We all know it is coming! So what ships do you think it will be? I hope the come with new skins what ever they are. I personally want to see an updated dreadnaught class ship. When federation prepare for battle they always come out with a new ship that said you messed with the wrong people. That was my first thought when I first saw Enterprise-E. Hope PWE/Cryptic give use a ship that says this.
AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
Windows 10 Pro
Intel Core i7-5700
2 Titan GTX 980M GDDR5 8 GB
The leakers came up with another 9-pack a la the Dysons.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
We all know it is coming! So what ships do you think it will be? I hope the come with new skins what ever they are. I personally want to see an updated dreadnaught class ship. When federation prepare for battle they always come out with a new ship that said you messed with the wrong people. That was my first thought when I first saw Enterprise-E. Hope PWE/Cryptic give use a ship that says this.
I dont look in the Cryptic Store anymore, but I did notice your commbadge is not in it's proper location...
So... Whatever ships it will be, it will probably be expensive.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
According to certain sources, the outlines of the Romulan ships look promising, the outlines of the Fed ships look meh, and the outlines of the KDF just look like TRIBBLE.
One Romulan ship sort of reminds me of Virgin Spaceline's Spaceship Two. The other two have a more organic bird shape as far as their outline goes. Of course, there's the possibility of them looking good on outline and being disappointing in final execution.
All 3 Fed ships look like anorexic older siblings of the Nova/Rhode Island-class if you were to take it and stretch it out into a traditional Fed cruiser shape. In other words, they really don't look like proper Command ships. But that's subject to change depending on their size and customizability.
KDF trio seems to have a Klingon style, an Orion style, and a Gorn style outline. They don't look very promising either, but that too is subject to change upon their actual size and customizability.
My real question is if each of them will have 3 Mastery traits for each Class type (Tac/Sci/Eng), or 1 trait just shared across all 3. Much less if the trait is shared across all Factions. I would assume 3 separate traits for each ship, but shared across all Factions for the same ship class (All Tac variants get the same Mastery Trait, for example). That way, Cryptic can't be accused of playing favorites, but at the same time, still indirectly encouraging collection of all 3 (not just for Consoles, but for Mastery Traits as well now).
That would be pretty hilarious if Feds also got 2 Warbirds and 2 KDF ships by freak coding accident (such as forgetting to change the faction access identifiers to Romulan or KDF after copy-pasting the Fed versions for editing).
following Cryptic's pattern from the Delta release, it'll be 7 FEd ships, 1 KDF, 1 Romulan.
If Cryptic/PWE released the same number of ships for KDF and Romulans as they did for Fed with the intell stuff I'd say even across the board based on the leaks. Since they didn't do that, I'm inclined to agree with this assessment. Cryptic favors Feds.
KDF trio seems to have a Klingon style, an Orion style, and a Gorn style outline. They don't look very promising either, but that too is subject to change upon their actual size and customizability.
I don't think any amount of customizability is going to be able to save the KDF ships to be honest. That said though, with the number of ships being released (compared to the Intel ships), it wouldn't half surprise me in the Command ships don't have any customizability. if any of them do, it'll likely be FED, and FED alone.
According to certain sources, the outlines of the Romulan ships look promising, the outlines of the Fed ships look meh, and the outlines of the KDF just look like TRIBBLE.
One Romulan ship sort of reminds me of Virgin Spaceline's Spaceship Two. The other two have a more organic bird shape as far as their outline goes. Of course, there's the possibility of them looking good on outline and being disappointing in final execution.
All 3 Fed ships look like anorexic older siblings of the Nova/Rhode Island-class if you were to take it and stretch it out into a traditional Fed cruiser shape. In other words, they really don't look like proper Command ships. But that's subject to change depending on their size and customizability.
See this is why I advocate for making ships from the shows like the Galaxy competitive (or at the very least allow the skin to be toggable on new ships that Cryptic sells like the guardian the same way the Intrepid skin can be used on the Pathfinder) even though people insist "ships old, should be sub par". Fact of the matter is Cryptic isn't very adept at modeling a new trekish design from scratch and making it look good.
