all pets the saucer from the gal-R and gal-x are no longer a joke/ waist of console slot. and the aquarius pet actually stays alive and does decent damage.
think i saw at full 60 on tribble my aquarius had 80k hit points and was doing 4k DPS on it's own (do to it failing to get it's cannons in arc)
Yeah, my rom drones are kicking it out to. Notice they are not getting caught in core breeches as much either. Not sure if this is an AI improvement or just the buff in their hull from the higher level.
Dude, this is the first time I feel like you're trolling. And if you think this is how you increase difficulty, you and I have a very different idea of fun gameplay. Also the difficulty hasn't changed, at all.
Fighting that NPC Scimitar seems more boring than watching Star Trek TMP.
I agree with this...I mean the game is a joke...maybe if they actually used healing and defensive abilities I could understand, but they don't. All they do is fly in circles and fire at you...rarely doing much else.
The average player is completely spoiled, not to mention they aren't very skilled and never listen. People don't listen to strategy...don't care...all they do is pew pew away and nothing else. You know what...maybe it's time the average player actually learns how to play instead of of going on refusing to learn or listen to any advice?
The average player is a casual and has no interest in min/maxing and forcing their playstyle on anyone else.
The only players that think their way is the only way is the idiotic leet e-peen basement dwellers.
Its to bad there nerfing any of it. Finally this games PvE wasn't a complete joke. Well the AI is still terrible... at least 5 man content no longer takes 2min.
Some of you folks are really spoiled. In any other MMO ever mention to the dev that they should be shooting to have there 5 man content get punished hard in 2-5min by a half decent (not the best) team. I think they would die laughing.
All well hopefully its still hard enough that it starts to resemble an actual MMO.
Well most of us are dying of laughter at a player (you) who seems to want to play hard content but is worrying about how hard the MIDDLE TIER is. LOL
If you are a high level dps player the advanced ques should be NOTHING to you therefore it shouldnt matter if its easy or hard or whatever. Go play on elite. Its really that simple.
by the way the post from borticuscryptic in the new difficulty thread says the enemy HP in advanced is being REDUCED by 70%. Not sure where anyone got 20%. This is a great change!
by the way the post from borticuscryptic in the new difficulty thread says the enemy HP in advanced is being REDUCED by 70%. Not sure where anyone got 20%. This is a great change!
It's getting reduced by 20% for Normal. Which is what OP was mentioning, since Fleet Alert is a Normal difficulty mission.
by the way the post from borticuscryptic in the new difficulty thread says the enemy HP in advanced is being REDUCED by 70%. Not sure where anyone got 20%. This is a great change!
Reduced BY 70% and reduced TO 70% are two entirely different things. It's a 30% reduction, which is just dandy by my book.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
20% sounds alright to me, I can end my boycott of the game now. The rest of the difference in HP will have to be countered by me upping my game a bit. Also MK XIV gear should even the odds out nicely.
by the way the post from borticuscryptic in the new difficulty thread says the enemy HP in advanced is being REDUCED by 70%. Not sure where anyone got 20%. This is a great change!
TBH I like the fact it's now a lot longer for the missions, however as an aside the rewards need to match the content, which doesn't seem to be close at the moment.
Why this is the case is beyond me, but it really isn't hard to have an AI that's a little better than ram nearest target, then turn about, run away and repeat.
Dropping the hitpoints and increasing more tactical skill usage (again not hard) along with matching player builds for ships (normal would have more simple builds, with advanced getting Dragon/Drake builds and then Elite's getting the top end builds for the ships in their context) would reduce the need for massive hitpoints buff's purely for duractional purposes.
Considering I've never seen CptSmirk run a single decent build, they've all be rainbow derp builds I think they need to hire some decent players to do some QA from DPS, to PvP as well as some avg players too so the normal queues don't end up a violent mess of rage
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
How are non elite players suppose to progress their delta rep gear without ancient power cells? How are fresh 50ies suppose to get omega gear. How is anyone suppose to get very rare mats for crafting?
Fresh 50's don't need Omega gear, there is plenty of other good gear that is not gated by Advanced/Elite queues.
Level to 60, get some Ship Masteries and Specialization Skill Points, buy fleet/New Romulus/Nukara Strikeforce equipment/weapons, upgrade ship weapons and equipment, do advanced queues. There are also plenty of replayable missions that give some pretty good gear as well.
