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The whining needs to stop



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    duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,973 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Didnt say complains stopped. They will never stop. I said that the ammount of complains compared with a few months is of course, bigger. And there is a reason for that. In the past, the complains were about wishes more than anything else (and about bugfixing, but since we will never see that in this game, we should just avoid that) but now, finally people realized where this game is headed, and they are upset. With a good reason.

    ...like the whining about the "unexpected" design of the romulan faction, or the whining about the "lack" of story content in season 8, or the whining about crafting? The great "EC Nerf", lock boxes, the reputation passive update, fleet grinds, cross faction consoles, anniversary event grinds, what comparison are you tyring to make here? Whining is a part of a forum's existence because its format channels the behavior we know as "winging on about unimportant things in order to try to make oneself feel better at the apparent expense of professionals of some kind or another." And because THAT compulsion is a very personal thing it doesn't often respond to external influence, ie. what the game is or actually does.

    How STO has changed, and how its changing now, is merely filling the blanks of a stock argument you can see in just about every major gaming forum. Its a constant (because its a very human way to respond to the forum environment.)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
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    ironmakoironmako Member Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think that we can all agree on one thing. It doesn't matter what Cryptic do, there will always be genuine complaints mixed in with the flamers and trolls. It's the internet, a twilight zone filled to the brim with vast armies of "Teflon Dons" & "Keyboard Warriors".

    Hell, if this game was 100% perfect for everyone, you would still have people in the forums complaining that there is nothing to complain about.

    Such is life....
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    semalda226 wrote: »
    If a moderator tells me it's inappropriate I'll remove it. Not meant to be a hate thread just an expression of how tired I am of constant complaints.

    And then you figured it was a good idea to go complain and rant yourself, right?! *boggle*
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    semalda226semalda226 Member Posts: 1,994 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    And then you figured it was a good idea to go complain and rant yourself, right?! *boggle*

    It helps :)

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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The whining needs to continue. How else are the devs going to fix things like upgrade system, which is extremely broken, if no-one whines? :P
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ironmako wrote: »
    I think that we can all agree on one thing. It doesn't matter what Cryptic do, there will always be genuine complaints mixed in with the flamers and trolls. It's the internet, a twilight zone filled to the brim with vast armies of "Teflon Dons" & "Keyboard Warriors".

    Hell, if this game was 100% perfect for everyone, you would still have people in the forums complaining that there is nothing to complain about.

    Such is life....

    Of course there will always be complaints if Cryptic introduces something new. The alternative would be absolute consensus which in reality never happens. A change will always produce those who agree and those who disagree. And people who disagree are much more likely to post about it on the forums. The thing people like the OP need to understand, those who complain about STFs being too easy and those complaining that the new elites are too difficult ARE NOT THE SAME PEOPLE! Just like those who said that the Aquarius destroyer was underpowered and those who complain now that it's practically a BOP for Feds are not the same people. A person claiming that "everybody" asked for this and now "everybody" compains about it is indeed absolutely clueless.
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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think the complaining about Nelix was when it reached a new low. We are getting star-trek actors for gosh sakes!!! Beggars can't be choosers, and you should be happy Cryptic could get any at all. I'm definitely excited about the new story and T5U upgrades but none of the t6 ships really tickle my fancy. Cryptic does deserve some positive recognition for getting delta ready, especially considering it's size.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    semalda226 wrote: »
    Day after day week after week all anyone has done is whine and complain. Back in June the general consensus was: The game was becoming stagnant pug elites were cakewalk with literally 0 risk of failing optionals. Mobs were old and worn out. Battle zones were empty and soloable. So what did everyone say? That's right! We need newer harder content.
    That's not necessarily what we needed.

    I will agree with you that much of the existing content is too easy, but that's in part due to the power creep. Cryptic continue to release new and powerful ships, consoles and weaponry, and the content becomes easier to play. Typically, every new item that's released is better in many ways than an item that comes before it, and that shouldn't be the case. New items should be different, not better.

    The problem is with the lack of attention to existing content. I can understand where people are coming from. It appears (though not always) that Cryptic's answer to existing boredom or broken code is, instead of fixing it, to release something new, and that's not the answer, it's a short-term evasion from an underlying problem.

