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100 Things that would make STO BETTER!

nova2284nova2284 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
1 T6 Constitution Class
2 Fleet Admiral Uniform Pins
3 KDF Playable Ferengi
4 3D Chess Game Mini Game
5 Borg LockBox
6 Patrick Stewart voice acting
7 Brent Spiner voice acting
8 George Takei voice acting
9 Mirror Lock box with ISS PREFIX FOR ALL SHIPS
10 Skant Uniform
11 T6 Pheonix Shuttlecraft playable
12 Top Hats and Other Hats
13 Ocompa playable
15 MORE R&D Things to Build maybe a ship
16 Sector space repair stations
17 Ferenginar
18 More Earth Zones Ground OTHER SFA
19 KDF move call down Trags
20 John De Lancie voice acting
21 Teamup Groups KDF and FED
23 12,000 dil refine daily
24 Daily Mission that pay EC on Ferenginar
26 New Fleet holding
27 More Temporal or Time Travel Missions
28 More Ui Options
29 The Nexus from Generations
30 Specializations give Fleetmarks
31 Cat pets need be combat pets
32 Quark needs to be in the game
33 More Playable Rom species Caitians
34 Borg Caitians-Gorn Boffs
35 William Shatner Vocie acting
36 Ares Class T6
37 Axanar Mission
38 Bring Seska into the game
39 Declear War Enemy Fleets or Any Fleet
42 Wellington class T6
43 Federation holoship T6
44 Ba'ku/Son'a Lock Box
45 DS9 PVP MAP ground and space
46 A 2nd Dominion War OR A RETURN TO THE Dominion War
47 Ricardo Montalban Voice Acting
48 James Doohan Voice Acting
49 Pizza and Tacos in food replicator
50 Kill Neelix for real
51 Achilles class T6
52 Perception class T6
53 Wil wheaton Voice Acting
54 Dual Tropedo Laucher
55 V'ger mission
56 Intell Playable Captains
57 Whale Probe Mission
58 Whale Probe Lox box
59 Jolene Blalock Vocie Acting
60 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
61 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
62 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
63 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
64 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
65 Avery Brooks Vocie Acting
66 Michael Anthony Alaimo Vocie Acting
67 Andrew Robinson Vocie Acting
68 Rene Auberjonois Vocie Acting
69 Alexander Siddig vocie Acting
70 Colm Meaney vocie Acting
71 John Billingsley vocie acting
72 Denobulan Playable
73 Dog pets!!!
74 Kazon Playable
75 Pakled Playable Ship
76 Pakled Lockbox
77 More Arc Tropedo Laucher
78 Horta Rock box
79 Mission with Ww2 and TRIBBLE Germany
80 Hirogen Playable
81 More Fleet Emblem Options
82 More Hull Armor and Looks
83 A Good Romulan Sci ship
84 Breen Playable
85 The Caretaker
86 William T. Riker Jonathan Frakes vocie acting
87 Geordi La Forge LeVar Burton vocie acting
88 Uss Challenger
89 Uss Titan
90 Mission showing what happen to the USS Enterprise-E
91 Zen Store Emotes Khannnnnn! and blood wine toast ect back on zen for sell
92 Mission with the Temporal Cold War!
93 Xindi playable
94 Mission showing how Xindi join the Federation
95 Trellium-D added to R&D and picking it acted as a neurotoxin to Vulcans.
97 Galxay Dreadnought really make it a DREADNOUGHT!
98 REALLY FIX THE Galxay Dreadnought MAKE IT A Playable GIVE IT SOME TEETH
99 Playable Galxay Dreadnought "Playable is the Key word LtCommander Univeral slot!"
100 T.A.R.D.I.S. Lockbox ship and timelord playable race for lilfetime
101 Fix all bugs :D:D:D
Post edited by nova2284 on


  • nova2284nova2284 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    sorry for any misspelling if there is some :o
  • imperialmirrorimperialmirror Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    nova2284 wrote: »
    60 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
    61 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
    62 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
    63 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
    64 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting

    Yes Yes Yes !!! 100 Times Yes. STO needs him. along with every thing else you have mentioned. Especially The T6 Connie !!
  • imperialmirrorimperialmirror Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    102: Bombing Bajor
    103: Dominion War expansion - 2nd Dominion war begins with the Dominion as the victor and we spend the rest of the game trying too earn our freedom. Expansion called Dominion Domination.
    104: Second Deflector for Sci Ships
  • ronanobrienronanobrien Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Robert Beltran voice acting! I WANT TO HEAR CHAKOTAY AGAIN!
  • oridjerraaoridjerraa Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    105 Not just DS9, but many of the beautiful space/ground locations reconfigured for PvP.

