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Where is your DR right now?



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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I consider my DR pretty much done. Thanks to the handed out rewards it was rather easy to make.

    - lvl 50 reached and all missions played so all DR rewards locked free and taken on 8 alts.
    - lvl 60 reached easy thanks to XP week and the remaining episodes played as well as 5 star base 24 to unlock 3 ship masteries
    - Reputations are all tier 3+ and more than enough marks available for maxing them out after a dozen PvE played (thx to sponsorship tokens and free marks handed out)
    - 70% of the gear acquired and MK14 upgraded thanks to the account wide crafting system and handed out currencies for DR.
    - 4 additional SP points for trees earned thanks to further replay of stories (gear), PvE and doffing.

    To dos:

    - Finish reps (passive now) and grab the multiple 32k dil rewards 750 marks for remaining gear.
    - Play the toon up to a point where it is on par with others of my gang. 1 Primary and 1 secondary tree filled.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    alexhaydenalexhayden Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Of my three Federation Delta recruits created for the event - my Trill Science Officer is at level 25 and about to enter "The City On The Edge Of Never", my Caitian Tactical Officer has mislaid the keys to the Miranda's ignition and is yet to rescue the crew of the SS Azura and my Bajoran Engineering Officer quit before graduation. Something about it being the will of the Prophets..

    Anyway, the truth is I am in no rush to get the recruits to the Admirality. I made some terrible mistakes in the setup by rushing to get my original Fed main to level 50, with the result that during his first ship encounter with the Voth at the Solonae sphere they humiliated and then handed him his head on a plate. It was an experience bruising enough to leave me licking my wounds in the Alpha Quadrant, doffing the hell out of the system and bringing the New Romulus, Nukara and Omega reps up to Tier V. "Delta Recruits" is the excuse I needed to start again, to take it slower this time, learn (!) and adapt it to my main accordingly.

    Time will tell if it was worth the effort.
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    staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thanks to insane XP boosts and DOffing, my KDF is now at L52 and halfway through the Fek'lhri arc.

    I actually stopped playing missions after the Spectres arc and waited to DOff through to L50, so I'm not having to stop and re-equip at cost every couple of hours...
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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    djmarr1964 wrote: »
    Hi was wondering will you still be able to collect the rewards even after the event ends on the 21st of may as i have 5 Delta Recruits on the go right now and 2 r already lvl 50 but have not got all the rewards

    Yeah the blog said that so long as you've completed the tutorial and become a delta recruit, you will be able to complete the objectives for the rewards at any time. The only things which go away with the event is the ability to create new Delta Recruits and the trait where we get dilithium for kills.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,777 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Finally finished Cold Storage.

    Supposedly went back to meet my 18 month younger Academy Grad self. My actual self saw a physical twin in an Admirals uniform. My current self has a beard. Hope that doesn't effect anything. ;)

    I'm off to finally check out a Sphere. And New Romulus (before the Iconians mess(ed) things up there.)

    Edit- Oh, yeah. And level 58.
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
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    daunknownadmindaunknownadmin Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    KDF ROM Tactical Level 55, 3 Reps done, all others just a few days away (minus Iconian).
    Completed Night of the Comet and taking break to finish off the Reps and Ship Mastery before starting the Cardassian Struggle.
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    sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 900 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    IOW - What Mission did your DR last complete? [/I]?

    I made a second Deltalt after finishing the first one (about a week and a half ago) and the toon is now in the middle of the Cardassian "Strangle" story arc. It is the longest and most painful story arc in the game.... :eek:
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    aesicaaesica Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Mine's 60, but given the lack of available free ships, I have no real reason to play her. Thankfully the summer event and its T6 ship is right around the corner. :D If I was more motivated, I'd at least push her through the various reps, but...no thanks. :|

    Delta Rising and everything since then has pretty much killed my interest in playing alts.
    Rubberband Dance has been unlocked!
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    tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My DR is lvl 60 and T5 on Nukara, Romulan, Borg, Voth, 8472 and Delta reps, and T3(will hit T4 tomorrow) on Iconian.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The furthest of any of my Delta Newbs is at the Cardassian Arc. 2nd to last Dominion mission. It's so horrible that I just can't bear myself to suffer through it and finish that infernal arc, knowing that I have to deal with Kurland's **** again. I've left progress there for weeks now and haven't bothered to get going. I have hardly touched my Delta Newbs since then.
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    bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    having a sleep, I played them pretty hard.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

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    voivodjevoivodje Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Delta Recruit Nr. 13 is in the Breen story now, heading to first mission point.
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    synfoolasynfoola Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Sitting in ESD in front of the Security Officer to turn in contraband shuffled over from a KDF toon at level 55 since I can't be bothered to do the story content for another toon. She has a dilithium-to-Zen purchased Dauntless that's used to do Grethor Advanced once/day to get Ico rep to T5 so she can make Sponsor Tokens for my other 4 captains.

