I rather like JJ Trek for 2 reasons
1, they are decent stories that are fun to watch
2, as an alternate timeline they don't interfere with the rest of Trek
For me its similar to watching the mirror universe episodes, they are fun and they mean nothing to the prime Trek universe, more or less
I really felt like I understood the new story, but after a while I realized it was because it was basically the story of Star Wars: A New Hope.
Right, it didn't interfere, except for destroying Romulus and Remus and taking Spock out of the universe. The mirror and prime universes appeared in TOS, DS9, and ENT, which if I'm not mistaken, all had interactions between the two.
JJTrek would have made an acceptable reboot, but the fact that it starts with prime Spock and in the prime universe makes it seem like a sequel/prequel (time travel), although it completely rewrites Star Trek physics and history (history which was not affected by Nero, and Spock did nothing).
ex: Warp does not have the burst of light or look the same, Kirk not being born in Iowa, The entirety of the Federation's engineering/starships being apple products
"Bloody explorers, ponce off to Mumbo Jumbo land, come home with a tropical disease, a suntan and a bag of brown lumpy things, and Bob's your uncle, everyone's got a picture of them in the lavatory."
-Edmund Blackadder-
Star Trek 3 will be in the can by the end of next year.
JJ did not bail, but jumped at a major IP that's at least been represented continuously on TV unlike this one which has been killed by scott bakula.
CBS is still encouraging JJ to make even moar Trek which he has said he will when he can fit it between the movies he's doing for the more productive Star Wars IP.
Star Trek 3 will be in the can by the end of next year.
JJ did not bail, but jumped at a major IP that's at least been represented continuously on TV unlike this one which has been killed by scott bakula.
CBS is still encouraging JJ to make even moar Trek which he has said he will when he can fit it between the movies he's doing for the more productive Star Wars IP.
Don't know where this came from, perhaps another Earl Grey?
HEY! Scott Bakula did NOT kill Star Trek. Archer was the baddest captain this side of the 22nd century. If anyone was to blame, it was the writers. And the whack azz composer who thought putting country lyrics into a Star Trek theme was a good idea.
Mother Tribble, does this look like Dallas to you? We use Theremins and Orchestral arrangements in the future! Country music died in World War 3 along with war, poverty and reality television.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"
They could have used any other actor including Carrot Top to portray Jonathan Archer and be closer to the canon.
Come to think of it: JJ Abrams would make a great Archer!
Again, that's the writers fault on canon, not Bakula. He did the best with what he was given and acted the HELL out of all that crappy story and character development. The man is a trooper and deserves our respect for doing a stellar job in a mediocre position. It wasn't glamorous, it wasn't amazing, but he stuck it out like a champ.
Mad respect for Count Bakula.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"
Not every crappy thing JJ did was in the AR.... he still blew up Romulus for poops and giggles and single handedly destroyed one of the great empires and nemesis' (no pun intended) in the ST universe.
F* you JJ, F* you very much.
Maybe if I knew what AR was I could tell you the same.
Again, that's the writers fault on canon, not Bakula. He did the best with what he was given and acted the HELL out of all that crappy story and character development. The man is a trooper and deserves our respect for doing a stellar job in a mediocre position. It wasn't glamorous, it wasn't amazing, but he stuck it out like a champ.
Mad respect for Count Bakula.
Even his fellow actors hated him.
Too bad he killed their careers as well.
Sorry we will have to agree to disagree.
I hope you never meet him in person to have the bubble burst.
He should give YOU mad respect for being such a fan.
But OT:
JJ Abrams mined all the TOS TV episodes and movies for all the ideas used in his new Star Trek movies.
Which then had it's canon destroyed to make way for the new movies. Yes, that's right, it's CANON was destroyed. Everything; movies, TV shows, books, comic books, video games... everything except for the Christmas Special was canon. But then JJ moved to Star Wars and next thing you know, 90% of the canon is thrown away for the new movies.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.... F* you, JJ. F* you very much. :mad:
Ive chossen to ignore countdown as it wasent seen on screen. I consider it to be soft cannon therefore theres no way to know what universe future spock is from
I just wanted to know if the 2009 reboot film had any content taken from any canon stories. I didn't mean for this thread to turn into a debate. I wondered if there was a book or a show that provided backstory for Nero. As I stated in a previous post, I am aware of "Star Trek: Countdown.", but that is all.
I just wanted to know if the 2009 reboot film had any content taken from any canon stories. I didn't mean for this thread to turn into a debate. I wondered if there was a book or a show that provided backstory for Nero. As I stated in a previous post, I am aware of "Star Trek: Countdown.", but that is all.
The minute you mention JJ Abrams Star Trek, you'll get all of the little Trek nerds crawling out their mothers basements wearing their home made Klingon costumes and ranting and raving about how JJ perverted Saint Gene's holy vision. You should have seem this one coming a mile away.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
Oh Hell NO to ARC
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
I just wanted to know if the 2009 reboot film had any content taken from any canon stories. I didn't mean for this thread to turn into a debate. I wondered if there was a book or a show that provided backstory for Nero. As I stated in a previous post, I am aware of "Star Trek: Countdown.", but that is all.