  • vfpfyasko1vfpfyasko1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    106: Capable programmers that know what they are doing. I know modders that could do a better job with this game and that is fact!
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    5 Borg LockBox

    Borg Cooperative maybe. Otherwise this is a terrible idea.

    38 Bring Seska into the game

    Guess you didn't pay attention to the story in Delta Rising, as the legacy of Seska is addressed.

    44 Ba'ku/Son'a Lock Box

    And now I simply ask. Why ?

    48 James Doohan Voice Acting

    Can't we just let him rest in peace? This suggestion of yours is the most insensitive of the lot.

    74 Kazon Playable
    75 Pakled Playable Ship
    76 Pakled Lockbox
    78 Horta Rock box

    See, now I am convinced you're trying to troll us or something. Seriously ? Kazon ? And isn't one of their ships available in the Delta Lockbox? I don't know, I don't play the lockbox game.

    79 Mission with Ww2 and TRIBBLE Germany

    There are plenty of other games for you to get your TRIBBLE Killing fun with. I'll be honest, I wouldn't trust Cryptic to make a WWII episode.

    96 Whales in SAN FRANCISCO BAY

    Now this one, I agree with.

    97 Galxay Dreadnought really make it a DREADNOUGHT!
    98 REALLY FIX THE Galxay Dreadnought MAKE IT A Playable GIVE IT SOME TEETH
    99 Playable Galxay Dreadnought "Playable is the Key word LtCommander Univeral slot!"

    I believe there is an entire thread dedicated to this conversation.
    Cute way to try and slip in yet another Galaxy revamp thread.

    100 T.A.R.D.I.S. Lockbox ship and timelord playable race for lilfetime

    You do realize that this is an entire other IP right? Also, the storylines of the two do not mesh (except in a comic)

    And to address all the many VO's you think would be great.
    Sure, it'd be awesome to get more VO from Trek Actors, but after the experience of Delta Rising, I would much rather see them put that money (stars aren't cheap) toward actual game improvements.
  • imperialmirrorimperialmirror Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    hippiejon wrote: »

    79 Mission with Ww2 and TRIBBLE Germany

    There are plenty of other games for you to get your TRIBBLE Killing fun with. I'll be honest, I wouldn't trust Cryptic to make a WWII episode.

    Now who said he wanted too kill them?
  • nova2284nova2284 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    why not ?:D
  • ouroboros99ouroboros99 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Complete ground up tear down and revamp of ground combat removing things like

    -tab targeting:This is at least 50% of the reason why ground combat is as terrible and boring as it is.

    -people getting hit by 100 anti proton beams before they actually die: Seriously?

    -add a cover system: Think of what the gunfights in star trek actually looked like. They didn't look like Sisko/Picard/Kirk etc standing in the middle of an open room jerking oddly while countless beams and blasts impacted their "personal shields". It was generally a bunch of dudes crouched behind some crates, shooting at another bunch of dudes crouched behind some other crates. The crates are already in the game, why can't we use them for the purpose nature intended!

    -personal shields rare/restricted/much less effective: Yeah I get it, it's 30 years in the future after TNG but I don't care, this mechanic straight up sucks. The enemy commander shouldn't have more shields than the ship he just climbed out of and my dude shouldn't eat a "super heavy neutron infused quantum disruptor" to the face, fly across the room, hit some crates, then get up like nothing happened while his little blue bar refils. He's an aging Romulan admiral, one hit like that and he'd be deader than captain Kirk on a rickety bridge. How about we make the weapons actually feel lethal so you can use some actual skill to kill rooms full of goons instead of just throwing numbers at them while you spam a hotbar. My special thanks to whoever came out with an programmed those demi-god like Vaadwar commanders.

