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Optimal Power Levels For Sci?

e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
edited January 2015 in The Academy
Hello, new player here.

I was wondering what the optimal power levels should be for a Science Captain in a Science Vessel. I know much of the Science abilities are utilizing Aux Power, and more is better. However, what would be the absolute minimum level for Aux to remain effective? How much does power levels actually affect skills?

Thank you so much!
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  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    100 power to weapons, no matter what ships you are using, 50 to whatever you are using most of and prefer, 25 to rest.
  • farseeridranelfarseeridranel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I run max Aux on all my Science Vessels. that is 135 with the Obelisk warp core. Rest goes to weapons. I also use Plasmonic leech, Energy siphon, EptX and batteries to keep other power levels high. Basically, if you go heavily into drain and exotic damage, you will not need high weapons power. Use weapons (polaron, phaser oder tetryon) to drain and deplete shield, then throw a nice torpedo and done. Aux is your friend as it also nicely buffs you with the T4 Nukara reputation passives.
  • ffttfftt Member Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    100 power to weapons, no matter what ships you are using, 50 to whatever you are using most of and prefer, 25 to rest.

    Yeah, pretty much this. I fly a Vesta and have my Aux at 15 - relying on buffs to keep effective power over 75. It's a matter of boosting science abilities that you can use once every 30+ seconds versus weapons which fire off every second or so.
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I run my Vesta with max aux and 50 to weapons, but with two aux phaser cannons and a torp fore, flying the thing like a battlecruiser. On my other science vessels I'd usually switch between an aux and a weapon configuration (with batteries to quickly boost) depending on what I was doing.
  • ffttfftt Member Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    My issues with Aux Phasers are a) they're a phaser proc, b) aux power can boost at max 1/2 your weapons with that setup, & c) they're a phaser proc. Nothing wrong with 'em TRIBBLE, just not my cup of tea. Maybe if Cryptic came out with a whole suite of aux weapons...
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Max power to aux, rest to shields.

    Forward weapons are two torpedos (right now I'm using the gravemetric and the Neutronic) and the Dyson special weapon.

    Back is a 360 array, a cutting beam, and usually a turret, but I've been using a beam array back there lately.

    Here's the deal... you should be using science powers a lot more then every 30 seconds, and you don't need weapon power on torpedoes. Grav Well III, TBR, Tyken's Rift. Use Energy Siphon to boost your energy levels and consoles to do the same and cause more exotic damage and energy siphoning.

    Doing all that, the enemy generally doesn't have the shields left to matter, even on the hardest of levels. Using traits that boost kinetic shield penetration help when they do have them up and on bosse where it's harder to drop them down.

    This goes doubly true on a vesta where you can use Aux Cannon.

    People complain that science ships don't do dps, then you see posts like "125 weapon energy them." Sorry bout you're not flyng a cruiser or an escort. You're flying science, you need to think outside the box.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Optimal power levels vary based on build. In general how you deal your damage determines what category you invest in.

    Builds that focus on killing with guns (not counting Vesta cannons) will run max weapons and use buffing/debuffing sci powers that are OK with low aux. Adding a plasmonic leech, maco shield, or an engineer captain help these builds out by giving them high power all over.

    Torpedo builds capitalize on the fact that torps don't need weapon power at all. These tend to split power between auxiliary and shields and often only run a single 360-degree beam for use wit built in subsystem targeting powers because why not.

    Particle generator builds run max aux, often 135 after buffs because they don't need anything else. They kill with sci attack powers and guns are irrelevant. Even subsystem targeting is worthless because why knock shields offline if 95% of your damage already ignores shields anyway?

    Some players run multiple saved power settings. For example my recluse has a normal 75-25-25-75 power setting with balanced weapons and aux and I use gear to pump it to 125 weapons and aux if I need to spike my guns or a gravity well. I also have an all shield and aux for healing and support, and an all weapons for blasting. Many people just have a second max aux setting for healing, even when they fly an escort.
  • ffttfftt Member Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The two biggies (IMO) Tyken's Rift and Gravity Well share a 30 second system cooldown. Repulsors, on a different system, should be used judiciously so it's not really an offensive spam power like TR or GW. So 30 seconds sounds about right to me. Hazard Emitters and Polarize Hull - yeah'y'betcha. I spam those like crazy, but going from 75 to 135 aux on 'em?

