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Delta Rising or how to frustrate players and make them go away



  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited October 2014
    I hope DR makes certain people go away.

    I hope you enjoy the crickets chirping while you wait for the queues to pop.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You know, some of us called them on this stuff quite a while ago. We predicted exactly this kind of thing in the game's future. We were derided and ignored.

    Sometimes it sucks being right all the time.

    so very accurate. My fleet has two lifers since beta and they feel screwed by this expansion and are seriously considering another game. This expansion more than anyother is drive players away.

    Heck a game mod is doing better trek wise then this.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Give them time. Its only been a few days, not even a week yet. Lots of new stuff was added to the game. So you will have bugs to deal with. Even the large MMOs has a week of "fixes" to make. Sometimes it take lot more.

    Granted it frustrate players when you ready to play the game. And there is lots of bugs. However that goes to them saying it will be released on a date. And then rush the product out. However most companies are guilty of this. Just how it is.

    Give them time to fix the issues.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    so very accurate. My fleet has two lifers since beta and they feel screwed by this expansion and are seriously considering another game. This expansion more than anyother is drive players away.

    Heck a game mod is doing better trek wise then this.
    Well, then I predict you're gonna be quite confused when this game is still here 2 seasons later, probably even more when 2 years later. A shaky launch, or even a string of them does not a killed game make

    As long as the game makes money, it'll stay :D The trekness is another issue entirely, and one we could be debating past the final frontier, so let's not get into that
    farmallm wrote: »
    Give them time. Its only been a few days, not even a week yet. Lots of new stuff was added to the game. So you will have bugs to deal with. Even the large MMOs has a week of "fixes" to make. Sometimes it take lot more.

    Granted it frustrate players when you ready to play the game. And there is lots of bugs. However that goes to them saying it will be released on a date. And then rush the product out. However most companies are guilty of this. Just how it is.

    Give them time to fix the issues.

    I've seen this at every launch, doom sayers and 'driving players away' included, and DR has been no exception... and yet, after things calm down, the majority of things are rarely as bad as made out, if bad at all XD
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    trek21 wrote: »

    I've seen this at every launch, doom sayers and 'driving players away' included, and DR has been no exception... and yet, after things calm down, the majority of things are rarely as bad as made out, if bad at all XD

    So true, this is why I don't go into the new areas until at least a week or 2 passes. To give them time to fix the problems. Plus it helps clear out the mass of players in that area. So there will be less chances of lag issues.

    At least the game is easier to fix and deal with. Unlike like the Auto industry. Then you have recalls, or finding out you made a bad product. And face the bad Rep for a long time. I saw that many times as well over the years.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • karcornerkarcorner Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I am disillusioned by what they have done. I used to think this was the best F2P because you really did not have to pay that much to get endgame. I totally understand some of their changes, but they have gone complete 180 on this. The fact they have made older content to be ramped up for the 6.0 ships. I mean I was finally able to get my alts some nice omega and maco gear because They could finally do the elites and then cryptic drops this. I am stunned. There are far more issues but this will do it for now. This is truly a game changer for me. I really hope for some change later on....
  • ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    opo98 wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure most of the rage is directed at how stupid the HP on mobs are and the STF dilithium nerf.

    I haven't really seen any content complaint threads other than that. It really is a shame too, since I thought the whole Delta Quadrant was done well, and more trekkish than previous seasons.

    ugh I vowed not to post to these forums but i seem to be posting since the patch.

    I dont mind something that is a bit time consuming and difficult (if I am appropriately rewarded for my time etc) however the q revamp was supposed to be about basically adding a third difficulty level for those wanting a challenge with the other two levels being almost the same. They talked about how the pve q's were the mainstay for many people with limited time and they didnt want to mess with that. They also made it seem that the elite one the truly hard one would give better rewards and the regular ones would still be rewarding enough for those people (the majority as they put it actually) to continue to play through content and play their game.

    They also stressed how not everyone has to do storyline or adventure zones and how many people just login for a short period everyday to do these q's. sounded great to me spend time gearing up for a super elite hard version of the pve q's for weekends when i had a few hours to spare.

    what I got was well I spend a good half hour or maybe more in the pve q mission and have a button mashing frenzy from hell only to get like hardly any dilithium a few marks and maybe 1 borg neuroprocessor. I am one of the people who can complete the advanced level stuff.

    I will tell you that its just overkill and unfun sure I can do it. (on my two heavily geared up klingons of doom) but I will tell you the last one I think it was conduit i did this evening before servers went down. We did it flawlessly but I actually got so that I let myself die so i could run to the kitchen to get a glass of water lol. I then respawned to continue I had to take a break it was so long and that was the only way I could figure out how. At the end we parted ways and all had similar comments it was boring not particularly fun. It sure was not the experience they blogged about and spoke of it was not short I got nothing much for my trouble and I was so warn out I didnt want to do another one lol.

