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Tier 6 Sovereign class battlecruiser

sovereign47sovereign47 Member Posts: 399 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Federation Discussion
Since they started introducing some of the canon ships as T6 ships (first Intrepid and now Dominion attack ship too) and there are already request for some other ship to become T6 as well, I wanted to also share my wish for a most beautiful and one the best starships ever seen in Star Trek (at least for me). I'm speaking about Sovereign class of course.

Here are reasons why there should be a T6 version of her:

1.) As I already said, Sovereign is one of the best designed ships I've seen on screen, and I think that many people would agree with me.

2.) She is also the most powerful ships seen in canon and I believe she would still be between the most powerful ships even during STO timeline. And if Intrepid could get her T6 version, there is absolutely no reason why Sovereign class shouldn't.

3.) Has a bridge seen in the movies and I'm quite certain that one exists in game. Besides that I believe she also have other interiors like engineering, sickbay, ready room, briefing room, corridors, restaurant..., and they probably exist in game too. They could even make them more modern or STO era like.

4.) Sovereign class has variety of good auxiliary craft including captain's yacht, type 11 shuttles and argo shuttles with land all-terrain vehicles.

5.) While she wasn't seen during Voyager, she appears in movie with events that are happening after Voyager's return to Alpha quadrant.

6.) She would make an excellent command or intel ship. And maybe even both in one.

7.) While we never saw it on screen, there was a plan of making her able to do saucer separation, there is even concept sketch of it as seen here.

Now let's get to my vision of what she should have as T6:

- type: cruiser (tier 6)
- hull: 48547 at lvl 50, 58000 at lvl 60
- shield modifier: 1.12 at lvl 50 and 1.13 at lvl 60
- turn rate: 9
- crew: 800
- 5 fore weapons slots and 5 aft weapon slots (yes, the time has come to start increasing maximum number of weapons slots and since Sovereign has a lot of phaser arrays and torpedo launchers it is only logical to give her more weapon slots)
- a special slot for secondary deflector dish (if she's going to be able for saucer separation she should have this)
- 5 eng, 4 tac and 3 sci console slots for command engineering variant, 4 eng, 5 tac, 3 sci for command tactical variant, and 4 eng, 4 tac and 4 sci for command science variant
- 4 eng, 4 tac and 4 sci console slots for intel variant
- universal console: cloaking device (in case of intel variant)
- universal console: regenerative ablative armor (in case of eng command variant)
- universal console: point-defense phaser turrets (in case of command tactical variant)
- universal console: secondary shield generators (in case of sci command variant)
- both universal console in case of command/intel crossover variants
- should be able to equip dual cannons
- saucer separation ability (all variants)
- captain's yacht (all variants)
- metreon gas canisters (all variants)
- hangar bay - argo or type 11 shuttles (command variants only)
- cloak (intel variant only)

Command variants boff slots:

- commander eng/command
- lieutenant commander tac
- lieutenant sci/command
- lieutenant eng
- lieutenant universal

Intel variant boff slots:

- commander eng/intel
- lieutenant command tac
- lieutenant sci/intel
- lieutenant eng
- lieutenant universal

Command/Intel crossover variant

- commander universal
- lieutenant commander tac
- lieutenant universal
- lieutenant eng
- lieutenant sci

Ant that would be it :D If you have some thoughts or better suggestion about it feel free to share them.
FED ENG: FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC: ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta): LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member
Post edited by sovereign47 on


  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    First and foremost: It's a cruiser, not a battlecruiser. Canonically it's an Explorer/Heavy Cruiser, in STO it's a "assault cruiser".

    1. Matter of taste, but a fanbase does definitely exist.

    2. It wasn't the most powerful ship in canon. That title belongs to the Galaxy, the Sovereign was the most advanced at the time the Ent-E was around and took that title from the Intrepid.

    3. They don't do full interiors anymore because it's too much effort for too little profit :( (has been openly stated).

    4. I could see the Yacht as an auxilliary craft, though if it'd get separation that would be it's "pet".

    5. Sure :)

    6. In my opinion neither command nor intel fit her. A thrid specialization though could, of course.

    7. I support Saucer Separation on almost all Starfleet ships :)

    Commander specialization seats are limited to dedicated ships. As a T6 version of an existing craft it would only get a low level hybrid slot (The Pathfinder set this in stone), also secondary deflectors belong to science ships. Those are basic rules of the game and porbably don't change for ships-of-the-line (lockbox will change that, of course).