    -too many useless/redundant skills: Do I really need 3 or 4 different icons to slot and click on all of which basically amount to "your character will do slightly more damage for a short time". No I don't, and neither does anybody. All these buttons and not a single"skip ground combat" button. I can skip the whole episode, why not part of it?

    It's something of a joke in my circle how STO is one of the best space combat games around while simultaneously being one of the most tedious ground based combat games we've ever played.

    This is one area of the game that if improved, would have a massive net benefit to the overall package. I might actually look forward to beaming down to planets now instead of rolling my eyes and lamenting that there's no way to take it off elite difficulty halfway through the mission to make the pain pass faster.

    Why the hell does my admiral need to beam down to planets and get into firefights anyway? Why can't I just send down some AI minions and go grab a coke while they suffer through the ground combat portion. My warbird holds 1500 Romulans! All of which dream of the day they'll get to disintegrate some hapless inferior. Fire up those transporters guys, I'll go do some paperwork.
  • imperialmirrorimperialmirror Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    107: Mirror Reputation - One Unlock - Mirror Skin and I.S.S. Prefix as Stated above
    108: DS9/Bajor Battle-zone - Fight Mirror Forces off in and around DS9/Bajor
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Here's my list of top 100 things that'd improve STO.

    1. Roll back Delta Rising.
    2. Roll back Delta Rising.
    3. Roll back Delta Rising.
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    47. Roll back Delta Rising.
    48. Roll back Delta Rising.
    49. Roll back Delta Rising.
    50. Fix the bugs BEFORE releasing new content.
    51. Roll back Delta Rising.
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    96. Roll back Delta Rising.
    97. Roll back Delta Rising.
    98. Roll back Delta Rising.
    99. Roll back Delta Rising.
    100. Roll back Delta Rising.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • imperialmirrorimperialmirror Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    here's My List Of Top 100 Things That'd Improve Sto.

    1. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    2. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    3. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    4. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    5. Roll Back Delta Rising.
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    45. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    46. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    47. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    48. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    49. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    50. Fix The Bugs Before Releasing New Content.
    51. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    52. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    53. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    54. Roll Back Delta Rising.
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    69. Heh.
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    95. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    96. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    97. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    98. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    99. Roll Back Delta Rising.
    100. Roll Back Delta Rising.

    Win !!! :D:D:D
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Lets play a game? (Because most people on the forums don't seem to play STO :D)

    How far did you get down that list before you threw up? Bile started to form in the back of throat at t6 Connie. What about you?

    Edit:Thanks guys, I just lost 10 pounds reading page 2.
  • cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Not sure if serious after James Doohan voice acting but that's so messed up il just hope you missed the bad news and say nice list.
  • valenn1valenn1 Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Lets play a game? (Because most people on the forums don't seem to play STO :D)

    How far did you get down that list before you threw up? Bile started to form in the back of throat at t6 Connie. What about you?

    Edit:Thanks guys, I just lost 10 pounds reading page 2.

    I stopped at #1
    Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...

  • imperialmirrorimperialmirror Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Lets play a game? (Because most people on the forums don't seem to play STO :D)

    How far did you get down that list before you threw up? Bile started to form in the back of throat at t6 Connie. What about you?

    Edit:Thanks guys, I just lost 10 pounds reading page 2.

    You sound like you have a lot of friends lol
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    You sound like you have a lot of friends lol

