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Fraud Prevention System (Probation)



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    wudwaenwudwaen Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I am currently not making any purchases because of my disappointment with DR and the destruction of my ability to craft. However, since I only make periodic purchases for my own convenience and to benefit my fleet - all my purchases at this point may be ended. There is no point in my occasionally buying zen if doing what I can only afford every so often results in being unable to use it for my fleet research.
    Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary. ~ Cecil Beaton
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    alastorforthrighalastorforthrigh Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    In the continued stone walled conversation with CS, they continue to feign ignorance. Claiming they cannot adjust anything, and in fact can't even tell me how long the probation lasts. Who, seriously, who, implements a system like this, in which Customer Service is not informed, has no information, and cannot remove or adjust erroneous flags?
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    darthhammerdarthhammer Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Seems to be triggering on those with a long history of purchases (me) or those using steam (me) incorrectly. Yah. I just got a benthan cruiser (80,000,000) I cant sell. Thanks, I appreciate losing out on all that money, cryptic.

    I am all for good security but this is not it.

    Like I said before, any and all purchases through Steam are not tracked in their purchase history, so even if you've spent hundreds through Steam, the security system regards you as if you have made no purchases, and flags you.

    Until something is worked out, here's a possible workaround for people who make all their purchases through steam.

    Go to the ARC main-page, and navigate to where you can buy ZEN, and use the website interface to make your next few ZEN purchases. (Alternatively, purchase one of the STO packs from the website.) That should build up a purchase history with the system, and then you should be able to buy ZEN through Steam without being flagged.

    Note that I haven't verified this myself, but from what I've been reading from others supports this so it should work.
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    alastorforthrighalastorforthrigh Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Like I said before, any and all purchases through Steam are not tracked in their purchase history, so even if you've spent hundreds through Steam, the security system regards you as if you have made no purchases, and flags you.

    Until something is worked out, here's a possible workaround for people who make all their purchases through steam.

    Go to the ARC main-page, and navigate to where you can buy ZEN, and use the website interface to make your next few ZEN purchases. (Alternatively, purchase one of the STO packs from the website.) That should build up a purchase history with the system, and then you should be able to buy ZEN through Steam without being flagged.

    Note that I haven't verified this myself, but from what I've been reading from others supports this so it should work.

    If any purchases through steam were not tracked in their purchase history then they would have no method of verifying what account Zen should go to when a Steam Wallet purchase was made. Every time a Steam Wallet purchase is made in game the system has to verify that. Every purchase is thus tied to your account, and thus every time you make a purchase they have a record of that, so when someone has made purchases using nothing but that method, then gets flagged, it's cause the system is not set up intelligently. There is always a transaction trail, otherwise they couldn't do proper accounting and internal auditing. You even used to receive emails when you made in game purchases of this type from PWE, now you only get the Steam email, and that still has a transaction number, which PWE would have as well.


    CS is at least now in the apologizing profusely stage and assuring me that it is not a permanent probation (though I'm weary)
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    darthhammerdarthhammer Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If any purchases through steam were not tracked in their purchase history then they would have no method of verifying what account Zen should go to when a Steam Wallet purchase was made. Every time a Steam Wallet purchase is made in game the system has to verify that. Every purchase is thus tied to your account, and thus every time you make a purchase they have a record of that, so when someone has made purchases using nothing but that method, then gets flagged, it's cause the system is not set up intelligently. There is always a transaction trail, otherwise they couldn't do proper accounting and internal auditing. You even used to receive emails when you made in game purchases of this type from PWE, now you only get the Steam email, and that still has a transaction number, which PWE would have as well.


    CS is at least now in the apologizing profusely stage and assuring me that it is not a permanent probation (though I'm weary)

    Perhaps I was unclear.

    While of course there exists purchase records and history for every transaction done through steam, I have hypothesized that the Fraud Prevention System only tracks the ARC purchase history, (which can be viewed on their website) and since Steam purchases are not logged to that purchase history list, the system treats anyone who has made their purchases exclusively through Steam as someone who has made no purchases at all.

    Here is my observations that led me to that:

    1. Almost everyone who has reported being consistently flagged has also been using Steam to make their purchases.

    2. I checked my own purchase history, and despite many Steam purchases, I have no purchase history logged on the ARC website.

    3. People who have transaction history logged on the ARC website, but also make purchases through Steam are not having the same issues with being flagged.