    After that...?

    With the lag and nerfs, I don't really have much interest to do anything other than save up more dil to purchase the Pilot bundle for my neglected KDF captain (is the 33% cannon/turret boost worth soaking up 3 console slots for? Otherwise I can just buy a single ship now) and getting my other caps their Ico rep with as little effort as possible. Playing another MMO while I wait to see how things pan out here.
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    reamer2013reamer2013 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I have 3 delta recruits who have completed the entire Delta Quadrant storyline and maxed out all the rep trees except Iconian Now ready to work through the new stuff with my other 9 toons.
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    sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My Rom Eng is at level 55, and my KDF Talaxian is at level 56.

    Both have not done any of the DQ missions, not sure they will tbh, as they will most likely be deleted once I have the Dilithium from all the reps..
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My level 52 Klingon tac recruit finished the dominion arc about 2 weeks ago, and I haven't touched him since then. Glad I didn't keep going, too, since people are reporting that cold storage is broken. Once it gets fixed, I'll finish the Borg and breen arcs.
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    fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    IOW - What Mission did your DR last complete?

    We are each playing at our own pace, of course, I'm just curious how far along other folks have gotten.

    I am about to play Mission: The Doomsday Device. I'm prepared, as I was the last time I took on the DD, to die a dozen times.

    btw - Does anyone know if you take too long to kill that monster, can it heal it-self fully? It was all the way down to the last 20 percent of HP when I hit it dead on with that H-Torp and then it reset back to 100 percent. :eek:

    Really, My 2nd five runs went faster anyway, but it was a pure moment of WTF?!? :mad: After the mission ended, I just laugh how that surprise made my next five runs much improved. :confused::D

    So really. Was that a glitch or was that working as intended?

    My DR is well along.. Blasted thru the story weeks ago only mission i have left is dust to dust and thats cuz it kept crashing.. Otherwise shes rocking it at 60 t5fu avenger, all consoles, leech, reps maxed, i wanna say 16 rep points now.. I didnt grind the heck out of it just been playing on my dr instead of my main since the event kicked off.
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    rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    there's a few of them at start of the Breen arc ( only completed on one ) due to the crashes there not inclined to move them forward just yet . So I now have one who is level 56 and still has to complete the Breen storyline :)
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    centaurianalphacentaurianalpha Member Posts: 1,150 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Just finished the Cardassian/Dominion arc at lvl 54 a couple of days ago; probably start the Breen arc once my mains have had time to run the FE's again for the sets. I'm hoping Cryptic will give us at least a week respite between events, so I can enjoy my own pace again for a bit... :rolleyes:
    Expendables Fleet: Andrew - Bajoran Fed Engineer Ken'taura - Rom/Fed Scientist Gwyllim - Human Fed Delta Tac
    Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
    Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
    Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
    STO player since November 2013
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    cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My last two are orbiting DS-9 right now. Dreading the"Cardassian struggle"ahead.
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    polecat42polecat42 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Two DRs

    Feddy is idle in the Delta Quadrant, stuck. Level 59, and needs level 60 to finish the arc, and I don't have the energy to grind it out.

    Klink is at 56 or 57 (I forget which) in the Delta Quadrant, and nearing the same spot the Feddy is stuck at. I'm hoping maybe I'll manage better, the Klink has fared a LOT better than my feddy in missions...
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    zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,777 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Gee. One tiny nudge really got this thread moving again. :)
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My first rom DR is gathering dust after finishing the "vanilla" storyline for the various rewards. Doing contraband and BOFF recruitment.
    My second rom is lvl 20ish.
    My contraband dealer KDF is lvl1.

    Quite frankly, considering how alt unfriendly this game is, I don't see the point of having more character. I already have 5 max level, when LoR came I made the 5th (my main now), and planned to make 2 other rom (1 from each class), but already the various grind were more than enough to prevent me to do that.
    And that was before DR. Now, I have difficulties to keep 1 character going... 5 ? 7 ? Yeah, no.

    Anyway, it was a rather nice event. Pretty much did what STO is good IMO, everything that's pre-DR.
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    brantregarebrantregare Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My recruit is at level 21, and probably not going any further.
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    alexhaydenalexhayden Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Of my original three Federation Delta Recruits only my Science Officer has survived and can currently be found participating in war games in the "Cardassian Struggle" at level 43, and I have to say that if ever a story arc lived up to it's name it is this one. Hope a revamped storyline is in the pipeline..
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    gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lvl 52 KDF and half way through the cardassian struggle i forgot how bad this was
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    realisticaltyrealisticalty Member Posts: 851 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Just finished my Delta last night...had to set aside time and push hard...

