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  • baldguywithacapebaldguywithacape Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sharxtreme wrote: »
    Videos won't fix anything at this point.
    Did thy fix Bounty Hunter's Friend infinite cooldowns yet from my last video? Didn't log in since.

    They have passed a point of no return in regards of PvP and game balance in general.
    Basically, there is no one left playing the game that cares about any kind of challenge or balance.
    All is left are DPSrs and RPrs.

    I'm not saying that if there is video evidence it will automatically be fixed, but the only things they ever DID fix required them to see how broken it was. There is a 0% chance they will fix it if it isn't brought up, but they have a small, yet still a chance to fix it if they see something.

    If you've lost hope in humanity and cryptic that's completely understandable, but it wouldn't be that hard for anybody to make a quick video of the mechanics when they unlock it.

    Just found out that all but 2 of the passives from Iconian Resistance are broken. I'm not sure about space (okay I'm not the most informed about space mechanics, so shoot me) but I know that in ground the 5% of damage heal means I can get myself from 1 health to full health in about one shot (if shields and damage resistance are excluded, which usually are in these sort of things). Also, immunity from damage for a short time when receiving damage is extremely unrealistic. I am no expert, but I assume you can stack that with the new delta recruit trait and get a decent few seconds of immunity (god help us if vesta bubble and pilot specialization ability). I get it that people hate DPS, but a lot of damage resistance would make more sense.

    So yeeeaaah... videos of anything would be nice.
  • sharxtremesharxtreme Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    If you've lost hope in humanity and cryptic that's completely understandable, but it wouldn't be that hard for anybody to make a quick video of the mechanics when they unlock it.

    exaggerating much? I lost no hope in lolcryptic, I just realized it's mission impossible to make this game even half-decent at this point with all BS mechanics, exploits and cheats in place that devs themselves don't even know about after 5 years.

    And those balance breaking things they do know about they now sell as traits.
    It's almost like this company is ran by complete gaming illiterates.

    FFS they can't even fix KDF players missing from scoreboard for 8 months now.

    ANY developer would be ashamed of admitting such glaring incompetence, but not them lol.
  • driveclubfandriveclubfan Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sharxtreme wrote: »
    exaggerating much? I lost no hope in lolcryptic, I just realized it's mission impossible to make this game even half-decent at this point with all BS mechanics, exploits and cheats in place that devs themselves don't even know about after 5 years.

    And those balance breaking things they do know about they now sell as traits.
    It's almost like this company is ran by complete gaming illiterates.

    FFS they can't even fix KDF players missing from scoreboard for 8 months now.

    ANY developer would be ashamed of admitting such glaring incompetence, but not them lol.

    lol in Driveclub they're overhauling and improving their whole online server infrastructure to make it more reliable, fast and lag-free. Guess what they're succeeding, and it took them a couple of months to do so.

    While STO... lol... only they could keep going with the lag problems and claim they're working on it after... how many months? I lost count.

    Honestly I'm not even caring that much, they released S10 along with Driveclub 1.14 update. I couldn't be more distant than now from the game.
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Video evidence... what does that matter.

    Cryptic is aware how broken there new stuff is. As they always are. The over powered nature of new things is intended. They don't need a video to prove things are working exactly as they intended.

    There eventual correction of all new things 6-8 months after release is on purpose.

    If you don't understand there intention... think of it this way.

    Lets say power in this game was ranked on a number scale... and 10 was the average power people had with out spending money. Cryptics plan is to always be selling stuff that is around 14 on the scale, while it is the current no one has it new sale stuff. 6-8 months later they "fix" said stuff and reduce it to a 12... and release something new that is once again a 14.

    It is how they keep people spending money in this game. As most PvP folk that still bother posting say... find another game for PvP. One where the developer makes there $ selling cosmetics rather then function. Developers that sell functionality over fashion, make terrible PvP games.
  • induperatorinduperator Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    And to think a while ago there was a thread attempting to fix a misconception that PVPers get do nothing but things nerfed.

    And here another PVPer cries OP

    Wow just wow.