    Will you ever get escort/cruiser dps with a science ship? Hell no, not even with an Aux Cannon build. But I try to do the best dps I can (the only thing that actually determines anything in this game) without relying on those sparse science gimmicks and that requires weapon power.
  • simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    fftt wrote: »
    The two biggies (IMO) Tyken's Rift and Gravity Well share a 30 second system cooldown. Repulsors, on a different system, should be used judiciously so it's not really an offensive spam power like TR or GW. So 30 seconds sounds about right to me. Hazard Emitters and Polarize Hull - yeah'y'betcha. I spam those like crazy, but going from 75 to 135 aux on 'em?

    Will you ever get escort/cruiser dps with a science ship? Hell no, not even with an Aux Cannon build. But I try to do the best dps I can (the only thing that actually determines anything in this game) without relying on those sparse science gimmicks and that requires weapon power.

    I have hit 18k dps with aux cannons. It is all about power level management. Synergy in your build, timing, and positioning. Of course this also depends on group mak up and mission requirement.
  • farseeridranelfarseeridranel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    fftt wrote: »
    The two biggies (IMO) Tyken's Rift and Gravity Well share a 30 second system cooldown. Repulsors, on a different system, should be used judiciously so it's not really an offensive spam power like TR or GW. So 30 seconds sounds about right to me. Hazard Emitters and Polarize Hull - yeah'y'betcha. I spam those like crazy, but going from 75 to 135 aux on 'em?

    Will you ever get escort/cruiser dps with a science ship? Hell no, not even with an Aux Cannon build. But I try to do the best dps I can (the only thing that actually determines anything in this game) without relying on those sparse science gimmicks and that requires weapon power.

    No, the shared CD between GW and TR is 15 seconds. One strategy is: throw GW -> Energy siphon, subsystem targeting, fire works or whatever and then TR. The GW will keep the targets on place and the TR will drain them down. They loose their shields, don´t shoot back and can´t escape.
  • rekurzionrekurzion Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Really depends on your playstyle. All of these suggestions would work if that's how you play. My 2 cents would be to max out your engine efficiency and skill for you captain (note: not the individual power level skill increases). This gives you the most foundational flexibility when trying different power level settings. This means you have highest base bonus to each system and the highest base bonus at low power levels for each system. I think if you level everything off at 50 that would give you 63 in each system with the bonuses.

    Personally I don't keep weapon power at 100, I keep mine at 50 (actually 60 with the extra power efficiency) and with only using 2 phasers, one front one aft, if i'm firing both they never go below 50, which is the standard power level for the weapon. The damage you see on gear (DPS) is measured based on a 50 power level rating.

    With a sci ship you get target subsystems so I pump as much extra damage I can in my torpedos then keep aux power levels at max. This works for me because I don't keep my phasers always blasting, I only use them for delivering subsystem targeting. When I do need to terrorize an enemies shields with phasers I have a high EPS rating to quickly change power levels to weapons at max or use a weapons battery for ~15 seconds of constant phaser fire.

    You just have to figure out how you like to play and work from there. But, in general, it's best to have maximum power distributed when using weapon/ability that uses that system. Either through manual power level adjustments, batteries, or ship design/skills.No purpose firing off a sci ability with power to aux at 50 when it can at least be 100.
  • ffttfftt Member Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    No, the shared CD between GW and TR is 15 seconds.
    Interesting. Long ago I tried a Syphon and Tyken combo and recall a 30 second system cooldown. I may want to revisit my build now that a fleetie trained one of my BOffs in Gravity Well III.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Max aux, everything else into weapons, and an [A->W] [AMP] warp core with [turn] eng consoles/traits/spec and skill points spent appropriately into shields and engines.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    As you kind of gathered from my previous post, I'm not a huge fan of energy weapons on a science ship, but a lot of people here are saying do it.

    Now caveat I'm taking the Vesta with aux cannon out of this equation, that changes a lot of things.

