BOF seriously??, that game was TRIBBLE, and the models were the worst I've seen, even for the late 90's
I didnt notice the point of this thread was the op saying all those titles are better than STO. Obsiously the op doesnt have any idea at all, its better to just stop answering him because i think he is only trolling or something. Maybe he is just a kid (no way someone will consider any of those titles better than STO, and he didnt even mentioned the best star trek titles like the SFC saga or BC).
For me, the SFC saga (with the exeption of the third part, really TRIBBLE), bridge commander, armada 1 and 25th anniversary are maybe the best star trek games ive ever played. Specially 25th anniversary, in those years it was awesome. Pure exploration and pure star trek. And i am expecting any company to make a game like that some day, but it looks like we will never have a pure exploration star trek game.
OK, I will simply talk about all the ST games I have played in non-specific order.
- Starfleet Command I (great game, but doesn't work anymore)
- Starfleet Command II (even better, but even if it works, my graphics card doesn't like it, so it looks like utter TRIBBLE)
- Starfleet Command II Orion Pirates (my absolute favorite, but it doesn't work well at all, same reasons as above)
- Starfleet Command III (casualized to hell, only 4 factions, way less weaponry, barely any ship variety, underpowered Romulans, overpowered Klingons. Somehow the graphics managed to look less appealing than SFC II).
- Elite Force (LOVE IT. Best FPS in the franchise.)
- Elite Force 2 (not bad, but somehow not as fun as the predecessor.)
- Starfleet Academy (Really liked it. Too bad it also doesn't work anymore for me. Loved the cutscenes with the actors.)
- Armada (Decent RTS, but a lack of differentiation of units (a Vor'Cha is nearly identical to an Akira) kinda makes it look bad compared to the sequel. This has one also has serious issues running.)
- Armada II (Very much an improvement over the original. More factions, units differ more than before and colonizing planets is fun.)
- Bridge Commander (Good game, but does have flaws. Way too few ships, missions can be repetitive at times (lost count how many Galors you had to blow up) but great mod support. I wouldn't say that it is the best game, but its good.)
- Legacy (Wanted to like it, but it failed in so many ways. Missions are very difficult, controls SUCK and skirmish had almost no customization whatsoever. It did have a big selection of ships and lots of mod support though, which helped.)
- New Worlds (Great concept, terrible execution. Maybe it was because I was too young to understand at the time, but it just never appealed to me as much as the previews made it seem. This one could use a modern remake.)
- STO (3 years and counting. Game got way bigger since I started and I still enjoy it.)
2 BIRTH OF THE FEDERATION (1998) (yes, its better)
5 all leisure suit larry games
You forgot the Star Fleet Command games and Bridge Commander. IMO, you can't have 2 different Armada games on the list. And BotF should be #1.
BOF seriously?? That game was TRIBBLE, and the models were the worst I've seen, even for the late 90's
BotF probably deserves the accolade by dint of being the only Trek game that did nto revolve around shooting things. Yes there was a fair bit of that, but equal weight went to diplomacy, exploration and trade - something that no other Trek game can claim. Plus there was a real effort to distinguish the major races.
I can see why someone weaned on shooter / combat games would find it boring, but it was closer to the source material than any other Trek game to date.
seriously?? lol, then why the hell are you playing space fights in STO?? because they are even more boring than SFC was back in the days lol. Obviously some of you like arcade games, not tactical / strategic games, i get that.
difference being was the atmosphere of these games and the type of pace your get put into, SFC 1 was just plain boring, SFC 3 with the hex territory control, that was dull. compare it to sto, your in a fight all the time. agreed that sometimes the fighting is just as boring, but some games can pull off the need to be slower paced like some of those horror action shooters, bump in the dark type of stuff with necromorphs and whatnot, because it works to the strengths best, for star trek its usually fast paced, even in exploration.
notice i didnt mention sfc 2 :P.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
BotF probably deserves the accolade by dint of being the only Trek game that did nto revolve around shooting things. Yes there was a fair bit of that, but equal weight went to diplomacy, exploration and trade - something that no other Trek game can claim. Plus there was a real effort to distinguish the major races.
I can see why someone weaned on shooter / combat games would find it boring, but it was closer to the source material than any other Trek game to date.
At was also an empire-level strategy game, and some peeps have difficulty with that sort of thinking.