Nope. Nero was made for the movie. So there was nothing leading up to him.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I hope you never meet him in person to have the bubble burst.
He should give YOU mad respect for being such a fan.
Why do people make up garbage like this to try and justify their hate for Bakula? It's impossible to find any of the rest of the cast complaining about him, and he endlessly attends conventions where he consistently earns a great reputation. JUST for you I spent way too much time trying to find poor opinions of him, and I got one anecdote which proceeded to drown in contrary accounts. The guy even took it back after watching some YouTube videos of Bakula when he isn't exhausted at the end of the day! *LOL*
Plenty of people have met Bakula. They don't agree with you in the slightest. Nor do his co-workers.
I just wanted to know if the 2009 reboot film had any content taken from any canon stories. I didn't mean for this thread to turn into a debate. I wondered if there was a book or a show that provided backstory for Nero. As I stated in a previous post, I am aware of "Star Trek: Countdown.", but that is all.
Nah. Literally none of 2009 Star Trek had any run up at all. This includes the bit set in the 'prime' Star Trek universe. Those parts, at least, JJ made up from whole cloth.
I really felt like I understood the new story, but after a while I realized it was because it was basically the story of Star Wars: A New Hope.
Right, it didn't interfere, except for destroying Romulus and Remus and taking Spock out of the universe. The mirror and prime universes appeared in TOS, DS9, and ENT, which if I'm not mistaken, all had interactions between the two.
JJTrek would have made an acceptable reboot, but the fact that it starts with prime Spock and in the prime universe makes it seem like a sequel/prequel (time travel), although it completely rewrites Star Trek physics and history (history which was not affected by Nero, and Spock did nothing).
ex: Warp does not have the burst of light or look the same, Kirk not being born in Iowa, The entirety of the Federation's engineering/starships being apple products
-Edmund Blackadder-
People weaned on this stuff never experienced the excitement that was TOS and most refuse to even check it out.
JJ picked the correct Trek to copy and regardless of that parallel universe drek they said to cool off the genners, it is THE Star Trek now.
No. No, it is not. JJ tried to do that, but CBS shut him down and that's why he bailed on Star Trek 3 to do Star Wars Episode VII.
What a baby. :P
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
JJ did not bail, but jumped at a major IP that's at least been represented continuously on TV unlike this one which has been killed by scott bakula.
CBS is still encouraging JJ to make even moar Trek which he has said he will when he can fit it between the movies he's doing for the more productive Star Wars IP.
Don't know where this came from, perhaps another Earl Grey?
HEY! Scott Bakula did NOT kill Star Trek. Archer was the baddest captain this side of the 22nd century. If anyone was to blame, it was the writers. And the whack azz composer who thought putting country lyrics into a Star Trek theme was a good idea.
Mother Tribble, does this look like Dallas to you? We use Theremins and Orchestral arrangements in the future! Country music died in World War 3 along with war, poverty and reality television.
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
Come to think of it: JJ Abrams would make a great Archer!
Again, that's the writers fault on canon, not Bakula. He did the best with what he was given and acted the HELL out of all that crappy story and character development. The man is a trooper and deserves our respect for doing a stellar job in a mediocre position. It wasn't glamorous, it wasn't amazing, but he stuck it out like a champ.
Mad respect for Count Bakula.
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
Maybe if I knew what AR was I could tell you the same.
Even his fellow actors hated him.
Too bad he killed their careers as well.
Sorry we will have to agree to disagree.
I hope you never meet him in person to have the bubble burst.
He should give YOU mad respect for being such a fan.
But OT:
JJ Abrams mined all the TOS TV episodes and movies for all the ideas used in his new Star Trek movies.
TNG and beyond need not apply.
Connor Trinneer played a recurring enemy on SGA, probably 1 of my favorite enemies of any series.
Which then had it's canon destroyed to make way for the new movies. Yes, that's right, it's CANON was destroyed. Everything; movies, TV shows, books, comic books, video games... everything except for the Christmas Special was canon. But then JJ moved to Star Wars and next thing you know, 90% of the canon is thrown away for the new movies.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.... F* you, JJ. F* you very much. :mad:
What's next on his list, Doctor Who?
I liked his character as well.
Also Jolene Blalock had a recurring role their as well.
I miss that show.
I tried to find a Youtube clip of Oneil saying, "Your name is Ball?" LOL.
Maybe JJ could do a Stargate reboot! :eek:
Nope. Nero was made for the movie. So there was nothing leading up to him.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Why do people make up garbage like this to try and justify their hate for Bakula? It's impossible to find any of the rest of the cast complaining about him, and he endlessly attends conventions where he consistently earns a great reputation. JUST for you I spent way too much time trying to find poor opinions of him, and I got one anecdote which proceeded to drown in contrary accounts. The guy even took it back after watching some YouTube videos of Bakula when he isn't exhausted at the end of the day! *LOL*
Plenty of people have met Bakula. They don't agree with you in the slightest. Nor do his co-workers.
Nah. Literally none of 2009 Star Trek had any run up at all. This includes the bit set in the 'prime' Star Trek universe. Those parts, at least, JJ made up from whole cloth.