    You're always going to get people that will complain about something not being how they specifically want it, that's only human nature I suppose, but then a lot of the existing content could be so much better, and so much more fulfilling if only the developers took their time with it and really reached into the core of what they're releasing. A good example here, especially where the rep systems are concerned, would be to have faction themed content, rather than universal content; make people want to play as a Romulan and Klingon as well as a Federation. Why is someone going to presently wish to play through the Rep Missions as a Republic or KDF character when they're practically a carbon copy? They're not. Some will, but it'll be more out of necessity than choice. People should want to play this content.

    The same goes for the FE missions. Are Klingons really going to care about the Preservers? Are Klingons (at a time when they're fighting the Federation) really going to go to a Federation prison and release the Female Founder? No. The Klingon aspect of that mission should be to break in to that prison, and break the Female Founder out. Are Klingons going to be as bothered about Obisek and his Reman Resistance as the Federation? Are Klingons going to care as much about D'Tan and his Republic (take note here, the KDF refused aid to the Romulans after the supernova incident).

    Different factions, different content (throughout). It would seemingly appear I've gone on a KDF rant here, not my intention. With regard to these newer missions though, unless I am mistaken, I believe they're interchangeable? In the sense that internal scenarios playout within them? That's a brilliant theme, though said idea needs to be worked into the other STF's too, make them all different, save playing through the same old Omega STF's each time we play them.
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    agentexeideragentexeider Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The whining comes from the fact that the same issue exists and it's the elephant in the room, Cryptics focus is pursuit of the all mighty dollar NOT making a quality game experience. Why?? you ask, because it doesn't make them money to do so.
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    kara445kara445 Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    for the Op you probably miss understand what mean whining and complaining or try to make thing change.

    I will not talk about the craft because I didn't really use it but it look long and boring as hell and made for everyone who like craft pay a lot.

    I tried the delta rising contents and i saw nothing hard in it just long as hell and boring, same old stuff nothing new, enemies become a hp bag but are not a threat.

    I should remind you an example i can remember. before when the reputation system was release for the first time you had to pay dilithium for each project even for tje daily one. It change because players was here on the forum for "whining". And i'm sure it other example like that.

    so please try to respect the point of view of the other player here and please learn what mean a word before use it
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The whining comes from the fact that the same issue exists and it's the elephant in the room, Cryptics focus is pursuit of the all mighty dollar NOT making a quality game experience. Why?? you ask, because it doesn't make them money to do so.
    I wouldn't completely agree with this.

    If there was a quality game experience, people wouldn't come and go as they do now, they'd instead stick with the game throughout, and rather spend their money (and time) periodically, they'd be spending it regularly.

    I suspect what Cryptic/PWE see is the big dollar signs. When there is such a release like this, I expect they get a large sum of money, and that large sum usually comes two or three times a year - that's probably what they're focused on, whereas with a quality product, you'd have people maybe spending a little less on the two-three occurrences per year, but a fluent spend over the course of a year (though by comparison, it wouldn't be one or two big hits, it would be smaller big hits with a sustained lower hit).

    If that makes sense?
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    startrek1234567startrek1234567 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    semalda226 wrote: »
    Day after day week after week all anyone has done is whine and complain. Back in June the general consensus was: The game was becoming stagnant pug elites were cakewalk with literally 0 risk of failing optionals. Mobs were old and worn out. Battle zones were empty and soloable. So what did everyone say? That's right! We need newer harder content.

    Here it is 4 months later... we agreed old crafting sucked and was pointless so cryptic rebuilt it what happened? Rage and whining about how " it costs too much...The materials are too hard to get... I have to wait on my items..." seriously?

    Now we move on to content it was old, worn out, and too easy. So cryptic gives us DR with new AND harder content! SCORE! Right? Wrong! Everyone whines "it's TOO hard. Content is lame. Ships suck. We can upgrade old ships and make them better but not the best" you all get what you want and still complain? AND BEFORE YOU PLAY IT!? COME ON PEOPLE!

    Weeks now and I have seen maybe MAYBE 1 post saying anything positive about the changes. People stop it...just stop crying and on the 14th enjoy all the new content like WE ALL know you will.