I wouldn't call it better than STO but it was definitely a LOT of fun.
This thread brought to my mind a fight in SFC2.. was 1v1 i think, and I only remember how it ended: we were both on the brink of destruction, almost zero energy.
I remember rushing repairs and then finally i had 1 phaser shot available.. BOOM! Just all i needed
Also good game BotF, now there are many mods who also come with larger maps.
This thread brought to my mind a fight in SFC2.. was 1v1 i think, and I only remember how it ended: we were both on the brink of destruction, almost zero energy.
I remember rushing repairs and then finally i had 1 phaser shot available.. BOOM! Just all i needed
Also good game BotF, now there are many mods who also come with larger maps.
I had a match like that- A teammate was crippled and about to get blasted so I come in guns blazing hoping to draw some fire. I get pretty swiss cheezed while my partner get the time he needs to do some repairs. As I limp toward the edge of the map my teammate is repaired enough to battle again and proceeds to tear the other player a new one. Both are pretty much done after a few minutes and the opponent says she's gonna come over and finish me off not realizing while they were fighting I'm all done repairing and like new.
We remind her that I stayed out of it to keep the fight honorable and she aggree's to ignore me, and dies gracefully to my Gorn cohort.
--- There was another time we were getting mauled by a players BB and decided to make a run for it, while the opponents BB was tearing up our rear shields, and closing. I could see we wouldn't make the map edge so I decided to try something bold and buy some time. I was in the opponents 10 o'clock and made a 90* right turn right in front of him and I remember hearing my teammate scream 'NNoooooooooo' on the headset as I cut across the BB's nose. Luckily he didn't change course (or vape me) and I made my way around to his hind quarter before he opened fire. By the time I had his rear shield down and was scoring some hull hits my teammate had made it off the map and instructed me to do the same. I broke off and made for the opposite side of the map knowing the damage I just did made his BB slow enough to ensure he wouldn't catch me.
This thread brought to my mind a fight in SFC2.. was 1v1 i think, and I only remember how it ended: we were both on the brink of destruction, almost zero energy.
I remember rushing repairs and then finally i had 1 phaser shot available.. BOOM! Just all i needed
Also good game BotF, now there are many mods who also come with larger maps.
Some of my favorite memories where tractoring people into asteroids. How I miss the Blue Plague of old!
Still, we have the SFC:CE up and going. (I'm still an old Mod over there) Runs great so far with Win7.
My mother always told me to walk away from a fight, The Marines taught me how.
Still the best Star Trek MMORPG...i can even say that this is not only my opinion but an irrefutable fact
On the other hand, it is also the worst Star Trek MMORPG.
If they ever redo space combat to be more like klingon academy or bridge commander and ground combat along the lines of mass effect then I might just stop using the term Craptic
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,975Community Moderator
edited October 2014
I actually enjoyed SFC 3 because instead of having all the confusing ship designations for variations, you could actually customize the ship. Sure you didn't have as many weapons as in SFC 2, but I had one badass Sovereign. And I loved attacking enemy starbases and not having to worry about having three ships or one ship and still be outgunned by everything.
SFC 3 did have the freeplay campaign mode which was nice. I wish SFC 2 had that.
Now if only I could get both to work on my Win 7 machine. Main problem with SFC 3 is it doesn't like ANYTHING above DX 9c. Anything higher... and it has a hernia.
And they can't turn ground combat into a FPS because this game is NOT a FPS game. Its an RPG. Now you MIGHT be able to get away with tweaking it a bit closer to Mass Effect or Defiance, but it will never be a pure FPS.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
If they ever redo space combat to be more like klingon academy or bridge commander and ground combat along the lines of mass effect then I might just stop using the term Craptic
ewwwww, third person ground......
If we're talking do-anything-you-want I want ground to be more like quake wars done in the frostbite engine.
I actually enjoyed SFC 3 because instead of having all the confusing ship designations for variations, you could actually customize the ship. Sure you didn't have as many weapons as in SFC 2, but I had one badass Sovereign. And I loved attacking enemy starbases and not having to worry about having three ships or one ship and still be outgunned by everything.
SFC 3 did have the freeplay campaign mode which was nice. I wish SFC 2 had that.
Now if only I could get both to work on my Win 7 machine. Main problem with SFC 3 is it doesn't like ANYTHING above DX 9c. Anything higher... and it has a hernia.
