That would be the un-bound, sellable, tradeable Tech Upgrades that you can get from someone else's crafting or from the Exchange, then.
No R&D skill is required for your character to apply a Tech Upgrade to an item.
And how many people have spend there dilitium to get that high ??
Aren't they going to use most of the tech's for them self and will ask a high price for them ??
You need lots of them just to level 1 beam array up from mk xii to ivx.
Both thats Cryptic new system... you can buy/pay it so its ok...
Sorry if mentioned but Romulan experimental plasma beam array MKXII cant be upgradeed
I saw the "Upgrade Item" option for both of these, but when I clicked it, they did not show up in the upgrade window. And now, the Upgrade Item option is gone. Just wanted to confirm.
I have two suggestions regarding the current Technology Point to Dilithium ratio.
Right now it's:
Basic: 2000 TP, 700 Dilithium; 2.8571428571428571428571428571429 TP per dil
Improved: 5000 TP, 950 Dilithium; 5.2631578947368421052631578947368 TP per dil
Superior: 12800 TP, 1075 Dilithium; 11.906976744186046511627906976744 TP per dil
I feel like these numbers are unnecessarily irrational (as in, an irrational number :P) I do not know the numbers for the Superior (Experimental) upgrade.
Thank you for running the ratio numbers. I've been doing math all day and melted my brain into uselessness.
Common-quality Starter upgrade that gives 360 TP for 120 Dilithium, thus 3 TP per Dil.
Common-quality Basic upgrade that gives 720 TP for 240 Dilithium, thus 3 TP per Dil.
Improved upgrade that gives 2880 TP for 480 Dilithium, thus 6 TP per Dil.
Refined upgrade will give 4320 TP for 720 Dilithium, thus 6 TP per Dil.
Adept upgrade that gives 8640 TP for 960 Dilithium, thus 9 TP per Dil.
Advanced upgrade will give 12960 TP for 1440 Dilithium, thus 9 TP per Dil.
Elite upgrade will give 11520 for 960 Dilithium, thus 12 TP per Dil.
Experimental upgrade will give 17280 for 1440 Dilithium, thus 12 TP per Dil.
What do you guys think? I may have went overboard on this idea ^^;
8 different items is wayyyyyyy overboard.
I would rather just have a TP boost to the current items so that each one adds a larger chunk so that I don't have to click as much. I upgraded fewer than 8 items today (that's less than 1 ship worth of gear) and I couldn't even tell you how many thousands (literally) of times I had to click in order to craft the components to craft the upgrades to apply the upgrades to upgrade the items. It's insanity.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
Idea how to make this:
1. The rifle must have 100% shield penetration as TR-116B do.
2. Reduce damage and shield penetration by 50% (or more if will needed) versus players.
3. Make it leveless as lobi gear.
I don't see real reasons why it cannot be upgradable. With 20% shield penetration I will not upgrade it so it must be changed to 100% as I said above.
Just one request devs: please, tone down the dilithium requirements to upgrade the items, i don't want to grind for a week just to upgrade one single item to epic...
Seeing as how this system is virtually borrowed wholesale from the Neverwinter Mod upgrade system, I'd have to echo several previous postees and ask you to GET RID OF THE TIME GATE!
There isn't one in the Neverwinter system, so why did you add one in STO?
Also I'd like to suggest that "basic" Tech upgrades cost EC instead of Dilithium, this would add a useful EC sink into the game, that players might just use.
I would suggest:
"Basic" Upgrades cost EC, with a very low chance of Rarity upgrade.
"Improved" upgrades cost half as much Dil as current, but require a Catalyst, and have a "medium" chance of Rarity upgrade.
"Superior" upgrades cost the same amount of Dil as current, but do NOT require a catalyst, and have a greater chance of Rarity upgrade.
it's kind of a shame that very rare materials drop so rarely. you won't be able to use the superior upgrades almost at all, when out of 30 elite stfs i got only one very rare material, everything else being uncommons and some rares.
the drop rates should probably get fixed up so there's at least some chance of getting them without hours of painful grinding for one item that'll be consumed in an instant, or alternatively make the new elite stfs always give guaranteed very rare materials along with that new ultra rare one rather than an occasional one in 20 stf runs.
Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the crap out of me.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
And how many people have spend there dilitium to get that high ??
Aren't they going to use most of the tech's for them self and will ask a high price for them ??
You need lots of them just to level 1 beam array up from mk xii to ivx.
Both thats Cryptic new system... you can buy/pay it so its ok...
of course :rolleyes: clearly it is going to cost you 10 mil to get a hold of a kit that cost someone 2 rare components and 1 trellium-k
Looking at the costs involved I'm just blown away.
Question, will there be mk14 ultra-rare gear available for purchase from fleet holdings, or are new players expected to first grind out mk 12 gear and then upgrade that afterwards.