    I am heavily opposed to more stupid three packs, those are blatant rip-offs in my opinion. And 5/5 weapons and basically the rest of your proposal is just overkill and reeks of "mary-sue favourite ship". I support a T6 Sovereign, but not like this ^^
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • edited March 2015
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  • lessley00lessley00 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    When you bring up the Argo, that gives me an idea:

    Argo All-terrain auxiliry vehicle

    1: Requires purchase of the Argo auxiliry craft or the Soverign pack (Regent, Monarch, type 11 shuttle, and argo. The Monarch would be this presumed t6 ship)

    2: Activating ability summons a argo shuttle which drops the vehicle, you and boffs/teamates get in. If you have a boff(s) or teammate(s) he/she will man a phaser turret on the rear, everyone else will get in seats and will not leave those seats unless you tell them to.

    3: can only be used in missions when not in a ship or building, adventure zones, and certain social zones (Vulcan, Andoria, Risa, etc.), it cannot be used in pve or pvp. And it cannot go down stairs.

    4: You can joyride in it but it does have a health bar. It can only be healed if there is an engineer on the team (intel/command boffs dont count). And it may not be amusing to other players. When the health bar is depleated you are beamed away from the vehicle as it blows up.

    5: While lowering its health you can crash into enemy npcs and can do considerable damage including a temporary disable, knockback, and a expose, it does better as an expose attack. But crasing into somthing like a Voth mech wont do much and it will only hurt you.

    6: Its top speed is a little more than the frosted boots.

    Sound cool?
    Captain Joseph Riker, U.S.S. Odyssey==General V'Mar, U.S.S. Blackwater-A==Admiral Laura Holmes, U.S.S. Forward Unto Dawn
    Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv

    Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    edalgo wrote: »
    In canon the Sovereign is the most powerful Starship although the Galaxy is a very close second.

    It was never called that. The Galaxy Enterprise was called the most powerful by the Borg (badass Borg, mind you, not VOY wussborg). The Sovereign Enterprise was the most advanced ship in the fleet (and took that from the Intrepid/Voyager). Everything more than those lines of dialogue is fan speculation anyway :D
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    edalgo wrote: »
    In canon the Sovereign is the most powerful Starship although the Galaxy is a very close second.

    As far as STO is going they will make all T5 ships a T6 version for purchase eventually.

    Then Fleet T6 ships you'll have to purchase upgrade tokens again.

    All the while more lockbox ships too.

    Then T7 ships will be released!

    I agree. The Sovereign had the latest armament to include Quantum Torpedos. It wasn't portrayed as a slow moving cruiser, either.

    The script from First Contact described the Enterprise-E as a more advanced, faster ship that was designed to fight the Borg. http://fsd.trekships.org/art/1701-e.html

    Don't get me wrong. The Galaxy is a beast to be reckoned with.

    For the T6 Sovereign, what about the John Eaves refit for Post-Nemesis? The E got a refit while it was being repaired in spacedock. John had designed this expecting there to be more movies, but it never happened.
    Someone's CGI interpretation is here...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9VcKzKdTCc

    I was very underwhelmed by the Sovereign class in the game. Granted, it is a free ship. However, this is the class that led the fight against the Borg in First Contact. I never bought the T5 Refit. I went for the Odyssey instead.

    I believe the ship would be a great candidate for a slipstream drive. It is very sleek and similiar to the Vesta in shape and size.

    If they did a T6 Sov and Ody refit, I would have a hard time choosing which one to pick. I love the sleek and classic look of the Sov. However, the Ody is so big compared to it. On thing The Sov has is time to be loved and adored.

    The Ody isn't really an Enterprise. I haven't had movies or a tv series to allow me to fall in love with the ship and crew. I know CBS signed off on the design, but with the JJ-verse being so popular...I doubt the Ody will get any screen time soon.

    I prefer the Prime Universe. I wish they would have continued with that.
  • edited March 2015
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  • sovereign47sovereign47 Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    angrytarg wrote: »
    First and foremost: It's a cruiser, not a battlecruiser. Canonically it's an Explorer/Heavy Cruiser, in STO it's a "assault cruiser".

    1. Matter of taste, but a fanbase does definitely exist.

    2. It wasn't the most powerful ship in canon. That title belongs to the Galaxy, the Sovereign was the most advanced at the time the Ent-E was around and took that title from the Intrepid.

    3. They don't do full interiors anymore because it's too much effort for too little profit :( (has been openly stated).

    4. I could see the Yacht as an auxilliary craft, though if it'd get separation that would be it's "pet".

    5. Sure : )

    6. In my opinion neither command nor intel fit her. A thrid specialization though could, of course.

    7. I support Saucer Separation on almost all Starfleet ships : )

    Commander specialization seats are limited to dedicated ships. As a T6 version of an existing craft it would only get a low level hybrid slot (The Pathfinder set this in stone), also secondary deflectors belong to science ships. Those are basic rules of the game and porbably don't change for ships-of-the-line (lockbox will change that, of course).

