We've gotten the model's orientation backwards.
What we know of as the front, is really supposed to be the back....
Was watchin Vis a' Vis the episode that featured the model.
See for yourself go to time stamps: 28:53 and 29:33
Seems like the devs did do it backwards. If this is indeed true, it makes me wonder whether or not the devs actually have watched star trek.
"They're just...going backwards in the show!"
it's just a reporting bug.
I just watched that part twice where they first tractor Tom's ship and they approach him with what we know the in STO as the rear end of the ship going forward. Either they're backing up which is completely implausible considering ships almost always approach other ships in star trek with the front of the ship facing forward (at least humanoid ships) or the front in the series is actually the rear in STo and the devs made a huge mistake. Talk about TRIBBLE backwards
Edit: How did nobody pick up on this this before? Tbh, I thought the ship absolutely hideous so I never paid much attention to it.
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Yeah, and when the other ship shows up and starts firing on them, ... They retreat backwards :rolleyes:
No I think not, the model in STO is backwards... :rolleyes:
I just happened to have a few days off due to an illness. Re watched a few Voyager episodes when I caught it. Nearly spit out my H
In all fairness, it's probably an easy mistake to make if designing a ship with base schematics and not having watched the episode in question; it's then down to the ship artist to decide on which way it flies. That said, you'd think said artist(s) would do all the research they could for a ship they were constructing before they launch it.
In all seriousness, good catch.
It's kind of funny, though, in the three quick views there.
1) looks like they actually moved the camera wrong rather than the ships
2) inconclusive
3) lol, poor Cryptic is going to get trolled/flames so hard for this
Normally I would agree, but considering that it's a lockbox/lobi t6 ship, and how much these models actually finally ending up costing players. :rolleyes:
Nobody notices it up until recently, but somehow Cryptic gets flamed for not noticing it up until recently.
A combination of nobody wanting to admit to having watched VOY and nobody having watched VOY...
But it's okay when it's the playerbase. They're the Real(tm) Star Trek fans.
When Cryptic is guilty of it, they obviously don't pay attention to detail or watch Star Trek.
No one has flamed them over this yet, a little poking fun at Cryptic's expense maybe, but the model IS backwards.
If I made a mistake at my place of business like this, I'd sure as Sunday, get some ribbing over it.
Don't see how Cryptic should be so thinned skinned about these posts so far.
Oh, definitely - that was an excuse for the players...not for Cryptic in the least. For Cryptic, it should have been one of those tapping Geko's "Encyclopedia" things, eh?
Though to be fair, I might just switch over to the Benthan again...with all the things I do backward in this game, I might as well fly the Backward Assault Cruiser.
Er, but I can't imagine a scenario where a ship artist doesn't watch those clips over and over again. That is the only footage they have to work with, right? They have to design the unseen parts.
It seems more likely that the ship artist knew the direction and designed accordingly, and perhaps there was either:
A foul up in communication with the mechanics of how it was set up... or (I think this more likely):
Geko: "It looks cooler the other way around."
Ship artist: "But that's how it is..."
Geko: "It might sell better the other way... Plus, er, it's all many years later. Maybe they redesigned their newer ships this way? Just because we haven't seen it in Star Trek doesn't mean it can't happen."
To be fair, in my most humble of opinions, as goofy as it may look flying the way it does - to me, it would goofier flying the other way. So not necessarily "it looks cooler the other way around" as much as "it looks less stupid the other way around" sort of thing...
Fair point. But I also think they work with stills more. You can't really model a 3D ship over a looped piece of footage.
"Upgrade to canon direction- 500zen"
"Upgrade now!"
"20h 4m 30s remaining [finish now]"
"It will require 9000 dilithium to fly forward now. Do you accept?"
Of course. The artist probably worked almost entirely with screen captures. Still, step one would involve watching the 10 or so seconds of footage. And knowing the front from the back is about as basic of a step one.
Since when do you have the spare time to get a Lobi/Lockbox ship and watch TV?
Back to the fleet DL mine with you!
But here's my frequency, so hail me maybe?
Watched the scenes a few times, now, and it is unmistakable!
Cannot make this up, lol
It is natural that it took the players awhile. I don't even remember anything about most of these VOY enemies and ships. I barely remember the Kazon, and they were like a fully fleshed out enemy that was entirely forgettable.
VOY is choked full of the forgettable. I'm actually surprised a player noticed this so soon.
Still, there is a big difference between a player flying a forgettable ship and a dev designing a lockbox ship.
I don't think there is, personally. If it's an easily forgettable ship (even as a lockbox ship), then I really can't fault them for not paying attention.
I hold them to the same kind of standard I hold other players. If the players have to actually go back with a fine-toothed comb to nitpick? Sure, report it and maybe get it altered.
But to expect Cryptic to pay attention when everybody else didn't (up until now) is hypocrisy. Even if it's a lockbox ship.
Everything seems to be running backwards for Cryptic xD
They're the professionals. This isn't some hobbyist project. This isn't just a bunch of friends goofing around and one of them misses something. Would you hold the folks that build your car to the same standard as the folks in your neighborhood that drive cars? Would you hold your dentist to the same standard as people that brush their teeth? They're professionals...their standard is not that of the player, imho.
Regardless, Cryptic is giving the players the choice of paying like $25 or doing a relentless grind for a ship that flies backwards. It's not a good excuse for flaming, but it should justify a pretty epic and hilarious facepalm by both players and devs.
Sure, it is. It's a video game based on a hobbyist project that had its heyday in the mid-late 90's. This isn't a crucial civil service Cryptic is providing.
Not the same. Cars are an important part of human society. A video game based on Star Trek is not. It's entertainment.
Sure, I would. Professionals are human and make mistakes just like everyone else. I'm sure there are extremely talented and skilled dentists who forget to floss occasionally. I know doctors who don't follow their own advice, but have been able to improve the quality of life for others with it.