    I do enjoy the quest content I love the ground adventure zone it feels like a real war (even though its buggy this will get fixed) but the design of it was good.

    I just feel very bad for anyone who can't complete a single stf though. The normals are not worth the time I tried one on my new character with no decent gear I almost felt insulted. I know i felt in each case that there was no real point to even bothering with these stf's any longer. I dont find button mashing endless shooting at a round ball or a couple of round balls and a cube particularly fun /shrug
  • mysharon4mysharon4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    new type of ship? check
    10 more levels? check
    new specialization system? check
    new upgrade system? check
    lockbox without duty officer mini-packs? check
    higher difficulty to make elite actually elite? check
    new rep with cool delta gear? check
    borg disconnected normal easy as ****? check
    kobali prime being actively worked on? check
    kobali prime being well done and epic? check

    there are flaws, such as the diificulty of advanced missions, BUT overall this expansion is a roaring success in my book

    I read many of your threads and posts jarodroto123 and i have to say. I think you're a sycophant and an apologist.
    I think you talk to much and words are very precious.

    My opinion of Delta Rising. Poorly done.
  • isaiah2131234isaiah2131234 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Everyone just stop complaing!

    People asked for harder **** and they got it :):D
  • ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lol i didnt ask I was happy with the previous state of things. I resubbed and gave them money as a result of it. I was having a blast :D
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    trek21 wrote: »
    Well, then I predict you're gonna be quite confused when this game is still here 2 seasons later, probably even more when 2 years later. A shaky launch, or even a string of them does not a killed game make

    As long as the game makes money, it'll stay :D The trekness is another issue entirely, and one we could be debating past the final frontier, so let's not get into that


    I've seen this at every launch, doom sayers and 'driving players away' included, and DR has been no exception... and yet, after things calm down, the majority of things are rarely as bad as made out, if bad at all XD

    Being an MMo they can fix it but i point to Tiberium Twilight. That killed the C&C franchise because EA listened to the wrong people. Heck even their attempt to make C&C Online tanked at alpha stage. DR is an epic blow to STO more than anything in the past and many warned Cryptic of these issues and were ignored. Stop being a blind fanboy and look at what they are doing. I have it on good authority that Al Reveria hates a certain trek mod because it's getting better praise then STo and even STo's devs seem to like it. What we are seeing here is another sign that the game companies have no clue what the players want. name the last Star Trek game that was considered good before mods?
  • drasymdrasym Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    First, a comment to the 'ragers'.
    Forums .... rage and over exaggeration are the only way some people can communicate.. or at least so it seems. Speaking for myself, when i see the typical rage and doom and threats of quitting I simply assume the poster is either so mad he/she cannot express themselves properly, or has no real examples/facts and must resort to over exaggeration to convince themselves their point is somehow valid.

    Now as to the OP points:
    panamp wrote: »
    1. I can not level up to 60, just by following the storyline, i need to do pve queues to continue with the storyline.
    Then don't? Presumably you played other parts of the game before the new content came out? If the storyline doesn't level you to 60 then add in some of the stuff you used to do. Currently I do a few missions, set up doff assigns and swap toons. May not level fast that way, but you will get there, only reason to 'grind' is if you feel the need to get to level 60 NOW!.. I don't. But if you do, well. enjoy your grind.

    panamp wrote: »
    2. Bugs like the bride on Kobali prime.
    No clue what "bugs like the bride" even means. IF you mean a lot of bugs.. Any new content is going to have some. I only found one myself, bridge quest, and solved it by swapping instances... not what i would refer to as a lot. Did you have others?
    panamp wrote: »
    3. The Video sequence in "Borg Disconnected" is pointless and very annoying
    pure opinion. Not arguing with yours, just not sure what point it shows to support how a video you don't like will 'frustrate players and make them go away", not everyone will share your opinion.
    panamp wrote: »
    4. Did they run out of time to create proper content or why do we have to do so many patrol missions?
    No one is saying you "have to do" patrol missions. YOU might feel the need to do them to level up to 60 fast but others may not. Stating your opinion as a fact, doesn't make it a fact.
    panamp wrote: »
    5. The last part of "The Last Stand" (set charges at the chemicals) is impossible to do alone, because the Vaadwaur respawn to quick.
    IF you can't solo a quest, it is an MMO.. get some friends and team up on the quest. Alternatively just skip it. No content is mandatory. You could easily ignore all of the new content and still play the game that you presumably enjoyed before the new stuff was added.

