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  • inexplicabletiminexplicabletim Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    And no, the irony that people seem like to go after me personally instead of the points I make is not lost on me. But it doesn't really matter.

    You made no points, you just insult pvp'rs. It looks like you are just a alt of some dev.
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    I can say from personal, anecdotal experience that the personalities I've come across in the PvP facet of this game simply reminded me that I don't need STO's PvP experience when other games can (and have) done it better, and their PvP communities consist of (typically) mature, sportsmanlike personalities that encourage participation from newer players instead of trying to exclude them to prevent people from wanting to compete against them (and thus possibly threaten their superiority).

    From my personal experience, people who bemoan social "exclusion" by the PvP community usually show a common set of bad traits and habits, like difficulties to stomach defeat, lack of sportsmanship and disregard for established netiquette.

    To suggest that old players don't want new players to join, because they might pose a 'threat' in the future, is ridiculous. Take off your tin foil hat please.
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    You made no points, you just insult pvp'rs. It looks like you are just a alt of some dev.

    Oh please, yes, let's make it about how the devs are literally satan.

    Blow it out your aft.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So have any of you actually posted in the feedback thread for season 10?

    Looks at thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1423101

    as of right now, nope. Only illcadia has. Not that I agree with how borticus talked in his post, but it is kind of echoey here.

    I'm not happy with the state PvP is in currently either. Yes there was no feedback taken into account for DR but look at command and pilot powers. They're really balanced and they're taking feedback. They even have player testers and a focus group for the pilot powers. That's more than they had for any other season. The very least we can do is promote the improved communication from the devs instead of bringing up things that happened a while ago (some even years ago from people that don't even work for cryptic anymore).

    So, let's actually provide feedback where the devs will see.
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    And no, the irony that people seem like to go after me personally instead of the points I make is not lost on me. But it doesn't really matter.

    What was your point ?

    Seriously I don't remember reading one. The only thing I remember in any of your posts was your assertion that the PvP community in STO is filled with hate and is in general toxic.

    No one is denying that the forums have been made toxic due to the mishandling of the community by the developer. In game however that is a different story. I have experienced nothing more toxic in STO PvP then I have in STO DPS PvE, or STO Pug Que PvE. I can't speak to the RP community however judging by the number of Anti Disco ball... anti Erper posts in the general section, I think its fair to say toxic people inhabit all corners of the game.

    So yes I will call your troll now... nice try. We aren't going to fight with you iconians. If you don't want to PvP don't. We aren't going to force you. And yes I stand by what I have already posted... in my experience if anyone is running into more toxic situations in STO then they would consider normal (because jerks pop up everywhere now and then that's life) well its likely that your attracting it somehow.
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Just one question I feel a need to ask?

    Has anyone seen a bomb threat against Cryptic in any other part of the forums besides the PvP gameplay sub-forums?
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Just one question I feel a need to ask?

    Has anyone seen a bomb threat against Cryptic in any other part of the forums besides the PvP gameplay sub-forums?

    just like how all muslims are suicide bombing terrorists, genius? next time you feel the urge to ask the stupidest question you are capable of formulating, keep it to your self.
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    just like how all muslims are suicide bombing terrorists, genius? next time you feel the urge to ask the stupidest question you are capable of formulating, keep it to your self.

    Wow! You're right, your insane hyperbole has shown me the error of my ways.
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    deokkent wrote: »
    Why did you even say that?

    Say what? The part about DDIS' hyperbole or the fact that the STO's PvPers has at least one very insane loon?
  • baldguywithacapebaldguywithacape Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    iconians wrote: »

    But I guess for someone interested in making personal attacks instead of trying to debate the points I've tried to make, you'll grasp at whatever straws you can to try to deflect any sort of criticism.

    I feel like this guy didn't read my first post and just got ticked over the 2nd one.

    As of yet, my arguments have not been answered, so I can assume they are true.

    I'm am very sorry if I insulted you, if you read my post you will notice it was not being directed towards you, so you did not have to answer.

    Again, very sorry your feeling are hurt, not my intention. My main post was the first one, in which case has not been disputed.

    Thank you for your time!