I think thje real issue here is that a lot of people are suffering from Veruca Salt syndrome.
Its a pretty sad commentary on our society when having shinnies as fast as possible is what everything is about. No one cares about the journey anymore.
Normal. For every bad player who can smash his face on the keyboard and win. I usually do normal difficulty when I'm in a rush and just want some easy fleet marks before I go do something else. I also do normal if I've been drinking heavily, so as not to be a liability to a team on Elite.
Advanced. For ideal, viable teams who have the best of everything and want better rewards.
Elite. For masochists and DPS e-peen specialists.
If you are only going to run Advanced and Elite, what do you care what every bad casual pug member does in the game?
Increasing the HP of enemies doesn't make the game more challenging. It's a cheap and easy way to deal with the tactical meta Cryptic has been pandering to and done absolutely nothing to reign in.
It's not difficult. It's just long-winded. It's tedious and time-consuming. There is no innovation there.
That said, I'm pleased with a 20% reduction. And I look forward to giving my feedback when this fix goes live.
QFT... only time I do a normal is when I am drunk so as to not **** up an elite team needing me to bring my A game.
Fresh 50's don't need Omega gear, there is plenty of other good gear that is not gated by Advanced/Elite queues.
Level to 60, get some Ship Masteries and Specialization Skill Points, buy fleet/New Romulus/Nukara Strikeforce equipment/weapons, upgrade ship weapons and equipment, do advanced queues. There are also plenty of replayable missions that give some pretty good gear as well.
I think thje real issue here is that a lot of people are suffering from Veruca Salt syndrome.
Its a pretty sad commentary on our society when having shinnies as fast as possible is what everything is about. No one cares about the journey anymore.
You sir are an idiot. Is that "elite" borg rep gear MK XIV? Oh snap.. **** it's not it's MK XII.. so that;s for a 50 not a 60.. Just shut your damn face.
Thank you for all of your feedback! We've tried our best to digest all of it, and distill it down to a few actionable items we can undertake over a short time frame, in order to get some changes into next week's patch.
Here are the adjustments we will be making:
Basic Difficulty:
* Hitpoint values @ Level 60 reduced to ~80% of current Holodeck values
* This means that enemies also scale less aggressively as you level up between 50 and 60.
Advanced Difficulty:
* Hitpoint values @ Level 60 reduced to ~70% of current Holodeck values
Elite Difficulty:
* Hitpoint values @ Level 60 increased to ~110% of current Holodeck values
These are likely to be the first of many, many changes, as we continue monitoring feedback and actual gameplay metrics. As more players reach level 60 and begin earning additional Specializations and Starship Masteries, as well as continue to Upgrade their Equipment, we anticipate playstyles and feedback will shift over time. As such, we're hesitant to make too many changes, too quickly.
Despite this caution, it was obvious to us that the NPC hitpoint values currently on Holodeck were having a negative impact on the quality of gameplay in Basic and Advanced, and the above changes are an attempt to alleviate that. Even these changes are still cautious though, and we're willing to consider additional reductions if they end up being deemed necessary.
We're still keeping an eye on NPC damage output, shield hardness, and more. There's always a chance that tweaks to those values may come in future patches.
We will not be making any adjustments to queue rewards just yet. Until these hitpoint modifiers are in place, and we have updated metrics and feedback to review, we're going to just change one aspect at a time.
And with that, I believe that this thread has run its course - I'm going to request to have it closed.
Thank you all again for your feedback and passion for this game. And for your patience as we continue to iterate on this process of making Star Trek Online an enjoyable and challenging experience
Ok so, from what I understand normal has been scaled up to 60 by mistake but, the enemies are far weaker it seems than old elites so, not seeing the reason for the hp reduction here but, what ever.
Now the advanced is another issue and, any reduction imo is warranted for average PUG groups to have a chance.
As to how effective a 30% drop will be, well we will have to wait and see.
But, either way appreciate the changes in general, at least I do as it will move a bit of better balance to advanced, while upping the challenge so to speak for the extremists.
Everyone and their brother has screamed that enemy HP values are absolutely, unbelievably off the scale and we get a flipping 20% nerf? Like that's going to make a difference when basic enemies have hundreds of thousands or even millions of HP?
