Yeah some of them will be from last years leftovers, but I'm pretty sure most of them are from the 'must have everything right now' crowd that have way too much disposable income and make up like 75% of cryptic's income. More of them will be buying it rather than grinding if it's a tier 6 than if it's a tier 5.
I will start this winter event with full stacks of the common commodities and over 200 of each of the uncommon ones.
Lol, me too. I remember when the winter event started last year the uncommon items went for more than 2 mill ec each. At the end, I bought 200 or so for a little over 2 mill. :P I'll need the EC cap increase for sure.
What can I say? I was inspired by that Ferengi constantly saying "A wise man can hear profit in the wind" RIGHT IN MY FREAKIN' EAR!
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Exactly. That's why the old Event ships were all Tier 4 ship and not Tier 5 Fleet ship equivalents.
I am not saying they will be Tier 6 ships, but any claims that monetary aspects would be why they might not be are on shaky grounds due to the ships that already were available from Events.
I think the "monetary" aspect of these ships is taken by getting people to log in every day to grind them. Obviously Cryptic is getting something out of that.
old breen ships were superior to normal t5 9 consoles ships they had 10 consoles and first one came few weeks before first 10 consoles ships to z store
I think it will be tier 6 because they want people grinding for something. The more people log in the more likely they are to buy Zen. Especially if they have ground up 900 autographs and need lobi to get those last 100 before the deadline.
At this point many have pictures left over. Next summer one character will start with almost 500 of the summer currencies. I will start this winter event with full stacks of the common commodities and over 200 of each of the uncommon ones.
Yep, left the last summer event myself iwth enough favors and pearls to buy anything that shows up and whatever the event ship is on every single one of my toons. on day 1. pearls are on each toon, parked all the favors on mt Fed-Tac.... about 50k favors and some change.
Have some stuff left over from the last winter invent, but didn't stock pile last winter like I did during the summer one.... byt may stockpile the winter one this time around.
1. the odds are for, against and in between. ask a silly question get a silly answer.
2. for all we know cryptic devs went to great lengths and negotations with o'bannon to bring the peacekeeper command carrier to the game.
i would suggest you wait roughly 3 weeks to a month, cryptic will either release info on what the grand prize would be or you will find out when the christian holiday event is unlocked.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I think the chances of a T6 are pretty slim, they are just too new at the moment most likely a T5 with a free upgrade.
you only need to look at when they do a c-store give away they still don't give any romulan stuff away even uniforms, if they give a T6 ships away it could effect their sales considerably.
there are still a few breen ships out there that would be suitable as T5.
the Sarr Theln Warship is my first guess.
but the Rezreth Destroyer is also possible.
there is also the Breen Capital Ship but I would think this would fall into the T6 class so maybe in a couple of years well get that one.
its also highly likely they will offer the past ships as a choice for players who want them.
for any new players wanting to get the two past ships and this years also heres what to do.
once 1 character has a winter ship you can claim it on other characters for 40 pictures (reward for 1 race).
make sure you have 3 characters levelled up before the event starts, select 1 of each of the 3 ships on each character, do the 25 daily races to claim the 3 ships this will unlock the ability to claim the other two ships on each character for 1 more race each.
that should take you 27 days in total and as the event runs for about 31 days that's plenty of time to do the task.
if you manage that you should be able to do the same when the summer event comes around.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
1) I am going to say that the odds are pretty good for the ship being Tier 6. There are very few Tier 6 ships out there depending on what your faction is (five for federation, 2 for klingon, 2 for Romulan, 7, 4 and 4 if you want to count the new lockbox ships) and it would be a perfect way to give players another star ship trait for free without having to spend a lot other than time.
2) The winter ship will NOT be a Dominion ship. The Jem'hadar attack ship was only a give away in the first winter event as they were still trying to figure out how they could let players have alien ships for free without making it some kind of effort to get it. Even in the first winter event, The odds of getting an attack ship were low.
50/50 for T5/T6. Personally I believe it will be a T6 Breen Carrier with the ability to launch Frigate pets if you have the Breen Raider in your ship roster.
They may wish to keep the first free/grind T6 ship for the anniversary.
But the recent flames could cause them to offer a T6 ship as an olive branch.
