I don't have the dil/zen to buy a ship for a console right now so acetone is not happening in the short term. And as I said I can't seat a warp plasma: its ranks 3/4 and I have 1/2 only. Swapping the cmdr to engineer to get plasma means losing 4 sci skills and defeats the purpose. I can seat a GW or TR (atm its GW) but if I can't shoot them (due to their being sucked down the sides of my ship) my dps is going to be cut in half.
With this setup push TBR with GW & faw is working a lot better.
Well, at least the pull tbr is useful for missions in which you have to stop enemies from reaching a target, e.g. no win scenario, khitomer and cure space, mirror universe. Also, the advantage over the push tbr is that you can do more damage with it as the targets stay in range.
Well, at least the pull tbr is useful for missions in which you have to stop enemies from reaching a target, e.g. no win scenario, khitomer and cure space, mirror universe. Also, the advantage over the push tbr is that you can do more damage with it as the targets stay in range.
hes bound to me so its an option to use sometimes for sure. Just not what I had hoped for. With them out of weapons, its less damage than pushing esp with gw countering the push, keeping them all right in front of me. Dragging an entire group away from their goal is an excellent idea....
Its not totally worthless but all in all its not 10 mil worth of EC spent either (for the current setup). Ah well, only way to know stuff is to try it. And eventually it may work better in a different ship. Maybe I will swap back to the recluse and try that warp plasma idea in a bit
Don't give up yet. I'm still experimenting a lot with my science captains, too. One thing that might work nice, since the targets will be behind you: A nice torpedo as aft weapon and torpedo spread. Or maybe mines?
Don't give up yet. I'm still experimenting a lot with my science captains, too. One thing that might work nice, since the targets will be behind you: A nice torpedo as aft weapon and torpedo spread. Or maybe mines?
Maybe. I cannot seat a meaningful spread or pattern though -- I have 3 tac skills currently: Faw 1, faw 2, and a tac team.
I could seat 2 aft torps I suppose. That would have them hit by the aft setup of omni beam, KCB, and the 2 torps or torp/mine -- I would lose my meaningless turrets (not an issue at all).
I also do have a silly turret build. I could put on CSV1 and 8 360 weapons. Move back to tet glider set and tear up the shields... TBR and GW kills the hulls... but only get 1 skill because the cannon skills require higher seats.
I may try those out. But I can't see either of them beating my DBB frontal barrage while trapped in a GW & Tapped gently (in terms of the shove) with TBR. But that has me using 2 skills together, effectively costing an officer seat (which is sort of OK given the raw power of the combo).
part of the trouble is my poor recluse was destroyed by the expansion. It got... joy of joy ... faster pet deployment (not bad but they never die), and hull hit points, which I don't need, and shield regen, which I don't need, and shield capacity, which I don't need. Its virtually indestructible but it needed firepower. The one tac console is the only real thing it upgraded. So the adapted cruiser is looking like my go-to ship for now. The BC with cmdr sci is amazing in some ways and extra limited in others. I am not looking to make anything without cmdr sci right now .... if I do that i have a scimitar.
Which ship do you fly?
Not sure, if turrets are a good idea? I tried that (turrets, CSV, Tetryon glider), but did not find it very useful. That was before even LOR though.
Which ship do you fly?
Not sure, if turrets are a good idea? I tried that (turrets, CSV, Tetryon glider), but did not find it very useful. That was before even LOR though.
I am trying to make a TS adapted battle cruiser into a combined sci ship that has solid weapon firepower. I am a romulan using mostly an AP build. Currently, that is a DBB frontal AP fawX2 build.
The turrets are poorish. Ive done it on a 5 tac console ship just to see and its at best modest at point blank range. Even 8 of them with good power levels is poorish lol. Its on par with a broadside cruiser, though, so its "borderline viable" and the TBR damage is substantial too.
