I'm doing the undine infiltration, stopping maybe max 15 sec to read the clues. For the rest I was running all over the place. The team failed the mission (didn't defended the orb correctly). Anyway, back at ESD I'm like ok, let's do the undine assault instead. But I can't, what I see...
2h AFK penalty

What the...! :mad:
Looks like I'm not the only one to complaint so far. I don't think this thing work as intended because thousands of player already complained about being penalized for nothing.
So until they do something that work CORRECTLY, this system should be removed.
Anyone else want to express their frustration? :rolleyes:
You don't receive a 2hr afk penalty in undine infiltration, unless you are actually afk.
If the mission failed, than it would have the leave option button, with timer ticking down before being booted from the map.
Why is that?
Because I have run this mission countless times, mostly succeeding, whilst some fails here and there and, not once have I ever seen nor, been handed a freaking afk penalty for doing nothing but running around questioning the npcs, before engaging the informant and, entering the cave if we make it this far.
Sorry, I for 1 do not buy into this story at all and, like my signature in yellow says VVV!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
They don't need to. Apparently thousands already have.
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The only ground I've had AFK problems on has been BHE. But touch wood that's just been the one time.
In space? Yeah, the AFK system is still definitely bugged.
OP, ignore shadowwraith77. He doesn't know what he's talking about here. Showing a bit too much hubris in his post as well just makes him look more foolish.
If the system is penalizing players who aren't AFK, it should be deactivated until such time as it can be fixed. This just encourages me to stay away from the queues even more now.
What needs to happen is if a player is AFK for a specified amount of time, say 60 secs, the system auto-boots and applies the penalty. This should resolve the aforementioned issue. I still see a few people who AFK during STF's and it rightly miffs me off that they get a reward at the end for just sitting there.
The current "1% damage" will render false positives in some situations while no doubt being easy for real AFKers to get around by doing that 1% damage before going AFK.
The "X seconds idle" suggestion would be overcome simply by weighing down a movement button or something.
Etc, etc...
And despite all the crying on the forums, I've never seen many AFKers in queues, before or after the penalty implementation.
So yes, they should remove the whole thing.
Sorry but, a bunch of people claiming it is bugged and, not showing any actual proof, I say are full of TRIBBLE.
Get over it and, enjoy your penalty!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
umm. this falls within my experience, iv seen it happen
SO YEAH, if you're going the interrogation route, be sure to shoot as many Bajorans on the map as you can. :P
I'm actually laughing at this post....thanks dude. Talk about full of TRIBBLE... :rolleyes:
Yet to be disproved so, not WAI.
People are not claiming, it has happened to them. Can you show proof it is not bugged?? Just because in your experience it has never happened, doesn't mean it can't.
What a prat, your bridge is calling.
Not where it has been stated a system was designed to work a certain way and then it doesn't. I dunno if I missed the bit where they said people would get penalised at random or something.
However if we were to have a list of all acknowledged bugs in the game, it'd possibly be a long list.
Ignoring complaints is also not an admission something is working.
That's nice. Still doesn't mean it's not happening.
Not everypone records videos. Not everyone expects to be called a liar. There is other issues in the game where videos or pictures aren't need to prove anything. More than one person has said it's happened to them.
Ummm. No, no they don't. If anyone is guilty of anything here however, it is you for such a nonsensical post. Thanks for contributing though.
I could try to record something, if people REALLY need to see it for themselves. I'll do as I did before, focus on interrogations but not fire on anybody, or put out flames since that seems to count as damage.
Of course, you can always just queue up yourself, or get together with friends or fleetmates and experiment. Like I said, I believe the reason I got the penalty after failing to defend the orb was because I didn't show up as being active due to not attacking NPCs.
actually this is not entirely true, I remember someone posting a video of a borg space stf a few weeks ago.....of course the video showed he was wasting a lot of time and his build was awful so maybe that's a bad example
He was effectively afk that run. In a several minute long CSA (or perhaps normal, I don't remember seeing), it's obvious there were no uber-dps'ers, and it was also obvious that he basically did nothing that run. He managed to spend perhaps all of 15 seconds with a target in range selected, and he wasn't even firing during all of that time. There is no possible way for the game to tell the difference between someone not wanting to help the team trying to skirt the penalty and someone doing exactly what he did, and again, the AFK penalty exists to ensure that everyone has some kind of a meaningful contribution, which we can all agree he didnt.
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EDIT: Apparently one of the TRIBBLE managed to psi-blast the orb... lol
I'll upload that second one if anyone wants to see it. :P
Possibly. Another reason is people don't want to fail with people who are either trolling the queues or just have no idea whatsoever on methods etc. A lot of STF runs are now done through channels.
...other people in this thread, just said they got one without reason too or know players that got also false positives.
Well, I'm SOOO sorry that I don't record ALL of my queues just in case I got a false positive! :rolleyes: lol
The day that I got a AFK penalty and I am really AFK, I will be humble enough to accept it and shut my mouth. But that's not what happened. Simple as that sir!
Btw, english is not my first language so give me a chance about my grammar :P
Yes, very bad example!
Do you believe everything on the internet?
Poster's can say all they want but, it has yet to be proven it happens to the degree they complain about.
I have never had one and, this is by pretty much duplicating their so called experience.
No one I know has been given one either, unless they make a full effort to give themselves one.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!