    So you are correct: the system isn't set up intelligently, in that it does not track Steam purchases, and therefore will constantly flag those who only purchase through Steam.
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    alastorforthrighalastorforthrigh Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Perhaps I was unclear.

    While of course there exists purchase records and history for every transaction done through steam, I have hypothesized that the Fraud Prevention System only tracks the ARC purchase history, (which can be viewed on their website) and since Steam purchases are not logged to that purchase history list, the system treats anyone who has made their purchases exclusively through Steam as someone who has made no purchases at all.

    Here is my observations that led me to that:

    1. Almost everyone who has reported being consistently flagged has also been using Steam to make their purchases.

    2. I checked my own purchase history, and despite many Steam purchases, I have no purchase history logged on the ARC website.

    3. People who have transaction history logged on the ARC website, but also make purchases through Steam are not having the same issues with being flagged.

    So you are correct: the system isn't set up intelligently, in that it does not track Steam purchases, and therefore will constantly flag those who only purchase through Steam.

    See I don't think that is the case, I think it is recognizing Steam, as I have been told by two separate CS reps that I am being placed on probation because I am using Steam. So while your hypothesis could be the case, having been told twice that it is because I use Steam, i think that the system does recognize it, and someone decided it was a good idea to make that a flag trigger.
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    kraniumbruskkraniumbrusk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    what really annoys me isnt the fact that im on probation for legal purchages, it annoys me that you bind everything to my account and that will NEVER be removed, I never get a choise, I am permanently punished for spending Money on items.

    Great Work, I buy 5000 zen and you punish me, without even offering to unbind items after my "probation" for legal activities is over.

    No your system isnt working by a long shot, not even remotely, also your warning ingame is very vauge, and it is not clear that your items is permanently bound to you

    ALSO having bound items in your R&D slot, fills up alot of Space, effectively doubling everything.

    This is beyond an inconvenience, its punishing people for spending Money

    Unbind my items, please, its a huge inconvenience, and eventually I might want to sell the ship I found, now I dont have a chance

    And no your warning isnt clear that Things would be permanently bound, because I bought Things through steam.

    those cleared should have any punishment removed, or this is not only punishing the guilty, its punishing the innosent aswell.

    I spend alot of Money, to get a certain ship, that I now fly, while I can certainly understand fighting fraud, I cannot understand nor accept quietly that I am being punished, even when im cleared.

    this is not only a massive smack in the face for me spending Money, on a product I genuinely like, it is removing value from what ive bought. you have effectively conned me, if you dont remove teh bound to account.

    why do you allow people whom are warned to buy zen and use it to begin with?....why is it you dont stop them there?

    You dont mind taking my Money, you dont mind using my Money, you mind me using what ive bought.
    You want my Money, but you dont want me to reseive my goods.

    You acuse me of a crime, then punish me, without finding out the truth, and when im punished, you dont make reperations and fix the punishment you have dealt out.

    I ask Again, If I am a swindler, why do you not simply stop me from buying zen or using zen.

    and once Again Again... Losing R&D slots to bound items is a HUGE problem...unless you demand I buy slots for it...oh wait..would that just ruin my account even further?
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    luk3gittinsluk3gittins Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    a false positive trigger but we have reduced the chance for that to the bare minimum. When purchasing ZEN, if an account is flagged, it puts the account into a temporary “probation” state for review by the system. New ZEN buyers and those with a limited purchase history may get temporarily flagged into the probation system. Once you have an established purchase history with us, the system is unlikely to trigger.

    well.....after buying 17 quid of zen with steam credit i have been flagged...is it because i used paypal to get steam credit before buying in game zen? or is your *bare minimum* chance far too high. ;)