    Seriously the day Cryptic removes PVP from the game will be a Godsend.
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    And to think a while ago there was a thread attempting to fix a misconception that PVPers get do nothing but things nerfed.

    And here another PVPer cries OP

    Wow just wow.

    Seriously the day Cryptic removes PVP from the game will be a Godsend.

    Well this thread does predate that one I believe. Regardless... Cryptic removed PvP 4 years ago.

    Things get "nerfed" corrected whatever you want to call it on schedule.

    If you bought something in STO... expect it to be replaced in 6 months. If the new replacement is not clearly a required $ spend, the old item will be "nerfed" or if the new item doesn't sell as expected.

    No player on either side of the PvP/PVE/RP ends of the game have any control over any of those business decisions.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    And to think a while ago there was a thread attempting to fix a misconception that PVPers get do nothing but things nerfed.

    And here another PVPer cries OP

    Wow just wow.

    Seriously the day Cryptic removes PVP from the game will be a Godsend.

    Radiant Detonation Module
    Chance on weapon attacks to cause a moderate amount of radiation damage in an AoE and remove buffs from affected targets.

    you're throwing a fit over an ability stripper? npcs all but don't use abilities, wile player ships rely on them for 80% of their effectiveness. how is this applicable with your pve experience in any way? regardless of it being nerfed or not, there would be no pve change. this is purely a pvp adition, save your complaining for when we want something actually useful to pve nerfed.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    deokkent wrote: »
    You didn't even understand the point of that other thread. It was to show you how PvP contributed positively to the game's improvement; unbeknownst to you most likely. Even after PvP has died, you're benefiting from the fruits of our labor, you can now enjoy the new herald queues after we got the intel disables nerfed.

    If you have to cry about PvP, at least make sure you're crying for the right reasons.

    lol, i did all the new episodes and ques once yesterday, and my main thought was boy, i sure am glad ionic got toned down.

    would have been


    to see the pve tears from constant 20 second long ionic chain stuns
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lol, i did all the new episodes and ques once yesterday, and my main thought was boy, i sure am glad ionic got toned down.

    would have been


    to see the pve tears from constant 20 second long ionic chain stuns

    I thought pretty much the same thing. I know I would've been PISSED royally, flying and doing those missions in my upgraded Fleet Avenger, a ship without any Intel or Command seats. Thus a ship that COULDN'T counter all that, especially Ionic. So if it was still in it's previously nerfed state, heh, well, that would've been some fun as hell posts to read, that's for sure.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • baldguywithacapebaldguywithacape Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sharxtreme wrote: »
    exaggerating much? I lost no hope in lolcryptic, I just realized it's mission impossible to make this game even half-decent at this point with all BS mechanics, exploits and cheats in place that devs themselves don't even know about after 5 years.

    And those balance breaking things they do know about they now sell as traits.
    It's almost like this company is ran by complete gaming illiterates.

    FFS they can't even fix KDF players missing from scoreboard for 8 months now.

    ANY developer would be ashamed of admitting such glaring incompetence, but not them lol.

    I was being sarcastic, sorry.

    Multiple Edits:

    1. Wait is there seriously a PvE person on this thread? OMG what is it even like to fight computer generated NPC's that are literally designed to lose??? Must be exhausting.

    2. Quick question (I'm not trying to be a smart-TRIBBLE I'm actually asking a question), but is there a way to pay for the Iconian Resistance reputation? Cause if there isn't than cryptic has a pretty stupid plan, I'm not spending any more money just leveling it up.

    3. If you don't think it will change anything please still make a video, won't hurt you (knock on wood).
  • jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Feedback on Tribble features really belongs in the Tribble Subforums, where it can more readily be read and acted upon.

    Here is the feedback thread for the Iconian Resistance Reputation: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1423101

    Posting these types of threads into the echo chamber that is this isolated PvP community is likely to do nothing but stir up additional ire among the small number of players that come here. They just go around in predictable little circles:

    Player1: "Look at this Thing."
    Player2: "That Thing is OP."
    Player3: "Who cares? PvP is dead."
    Player4-100+: "You are right, it's obvious because that Thing is OP."