Interviews have suggested it was always planned to be a T6 ship. The first free/grind T6 ship to be available after the Delta Riseing Launch. Things said such as "Our focus is on T6 ship going forward". Or "Romulans and KDF may feel they are a little light on the slot able ship traits at launch but we have more ships on the way, and you have the winter event and anniversary coming up".
In any case I am just going to wait and see. At some point we will be getting teasers about what is new in the winters event.
My true questions will be is the winter ship be a T6 ship or T6 Fleet level ship? Will it have a Specialist Bridge Officer station? Will the slot able ship trait be any good? Will the DPS players break the game with it?
Will I like the ships layout and look of the ship?
50/50 for T5/T6. Personally I believe it will be a T6 Breen Carrier with the ability to launch Frigate pets if you have the Breen Raider in your ship roster.
They may wish to keep the first free/grind T6 ship for the anniversary.
This would be a nice change. Thus far all anniversary ships have been non-fleet t5s compared to winter/summer fleet t5s. Even the dyson anniversary ship. So getting a full fleet anniversary would be cool, because honestly, I'd rather have the best free award of the year be a celebration of the game itself and not for a season.
My true questions will be is the winter ship be a T6 ship or T6 Fleet level ship? Will it have a Specialist Bridge Officer station? Will the slot able ship trait be any good? Will the DPS players break the game with it?
Will I like the ships layout and look of the ship?
Dunno yet
Unlikely but I hope so
Probably (most are so far, in my opinion)
Almost certainly not
If you like the other two, then yes. If not, then no.
Well, darn.
I suck at the ice racing game.
Sigh, hopefully summer event will suffice.
Skid To a stop in what looks like loose snow on the side of the track (it is stickier than the center track ice)
Cut corners, many of the turns you can go outside the slalom po!es safely and shave a/bit of distance.
Start running on the count of 2, don't wait for zero.
If you are abou t to lose the race for going off track, double-tap to roll, you stand without sliding at the end. But you lose all momentum so only do this to prevent a loss for going put of bounds, don't do it just to turn a corner.
Skid To a stop in what looks like loose snow on the side of the track (it is stickier than the center track ice)
Cut corners, many of the turns you can go outside the slalom po!es safely and shave a/bit of distance.
Start running on the count of 2, don't wait for zero.
If you are abou t to lose the race for going off track, double-tap to roll, you stand without sliding at the end. But you lose all momentum so only do this to prevent a loss for going put of bounds, don't do it just to turn a corner.
Honestly, with all the people that seem unable to do it, I'm thinking that I'll just make a thread and advertise tutoring for it. :P (Free of course. I'm not a jerk.)
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Skid To a stop in what looks like loose snow on the side of the track (it is stickier than the center track ice)
Cut corners, many of the turns you can go outside the slalom po!es safely and shave a/bit of distance.
Start running on the count of 2, don't wait for zero.
If you are abou t to lose the race for going off track, double-tap to roll, you stand without sliding at the end. But you lose all momentum so only do this to prevent a loss for going put of bounds, don't do it just to turn a corner.
Don't forget to bunny hop. If you're sliding and want to stop NOW, do a short jump, but remember NOT to hold a direction when landing.
Don't forget to bunny hop. If you're sliding and want to stop NOW, do a short jump, but remember NOT to hold a direction when landing.
That causes me to lose much more time than rolling. There was a bug where it worked better than running, but since that was fixed I get better results with the roll. Ymmv
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,914Community Moderator
edited November 2014
Knowing which corners you can cut safely and which areas you can go full out on is key. I'd suggest practice runs to help get a handle on running on ice before actually doing it for real.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I still think it'd be in cryptics and the players best interests to make the sarr theln tier 6. As for whether it'll have an intelligence seat, I think it probably will but I wouldn't count on it. If it does it won't be more than a single lt. level seat though. Not sure if it'll be fleet tier 6 or normal tier 6, but in the past winter event ships have always been the top tier at the time so precedent says fleet tier 6, I might just be being overly hopeful there though.
