I'm quite impressed that so many people have been able to travel into the future, fly this ship and return to the present to report that it's a Scimitar-killing God. A beast, a planet destroyer, slayer of mighty deities that Thor's hammer couldn't put a dent into.
Or is all this enthusiasm just because it's the new shiny?
One you seem to confuse a fair amount of disdain with 'enthusiasm.' Two, it doesn't take a genius to be able to look at a ships listed stats and figure out roughly how its going to handle. If you're going to try and feign arrogance, at least be accurate about it.
Tired of lottery where you need to spend huge amount of zen trying to win a ship bound to character... at least box ships should be bount to account (better if avaible to all the toons of our accounts like zen ships) and still are too expensive.
Moreover I am tired about huge "need to grind".. once upon a time this was star trek on line, now it's grinding on line... grind for fleet mark, omega mark, romulan, nukara, delta... grinding dilithium and crafting materials to buy/build/upgrade items. And if you not need to grind, you need to play the same contents because of specialization...
I do not need/want more power, more dps... i just want fun and fun is in real new contents (both pve and pvp) without bugs.
I feel mostly the same way. I like the look of this ship, and I'm sure it's great, but $10 for a minute chance to unlock a ship for a single character on an account where I have about 20? Just not happening. I've also already got more ships than I can practically use, and they all work fine. I'll be more than happy with the Winter Event carrier, thanks. At least I know my investment will pay off there.
I've also gotten pretty bored with Star Grind Online so anymore I play this game pretty casually. I'll run the occasional STF, do a few of the Winter events, and log off. I'm much less likely to get bored if I take it in small doses.
A 4 pack is $10 and with, at best, 1:100 then the average winner will probably be looking at $250 to get one of these thru R&D Packs. I think that is going to far for a t6 Scimi-like ship. :P
I love me some flight deck cruisers. I shall attempt to get this one too.
My only question is whether they've fixed the Elachi Subspace Tranceiver bug, where aux2bat or aux sub system going offline causes the pets to dock/vanish without you ordering them to.
Like dammm, thats a nasty bug right there. Good thing I hate Aux2bat builds. I flown both monbosh and then the escort alot some time ago, using the suport crafts too, yet never encounter any bug with them.
I couldn't care less about Romulan ships but I would definitely like to see some KDF T6 ships (canon ships) added to the Z-Store
> <
> <
Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
The formidable Elachi Sheshar Dreadnought Cruiser swoops into battle! For a limited time only you have a chance at winning this brand new ship every time you open a Research and Development pack! Now's your chance Captains! This promotion lasts from December 11th to January 5th at 10am PST.
Wow that's crooked. So you have gambling in a kids game and unlike other lotteries you aren't even going to post the odds?
Why would they need bolstering? We all have it on good authority from Captain (Al Rivera) Geko that the queues were all fine and being played regularly. The constant 'zero' (0) you were seeing the the 'players queued' column was a display bug.
The ques are pretty dead, they went from hundreds of people queing to a couple here and there with CA being the most frequented. Even if it is a display bug(THAT ISN'T LISTED IN RELEASE NOTES) then why do I wait forever for ques that never happen in those "bugged" ques? I think the zero people in que information is accurate.
How can I say that? Because I see legitimate complaints raised by a majority group of the player base who are completely ignored when cryptic plows ahead anyways to make something more tedious to try and sell more zen.
Ridiculous schemes like this annoy the hell out of me the customer and I know far better than to give money to encourage a business to keep doing it!
Will yank all of $20.00 from me, 8 attempts in all, wont get ship but if I do manage to finally luck out... I will have something to trade to get the jem attack ship.. after 5 years of play thousands of lock boxes opened and only 2 "grand prize" ships "won" I am due for some good luck... heres a prayer to the STO gods.. (Q)
Why would they need bolstering? We all have it on good authority from Captain (Al Rivera) Geko that the queues were all fine and being played regularly. The constant 'zero' (0) you were seeing the the 'players queued' column was a display bug. :eek::cool::D;)
I must ask are you for real I have been playing for well over a year now starting with the undine expansion and 8472 rep expansion the bugs in the code have been piling over 100 as I explored the whole map did everything after delta rising ill be happy if the loadout system bugs actualy get fixed and im not stuck going to stfs with no boffs doffs and emty powers tray as that alone waistes 2 hours a day all by it self and dailies that fail to complete thare is rage in those rage I tell you but I must understand too that most endgame players do not seek every daily as I do and probly think the game is sexy
Will yank all of $20.00 from me, 8 attempts in all, wont get ship but if I do manage to finally luck out... I will have something to trade to get the jem attack ship.. after 5 years of play thousands of lock boxes opened and only 2 "grand prize" ships "won" I am due for some good luck... heres a prayer to the STO gods.. (Q)
I think I'll just wait for it to be on the Exchange. It may cost twice as much but the odds are better.
Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home' SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
I must ask are you for real I have been playing for well over a year now starting with the undine expansion and 8472 rep expansion the bugs in the code have been piling over 100 as I explored the whole map did everything after delta rising ill be happy if the loadout system bugs actualy get fixed and im not stuck going to stfs with no boffs doffs and emty powers tray as that alone waistes 2 hours a day all by it self and dailies that fail to complete thare is rage in those rage I tell you but I must understand too that most endgame players do not seek every daily as I do and probly think the game is sexy
A word:
* Sarcasm - noun the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
Is lost on you friend.
Here's another:
* Period (punctuation), a punctuation mark indicating the end of a sentence or phrase, specifically, a dot.
Please dont buy any more R&D Packs. Even if its a very nice Ship ull support Trottel(idiot) Lotto if u do but im sure there are some PPl that throw Money to the game its oky but the price-performance ratio at the moment is much tooo high to do R&D or waste your Money for virtual Space Ships that are worth nothing if STO gets shutdown.
But hey the Humanity is dumb as Bread if its going too Greed if you want something. STO atm got too far expensive for what we got.
At the moment the game get squeezed like a Lemon please dont Just support Trottel Lotto of any kind of BOXXES let me beleive in the Humanity.
well said its because ships like the tier6 voyager neting in the 9 digits us profits is exzactly why it turns out to be a gimmick and pwe wants to make another 3 by new years just as useless at tier3 specialization im yet to see a step up from my collection of tier5u fleet ships maby thay should have left the scaling hull points out and tripled the time it takes to master the first upgraded ship I had then pwe would have an extra 100million dollars and those tier6 ships would not be useless till I complete tier4 specialization but then the rage would kill the dev team inboxes as who the hell can do elite stfs that way
I must say increasing the damage of all mk13 and mk14 weapon damage is wrong it should only be the damage modifier as it is scaling uselessly and adds the same damage to a mk14 as mk1 it should scale with mk properly as it does not
I must ask are you for real I have been playing for well over a year now starting with the undine expansion and 8472 rep expansion the bugs in the code have been piling over 100 ...
I play this game since before the Legacy of Romulus expansion...
And the number of bugs I saw until now is truly ridiculus.
On the other hand STO is the most Free Player friendly game I saw.
The Dilithium-Zen exchange is unique - I did NOT see anything
like that in any other games...
Alright, so I would be happy with less content if it would mean less bugs
But stil - no one is forcing you to grind for ships or equipment.
Or pay for Zen to buy key to lockboxes or RD boxes or whatever...
So they are tempting, and people are buying them... hah!
People will do anything - smoking, drinking booze, drugs,
or just get in debts - all that is bad for people and they still do it!
So if you do not like this game, well I'm still looking for something
better for me, but I can't seem to find it, if you do, please tell me
That said - it's looks like people will need to do some waitng
for chance for their new, shiny ship -as of now the serwer is still down :P
The Lockboxes blogs once stated that chance to get ship is around 0,5%
Here it will be propably bigger, but I will be astounded if it will be better that 5%
I play this game since before the Legacy of Romulus expansion...
And the number of bugs I saw until now is truly ridiculus.
On the other hand STO is the most Free Player friendly game I saw.
The Dilithium-Zen exchange is unique - I did NOT see anything
like that in any other games...
Alright, so I would be happy with less content if it would mean less bugs
But stil - no one is forcing you to grind for ships or equipment.
Or pay for Zen to buy key to lockboxes or RD boxes or whatever...
So they are tempting, and people are buying them... hah!
People will do anything - smoking, drinking booze, drugs,
or just get in debts - all that is bad for people and they still do it!