Tet glider is just a little extra. In the worst of the worst ICE groups I can de-shield the cube before it dies with a cannon (DHC/turret) setup and maxed flow caps. In most groups you would not know I was using it.
The recluse is not wrecked by the expansion, it has been and remains in the top 5 most powerful ships in the game. Vastly superior to the tal shiar ships. The ability to stack five attack pattern betas alone insures that it will remain there for a long time to come even if its no longer the only ship with three Lt commander slots.
Try this on your battle cruiser:
Tac: tactical team 1, attack pattern beta 1
Univ: beam fire at will 1
Eng: emergency power to shields, directed energy modulation 1
Sci: hazard emitters, polarize hull, gravity well 1
Univ: transfer shield strength, (pick one), feedback pulse 2, tractor repulse 3
If you can, get an isokinetic charge console, and/or the vent thalaron radiation "fake" eject warp plasma one. Run 7 beam arrays and one gravimetric photon. Depending on what you like you can swap the gravity well and repulsers. Get at a minimum the nukara space trait for aux to of fence, but aux to defense is very handy on a battle cruiser too.
Split your power 40% weapon 60% aux, minimum shield and engine, ideally use the maco shield or plasmonic leech whichever is cheaper for you. Remember that beta gives a damage resist debuff which means every source of damage is improved. Exotic, pets, teammates , literally everything so time that attack pattern for when you can hot someone with two or more powers at once.
Turn circles while using tractor repulsers combined with feedback pulse, fire at wil and attack beta. When repulsors wears off hit gravity well and keep hammering. When the rift closes you'll only have a short cool down before the repulser is ready again.
Stack particle generators over 250 at a minimum, over 300 is your goal. The particle gen consoles from dyson repmthat you get for free help a lot, they're not worth spending dilithium on. Be sure to work your science crafting for the trait.it will be almost half of your total damage if you get particle gen over 350. Another way to say this, is it can almost double your damage outright.
I can take out two rifts in the mirror event solo this way.
The recluse is not wrecked by the expansion, it has been and remains in the top 5 most powerful ships in the game. Vastly superior to the tal shiar ships. The ability to stack five attack pattern betas alone insures that it will remain there for a long time to come even if its no longer the only ship with three Lt commander slots.
Try this on your battle cruiser:
Tac: tactical team 1, attack pattern beta 1
Univ: beam fire at will 1
Eng: emergency power to shields, directed energy modulation 1
Sci: hazard emitters, polarize hull, gravity well 1
Univ: transfer shield strength, (pick one), feedback pulse 2, tractor repulse 3
If you can, get an isokinetic charge console, and/or the vent thalaron radiation "fake" eject warp plasma one. Run 7 beam arrays and one gravimetric photon. Depending on what you like you can swap the gravity well and repulsers. Get at a minimum the nukara space trait for aux to of fence, but aux to defense is very handy on a battle cruiser too.
Split your power 40% weapon 60% aux, minimum shield and engine, ideally use the maco shield or plasmonic leech whichever is cheaper for you. Remember that beta gives a damage resist debuff which means every source of damage is improved. Exotic, pets, teammates , literally everything.
Turn circles while using tractor repulsers combined with feedback pulse, fire at wil and attack beta. When repulsors wears off hit gravity well and keep hammering. When the rift closes you'll only have a short cool down before the repulser is ready again.
Stack particle generators over 250 at a minimum, over 300 is your goal. The particle gen consoles from dyson repmthat you get for free help a lot, they're not worth spending dilithium on. Be sure to work your science crafting for the trait.it will be almost half of your total damage if you get particle gen over 350. Another way to say this, is it can almost double your damage outright.
I can take out two rifts in the mirror event solo this way.
I still love my recluse. My complaint was that all 4 of the level up passive ship traits are useless; its the worst set of them I have ever seen. The ship was already in the top 5 for durability. So the gave it more durability.... it should have had ONE damage trait.