Most people don't come to a game called Star Trek Online to play some distorted TRIBBLE child monstrosity of a ship unrecognizable from canon. They play it to fly the iconic ships they know from the shows. Yet doing so carries with it a penalty. And besides, with 100 year old Excels and 200 year old T'varo's kicking serious TRIBBLE in the 25th century, any pretenses of "balance" or "technology progression" are basically out the window already. Might better just drop this delusional belief that this is working and just let us have fun.
and the rom ones look very convincing ;-) also the fed ones seem to base upon the dreadnought class vengeance with differen saucer shapes. i just hope the tac one isnt the eggshaped one this time ... eww i hate (overly) eggshaped saucers. (oddy is fine ^^)
they also could be derivations of the oddyssey - its not so cleatly visible from the shapes ^^
i just hope, since they are BCs, they all come with at least the lt com tactical stations. the samsar is nice and the command spec is also, but only using HY1 / spread1 on your torp exploits is lame ^^
Well, since it's a violation of the forum TOS to discuss anything Cryptic themselves have not leaked to us; I probably wouldn't be discussing anything here that a certain site might have discovered as if I were spending any time there.
I would have approached it from the position of what Cryptic themselves have leaked to us and taken it from there, yeah?
Do you have the Kobali Samsar Cruiser? Did you look at the Regenerative Integrity Field console that it comes with? Did you notice it lists a 4pc set bonus? Here, let me link an image...this is from Holodeck: http://i.imgur.com/QJDNX6q.png
So yeah, that 4pc bonus tells me the ships are going to be Command Battlecruisers. That there are three of them and each appears to have the following: Fleet Support - Tachyon Pulse - Defense :as their respective platforms, tells me that I'm probably looking at an Eng, Sci, and Tac based ship.
Then I'm going to start wondering what that Inspiration bit means...Inspirational Leader comes to mind...but then because I've been around these parts for a wee bit of time, something else jumps out at me as a thought.
I remember the introduction of the Bortasqu' and Odyssey...10 console ships in a mainly 9 console world. So I'm looking at a 4pc console set here, and I'm thinking these might just be T6 11 console boats; meaning they're Fleet-level Zen boats. Basically, these are probably going to cost at least 3500 Zen each instead of 3000 Zen. Which leaves me wondering what the pricing on a 3pack of 3500 Zen boats will be when a 3pack of 2500 Zen boats was 5000 Zen.
Then as I'm thinking about that, I think about what else came around the time of the Bort/Ody...and that was Fleet Ships themselves with Season 6. So they've said Season 10 is going to be late Spring, and there I am thinking that S10's going to be adding the Fleet T6 ships.
All because they listed a 4pc set bonus with some info on the Kobali console.
In thinking about what the ships might look like, I'm going to think about the feedback given about the Intel ships, Cryptic saying those only looked that way because they were Intel, and that other ships would look more like standard ships...so I'm going to figure them for looking like "expected" KDF, Fed, and Rom ships.
Course, since folks mentioned some other additional KDF ship there...er...I'm going to wander over to a certain site to take a look. Cause that might interesting.
I'm guessing it will be announced at the end of the month or the beginning of the next month. I do miss the teased leaks they use to do for up coming ships.
AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
Windows 10 Pro
Intel Core i7-5700
2 Titan GTX 980M GDDR5 8 GB
If Cryptic/PWE released the same number of ships for KDF and Romulans as they did for Fed with the intell stuff I'd say even across the board based on the leaks. Since they didn't do that, I'm inclined to agree with this assessment. Cryptic favors Feds.
I'm not sure why anyone's surprised by this; the Federation WAS the most driving force between all five series, and all the movies
That's so much material to draw on - the KDF and Romulans have a lot of their canonical stuff already, and making completely new stuff is more time-consuming, to put it mildly
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
All 3 Fed ships look like anorexic older siblings of the Nova/Rhode Island-class if you were to take it and stretch it out into a traditional Fed cruiser shape. In other words, they really don't look like proper Command ships. But that's subject to change depending on their size and customizability.
