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Stephen D’Angelo, Numbers and Logic



  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    calamintha wrote: »
    Yep. People were constantly told that elite difficulty would give more XP. It's pretty pathetic that even with the bugged XP (5x vs 2x) you'd still have to grind between missions.

    Not to mention you are told to grind patrols as levelling content, part of why it all kicked off in the first place...
  • arthgon2049arthgon2049 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The videos made, didn't seem very informative to me, other than expect high hp npc's!

    The level of so called skill involved in defeating them, was utterly devoid of any actual skill other than spam skills + tons of BFAW, doesn't take a rocket scientist to do that!

    Than we have the OP coming off as acting better than the majority, backed by brown noser's trying to defend the OP.

    All while trying to act like they, along with other's were not exploiting a programming error, despite whether Cryptic was or, wasn't aware of it or, even if they were made aware of it and, didn't have time to fix it.

    Maybe you should read deeply into the meaning of elitist and, consider yourself just good at figuring how to maximize player provided programming and, not so much of the I am the best around attitude.




    This is why you come off looking/smelling/sounding/acting like an elitist!

    Did you even read what the OP posted are are you seeing the 50k DPS in her sig and raging? Let me break it down for you.

    You have a mob with an hp of let's say 1,000hit points.

    You have three people all geared differently and doing dps, subject A does 10k dps, subject B does 1k DPS, and subject C does 500 dps

    Now, with those numbers, who do you think is going to kill that mob with 1k hit points the fastest and in the most efficient time possible?

    Instead of getting mad at the OP for being good at the game, why not try to be nice and find out how he/she does it and improve your game.
  • arthgon2049arthgon2049 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    The STFs aren't any harder, they just take longer.

    If a new player puts in the effort to understand the mechanics and fly properly they will not have any issues in STO. You can do 10k DPS on mission reward gear, all you need is knowledge and the capacity to fly straight.

    Hell, constant 125 power on weapons and being vaguely near target and you should do 6-8k DPS in combat on any Cruiser on the basic gear a T5 runs simply by firing 8 beams at full power at the right target, no Tac boffs required.

    This, so much this
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Did you even read what the OP posted are are you seeing the 50k DPS in her sig and raging? Let me break it down for you.

    You have a mob with an hp of let's say 1,000hit points.

    You have three people all geared differently and doing dps, subject A does 10k dps, subject B does 1k DPS, and subject C does 500 dps

    Now, with those numbers, who do you think is going to kill that mob with 1k hit points the fastest and in the most efficient time possible?

    Instead of getting mad at the OP for being good at the game, why not try to be nice and find out how he/she does it and improve your game.

    Dps is irrelevant to me personally so, your point in mute to my ears.

    As long as the player's, are competent enough to even work towards, completing the mission objectives and/or goal, than their dps is of no concern to me nor, is the time it takes to do it provided they actually put forth a real actual effort.

    But Cryptic enforces time constraints so, we are left with trying to complete it in that time period but, I for one don't care if it takes us the full amount of time allotted to us.

    Open up that cranium to the fact, that many player's do not care about being on top of mount Everest and, not ever wanting to come down like the OP acts, yet alone not even enjoying the site seeing while climbing said mountain nor, do they come off acting like they are the cr

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • abfabfleetabfabfleet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    LMAO...There was no 'Im sorry' In DAngelos Post. None..Nada...Zip. I dont know what post you were reading from. But only apologists would make up such a blatant lie and think people would buy it.

    As for the bullying. Youre the one attempting to get other players to agree to 'go to Cryptics Office and hang them.' So you have an excuse to get Askray to shut down this thread. It is you that is behaving like a bully numbnuts.

    And I havent lost any SpecPoints. But I am aware of people who have. And unlike you. Im not a basketcase with an internet connection. I dont have an unhealthy attachment to the Cryptic Dev team. Im more then capable of calling them out for what theyve done. No amount of pretending they can do no evil will change reality princess.

    And that will get you what? A medal? This fleet a brownie point? Didn't you all have a TRIBBLE session with a Core Fleet? I say google this fleet and see what smack they've talked. I found it on google, others can as well. Yeah.. Cryptic will ignore this thread like the plague.. watch and learn. Nerf's inbound..