    I'll give you my reasoning for not doing it. First off, weapon energy will never be your strong suit, ever. I don't think anyone here really is arguing that fact. To boost it to 100 to 125 levels, you're really beginning to weaken your strengths, which almost always is aux and shields. So first play to your strengths. Also, you really don't have enough engineering slots to boost your weapon energy to proper levels as generally you have just enough for damage mitigation.

    Secondly you really don't have the tactical slots around to truely spread your focus. Assault cruisers and escorts, you can do a ton of stuff with different weapon slots because you generally have the BOff slots to do that. Science ships you have 3 to 5 slots, meaning you kind of have to focus on torps or energy weapons.

    Thirdly, you also really don't have a ton of tactical console slots you can use either.

    So while you can make a average to above average energy weapon ship, you'll never really make it great that way. Cryptic just doesn't give you the tools to make it great.

    However if you play to your strengths, you don't need them. Dropping shields is one of our strengths, meaning torps become much more useful, especially since you don't need energy for torps.

    Exotic damage, through the use of aux, is also one of our strengths, meaning that you don't really need to rely all that much on energy weapons.

    Also with the right console build, using energy siphoning, you can raise your weapon energy to decent levels. At rock bottom 15 level weapon energy, using the proper consoles that also boost my strength and various energy siphoning powers and techniques I can easily get my weapon energy steadily to 75 and boost it to 100 with minimul issues, not even using warp cores and batteries.

    So my view is, play to the science ships strengths, aux (and therefor exotic damage) and shields and draining ships of their shields. Doing that you don't even really need energy weapons... at all except for one beam really to target systems with.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2014
    100 power to weapons, no matter what ships you are using, 50 to whatever you are using most of and prefer, 25 to rest.

    Welcome to advice from captains that have no idea how to run a proper sci ship.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    fftt wrote: »
    The two biggies (IMO) Tyken's Rift and Gravity Well share a 30 second system cooldown. Repulsors, on a different system, should be used judiciously so it's not really an offensive spam power like TR or GW. So 30 seconds sounds about right to me. Hazard Emitters and Polarize Hull - yeah'y'betcha. I spam those like crazy, but going from 75 to 135 aux on 'em?

    Will you ever get escort/cruiser dps with a science ship? Hell no, not even with an Aux Cannon build. But I try to do the best dps I can (the only thing that actually determines anything in this game) without relying on those sparse science gimmicks and that requires weapon power.

    Actually, particle gen science builds can outperform many beam builds.

    Here's a very good post complete with end-game build:


    Edit, to save you the trouble, here's the quote:
    naz4 wrote: »
    Trick is, don't worry about shields and go straight to hull. Right now with all the Sci traits floating about (conservation of energy, particle manipulator etc.), Scis do direct to hull damage better than Tacs (Tacs can still spike better).

    Once the normal part of the run is done, drag all three "Boss" ships together, and recipe is as follows:

    Sensor stack the target first.

    Quantum Singularity manipulation (Rom T5 ability) + Sensor Scan + GW3 (2k/tic with max hit of 7k)+ Repulsors 2 (6k/tic with max hit of 20k) + ISO cannon (1 hit 40k) + Proton barrage (1 hit 10k) + Torp spread 2 (1 hit 2k with gravametric rift 3.5k/tic) + Warp plasma 1 (1.5k/tic) + Iso Charge with max hit of 212k = Chunks of hull ripping off.

    You can hit all that in less than 8 secs (Duration of quantum manipulation)....

    thats what 1 ship can do. We had 2 ships going at it. Now imagine 5 of this build. No need for dedicated debuffers and damage dealers.

    SNB the Hazards on the Undine and FBP on Borg.

    PS, the ISO Cannon is the new set power.

    Scis have never been as powerful as this in in STO.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    As others have mentioned, it really depends on your build.

    Exotic damage builds generally don't require a lot of aux power(stacking a lot of particle gens is more important), but there are some sources/setups that do.

    Gravity Well and Torpedo builds are synergistic with benefiting greatly from aux power and not needing to waste power on weapons.

    Drain Builds are quirky in that that all your power levels will go up over time and you're primarily using energy/polaron weapons.