And they can't turn ground combat into a FPS because this game is NOT a FPS game. Its an RPG. Now you MIGHT be able to get away with tweaking it a bit closer to Mass Effect or Defiance, but it will never be a pure FPS.
The only good thing about SFC 3 was the availability to use and make real mods. And still the mod community back then was really small, and the problem was that SFC 3 didnt have to offer almost anything at all.
SFC series was supossed to be a tactical and strategic game, everything that made SFC 1 and SFC 2 such an amazing games was just that. With SFC3 all the tactical and strategy aspect of the game was completely forgotten. The only thing that SFC3 had to offer was, the Borg, better graphics and the mod community. Everything else was pure TRIBBLE. And it was by far an epic failure of the SFC saga.
Sure SFC3 atracted other players, but those players were looking just for a nice looking game to pew pew some ships in space with the chance for the players to create their own models. Thats the only thing that game had to offer. Real star trek fans were completely dissapointed by the third title of this saga, and im sure , that like me they just uninstalled the game after the first 30 minutes of playing it.
Still the best Star Trek MMORPG...i can even say that this is not only my opinion but an irrefutable fact
On the other hand, it is also the worst Star Trek MMORPG.
Oh wait, there are out there more star trek mmorpgs?? :P
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I didnt notice the point of this thread was the op saying all those titles are better than STO. Obsiously the op doesnt have any idea at all, its better to just stop answering him because i think he is only trolling or something. Maybe he is just a kid (no way someone will consider any of those titles better than STO, and he didnt even mentioned the best star trek titles like the SFC saga or BC).
For me, the SFC saga (with the exeption of the third part, really TRIBBLE), bridge commander, armada 1 and 25th anniversary are maybe the best star trek games ive ever played. Specially 25th anniversary, in those years it was awesome. Pure exploration and pure star trek. And i am expecting any company to make a game like that some day, but it looks like we will never have a pure exploration star trek game.
- Starfleet Command I (great game, but doesn't work anymore)
- Starfleet Command II (even better, but even if it works, my graphics card doesn't like it, so it looks like utter TRIBBLE)
- Starfleet Command II Orion Pirates (my absolute favorite, but it doesn't work well at all, same reasons as above)
- Starfleet Command III (casualized to hell, only 4 factions, way less weaponry, barely any ship variety, underpowered Romulans, overpowered Klingons. Somehow the graphics managed to look less appealing than SFC II).
- Elite Force (LOVE IT. Best FPS in the franchise.)
- Elite Force 2 (not bad, but somehow not as fun as the predecessor.)
- Starfleet Academy (Really liked it. Too bad it also doesn't work anymore for me. Loved the cutscenes with the actors.)
- Armada (Decent RTS, but a lack of differentiation of units (a Vor'Cha is nearly identical to an Akira) kinda makes it look bad compared to the sequel. This has one also has serious issues running.)
- Armada II (Very much an improvement over the original. More factions, units differ more than before and colonizing planets is fun.)
- Bridge Commander (Good game, but does have flaws. Way too few ships, missions can be repetitive at times (lost count how many Galors you had to blow up) but great mod support. I wouldn't say that it is the best game, but its good.)
- Legacy (Wanted to like it, but it failed in so many ways. Missions are very difficult, controls SUCK and skirmish had almost no customization whatsoever. It did have a big selection of ships and lots of mod support though, which helped.)
- New Worlds (Great concept, terrible execution. Maybe it was because I was too young to understand at the time, but it just never appealed to me as much as the previews made it seem. This one could use a modern remake.)
- STO (3 years and counting. Game got way bigger since I started and I still enjoy it.)
"Let them eat static!"
You forgot the Star Fleet Command games and Bridge Commander. IMO, you can't have 2 different Armada games on the list. And BotF should be #1.
BotF probably deserves the accolade by dint of being the only Trek game that did nto revolve around shooting things. Yes there was a fair bit of that, but equal weight went to diplomacy, exploration and trade - something that no other Trek game can claim. Plus there was a real effort to distinguish the major races.