    No, no basket princess... you may have math, but none of you own Crytpic or PWE, otherwise you all would of been featured somewhere at one time and now you drag your math out to try and train Cryptic.. yeah.. a chance in hell they will respond.

    If this fleet was willing to help the community, they wouldn't be posting a bull**** thread like this...
  • atlantraatlantra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »

    Only cause you use FBP. You are easily dealt with, just don't bother shooting at you.


    LOL then you'll just be dragged to death by an 'always critical' Tractor Beam Repulsor + Warp plasma. That's about 12k shield ignoring DPS right there...

    @all high dps people versus me. Here how the story goes:

    Round 1: You buff up, I FBP , you die.

    Round 2: You buff up, I FBP, You wait til FBP is over, You buff & attack, you die to immunity matrix.

    Round 3: I fbp for no reason, You wait til it's over, you buff up, I jam and subnuke you, I TBR+Warp plasma and Kill you... (if you don't die from that, see round 1 again).

    Tactical prediction is an TRIBBLE.

    High dps people are so easy... Science players are the real elites. It's more thinking and waiting til the right time...

    I know this is a shoot mindless PVE targets thread, so I'll eff off with my 'real combat/fighting'...
    The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
  • arthgon2049arthgon2049 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Dps is irrelevant to me personally so, your point in mute to my ears.

    As long as the player's, are competent enough to even work towards, completing the mission objectives and/or goal, than their dps is of no concern to me nor, is the time it takes to do it provided they actually put forth a real actual effort.

    But Cryptic enforces time constraints so, we are left with trying to complete it in that time period but, I for one don't care if it takes us the full amount of time allotted to us.

    Open up that cranium to the fact, that many player's do not care about being on top of mount Everest and, not ever wanting to come down like the OP acts, yet alone not even enjoying the site seeing while climbing said mountain nor, do they come off acting like they are the cr
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I've been coaching him. God is good at listening but doesn't have enough dil to upgrade all his gear yet. the dil nerf kinda screwed him like the rest of us.

    Here is the sticking point for me.

    Elite in STO is a muddy term, since in some cases it is not a question of skill or knowledge. But how much you are prepared to spend to advance down the DPS yellow brick road. Both in time and money.

    DPS is not hard. Back in the day I I pugged all the space STF's often in most T4 freebie ships and Mirror ships, my gear rarely went above Blue MK XII and regardless of career I did fine. Didn't break any records but I got the job done.

    DPS is not a measure of skill in STO, in my opinion. The term Elite should be reserved for those players who can perform at the top level using the ships and gear I do, and let their skills close the gap. I'm sure plenty exist in the game.

    That aside, the vast majority of players do not skip down that road, I know I don't. I play for fun like most others. It makes perfect sense to me that the game content is tuned accordingly. We see plenty of posts regarding the lack of challenge around here (well...not so much these days) but they pale in comparison to the many more that pop up when something is too hard. Remember when DR launched? The reaction to the new difficulties?

    About the devs as well, who can say. Perhaps they do play STO properly, and perhaps they do perform well. I do know that Smirks streams are not representative. Besides the fact he is not a dev, he outright said in the Dauntless stream that the point of the footage was to show off the ship, and the build was purposefully not the most efficient. It's up to the players to get the best out of it.

    As for the nerfs to rewards, XP and God knows what else. Well...what is the rush?
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    atlantra wrote: »
    LOL then you'll just be dragged to death by an 'always critical' Tractor Beam Repulsor + Warp plasma. That's about 12k shield ignoring DPS right there...

    @all high dps people versus me. Here how the story goes:

    Round 1: You buff up, I FBP , you die.

    Round 2: You buff up, I FBP, You wait til FBP is over, You buff & attack, you die to immunity matrix.

    Round 3: I fbp for no reason, You wait til it's over, you buff up, I jam and subnuke you, I TBR+Warp plasma and Kill you... (if you don't die from that, see round 1 again).

    Tactical prediction is an TRIBBLE.

    High dps people are so easy... Science players are the real elites. It's more thinking and waiting til the right time...

    I know this is a shoot mindless PVE targets thread, so I'll eff off with my 'real combat/fighting'...