    Aux is also important if you want to run powerful, active heals(as opposed to running high shields/engines for a strong passive tank).
  • eurialoeurialo Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    e30ernest wrote: »
    Hello, new player here.

    I was wondering what the optimal power levels should be for a Science Captain in a Science Vessel. I know much of the Science abilities are utilizing Aux Power, and more is better. However, what would be the absolute minimum level for Aux to remain effective? How much does power levels actually affect skills?

    Thank you so much!

    depend on your build, but remember that most sci abilities (both healing and debuffing) greatly depend on aux power (see sto.gamepedia.com) and low aux power means you will fail.
    So, never thinking "125 weapons enery level"... that is the best way to fail, because your healing abilities, your sci abilities to deliver exotic damage, or debuff or to control you oppont will not work good...
    Moreover a sci vessell does not have so much tactical consoles, or access to many tactical boff's abilities (instead you have many sci slot to bust your shield and/or your science abilities).

    A sci/sci captain should care first about helping his teammates, healing them and debuffing and controlling the enemies...
    If you can't deal enough exotic damage, you can tray to build a torpedo boat... a good torpedo boat can easly deal 15k dps and still be an excellent as healer and/or debuffer (ex. my build for pve is a plasma torpedo boat with some healing abilities and several abilities for crowd control).

    Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Actually, particle gen science builds can outperform many beam builds.

    Here's a very good post complete with end-game build:


    Edit, to save you the trouble, here's the quote:

    And it should be noted naz4 is one of STO's best PvPers, who used that build to essentially two person a Disconnected Advanced with all optionals.
  • cruzistcruzist Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'm not pretending to be that good a ship builder, but on my surveillance explorer I've replaced the aux cannons with advanced fleet cannon because I want to preserve as much aux power as I can for my science abilities. Tractor beam, tyken's rift, gravity well, energy siphon all draw aux power so to me it's almost a cardinal sin to use aux power for anything else.

    Normally I have aux power set at around 75. In normal sector space it's being pushed up to around 110 but in combat plasmonic leech pushes it off the scale.

    I have flow capacitors, particle generators, and graviton generators on the skill tree maxed out. I use personal traits like astrophysicist, Conservation of energy, and Particle manipulator.

    I am still moving stuff around a lot, but I now slotted:
    Advanced fleet tachyon deflector (+26 PG, + 17 FLC)
    Obelisk warp core (+10 max aux power)
    Adapted MACO shield and engine

    Nukura conolse, Zero-point console, Quantum field foxus controller in Eng.
    Multi-dimensional wave module, Mk XI Plasma generating thingy from Embassy, Mk XII Shield-repairing thingy from embassy (+33 PG), Purple Mk XII Particle generator, MK XII Exotic Field Exciterin Sci
    2 MK XII Vulnerability Exploiters and Plasmonic leech in Tac

    Sci BO abilities are tractor beam 1, Energy siphon 1, Tyken's rift 2. Hazard emitters 1, Feedback pulse 2, Gravity well 3, and tachyon beam 1 (I'm not sure I really need this one). Others are EptS 1, EptA 2, THY1, CRF 2.

    DO's are 3x deflector officer, gravimetric scientist, Warp core engineer, damage control engineer.

    There's still some room for improvement but I'm fairly happy with this.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I thought Plasmonic Leech adn MACO Shields cancel each other? Sorry if I am mistaken, I've only been playing around 3 weeks.

    Thank you for all your input. I've learned a lot so far from you.

    Can I save custom power presets? Is there a way to type in a number for power levels instead of using the slider? The interface isn't clear on how to do that.

    I did not realize these ship abilities ignored shields. I'd definitely ttry out those BOff abilities. Speaking of BOffs, when I retrain my officers, they lose the skill points I assigned to those abilities. Where do those skill points go? If they are gone for good, do I earn them back from missions and patrols?

    Some posts on this forums say that energy drains are more or less useless but is Energy Syphon worth the slot?