So if you do not like this game, well I'm still looking for something
better for me, but I can't seem to find it, if you do, please tell me
That said - it's looks like people will need to do some waitng
for chance for their new, shiny ship -as of now the serwer is still down :P
The Lockboxes blogs once stated that chance to get ship is around 0,5%
Here it will be propably bigger, but I will be astounded if it will be better that 5%
sadly your right and wrong for one 5% is silly as ive opened over a hundred boxes before getting 1 elachi escort and ive opened over a hundred since and nothing better than a mirror ship so im seeing 0.5% not 5% and its a good thing I can exchange dilithium for zenn only if the refinement cap gets removed so more time grinding gets rewarded as is that refinement cap is what screws the option to grind more for more other than that years and years of playing over 60 hours a week on a dozzen toons if you have that kind of free time and buckets of coffee or crack the dilithium exchange is great however extremely unlikely on both the time and coffee or crack
Yeah, does seem a bit 'out of the blue' promotion. And Elachi? Thought we were in the Delta Quadrant now...
It's not out of the blue. They literally do this promotion every year right around this time, for a month or so, but a lot of people apparently have short-term memories.
12/8/2011 JHAS Promo
11/1/2012 JHAS Promo <- November is the odd duck out
12/19/2013 Bulwark Promo
12/11/2014 Sheshar Promo
And I guarantee that they will do it around the same time next year.
Yes, because how many people are foolish enough to be easily parted with their money to drop $10 a shot to get that ship? I have seen a few in this thread so far but I can't imagine that balancing out to equate to as much as if they just used Master Keys and a new lock box.
No no, silly, new lockboxes come near the end of January / beginning of February.
2/9/2012 Cardassian Lockbox
1/24/2013 Dominion Lockbox
1/30/2014 Hirogen Lockbox
1/??/2015 My money is on a Vaadwaur Lockbox
Don't forget that you can get the packs off of the exchange as well. Some people aren't interested in the ship but will gladly buy the packs from the C-Store to sell for EC.
Mhm.. it's a tempting ship, but i think I'll give it a shoot later on in the AH, will be much less Money burned ^^
Also, afters eeing this.. Where the frak is my Tholian Tarantula, make it happen, full Dread Mothership or something like that ^^
Don't count out that Tarantula yet. We now have: Dominion lockbox - JHAS promo ship | Voth lockbox - Bulwark promo ship | Elachi lockbox - Sheshar promo ship. If this pattern continues in the future we might eventually get a playable Tarantula.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
A Trill, a Gorn, a Jem'Hadar, Bejoran and a Voth walk into a bar, and the Bartender asks "What is this a Joke?"
"Nope, just my away team" the trill replies before ordering a round for the bar.
I don't mean to troll, but you missed a few lock boxes there. Ferengi, Tholian, Temporal, Tal Shiar, Voth, Undine, Xindi, Delta Exp.
Only referring to boxes that appear during the winter season. Other boxes are spread out in April/May; July-ish. The pattern breaks down the further into the year that you get.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
Anyone have any idea what the odds are on that shipping popping up when you buy the R&D box?
as with all of the games un-published odds
once was 1:70 (good old days)
now its close to 1:900 - according to multiple 3rd party (whale) testing where they save up many keys and open thousands of boxes, you can find them on you tube
Just a little info, some you might wanna know. 12000 Zen. 48 R&D boxes. $120 bucks. No Ship:( Thats, not just me, I have a few fleet members that spend around $100 and they were unsuccessful too. So dont expect to spend a few bucks and get lucky. Seems this is a pretty rare ship. I'll probably spend 12000 more Zen before I hook it. Good luck to everyone and I'm jealous of those that open 1 pack and got it:P
I just opened over 60+ boxes bought with zen and not even a glimmer.
I hope Cryptic enjoys the money I spent because that was the last gamble box that I will spend money on.
I don't mind paying for something knowing that I'm going to get it. ie Scimitar or the T6 c-store ships.
I understand Cryptic is in this to make money, but with this kind of drop rate I just felt like I got fleeced. Yea 10 lobbi crystals each. I know somebody will say well you did get R & D boxes and lobbi crystals for your money. I agree...and that's why not 1 more zen will go towards a box that has a random reward, The risk no longer comes close to being worth the reward. (For me that would have been the ship)
I'm happy for those that got lucky, it's a nice ship. Enjoy!
Only referring to boxes that appear during the winter season. Other boxes are spread out in April/May; July-ish. The pattern breaks down the further into the year that you get.