    Yep, precisely why as soon as I see you I just move off to find a different target. It isn't about winning every fight, its about only fighting the fights you can win...


    Dps is irrelevant to me personally so, your point in mute to my ears.
    As long as the player's, are competent enough to even work towards, completing the mission objectives and/or goal, than their dps is of no concern to me nor, is the time it takes to do it provided they actually put forth a real actual effort.

    But Cryptic enforces time constraints so, we are left with trying to complete it in that time period but, I for one don't care if it takes us the full amount of time allotted to us.

    Open up that cranium to the fact, that many player's do not care about being on top of mount Everest and, not ever wanting to come down like the OP acts, yet alone not even enjoying the site seeing while climbing said mountain nor, do they come off acting like they are the cr
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    That still doesn't address the OP or my question, DPS is irrelevant to you, but you're happy to sit back in a PVE queue and let the OP finish it for you.

    It seems it's you that needs to open up that cranium of yours to the fact that the OP is making a lot of sense...heaven forbid she points out the glaring errors in Stephen D'Angelo's post.

    The fact that you can't see that is astounding.

    So stick your fingers in your ears all you want, doesn't change the fact that she makes very good points that just drift right over your head for some odd reason.

    I suggest you re-read the first post again, this time much slower, and try to understand that her point isn't so much about massive dps as it is, if someone has higher dps than say you, well of course they are going to gain xp/rewards at a much faster level.

    The point the OP including yourself is, well irrelevant.

    Dps aside, they were exploiting hands down a programming error and, may have received the correct punishment the Dev's sought fit to apply.

    Plain and, simple no?

    And, this is coming from a person, that by no means is a complete Developer advocate.

    The Dev's probably could care less if, some dps geeks want to try and, explain how to accomplish total dps boredom, in their own game they help created!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    Yep, precisely why as soon as I see you I just move off to find a different target. It isn't about winning every fight, its about only fighting the fights you can win...


    Congrats, you've totally missed the guys entire point. And bolded bit says it all - come onto a DPS thread and complain, SOP for you.

    Why don't you look back through the OP's posts, hmm? You will learn something.

    Oh, you know damn good and well, that I give my 2 cents worth in dps threads, so much so, that you even recognize me!

    The OP has only made an arrogant impression and, nothing more imo!

    We are so good at this game that we could literally take all our weapons off our ships except 1 and still out perform your average player. We are that good.

    A term such as this, speaks a thousand words, as to how arrogant this OP actually is!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Oh, you know damn good and well, that I give my 2 cents worth in dps threads, so much so, that you even recognize me!

    The OP has only made an arrogant impression and, nothing more imo!

    If your two cents actually mattered it would be different, but all you ever do is complain at people doing PvE in the most efficient manner.

    The OP kicks out 50k DPS (On a Fed!) - the average player is a tenth of that. So yes, they are right to claim that.

    (ETA - If anyone doesn't understand why being a Fed and 50k is special when the current max is well over 80k, only Roms can do beyond that.)
  • arthgon2049arthgon2049 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The point the OP including yourself is, well irrelevant.

    Dps aside, they were exploiting hands down a programming error and, may have received the correct punishment the Dev's sought fit to apply.

    Plain and, simple no?

    And, this is coming from a person, that by no means is a complete Developer advocate.

    The Dev's probably could care less if, some dps geeks want to try and, explain how to accomplish total dps boredom, in their own game they help created!

    That's not entirely true, even the EP said the word exploit is open to interpretation. You are assuming that every player that got "punished" knowingly knew what they were doing was wrong.

    1. Most people that were "punished" were nowhere near Tau Dewa and were just leveling in the new content, doing patrols as was said to do by the game itself.

    2. I don't know about you, but for me this is the first time I have been level 60 in this game, so what reference material do I have to tell me something is off? If you played on elite fighting harder enemies, wouldn't you expect a greater reward?

    3. From reading the EP's post, it's quite obvious he not only made up an arbitrary number, but also isn't taking into consideration specifics of a player's skill and gear.