    These threads don't serve this portion of the community. All they do is reinforce negativity, and paint this sub-community in a negative light overall.

    It will help all of us - Devs, and you PvPers - if you report the issues you see in a place they're more likely to be reviewed and acted upon, and try to avoid dwelling on the same circular arguments, over and over again.

    I just seen this comment as I was digging for information about the T4 Iconian Rep trait that removes buffs.

    I Guess I would fit into what you have dubbed player 1,2,3,4-100+. It is because of that I must say I found your 'echo chamber' comment a little funny at first but ultimately offensive.

    It certainly seems that anything concerning pvp has become mute issues for Cryptic because you all seem to be under the delusion that its not a driving force attracting players to the game and what you have said here only reflects the truth in that.

    Let me tell you my story:

    When I first started playing STO I found it to be a very fun, entertaining game. I was cruising the stars saying 'Firing all phasers and photon torpedoes" just like Jean-Luc Picard did. Exploring new world you guys created drawing the inspiration for such from Star Trek™. Playing thru the missions you all created again drawing inspiration from Star Trek™. When one day I got all the episode missions done and decided to thumb thru my list of available missions looking for something else fun to explore and do. That was when I found the mission to go to Ker'rat and fend off the enemies of the Federation. Little did I at first realize this was a PVE/PVP mixed zone. I was quite taken by surprise when a Klingon ship decloaked and blew my ship into dust before I could even hit miracle worker. At first I thought ok well I'm pretty sure that was another player given the way that ship displayed and how it was unlike other NPC's I had encountered before. So I must be in a PVE/PVP map. Turns out I was right. And again same thing happened but it was someone else this time. I was turned to dust in mere seconds. So it was then I decided to start typing in the chat box. Confirmed what I suspected and completed the mission without anymore player bombardment attacks. (They realized I was a noob.) I didn't end up going back for some time later cause I realized I would need better gear in order to keep up. So I got better gear. Took the mission again and went back. Still I got vaped and then decided to start chatting some more. I was told that if I wanted to learn the best way would be to get a cloak and watch. Well I didn't have a ship with a cloak as I was in a Patrol Escort. So I decided to go down to my local Wal-Mart and buy a -at the time Ultimate Gaming Gift Card- and load some zen on to my account and bought a Federation Dreadnaught. For the cloak, but also cause it was a cool looking ship. Went back rode around lots while cloaked. Figured out I was also using the wrong BOFF powers as well as the wrong DOFF given my choice of BOFF powers. Thought hmm if I need better doffs for playing as well as for assignments I better get a doff expansion cause I could end up with a lot of doffs. Here I come Wal-Mart. Also found out there were consoles from other lower level ships I could be using to help get a leg up against these players in Ker'rat if I was going to stand a chance. So again, I went down to the Wal-Mart bought more gift cards and more ships with them. Well so now I had all the low level ships and neat consoles and right boffs and right doffs I went back. Started to hold my own. But still was overcome by players that were stronger than me. When I started discussing with them what I could do to get better I was told about fleet ships -I didn't know how to get them cause I was that much a noob and there was nothing that explained it all anywhere. Alright....Wal-Mart here I come for some FSM's. Bought a fleet patrol escort. Got a little better. The I found out more about what was killing me. Alpha buffing tac Romulans. Well, this game is fun enough, sure let's make another character. Oh but I was smart. Cause since I knew there were low level ships with neat consoles I figured out which neat consoles would be best to use and actually droved the ships while leveling my 2nd character. So here I am. I got this cool Romulan Arkif on my new cool Romulan Tactical character with all my cool consoles from the federation low level ships and the romulan low level ships and all my nice doffs and boffs to go with it all here I go. I gonna succeed at killing all the enemies and no one will stop me ever. But they did. So...I decided I needed a better high end ship. Went down to the Wal-Mart and bought some more cards came back to the house and bought the Scimitar. Wow this is a cool ship. Very cool indeed. The list goes on, but surely you see the pattern emerging.