Recently I ran and failed a normal Fleet Alert, where we ran out of time on Wave 2. I checked enemy HP and noticed that an Orion Interceptor, a freaking fightercraft, had 17,000 hull points. SEVENTEEN THOUSAND! A fighter! My starship only has 31k!
So with this "fix", that fighter will be down to ONLY 13.5k hull, no big deal! I'm sure that will solve all the problems. A Bird of Prey on Cure will go from 600,000 to a MUCH more manageable 480,000! It'll be a breeze now! Thanks Cryptic!
Instead of nerfing values down TO 80%, try nerfing them BY 80%. That will give us an Interceptor fighter with 3400 HP and a Bird of Prey with 120,000 HP --still high but not so insane.
Otherwise you can kiss your playerbase goodbye.
A reduction of 80% to advanced imo, would be overboard for a nerf. The range they listed of 30% should suffice and, if it doesn't than imo no greater than a 50% reduction would be the maximum, I mean after all we do need to bump performance over old elites after all.
Elites are that way and are being buffed so you can TRIBBLE your e-peen all you want over in that corner.
Agreed, they just want it to stay so, the average player population suffers and, than when they say oh copy our suggested builds, it will go towards stroking their own egos by allowing them to say "Yeah my build advise helped them, by eradicating enemies far faster than ever needed, all while sapping the fun from the average player."
Everyone and their brother has screamed that enemy HP values are absolutely, unbelievably off the scale and we get a flipping 20% nerf? Like that's going to make a difference when basic enemies have hundreds of thousands or even millions of HP?
I think ppl are kinda doing it wrong now. Take CSA, for example. Everyone frantically converges on the Kang, desperately trying to defend him, utterly ignoring working on the Cubes. And yet, if they bothered to look closely, for a moment, they'd see the Kang himself has ungodly HP too: I've seen dozens of Klingon raptors attack him, with barely a scratch on him. People just need to readjust to the new deal, and not play from sheer panics any more.
Recently I ran and failed a normal Fleet Alert, where we ran out of time on Wave 2. I checked enemy HP and noticed that an Orion Interceptor, a freaking fightercraft, had 17,000 hull points. SEVENTEEN THOUSAND! A fighter! My starship only has 31k!.
Then you have a very sucky ship! Any decent (ly fitted) ship will have around 60-70k HP. And you shouldn't fail Fleet Alert, as it's still a breeze (compared to the Advanced queues).
The only thing I'd like to see changed, is where failing the Optional in Advanced causes the entire mission to fail. That is just stupid. For one, they should stop calling it 'Optional' then. For two, they already made them considerably harder. Usually bringing around 22k myself, and getting tired of noobs with only 5k TRIBBLE me out of my R&D packs.
the kang is basically immortal now. only really need one healer sitting on him to make sure he does not drop below optional. the other 4 can take out the cubes
CSA is almost easier because of that as you can basically ignore all the shipyard spawns and just take out the cubes
Im sorry. But if youre interested in Advanced and Elite. What does it matter if Normal is a breeze? Who are you to dictate what others, mainly the majority, have to go through to experience fun in this game?
Indeed. You would think these players who love an extreme challenge don't have Elite mode to float off to. They can leave the rest of us with queues that don't take half an hour to finish (if you even manage that).
They still need to drastically review the rewards though, the level of dil rewarded is derisory when considering the phenomenal dil sinks we now have in game.
I did find out they snuck the old totals in... as part of completing the optional. So, yes, the 480/960/...1920? is there, but you have to complete both the fight and the optional in order to get it.
Hopefully, with the reduction of HP, it'll be easier to get.
The only thing I'd like to see changed, is where failing the Optional in Advanced causes the entire mission to fail. That is just stupid. For one, they should stop calling it 'Optional' then. For two, they already made them considerably harder. Usually bringing around 22k myself, and getting tired of noobs with only 5k TRIBBLE me out of my R&D packs.
The way the optionals have been changed imo is, just fine as it adds some actual challenge and, not the so called challenge of, extreme hp values wrapped in the same candy colored shell.
Noobs doing 5k shouldn't matter a ton, so long as they have a grasp as to what actually needs done and, not wandering around pointlessly doing nothing.
Hence the reason the optional failing requirement.
5k used to be roughly 20% over the margin needed, compared to the minimum 3k required for old elites.
Now that same 5k is, only roughly 25% of the required for new advanced.