I forgot about the plasma console. I wonder if I can use a crafted plasma ejection torp instead or with it for the same idea ?! hmm!
working on the sci. I have a crafting alt, but ignored it on my main ... sigh. Its in progress.
I will look at these ideas. Beam arrays are probably out... I have 0 and getting 7 more weapons to upgrade is an unattractive prospect, eps dil for fleet arrays + dil to upgrade, yuck. TBH I dislike the style, more of a face forward pilot and not really exciting about flying in circles.
What I have is pretty good -- GW, TBR/pusher mode, and FAW with pretty good gear is working. I just want to see if I can use the TBR / pull in a useful way. The plasma console and torp idea .... and maybe losing a FAW for APB .... might make a huge diff. The other officer stuff is very similar, flavor differences... I dont use polarize hull, sci team there, but its close. DEM as well might be good, I think I have 2 heals on the engineer and its overkill.
Science team doesn't give resistance. It is impossible to survive on heals, you NEED resistance to really survive. Heals are great, but when the most HP you can get is like 70k and enemies shoot for over 150k, no heal will help.
The most important thing with science in DR is ignoring shields. All exotic damage bypasses shields 100%. Dem gives your guns some shield bypassing damage. Most enemies I kill still have blue or yellow shields on the facing pointing at me when they die.
Also, you mentioned you have dual beams. Those don't work with the tractor pull. You need beam arrays and turn so they get a full broadside. Mines are also really bad. A rear torpedo is OK, but only one and ideally the gravimetric because rift damage ignores shields.
Also the embassy console gives plasma burn to any gun. But the biggest is really your particle gen stat. Gotta get that over 250. People whom are running like 150, just don't believe how big the difference can be. They think "I have maxed skill and a good deflector and two sci consoles, but my repulsors barely hurt, this won't work". But you get over 250 and feedback pulse starts ripping frigates apart and hurting cruisers, repulsors are auto kills on frigates, and stacked you're taking down battleships. Tack on the crafting trait with 70% crit chance or more and you're doing elite damage.
Don't worry about fleet stuff. What is your favorite damage type? There's always a good way to get cheap weapons. All the reputations give free weapons. And really, upgrading is nice, but not half as big a deal as people make it out to be. Purple 12s are more than enough for advanced if the rest of the build is right.
For the face forward style, swap to repulser 1 and grav well 3. You can stack dual beam forward with three omni beams rear and still rock. In this case you save the repulser to be the secondary ability and use the grav well primary. Gather them up with the well and unload. And consider swapping beta for delta depending on which works better for you.
Its a shame you can't sneak just one more TAC slot for torp spread.
Anyway, lemme know what damage you like, we can find you some options. What do you have in your sci and engineering spots and do you have anything in your bank or that you can claim from the c-store? What deflector and engine are you using? (Do you have the solonae or dyson ones)
Don't worry about fleet stuff. What is your favorite damage type? There's always a good way to get cheap weapons. All the reputations give free weapons. And really, upgrading is nice, but not half as big a deal as people make it out to be. Purple 12s are more than enough for advanced if the rest of the build is right.
For the face forward style, swap to repulser 1 and grav well 3. You can stack dual beam forward with three omni beams rear and still rock. In this case you save the repulser to be the secondary ability and use the grav well primary. Gather them up with the well and unload. And consider swapping beta for delta depending on which works better for you.
Its a shame you can't sneak just one more TAC slot for torp spread.
Anyway, lemme know what damage you like, we can find you some options. What do you have in your sci and engineering spots and do you have anything in your bank or that you can claim from the c-store? What deflector and engine are you using? (Do you have the solonae or dyson ones)
Im using AP damage to take advantage of rom crit & the set beam.
Using the JH XII engine currently. I have the whole solonae set somewhere. Using dyson deflector currently because I keep forgetting to trade it for the solonae one.
Working towards a third omni aft, and have a [thrust] turret back there for the 4th. I hit beams 15 but need time to gather the materials to make the omni, soon...