    Once, I started playing pvp I got hooked. Though it has been a long hard winding road which I often had to stop on to open the door and say is it really worth it.....in the end it has increased my overall enjoyment of this game. Not to mention had me spending money trying to get caught up to the players that been around since Beta and already knew it all and had it all. Wasn't overly happy about spending money part on a 'free to play game', but I benefited from buying all those cool things because like a kid in a toy store I now owned more toys to play with when I felt the need arise. So that too increased my overall enjoyment of the game.

    All because of one little map opening my eyes to the world of pvp in this game and how interesting it is when someone else is saying "Fire all Phasers and Photon torpedoes!"

    I hope now you know my story you all at Cryptic reconsider your current stance on how valuable pvp is to this game.
  • baldguywithacapebaldguywithacape Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I just seen this comment as I was digging for information about the T4 Iconian Rep trait that removes buffs.

    I Guess I would fit into what you have dubbed player 1,2,3,4-100+. It is because of that I must say I found your 'echo chamber' comment a little funny at first but ultimately offensive.

    It certainly seems that anything concerning pvp has become mute issues for Cryptic because you all seem to be under the delusion that its not a driving force attracting players to the game and what you have said here only reflects the truth in that.

    Let me tell you my story:

    When I first started playing STO I found it to be a very fun, entertaining game. I was cruising the stars saying 'Firing all phasers and photon torpedoes" just like Jean-Luc Picard did. Exploring new world you guys created drawing the inspiration for such from Star Trek™. Playing thru the missions you all created again drawing inspiration from Star Trek™. When one day I got all the episode missions done and decided to thumb thru my list of available missions looking for something else fun to explore and do. That was when I found the mission to go to Ker'rat and fend off the enemies of the Federation. Little did I at first realize this was a PVE/PVP mixed zone. I was quite taken by surprise when a Klingon ship decloaked and blew my ship into dust before I could even hit miracle worker. At first I thought ok well I'm pretty sure that was another player given the way that ship displayed and how it was unlike other NPC's I had encountered before. So I must be in a PVE/PVP map. Turns out I was right. And again same thing happened but it was someone else this time. I was turned to dust in mere seconds. So it was then I decided to start typing in the chat box. Confirmed what I suspected and completed the mission without anymore player bombardment attacks. (They realized I was a noob.) I didn't end up going back for some time later cause I realized I would need better gear in order to keep up. So I got better gear. Took the mission again and went back. Still I got vaped and then decided to start chatting some more. I was told that if I wanted to learn the best way would be to get a cloak and watch. Well I didn't have a ship with a cloak as I was in a Patrol Escort. So I decided to go down to my local Wal-Mart and buy a -at the time Ultimate Gaming Gift Card- and load some zen on to my account and bought a Federation Dreadnaught. For the cloak, but also cause it was a cool looking ship. Went back rode around lots while cloaked. Figured out I was also using the wrong BOFF powers as well as the wrong DOFF given my choice of BOFF powers. Thought hmm if I need better doffs for playing as well as for assignments I better get a doff expansion cause I could end up with a lot of doffs. Here I come Wal-Mart. Also found out there were consoles from other lower level ships I could be using to help get a leg up against these players in Ker'rat if I was going to stand a chance. So again, I went down to the Wal-Mart bought more gift cards and more ships with them. Well so now I had all the low level ships and neat consoles and right boffs and right doffs I went back. Started to hold my own. But still was overcome by players that were stronger than me. When I started discussing with them what I could do to get better I was told about fleet ships -I didn't know how to get them cause I was that much a noob and there was nothing that explained it all anywhere. Alright....Wal-Mart here I come for some FSM's. Bought a fleet patrol escort. Got a little better. The I found out more about what was killing me. Alpha buffing tac Romulans. Well, this game is fun enough, sure let's make another character. Oh but I was smart. Cause since I knew there were low level ships with neat consoles I figured out which neat consoles would be best to use and actually droved the ships while leveling my 2nd character. So here I am. I got this cool Romulan Arkif on my new cool Romulan Tactical character with all my cool consoles from the federation low level ships and the romulan low level ships and all my nice doffs and boffs to go with it all here I go. I gonna succeed at killing all the enemies and no one will stop me ever. But they did. So...I decided I needed a better high end ship. Went down to the Wal-Mart and bought some more cards came back to the house and bought the Scimitar. Wow this is a cool ship. Very cool indeed. The list goes on, but surely you see the pattern emerging.