I don't know about you but, that is a huge leap in required dps #'s for, something that is supposed to be mid-par difficulty.
I think it is so still to early for a nerf. Not enough of the player base is level 60 with high end gear. While I think it still a DPS race to win instead of strategy. Also make elite queues and advance queue the only way to get materials to craft and advance gear is a bad design. Specially when most players will and should not be able to do elite. They need to change the way they distribute mats. The normal queues should play under the current advance rules. The advance should get a automatic mat for a win with chance for bonuses. Elites should double all rewards of an elite.
I think biggest problem with stfs is not only did they increase the enemy hulls astronomically but they also increased their numbers significantly. They should have introduced one or the other, or scaled taking that into account. The calculation they should have used is total hull in a queue Pve combined, i.e all enemy hulls added together to indicate just how much of an total hike it is.
Rewards should not have been halved while at the same time substantially increasing the time taken do a stf or fleet action. My feeling is they could not properly assess just how much dps they were adding to players with T5-U, T6, intel powers, specializations etc. So they just went to the top end and hope to work down from there. The drastic EC and dil nerfs/sinks are just a way to try and get people to buy zen for cash. I very much doubt this is going to happen the way they think it will. Unhappy players are less likely to buy zen.
Dude, this is the first time I feel like you're trolling. And if you think this is how you increase difficulty, you and I have a very different idea of fun gameplay. Also the difficulty hasn't changed, at all.
Now it only need 20% less time, and 10% more on elite!
What I think about this whole situation is that it is quite funny that so suddenly tires to pander to the 1% (or less) hardcore dps racers, when it was a casual mmo for the last 4 years.
The biggest laugh I had was with advance difficulty, initially it was said it was just it will be current elites with slightly buffed enemies and mandatory optionals, meanwhile we got 4-10 times the hp, resistance increases, but still same time limits and reduced rewards.
Out of curiosity I did some notes for myself regarding hp scaling and oh boy: Normal npc scaling
I do know that implementing a decent AI is very hard - and even a decent AI will look like a toddler randomly hitting buttons, occasionally missing them, compared to humans (or Klingons, Romulans, maybe even Gorn).
So when we want to scale the difficulty, we have to scale numbers a lot. That's okay, every game does that, RTS, TBS, anybody.
But why only Hit Points? Why not increase the actual damage the enemies do a bit and scale HP down? The result would be similar, but I see a couple of nice side effects:
a) It would be more fun to play. Right now you park your ship and shoot at the enemy, hoping that the DPS will suffice. There is hardly any chance of getting blown up, it's just a question of "will I do enough damage before time expires?". With higher enemy damage dealing, you may need more actual play, avoiding enemies, retreating once in a while, which will lead us to
b) dedicated tanks will be useful again. Draw aggro and survive enemy attacks your damage dealers cannot. Also
c) healers and crowd controllers will be useful again. GW has lost much of its meaning. The new intel abilities somewhat make up for that but we cannot expect all ships to run on T6 in normal or advanced queues.
As it stands now, a group of only tac damage dealers is just the best you can get. If that changes, of course PuGs will become a matter fo some luck that you get a dec ent distribution, that would be a problem, so not everything is sunshine here.
As for the OP: scaling it down slowly seems to me okay - if the mindset is open about scaling it further if needed. Going back and forth would be confusing and probably more alienating.
See this is part of what I was talking about in some of my science threads. People don't understand what it's like to play science in this game. GW has lost some of it's usefulness it no longer does mounds of damage against any mob in PVE. All of the science skills need a complete revamp entirely because you can't DPS as science not with the skills not anylonger. But some people who play carrier facerollers and tactical escorts don't seem to have a clue about what's going on with these skills or this class and wanna make it seem like these concerns are unwarranted. smh
It's never enough when a developer power creeps to increase the power of the weapons, you have to do that with the skills as well otherwise it simply won't help certain classes.
The changes they've proposed are a step in the right direction for sure. I'd like to see the rewards rescaled. Either that or they change the cooldown on ALL queued events to 30 mins.
Everyone and their brother has screamed that enemy HP values are absolutely, unbelievably off the scale and we get a flipping 20% nerf? Like that's going to make a difference when basic enemies have hundreds of thousands or even millions of HP?
Adjusted the HP but not the Dil ?
Meaning that the 960 Dil award is still out of reach for most players ?