    Please don't do it cryptic I will pay more money for you not to.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    deokkent wrote: »
    Should have known not to fall for troll bait. Seriously I never learn.

    its ok, it takes a wile to realize you can only hurt people like this when you ignore them
  • baldguywithacapebaldguywithacape Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Let's try to stay on the topic at hand, rather than discussing if somebody is a troll or not.

    We need cryptic to not integrate these reputation traits into the game.
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Let's try to stay on the topic at hand, rather than discussing if somebody is a troll or not.

    We need cryptic to not integrate these reputation traits into the game.

    Its already done. Cryptic doesn't listen to feedback. After 5 years everyone knows that.

    The only times they have ever listened is when someone said... hey X or Y is giving us more D then it should be.

    Everything else that seems really broken. What people need to realize... its not broken. Its on purpose. The bugs and OP stuff that effect game play are all on purpose to sell something. It will all get "Fixed" down the line when things have sold out.

    If you enjoy playing trek barbie stick around and play whats here... if you want to engage a developer and have a good time PvPing your going to have to have another mmo installed.
  • sysil84sysil84 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    bobs1111 wrote: »
    Its already done. Cryptic doesn't listen to feedback. After 5 years everyone knows that.

    The only times they have ever listened is when someone said... hey X or Y is giving us more D then it should be.

    Everything else that seems really broken. What people need to realize... its not broken. Its on purpose. The bugs and OP stuff that effect game play are all on purpose to sell something. It will all get "Fixed" down the line when things have sold out.

    If you enjoy playing trek barbie stick around and play whats here... if you want to engage a developer and have a good time PvPing your going to have to have another mmo installed.

    As depressing as it is, he's absolutely right. Cryptic has made it a cycle: they come out with unbalanced new stuff and a few months down the road they start to consider balancing issues.

    Then they come out with new stuff and the cycle starts again.
  • baldguywithacapebaldguywithacape Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Well, I'm sorry they don't listen...

    Wish they didn't add things for random reasons. As of yet, the only reason why they are adding this is because they have no imagination and need a trait people would want. They never asked the community.

    I don't want to sound stupid, but would the game be better if it was owned by Blizzard or something?
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I feel like this guy didn't read my first post and just got ticked over the 2nd one.

    As of yet, my arguments have not been answered, so I can assume they are true.

    I'm am very sorry if I insulted you, if you read my post you will notice it was not being directed towards you, so you did not have to answer.

    Again, very sorry your feeling are hurt, not my intention. My main post was the first one, in which case has not been disputed.

    Thank you for your time!

    Please don't do it cryptic I will pay more money for you not to.

    Alright, I'll bite. I hope you like walls of text.

    Toxicity is not defined by personal insults. I've been on the internet long enough that personal insults really do not bother me. Just because they don't bother me doesn't mean I'm not capable of recognizing that I'm being insulted.

    I just don't feel like it's a productive usage of my time on the STO forums to get involved in little snipe wars most of the time. If somebody is going to go after me instead of the points I make, I usually don't even bother responding.

    Toxicity on the other hand, is more of a personality observation. Toxicity is a broad definition that is really more of a set tone than whatever the topic matter is. Toxicity is where somebody is so miserable that they just want to make the experience miserable for others. Dragging others down to their level. It's about destruction, not construction.

    I have no issues with trash talk, particularly in regards to PvP. Competition encourages it.

    I do have an issue with toxicity. I've had plenty of lurkers in the STO forums talk to me over the past few years on how they simply refuse to participate in the STO forums as a result of the toxicity. You'll see it mentioned elsewhere on third-party forums the toxic atmosphere the STO forums seem to not only cultivate, but breed.

    Where toxic personalities consistently feed off of each other, this is where Borticus comes in. Because it really is just a cycle. Nothing new is gained. No new thoughts are shared. It is the same echo chamber that has been mentioned already.

    That is the difference between toxicity and insults. I mention that I agree with Borticus, and instead of people in this thread reflecting on the kind of behavior that goes on in the STO forums (particularly the PvP forums), it just becomes another echo chamber cacophany.

    That is why I comment. Because it is honestly comical that people actually believe some of this stuff they say. They're so saturated in this toxic atmosphere of disdain that they can't recognize that what they are saying on the PvP forums is getting them the exact opposite results they allegedly desire.