I believe those new Fed ships may be based on Fuzzy Modem's Design the Next Enterprise design, which won the popular vote, with the variants sporting more of a 2410 look ala the Guardian Cruiser.
I believe those new Fed ships may be based on Fuzzy Modem's Design the Next Enterprise design, which won the popular vote, with the variants sporting more of a 2410 look ala the Guardian Cruiser.
Looking at those images from that competition, it does look like it could be.
If that's what they're based off of, and half as good, then those would substantially improve the possible end result.
I'm not sure why anyone's surprised by this; the Federation WAS the most driving force between all five series, and all the movies
That's so much material to draw on - the KDF and Romulans have a lot of their canonical stuff already, and making completely new stuff is more time-consuming, to put it mildly
Your right, it's better if Cryptic would do what amounts to leaving the Horde without the next Tier of equipment while giving the Alliance all new top tier gear. The other factions created for the game don't really need to be kept up to speed with the one you like.
I believe those new Fed ships may be based on Fuzzy Modem's Design the Next Enterprise design, which won the popular vote, with the variants sporting more of a 2410 look ala the Guardian Cruiser.
I'm not sure where you see that. I think - if they have a basis anywhere with the Design the Next Enterprise contest - that thier silhouette seems to have more to do with the 2nd place entry.
I hope these Command ships are flagship upgrades to Tier 6 with alternate skins.
Hope springs eternal, right?
I kind of agree. After seeing how the Intrepid/Pathfinder got treated, that seemed to me like -the- thing to do.
Not to mention implementing new skins to the Odyssey/Bortas'qu could've lent those ships more customization (I'd have mentioned the scimitar, but that one isn't short on customization options).
I also thought it'd be an handy way for the ShipDevs to provide something people have been asking; an Odyssey alternate skin could've been inspired off the Typhoon-class battleship (and yet people liking the T6 features could've stuck with using the Odyssey skin and using its universal consoles, even).
Your right, it's better if Cryptic would do what amounts to leaving the Horde without the next Tier of equipment while giving the Alliance all new top tier gear. The other factions created for the game don't really need to be kept up to speed with the one you like.
If by that you think I meant 'they should only make Fed stuff', you're mistaken. And besides, I like all three factions
I'm just saying it's not a surprise that there's so much Fed stuff to draw inspiration from, whereas the KDF and RR have most of their stuff already in, so anything new has to be completely-new (which takes time to think up, plan out, edit, etc)
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
I'm not sure where you see that. I think - if they have a basis anywhere with the Design the Next Enterprise contest - that thier silhouette seems to have more to do with the 2nd place entry.
2nd place became the Avenger.
3rd place would be a Science ship given the secondary deflector.
4th place became the Chimera.
I wouldn't mind seeing the one that looked like a cross between the Sovvie, the Connie, and the JJ-prise. That would likely be a multifunction support cruiser given STO's overall design classifications though. I could see that one being a lighter cruiser but offset by being the first with multiple spec BO slots.
I believe those new Fed ships may be based on Fuzzy Modem's Design the Next Enterprise design, which won the popular vote, with the variants sporting more of a 2410 look ala the Guardian Cruiser.
The general idea of their shape reminds me more of the Aegian-class from Armada 2.
Apologies for posting an off-topic query, but the whole 'next Enterprise' thing passed me by - can't recall why, but I took almost no interest in it.
So how did this work? How did a design win the popular vote yet NOT make it into the game?
It wasn't a popular vote by the players, at least not in the community. A team on the Cryptic/CBS side picked the winner.
This is not a value judgement. THere was a vote whether the next story content would be about, and people did pick the Delta Quadrant, even though I always hear people that Voyager is the worst series ever (except perhaps Enterprise), so who ever would have won would have won by popular vote would not necessarily have been any better.