Engineering is full of universal consoles, leech and rep I forget which but I have all but the delta rep consoles banked or installed. Sci are full of part-gen consoles (it only seats 4).
Bunch of to-dos regardless of where it goes -- need sci crafting trait & console, need fleet partgen consoles.
I need to get a parser. Somone ran one last night in a stf and I had almost 10k with loads of 0 dps downtime ... i was sloppy on stealth and pulled out of full impulse for the second half so I was really late to arrive, when that happened I took a detour and GW the nanite spawns and time I got there the cube was up and the generator dead. So probably pulling 15k or so sustained aoe dps as-is.
I did a bunch of the stuff recommended last night... moved in DEM for engi skill, move in polarize hull over sci team, tried the turret build (again, I have them and they are more or less same as beam arrays at short range) with pull but I don't like pull in this ship. I may make a real sci ship with that idea later, or the recluse with warp plasma, but not the cruiser. I need to see if have the exotic damage captain trait slotted. Little details that I keep forgetting to use stuff I have like that.
I forget the # cause it keeps changing as I work on it but my Pgen is between 250 and 300.
I do not even own one usable beam array. I can craft a bunch later if I must. I have one BA ship (different char) using char-bound arrays (and I hate that ship, but its a 2 tac console tank so jury is out).
Its a big changeover... I was running at 50 the recluse exclusively but tac cmdr slot, light on science, and the free DSD for sci somewhat but not optimized at all. So just now converting from a "science lite, gun heavy" sci captain back to real science. I even ran the scimitar for a while.
Well you did say you have dual beams, so forget the arrays and stick with them. Sounds like you're already doing pretty good. 8k is the magic number to pul your own weight in advanced difficulty post Nerf, 12k is the level to feel comfortable, so I suspect you're already there.
On universal consoles valdore for shield heals is nice, assimilated and romulan (zero energy point) are the tops for damage.
Do make sure you have conservation of energy running, with aggro you'll have an extra 10-30% exotic damage all the time.
If you really don't like the repulsers, then the omega cutting beam, ancient omni ap beam and two turret rear (until you get a crafted omni beam, gives you 8forward facing guns and you already have all but the one omni right? So don't worry about arrays and swap repulsers for either a second gravity well or a second feedback pulse.
And do be sure to get +threat consoles. Science wants aggro for conservation of energy and feedback pulse
Upgraded the solonae deflector gives 50 particle gen all by itself.
Well you did say you have dual beams, so forget the arrays and stick with them. Sounds like you're already doing pretty good. 8k is the magic number to pul your own weight in advanced difficulty post Nerf, 12k is the level to feel comfortable, so I suspect you're already there.
On universal consoles valdore for shield heals is nice, assimilated and romulan (zero energy point) are the tops for damage.
Do make sure you have conservation of energy running, with aggro you'll have an extra 10-30% exotic damage all the time.
If you really don't like the repulsers, then the omega cutting beam, ancient omni ap beam and two turret rear (until you get a crafted omni beam, gives you 8forward facing guns and you already have all but the one omni right? So don't worry about arrays and swap repulsers for either a second gravity well or a second feedback pulse.
And do be sure to get +threat consoles. Science wants aggro for conservation of energy and feedback pulse
Upgraded the solonae deflector gives 50 particle gen all by itself.
valdore is warbird only -- I do have one, but I cant slot it here. Pretty sure (99%) zero point is one of the others. I think one adds beam accuracy (maybe nukara?).
yes, tried it every which way and GW + pushing TBR is working best for me. Pulling them in just gets me pwned with core breaches and I cant shoot them, and is generally not a good fit here. I will work out the pullers later... some other ship and idea when this one gets boring.
I usually have plenty of threat, but I will keep that in mind when I get to those.
this is very in line with where I was going, I just need to tweak it and pay better attention to what I have and what it actually does.
there are at least 2 of them. They both seem to be from voth lockbox officer packs, not 100% sure.