    Instead of considering the possibility Borticus is right (and to be fair, he's not always right), we see evidence of personal attacks on him regarding "professionalism". Instead of considering that maybe there is an error in the line of communication from the players' side of things, we see evidence that Cryptic has "forced their hand", and that they are so disillusioned with STO and Cryptic that they don't even know why the STO forums exist anymore.

    This is what toxicity is. It's the absolute disregard for feedback to create a better game, a better atmosphere. It becomes a football match. It becomes "us" vs. "them". It just becomes a polarized, bitter atmosphere of cynicism where the end goal of the posters is to see who can be "right".

    But STO's community doesn't have to be about who is right and who is wrong. It can be about fostering lines of communication. It can be about introducing positive change instead of holding grudges against Cryptic for their past mistakes. It can be about acknowledging mistakes made and simply looking forward and hoping for the best -- and then calling Cryptic out on where they fail and where they succeed after the fact.

    It can be all of these things. But enough people on the STO forums have decided they don't want it to be any of this. I can't say I blame them, because I do understand some of this resentment.

    But when I see threads where I'm accused of being a Cryptic dev's alt. When I see people who play and create video games compared to murderers and terrorists. When I see forumball mentalities... I can't help but laugh.

    You have Cryptic's ear. And instead of using time and effort to get a better game, I just see Khan saying, "For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."

    People wonder why Cryptic doesn't take forum feedback into consideration. You can't build a better game when a large enough portion of the STO forums simply want blood. You can't create lines of communication based on hatred.

    People consistently and habitually blow their chance to get Cryptic to listen to them, all for the sake of being "right".

    That is toxicity. And the PvP experience (at least for me) is much the same. Toxic personalities that feed off of each other. It goes beyond trash talk in Ker'rat. It becomes an atmosphere of hatred and loathing over a very obvious minimally-viable product that they play anyway.

    And that is why I just play other video games with better PvP experiences and better communities where you can be competitive without being toxic.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    deokkent wrote: »
    Yeah, you're wrong. You can read from the oldest pvp thread if you care enough to know why you're wrong. And also, you have 16 posts in the pvp subforum. Your argument is invalid.

    Another fine example of how being right is more important than getting results.
  • bwemobwemo Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    Another fine example of how being right is more important than getting results.

    I would recommend reading through the past years of posts, even as far back as the Archived area before continuing down your path. You're essentially walking into a leper colony and blaming everyone for being sick.

    Borticus, years ago, had a much higher rate of communication with the pvp community. Par for the course for the last 12-18 months for a dev coming into the pvp forum, its usually to throw mud or tell us how horrible we are. Or in CaptainSmirks case, go out of his way to make a post JUST FOR THE TROLL VALUE. Hawks last post before leaving Cryptic was literally a 2 paragraph tip toe around calling us idiots. Borticus's tone has change from (2-3 years ago) All powers must have an equal or near equal hard or soft counter available to all builds and if you can show us math proving your point we will work on it (SNB doffs, SDO Doffs, CSV god mode from ages ago, time set + tricos, voldemort, etc) to what he is now which is basically "I'll deal with it when we release the new shineys for you to buy and deny any form of possibility something is wrong with something we are currently selling until that point."

    Just remember. All toxins are acidic. PvP in sto is very basic. Therefore, it cannot be toxic. If you want toxic, just go to general discussion.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    bwemo wrote: »
    I would recommend reading through the past years of posts, even as far back as the Archived area before continuing down your path. You're essentially walking into a leper colony and blaming everyone for being sick.

    Okay, I'll entertain your analogy. I show up at the leper colony to point out that your quality of life sucks. Your quality of life sucks and there should have been vaccinations a long time ago. There should have been more done to improve your quality of life, and I empathize that the ball was dropped.

    But swarming the doctors and trying to cannibalize them so you can ingest their soft tissues in an effort to cure your leprosy is not the way to go about improving your quality of life.

    And me showing up to call attention to that does not make me the problem, either. I don't care how delicious the flesh of a doctor is.
    Borticus, years ago, had a much higher rate of communication with the pvp community. Par for the course for the last 12-18 months for a dev coming into the pvp forum, its usually to throw mud or tell us how horrible we are. Or in CaptainSmirks case, go out of his way to make a post JUST FOR THE TROLL VALUE. Hawks last post before leaving Cryptic was literally a 2 paragraph tip toe around calling us idiots. Borticus's tone has change from (2-3 years ago) All powers must have an equal or near equal hard or soft counter available to all builds and if you can show us math proving your point we will work on it (SNB doffs, SDO Doffs, CSV god mode from ages ago, time set + tricos, voldemort, etc) to what he is now which is basically "I'll deal with it when we release the new shineys for you to buy and deny any form of possibility something is wrong with something we are currently selling until that point."