I think the circular "double neck" feature was something that set the ship apart and made it look interesting. Though I would have gone in a different direction when finalizing the design for the game - make the circular area a Vulcan style Warp Engine for the seperated Saucer... But of course, whether that would have actually looked good (certainly if I had done it ) is also another question.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
I am going to say... i heard rumors
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
I dont look in the Cryptic Store anymore, but I did notice your commbadge is not in it's proper location...
So... Whatever ships it will be, it will probably be expensive.
What star said... Edit: WHAT a great rumor
Btw congratz on the 6k forumy post
One Romulan ship sort of reminds me of Virgin Spaceline's Spaceship Two. The other two have a more organic bird shape as far as their outline goes. Of course, there's the possibility of them looking good on outline and being disappointing in final execution.
All 3 Fed ships look like anorexic older siblings of the Nova/Rhode Island-class if you were to take it and stretch it out into a traditional Fed cruiser shape. In other words, they really don't look like proper Command ships. But that's subject to change depending on their size and customizability.
KDF trio seems to have a Klingon style, an Orion style, and a Gorn style outline. They don't look very promising either, but that too is subject to change upon their actual size and customizability.
My real question is if each of them will have 3 Mastery traits for each Class type (Tac/Sci/Eng), or 1 trait just shared across all 3. Much less if the trait is shared across all Factions. I would assume 3 separate traits for each ship, but shared across all Factions for the same ship class (All Tac variants get the same Mastery Trait, for example). That way, Cryptic can't be accused of playing favorites, but at the same time, still indirectly encouraging collection of all 3 (not just for Consoles, but for Mastery Traits as well now).
If Cryptic/PWE released the same number of ships for KDF and Romulans as they did for Fed with the intell stuff I'd say even across the board based on the leaks. Since they didn't do that, I'm inclined to agree with this assessment. Cryptic favors Feds.
I don't think any amount of customizability is going to be able to save the KDF ships to be honest. That said though, with the number of ships being released (compared to the Intel ships), it wouldn't half surprise me in the Command ships don't have any customizability. if any of them do, it'll likely be FED, and FED alone.
See this is why I advocate for making ships from the shows like the Galaxy competitive (or at the very least allow the skin to be toggable on new ships that Cryptic sells like the guardian the same way the Intrepid skin can be used on the Pathfinder) even though people insist "ships old, should be sub par". Fact of the matter is Cryptic isn't very adept at modeling a new trekish design from scratch and making it look good.
Most people don't come to a game called Star Trek Online to play some distorted TRIBBLE child monstrosity of a ship unrecognizable from canon. They play it to fly the iconic ships they know from the shows. Yet doing so carries with it a penalty. And besides, with 100 year old Excels and 200 year old T'varo's kicking serious TRIBBLE in the 25th century, any pretenses of "balance" or "technology progression" are basically out the window already. Might better just drop this delusional belief that this is working and just let us have fun.
they also could be derivations of the oddyssey - its not so cleatly visible from the shapes ^^
i just hope, since they are BCs, they all come with at least the lt com tactical stations. the samsar is nice and the command spec is also, but only using HY1 / spread1 on your torp exploits is lame ^^
I would have approached it from the position of what Cryptic themselves have leaked to us and taken it from there, yeah?
Do you have the Kobali Samsar Cruiser? Did you look at the Regenerative Integrity Field console that it comes with? Did you notice it lists a 4pc set bonus? Here, let me link an image...this is from Holodeck: http://i.imgur.com/QJDNX6q.png
So yeah, that 4pc bonus tells me the ships are going to be Command Battlecruisers. That there are three of them and each appears to have the following: Fleet Support - Tachyon Pulse - Defense :as their respective platforms, tells me that I'm probably looking at an Eng, Sci, and Tac based ship.
Then I'm going to start wondering what that Inspiration bit means...Inspirational Leader comes to mind...but then because I've been around these parts for a wee bit of time, something else jumps out at me as a thought.
