling curve..... :/ )
  • shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I've been enjoying it personally. I rolled a KDF Rom, and since I hadn't played the Romulan story since LoR launched, it's nice to revisit. I also try to make sure all my alts have a different playstyle. This one is a Sci character, and contrary to my Fed Sci who's a "pure" Sci officer in a Sci ship, this one is going to fly escort or cruiser type warbirds. Straight up DPS ship setup with the Sci captain's debuffs and maybe a bit of Sci wizardry as bridge seating allows. I think that's the key, don't just do the same thing over and over. Find a way to make each character unique.
  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I had more than enough EC to buy decent gear off the exchange at 45, then got Solonea set to finish that off.

    If you want to get all MKIV,then yes you have a lot more investment, but you don't need MKIV. Or if you want fleet gear, but then all you need is fleet credits and dil. Or if you want a particular piece of rep gear.

    But getting decent gear is not that hard.
  • edited April 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You like star trek AND you make generalizations based on nationality?! Lawl lawl so rich

    Hahah gtfo loser

    Dude he's not a loser....he speaks for the majority of sto players that like standing on street corners telling every person that passes by how they are going to hell.
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Oh dear, you're one of those guys who doesn't notice or acknowledge a trend without being handed an in-depth report of empirical data painstakingly defined, delineated, gathered, compiled, analysed, signed, stamped, sanctioned, numbered, and approved by peer review. You must be German.

    Nah, I'm happy to take your word for the data you present without having the option to double check or review your methodology. If you had provided ANY data that is.

    Now don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good dose of hyperbole as much as the next guy, but don't pretend like I'm being the stuffy, unreasonable German shutting down discussion with my demands when all you're doing is engaging in rank, ignorant speculation.
  • jaymclaughlinjaymclaughlin Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm using the event to create characters I don't play... My first was a fed sci alien, purely as a bit of fun with rainbow turrets and fireworks bound to spacebar.

    I'm now a couple of story arcs into my Ferasan engineer

    Next week I'll start some sort of liberated borg romulan/reman

    What I think is awesome, is that this week's goal is to do with doffing. Which means we can play our mains again and just log into our DR's every once in a while to start new assignments.
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    He still might have a point.

    While I don't have any hard numbers (impossible for any player to come up with), it still feels, like it didn't bring in too many new players. From observation, it seems like players have shifted from normal endgame to Delta recruitment, and levelling zone are crowded again, but there aren't too many genuinely new players around.

    When they switched from P2P to F2P or when LoR launched, you could feel that there were new players around. Tons of basic "newb" questions about the game in the forum and chats, new handles all over the place in various channels, bad builds, people using the most pointless skills, people looking for groups etc...

    Currently it just feels like "business as usual".

    If the goal was to create an influx of new players, it seems like it failed. If it was the goal to encourage existing players to create an alt and give them something to do with minimal developmental effort, it might have been a success.
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