    New ZEN buyers and those with a limited purchase history may get temporarily flagged into the probation system

    yeh ok, so i have spent about 90 quid in the past few years on sto in the same way and all was good, i hope you hurry and clear this mess up quick as it has put me off spending money on the game all together
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    omgbamf00omgbamf00 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I just got flagged after buying 1000 zen through Steam. I've also spent over $100 since DR launched, so I'm not sure how much payment history you guys need. I did it while leveling up an alt, so purchase history may be tied to characters and not accounts.
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    alastorforthrighalastorforthrigh Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm not even sure the whole "purchase history" things is viable. Been a customer since 2010, I eve bought the game with the steam account. And I have a standing purchase history with PWE as I used it to purchase Zen near exclusively for Neverwinter (and once-or-twice for STO) using their website (i just use Steam more often and prefer it). Also I was purchasing the Zen on my main character, that has been active since October of 2010. So that' can't be it either. Honestly it's just a messed up system, not doing what it needs to do and apparently
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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2014
    I'm not even sure the whole "purchase history" things is viable. Been a customer since 2010, I eve bought the game with the steam account. And I have a standing purchase history with PWE as I used it to purchase Zen near exclusively for Neverwinter (and once-or-twice for STO) using their website (i just use Steam more often and prefer it). Also I was purchasing the Zen on my main character, that has been active since October of 2010. So that' can't be it either. Honestly it's just a messed up system, not doing what it needs to do and apparently

    If you purchased through the website now, you may be ok. But if you used Steam to buy the Zen which got you on probation then it's probably because they are treating every Steam purchase as a 'new' purchase, for some messed up reason. It's all based on assumptions of course based on feedback from this and other related threads. Would be nice for a Dev to come along and help some people out here. The system is clearly broken.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    geckoisalizardgeckoisalizard Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    heh, you surprised cryptic broke something else?

    The entire game needs some serious debugging.
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    fewzzfewzz Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Bah, sod it no more money for them, buggy content and half arsed, they also seem to be trying to get away with everything to stop us obtaining Dilithium except buying it from them for yourself.

    My Dosh is going on Star Citizen and Elite.

    STO is FTP so thats exactly what ill do from now on, theres not exactly much to do at end game as usual anyways.
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    jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    PWE/Cryptic Kicks everyone in the nuts and the STO gamers reply?

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    makitkmakitk Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    1. Start a ticket.
    2. Upon receiving standard reply, reply with "Please forward my ticket to your supervisor."
    3. Keep restating your issue and asking for a supervisor to handle your ticket.
    4. Ask supervisor to forward your complaint to the correct department.

    The supervisor is the ONLY one who can do this. Normal customer support representatives cannot.
    Keep your tickets open and ongoing.
    They do not read these forum threads, even if they keep linking to it in the standard reply.
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    jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Just got done playing....was put on probation AGAIN!!!!!! bought some zen...to purchase some keys....BAMM!! THEY SLAPPED THE FRAUD TRIBBLE ON ME AGAIN!! It has to do with people using Steam..with a few others thrown in there..they had already cleared me last week...now I'm back on....geez!!!!! guess it was a waste of money to buy a LTS.
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    jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    what really annoys me isnt the fact that im on probation for legal purchages, it annoys me that you bind everything to my account and that will NEVER be removed, I never get a choise, I am permanently punished for spending Money on items.

    Great Work, I buy 5000 zen and you punish me, without even offering to unbind items after my "probation" for legal activities is over.

    No your system isnt working by a long shot, not even remotely, also your warning ingame is very vauge, and it is not clear that your items is permanently bound to you

    ALSO having bound items in your R&D slot, fills up alot of Space, effectively doubling everything.

    This is beyond an inconvenience, its punishing people for spending Money

    Unbind my items, please, its a huge inconvenience, and eventually I might want to sell the ship I found, now I dont have a chance

    And no your warning isnt clear that Things would be permanently bound, because I bought Things through steam.

    those cleared should have any punishment removed, or this is not only punishing the guilty, its punishing the innosent aswell.

    I spend alot of Money, to get a certain ship, that I now fly, while I can certainly understand fighting fraud, I cannot understand nor accept quietly that I am being punished, even when im cleared.

    this is not only a massive smack in the face for me spending Money, on a product I genuinely like, it is removing value from what ive bought. you have effectively conned me, if you dont remove teh bound to account.

    why do you allow people whom are warned to buy zen and use it to begin with?....why is it you dont stop them there?

    You dont mind taking my Money, you dont mind using my Money, you mind me using what ive bought.
    You want my Money, but you dont want me to reseive my goods.

    You acuse me of a crime, then punish me, without finding out the truth, and when im punished, you dont make reperations and fix the punishment you have dealt out.

    I ask Again, If I am a swindler, why do you not simply stop me from buying zen or using zen.

    and once Again Again... Losing R&D slots to bound items is a HUGE problem...unless you demand I buy slots for it...oh wait..would that just ruin my account even further?