They were 10 mil give or take a bit. I saw it as high as 15 and 10 was the lowest when I grabbed mine.
You can find them in operations - tractor beam something - filter for very rare and they will be the most expensive ones so reverse order the price tag unless you want to scroll thru them all looking for that rare one that was posted too low by someone who didnt know any better.
I'm a bit confused on how power levels affect exotic damage. Is it your power level when you activate the ability or does damage change in accordance to your current power?
For example, if I cast GW at 135 Aux, then I cast OSS boosting my Aux to 175, would my GW damage be based on the 135 power level or the 175?
Back to power levels, I currently run max aux (135) on my exotic damage-focused Sci ship. Since I have plasmonic leech, would it theoretically be better to run less than max Aux (say 105-115) and distribute those energy points elsewhere like to the shields or weapons?
I run max Aux on all my Science Vessels. that is 135 with the Obelisk warp core. Rest goes to weapons. I also use Plasmonic leech, Energy siphon, EptX and batteries to keep other power levels high. Basically, if you go heavily into drain and exotic damage, you will not need high weapons power. Use weapons (polaron, phaser oder tetryon) to drain and deplete shield, then throw a nice torpedo and done. Aux is your friend as it also nicely buffs you with the T4 Nukara reputation passives.
Also, add an A->W warp core. Check your skill tree. Starship Warp Core Potential and Starship Warp Core Efficiency can help. There is also Starship Auxiliary Performance but that is rather pricy when much more valuable skills are on that last column.
I'm a bit confused on how power levels affect exotic damage. Is it your power level when you activate the ability or does damage change in accordance to your current power?
For example, if I cast GW at 135 Aux, then I cast OSS boosting my Aux to 175, would my GW damage be based on the 135 power level or the 175?
Back to power levels, I currently run max aux (135) on my exotic damage-focused Sci ship. Since I have plasmonic leech, would it theoretically be better to run less than max Aux (say 105-115) and distribute those energy points elsewhere like to the shields or weapons?
Thank you all for your replies!
It's the power when you fire it. I have not moused over for the tooltip after boosting the level when maxed to check what the numbers are with, say, 135+OSS. I will have to make a note to do that. (I can't play really right now because of some kind of net problem between here and there. The rubberbanding and SNR was driving me nuts LOL).
It's the power when you fire it. I have not moused over for the tooltip after boosting the level when maxed to check what the numbers are with, say, 135+OSS. I will have to make a note to do that. (I can't play really right now because of some kind of net problem between here and there. The rubberbanding and SNR was driving me nuts LOL).
Thanks! So in theory, I'd be fine firing an ability like GW, then switching power profiles to weapons to help boost weapon damage while GW does its work?
As my Exotic Damage build is evolving, I am now starting to push 5.5k DPS (DPS Channel setting). It's not much I know, but I'm a long way to go with my ship build. I still have to get those Particle Generator consoles from the Fleet, and the RCS and Particle Exciter consoles from my R&D skills. I don't have the trait from my Science R&D skill either since I'm only level 11 there. In the meantime, I'm hoping that streamlining my power usage will help bump that DPS a bit more.
I don't have the dil/zen to buy a ship for a console right now so acetone is not happening in the short term. And as I said I can't seat a warp plasma: its ranks 3/4 and I have 1/2 only. Swapping the cmdr to engineer to get plasma means losing 4 sci skills and defeats the purpose. I can seat a GW or TR (atm its GW) but if I can't shoot them (due to their being sucked down the sides of my ship) my dps is going to be cut in half.
With this setup push TBR with GW & faw is working a lot better.
hes bound to me so its an option to use sometimes for sure. Just not what I had hoped for. With them out of weapons, its less damage than pushing esp with gw countering the push, keeping them all right in front of me. Dragging an entire group away from their goal is an excellent idea....