    END RANT...

    People complain because they think the content actually sucks. Lets say employees are tired of the CEO of Burger King and wants a new one, lets say he treats them badly(Idk if he really does, im just making up a scenario), CEO later decides to step down, employees now happy. BUT later Hitler becomes the new CEO, employees are very angry. BUT WAIT, the previous CEO stepped down like the employees wanted, why are they complaining? Well the replacement sucks obviously. Just because they got rid of the old, boring, bad CEO, does not mean the employees cant be upset over the replacement. if something sucks it sucks. That's why people complain.

    Plus what you listed could be seen as constructive feedback. They said they hated the new crafting system, and gave the reason why.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    People complain because they think the content actually sucks. Lets say employees are tired of the CEO of Burger King and wants a new one, lets say he treats them badly(Idk if he really does, im just making up a scenario), CEO later decides to step down, employees now happy. BUT later Hitler becomes the new CEO, employees are very angry. BUT WAIT, the previous CEO stepped down like the employees wanted, why are they complaining? Well the replacement sucks obviously. Just because they got rid of the old, boring, bad CEO, does not mean the employees cant be upset over the replacement. if something sucks it sucks. That's why people complain.
    That's unlikely as he'd be 125 years old, and someone of that age isn't likely to suddenly become CEO of Burger King now is he? :P ;)
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    startrek1234567startrek1234567 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    flash525 wrote: »
    That's unlikely as he'd be 125 years old, and someone of that age isn't likely to suddenly become CEO of Burger King now is he? :P ;)

    But I think you get my point lol.
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    lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Iron Cross Burgers with a side of SSpecial Fries? I dunno about that man...

    Wait, what is this thread about again?
    Mine Trap Supporter
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    guess the point is ample now, fanning the flames :P.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    startrek1234567startrek1234567 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lan451 wrote: »
    Iron Cross Burgers with a side of SSpecial Fries? I dunno about that man...

    Wait, what is this thread about again?

    im just saying just because cryptic got rid of the old crafting system does not mean the new one does not suck. I agree that my comparison is not the best ever lol and a bit unusual. But let me rephrase it. The majority of people agreed that the new crafting system was boring. So cryptic replaced it. Not everyone was happy about it, so of course people complained. I mean, cryptic did what players wanted, removed the old system and gave us a new one. Does that mean that everyone has to like it, no of course not. My point again is, is that just because they gave us a new system does not mean everyone has to like it.
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    futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I don't think it's too hard. I think it's too long and boring.

    I avoid UAE, not because it's hard, but because of the multi-million HP boss at the end that is clearly designed to force the mission's length to comply with some metric they have for reward/time. It's just ridiculously boring.
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    daqheghdaqhegh Member Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    OP forgot about Andoria and ALL the other valid complaints we have about the game (like how the hell are my alts supposed to get Gul Tain??).
    My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    But I think you get my point lol.
    Indeed I do. :)
    mugat0 wrote: »
    The DEVs read the forums and boom, change!
    They do? I fear they don't take a lot of the better ideas in if this is the case.
    mugat0 wrote: »
    The complainers always win. The game player who likes a challenge, looses. I look forward to the new stuff. New stuff is always a positive in STO.
    That it is, and I don't think anyone is disputing that. My concern is that they could do more with the new stuff, and cater for a larger audience.
    The majority of people agreed that the new crafting system was boring. So cryptic replaced it. Not everyone was happy about it, so of course people complained. I mean, cryptic did what players wanted, removed the old system and gave us a new one.
    The old crafting system was ****, let us not hold back! :P The new crafting system has a purpose, and the reason people generally don't like it is because it's costing them (as it should do). I've no doubt that a lot of people wrongly expected a new crafting system that rewarded them with wonderful gear at low expense. What these people don't understand (apparently) is that if Cryptic did specifically what those people wanted, then in a matter of weeks (if not sooner) the new crafting system would have fulfilled it's use, and said people would be bored of it and want something else to play with. The new crafting system complainers comes down to people being impatient and not wanting to spend any of their precious resourced. The system itself appears sound, aside from the random reward (I think people should know exactly what they're crafting for) but otherwise, I see no faults with it.