Yeah, my rom drones are kicking it out to. Notice they are not getting caught in core breeches as much either. Not sure if this is an AI improvement or just the buff in their hull from the higher level.
Fighting that NPC Scimitar seems more boring than watching Star Trek TMP.
The average player is a casual and has no interest in min/maxing and forcing their playstyle on anyone else.
The only players that think their way is the only way is the idiotic leet e-peen basement dwellers.
Well most of us are dying of laughter at a player (you) who seems to want to play hard content but is worrying about how hard the MIDDLE TIER is. LOL
If you are a high level dps player the advanced ques should be NOTHING to you therefore it shouldnt matter if its easy or hard or whatever. Go play on elite. Its really that simple.
It's getting reduced by 20% for Normal. Which is what OP was mentioning, since Fleet Alert is a Normal difficulty mission.
yeah i was just coming back in here to edit my comment. I read the post totally wrong. Haha but hey its 2:43am here give me a break:)
Naw, it's an easy enough mistake to make. You haven't warranted any condescension or sarcasm.
Reduced BY 70% and reduced TO 70% are two entirely different things. It's a 30% reduction, which is just dandy by my book.
Joined January 2009
Holy cow thats great.
Why this is the case is beyond me, but it really isn't hard to have an AI that's a little better than ram nearest target, then turn about, run away and repeat.
Dropping the hitpoints and increasing more tactical skill usage (again not hard) along with matching player builds for ships (normal would have more simple builds, with advanced getting Dragon/Drake builds and then Elite's getting the top end builds for the ships in their context) would reduce the need for massive hitpoints buff's purely for duractional purposes.
Considering I've never seen CptSmirk run a single decent build, they've all be rainbow derp builds I think they need to hire some decent players to do some QA from DPS, to PvP as well as some avg players too so the normal queues don't end up a violent mess of rage
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
Fresh 50's don't need Omega gear, there is plenty of other good gear that is not gated by Advanced/Elite queues.
Level to 60, get some Ship Masteries and Specialization Skill Points, buy fleet/New Romulus/Nukara Strikeforce equipment/weapons, upgrade ship weapons and equipment, do advanced queues. There are also plenty of replayable missions that give some pretty good gear as well.
I think thje real issue here is that a lot of people are suffering from Veruca Salt syndrome.
Its a pretty sad commentary on our society when having shinnies as fast as possible is what everything is about. No one cares about the journey anymore.
You sir are an idiot. Is that "elite" borg rep gear MK XIV? Oh snap.. **** it's not it's MK XII.. so that;s for a 50 not a 60.. Just shut your damn face.
Campaign: The Battle of Neverwinter - NWS-DOQXFA4ZD
Prologue: A not so simple plan - NW-DCJG75B9D
Here are the adjustments we will be making:
Basic Difficulty:
* Hitpoint values @ Level 60 reduced to ~80% of current Holodeck values
* This means that enemies also scale less aggressively as you level up between 50 and 60.
Advanced Difficulty:
* Hitpoint values @ Level 60 reduced to ~70% of current Holodeck values
Elite Difficulty:
* Hitpoint values @ Level 60 increased to ~110% of current Holodeck values
These are likely to be the first of many, many changes, as we continue monitoring feedback and actual gameplay metrics. As more players reach level 60 and begin earning additional Specializations and Starship Masteries, as well as continue to Upgrade their Equipment, we anticipate playstyles and feedback will shift over time. As such, we're hesitant to make too many changes, too quickly.
Despite this caution, it was obvious to us that the NPC hitpoint values currently on Holodeck were having a negative impact on the quality of gameplay in Basic and Advanced, and the above changes are an attempt to alleviate that. Even these changes are still cautious though, and we're willing to consider additional reductions if they end up being deemed necessary.
We're still keeping an eye on NPC damage output, shield hardness, and more. There's always a chance that tweaks to those values may come in future patches.
We will not be making any adjustments to queue rewards just yet. Until these hitpoint modifiers are in place, and we have updated metrics and feedback to review, we're going to just change one aspect at a time.
And with that, I believe that this thread has run its course - I'm going to request to have it closed.
Thank you all again for your feedback and passion for this game. And for your patience as we continue to iterate on this process of making Star Trek Online an enjoyable and challenging experience
Ok so, from what I understand normal has been scaled up to 60 by mistake but, the enemies are far weaker it seems than old elites so, not seeing the reason for the hp reduction here but, what ever.