    Once, I started playing pvp I got hooked. Though it has been a long hard winding road which I often had to stop on to open the door and say is it really worth it.....in the end it has increased my overall enjoyment of this game. Not to mention had me spending money trying to get caught up to the players that been around since Beta and already knew it all and had it all. Wasn't overly happy about spending money part on a 'free to play game', but I benefited from buying all those cool things because like a kid in a toy store I now owned more toys to play with when I felt the need arise. So that too increased my overall enjoyment of the game.

    All because of one little map opening my eyes to the world of pvp in this game and how interesting it is when someone else is saying "Fire all Phasers and Photon torpedoes!"

    I hope now you know my story you all at Cryptic reconsider your current stance on how valuable pvp is to this game.

    I mean that was a pretty cool story. And you didn't even insult cryptic once O_o
  • biggs4everbiggs4ever Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    6 More days till chain snb in ground pvp without neural overloads. Q up in the next six days before ground pvp is unplayable.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    And to think a while ago there was a thread attempting to fix a misconception that PVPers get do nothing but things nerfed.

    And here another PVPer cries OP

    Wow just wow.

    Seriously the day Cryptic removes PVP from the game will be a Godsend.

    NPC at the most use 1 buff at a time. Tell me how is this ability helping you soooo much to destroy said NPCs.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    deokkent wrote: »
    Can you remove the pvp subforum, please? It's giving a lot of people the wrong idea, that there is something left to talk about as far as PvP is concerned.

    Yes, please remove the PvP subforum, as the last thing I want is an echo chamber (now confirmed) that has the exclusive ear of the Devs.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    bobs1111 wrote: »
    Video evidence... what does that matter.

    Cryptic is aware how broken there new stuff is. As they always are. The over powered nature of new things is intended. They don't need a video to prove things are working exactly as they intended.

    There eventual correction of all new things 6-8 months after release is on purpose.

    ^^ With that I fully agree.
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Yes, please remove the PvP subforum, as the last thing I want is an echo chamber (now confirmed) that has the exclusive ear of the Devs.

    Do you even believe what you're saying?

    If PvP had the "exclusive ear of the Devs", do you think we'd constantly be finding ourselves in this mess, over and over again?

    Second, very few, if it's even possible, have this ability yet. If it is properly tuned before it is available, you will "lose" nothing. More importantly, what buffs are NPCs using that you find imperative to remove at all times (effortlessly, at that)?

    Finally, this is the PvP subforum. With as toxic of an attitude towards PvP as you have, why are you even here? To troll?
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    praxi5 wrote: »
    Do you even believe what you're saying?

    If PvP had the "exclusive ear of the Devs", do you think we'd constantly be finding ourselves in this mess, over and over again?

    Didn't fully believe it, until Bort mentioned his 'echo chamber', and thus confirmed it.
    Finally, this is the PvP subforum. With as toxic of an attitude towards PvP as you have, why are you even here? To troll?

    To make the existence of PvP less toxic towards PvE?
  • sysil84sysil84 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Didn't fully believe it, until Bort mentioned his 'echo chamber', and thus confirmed it.

    If this were true STO would be a much different, much better game. And I would still be playing. :rolleyes:

    meimeitoo wrote: »
    To make the existence of PvP less toxic towards PvE?

    It's quite the reverse and no amount of your trolling in the PvP forums will change that.
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Didn't fully believe it, until Bort mentioned his 'echo chamber', and thus confirmed it.

    To make the existence of PvP less toxic towards PvE?

