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PWE/Cryptic Needs New Management



  • jornadojornado Member Posts: 918 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    What "objective information"? All you did was point to a thread where someone was showing off....

    Wasn't referring strictly to myself. I'm not quite that much of an egotist.

    And actually yeah, that was objective proof that it all really does boil down to DPS, as opposed to some sort of objectives based strategy.
    My guess is "hope" keeps people not playing but posting on the forums. For others, its a path of sad realization and closure. Grieving takes time. The worst "haters" here love the game, or did at some point.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Everyone has an opinion that's valid. Here's mine.

    I liked the new missions in DR. The story was enjoyable and has some replay value. (This helps for people with multiple toons like me.)

    The amount of experience needed to take toons from levels 50-60 is insanely high. (This is discouraging for people with multiple toons.)

    The new Intel ships are awesome but too powerful. They dominate everything in PvE and PvP. They make old favourite ships null and void. (Sure that must help sales for the new ships but surely it guts the sales for the older ones?)

    Ship traits are too powerful. A ship with four ship traits is akin to having 3 commanders and 2 Lt Commanders on your ship.

    Adding ship traits and so many specialisations is too much too soon. One system released with DR would have been fine. Both is too much. (This REALLY kicks the people with multiple toons in the gut.)

    Upgrading items is awesome but too expensive. I've upgraded the gear on 2 ships and that's it. Until the cost is lowered I'll be fine with the rest of the gear on my toons staying exactly the way it is.

    As for new management, yes. I say yes. I really believe that a fresh perspective can only help the game.
  • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    jornado wrote: »
    And actually yeah, that was objective proof that it all really does boil down to DPS, as opposed to some sort of objectives based strategy.

    In fact its always boiled down more DPS being the most effective strategy. I've know that since Atari was running the show.
  • originalkaticoriginalkatic Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The amount of experience needed to take toons from levels 50-60 is insanely high. (This is discouraging for people with multiple toons.)

    The new Intel ships are awesome but too powerful. They dominate everything in PvE and PvP. They make old favourite ships null and void. (Sure that must help sales for the new ships but surely it guts the sales for the older ones?)

    Ship traits are too powerful. A ship with four ship traits is akin to having 3 commanders and 2 Lt Commanders on your ship.

    Adding ship traits and so many specialisations is too much too soon. One system released with DR would have been fine. Both is too much. (This REALLY kicks the people with multiple toons in the gut.)

    Upgrading items is awesome but too expensive. I've upgraded the gear on 2 ships and that's it. Until the cost is lowered I'll be fine with the rest of the gear on my toons staying exactly the way it is.

    This is an accurate summary of the games issues at this point.

    Things are too expensive, things take too long for how much they cost, and at the end of it all, you're too powerful for anybody playing catch up to compete with you.
    Original Join Date: January 2010. Ragequit Date: January 7th 2012. Return Date: October 23rd 2014.

    Almost called it.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,431 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This is an accurate summary of the games issues at this point.

    Things are too expensive, things take too long for how much they cost, and at the end of it all, you're too powerful for anybody playing catch up to compete with you.
    Darn good thing I'm not competing with anyone then, isn't it?
  • priestofsin420priestofsin420 Member Posts: 419
    edited December 2014
    Everyone has an opinion that's valid. Here's mine.

    I liked the new missions in DR. The story was enjoyable and has some replay value. (This helps for people with multiple toons like me.)

    The amount of experience needed to take toons from levels 50-60 is insanely high. (This is discouraging for people with multiple toons.)

    The new Intel ships are awesome but too powerful. They dominate everything in PvE and PvP. They make old favourite ships null and void. (Sure that must help sales for the new ships but surely it guts the sales for the older ones?)

    Ship traits are too powerful. A ship with four ship traits is akin to having 3 commanders and 2 Lt Commanders on your ship.

    Adding ship traits and so many specialisations is too much too soon. One system released with DR would have been fine. Both is too much. (This REALLY kicks the people with multiple toons in the gut.)

    Upgrading items is awesome but too expensive. I've upgraded the gear on 2 ships and that's it. Until the cost is lowered I'll be fine with the rest of the gear on my toons staying exactly the way it is.

    As for new management, yes. I say yes. I really believe that a fresh perspective can only help the game.

    I agree with you, for the most part. I do not think old ships are void, as they tend to have better BOFF arrangements than the new T6 counterparts (which seem to rely really heavily on Intel skills and seating, making traditional builds invalid on them), and they have 11 consoles now. These upsides to T5-U over T6 will probably be nullified once T6 Fleet comes out, but for now there are still plenty of reasons to fly your old T5s.

    As far as starship traits, they are OP, but only because they are locked to factions. If they were account-wide, Cryptic would have another selling point on their hands, and a reason to level alts. But right now, Feds are in a much better position than Klinks (and a MUCH BETTER position than Roms, who don't even have one good trait) because their traits have synergy. I expect the traits will find their way into lockboxes sooner or later, which kind of solves the problem, but we don't know how expensive the traits will be.
    Sardak (Science Officer): Captain of a 23k DPS R'Mor Temporal Science Vessel, R.R.W. Vathos
    Odan Brota (Science Officer): Captain of a 28k DPS Scryer Intel Science Vessel, U.S.S. Kepler
    Patiently waiting for a Romulan Science Vessel
  • terlokiterloki Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I haven't been too happy with most of the decisions to shake things up in Delta Rising, the grind in particular. That being said, the winter event is giving me a glimmer of hope.

    The forums reacted the way you would expect when told you would have to grind out Tides of Ice ten times per character to get all the new shinies this year, the very vocally announced that they weren't having any of it. But rather than just gloss the whole thing over and go on to nerf other things to keep people occupied with rage elsewhere, they've listened and right now there's a patch on Tribble which changes that to ten times per account. First patch post-winter wonderland and it's a fix for the grind, I'd call that a step in the right direction.

    If they keep building on this and let it build up momentum, then I'd call this a very good start to fixing DR's problems. If not, well, at least we got a little something out of it.
    Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser
    Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
    General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
  • xaramanxaraman Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    Here's what I see: There's still no incentive for me to pay Euro as the game has lost a significant amount of value for money.

    My job means that I don't get to play the game 7 days/6 hours a day. In fact it [my job] means that sometimes I have to go away for a considerable amount of time and not play the game at all.

    Before DR, I could drop €20 per month (plus the odd bonus every few months) and catch up pretty quick. After DR, not so much. Mainly because of this silly upgrade system. Silly because it is the only way to get decent MkXIII and XIV gear. Instead of using my €20 to buy keys and either open boxes or sell them (because there's something on the exchange I want), now I have to buy dil because I have to have dil to upgrade which is the only way to get decent gear.

    I would also prefer not to have to join a fleet just to gear up so I can do the amount of dps required for advanced difficulty. I should be able to do advanced through practise (and to a lesser extent, gear) rather than join a fleet with good gear (that I then have to upgrade) just to make the dps targets required in a poor PUG. I know fleets are important (it's the only way cryptic can get you to emotionally invest in this game now). But they should not be a pre-requisite of advanced difficulty.

    I'm one of those players that only play 1 game. I have no interest in being a full-time gamer. Cryptic have about a month or so before I move on to something else (this is not a "do this or else" comment, just a fact).

    I want to spend my money on something that entertains me and that gives me value for money and I will do soon. It's up to cryptic whether I'll spend it on them or not.
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