Now the advanced is another issue and, any reduction imo is warranted for average PUG groups to have a chance.
As to how effective a 30% drop will be, well we will have to wait and see.
But, either way appreciate the changes in general, at least I do as it will move a bit of better balance to advanced, while upping the challenge so to speak for the extremists.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
A reduction of 80% to advanced imo, would be overboard for a nerf. The range they listed of 30% should suffice and, if it doesn't than imo no greater than a 50% reduction would be the maximum, I mean after all we do need to bump performance over old elites after all.
Agreed, they just want it to stay so, the average player population suffers and, than when they say oh copy our suggested builds, it will go towards stroking their own egos by allowing them to say "Yeah my build advise helped them, by eradicating enemies far faster than ever needed, all while sapping the fun from the average player."
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
I think ppl are kinda doing it wrong now. Take CSA, for example. Everyone frantically converges on the Kang, desperately trying to defend him, utterly ignoring working on the Cubes. And yet, if they bothered to look closely, for a moment, they'd see the Kang himself has ungodly HP too: I've seen dozens of Klingon raptors attack him, with barely a scratch on him. People just need to readjust to the new deal, and not play from sheer panics any more.
Then you have a very sucky ship! Any decent (ly fitted) ship will have around 60-70k HP. And you shouldn't fail Fleet Alert, as it's still a breeze (compared to the Advanced queues).
CSA is almost easier because of that as you can basically ignore all the shipyard spawns and just take out the cubes
Indeed. You would think these players who love an extreme challenge don't have Elite mode to float off to. They can leave the rest of us with queues that don't take half an hour to finish (if you even manage that).
I did find out they snuck the old totals in... as part of completing the optional. So, yes, the 480/960/...1920? is there, but you have to complete both the fight and the optional in order to get it.
Hopefully, with the reduction of HP, it'll be easier to get.
The way the optionals have been changed imo is, just fine as it adds some actual challenge and, not the so called challenge of, extreme hp values wrapped in the same candy colored shell.
Noobs doing 5k shouldn't matter a ton, so long as they have a grasp as to what actually needs done and, not wandering around pointlessly doing nothing.
Hence the reason the optional failing requirement.
5k used to be roughly 20% over the margin needed, compared to the minimum 3k required for old elites.
Now that same 5k is, only roughly 25% of the required for new advanced.
I don't know about you but, that is a huge leap in required dps #'s for, something that is supposed to be mid-par difficulty.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Rewards should not have been halved while at the same time substantially increasing the time taken do a stf or fleet action. My feeling is they could not properly assess just how much dps they were adding to players with T5-U, T6, intel powers, specializations etc. So they just went to the top end and hope to work down from there. The drastic EC and dil nerfs/sinks are just a way to try and get people to buy zen for cash. I very much doubt this is going to happen the way they think it will. Unhappy players are less likely to buy zen.
Now it only need 20% less time, and 10% more on elite!
What I think about this whole situation is that it is quite funny that so suddenly tires to pander to the 1% (or less) hardcore dps racers, when it was a casual mmo for the last 4 years.
The biggest laugh I had was with advance difficulty, initially it was said it was just it will be current elites with slightly buffed enemies and mandatory optionals, meanwhile we got 4-10 times the hp, resistance increases, but still same time limits and reduced rewards.
Out of curiosity I did some notes for myself regarding hp scaling and oh boy:
Normal npc scaling
Vaadwaur (seems to be the same as for stfs)
the scaling factors are hilarious, instead of logarithm function we get a linear one and with quite steep slopes on advance and elite.
Notice normal? Probably unchanged.
See this is part of what I was talking about in some of my science threads. People don't understand what it's like to play science in this game. GW has lost some of it's usefulness it no longer does mounds of damage against any mob in PVE. All of the science skills need a complete revamp entirely because you can't DPS as science not with the skills not anylonger. But some people who play carrier facerollers and tactical escorts don't seem to have a clue about what's going on with these skills or this class and wanna make it seem like these concerns are unwarranted. smh
It's never enough when a developer power creeps to increase the power of the weapons, you have to do that with the skills as well otherwise it simply won't help certain classes.
Adjusted the HP but not the Dil ?
Meaning that the 960 Dil award is still out of reach for most players ?
Well that was ... expected ...