    Bort also told us Ionic was working as intended, only to have Geko tell us that it's not at all. He's not infallible, as I suspect we'll see again with the Particle Manipulator changes. Further, that quote is in the context of saying that when we talk about how OP things are in this subforum, it's an echo chamber because we're all saying the same thing - in that same post, he suggests posting our thoughts in a more appropriate section where it's more appropriate, since we all (mostly) agree on things here. Hence echo chamber.

    Let's ignore the past and everything else and focus on this one ability.

    Why do you think that it shouldn't be changed? This thread is fill of videos, large amounts of anecdotal evidence (useless when viewed singularly, but powerful when there are many instances), and hard numbers of why it's overpowered.

    What use does it hold in PvE? Which NPCs are using which buffs, and why is it difficult to resist/overcome those buffs with normal, readily available abilities? Further, why do you need a defense against those buffs (via buff stripping) so often, compared to the cool downs of your standard defensive measures or SNB?
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    praxi5 wrote: »
    Why do you think that it shouldn't be changed? This thread is fill of videos, large amounts of anecdotal evidence (useless when viewed singularly, but powerful when there are many instances), and hard numbers of why it's overpowered.

    What use does it hold in PvE? Which NPCs are using which buffs, and why is it difficult to resist/overcome those buffs with normal, readily available abilities? Further, why do you need a defense against those buffs (via buff stripping) so often, compared to the cool downs of your standard defensive measures or SNB?

    We're at cross-purposes here, I think. I don't have Tier 3 yet. And while I generally don't like nerfs, I wasn't commenting on Radiant Detonation Module at all. :) Just on Bort's comment that the PvP forum is his 'echo chamber'.
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    We're at cross-purposes here, I think. I don't have Tier 3 yet. And while I generally don't like nerfs, I wasn't commenting on Radiant Detonation Module at all. :) Just on Bort's comment that the PvP forum is his 'echo chamber'.

    That statement is analogous to him jumping onto one of the DPS channels and being like "Hey guys, using AMP and the Nukara Offense is good for DPS!"

    It's an echo chamber in that everyone already knows what's being said, and that it's fairly obvious to them.

    Just like complaints about the T3/4 Ico Rep are being lost in the "echo chamber" here, since we already agree/know how OP it is.
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    We're at cross-purposes here, I think. I don't have Tier 3 yet. And while I generally don't like nerfs, I wasn't commenting on Radiant Detonation Module at all. :) Just on Bort's comment that the PvP forum is his 'echo chamber'.

    I don't think that word means what you think it means. :)

    He was making fun of us not saying he was listening.

    If they listened to the PvP community the game wouldn't be junk... and we would still be playing.

    You can't blame us for changes to the game anymore. (not that you ever could). With very few exceptions there aren't any Hardcore PvP players left. Some of us may pop our heads in to get a chuckle now and then, where hardly effecting change.

    You already agreed with one of my earlier posts... Cryptic overpowers everything new on purpose to sell it. If your still upset about things like Surgical don't blame us. Blame cryptic they gave it to you fully knowing it was way over powered and you would go and spend $$$ to have it. They always intended to "Fix" it when the next batch of ships you are expected to buy came around.
  • sysil84sysil84 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    bobs1111 wrote: »
    You already agreed with one of my earlier posts... Cryptic overpowers everything new on purpose to sell it. If your still upset about things like Surgical don't blame us. Blame cryptic they gave it to you fully knowing it was way over powered and you would go and spend $$$ to have it. They always intended to "Fix" it when the next batch of ships you are expected to buy came around.

    It's cyclic. Cryptic comes out with new stuff that is untested and overpowered. They sell a ton of it. PvP people, the ones most affected by this OP stuff complain. Cryptic, a couple of months down the line when sales have leveled, fixes the OP stuff. PvE players blame PvP players for the "nerf".

    Cryptic comes up with new OP stuff to sell. Etc.