    I'm mostly playing this game for nostalgia (I used to watch the Trek shows) and continue on where the shows left-off so I'd prefer to play my Fed Science Vessels with Beams and Torpedoes. The Vesta line is an exception since they were really equipped with cannons in the books (am I right?). That's for weapons, however I'd still want to build on these ships' and my captain's strengths (which are science abilities). My weapons will be there to merely augment those. If I focus on science abilities, do I still need weapon buffs from consoles or can I focus on consoles that improve aux power and science stuff? Can I survive on that built philosophy?

    I am still learning, levelling up and building up my gear. I've just started on the Borg episodes (those are tough nuts to crack and they hit hard too) so I've started to look into detail on my build and flying techniques to find how I can improve. Soon I hope to try out the STFs and maybe join a fleet, but that is down the road. :)
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Welcome to advice from captains that have no idea how to run a proper sci ship.

    Indeed, and it came so early in the thread that I'm sure it's sent some guys running off into a completely wrong direction in properly running a science ship.

    Most Science abilities rely on Aux Power. Denying that to them in favor of Weapons Power? You're flying the wrong ship and should be looking at the Escort or Cruiser lineup of ships.
  • cruzistcruzist Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    e30ernest wrote: »
    I thought Plasmonic Leech adn MACO Shields cancel each other? Sorry if I am mistaken, I've only been playing around 3 weeks.

    As far as I know, that's the MACO shield, not the adapted MACO. I haven't noticed anything, but I should try with a different shield someday. Thanks for pointing that out.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Ah yes you could be right. Still familiarizing myself with all the items and terms. I'm most probably wrong. :)
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    e30ernest wrote: »
    I thought Plasmonic Leech adn MACO Shields cancel each other? Sorry if I am mistaken, I've only been playing around 3 weeks.

    I think the adapted MACO isn't effected by it, but I'm not sure. To be honest I don't use the MACO set, I use the Solanae Set personally.
    Can I save custom power presets? Is there a way to type in a number for power levels instead of using the slider? The interface isn't clear on how to do that.

    Yes you can. Press the 3 on your set and play with the sliders. There is a button that looks like an old 3 1/2 inch floppy on the power tray, that saves you current settings to whatever setting you currently have set. I've tried the numbers, but they don't always work, the sliders do though.
    I did not realize these ship abilities ignored shields. I'd definitely ttry out those BOff abilities. Speaking of BOffs, when I retrain my officers, they lose the skill points I assigned to those abilities. Where do those skill points go? If they are gone for good, do I earn them back from missions and patrols?

    Some do, some don't ignore shields. You'll figure it out. Some drop shields so quick it doesn't really matter. The BOffs when you retrain them do totally loose their points. You use experience to reskill them, which you get the same way you gain exp to gain levels and such. It comes pretty quick, but there is a point around LCDR that you are a bit short on the needed points. I tend to not skill anything ground until level 50 then skill up their ground skills.
    Some posts on this forums say that energy drains are more or less useless but is Energy Syphon worth the slot?

    People say a lot of things, like Science ships are underpowered. You get used to filtering out the stuff. Energy Siphon on a science ship with skilled out flow capacitors and high aux is definatly useful. Between that and tyken's rift and an aceton device and plasmotic leech things tend to not do anything for a good long time on science ships, and I'm not even fully power drain specc'd but use more of a hybrid energy drain/exotic damage build.
    I'm mostly playing this game for nostalgia (I used to watch the Trek shows) and continue on where the shows left-off so I'd prefer to play my Fed Science Vessels with Beams and Torpedoes. The Vesta line is an exception since they were really equipped with cannons in the books (am I right?). That's for weapons, however I'd still want to build on these ships' and my captain's strengths (which are science abilities). My weapons will be there to merely augment those. If I focus on science abilities, do I still need weapon buffs from consoles or can I focus on consoles that improve aux power and science stuff? Can I survive on that built philosophy?

    never totally give up beam weapons, your target skills rely on them. You just don't need a full ship of them like cruisers use. Like I said I have two of them, a 360 degree one and a normal beam bank. You can also put dual beam banks on the front of your ship. The problem with beams is they take energy to run, and the more you have the more they suck up energy. You'll need to find out what balance you like, and if you're running in a fleet what they need and want from you as well.
    I am still learning, levelling up and building up my gear. I've just started on the Borg episodes (those are tough nuts to crack and they hit hard too) so I've started to look into detail on my build and flying techniques to find how I can improve. Soon I hope to try out the STFs and maybe join a fleet, but that is down the road. :)