    And your whole everything sounds like you are not an edgy teen that thinks everything needs to be set in "THE GRIMDERP FUTURE OF DARKNESS" wait.... I mean Mirror Universe lol
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    nova2284 wrote: »
    1 T6 Constitution Class
    2 Fleet Admiral Uniform Pins
    3 KDF Playable Ferengi
    4 3D Chess Game Mini Game
    5 Borg LockBox
    6 Patrick Stewart voice acting
    7 Brent Spiner voice acting
    8 George Takei voice acting
    9 Mirror Lock box with ISS PREFIX FOR ALL SHIPS
    10 Skant Uniform
    11 T6 Pheonix Shuttlecraft playable
    12 Top Hats and Other Hats
    13 Ocompa playable
    15 MORE R&D Things to Build maybe a ship
    16 Sector space repair stations
    17 Ferenginar
    18 More Earth Zones Ground OTHER SFA
    19 KDF move call down Trags
    20 John De Lancie voice acting
    21 Teamup Groups KDF and FED
    22 FEDERATION CARRIER with Miranda and or DEFIANT PETS!!!
    23 12,000 dil refine daily
    24 Daily Mission that pay EC on Ferenginar
    26 New Fleet holding
    27 More Temporal or Time Travel Missions
    28 More Ui Options
    29 The Nexus from Generations
    30 Specializations give Fleetmarks
    31 Cat pets need be combat pets
    32 Quark needs to be in the game
    33 More Playable Rom species Caitians
    34 Borg Caitians-Gorn Boffs
    35 William Shatner Vocie acting
    36 Ares Class T6
    37 Axanar Mission
    38 Bring Seska into the game
    39 Declear War Enemy Fleets or Any Fleet
    42 Wellington class T6
    43 Federation holoship T6
    44 Ba'ku/Son'a Lock Box
    45 DS9 PVP MAP ground and space
    46 A 2nd Dominion War OR A RETURN TO THE Dominion War
    47 Ricardo Montalban Voice Acting
    48 James Doohan Voice Acting
    49 Pizza and Tacos in food replicator
    50 Kill Neelix for real
    51 Achilles class T6
    52 Perception class T6
    53 Wil wheaton Voice Acting
    54 Dual Tropedo Laucher
    55 V'ger mission
    56 Intell Playable Captains
    57 Whale Probe Mission
    58 Whale Probe Lox box
    59 Jolene Blalock Vocie Acting
    60 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
    61 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
    62 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
    63 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting
    64 Jeffrey Combs Vocie Acting

    65 Avery Brooks Vocie Acting
    66 Michael Anthony Alaimo Vocie Acting
    67 Andrew Robinson Vocie Acting
    68 Rene Auberjonois Vocie Acting
    69 Alexander Siddig vocie Acting
    70 Colm Meaney vocie Acting
    71 John Billingsley vocie acting
    72 Denobulan Playable
    73 Dog pets!!!
    74 Kazon Playable
    75 Pakled Playable Ship
    76 Pakled Lockbox
    77 More Arc Tropedo Laucher
    78 Horta Rock box
    79 Mission with Ww2 and TRIBBLE Germany
    80 Hirogen Playable
    81 More Fleet Emblem Options
    82 More Hull Armor and Looks
    83 A Good Romulan Sci ship
    84 Breen Playable
    85 The Caretaker
    86 William T. Riker Jonathan Frakes vocie acting
    87 Geordi La Forge LeVar Burton vocie acting
    88 Uss Challenger
    89 Uss Titan
    90 Mission showing what happen to the USS Enterprise-E
    91 Zen Store Emotes Khannnnnn! and blood wine toast ect back on zen for sell
    92 Mission with the Temporal Cold War!
    93 Xindi playable
    94 Mission showing how Xindi join the Federation
    95 Trellium-D added to R&D and picking it acted as a neurotoxin to Vulcans.
    96 Whales in SAN FRANCISCO BAY
    97 Galxay Dreadnought really make it a DREADNOUGHT!
    98 REALLY FIX THE Galxay Dreadnought MAKE IT A Playable GIVE IT SOME TEETH
    99 Playable Galxay Dreadnought "Playable is the Key word LtCommander Univeral slot!"
    100 T.A.R.D.I.S. Lockbox ship and timelord playable race for lilfetime
    101 Fix all bugs :D:D:D

    Well then...let's see.

    Yellow, don't really care - could make it worse, could make it better - but just don't care.
    Red, would make it worse.
    Green, would be nifty.
  • imperialmirrorimperialmirror Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    And your whole everything sounds like you are not an edgy teen that thinks everything needs to be set in "THE GRIMDERP FUTURE OF DARKNESS" wait.... I mean Mirror Universe lol

    And here we are attacking again. Are you trying too start a forum fight? DO you really have nothing better to do? Cant we all just get along?
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    And here we are attacking again. Are you trying too start a forum fight? DO you really have nothing better to do? Cant we all just get along?