Its not totally worthless but all in all its not 10 mil worth of EC spent either (for the current setup). Ah well, only way to know stuff is to try it. And eventually it may work better in a different ship. Maybe I will swap back to the recluse and try that warp plasma idea in a bit
Maybe. I cannot seat a meaningful spread or pattern though -- I have 3 tac skills currently: Faw 1, faw 2, and a tac team.
I could seat 2 aft torps I suppose. That would have them hit by the aft setup of omni beam, KCB, and the 2 torps or torp/mine -- I would lose my meaningless turrets (not an issue at all).
I also do have a silly turret build. I could put on CSV1 and 8 360 weapons. Move back to tet glider set and tear up the shields... TBR and GW kills the hulls... but only get 1 skill because the cannon skills require higher seats.
I may try those out. But I can't see either of them beating my DBB frontal barrage while trapped in a GW & Tapped gently (in terms of the shove) with TBR. But that has me using 2 skills together, effectively costing an officer seat (which is sort of OK given the raw power of the combo).
part of the trouble is my poor recluse was destroyed by the expansion. It got... joy of joy ... faster pet deployment (not bad but they never die), and hull hit points, which I don't need, and shield regen, which I don't need, and shield capacity, which I don't need. Its virtually indestructible but it needed firepower. The one tac console is the only real thing it upgraded. So the adapted cruiser is looking like my go-to ship for now. The BC with cmdr sci is amazing in some ways and extra limited in others. I am not looking to make anything without cmdr sci right now .... if I do that i have a scimitar.
Not sure, if turrets are a good idea? I tried that (turrets, CSV, Tetryon glider), but did not find it very useful. That was before even LOR though.
I am trying to make a TS adapted battle cruiser into a combined sci ship that has solid weapon firepower. I am a romulan using mostly an AP build. Currently, that is a DBB frontal AP fawX2 build.
The turrets are poorish. Ive done it on a 5 tac console ship just to see and its at best modest at point blank range. Even 8 of them with good power levels is poorish lol. Its on par with a broadside cruiser, though, so its "borderline viable" and the TBR damage is substantial too.
Tet glider is just a little extra. In the worst of the worst ICE groups I can de-shield the cube before it dies with a cannon (DHC/turret) setup and maxed flow caps. In most groups you would not know I was using it.
Try this on your battle cruiser:
Tac: tactical team 1, attack pattern beta 1
Univ: beam fire at will 1
Eng: emergency power to shields, directed energy modulation 1
Sci: hazard emitters, polarize hull, gravity well 1
Univ: transfer shield strength, (pick one), feedback pulse 2, tractor repulse 3
If you can, get an isokinetic charge console, and/or the vent thalaron radiation "fake" eject warp plasma one. Run 7 beam arrays and one gravimetric photon. Depending on what you like you can swap the gravity well and repulsers. Get at a minimum the nukara space trait for aux to of fence, but aux to defense is very handy on a battle cruiser too.
Split your power 40% weapon 60% aux, minimum shield and engine, ideally use the maco shield or plasmonic leech whichever is cheaper for you. Remember that beta gives a damage resist debuff which means every source of damage is improved. Exotic, pets, teammates , literally everything so time that attack pattern for when you can hot someone with two or more powers at once.
Turn circles while using tractor repulsers combined with feedback pulse, fire at wil and attack beta. When repulsors wears off hit gravity well and keep hammering. When the rift closes you'll only have a short cool down before the repulser is ready again.
Stack particle generators over 250 at a minimum, over 300 is your goal. The particle gen consoles from dyson repmthat you get for free help a lot, they're not worth spending dilithium on. Be sure to work your science crafting for the trait.it will be almost half of your total damage if you get particle gen over 350. Another way to say this, is it can almost double your damage outright.
I can take out two rifts in the mirror event solo this way.
I still love my recluse. My complaint was that all 4 of the level up passive ship traits are useless; its the worst set of them I have ever seen. The ship was already in the top 5 for durability. So the gave it more durability.... it should have had ONE damage trait.