    Granted, I haven't used it at yet cause crafting has never appealed to me, and I care not for the time and investment of it, but I have looked into it.
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    strykewolf67strykewolf67 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    And, there are a lot of folks who are just waiting for launch to actually see what happens.

    While some of what has been discussed has given me some concerns; I prefer to see how things shake out.


    Sarah Knightly - Co-leader; Frontier Explorers - U.S.S. Witchblade
    Rias Gremory - Leader; Frontier Marauders - I.K.S. B'ullwinkle
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    grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    semalda226 wrote: »
    Day after day week after week all anyone has done is whine and complain. Back in June the general consensus was: The game was becoming stagnant pug elites were cakewalk with literally 0 risk of failing optionals. Mobs were old and worn out. Battle zones were empty and soloable. So what did everyone say? That's right! We need newer harder content.

    Here it is 4 months later... we agreed old crafting sucked and was pointless so cryptic rebuilt it what happened? Rage and whining about how " it costs too much...The materials are too hard to get... I have to wait on my items..." seriously?

    Now we move on to content it was old, worn out, and too easy. So cryptic gives us DR with new AND harder content! SCORE! Right? Wrong! Everyone whines "it's TOO hard. Content is lame. Ships suck. We can upgrade old ships and make them better but not the best" you all get what you want and still complain? AND BEFORE YOU PLAY IT!? COME ON PEOPLE!

    Weeks now and I have seen maybe MAYBE 1 post saying anything positive about the changes. People stop it...just stop crying and on the 14th enjoy all the new content like WE ALL know you will.

    END RANT...

    Op I do agree with you but you know what they say, people that complain the most are the best customers....

    "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
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    svindal777svindal777 Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    flash525 wrote: »

    They do? I fear they don't take a lot of the better ideas in if this is the case.

    That is because they can't see the few good ideas for all the stupid ideas that pop up daily.
    Well excuse me for having enormous flaws that I don't work on.
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    anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You (OP) need to leave the "General Discussions", and go into some of the other boards.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
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    hausofmartokhausofmartok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    semalda226 wrote: »
    Day after day week after week all anyone has done is whine and complain. Back in June the general consensus was: The game was becoming stagnant pug elites were cakewalk with literally 0 risk of failing optionals. Mobs were old and worn out. Battle zones were empty and soloable. So what did everyone say? That's right! We need newer harder content.

    Here it is 4 months later... we agreed old crafting sucked and was pointless so cryptic rebuilt it what happened? Rage and whining about how " it costs too much...The materials are too hard to get... I have to wait on my items..." seriously?

    Now we move on to content it was old, worn out, and too easy. So cryptic gives us DR with new AND harder content! SCORE! Right? Wrong! Everyone whines "it's TOO hard. Content is lame. Ships suck. We can upgrade old ships and make them better but not the best" you all get what you want and still complain? AND BEFORE YOU PLAY IT!? COME ON PEOPLE!

    Weeks now and I have seen maybe MAYBE 1 post saying anything positive about the changes. People stop it...just stop crying and on the 14th enjoy all the new content like WE ALL know you will.

    END RANT...
    People have a right to voice their opinions as long as they stay within the limits of the forum TOS so if you don't like the complaint threads just ignore them. Sounds easy, right?
    In regards to the increased difficulty players wanted, what they wanted was significantly improved AI. What they got was more mindless mobs but now they have ten billion hit points and do massive dmg. Borticus says they don't have the resources to do decent AI and that it's too much work. So there ya go.
    I don't remember seeing any threads that said "Please give us a copy paste version of Neverwinter's crafting, but without the Gateway support". So dude this game has turned into one giant massive grind in the last year and people aren't happy about it.
    I don't even think it's people being resistant to change which is human nature. It's just poor game design and so far from the cutting edge it's laughable.
    Be careful what you wish for?
    I chuckle a little to myself every time that DR loading screen pops up and it's just fourteen random looking ships in space. It feels like that's all this game has become: Space Ships Online. Now featuring more ships!
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    fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    OP is complaining about the wrong thing, so his point is kind of fubar lmao.

    No one is complaining about crafting, it's the fact they created a dilithium sink and then nerfed all the rewards in STFs; that point is worth complaining about. The game is increasingly becoming more of a cash grab than free to play.