Yeah I thought that may be what you were doing. I was just being pedantic, sorry. :P
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
Just a little info, some you might wanna know. 12000 Zen. 48 R&D boxes. $120 bucks. No Ship:( Thats, not just me, I have a few fleet members that spend around $100 and they were unsuccessful too. So dont expect to spend a few bucks and get lucky. Seems this is a pretty rare ship. I'll probably spend 12000 more Zen before I hook it. Good luck to everyone and I'm jealous of those that open 1 pack and got it:P
only the unknowing open packs for the grand prize, the rest of us buy them from the exchange.
you said around 120$? with that amount, i am almost certain you would have had enough EC to buy the ship off of the exchange, do as i do, sell lockbox keys!
Well it looks pretty... but since this is a ship you get in random if you buy a lockbox item I will most probably not be able to get it ..like most lockbox ships. I think I will just keep on saving for the intrepid bundle.. which I know I will get with hard work.
I think, if it works like the previous promotions, opening the R&D box will award the R&D materials and another box. This box has your Lobi in it. And maybe, if you were a good boy this year, Santa will have dropped a special Sheshar surprise in it as well!
"You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
--Red Annorax
only the unknowing open packs for the grand prize, the rest of us buy them from the exchange.
you said around 120$? with that amount, i am almost certain you would have had enough EC to buy the ship off of the exchange, do as i do, sell lockbox keys!
not actually: = about 280 mil EC this ship will easily be 500 mil... so maybe after he spend full $240.00 if lucky..
One you seem to confuse a fair amount of disdain with 'enthusiasm.' Two, it doesn't take a genius to be able to look at a ships listed stats and figure out roughly how its going to handle. If you're going to try and feign arrogance, at least be accurate about it.
I feel mostly the same way. I like the look of this ship, and I'm sure it's great, but $10 for a minute chance to unlock a ship for a single character on an account where I have about 20? Just not happening. I've also already got more ships than I can practically use, and they all work fine. I'll be more than happy with the Winter Event carrier, thanks. At least I know my investment will pay off there.
I've also gotten pretty bored with Star Grind Online so anymore I play this game pretty casually. I'll run the occasional STF, do a few of the Winter events, and log off. I'm much less likely to get bored if I take it in small doses.
Like dammm, thats a nasty bug right there. Good thing I hate Aux2bat builds. I flown both monbosh and then the escort alot some time ago, using the suport crafts too, yet never encounter any bug with them.
> <
> <
Wow that's crooked. So you have gambling in a kids game and unlike other lotteries you aren't even going to post the odds?
The ques are pretty dead, they went from hundreds of people queing to a couple here and there with CA being the most frequented. Even if it is a display bug(THAT ISN'T LISTED IN RELEASE NOTES) then why do I wait forever for ques that never happen in those "bugged" ques? I think the zero people in que information is accurate.
How can I say that? Because I see legitimate complaints raised by a majority group of the player base who are completely ignored when cryptic plows ahead anyways to make something more tedious to try and sell more zen.
Ridiculous schemes like this annoy the hell out of me the customer and I know far better than to give money to encourage a business to keep doing it!
I must ask are you for real I have been playing for well over a year now starting with the undine expansion and 8472 rep expansion the bugs in the code have been piling over 100 as I explored the whole map did everything after delta rising ill be happy if the loadout system bugs actualy get fixed and im not stuck going to stfs with no boffs doffs and emty powers tray as that alone waistes 2 hours a day all by it self and dailies that fail to complete thare is rage in those rage I tell you but I must understand too that most endgame players do not seek every daily as I do and probly think the game is sexy
I think I'll just wait for it to be on the Exchange. It may cost twice as much but the odds are better.
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
A word:
* Sarcasm - noun the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
Is lost on you friend.
Here's another:
* Period (punctuation), a punctuation mark indicating the end of a sentence or phrase, specifically, a dot.
well said its because ships like the tier6 voyager neting in the 9 digits us profits is exzactly why it turns out to be a gimmick and pwe wants to make another 3 by new years just as useless at tier3 specialization im yet to see a step up from my collection of tier5u fleet ships maby thay should have left the scaling hull points out and tripled the time it takes to master the first upgraded ship I had then pwe would have an extra 100million dollars and those tier6 ships would not be useless till I complete tier4 specialization but then the rage would kill the dev team inboxes as who the hell can do elite stfs that way
I play this game since before the Legacy of Romulus expansion...