I forgot about the plasma console. I wonder if I can use a crafted plasma ejection torp instead or with it for the same idea ?! hmm!
working on the sci. I have a crafting alt, but ignored it on my main ... sigh. Its in progress.
I will look at these ideas. Beam arrays are probably out... I have 0 and getting 7 more weapons to upgrade is an unattractive prospect, eps dil for fleet arrays + dil to upgrade, yuck. TBH I dislike the style, more of a face forward pilot and not really exciting about flying in circles.
What I have is pretty good -- GW, TBR/pusher mode, and FAW with pretty good gear is working. I just want to see if I can use the TBR / pull in a useful way. The plasma console and torp idea .... and maybe losing a FAW for APB .... might make a huge diff. The other officer stuff is very similar, flavor differences... I dont use polarize hull, sci team there, but its close. DEM as well might be good, I think I have 2 heals on the engineer and its overkill.
The most important thing with science in DR is ignoring shields. All exotic damage bypasses shields 100%. Dem gives your guns some shield bypassing damage. Most enemies I kill still have blue or yellow shields on the facing pointing at me when they die.
Also, you mentioned you have dual beams. Those don't work with the tractor pull. You need beam arrays and turn so they get a full broadside. Mines are also really bad. A rear torpedo is OK, but only one and ideally the gravimetric because rift damage ignores shields.
Also the embassy console gives plasma burn to any gun. But the biggest is really your particle gen stat. Gotta get that over 250. People whom are running like 150, just don't believe how big the difference can be. They think "I have maxed skill and a good deflector and two sci consoles, but my repulsors barely hurt, this won't work". But you get over 250 and feedback pulse starts ripping frigates apart and hurting cruisers, repulsors are auto kills on frigates, and stacked you're taking down battleships. Tack on the crafting trait with 70% crit chance or more and you're doing elite damage.
For the face forward style, swap to repulser 1 and grav well 3. You can stack dual beam forward with three omni beams rear and still rock. In this case you save the repulser to be the secondary ability and use the grav well primary. Gather them up with the well and unload. And consider swapping beta for delta depending on which works better for you.
Its a shame you can't sneak just one more TAC slot for torp spread.
Anyway, lemme know what damage you like, we can find you some options. What do you have in your sci and engineering spots and do you have anything in your bank or that you can claim from the c-store? What deflector and engine are you using? (Do you have the solonae or dyson ones)
Im using AP damage to take advantage of rom crit & the set beam.
Using the JH XII engine currently. I have the whole solonae set somewhere. Using dyson deflector currently because I keep forgetting to trade it for the solonae one.
Working towards a third omni aft, and have a [thrust] turret back there for the 4th. I hit beams 15 but need time to gather the materials to make the omni, soon...
Engineering is full of universal consoles, leech and rep I forget which but I have all but the delta rep consoles banked or installed. Sci are full of part-gen consoles (it only seats 4).
Bunch of to-dos regardless of where it goes -- need sci crafting trait & console, need fleet partgen consoles.
I need to get a parser. Somone ran one last night in a stf and I had almost 10k with loads of 0 dps downtime ... i was sloppy on stealth and pulled out of full impulse for the second half so I was really late to arrive, when that happened I took a detour and GW the nanite spawns and time I got there the cube was up and the generator dead. So probably pulling 15k or so sustained aoe dps as-is.
I did a bunch of the stuff recommended last night... moved in DEM for engi skill, move in polarize hull over sci team, tried the turret build (again, I have them and they are more or less same as beam arrays at short range) with pull but I don't like pull in this ship. I may make a real sci ship with that idea later, or the recluse with warp plasma, but not the cruiser. I need to see if have the exotic damage captain trait slotted. Little details that I keep forgetting to use stuff I have like that.
I forget the # cause it keeps changing as I work on it but my Pgen is between 250 and 300.