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    jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Like I said before, any and all purchases through Steam are not tracked in their purchase history, so even if you've spent hundreds through Steam, the security system regards you as if you have made no purchases, and flags you.

    Until something is worked out, here's a possible workaround for people who make all their purchases through steam.

    Go to the ARC main-page, and navigate to where you can buy ZEN, and use the website interface to make your next few ZEN purchases. (Alternatively, purchase one of the STO packs from the website.) That should build up a purchase history with the system, and then you should be able to buy ZEN through Steam without being flagged.

    Note that I haven't verified this myself, but from what I've been reading from others supports this so it should work.

    I have spent hundreds of dollars on their site...arc/pwe...LTS...delta Pack....and some zen awhile back...and I'm still punished for using Steam....for a second time as of today/night
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    mamif3mamif3 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Kinda want to pick up some keys but I don't feel safe buying them with steam wallet till this is sorted out.
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    jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    you can still get keys...and if you want the ship..you can buy it...just can't sell it..I just get keys to open the damn boxes...I've got plenty of ships...and yes have sold lockbox ship from time to time...and for cheap...compaired to what some go for on the exchange...usually only sold them for face value..or a little below that...yeah..really criminal I know..
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    moody83moody83 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If they continue to TRIBBLE over legitimate paying customers and also continue to ignore what is going on it will soon be Star Trek Offline :mad::mad:
    My wallet has just put you on indefinite probation!!!!
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    nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I honestly can't believe there are still this many people trying to pay them for the disaster that DR is.
    Delirium Tremens
    Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
    Nothing to do anymore.
    Visit our Youtube channel
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    jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Just a question to the dev's.....so am I going to be considered a criminal every time I log on to play this game...as in being put on probation all the time???? Please let me know now so I can trash all the stuff I get out of lockboxes and other stuff so I don't feel as bad for doing so, and I can make room in my inventory when I run out of space. I know you don't give a poo about this, but I would like to know.
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    moody83moody83 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So still no response from an admin.... time to find another game!
    My wallet has just put you on indefinite probation!!!!
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    jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Just thought I would put that out there,for kicks and giggles! I know they would never respond to the question so....I've got to much time and ZEN in this game to quit, besides I do like playing this game. I'm just going to have to play it differently from now on that's all.
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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2014
    I must say, the lack of Dev feedback on this issue really is troubling. Whilst I haven't personally been affected by this issue, I feel it's actually pretty atrocious that the Devs haven't been more 'on hand' with the issues others are having with the system.

    The fact that there was a delay of several days between the system going live, and the players being informed. Followed by the lack of communication regarding people who have previously spent money on the game being marked as possible fraudulent purchasers, plus the reports from people about losing their Steam accounts (whether true or not), the Devs really should be making this one of their top priorities and reassuring their customers that this issue is being dealt with swiftly. Otherwise the game is going to lose a lot of paying customers and that doesn't serve any of us well in the long run.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    alastorforthrighalastorforthrigh Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    14 days... 14 days and I am still on probation. 14 days of not being able to convert dilithium, 14 days of not being able to use lockbox keys properly. 14 days of not being able to do with my Zen how it is advertised. And still no Dev response, even here the official thread for the system. Way to build faith, this is not.
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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2014
    14 days... 14 days and I am still on probation. 14 days of not being able to convert dilithium, 14 days of not being able to use lockbox keys properly. 14 days of not being able to do with my Zen how it is advertised. And still no Dev response, even here the official thread for the system. Way to build faith, this is not.

    It is pretty damned appalling you've been on probation this long considering in the OP it states "upto 10 days". I guess we can only assume that the first post is indeed a load of rubbish and the system is working as intended. Since apparently no devs seem willing to even acknowledge the complaints about this system, or address any of the concerns regarding Steam purchases.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    alastorforthrighalastorforthrigh Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It is pretty damned appalling you've been on probation this long considering in the OP it states "upto 10 days". I guess we can only assume that the first post is indeed a load of rubbish and the system is working as intended. Since apparently no devs seem willing to even acknowledge the complaints about this system, or address any of the concerns regarding Steam purchases.

    Best part? PWE sent me a request to fill out a survey about my customer service experience...
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    jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    alastorforthrigh........rotflmao...the wife is even looking at me funny....good one!!!
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