    4. If these so-called exploits where mentioned by their tribble testers and was put live, as a player, what does that tell you? To me it only says 1 of 2 things. 1. They don't care. 2. It's working as intended.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited October 2014
    oricolawle wrote: »
    He's got a point. When CaptainSmirk needs help from the community to understand how to build a ship, there's a fundamental problem developer-side.

    Smirks design was meant to represent the average player.

    Someone who would never have a hope in hell of doing end game missions, let alone elite.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    If your two cents actually mattered it would be different, but all you ever do is complain at people doing PvE in the most efficient manner.

    I do not complain about how they chose to play pve!

    I complain, that they rub their snob noses at player's, who prefer not to play to their liking and, their liking only.

    I complain, that they two face act like they are providing people with a service, while underhandedly hide behind some dps club for elitist minded geeks only (only thing missing is the member's only jackets).

    I complain, when I see utter snide/snob remarks such as what this OP comes off posting.

    I have many complaints and, they should be related to the game and, game developers' but, when threads like these pop up, you bet your butt I am going to add a piece of my mind to it.

    There is still this thing called freedom of speech and, if you don't like it, well guess what, tough cookies!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    When will people like Mr.OP finally understand that's it's not every player's aim to be among the highest dps dealers in the game? Some players - imagine THAT - have a different conception of what is fun. They don't care about PvP and blowing your way through an STF in 2 minutes isn't what they want to achieve. STO is as much for them as it is for you Mr.OP. And quite frankly, outfitting a Scimitar so that it can deal 15k dps isn't much of an intellectual challenge. Expensive? Certainly. But definetly not difficult.

    And if you think Battle of Korfez is too easy try it in Shuttle. There's your challenge for the next months. Make it happen! :rolleyes:
  • kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Smirks design was meant to represent the average player.

    Someone who would never have a hope in hell of doing end game missions, let alone elite.

    An average player with a full Mk XIV Epic loadout.

    On a side note, is there anywhere i can check out a 30k DPS build?
  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    We are so good at this game that we could literally take all our weapons off our ships except 1 and still out perform your average player. We are that good.

    actually I did this^^

    on an ISE b4 DR and I still did 36% ofthe teams overall dmg
  • rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I do not complain about how they chose to play pve!

    I complain, that they rub their snob noses at player's, who prefer not to play to their liking and, their liking only.

    I complain, that they two face act like they are providing people with a service, while underhandedly hide behind some dps club for elitist minded geeks only (only thing missing is the member's only jackets).

    I complain, when I see utter snide/snob remarks such as what this OP comes off posting.

    I have many complaints and, they should be related to the game and, game developers' but, when threads like these pop up, you bet your butt I am going to add a piece of my mind to it.

    There is still this thing called freedom of speech and, if you don't like it, well guess what, tough cookies!

    Apparently about 3000x more than the avg player too!

    shadowwraith77 you are aware that building a ship to be efficient at taking out NPC's isn't a crime or even an exploit. They are using all the tools available to them. Your complaints are like a bad club Tennis player ******** that Roger Federer should be banned for putting in hours and hours of training and getting paid to do what should be an unpaid social event. It's an utterly ludicrous argument.

    He's an elite player because he puts in the time and effort to be so, you being the club player equivalent have different goals and just play because you enjoy it. That doesn't give you any high point to talk from especially from a mechanics point of view. The fact is that with a single Beam array on a properly laid out ship with the right traits, skills and practice, the DPS players could indeed do more damage than the Avg STO player.

    An elitist wouldn't share the information or the train people or help people, which I've seen sarcasmdetector do in the STOBuilds reddit frequently and others have got to run with the higher DPS players and see the builds and playstyles.

    You look at any of those people who are elite in their chosen speciality, they usually have a level of arrogance that comes from being sure in their abilities and ideas/knowledge of the game. Ask a top racing driver what it's like to race at 320K/mh and you won't be able to comprehend the response, but to them it's just normality. You may understand it, but unless it's experienced and repeated enough to be common place to someone, they will never comprehend it.
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
  • c3141pwac3141pwa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rsoblivion wrote: »
    You sir are just jealous. People who do well at something in particular are usually arrogant to a degree because they have a deeper knowledge of whatever they are good at. Roger Federer for instance is probably very arrogant about Tennis, but then he's been the number 1 for countless years. It's the same here.