    I am heavily opposed to more stupid three packs, those are blatant rip-offs in my opinion. And 5/5 weapons and basically the rest of your proposal is just overkill and reeks of "mary-sue favourite ship". I support a T6 Sovereign, but not like this ^^

    Technically heavy cruiser can be described as battlecruiser or assault cruiser for that matter. It seems pretty much like a same thing to me. And it was explicitly stated in canon that Sovereign was more combat oriented than any previous ships baring name Enterprise therefor the term cruiser or explore don't fit her. And in STO is assault cruiser as you said, and in other like Armada, Starfleet Command, Legacy...she is designated as battleship or even dreadnought.

    2. Galaxy was also the most advanced ship during her launch and some time after, but she was also the most powerful ship then as you said. Even if Sovereign was only declared as most advanced, she is also the most powerful ship. She is certainly more powerful than Galaxy or all of the other previous classes. I'm not sure, but I think that even newer and more combat oriented Prometheus class wouldn't stand a chance against her. So yes, it is not wrong to say she is the most powerful or the most advanced ship in Star Trek canon. And while Intrepid was more advanced than Galaxy class, she is not more powerful than her, nor than Nebula or Akira class for that matter.

    3. As I said, there's no need for doing interiors when they already exist. Maybe some simple cosmetic changes would be nice, but they are also not necessary.

    4. Captain's yacht should be auxiliary craft with or without saucer separation. Not just a pet.

    6. Any ideas of the third specialization should be? And between of the two already existing specializations I think that she would be more suited to be command ship, but the crossover is also a nice idea.

    7. As do I, and if Galaxy and Odyssey could have saucer separation ability, there's no reason why Sovereign shouldn't. Especially since Galaxy is her predecessor which would make logical that Sovereign as her successor would have this ability.

    Well I didn't thought much about it, so you may be right. I'm just not sure that all T6 version of existing craft should have the same treatment as Pathfinder, especially because she technically isn't existing ship, but rather a variant of Intrepid. Either way, even if it would be only low level hybrid slot, it would be good. Maybe it could be medium level hybrid slot (lieutenant commander) if not a high one.

    A three pack was just an idea. It could be rather just two version (one command, one intel) which would be also fine. And while I'm not too fond of three packs either, I'm just trying to think how cryptic would, and that is certainly what they would probably do.
    As for 5/5 weapons, I strongly disagree that such idea shouldn't be possible, because it is just plain stupid to set a maximum limit to only 8 weapon slots, especially with new tier of ships coming out. Think about it this way: Tier 1 ship have up to 3 weapon slots, Tier 2 have up to 4 weapons slots, Tier 3 have up to 6 weapon slots, Tier 4 have up to 7 weapons slots, while Tier 5, 5-U and 6 have up to 8 weapon slots.
    So, with every tier (up to 5) we are getting increase in number of weapon slots, which is logical, but once you get to tier 5, next tiers (5-U and 6) have the same amount of slots which is just not logical. Therefor, this limit should be increased to 10 slots, and with future higher tiers even to more slots (11, 12). Even if that would made some of the ships obsolete, that is a logical way of development. Same goes for the number of consoles (their number has actually been increased if I'm not mistaken which proves my point), device slots and hangar bays.

    edalgo wrote: »
    In canon the Sovereign is the most powerful Starship although the Galaxy is a very close second.

    As far as STO is going they will make all T5 ships a T6 version for purchase eventually.

    Then Fleet T6 ships you'll have to purchase upgrade tokens again.

    All the while more lockbox ships too.

    Then T7 ships will be released!

    That is true. Only the dreadnought Galaxy is more powerful than Sovereign, but if you would equip Sovereign with spinal lance, pulse phaser cannons and cloak, then she would be again more powerful. :D

    I hope they will, and at a fair price of course. And the fleet versions of them later. I would be more than willing to buy T6 Sovereign and fleet upgrade for her as well :D
    As for T7 ships, I think it will take a while before we see them. A year or so most probably, but maybe I'm wrong and they'll come out sooner.
    lessley00 wrote: »
    When you bring up the Argo, that gives me an idea:

    Argo All-terrain auxiliry vehicle

    1: Requires purchase of the Argo auxiliry craft or the Soverign pack (Regent, Monarch, type 11 shuttle, and argo. The Monarch would be this presumed t6 ship)

    2: Activating ability summons a argo shuttle which drops the vehicle, you and boffs/teamates get in. If you have a boff(s) or teammate(s) he/she will man a phaser turret on the rear, everyone else will get in seats and will not leave those seats unless you tell them to.

    3: can only be used in missions when not in a ship or building, adventure zones, and certain social zones (Vulcan, Andoria, Risa, etc.), it cannot be used in pve or pvp. And it cannot go down stairs.