It could be the Breen Carrier, in some Orellius Sector Missions, i confronted one.. it has more detail than before, like they upgraded the model a Little..
yeah, Geko mentioned Bleth Choas pets in that thread on pets that were getting rebalanced.... We don't even HAVE those yet.
This suggests that they're in the works, and we all know where the devs stick playable Breen stuff. And people have been guessing that we'll get a playable Sarr Theln since BEFORE last event. the main question is whether it will be T5-U or T6.
And the anticipation for another 'free' cross-faction carrier makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
It could be the Breen Carrier, in some Orellius Sector Missions, i confronted one.. it has more detail than before, like they upgraded the model a Little..
Oh did it now? A model update is always a sign that a ship is about to become playable (and if there's a holo-emitter version of that ship, a sudden replacement of that holo-emitter with something else is a 100% sign).
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
I'd like to see them stop doing the hokey dumbass gingerbread bull**** events. Why can't we rescue a holographic CPT Archer from the ice caves of Andoria? Or redecorate DS9 for the Bajoran Gratitude Festival? How about a celebration of the death of Dukat? There are so many better things they can do (or invent) that would work better. We have First Contact day....I just feel like Christmas in game should be more....Trek-like. Gingerbread ANYTHING just doesn't do it for me.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
I have always been away, or unable to do the winter event, so this year will be the first time I can really get into it.
Is the Race thingie, like the one for summer? I know with having a satellite connection I could be shown as first place, and even be clicking like crazy, and never get a win, or is it somewhat different.
In fact, If anyone has a video of the events, I'd be forever in your debt. Not gonna miss out this time!
My mother always told me to walk away from a fight, The Marines taught me how.
That causes me to lose much more time than rolling. There was a bug where it worked better than running, but since that was fixed I get better results with the roll. Ymmv
depends. both ways you stop completely. rolling moves you a little, assuming you rolled the right way. a good roll takes a bit of fore thought. sometimes you need to stop on a dime.
I have always been away, or unable to do the winter event, so this year will be the first time I can really get into it.
Is the Race thingie, like the one for summer? I know with having a satellite connection I could be shown as first place, and even be clicking like crazy, and never get a win, or is it somewhat different.
In fact, If anyone has a video of the events, I'd be forever in your debt. Not gonna miss out this time!
the race for the ship tokens isn't PvP. you have to do the course faster than an NPC who is so slow that a REALLY fast racer can beat the NPC of the person ahead of them.
I have always been away, or unable to do the winter event, so this year will be the first time I can really get into it.
Is the Race thingie, like the one for summer? I know with having a satellite connection I could be shown as first place, and even be clicking like crazy, and never get a win, or is it somewhat different.
In fact, If anyone has a video of the events, I'd be forever in your debt. Not gonna miss out this time!
think theres a video on youtube but I think its an old event so some stuff might not be there but worth a look in any case.
Lol, me too. I remember when the winter event started last year the uncommon items went for more than 2 mill ec each. At the end, I bought 200 or so for a little over 2 mill. :P I'll need the EC cap increase for sure.
What can I say? I was inspired by that Ferengi constantly saying "A wise man can hear profit in the wind" RIGHT IN MY FREAKIN' EAR!
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
old breen ships were superior to normal t5 9 consoles ships they had 10 consoles and first one came few weeks before first 10 consoles ships to z store
i think it will be t6 ship
Yep, left the last summer event myself iwth enough favors and pearls to buy anything that shows up and whatever the event ship is on every single one of my toons. on day 1. pearls are on each toon, parked all the favors on mt Fed-Tac.... about 50k favors and some change.
Have some stuff left over from the last winter invent, but didn't stock pile last winter like I did during the summer one.... byt may stockpile the winter one this time around.
1. the odds are for, against and in between. ask a silly question get a silly answer.