    I could go on, but all of your 'points' leave me unconvinced of the validity of the premise stated in the title of your post aside from some mildly entertaining reading while waiting for maintenance to be done.
  • v1ctor1stv1ctor1st Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    name the last Star Trek game that was considered good before mods?

    Activision's Star Trek: Elite Force (the original one)

    Released over 10 years ago now...

    Infact most of the 2000/1 ATVI games was good out of the box. The original Armada, Bridge Commander, Elite Force...then it went pear shaped when Activision took over the licenses from Interplay (who went bankrupt) and Microprose (who also went bankrupt).

    As those of us my age remember the VERY fast downfall of the original Star Trek PC Game franchise... when it goes wrong...BOY does it go wrong.
    • "You know when that shark bites, with its teeth dear... scarlet billows start to spread..."
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    v1ctor1st wrote: »
    Activision's Star Trek: Elite Force (the original one)

    Released over 10 years ago now...

    Infact most of the 2000/1 ATVI games was good out of the box. The original Armada, Bridge Commander, Elite Force...then it went pear shaped when Activision took over the licenses from Interplay (who went bankrupt) and Microprose (who also went bankrupt).

    As those of us my age remember the VERY fast downfall of the original Star Trek PC Game franchise... when it goes wrong...BOY does it go wrong.

    BINGO. Since then they only good treks happen AFTER the mods had fun.
  • varthelmvarthelm Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    My frustration stems purely from alt killing upgrade, crafting, specialization grind....the unnecessary level cap increase, the unnecessary timegates artificially placed to frustrate you into spending dil/$$$, and the announcement of fleet T6.

    The content itself, the new intel officers and variety of abilities for both me and my ships have been great and I wish they had just stopped there. I'd be spending all sorts of money getting my 8 toons all geared up and happy.

    As it is...Im barely chugging with one toon and the wallet of this whale is closed to a trickle.
  • morden613morden613 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I would love to see..

    Less grind! Don't we have enough rep systems? Plenty. So why do we need another one? Enough useless grinding, PWE has made this game a grind-fest.
    More cool factor. Interesting stories, plots, etc. Interesting new items. etc etc. Things you don't need to grind to get. Or things you wouldn't mind grinding to get.

    Hey PWE, how about when you release a new expansion, you don't include a whole new rep system with it. Just once? Thanks.
    And if y'all could fix the sh$%^ you've broken, that'd be great.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  • ashlotteashlotte Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    morden613 wrote: »
    I would love to see..

    Less grind! Don't we have enough rep systems? Plenty. So why do we need another one? Enough useless grinding, PWE has made this game a grind-fest.
    More cool factor. Interesting stories, plots, etc. Interesting new items. etc etc. Things you don't need to grind to get. Or things you wouldn't mind grinding to get.

    Hey PWE, how about when you release a new expansion, you don't include a whole new rep system with it. Just once? Thanks.
    And if y'all could fix the sh$%^ you've broken, that'd be great.

    No..... :P
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Everyone just stop complaing!

    People asked for harder **** and they got it :):D

    Yeah... it's like they read it right out of the Corrupt a Wish thread.
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If I ask the bartender for a bottle of beer, and he smashes one over my head, that's not a favor, that's assault.
  • alexvio1alexvio1 Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    name the last Star Trek game that was considered good before mods?
    DS9 Tha Fallen was and still be good.
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    new type of ship? check
    10 more levels? check
    new specialization system? check
    new upgrade system? check
    lockbox without duty officer mini-packs? check
    higher difficulty to make elite actually elite? check
    new rep with cool delta gear? check
    borg disconnected normal easy as ****? check
    kobali prime being actively worked on? check
    kobali prime being well done and epic? check

    there are flaws, such as the diificulty of advanced missions, BUT overall this expansion is a roaring success in my book

    I have to agree with you. I really enjoy this expansion. I never liked the whole Voth - Dyson Sphere thing. Also, I have never been forced to go back to Tau Dewa to complete a level. Doffing and a few runs of Undine Infiltration and Borg Disconnected will do the trick. I have to agree that the cutscenes in BD are annoying however. And I love my Mah'ta raptor.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • mikearoomikearoo Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Yep, I don't mind the new stuff, the first couple of new missions I ran were quite enjoyable. However, even though I build up very powerful ships and take the time to learn them and the skills involved, I don't spend enough time in game to keep up with the requirements of this new issue.