    Jealousy is the fear of loosing something. Perhaps you are confusing jealousy with envy.

    Regardless, I'm doing just fine in my upgraded Mk XIV Aux2Bat beam boat. I simply don't feel the need to proclaim that I am somehow "l33t" or superior because of it.
  • rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I stand corrected, they are indeed envious not jealous :)
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
  • abfabfleetabfabfleet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    Why don't you look back through the OP's posts, hmm? You will learn something.

    That'd be a no... they don't care about your dps and the fact you have to wipe their toughest group anywhere..... fact is they fueled the fire to nerf it for PWE to make money from it and keep this game going. Again, they succeeded and you know what.. I'm glad of that.... as they say keep your friends close, keep your exploiters even closer.. an amazing business plan. I bet, after this incident...the silent nerfs are inbound and there isn't TRIBBLE anyone can do... and frankly I applaud it. To weed out the elitists and exploiters. But hey, who has a fleet who is willing to share there strategies openly.. certainly not this one who started this post... google their fleet.. yep gotta have a pm by the leader to find out the secrets of their builds OR ask the devs to say 'HEY listen to me I can train all your devs'... get real... you just made yourselves posterchilds for the next round. Hence you deserve what you started.

    +50 PWE
    -200 for the fleet in this post
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    That's not entirely true, even the EP said the word exploit is open to interpretation. You are assuming that every player that got "punished" knowingly knew what they were doing was wrong.

    1. Most people that were "punished" were nowhere near Tau Dewa and were just leveling in the new content, doing patrols as was said to do by the game itself.

    2. I don't know about you, but for me this is the first time I have been level 60 in this game, so what reference material do I have to tell me something is off? If you played on elite fighting harder enemies, wouldn't you expect a greater reward?

    3. From reading the EP's post, it's quite obvious he not only made up an arbitrary number, but also isn't taking into consideration specifics of a player's skill and gear.

    4. If these so-called exploits where mentioned by their tribble testers and was put live, as a player, what does that tell you? To me it only says 1 of 2 things. 1. They don't care. 2. It's working as intended.

    I will give it to you, that there is the slightest and, I do mean slightest possibility some people didn't realize it was an exploit but, the vast majority have enough common sense to know they were exploiting this flaw.

    Even with a youtube video, plain as day depicting how easy it was, to level up using tau dewa patrols, I could clearly see with my own 2 eyes that it was being exploited, that they xp rewarded did not match the intended difficulty challenge, that the enemy wasn't correctly scaling to the player's lvl, etc.

    Could the punishment been less severe? Sure, I can attest to that but, I am not in control of the game, the Dev's are.

    Am I in complete agreement to how the Dev's handled the situation? No but, again there is nothing I can do to change it really so, again it is, what it is!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • tigercatgirltigercatgirl Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Well mr. Ego and the rest of the superfriends DPS League.....as the average 3k or less player that really loves this game...how about cryptic just give you an elite server that way I and many others won't have to have people like you making stf's so hard for the rest of us. Like the way they are now.

    STO needs to be fun and not scaled to the super-elite only! Yes you may be a god in this game but I and the other normal people do not have to worship you...neither should the dev's.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I do not complain about how they chose to play pve!

    I complain, that they rub their snob noses at player's, who prefer not to play to their liking and, their liking only.

    I complain, that they two face act like they are providing people with a service, while underhandedly hide behind some dps club for elitist minded geeks only (only thing missing is the member's only jackets).

    I complain, when I see utter snide/snob remarks such as what this OP comes off posting.

    I have many complaints and, they should be related to the game and, game developers' but, when threads like these pop up, you bet your butt I am going to add a piece of my mind to it.

    There is still this thing called freedom of speech and, if you don't like it, well guess what, tough cookies!

    They do provide a service for free to anyone who asks - the DPS channels only exist to share knowledge and to improve for everyone.

    You just have an axe to grind.
  • abfabfleetabfabfleet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Well mr. Ego and the rest of the superfriends DPS League.....as the average 3k or less player that really loves this game...how about cryptic just give you an elite server that way I and many others won't have to have people like you making stf's so hard for the rest of us. Like the way they are now.