    Take your time and learn the game. No rush. I've been playing the same character since launch in various science ships, and I've changed builds (and ships) so much in that time it's not even funny. Figure out what you like to do, where your strength and weaknesses are, find a ship that promotes that, and go with it. If it's fun for you it's right, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    I lucked out that there was an XP event (which I did not realize was happening) when I started the game. I was 50 by the time I was on the Romulan episodes. Now half-way through 55 3 episodes into the Borg missions. Since I breezed through so many levels, I'm pretty much a high-level newbie.

    I'll read-up on the skillsets and try to understand how they work and how they interact with each other and other ship systems. The game is quite different from other MMOs I've played before so there is quite a learning curve to tackle. Everyone's input here has been highly valuable.

    Thank you. :)
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,943 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Post 26 got it. everyone has a "set" power scheme they use, but just like a race car, you sometimes come off throttle and apply brake. same with Science, sometimes you come off throttle (weapons) and apply Brake (Aux) I took the balances power levels and maxed aux. as I need them, I can switch from weapons to aux to shields to engine with a click. the trick is having the situational awareness and tactical savvy to switch a few moments before you need it. (Much easier if you can cloak) butas been said a dozen times already, it depends on your play style
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    it just depends on the specific ship and setup too much to generalize.

    For example my sci is currently running in a tal shier battlcruiser with cmdr slot as sci.
    - it has the command to reduce my weapon power costs.
    - I have all sorts of nice gear including a plasma leech
    - I run one copy of energy drain

    and so on.
    With my specific setup, I can keep my weapon power above 100 and my aux power above 100 with a setting of something like (approximately, I am away from the ship for exacts) 75 weapons, 25 shields, 25 engines, 75 aux. In-battle that becomes something like 100, 50, 50, 100 roughly (weapons can reach 125 but can't sit there, they drain down). I do not have an amp bonus here but its not optimized for dps (I can do that by swapping the power levels, warp core, and put in cmdr tac but thats not the a sci heavy build anymore).

    When I need it, I can use my rep sci booster for a uber GW or heal or whatever. Or once in a while I use an aux battery.

    But a true sci ship does not have the reduced weapon drain, but it also is 2 weapons short of a load -- not sure what that means in the grand scheme of keeping your weapons at a decent level.

    The issue is also compounded by your weapon layout -- many sci ships run torps which can run on 0 weapon power.

    About the best advice I can give you is --- if you use energy weapons, keep your weapon power over 100 and your aux over 100. How you get there depends on dozens of variables. And there are numerous oddball setups you can use that do not require a high weapon power, not just torp boats but 3 or 4 other working builds can run low weapons.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cruzist wrote: »
    As far as I know, that's the MACO shield, not the adapted MACO. I haven't noticed anything, but I should try with a different shield someday. Thanks for pointing that out.

    The cancelation is with the maco shield, not the adapted maco. For Klingons the maco shield is renamed "adapted honor guard".

    Just read the description of the shield, if it says it drains power from attacking enemies, do NOT use it with the leech. If it placates attackers, no conflict.
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The MACO shield and Leech cancel each other out. I think the inflated shield hit points in DR have made shield stripping much more difficult using sci powers than just draining a ship. But NPCs resist's also have to be considered.

    I'd look at Energy Siphon more as a buff to you than count on it seriously draining your enemy (though it can drain them). My Sci Alpha Strike using the Dyson Science Destroyer was firing off Tyken's Rift 2, Energy Siphon 3, and Tachyon Beam 1. Then following up with Torp Spread 3 using the Gravimetric or Enhanced Bio Molec. Torp. I'd also use Sensor Analysis and Sensor Scan if the opponent looked tough.

    If you pursue the Romulan Reputation there is a Beam Arraythat uses no power.

    Oh, and I run my ships at full Aux. I prefer using science ships. I run all torps (mostly shield bypassing damage) on my boat.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
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