I do not even own one usable beam array. I can craft a bunch later if I must. I have one BA ship (different char) using char-bound arrays (and I hate that ship, but its a 2 tac console tank so jury is out).
Its a big changeover... I was running at 50 the recluse exclusively but tac cmdr slot, light on science, and the free DSD for sci somewhat but not optimized at all. So just now converting from a "science lite, gun heavy" sci captain back to real science. I even ran the scimitar for a while.
On universal consoles valdore for shield heals is nice, assimilated and romulan (zero energy point) are the tops for damage.
Do make sure you have conservation of energy running, with aggro you'll have an extra 10-30% exotic damage all the time.
If you really don't like the repulsers, then the omega cutting beam, ancient omni ap beam and two turret rear (until you get a crafted omni beam, gives you 8forward facing guns and you already have all but the one omni right? So don't worry about arrays and swap repulsers for either a second gravity well or a second feedback pulse.
And do be sure to get +threat consoles. Science wants aggro for conservation of energy and feedback pulse
Upgraded the solonae deflector gives 50 particle gen all by itself.
valdore is warbird only -- I do have one, but I cant slot it here. Pretty sure (99%) zero point is one of the others. I think one adds beam accuracy (maybe nukara?).
yes, tried it every which way and GW + pushing TBR is working best for me. Pulling them in just gets me pwned with core breaches and I cant shoot them, and is generally not a good fit here. I will work out the pullers later... some other ship and idea when this one gets boring.
I usually have plenty of threat, but I will keep that in mind when I get to those.
this is very in line with where I was going, I just need to tweak it and pay better attention to what I have and what it actually does.
Thanks for all the help everyone!
Which one is he/she and where do I get him/her?
| USS Curiosity - Pathfinder | USS Rift - Eternal |
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there are at least 2 of them. They both seem to be from voth lockbox officer packs, not 100% sure.
They were 10 mil give or take a bit. I saw it as high as 15 and 10 was the lowest when I grabbed mine.
You can find them in operations - tractor beam something - filter for very rare and they will be the most expensive ones so reverse order the price tag unless you want to scroll thru them all looking for that rare one that was posted too low by someone who didnt know any better.
I'm a bit confused on how power levels affect exotic damage. Is it your power level when you activate the ability or does damage change in accordance to your current power?
For example, if I cast GW at 135 Aux, then I cast OSS boosting my Aux to 175, would my GW damage be based on the 135 power level or the 175?
Back to power levels, I currently run max aux (135) on my exotic damage-focused Sci ship. Since I have plasmonic leech, would it theoretically be better to run less than max Aux (say 105-115) and distribute those energy points elsewhere like to the shields or weapons?
Thank you all for your replies!
| USS Curiosity - Pathfinder | USS Rift - Eternal |
The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
Also, add an A->W warp core. Check your skill tree. Starship Warp Core Potential and Starship Warp Core Efficiency can help. There is also Starship Auxiliary Performance but that is rather pricy when much more valuable skills are on that last column.
It's the power when you fire it. I have not moused over for the tooltip after boosting the level when maxed to check what the numbers are with, say, 135+OSS. I will have to make a note to do that. (I can't play really right now because of some kind of net problem between here and there. The rubberbanding and SNR was driving me nuts LOL).
Thanks! So in theory, I'd be fine firing an ability like GW, then switching power profiles to weapons to help boost weapon damage while GW does its work?
As my Exotic Damage build is evolving, I am now starting to push 5.5k DPS (DPS Channel setting). It's not much I know, but I'm a long way to go with my ship build. I still have to get those Particle Generator consoles from the Fleet, and the RCS and Particle Exciter consoles from my R&D skills. I don't have the trait from my Science R&D skill either since I'm only level 11 there. In the meantime, I'm hoping that streamlining my power usage will help bump that DPS a bit more.
| USS Curiosity - Pathfinder | USS Rift - Eternal |
The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!