And the number of bugs I saw until now is truly ridiculus.
On the other hand STO is the most Free Player friendly game I saw.
The Dilithium-Zen exchange is unique - I did NOT see anything
like that in any other games...
Alright, so I would be happy with less content if it would mean less bugs
But stil - no one is forcing you to grind for ships or equipment.
Or pay for Zen to buy key to lockboxes or RD boxes or whatever...
So they are tempting, and people are buying them... hah!
People will do anything - smoking, drinking booze, drugs,
or just get in debts - all that is bad for people and they still do it!
So if you do not like this game, well I'm still looking for something
better for me, but I can't seem to find it, if you do, please tell me
That said - it's looks like people will need to do some waitng
for chance for their new, shiny ship -as of now the serwer is still down :P
The Lockboxes blogs once stated that chance to get ship is around 0,5%
Here it will be propably bigger, but I will be astounded if it will be better that 5%
sadly your right and wrong for one 5% is silly as ive opened over a hundred boxes before getting 1 elachi escort and ive opened over a hundred since and nothing better than a mirror ship so im seeing 0.5% not 5% and its a good thing I can exchange dilithium for zenn only if the refinement cap gets removed so more time grinding gets rewarded as is that refinement cap is what screws the option to grind more for more other than that years and years of playing over 60 hours a week on a dozzen toons if you have that kind of free time and buckets of coffee or crack the dilithium exchange is great however extremely unlikely on both the time and coffee or crack
Also, afters eeing this.. Where the frak is my Tholian Tarantula, make it happen, full Dread Mothership or something like that ^^
SalemKane is Seel, still alive and kicking since 2009
Beta Tester
Gone throu the Klingon hell and back.
Your One Man solution to Elite STF's.
It's not out of the blue. They literally do this promotion every year right around this time, for a month or so, but a lot of people apparently have short-term memories.
12/8/2011 JHAS Promo
11/1/2012 JHAS Promo <- November is the odd duck out
12/19/2013 Bulwark Promo
12/11/2014 Sheshar Promo
And I guarantee that they will do it around the same time next year.
No no, silly, new lockboxes come near the end of January / beginning of February.
2/9/2012 Cardassian Lockbox
1/24/2013 Dominion Lockbox
1/30/2014 Hirogen Lockbox
1/??/2015 My money is on a Vaadwaur Lockbox
Don't forget that you can get the packs off of the exchange as well. Some people aren't interested in the ship but will gladly buy the packs from the C-Store to sell for EC.
Don't count out that Tarantula yet.
Joined January 2009
I don't mean to troll, but you missed a few lock boxes there. Ferengi, Tholian, Temporal, Tal Shiar, Voth, Undine, Xindi, Delta Exp.
"Nope, just my away team" the trill replies before ordering a round for the bar.
Only referring to boxes that appear during the winter season. Other boxes are spread out in April/May; July-ish. The pattern breaks down the further into the year that you get.
Joined January 2009
as with all of the games un-published odds
once was 1:70 (good old days)
now its close to 1:900 - according to multiple 3rd party (whale) testing where they save up many keys and open thousands of boxes, you can find them on you tube
I hope Cryptic enjoys the money I spent because that was the last gamble box that I will spend money on.
I don't mind paying for something knowing that I'm going to get it. ie Scimitar or the T6 c-store ships.
I understand Cryptic is in this to make money, but with this kind of drop rate I just felt like I got fleeced. Yea 10 lobbi crystals each. I know somebody will say well you did get R & D boxes and lobbi crystals for your money. I agree...and that's why not 1 more zen will go towards a box that has a random reward, The risk no longer comes close to being worth the reward. (For me that would have been the ship)
I'm happy for those that got lucky, it's a nice ship. Enjoy!
Yeah I thought that may be what you were doing. I was just being pedantic, sorry. :P
only the unknowing open packs for the grand prize, the rest of us buy them from the exchange.
you said around 120$? with that amount, i am almost certain you would have had enough EC to buy the ship off of the exchange, do as i do, sell lockbox keys!
--Red Annorax
not actually: = about 280 mil EC this ship will easily be 500 mil... so maybe after he spend full $240.00 if lucky..