    It used to be, I'd hop on a character, run ISE/KASE/CSE and maybe toss in a fleet alert or something else to get different marks for rep. That is all the time I'd have to spend in game. But this was enough, i would get to 4000 dil, save it up for an elite fleet shield or a rep piece of equipment. it was no big deal.

    now however, those same three stfs take a lot longer, even with 30-40-50k dps ships and I get less than half the rewards for it. Coupled with the fact that I don't have huge stores of dil to make advancing through the upgrade paths easier, it is going to take me AGES to get those characters complete 'AGAIN'

    I don't care about the difficulty, but the rewards might be enough to drive me away, as sources of my dilithium dry up given the often small amount of time I have in this game, it might just be my own, no win scenario.
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    What we are seeing here is another sign that the game companies have no clue what the players want. name the last Star Trek game that was considered good before mods?

    I can think of only two: Klingon Honour Guard and Starfleet Academy
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    trygvar13 wrote: »
    I can think of only two: Klingon Honour Guard and Starfleet Academy

    Opinions but look at the games mention, how old are they?
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    mikearoo wrote: »
    Yep, I don't mind the new stuff, the first couple of new missions I ran were quite enjoyable. However, even though I build up very powerful ships and take the time to learn them and the skills involved, I don't spend enough time in game to keep up with the requirements of this new issue.

    It used to be, I'd hop on a character, run ISE/KASE/CSE and maybe toss in a fleet alert or something else to get different marks for rep. That is all the time I'd have to spend in game. But this was enough, i would get to 4000 dil, save it up for an elite fleet shield or a rep piece of equipment. it was no big deal.

    now however, those same three stfs take a lot longer, even with 30-40-50k dps ships and I get less than half the rewards for it. Coupled with the fact that I don't have huge stores of dil to make advancing through the upgrade paths easier, it is going to take me AGES to get those characters complete 'AGAIN'

    I don't care about the difficulty, but the rewards might be enough to drive me away, as sources of my dilithium dry up given the often small amount of time I have in this game, it might just be my own, no win scenario.

    Yeah the new STF's are not fun. They're not challenging. They're long and boring and not Worth the little rewards we get for completing them. It brings back some very bad memories of an earlier iteration of the game.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • captwcaptw Member Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    This is the worst update since the last worst update

    Over use a word to much, and it loses it's meaning.

    here let me clear it up for you then, the worst update since Season 4.
    "I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I really think Cryptic is doing this in order to see how far they can push us, before they start to lose business.

    They knew these advanced queues were outrageous when they initially got tested on Tribble. They went through with it anyways. Eventually they'll reel back the difficulty a bit, but still leave us high and dry on the dil rewards; and everyone will be "happy" to see the middle ground.

    Cryptic is just like the Hazari... "If you don't ask for everything, you don't get anything."

    They'll push us two steps back, and allow us to come one step back forward... and we'll feel like the winners when we do.

    And what's sad is I think it will work.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    trygvar13 wrote: »
    Yeah the new STF's are not fun. They're not challenging. They're long and boring and not Worth the little rewards we get for completing them. It brings back some very bad memories of an earlier iteration of the game.

    Exactly, they remind me, along with the videos placed on this forum of, just how boring it really is, when even the player's on the video sound like a certain south park episode, where they spent countless hours killing boars, just now those boars have millions of hps a piece.

    Such exciting strategy, such overall excitement! No, not really. :(

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • spookravenspookraven Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    interesting, I hit 50 before I was even half way done the story quests and didn't queue for pve till I hit 50..
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Being an MMo they can fix it but i point to Tiberium Twilight. That killed the C&C franchise because EA listened to the wrong people. Heck even their attempt to make C&C Online tanked at alpha stage. DR is an epic blow to STO more than anything in the past and many warned Cryptic of these issues and were ignored. Stop being a blind fanboy and look at what they are doing. I have it on good authority that Al Reveria hates a certain trek mod because it's getting better praise then STo and even STo's devs seem to like it. What we are seeing here is another sign that the game companies have no clue what the players want. name the last Star Trek game that was considered good before mods?
    Well, I've been here since Open Beta, and I still have a Kar'Fi that I bought with Emblems - in other words, I've seen everything Cryptic has done

    But the fact remains, I do not see what they are doing as bad, or the downfall of STO. That is my opinion, and it hasn't changed a bit since then. You think it's the exact opposite, but that does not make it a fact, just your own opinion. And besides, calling me a fanboy simply isn't correct; because while I defend a good deal of stuff, you'll find the amount of praise I give out as rare... very rare, in fact, and I'm not obsessed with STO either, so that application is incorrect. As is blind

    And anyway, as long as the game has numbers, STO will endure. No season or expansion has changed that fact (except for the better, as I've seen via playing everyday, even if just for Doff missions), and DR is no exception thus far.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
This discussion has been closed.