    I do hope the agents stay around after the event, its going to take time to claim my rewards...
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    zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,777 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    alexhayden wrote: »
    Of my original three Federation Delta Recruits only my Science Officer has survived and can currently be found participating in war games in the "Cardassian Struggle" at level 43, and I have to say that if ever a story arc lived up to it's name it is this one. Hope a revamped storyline is in the pipeline..

    I feel your pain. Mission: Operation Gamma is the reason I'll never repeat those missions again. Specifically, the Disable DS9's Sensor Clusters is the reason I will never repeat these missions. Smacked my head against the wall for an hour before I got three Sensor Clusters disabled in the allotted time only to discover that there was another set of three waiting to be disabled after that and that TRIBBLE up even once set me back to Alpha.

    NOPE! :: skip mission :: DONE! FOREVER!

    If I were a Dev, I would have set it up so that the only a limited number of Jem'Hadar ships could come out to play. After 6 or 9 groups, you'd get a cut scene with a coded message, maybe from Hadron, the Ferengi that your Captain talked to in Of Bajor, he report that he notice you were attempting a rescue of DS9, when all the Jem'Hadar ships kept emptying the landing pads, he only just noticed that the bay doors are jammed and would be that way for at least 20 minutes.

    This kind of falls in line with something I learned on one of the rare occasions I played a round of golf. My cousin,who plays quite well, informed me, a person who plays very poorly, that once a player meets twice par, that player should take that score and move on to the next hole. It is particularly important if one of more groups are waiting to use the hole. Obviously, no other player would be waiting to use the mission, but offering the player the opportunity to continue the mission with a reduced reward (half or even less). The Devs might also offer a chance to reject the offer of aid from Hadron and in rejecting, the mission reward could increase by half or even more.

    Well, that is how I would do it. Luckily, I'm not an employee of PWE or Cryptic, so I don't have to listen to guys like me as they whine about the flaws in this game. :confused:
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
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    realisticaltyrealisticalty Member Posts: 851 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I was tearing my hair out with that mission so I asked for help in The Academy forum where I learned 3 critical things;

    First, I learned to purchase a runabout for EC (in this case it was 34K for a Ketrel as a rom) which made life MUCH easier.

    Second, I learned to use Beam Fire at Will or Torpedo Spread (if you use torps).

    And third, I learned the fighters are not random, that the spawns occur in order as you dispose of each sensor array.

    I also discovered that the second set of 3 can be all gotten if you sit right in the center low down at the end of those arms, you can collect all 3 fast before more badguys can spawn.

    Took me 2 or 3 tries after that, but I finally got it. Before knowing that it was hari kari time. After knowing that it was somewhat hard but doable.

    You should check out the latest threads in The Academy forum if you're still having trouble.
    I feel your pain. Mission: Operation Gamma is the reason I'll never repeat those missions again. Specifically, the Disable DS9's Sensor Clusters is the reason I will never repeat these missions. Smacked my head against the wall for an hour before I got three Sensor Clusters disabled in the allotted time only to discover that there was another set of three waiting to be disabled after that and that TRIBBLE up even once set me back to Alpha.

    NOPE! :: skip mission :: DONE! FOREVER!

    If I were a Dev, I would have set it up so that the only a limited number of Jem'Hadar ships could come out to play. After 6 or 9 groups, you'd get a cut scene with a coded message, maybe from Hadron, the Ferengi that your Captain talked to in Of Bajor, he report that he notice you were attempting a rescue of DS9, when all the Jem'Hadar ships kept emptying the landing pads, he only just noticed that the bay doors are jammed and would be that way for at least 20 minutes.

    This kind of falls in line with something I learned on one of the rare occasions I played a round of golf. My cousin,who plays quite well, informed me, a person who plays very poorly, that once a player meets twice par, that player should take that score and move on to the next hole. It is particularly important if one of more groups are waiting to use the hole. Obviously, no other player would be waiting to use the mission, but offering the player the opportunity to continue the mission with a reduced reward (half or even less). The Devs might also offer a chance to reject the offer of aid from Hadron and in rejecting, the mission reward could increase by half or even more.

    Well, that is how I would do it. Luckily, I'm not an employee of PWE or Cryptic, so I don't have to listen to guys like me as they whine about the flaws in this game. :confused:
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