    4: You can joyride in it but it does have a health bar. It can only be healed if there is an engineer on the team (intel/command boffs dont count). And it may not be amusing to other players. When the health bar is depleated you are beamed away from the vehicle as it blows up.

    5: While lowering its health you can crash into enemy npcs and can do considerable damage including a temporary disable, knockback, and a expose, it does better as an expose attack. But crasing into somthing like a Voth mech wont do much and it will only hurt you.

    6: Its top speed is a little more than the frosted boots.

    Sound cool?

    This is a very good idea indeed :D And if I may add, the boffs or teammates in the vehicle (the ones that are not manning phaser turret) should be able to fire from their hand weapons even during the movement, but with less accuracy of course.
    And I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be possible to use the vehicle in PvE and PvP. Ok, maybe not in existing ones, but in specialized ones made explicitly for use of them.
    FED ENG: FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC: ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta): LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    edalgo wrote: »
    Of course the Borg called the Ent-D the most powerful ship...the Sovereign wasn't even built yet

    Is that the whole basis of your argument?

    If I remember right, a couple quantum torpedoes from the Sov destroyed the sphere? (I think that was the Borg Queen's plan all along)

    A couple of Quantums (and fire from other ships) finished off that Borg cube the sphere came from as well. Picard knew right where to hit them, however.

    Galaxy and the other 40 ships at Wolf 359 could barely scratch the surface of a cube. Granted they weren't all there at the same time. Borg also had Locutus.
  • edited March 2015
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  • emacsheadroomemacsheadroom Member Posts: 994 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Not this Galaxy vs Sovereign sh*t again.

    Canon doesn't matter. The strength level of a ship is always the result of the show's writers and they don't adhere to made-up tech manuals. The ships were as powerful as the show writers wanted them to be. We know that other ships like the Excelsior can be upgraded to have Quantum torpedoes. If we had been shown a Galaxy with quantum torpedoes in DS9, we'd say once and for all that it's at least as powerful than the Sovereign because the writers would have written it that way. In the end there is no definite answer, and so it can't be used to justify which ship should be most powerful in STO.

    In game, the ships are as powerful as the devs want them to be. End of discussion.
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    edalgo wrote: »
    The Sovereign also has double the torpedo launch capacity of the Galaxy.

    We've seen 9 shot bursts from both the Quantum launcher as well as the Photon launcher below the deflector dish.

    That's 18 forward torpedoes to the Galaxy's 10 from its single forward launcher.

    And the only time we saw the 10 shot burst from the Galaxy was Yesterday's Enterprise which was an alternate universe where the Ent-D was designed differently.

    And the Sovereign also has 2 separate Rear Torpedo Launchers as well.

    She is a real Command cruiser with the teeth to back it up. She was built in a more war prone time than the Galaxy. The Borg and the Dominion would both at the door. I still believe she had all the science and engineering saavy as the Galaxy if not more. She was just tuned for battle a bit more.

    The Galaxy was a great command cruiser and could hold her own, but I think the Galaxy from Yesterday's Enterprise had a lot more teeth.

    War...creates progress/focus.
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Not this Galaxy vs Sovereign sh*t again.

    Canon doesn't matter. The strength level of a ship is always the result of the show's writers and they don't adhere to made-up tech manuals. The ships were as powerful as the show writers wanted them to be. We know that other ships like the Excelsior can be upgraded to have Quantum torpedoes. If we had been shown a Galaxy with quantum torpedoes in DS9, we'd say once and for all that it's at least as powerful than the Sovereign because the writers would have written it that way. In the end there is no definite answer, and so it can't be used to justify which ship should be most powerful in STO.

    In game, the ships are as powerful as the devs want them to be. End of discussion.

    Yes, I am sure a galaxy was fitted with Quantums. I think the game Bridge Commander allowed Galaxy and Sov to have them.

    I am sure the Galaxy was retrofitted/refitted for the dominion war. So, I agree eventually the Galaxy probably caught up to stay competitive.

    Your right...this shouldn't go into a galaxy vs Sov thread.

    We are talking about a T6 Sovereign Class.

    Side note: I wouldn't mind a T6 Galaxy or Ody either.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    do do remember when the enteprise first met the borg with only a few shots of the main array it took out quite a bit of the cubes volume. i would not call that "barely scratching"


    this is also only one of 3 times the E-D ever used it's full fire power. other being against a fake ship that was immune and best of both worlds

    and the refitted galaxy shown in DS9 has 2 more phaser arrays then the sov and the sov has a horrible disadvantage of not being able to get both it;s main arrays on a target at the same time which the galaxy can. and this is not even going into hwo much shorter and smaller the sovs arrays are
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    gpgtx wrote: »
    do do remember when the enteprise first met the borg with only a few shots of the main array it took out quite a bit of the cubes volume. i would not call that "barely scratching"


    this is also only one of 3 times the E-D ever used it's full fire power. other being against a fake ship that was immune and best of both worlds

    and the refitted galaxy shown in DS9 has 2 more phaser arrays then the sov and the sov has a horrible disadvantage of not being able to get both it;s main arrays on a target at the same time which the galaxy can. and this is not even going into hwo much shorter and smaller the sovs arrays are

    Yes, that is nice. I forgot about that scene. The video just shows you the raw power a cruiser from the TNG era can dish out. This is 30 years prior to the game timeline.

