I think people would love to be able to 'image' one ship they own onto another one.
What i mean is, apply the skin/model of a ship to the stats/abilities of another ship.
I dont know if its possible to do, but if it is, I think it would be a much loved change, and would also boost sales, since people would buy c-store ships just to get the image for another ship.
"Hey, that ship looks really cool but I don't like the boff layout, consoles, etc" would never be an issue again.
Also, "that ship seems great but i don't like how it looks."
These issues could be solved in a way that made a lot of people happy!
P.S. -> you could even sell an 'image' token in the c-store
Please think about it!
Especially since it doesn't make sense.
Imagine someone picking the Defiant as a slow-turning engineering heavy carrier that pops some Breen Pet Frigates.
Or the Vo'Quv as Battle Cloaking Bird of Prey that turns on a dime.
It would look nonsensical.
Nonsensical idea is nonsensical. Intel, FAW and science mean nothing in here.
Personally, I'd like to see Reputation sets unlock a customization 'Material' once you get the complete set.. kind of like how ground sets unlock skins.
That said, I suspect they have to define materials on a per-ship basis.. which would be more than a little daunting each time they make a new rep.
Besides, there are already holo-emitters for that.
Ship-skins, however, where you can slot a 'skin' project for wearing full space gear sets you own (akin to what you can do with ground armor), now THAT is something I'd get behind!
I for one would like that as an option - I do want a K'tinga for my Klingons but really don't like the BOFF layout. If I could have Kamarag BOFF seating on the K'tinga I'd be much happier
Heresy! Apostasy!
(In all seriousness, I think this is a really good idea, but one that will never happen due to the end-game Constitution issue already mentioned.)
link costume and turnrates, inertia etc to each other.
free boff seating from costume
make the costume bring the "class", by giving passive bonuses to specific skills.
case a) so you could fly a galaxy with commander tactical, but the ship, the galaxy will heavily favor engineering skills with buffs (+hullhealing, +shieldhealing, energy +level skills)
case b) you could fly a defiant with a commander engineering or commander science, but the defiant costume will favor tactical bonus to specific skills (+torpedo/energy weapon skills dmg, + to all attackpatterns, etc)
but, in the long run, you will exactly end where we are now:
boff seatings represent, how FAR, DEEP or Good a ship can be in a specific role ...
but in the end:
never gonna happen, cause you cannot sell costumes for 30/$ ...
and basically its not necessary at all.
specific ship designs can only perform things they are meant to do. this is the essence of "shipclasses" in this game, otherwise (or trekwise) cruisers would always outperform anything in everything per logic, aside from turnrate and speed.
ship and performance potential go hand in hand. its the very basis of this game.
Could always limit it so that you can only choose a T5/T6 ship to image - endgame Connie issue solved! (At least, in my non programmer, non-game dev head!)
EDIT: The other possibility (again, no idea how hard this would be to do) is to update the ship tailor with components from other similar classes of ship you already own. They do this already to a degree with 3 piece ship bundles etc.
Another solution for the endgame connie would be to also limit the image for a desired ship to within its own tier level.
Two options to do this:
1. Sell Ship Holoemitters from the C-Store and just allowing for Faction Material skin use on claimed non-Faction ships and 7-day Holoemitters to change your ship's visual into any other ship of your Faction. One time use, 100 Zen. Remains active for 7 days (auto-disables when entering PvP). Cannot be sold on the Exchange. Must be equipped into a Device Slot. Can be toggled on or off. Holo-emitter visuals (that show it's a holo-emitter "skin", similar to the momentary "static" that you see in Holoemitter ships or ground personnel) deactivated while in combat. Cannot change ship visual once selected (first use lets you choose the ship you want to project over the hull, but is set thereafter until it expires).
Lobi versions would be available to mimic non-faction ships and are tradeable, just for equal opportunity.
2. Offer an alternate UI option called "Canon" that changes what non-Faction ships look like in sector and local space (any non-combat zone). The Sheshar used by a Fed would show up as a Jupiter Dreadnought to a KDF, Romulan, or another Fed player with the UI "Canon" Overlay for example, or a Rom Sheshar would appear as a Scimitar (Scimitar x2 when separated). Or a KDF-aligned Astika showing up as a Vort'cha. Or a Fed-aligned Samsar showing up as a Galaxy.
The ship variants are able to kit-bash eachother because they were made specifically to do so. In an interview with one of the artists (I believe it was on StoKed a long time ago), he explained how the geometry worked with that.
Simply said, you couldn't put a Vesta saucer on a Magellan, or mix and match warbird wings. They would need to rearrange each attachment point for every ship to fit every other ship. Otherwise, we'd have saucers and wings floating above, below, in front, behind, or simply way off to the sides of ships.
Now THIS would be completely doable. It may outrage some hardcore PvPers as it could be considered as trying to mislead the opponent on what's being used on the ship, though.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
The balancing factor would be the hologram flickering effect you see when using the holo disguise D7 in that time warp mission I can't remember the name of. So a player can use a ship that looks like another, other players can tell straight away that the ship is disguised and charging Latinum for it would make use of the mostly redundant currency.
Everyone wins.
Well it COULD be allowed to a limited degree.
Like escorts using escort skins only, sci ship sci skinse, cruisers cruiser skins ect. And some skins in beween...
I'd certainly be much more willing to buy an ugly Intel escort if I can make it look like my Kumari....
I mean if we consider our ships as "tools" then this is something done in other games, too.
In guild wars I can make my sword easyly look like another sword or my bow look like another bow, my armor like another armor. (A system they should have for ground weapons anyway^^)
I just can't have a bow looking like a sword.
But that would probably in some way cut their income or so they probably believe.... I it won't happen.
The whole thing was actually suggested a lot back in the beginning of the game when we had about 9 t 5 ships in the entire game (3 kdf 6 fed) and people wanted to use lower level ship skins like the defiance or Galaxy..
Really? It used to be possible. We used to have a hell lot of fun going into pvp with holo emitters cloaking us as frighters..... With the enemy having no idea what he's actually fighting^^
Good old times when pvp was fun...
That being said...I can a degree of limitation should be appropriate. There should be a class, weight or size limit. Big cruisers could swap hulls or parts among themselves for example. And then you can limit it to ships you own and have mastered.
This would solve alot for me. I love the Bortasqu hull but love the mogh stats. I also would love to rearrange some parts from various raptors.