    This point of yours is ridiculous too. High HP and one shot mechanics is not what translates as hard or even remotely interesting. People have asked Cryptic, for months on end, to improve their AI, give the NPCs abilities that react to the players tactics. Healing, maybe some slight debuffing etc... As it stands now, NPCs are dumb high HP criters (even in DR elite mode) and the only challenge is how fast you can actually kill them. These dumb AIs won't stop you from DPSing them, at all. New elite is not hard, it's just another boring DPS arms race.

    Maybe Cryptic should listen and these "whines" and "rants" would cease? Unless customer satisfaction means nothing to certain people.

    People wanted a crafting system that actually could provide a variety of items. Items that could be similar even if they were different from the normal drops in game, but useful.
    And people wanted harder content in tactical terms, not enemies with more hitpoints.
    Just like wanting a romulan faction, not getting romulans, but as a sub-faction of the other two.

    There are some nice stuff that was done and added to the game, but in many ways some of the complaints are really valid.
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    lunastolunasto Member Posts: 774 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    semalda226 wrote: »
    Day after day week after week all anyone has done is whine and complain. Back in June the general consensus was: The game was becoming stagnant pug elites were cakewalk with literally 0 risk of failing optionals. Mobs were old and worn out. Battle zones were empty and soloable. So what did everyone say? That's right! We need newer harder content.

    Here it is 4 months later... we agreed old crafting sucked and was pointless so cryptic rebuilt it what happened? Rage and whining about how " it costs too much...The materials are too hard to get... I have to wait on my items..." seriously?

    Now we move on to content it was old, worn out, and too easy. So cryptic gives us DR with new AND harder content! SCORE! Right? Wrong! Everyone whines "it's TOO hard. Content is lame. Ships suck. We can upgrade old ships and make them better but not the best" you all get what you want and still complain? AND BEFORE YOU PLAY IT!? COME ON PEOPLE!

    Weeks now and I have seen maybe MAYBE 1 post saying anything positive about the changes. People stop it...just stop crying and on the 14th enjoy all the new content like WE ALL know you will.

    END RANT...

    The new season should be all about a new story, I'm not too crazy about grinding, in any MMO for that matter but I do so to get powerful enough to make the missions and grinding queues for reps faster and easier. I love to see the new seasons story most of all, like I would a tv show.

    Never once did I complain about something not being challenging, I've played MMO's for a while now and can tell you, it's totally better to be so geared up that it is easy! I have no guild, so I'm forced to join pugs, even with the best gear you can fail if you get stuck with the Derp brigade! This is why I shall sit out the new Elite missions. I am able to currently handle the toughest missions, even if a couple of our pug players gets caught in the dead lights. But a mission where all of us will be required to hold up our our sides of the map equally would just give me wrinkles! lolz

    I never tried crafting before this, I actually like the idea of being able to craft anything. But I'm not sure why it should take so long, I suppose they have their reasons. I think one toon would be enough though, if you tried to level and gear up multiple toons, then add in the rep grinds, you would drive yourself crazy. This is why I shall abandon my other two toons. Luna will be my only focus, lest I take the fun from the game and make it into work. This is where the frustration of players comes from, you take on too much. May I suggest just picking a favored toon that you would wish to use for all things then just perform upkeep on that one. It would relieve so much stress from the game.

    Being able to sit back and just socialize and do missions for fun or Foundry story's, is better when all of your goals are met and the struggle to finish the work portion is over with. Though I must admit I too have had a couple of complaints. The Caitian glitches no longer matter since I don't use mine anymore, but I really do miss the daily Klingon side exploring and no trophy room or locations for my D'Kora was a disapointment. I wish the Developers would provide me with this, the game is still enjoyable but I have my wants like everyone else.

    I think another reason people complain about change is removing their comfort zone, when you get used to something like a small animal habitation outside of your window, then a land developer digs it up and raises a building, you miss the familiar nature of seeing the animals play about. Even if the building is a sweet addition like a Cold Stone Creamery. lolz, I wish I had a scoop right now. ;)
    Lightningdealwithit.gifNew Lunar Republic
    "Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!" -Lina Inverse
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