    Maybe I agree with all of this. Maybe I don't. I know that PvP in STO is a minimally viable product. I know it sucks from a gameplay perspective. I do acknowledge that there are people out there trying to make the best of it, and you know what? More power to them.

    The point is this. We can dwell over the past and beat a dead horse over how Cryptic screwed up PvP in this game. Or we can try to make the best of it when Cryptic does lend us their ear.

    Or we can just set the forums on fire and say Cryptic made us do it.

    It's really up to us on where we go from here. From my perspective, the decision has already been made from the players' side of the table.
    Just remember. All toxins are acidic. PvP in sto is very basic. Therefore, it cannot be toxic. If you want toxic, just go to general discussion.

    The atmosphere among PvPers is toxic. Not the gameplay itself. At least, that was what I took away from it when I used to PvP on a regular basis. It had nothing to do with being insulted.

    It had everything to do with making a really lackluster PvP experience even more miserable by the people I played with.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    amazing. talk all that TRIBBLE about how toxic we are, wile he leads off with these posts
    iconians wrote: »
    I don't always agree with you, [referring to borticus's nonsense tantrum] but in this particular instance, your honesty level has made me smile today.

    iconians wrote: »
    Yeah. Nothing says mature, adult response like picking up your ball and going home after whining about how somebody hurt your feelings over the internet.

    I'd recommend cutting the cable if you get sick over what Borticus said, which compared to some of the other things I've seen people say on the internet -- let alone the STO forums by fellow players, that maybe consider the possibility the internet is not the place for you.

    The truth isn't all sunshine and rainbows. But it's still the truth and that's something these forums could use a lot more of from Cryptic.

    Cryptic isn't responsible for your emotions. You are. If you can't handle the truth, then I wish you luck in your OPvP firesale that I'm sure you are 100% serious on and aren't exaggerating or blowing hot air over.

    I'm sure Cryptic will be absolutely devastated that you're selling you're gear and duty officers to other players. I'm not sure how they'll ever recover from this shattering and overpowering blow you're going to deal them on the OPvP channel.

    The fact people still believe this to be a logical and productive course of action on the STO forums (or anywhere in life) makes me facepalm.

    who's only purpose is to antagonize, to goad antagonistic response, so you can go SEE! look how toxic they are! by sinking to my level! now i'll write a big wall of text about my moral high ground, were i talk about how above above it i am, wile actually neck deep in it.

    it must be for the attention, the guarantied responses generated by your special mix of ignorance and antagonism, because all your posting follows this pattern. ether that, or trolling for the sake of trolling is your favorite past time.

    the pvp community being toxic didn't even happen until DR anyway, when cryptic ruined it and pretty much the rest of the game beyond all hope. for the 4 years prior, we bent over backwards to be helpful and post feedback, and time and time again ignored us and shot pvp in the foot with new additions that would take months to even get acknowledged were game breaking. the toxicity was entirely manufactured by cryptic, it is cause and effect. after more then 4 years, were every step was a step back, it took us this long to get this ugly. our patience is staggering.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    amazing. talk all that TRIBBLE about how toxic we are, wile he leads off with these posts

    who's only purpose is to antagonize, to goad antagonistic response, so you can go SEE! look how toxic they are! by sinking to my level! now i'll write a big wall of text about my moral high ground, were i talk about how above above it i am, wile actually neck deep in it.

    it must be for the attention, the guarantied responses generated by your special mix of ignorance and antagonism, because all your posting follows this pattern. ether that, or trolling for the sake of trolling is your favorite past time.

    the pvp community being toxic didn't even happen until DR anyway, when cryptic ruined it and pretty much the rest of the game beyond all hope. for the 4 years prior, we bent over backwards to be helpful and post feedback, and time and time again ignored us and shot pvp in the foot with new additions that would take months to even get acknowledged were game breaking. the toxicity was entirely manufactured by cryptic, it is cause and effect. after more then 4 years, were every step was a step back, it took us this long to get this ugly. our patience is staggering.