    This is exactly why everyone is disturbed by the lack of performance in game on the Galaxy and its successor the Sovereign. It seems unlikely these ships would be obsolete or not be kept up to date. The Excelsior is a prime example of a ship kept in service and kept relevant past its prime(at least on ds9 and TNG).
  • sovereign47sovereign47 Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    papesh1 wrote: »
    Yes, that is nice. I forgot about that scene. The video just shows you the raw power a cruiser from the TNG era can dish out. This is 30 years prior to the game timeline.

    This is exactly why everyone is disturbed by the lack of performance in game on the Galaxy and its successor the Sovereign. It seems unlikely these ships would be obsolete or not be kept up to date. The Excelsior is a prime example of a ship kept in service and kept relevant past its prime(at least on ds9 and TNG).

    Very well said! If the Excelsior (refit) can be kept up to date, I really don't see the reason why other newer starship shouldn't get the same treatment including Sovereign and Galaxy (Nebula too).
    FED ENG: FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC: ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta): LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member
  • supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Very well said! If the Excelsior (refit) can be kept up to date, I really don't see the reason why other newer starship shouldn't get the same treatment including Sovereign and Galaxy (Nebula too).

    Exactly with the Volume and Modular design and probable cost and construction time, the Galaxy and Nebula would be kept up to date. They were TNG's modern Battleship and Heavy Cruiser respectively.

    Even with the launch of the Soveriegn class i can see the Galaxy def being kept up to date and continuing as the flagship of the fleet.

    Regarding Tier 6 Soveriegn, Defiant or Excelsiior i would like to see the Galaxy get a proper refit 1st followed by the Nebula.
  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Exactly with the Volume and Modular design and probable cost and construction time, the Galaxy and Nebula would be kept up to date. They were TNG's modern Battleship and Heavy Cruiser respectively.

    Even with the launch of the Soveriegn class i can see the Galaxy def being kept up to date and continuing as the flagship of the fleet.

    Regarding Tier 6 Soveriegn, Defiant or Excelsiior i would like to see the Galaxy get a proper refit 1st followed by the Nebula.

    The Enterprise E became the flagship after the destruction of the D. That is canon. However, Galaxys, Excelsiors, and even Mirandas were in the dominion war. So, Starfleet doesn't just get rid of their ships. I am sure they were armed with the best the ship class could handle.

    The Ody in game is the new flagship. They had to get permission from CBS/Paramount to even call it the Enterprise F.

    I wouldn't mind any of those ships getting some proper treatment. However, this thread is advocating the Sovereign. I doubt most of the gamers in game are from the JJ-verse. So, the ships that we all love from TNG/DS9/VOY....Will make the most money!!!!!!!!(yes cryptic...I am talking to you!)
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    papesh1 wrote: »
    Yes, I am sure a galaxy was fitted with Quantums. I think the game Bridge Commander allowed Galaxy and Sov to have them.

    Nope. The Galaxy in STBC could only have the quantums if you went and modded the hardpoint file for that ship. The Sov had them by default, as did the Akira.
    The Sov also had those "phased plasma" torps. Now those were funny!
    I need a beer.

  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Nope. The Galaxy in STBC could only have the quantums if you went and modded the hardpoint file for that ship. The Sov had them by default, as did the Akira.
    The Sov also had those "phased plasma" torps. Now those were funny!

    It has been a while. I couldn't remember for sure.
  • supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    papesh1 wrote: »
    The Enterprise E became the flagship after the destruction of the D. That is canon. However, Galaxys, Excelsiors, and even Mirandas were in the dominion war. So, Starfleet doesn't just get rid of their ships. I am sure they were armed with the best the ship class could handle.

    The Ody in game is the new flagship. They had to get permission from CBS/Paramount to even call it the Enterprise F.

    I wouldn't mind any of those ships getting some proper treatment. However, this thread is advocating the Sovereign. I doubt most of the gamers in game are from the JJ-verse. So, the ships that we all love from TNG/DS9/VOY....Will make the most money!!!!!!!!(yes cryptic...I am talking to you!)

    From what source are you getting the info about the E being the flagship as it was never stated on screen during the movies.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    lol.. People are so busy arguing over what cannot be proven, that they didn't even notice how silly the original suggestion is.