    Attacking? I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm a Starfleet officer, peace and friendship is my bread and butter :)
  • imperialmirrorimperialmirror Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Attacking? I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm a Starfleet officer, peace and friendship is my bread and butter :)

    Oh come on now lol all starfleet officers have a darker more insidious side. I've seen it first hand ingame ;) Are you telling me you have followed the prime directive like a good solder? :)

    and im just messing around on the forums. Im bored out of my mind here lol :)
  • maskedmarvel1maskedmarvel1 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Replace the ground game with an x-com like game for your Boff's
  • genemorphgenemorph Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I would have added making it easier to convert large amounts of marks to Dil ore to the top of the list. The current process is sadistic.
  • f9thretxcf9thretxc Member Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    genemorph wrote: »
    I would have added making it easier to convert large amounts of marks to Dil ore to the top of the list. The current process is sadistic.

    I would agree with this over raising the Dil Cap. in fact, this would be a great quality of life improvement.

    I've only dabbled with the foundry, so if this is already there, then please ignore, but the ability to make changes to NPC stats would be awesome. I would love to do a Predatoresque type mission using nausicans as the big bad.
    My mother always told me to walk away from a fight, The Marines taught me how.
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Yeah bunch of these, just not happening.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Number 1 made me lol hard. .

    T6 connie really!!!!!!!! Will never happen. .
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    #1 Developers that listen not just to money, but to the community; just because a community might purchase items that the developers have decided on, it does not mean that these items are what the community wants, it is more that the community is making the most out of what has been provided for them. Would anyone like a list?

    #2 The various voice acting mentioned on nova2284's original post. More specifically, Jeffery Combs (Weyoun/Shran) and Andrew Robinson (Garak).

    #3) Revised Felines (Caitian/Ferasan); more TAS style with Feline (and not humanoid) legs, in addition to lengthier hair options.

    #3b) More hair options across the board, and for all species (yes, that means Klingons too).

    #4) An Independent (though I'd settle for a tidied up) Republic Faction; it works, and it plays, but quite honestly it's a mess right now with so many little features not working as I expect they should do.

    #5) Tailor unlocks for all Bridge Officers (regardless of rarity); see repeated requests for Embassy Romulan and FE Reman Tailor.

    #6) Mix & Match Space Set Visuals;
    Deflector Visuals - Unique Deflector Visual
    Impulse Visuals - Unique Impulse Visual
    Warp/Singularity Visual - Unique Warp/Singularity Visual
    Shield Visual - Unique Shield Visual
    At the moment, the Warp/Singularity Visuals are tied into the Shield Visuals, they should be split. I understand this feature was implemented before ships had Warp/Singularity Cores, but we have them now, so how about an update?

    Regarding the Mix & Match; if people have (in their inventory/bank/account bank) any of the set pieces, then they should be able to use the visuals for those pieces without them needing to be equipped. Some people may desire to use the Assimilated Deflector, all whilst having the Nukara Visuals.
    #7) Ship Customization; not so much an issue for FED ships (well there's a surprise), but many of the KDF and Republic ships are lacking; just take a look at the new T6 ships for a prime example. All FED T6's have at least two skins (minus Dauntless), the KDF and Republic have one ship with two skins (I think) and another ship with just the one.

    #8) Account Bound Lobi/Lock Box Ships. You're already making a killing out of these Cryptic, would it hurt you to allow said player to swap said ships between characters?

    #9) A Species Chance Token.
  • priestofsin420priestofsin420 Member Posts: 419
    edited November 2014
    I've got a few...

    1.) Romulan/Klingon versions of all the fed intel ships. Gimmie my romulan Scryer pl0x
    2.) Rom/Fed/Klink teamups in all queues, since we are working together
    Sardak (Science Officer): Captain of a 23k DPS R'Mor Temporal Science Vessel, R.R.W. Vathos
    Odan Brota (Science Officer): Captain of a 28k DPS Scryer Intel Science Vessel, U.S.S. Kepler
    Patiently waiting for a Romulan Science Vessel
  • garaks31garaks31 Member Posts: 2,845 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    100 and something

    ground vehicle
    space jump
    racing :rolleyes:
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