I can see why someone weaned on shooter / combat games would find it boring, but it was closer to the source material than any other Trek game to date.
difference being was the atmosphere of these games and the type of pace your get put into, SFC 1 was just plain boring, SFC 3 with the hex territory control, that was dull. compare it to sto, your in a fight all the time. agreed that sometimes the fighting is just as boring, but some games can pull off the need to be slower paced like some of those horror action shooters, bump in the dark type of stuff with necromorphs and whatnot, because it works to the strengths best, for star trek its usually fast paced, even in exploration.
notice i didnt mention sfc 2 :P.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I wouldn't call it better than STO but it was definitely a LOT of fun.
My character Tsin'xing
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
I remember rushing repairs and then finally i had 1 phaser shot available.. BOOM! Just all i needed
Also good game BotF, now there are many mods who also come with larger maps.
I had a match like that- A teammate was crippled and about to get blasted so I come in guns blazing hoping to draw some fire. I get pretty swiss cheezed while my partner get the time he needs to do some repairs. As I limp toward the edge of the map my teammate is repaired enough to battle again and proceeds to tear the other player a new one. Both are pretty much done after a few minutes and the opponent says she's gonna come over and finish me off not realizing while they were fighting I'm all done repairing and like new.
We remind her that I stayed out of it to keep the fight honorable and she aggree's to ignore me, and dies gracefully to my Gorn cohort.
--- There was another time we were getting mauled by a players BB and decided to make a run for it, while the opponents BB was tearing up our rear shields, and closing. I could see we wouldn't make the map edge so I decided to try something bold and buy some time. I was in the opponents 10 o'clock and made a 90* right turn right in front of him and I remember hearing my teammate scream 'NNoooooooooo' on the headset as I cut across the BB's nose. Luckily he didn't change course (or vape me) and I made my way around to his hind quarter before he opened fire. By the time I had his rear shield down and was scoring some hull hits my teammate had made it off the map and instructed me to do the same. I broke off and made for the opposite side of the map knowing the damage I just did made his BB slow enough to ensure he wouldn't catch me.
Good times.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Some of my favorite memories where tractoring people into asteroids. How I miss the Blue Plague of old!
Still, we have the SFC:CE up and going. (I'm still an old Mod over there) Runs great so far with Win7.
I hated that !
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Hah! Jinn was notorious for going splat against a rock.
On the other hand, it is also the worst Star Trek MMORPG.
This!! If you don't know what it is look it up
I can still move.
I can still fight.
I will never give up!
SFC 3 did have the freeplay campaign mode which was nice. I wish SFC 2 had that.
Now if only I could get both to work on my Win 7 machine. Main problem with SFC 3 is it doesn't like ANYTHING above DX 9c. Anything higher... and it has a hernia.
And they can't turn ground combat into a FPS because this game is NOT a FPS game. Its an RPG. Now you MIGHT be able to get away with tweaking it a bit closer to Mass Effect or Defiance, but it will never be a pure FPS.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
ewwwww, third person ground......
If we're talking do-anything-you-want I want ground to be more like quake wars done in the frostbite engine.
The only good thing about SFC 3 was the availability to use and make real mods. And still the mod community back then was really small, and the problem was that SFC 3 didnt have to offer almost anything at all.
SFC series was supossed to be a tactical and strategic game, everything that made SFC 1 and SFC 2 such an amazing games was just that. With SFC3 all the tactical and strategy aspect of the game was completely forgotten. The only thing that SFC3 had to offer was, the Borg, better graphics and the mod community. Everything else was pure TRIBBLE. And it was by far an epic failure of the SFC saga.
Sure SFC3 atracted other players, but those players were looking just for a nice looking game to pew pew some ships in space with the chance for the players to create their own models. Thats the only thing that game had to offer. Real star trek fans were completely dissapointed by the third title of this saga, and im sure , that like me they just uninstalled the game after the first 30 minutes of playing it.
With that said Sins rocks hard but given it is not a true ST game I dont consider it the best ST game.
ingame: @.Spartan
Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
Oh wait, there are out there more star trek mmorpgs?? :P
Oh dear.. i didnt know about this. Thank you so much for the info!. :eek:, time to take a break from STO
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
A3 Was made for free by fans. its cannon, and way better looking than any other st game ever made.
its the TRUE-EST st game ever made, cuz it was made by fans for fans, not by executives for money.
also, the artwork and gameplay and balance shows everyone involved in the mod is more professional than most professionals.
just eye-popping goodness.
iAWAY TEAM needs to be revamped for tablet. it would be a fun play if tweaked slightly.