    The OP wants to make a T6 Sovereign with 10 Weapon Slots, 12 consoles, secondary deflector, a better turn rate then any cruiser, and overall better BoFF seating then any ship in the game for any faction anywhere.

    I love the Sovereign as much as anyone, it's a beautiful ship, perhaps the best one they have ever shown on screen.. but I don't love it so much I would make every single ship of every faction obsolete in one fell swoop.

    If they re-fit the Sovereign (again) it would have to be on par with other ships of the current time. Having it be miles ahead of everything ever made would make absolutely no sense at all.

    I'll let you guys get back to your silly Sovereign vs. Galaxy debate which can never be proven.. after this we should debate religion and politics since we all love unwinnable arguments so much. :D
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well just from a volume stand point if the galaxy and sov where refitted to the same level the galaxy would take it. Its larger its main array is larger with better coverage and no stupidbself imposed blind spots and even with one corp launcher it is such a rapid fire unit it does not need 4 like the sov does to get the same burst fire potential
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    gpgtx wrote: »
    Well just from a volume stand point if the galaxy and sov where refitted to the same level the galaxy would take it. Its larger its main array is larger with better coverage and no stupidbself imposed blind spots and even with one corp launcher it is such a rapid fire unit it does not need 4 like the sov does to get the same burst fire potential

    The main thing the gal has going for it is the modularity and flexibility.
    The main thing the sov always had going for it was that it was rather more nimble than the gal, at the cost of that modularity/flexibility.

    I really wish the nomenclature was a bit more true to life tbh. A "battlecruiser" was always a battleship that traded either firepower or armor protection for maneuverability and speed while being a hell of a lot cheaper than a full blown battleship. But oh well, c'est la vie.
    I need a beer.

  • edited March 2015
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  • papesh1papesh1 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    From what source are you getting the info about the E being the flagship as it was never stated on screen during the movies.

    I am not sure if it was ever stated in the movies, but I do have a canon source...startrek.com


    "The ensuing battle resulted in Picard putting Enterprise on a collision course with the Scimitar, forcing the Federation flagship to put into drydock following the skirmish."
  • giannicampanellagiannicampanella Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    angrytarg wrote: »
    3. They don't do full interiors anymore because it's too much effort for too little profit :( (has been openly stated).

    I take issue with this claim whenever I see it. The ONLY reason people were excited about the Pathfinder release was the hype over the new Intrepid interiors. There was a mass outcry when it ended up being bound to the Pathfinder itself, as it had hitherto been heavily implied to be a separate purchase that literally everyone was looking forward to with unprecedented excitement. EVEN SO, everyone I know in-game bought the entire package anyway on the basis of the Intrepid interiors ALONE. Ergo, we, the rational, call bull****. Indeed, unrelenting bull**** of the highest order. Obviously obviously obviously obviously obviously, interiors are "too little profit" for the sole reason that PW&C absolutely REFUSE to make them and sell them to a demonstrably penny-foolish community that indisputably clamors for them constantly. Why do they clamor for them? Because costumes. Ship or toon, it doesn't matter. Customizability microtransactions are frelling obvious... frak me, I don't even have to prove this fact about the fantasy gaming culture. Jeebus! So why don't we get more costumes for every ******n thing in this game? Because PW&C must must must must must must be allergic to $$$$$. No doubt about it, they are firmly disgusted by profit. Just the thought of players paying them for anything makes them ill.

    Because if theirs were a profit-seeking enterprise, there would have been a screen-accurate full Galaxy interior yesterday. Because every single impressionable Trekkie moron in the world would immediately pay real money instantaneously for such a toy, including me. People would join the game fresh and forever for an accurate Galaxy interior. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. And yet, here I sit, and the only accurate Galaxy interior in my life is the Star Trek: TNG Interactive Technical Manual released in 199frelling4. I blame PW&C for that, and so should you. I repeat, PW&C emphatically hate being solvent. They violently oppose providing what their customers constantly beg for, knees on the floor, hands clasped, tears on red cheeks. Indeed, they regard the exchange of players' rl currency for a modicum of simple reskins and a week of modeling as a act of barbarity. In this alone, alas, do they respect TNG canon. The economics of PW&C are somewhat different. You see, money doesn't exist to PW&C. The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force of their lives. They work to better themselves and the rest of humanity. If our health and fitness mean keeping the servers unstable in order to get players to log off and go enjoy the great outdoors, so be it! That's just the kind of beautiful human beings they are. They care deeply about us. In their wisdom, they know that if they made what players want, we could have a Korean situation over here in the West. Players would forget to eat and accidentally starve themselves. Families would be destroyed as the breadwinners and students fritter away their lives roaming through the screen-accurate halls of their dps-competitive Galaxy-class cruisers. My friends, PW&C do it all for love. They refuse us all good things because they love us. PW&C desperately want to teach each and every one of us to become open to options we had never considered, like working or just leaving the basement. That is the exploration that awaits us. Not parsing stfs and upgrading consoles, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Technically heavy cruiser can be described as battlecruiser or assault cruiser for that matter. It seems pretty much like a same thing to me. And it was explicitly stated in canon that Sovereign was more combat oriented than any previous ships baring name Enterprise therefor the term cruiser or explore don't fit her. And in STO is assault cruiser as you said, and in other like Armada, Starfleet Command, Legacy...she is designated as battleship or even dreadnought.

