Evening. Here's my problem. First time trying to set up my Trillian to chat into Cryptic's XMPP system.
I am currently Gold status.
I can see and talk into a custom game channel just fine.
I can see all of my friends lists as well as my fleet roster.
I can not receive any messages directed at my
@handle. If I have STO open and Trillian open... my game chat will pick up the message. Trillian will not.
password: password
Host: crypticspace.com
Port: 5222
I've opened the inbound and outbound port on my firewall for XMPP as instructed by someone else that is using it.
I have no idea why it is not receiving the messages.
Please help.
There is absolutely no way to connect Trillian into STO. You just can't.
STO uses and leases a proprietary voice engine that is not compatible with Trillian. If you need to chat ingame, I would recommend either Teamspeak or Ventrilo.
I am not trying to connect voice. I'm trying to connect to the text chat XMPP system, which is possible. There are quite a few people in my fleet that use it daily. ._.
Try running STO in windowed mode instead of Fullscreen. Otherwise Trillian has the chance to be superseded by STO in process priority.
Sounds like a problem with Trillian itself, have you tried XMPP alone without STO with Trillian?
I run STO in Windowed mode generally. Just double-checked to make sure because it's a new install.
I don't have another XMPP account except the one that I'm trying to connect to Cryptic's chat. Not sure where I'd get one to test this.
And as I posted, I can see custom chat channels as group chats. I get notifications when people log in and out. I can even send messages from Trillian. But it won't pick up any of the messages coming to my @handle. They never hit Trillian even though I'm watching them come through in-game.
Baffles me, really.