    Except the cycle will eventually break because they'll be no more PvP players, and then PvE players will be happy with their OP abilities. Until Cryptic adds these abilities to NPCs. Then the PvE players will moan and cry for nerfs.
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    sysil84 wrote: »
    Except the cycle will eventually break because they'll be no more PvP players, and then PvE players will be happy with their OP abilities. Until Cryptic adds these abilities to NPCs. Then the PvE players will moan and cry for nerfs.

    This would assume that it is the complaining of PvP players that gets things fixed. That is simply not true. Nothing that has ever been fixed has been fixed for ANY player in this game. It is also not true that stuff is released untested. Our complaining is just a symptom of there Sales Cycle. We can complain for weeks days or months about something it doesn't change the release schedule, which alone determines the fix date of the old stuffz.

    Cryptic fully understands exactly how broken things are when they are released. What I find funny is that people honestly believe Cryptic is so incompetent they don't understand how powerful EVERY single new thing they release is. If it was ONE thing in a sea of 100s of stuffz that was oops overpowered I would agree. Its not one thing though its pretty much everything... with the odd flop. The odd lobi piece here and there that sucks and doesn't sell... those are the real F ups. They where intended to be OP to someone at Cryptic simply misjudged how good they would be.

    We are already at the point where PvE players are finally realizing PvP players aren't to blame. Take the poster that woke us up here for an afternoon. They don't want to admit to themselves that the only people to blame for there toys getting smacked down work for Cryptic. It is far easier to blame other players then it is to realize the company you have been handing $ to is evil.
  • laferrari1laferrari1 Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    deokkent wrote: »
    LoL exclusive ear lmao hahahaha. Oh man, thank you for that one meimeitoo. Really good! :D

    Hint for you deok: If you read his post backwards it makes more sense!
    I need to get to him. I can't just leave him out there alone. - Sometimes you've got to makes sacrifices, Lara. You can't save everyone. - I know about sacrifices. - No, you know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made for you. - I can't choose to let him die, Roth.
  • sysil84sysil84 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    bobs1111 wrote: »
    This would assume that it is the complaining of PvP players that gets things fixed. That is simply not true. Nothing that has ever been fixed has been fixed for ANY player in this game. It is also not true that stuff is released untested. Our complaining is just a symptom of there Sales Cycle. We can complain for weeks days or months about something it doesn't change the release schedule, which alone determines the fix date of the old stuffz.

    Cryptic fully understands exactly how broken things are when they are released. What I find funny is that people honestly believe Cryptic is so incompetent they don't understand how powerful EVERY single new thing they release is. If it was ONE thing in a sea of 100s of stuffz that was oops overpowered I would agree. Its not one thing though its pretty much everything... with the odd flop. The odd lobi piece here and there that sucks and doesn't sell... those are the real F ups. They where intended to be OP to someone at Cryptic simply misjudged how good they would be.

    We are already at the point where PvE players are finally realizing PvP players aren't to blame. Take the poster that woke us up here for an afternoon. They don't want to admit to themselves that the only people to blame for there toys getting smacked down work for Cryptic. It is far easier to blame other players then it is to realize the company you have been handing $ to is evil.

    Your negativity and cynisism is an inspiration to me :D
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    sysil84 wrote: »
    Your negativity and cynisism is an inspiration to me :D

    Thank you... and bow.

    Really though they are just following tried and tested practices. Apple does the same thing. Release something new... release some killer new app that makes the old version run like bunk on a stick. Everyone buys new gadget, the children in China rejoice... wait 4-5 months rinse and repeat.

    The folks at Microjunkers used to pull the same trick until the small folk caught on and just kept running 20 year old Operating systems.

    Seems like it will be awhile before the apple nerds catch on... and goodness help the trek nerds there a lost cause. lmao
  • baldguywithacapebaldguywithacape Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This just became an Apple vs. Windows war.

    Whatever. Why are PVE-only players here? Why do they care? One can complete an elite queue with MK IX gear quite easily. This doesn't affect them. If they can't kill computer generated mobs with no strategy or buffs that are designed to lose, is that really PVP's fault?
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