    I wasn't arguing semantics, but gameplay. A Battlecruiser in STO has different base stats than a cruiser and the Sovereign is already defined as a cruiser. I think "evolved" version of ships never changed the basic ship type to such a degree. The more combat oriented thing in canon is very foggy. It's all down to fan fighting and speculation, nothing of it has on-screen reference but I really don't want to go there, it's not good for this thread :D But the Explorer classification is official, it's an "Explorer Mk. II" according to the Okudagram.
    2. Galaxy was also the most advanced ship during her launch and some time after, but she was also the most powerful ship then as you said. Even if Sovereign was only declared as most advanced, she is also the most powerful ship. She is certainly more powerful than Galaxy or all of the other previous classes. I'm not sure, but I think that even newer and more combat oriented Prometheus class wouldn't stand a chance against her. So yes, it is not wrong to say she is the most powerful or the most advanced ship in Star Trek canon. And while Intrepid was more advanced than Galaxy class, she is not more powerful than her, nor than Nebula or Akira class for that matter.

    Exactly, more advanced =/= more powerful. And on-screen only the Galaxy Enterprise wa called "most powerful". When the Sovereign came around they did not choose to say "most powerful" but "most advanced". That was my point, but this is also canon discussion which shouldn't take place here.
    6. Any ideas of the third specialization should be? And between of the two already existing specializations I think that she would be more suited to be command ship, but the crossover is also a nice idea.

    I have some thoughts about this, albeit all is speculation. Intelligence is Sci/Tac, Command is Eng/Tac. We need someting with a Eng/Sci flavour next, maybe operations?
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    angrytarg wrote: »
    I wasn't arguing semantics, but gameplay. A Battlecruiser in STO has different base stats than a cruiser and the Sovereign is already defined as a cruiser. I think "evolved" version of ships never changed the basic ship type to such a degree. The more combat oriented thing in canon is very foggy. It's all down to fan fighting and speculation, nothing of it has on-screen reference but I really don't want to go there, it's not good for this thread :D But the Explorer classification is official, it's an "Explorer Mk. II" according to the Okudagram.

    Exactly, more advanced =/= more powerful. And on-screen only the Galaxy Enterprise wa called "most powerful". When the Sovereign came around they did not choose to say "most powerful" but "most advanced". That was my point, but this is also canon discussion which shouldn't take place here.

    I have some thoughts about this, albeit all is speculation. Intelligence is Sci/Tac, Command is Eng/Tac. We need someting with a Eng/Sci flavour next, maybe operations?


    I mean from a military stand point what's left?

    We has soldiers, doctors, mechanics, cops, scientists, and engineers.

    Then we got Intel officers and command officers.

    So yeah just missing the people who make sure it's all where its supposed to be.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • sovereign47sovereign47 Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    lol.. People are so busy arguing over what cannot be proven, that they didn't even notice how silly the original suggestion is.

    The OP wants to make a T6 Sovereign with 10 Weapon Slots, 12 consoles, secondary deflector, a better turn rate then any cruiser, and overall better BoFF seating then any ship in the game for any faction anywhere.

    I love the Sovereign as much as anyone, it's a beautiful ship, perhaps the best one they have ever shown on screen.. but I don't love it so much I would make every single ship of every faction obsolete in one fell swoop.

    If they re-fit the Sovereign (again) it would have to be on par with other ships of the current time. Having it be miles ahead of everything ever made would make absolutely no sense at all.

    Ok, I admit that what I wrote in my first post is a little too op. So let's just narrow it down do two main different variants (one tactical, one intel and third would be fleet version ofc).

