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Anniversary Personal Log (Part 1)



  • bense2355bense2355 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Well, who else had a close personal relationship with Harry?

    Oh TRIBBLE, I'd love them to bring in/back Robert Duncan McNeill, but that's just not going to happen.
  • jokerhuntrjokerhuntr Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Starfleet Intelligence has just intercepted an unusual transmission! It appears to be a personal log, detailing the thoughts of a Kobali. See what you can decipher, Captains and stay tuned for more information.

    You can read the report here.


    I despise the Kobali and wish we had allied ourselves(Romulan Republic) with the Vaadwuur instead. As I was playing Kobali storyline, I grew to hate them and understand why the Vaadwuur were attacking Kobali Prime. Now they kidnapped Harry, renamed his corpse this 'Keten'...God I hope SF changes route and we go after the Kobali in upcoming episodes :mad:
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Here's a Youtube video with the backstory so far:

  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    hehehehehe, so instead of retriving harry kims dead body - as was on some megathread - now you will him alive...on diferent form, hehe.
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jokerhuntr wrote: »
    I despise the Kobali and wish we had allied ourselves(Romulan Republic) with the Vaadwuur instead. As I was playing Kobali storyline, I grew to hate them and understand why the Vaadwuur were attacking Kobali Prime. Now they kidnapped Harry, renamed his corpse this 'Keten'...God I hope SF changes route and we go after the Kobali in upcoming episodes :mad:

    What is bad in tring to keep your race alive ? do you they loved - ar they love- that they do it only by reanimating dead of other races ? don you think they will much more like if they reproduced normal way ?
  • miirikmiirik Member Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited January 2015

    I hated the episode and i watched it the first time it aired all those years ago.

    Stealing bodies, can't leave them ever, bleh.

    Kim Kobali needs to go into a rampage and forcefully change the whole system, a sort of "I AM THE LAST ONE, NO MORE AFTER ME!" Either goes on a kobali genocide or finds a cure for their illness that makes them unable to breed and force them back to their ancient ways.
  • andarynandaryn Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    This is all well and good, but to bring back a Harry in a story line that was pretty meh to begin with. Come on STO really. You couldn't do more with the second Doctor, or Kes? Oh well we'll see where it leads. I am really not a fan of peoples corpses being brought back to technically live again but only as someone 'else' ish....
  • morganprice1979morganprice1979 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    (VOY) Deadlock. A version of Harry was killed by being blown out a hull breach. He was replaced by an alternate. The same as the baby Wildman. So he's dead and alive at the same time. Harry Kim is the STO Schrodinger's cat.
  • liam1331liam1331 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    And thanx to whoever posted the youtube clip, it was very good! (And I didn't want to play Kobali 101 to revisit) It has to be the Harry Kim from when he fell out the ship in Deadlock

    Let's hope that Cryptic get's this one right for a change!
  • kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I do hope, young quantum duplicate (a or b?) Harry stirs the pot as it were... "You did what to me?"....Yet as a lowly ensign he could have posed little risk to starfleet security, his knowledge being limited as it was an decades old...
  • bense2355bense2355 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    A lot of people hate those self-righteous Kobali, Bajorans, Deferi... the Deferi not so much, in my opinion. Their leaders simply suck up to the Federation so they're not getting completely annihilated and then the broad public tells everyone on my ground crew and bridge officers to go to hell.

    Let's just hand over Bajor to Cardassia and Kobali Prime to the Vaadwaur. Well, Defera and the Borg is another thing. Let's just go ballistic on the Delta quadrant and see how many factions are with us on it. Even the Romulans had to suck up to the Federation. Is it really worth the embassy stuff we're getting for all of that hassle?

    Let the Kobali rot, literally. Not interested into saving more of their butts. Bunch of vultures and body-strippers. And I'm not even saying "Prime Directive, my a**", I'm saying "Let them figure out their own sorrows". I'm basically going more prime directive than anything for this. The Federation is not the social security office of the galaxy thruout 4 sectors.
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Finding a dead body in space is an insane task to begin with. Not to mention the ships going Boom ! in the same spot. :P
  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,650 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Garrett Wang to voice duel parts for our game? I'll take it.
    (/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
  • cecil08cecil08 Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jokerhuntr wrote: »
    I despise the Kobali and wish we had allied ourselves(Romulan Republic) with the Vaadwuur instead. As I was playing Kobali storyline, I grew to hate them and understand why the Vaadwuur were attacking Kobali Prime. Now they kidnapped Harry, renamed his corpse this 'Keten'...God I hope SF changes route and we go after the Kobali in upcoming episodes :mad:

    I am not a huge fan (in character, I do enjoy their species as an interesting storyline) of the Kobali either and if you play through the Kobali arc, you can see why the Vaadwaur are fighting them. The Vaadwaur have a right to be angry as hell.

    That said, the Vaadwaur - as led by Gaul - ARE evil. Gaul had it coming to him with what he was up to.

    The end of the Kobali arc does show them showing some remorse in what they did with the Vaadwaur and making amends of sorts.
  • tuskin67tuskin67 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    If this is the Kim from "Deadlock" hes still going to think its 38 years ago, 2372

    That is if the Kobali can also repair his braincells.

    I hope they got Kim Rhodes to voice Jhet'leya
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Ugh, I hate the Kobali. I hope we get to meaningfully oppose them this time around.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,582 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Thats probably the most likely.
    So is the Kobali supposed to be Lyndsay Ballard?

    I believe the phrase is "Duh"
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Assuming this is the same Harry from Deadlock, then this will prove to be a very strange and very awkward plot line.

