the fact that i have spent the past 3 days grinding up one level a pattern i have had to repeat nearly every time i complete a mission.
its story is good but the long grind to get to the next level overshadows the quality.
THAT So much That i can't tell you.
Understand i don't expect 0 grind. All mmos have some grind. ITs the storyline vs grind content. Leveling was a real pain in DR. and i didn't start the DR storyline until level 53.. foolishly thinking that would be enough to avoid the 'grind' between levels. So, stalled at 57 i Doffed to 58 and 0%. Did the one DR mission that opened.. Now 3%.. grind 97%? Sorry but thats WAY too much. Tried a few STFs, took an average, tried a few patrols, took an average. Curious as to why the average STF gives LESS exp than the average patrol, but either way, it would have taken me another 20 or so patrol or another 30 STFs to finish the level.
Despite its shortcomings, I still craft, mostly for the TR-116 rifle. The problem is that except for the exchange and maybe a random xindi lockbox (and I didn't save any unfortunately) a purple or even a blue doff needed for crafting that rifle IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND!
I don't like to buy things off the exchange (but a c-store "purple doff pack", containing this and a few other random purple or blue doffs would interest me) I would prefer to fight a one time only mission to find it; or doff for it; or get it as a random drop in an STF, even if pugging the latter has become nearly impossible.
I don't want this doff to be too easy to get, I would prefer a mission episode chain to get it (something like the episode chain that rewards the hierarchy doff) rather than a doff chain but for cryin' out loud, throw one out there somewhere anyway!
Dare I ask, in response, for the OP to name JUST ONE thing wrong with Hitler?
Yes. There's a very good theory that he was mentally ill, possibly with multiple conditions. The single fact would have led to...well, everything associated with him. Not proven, you know, because dude's kinda dead. But it fits.
So to quell your sarcasm, it IS possible to have a single valid answer, deck stacked or not. This is the internet, not your inner monolog.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
Well first off let me state that since I can only pic one issue I had to narrow it down to the most irritating aspect for me. I do agree with the other posters as well about dil, upgrades, bugs etc. While those issues affected me to a varying degree they were not my main gripe with Delta.
Simply put the grinding between story missions and the use of patrols as filler material. I found the grind a level or two really took away from my immersion in the story. While the patrol missions did connect to the main story line most of them didn't add much to it and felt more like an afterthought. My friend also made the same comment that there should be enough material to get to 60 without grinding for days.......... months now thanks to the xp changes. Just glad I got to 60 early on.
It is soul crushing unless one wants it to be wallet crushing. I used to spend money on things that had value in the its to creap a little closer to a slightly enhanced thing of value I already bought and spend dil/coin to avoid imposed wait times.
This and the spec tree killed my alts but since you asked for just one...I pick this.
1: Everything has been lackluster
2: Gear doesn't help much
3: Upgrading doesn't help in most elites
4: Zero Incentive
5: Everything costing large amounts of refined Dilithium
6: Near empty STF queue's
7: Nothing to look forward to
8: Friends walking away from the game because leveling takes too long or elite stfs are just too hard for them to have fun.
9: Elite STF Rewards are total TRIBBLE
10: Reputation gear being nearly useless in newer stf's.
11: Server instability, endless bugs and glitches
12: Instead of fixing the ongoing problems, they add a stupid Club
13: The Dev's don't care about what their player base says
Only logging in to refine dilithium doesn't make for a very fun game.
1: Everything has been lackluster
2: Gear doesn't help much
3: Upgrading doesn't help in most elites
4: Zero Incentive
5: Everything costing large amounts of refined Dilithium
6: Near empty STF queue's
7: Nothing to look forward to
8: Friends walking away from the game because leveling takes too long or elite stfs are just too hard for them to have fun.
9: Elite STF Rewards are total TRIBBLE
10: Reputation gear being nearly useless in newer stf's.
11: Server instability, endless bugs and glitches
12: Instead of fixing the ongoing problems, they add a stupid Club
13: The Dev's don't care about what their player base says
Only logging in to refine dilithium doesn't make for a very fun game.
The op said that everything and multiple answers dont count
Seven of Nine returns after 32 years and she hasn't changed AT ALL. I would expect 32 years of character development, such as not wearing a catsuit (or at least wearing some clothing over it that speaks to having developed some kind of stylistic/aesthetic preference, if it's somehow necessary to her health), calling herself Annika, etc.
THAT So much That i can't tell you.
Understand i don't expect 0 grind. All mmos have some grind. ITs the storyline vs grind content. Leveling was a real pain in DR. and i didn't start the DR storyline until level 53.. foolishly thinking that would be enough to avoid the 'grind' between levels. So, stalled at 57 i Doffed to 58 and 0%. Did the one DR mission that opened.. Now 3%.. grind 97%? Sorry but thats WAY too much. Tried a few STFs, took an average, tried a few patrols, took an average. Curious as to why the average STF gives LESS exp than the average patrol, but either way, it would have taken me another 20 or so patrol or another 30 STFs to finish the level.
Just my $0.02
I don't like to buy things off the exchange (but a c-store "purple doff pack", containing this and a few other random purple or blue doffs would interest me) I would prefer to fight a one time only mission to find it; or doff for it; or get it as a random drop in an STF, even if pugging the latter has become nearly impossible.
I don't want this doff to be too easy to get, I would prefer a mission episode chain to get it (something like the episode chain that rewards the hierarchy doff) rather than a doff chain but for cryin' out loud, throw one out there somewhere anyway!
BEST answer
Member since December 2009
I know, not a valid answer.
The lack of balance between new NPC stats and player ability.
Players whining about those who whine about DR :cool:
Players who whine. Doesn't matter if its whining about whining all of it is whining.
Three: Players who whine, players who whine about whining, and players who whine about whiners who whine about whiners.
*goes off to get some cheese*
Yes. There's a very good theory that he was mentally ill, possibly with multiple conditions. The single fact would have led to...well, everything associated with him. Not proven, you know, because dude's kinda dead. But it fits.
So to quell your sarcasm, it IS possible to have a single valid answer, deck stacked or not. This is the internet, not your inner monolog.
Did I mention...Players whining about those who whine about anything :eek:
Simply put the grinding between story missions and the use of patrols as filler material. I found the grind a level or two really took away from my immersion in the story. While the patrol missions did connect to the main story line most of them didn't add much to it and felt more like an afterthought. My friend also made the same comment that there should be enough material to get to 60 without grinding for days.......... months now thanks to the xp changes. Just glad I got to 60 early on.
It is soul crushing unless one wants it to be wallet crushing. I used to spend money on things that had value in the its to creap a little closer to a slightly enhanced thing of value I already bought and spend dil/coin to avoid imposed wait times.
This and the spec tree killed my alts but since you asked for just one...I pick this.
Distil lthat to something more eloquent if you so desire.
1: Everything has been lackluster
2: Gear doesn't help much
3: Upgrading doesn't help in most elites
4: Zero Incentive
5: Everything costing large amounts of refined Dilithium
6: Near empty STF queue's
7: Nothing to look forward to
8: Friends walking away from the game because leveling takes too long or elite stfs are just too hard for them to have fun.
9: Elite STF Rewards are total TRIBBLE
10: Reputation gear being nearly useless in newer stf's.
11: Server instability, endless bugs and glitches
12: Instead of fixing the ongoing problems, they add a stupid Club
13: The Dev's don't care about what their player base says
Only logging in to refine dilithium doesn't make for a very fun game.
The op said that everything and multiple answers dont count
Yes but the rule is to say a single thing that's not too specific and not to general. Follow the thread's rules!
T5U half upgrades that don't apply to all ships of a class.