    Sovereign class T6 command battlecruiser:

    - type: cruiser (tier 6)
    - hull: 46547 at lvl 50, 56000 at lvl 60
    - shield modifier: 1.12 at lvl 50 and 1.13 at lvl 60
    - turn rate: 8
    - crew: 800
    - 4 fore weapons slots and 4 aft weapon slots
    - 4 eng, 4 tac and 3 sci consoles
    - should be able to equip dual cannons
    - saucer separation ability
    - captain's yacht
    - hangar bay - argo or type 11 shuttles (argo shuttles would fit better for this variant)
    - a special slot for point-defense phaser turret
    - universal console: metreon gas canisters

    Boff slots: commander eng/command, lieutenant commander tac, lieutenant sci/command, lieutenant eng and ensign universal

    Sovereign class T6 intelligence battlecruiser:

    - type: cruiser (tier 6)
    - hull: 46547 at lvl 50, 56000 at lvl 60
    - shield modifier: 1.12 at lvl 50 and 1.13 at lvl 60
    - turn rate: 8
    - crew: 800
    - 4 fore weapons slots and 4 aft weapon slots
    - 3 eng, 4 tac and 4 sci consoles
    - should be able to equip dual cannons
    - saucer separation ability
    - captain's yacht
    - hangar bay - argo or type 11 shuttles (type 11 shuttles would be better suited for this variant)
    - a special slot for secondary deflector dish
    - universal console: cloaking device

    Boff slots: commander eng/intel, lieutenant command tac, lieutenant sci/intel, lieutenant eng and ensign universal

    As for fleet version it should have an additional console slot (additional eng console for command variant or additional sci console for intelligence variant), increased max. hull points, shield modifier and shield for 10 percent, and ensign universal boff slot replaced with lieutenant universal boff slot.

    Better now? :D

    angrytarg wrote: »
    I wasn't arguing semantics, but gameplay. A Battlecruiser in STO has different base stats than a cruiser and the Sovereign is already defined as a cruiser. I think "evolved" version of ships never changed the basic ship type to such a degree. The more combat oriented thing in canon is very foggy. It's all down to fan fighting and speculation, nothing of it has on-screen reference but I really don't want to go there, it's not good for this thread :D But the Explorer classification is official, it's an "Explorer Mk. II" according to the Okudagram.

    Yes, I wasn't trying to argue either. I just wanted to say that current Sovereign isn't just a cruiser but an assault cruiser. True, battlecruiser here means different gameplay, but there's no reason why she shouldn't become battlecruiser. She is sleek, definitely more agile and more combat oriented than Galaxy for example. Sure, the explorer is official classification, but I never really liked it, because it is not true (at least not entirely), because if this was the case, then Galaxy, Sovereign and all other ships would have minimum to no weaponry at all. However we have seen that both ships are able to defeat almost any other ships from any other faction from Alpha/Beta quadrants and even further. Let's just take Intrepid for an example, which is mostly oriented towards exploration, but still can beat the TRIBBLE out of a lot of alien ships. So yes, officially they might be called explorers, but unofficially they are everything else than just that. And it seems to me that at the time of STO, that has changed drastically and there are all kinds of designation for Federation ships (some are even called dreadnought and battleships).
    angrytarg wrote: »
    Exactly, more advanced =/= more powerful. And on-screen only the Galaxy Enterprise wa called "most powerful". When the Sovereign came around they did not choose to say "most powerful" but "most advanced". That was my point, but this is also canon discussion which shouldn't take place here.

    Maybe it was that so, I can't quite remember atm, because I haven't watched TNG or TNG movies for quite some time now. However, in the case of Sovereign, I'm pretty certain that in her case advanced does mean more powerful.
    angrytarg wrote: »
    I have some thoughts about this, albeit all is speculation. Intelligence is Sci/Tac, Command is Eng/Tac. We need someting with a Eng/Sci flavour next, maybe operations?

    In that case it would be for the best to create all three variants (command, intelligence and that third one we haven't figured out yet), because not of all people would like to go with just one specific variant. As I'm more biased toward eng/tac myself, I know that only eng/sci variant wouldn't please me.

    Btw, I didn't wanted to make Sovereign vs. Galaxy discussion (I like both ships actually), but since some of the people pulled that one off, I must respond as well.
    Yes, some of you might want to stone me for this, but Sovereign is more powerful ship and reasons for that we saw on screen. While Galaxy has type X phaser arrays, Sovereign has type XII which are more powerful, and besides that it has more phaser arrays altogether. She has also more torpedo launcher and quantum torpedoes as well which Galaxy don't (at least we didn't saw her firing one). Sovereign also has more powerful warp core, shields and armor as well and probably higher structural integrity field as well.
    FED ENG: FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC: ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta): LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member
  • raj011raj011 Member Posts: 987 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    For the T6 Sovereign they could, also with the added slots, introduce new type of regenerative shielding or a shield system similar to the one on In ST Nemesis? The T6 Sovereign should be post nemesis at least. As for design there is apparently 2 types that John Eaves has done for the post nemesis Enterprise E design, which is on his website. I think they should introduce both of them or at least the second design. Also maybe introduce rapid fire phaser arrays, which fire at a faster rate the standard phasers do. I agree the stats should be equal at least to the latest Federation ships.
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