I remember the introduction of the Bortasqu' and Odyssey...10 console ships in a mainly 9 console world. So I'm looking at a 4pc console set here, and I'm thinking these might just be T6 11 console boats; meaning they're Fleet-level Zen boats. Basically, these are probably going to cost at least 3500 Zen each instead of 3000 Zen. Which leaves me wondering what the pricing on a 3pack of 3500 Zen boats will be when a 3pack of 2500 Zen boats was 5000 Zen.
Then as I'm thinking about that, I think about what else came around the time of the Bort/Ody...and that was Fleet Ships themselves with Season 6. So they've said Season 10 is going to be late Spring, and there I am thinking that S10's going to be adding the Fleet T6 ships.
All because they listed a 4pc set bonus with some info on the Kobali console.
In thinking about what the ships might look like, I'm going to think about the feedback given about the Intel ships, Cryptic saying those only looked that way because they were Intel, and that other ships would look more like standard ships...so I'm going to figure them for looking like "expected" KDF, Fed, and Rom ships.
Course, since folks mentioned some other additional KDF ship there...er...I'm going to wander over to a certain site to take a look. Cause that might interesting.
3 Federation ships
3 Klingon ships
3 Romulan ships
I'm guessing it will be announced at the end of the month or the beginning of the next month. I do miss the teased leaks they use to do for up coming ships.
Windows 10 Pro
Intel Core i7-5700
2 Titan GTX 980M GDDR5 8 GB
Hope springs eternal, right?
That's so much material to draw on - the KDF and Romulans have a lot of their canonical stuff already, and making completely new stuff is more time-consuming, to put it mildly
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
I believe those new Fed ships may be based on Fuzzy Modem's Design the Next Enterprise design, which won the popular vote, with the variants sporting more of a 2410 look ala the Guardian Cruiser.
If that's what they're based off of, and half as good, then those would substantially improve the possible end result.
Your right, it's better if Cryptic would do what amounts to leaving the Horde without the next Tier of equipment while giving the Alliance all new top tier gear. The other factions created for the game don't really need to be kept up to speed with the one you like.
I'm not sure where you see that. I think - if they have a basis anywhere with the Design the Next Enterprise contest - that thier silhouette seems to have more to do with the 2nd place entry.
I kind of agree. After seeing how the Intrepid/Pathfinder got treated, that seemed to me like -the- thing to do.
Not to mention implementing new skins to the Odyssey/Bortas'qu could've lent those ships more customization (I'd have mentioned the scimitar, but that one isn't short on customization options).
I also thought it'd be an handy way for the ShipDevs to provide something people have been asking; an Odyssey alternate skin could've been inspired off the Typhoon-class battleship (and yet people liking the T6 features could've stuck with using the Odyssey skin and using its universal consoles, even).
I'm just saying it's not a surprise that there's so much Fed stuff to draw inspiration from, whereas the KDF and RR have most of their stuff already in, so anything new has to be completely-new (which takes time to think up, plan out, edit, etc)
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
2nd place became the Avenger.
3rd place would be a Science ship given the secondary deflector.
4th place became the Chimera.
I wouldn't mind seeing the one that looked like a cross between the Sovvie, the Connie, and the JJ-prise. That would likely be a multifunction support cruiser given STO's overall design classifications though. I could see that one being a lighter cruiser but offset by being the first with multiple spec BO slots.
The general idea of their shape reminds me more of the Aegian-class from Armada 2.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
How's that for bold.....
It wasn't a popular vote by the players, at least not in the community. A team on the Cryptic/CBS side picked the winner.
This is not a value judgement. THere was a vote whether the next story content would be about, and people did pick the Delta Quadrant, even though I always hear people that Voyager is the worst series ever (except perhaps Enterprise), so who ever would have won would have won by popular vote would not necessarily have been any better.
I think the circular "double neck" feature was something that set the ship apart and made it look interesting. Though I would have gone in a different direction when finalizing the design for the game - make the circular area a Vulcan style Warp Engine for the seperated Saucer... But of course, whether that would have actually looked good (certainly if I had done it