    STO needs to be fun and not scaled to the super-elite only! Yes you may be a god in this game but I and the other normal people do not have to worship you...neither should the dev's.

    I approve of this post and the fact that you can claim you can help the community, but all your posts previously on the forums are like 'Uhm yeah check your pms in game, I don't want anyone to find out about my build'...

    Show me a fleet that can be forward with everyone.. instead of trying to get ahead with some agenda... then MAYBE, JUST MAYBE we all can benefit with the devs instead of the all the dirty little secrets....
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rsoblivion wrote: »
    Apparently about 3000x more than the avg player too!

    shadowwraith77 you are aware that building a ship to be efficient at taking out NPC's isn't a crime or even an exploit. They are using all the tools available to them. Your complaints are like a bad club Tennis player ******** that Roger Federer should be banned for putting in hours and hours of training and getting paid to do what should be an unpaid social event. It's an utterly ludicrous argument.

    He's an elite player because he puts in the time and effort to be so, you being the club player equivalent have different goals and just play because you enjoy it. That doesn't give you any high point to talk from especially from a mechanics point of view. The fact is that with a single Beam array on a properly laid out ship with the right traits, skills and practice, the DPS players could indeed do more damage than the Avg STO player.

    An elitist wouldn't share the information or the train people or help people, which I've seen sarcasmdetector do in the STOBuilds reddit frequently and others have got to run with the higher DPS players and see the builds and playstyles.

    You look at any of those people who are elite in their chosen speciality, they usually have a level of arrogance that comes from being sure in their abilities and ideas/knowledge of the game. Ask a top racing driver what it's like to race at 320K/mh and you won't be able to comprehend the response, but to them it's just normality. You may understand it, but unless it's experienced and repeated enough to be common place to someone, they will never comprehend it.

    Now I know you cannot read, as I never mentioned they exploited anything, from doing high dps or, figuring the best way to achieve that dps.

    If you aren't blind and, can truly read, I said they exploited a busted programming flaw, in the way xp was rewarded for, doing patrol missions in tau dewa on elite.

    Do I blame them for doing it? No, I would never blame someone for trying to jump on an exploit in a game!

    Do I blame them for the Dev's punishment to player's? No, again they did what comes natural to many game player's.

    The only thing I blame the OP for is, coming off like a total stuck up arrogant snob elitist and, you seem to be following up behind them, with your pooper scooper, collecting what your nose up their back door doesn't already retrieve.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    abfabfleet wrote: »
    That'd be a no... they don't care about your dps and the fact you have to wipe their toughest group anywhere..... fact is they fueled the fire to nerf it for PWE to make money from it and keep this game going. Again, they succeeded and you know what.. I'm glad of that.... as they say keep your friends close, keep your exploiters even closer.. an amazing business plan. I bet, after this incident...the silent nerfs are inbound and there isn't TRIBBLE anyone can do... and frankly I applaud it. To weed out the elitists and exploiters. But hey, who has a fleet who is willing to share there strategies openly.. certainly not this one who started this post... google their fleet.. yep gotta have a pm by the leader to find out the secrets of their builds OR ask the devs to say 'HEY listen to me I can train all your devs'... get real... you just made yourselves posterchilds for the next round. Hence you deserve what you started.

    +50 PWE
    -200 for the fleet in this post

    And I thought Wraithy had an axe to grind... None of your post is accurate, and as you refuse to even want to improve you are wasting time.

    At least Wraithy makes it amusing. Mostly.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    They do provide a service for free to anyone who asks - the DPS channels only exist to share knowledge and to improve for everyone.

    You just have an axe to grind.

    No axe to grind, sorry!

    And, for them providing a so called service! Well, that's nice and all but, really the majority of player's really could care less.

    For coming onto the forums and, acting like the almighty himself over the so called common folk, not only ticks me off furiously but, also is quite prejudice since I am of Christian faith so, the comments regarding themselves as such is, quite rude to say the least imo.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    kblargh wrote: »
    An average player with a full Mk XIV Epic loadout.

    On a side note, is there anywhere i can check out a 30k DPS build?


    OPs latest weapon.
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