    What's important is that you feel vindicated and correct by this response you wrote.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    What's important is that you feel vindicated and correct by this response you wrote.

    here's your reply
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    It had everything to do with making a really lackluster PvP experience even more miserable by the people I played with.

    Your lack of friend making skills isn't the fault of the PvP community at large.

    Not that I should even bother engaging with you... however look around. That isn't toxicity, its apathy. Very different things at this point.

    STO is a product. Its a product that has been mishandled, the end. No one defends Windows Vista saying the users where just being negative and are toxic in general. They blame MS for putting out a junk product. The only difference is we don't have the option of just continuing to run an older version.

    No one here is toxic. We are a community no matter how hard Cryptic tries to break that. You can be upset that we never allowed you to become a part of that, that's your right. Perhaps we would have included you had you came in to PvP with the right attitude.
    iconians wrote: »
    I have no issues with trash talk, particularly in regards to PvP. Competition encourages it.

    Where toxic personalities consistently feed off of each other, this is where Borticus comes in. Because it really is just a cycle. Nothing new is gained. No new thoughts are shared. It is the same echo chamber that has been mentioned already.

    The trash talk line tells me everything I need to know about your experience PvPing. Guess what most PvP players are not ok with trash talking. With the acception of the RP pvp zone. In kerrat say what you want... and of course understand if you go to far people will think your an idiot anyway.
    No one invites jerks to the parties.

    As for Borts comments... no they where way out of line. Seriously he came in here and spounted about echo chamber... in one of the TWO active PvP threads at the time. His was the 35th post in that thread after it was started THREE days prior. So his comments where both asinine and unprofessional. Lets get real on the same day he was complaining in a dead PvP thread about us not talking about the game and PvP in a testing thread... there where at least 8 threads in the general section about server stability all of which hit 35 posts in less then 3 hours not 3 days.

    Borticus was out of line, and so are you.

    Now I will head back to my apathetic corner. Have fun with STO and its developers.
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    here's your reply

    Why would you even post that?
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Why would you even post that?

    Why would you even post that?

    I hope you get it.
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

  • baldguywithacapebaldguywithacape Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    As of yet Iconians has only responded to try and prove I am being toxic.

    I have already apologized and stated my intentions, is there anything else he wants me to do?

    He has still not responded to any of my statements regarding the detonation module. With this I assume he agrees with me. I'm guessing he just didn't like a post I made that was 2 sentences long.
    If even this guy agrees, why should we have this module?

    I'm done for now. We all agree this module shouldn't happen, even the guy who supported the dev. So, if you are done firing the "you are toxic" gun, I'm going to go eat a sandwich.
  • baldguywithacapebaldguywithacape Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Alright people!

    Despite our best wishes, cryptic has added in a new passive! Hooray! Subnukes for all!
    Just like every broken thing that has ever entered this game, we have to make a video to show them what they made (nukara freeze, first-release motivation, DOT doffs, etc). If anybody is willing (since others are probably faster at reputation than me) please do a space and ground video of how it works asap. Exploit it to your maximum potential. Find your fastest fire-rate weapons for both zones and subnuke away!

    Damnit cryptic, you did it anyway.
  • sharxtremesharxtreme Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Alright people!

    Despite our best wishes, cryptic has added in a new passive! Hooray! Subnukes for all!
    Just like every broken thing that has ever entered this game, we have to make a video to show them what they made (nukara freeze, first-release motivation, DOT doffs, etc). If anybody is willing (since others are probably faster at reputation than me) please do a space and ground video of how it works asap. Exploit it to your maximum potential. Find your fastest fire-rate weapons for both zones and subnuke away!

    Damnit cryptic, you did it anyway.

    Videos won't fix anything at this point.
    Did thy fix Bounty Hunter's Friend infinite cooldowns yet from my last video? Didn't log in since.

    They have passed a point of no return in regards of PvP and game balance in general.
    Basically, there is no one left playing the game that cares about any kind of challenge or balance.
    All is left are DPSrs and RPrs.
  • zathri83zathri83 Member Posts: 514 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Mediocrity op plz nerf cryptic plz.
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