2. for all we know cryptic devs went to great lengths and negotations with o'bannon to bring the peacekeeper command carrier to the game.
i would suggest you wait roughly 3 weeks to a month, cryptic will either release info on what the grand prize would be or you will find out when the christian holiday event is unlocked.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
you only need to look at when they do a c-store give away they still don't give any romulan stuff away even uniforms, if they give a T6 ships away it could effect their sales considerably.
there are still a few breen ships out there that would be suitable as T5.
the Sarr Theln Warship is my first guess.
but the Rezreth Destroyer is also possible.
there is also the Breen Capital Ship but I would think this would fall into the T6 class so maybe in a couple of years well get that one.
its also highly likely they will offer the past ships as a choice for players who want them.
for any new players wanting to get the two past ships and this years also heres what to do.
once 1 character has a winter ship you can claim it on other characters for 40 pictures (reward for 1 race).
make sure you have 3 characters levelled up before the event starts, select 1 of each of the 3 ships on each character, do the 25 daily races to claim the 3 ships this will unlock the ability to claim the other two ships on each character for 1 more race each.
that should take you 27 days in total and as the event runs for about 31 days that's plenty of time to do the task.
if you manage that you should be able to do the same when the summer event comes around.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
1) I am going to say that the odds are pretty good for the ship being Tier 6. There are very few Tier 6 ships out there depending on what your faction is (five for federation, 2 for klingon, 2 for Romulan, 7, 4 and 4 if you want to count the new lockbox ships) and it would be a perfect way to give players another star ship trait for free without having to spend a lot other than time.
2) The winter ship will NOT be a Dominion ship. The Jem'hadar attack ship was only a give away in the first winter event as they were still trying to figure out how they could let players have alien ships for free without making it some kind of effort to get it. Even in the first winter event, The odds of getting an attack ship were low.
They may wish to keep the first free/grind T6 ship for the anniversary.
But the recent flames could cause them to offer a T6 ship as an olive branch.
Interviews have suggested it was always planned to be a T6 ship. The first free/grind T6 ship to be available after the Delta Riseing Launch. Things said such as "Our focus is on T6 ship going forward". Or "Romulans and KDF may feel they are a little light on the slot able ship traits at launch but we have more ships on the way, and you have the winter event and anniversary coming up".
In any case I am just going to wait and see. At some point we will be getting teasers about what is new in the winters event.
My true questions will be is the winter ship be a T6 ship or T6 Fleet level ship? Will it have a Specialist Bridge Officer station? Will the slot able ship trait be any good? Will the DPS players break the game with it?
Will I like the ships layout and look of the ship?
so lets keep our fingers crossed on that one.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I suck at the ice racing game.
Sigh, hopefully summer event will suffice.
Dunno yet
Unlikely but I hope so
Probably (most are so far, in my opinion)
Almost certainly not
If you like the other two, then yes. If not, then no.
Skid To a stop in what looks like loose snow on the side of the track (it is stickier than the center track ice)
Cut corners, many of the turns you can go outside the slalom po!es safely and shave a/bit of distance.
Start running on the count of 2, don't wait for zero.
If you are abou t to lose the race for going off track, double-tap to roll, you stand without sliding at the end. But you lose all momentum so only do this to prevent a loss for going put of bounds, don't do it just to turn a corner.
Won't hurt to try, try and try again, I suppose.
Honestly, with all the people that seem unable to do it, I'm thinking that I'll just make a thread and advertise tutoring for it. :P (Free of course. I'm not a jerk.)
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
My character Tsin'xing
That causes me to lose much more time than rolling. There was a bug where it worked better than running, but since that was fixed I get better results with the roll. Ymmv
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Awesome! I hope that works out!
Wait... You were kidding, right?
And the anticipation for another 'free' cross-faction carrier makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Helpful Tools: - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
and will probably always be Breen related, you know, winter, cold.
I hope they still allow to get the old ones too I missed the cruiser and I really want it!
Oh did it now? A model update is always a sign that a ship is about to become playable (and if there's a holo-emitter version of that ship, a sudden replacement of that holo-emitter with something else is a 100% sign).
Joined January 2009
Is the Race thingie, like the one for summer? I know with having a satellite connection I could be shown as first place, and even be clicking like crazy, and never get a win, or is it somewhat different.
In fact, If anyone has a video of the events, I'd be forever in your debt. Not gonna miss out this time!
My character Tsin'xing
Now I know people like to think Cryptic is Ferengi Sith Lords but the odds of them going against their own history is slim.
think theres a video on youtube but I think its an old event so some stuff might not be there but worth a look in any case.
scratch that this ones from last year.
part 1 -
part 2 -
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.