    Even stranger as I believe that Ensign Kim died before the discovery of the Voyager and content being duplicated. So Kobali Kim will have no memory of Captain Kim.
  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm hoping we'll get some more onto the history of the Kobali and their traditions out of this.
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  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Yep spoiler alert its Ensign Lindsay Ballard and she found the dead harry kim from the episode Deadlock. A trip down memory lane she turned kobali in episode Ashes to Ashes. So yeah the voyager that came home after that vidiian attack didn't have a harry or a baby so she said get the baby and then harry lived happily ever after. Now his dead body must be an elachi-kobali hybrid that will become the galactic overlord of our galaxy.

    You will bend to his will or pay a small fee of 8k dilithium a day to remain free.
  • lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I came to exactly that same conclusion. The moment I saw "Voyager," I immediately knew this person was Lyndsay Ballard. And then she mentioned Harry Kim, and I instinctively suspected she might have located the original Harry Kim, the one who was airlocked during a hull breech. If that proves true, the body should be remarkably well-preserved.
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  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    lindaleff wrote: »
    I came to exactly that same conclusion. The moment I saw "Voyager," I immediately knew this person was Lyndsay Ballard. And then she mentioned Harry Kim, and I instinctively suspected she might have located the original Harry Kim, the one who was airlocked during a hull breech. If that proves true, the body should be remarkably well-preserved.

    Yep except its a trap he's really an elachi-iconian made love child to be the trojan horse to destroy the federation and put the klingon empire into one giant targ hunt. The alpha quadrant is doomed once the kobali start making more of themselves they will all be dead human elachi's.
  • mvp333mvp333 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So, from Eternal Ensign Kim to Eternal Umare Keten. He'll probably save twelve planets, singlehandedly defeat the remnants of the Vaadwaur Supremacy while the rest of his race is disabled, but he'll never make it to Anak. EVER.
  • marcusblackwell7marcusblackwell7 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    canis36 wrote: »
    So is it Captain Harry or one of his clones ill-fated clones? (And I really should finish up the Kobali Prime storyline, it might actually answer that question).

    in season 1 voyger their was time shift and one ship became 2 one ship had problems and hHrry was working to fix it a part of the ship decompressed harry was sucked out into space aka dead floting harry. in space his ship mates new this the second voyager told their Harry kim to go to that ship they blowed their up so one may live ad harry was the repacement the other kim must have been found floting in space by the koblli . sorry I spell bad .
  • mhirtescmhirtesc Member Posts: 581 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Starfleet Intelligence has just intercepted an unusual transmission! It appears to be a personal log, detailing the thoughts of a Kobali. See what you can decipher, Captains and stay tuned for more information.

    You can read the report here.


    So, the NSA is working for Starfleet in the 24th Century?
  • isrorisror Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So they are giving us a Dirty Harry DOFF?
  • knightnbluknightnblu Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What gets me with this part of the storyline is that nobody, save Harry Kim, even looks at the moral implications of Kobali rebirth. And who gets Shanghaied and turned into a Kobali? Harry Kim. Let's look at this situation objectively. First the Kobali go playing with forces that they don't fully understand, and like a six year old playing with a loaded gun, they end up shooting themselves. The wound is fatal, but they find a way to turn the dead of other peoples into Kobali and their customs be darned.

    What gives them the right to do that? Sure you could say that they have a right to self preservation, but how does that override the death expectations of other cultures? It isn't as if they sought permission similar to organ donation, no they just hijack your corpse and your family and culture can go hang. If the Kobali can re-animate your corpse and turn it into a Kobali, why can't they re-ignite the living process and return the dead to life as you were? If they can do that, why can't the repair the damage to their own genetics? Have they even tried to seek the help of other more advanced races to repair their foul up so that they don't have to dig up the recently deceased?

    Nope, they just snag some poor iteration of Harry Kim and do the dirty on him. The Kobali are in effect a parasitical race. They live off of the other species dead. In fact, the Kobali doomed their race to extinction when they tried to play God and destroyed their ability to re-produce. Now they turn to grave robbing to keep the race afloat and all Starfleet has to say about it is "prime directive?' I'm sorry, but the Kobali wrote their own check long ago. Why should the other races be forced to pay for it?

    The only thing I'm wondering is if Cryptic will explore any of these issues or gloss them over with a heavy sugar coat.
  • themetalstickmanthemetalstickman Member Posts: 1,010 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What's the Kobali equivalent of Ensign? ;)

    Probably Umare.

    Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.

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  • themetalstickmanthemetalstickman Member Posts: 1,010 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    veryth12 wrote: »
    You are mostly right. In the episode the entire ship was duplicated. There is no "original" or "Duplicate" now though. It was never clear in the episode which ship was actually the "extra" one. In addition, the duplication process created quantum duplicates, so it was not like Voyager was photocopied, with one clearly a copy. It was two originals (like if you order two copies of your birth certificate, they do not copy the second, they print you two originals).

    But just to be extra clear, they are never clear in that episode which ship was the "real" one and which was the duplicate.

    In fact, both Voyagers thought they they were the original and the other the duplicate. Every atom of matter in Voyager and the crew was duplicated, so in effect, they are both the original.

    But why is no one thinking how weird this is going to be for Harry and "Keten." He's Schrodinger's Captain now.

    Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.

    I dare you to do better.
  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    In fact, both Voyagers thought they they were the original and the other the duplicate. Every atom of matter in Voyager and the crew was duplicated, so in effect, they are both the original.

    But why is no one thinking how weird this is going to be for Harry and "Keten." He's Schrodinger's Captain now.

    Well technically the only thing they can't do is shake hands...and not even sure on that considering Keten will be a Kobali.
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