I.e. is the upgrade system to be seen as a convenience feature for existing players, or will all players have to deal with it. If it is the latter, I wonder what must go through a new players head when faced with the prospect of having to grind out several reputation systems, contribute enough to fleet to gain access to enough fleet credits to buy fleet shields, tactical consoles and likely weapons, and then on top of that having to upgrade all that gear once more.
It's a daunting prospect for me as an old-time regular player, and I can't imagine how the casuals this game has been aimed at lately will react to it.
Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
Tried the upgrade system with a crafted UR Omni-Beam and superior tech upgrade items.
First step: Crafting the tech item, doing so one by one (or with high skill currently mostly three per run). Just creating them is as of now already quite a click-orgy.
Now apply each tech item individually. Another good dozen of clicks. 6 (XIII) + 10 (XIV) superior items, each accompanied with 1075 dil as additional cost (not counting dil to accelerate).... sigh. Quite an investment to overcome your planned obsolescence.
But this is only the beginning. Each additional upgrade cycle adds ~2% chance to increase rarity. So another few dozens of upgrade cycles, each (now ~16 superior tech and dil) taking 36 hours to complete. Being on tribble I decided to accelerate with dil. Half an hour of clicking, countless of superior tech items and over half a million of dilithium (a lot of it for accelerating) later, my beam has finally gotten the rarity upgrade (before after screenshot:
And now I imagine to repeat that with the items I have on my ship and char... I'm puzzled: What's the point of this upgrade system, for whom is this system designed?
My first thought: You'll might have to be causal - one set of items for you, one for your ship. That should keep the costs in check - or not. Still a lot of tech items, still a lot of dilithium -likely much more than any causal player has spend ever before-, and your items are unavailable for overall quite a lot of time, even if you'll just upgrade to 14 without also trying to upgrade rarity. Thus, I guess most causals are likely long gone playing another game before seeing the end of their upgrade reign.
Now it might be for the hardcore crowd - those who play a lot and have a load of dil and mats. But those will also have many items on their chars, and likely have a lot of alts. Just thinking about upgrading more than a few items and on a number of chars... might be cheaper to build your own starbase than upgrading your stuff.
Please cryptic, cut down the costs of this upgrade system. Regardless if it's a causal player or a whale, you're bleeding them to death with the current setup.
- Let us craft tech items in bulk, preferable stacks way beyond the 5 we got for components (may as well increase that limit too). This would add quite a bit of QoL improvement on the crafting side.
- Let us use any very rare material instead of a specific one to craft superior/experimental upgrade items. The availability of those mats is largely different, and with the required amounts there will otherwise be an insane shortage for some of them.
- Double the research xp for all tech upgrade items. This would cut a bit of the tedious clicking, and would bring dil costs down to a slightly more reasonable level for an upgrade.
- Increase the chance to upgrade rarity for "regular" tech upgrade items. I'm aware that there is the experimental upgrade item, but with the UR material requirement they'll likely going to be quite elusive for most players, just like cstore/lockbox accelerators. Thus there should be a more reasonable chance to do it with just regular (superior) upgrade items.
just because they don't output 10-20 dps more it doesn't suddenly make them superfluous/obsolete. they'll still do the same thing and behave the same way they do on holodeck right now. it's not like introducing the xiv mode suddenly kicks mk xii down to mk ii dps level, and make you unable to even finish the missions anymore.
they might have less overkill effect than gold mk xiv would, but hey, those mk xi items from borg mission are worse than fleet mk xii, but that doesn't make them obsolete either. just not entirely min maxed. unless you're a hardcore pvper you probably won't even notice the difference.
besides, there's no upgrade probably for the very simple reason that there's no kit/kit module r&d section. hopefully that'll be added after dr release, before or during the inevitable season 10.5 which will likely also redo romulan mystery.
Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the crap out of me.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
Hi, I posted a couple of weapons that won't upgrade in the release notes, for safety, i'll post here as well, the Federation Type 3 Phaser rifle Mark XI won't upgrade and neither does the Federation Type 1 Phaser. Now I noticed that leveless weapons might not be upgradeable until Lvl 60 o i'll retry at 60 with the type 1. unsure if the Type 3 is a bug or intentional.
Overall though love it , brilliant job.
the fact that 1 beam weapon cost me 2 blue tech and 21 green tech to upgrade it from MKXI to MKXIII along with the dlithium cost AND 8 hour timer shows me this system needs quite a bit of work to appeal to players
Good system but all upgrades like all others ave posted cost a lot, and for new or casual players its a wall of dilithium to upgrade all the items.
i got all items up to ultra rare MKXIV and thats a lot off dilithium and update tech items i will not post the exact cost out of this because that depends on the change rate.
I also bumpt most off them up to epic i leave the cost for ultra to epic out off this because that heavily depends on the change rate.
List i got upgraded to Ultra Rare MKXIV
SPACE ITEMS * [Advanced Fleet Phaser Beam Array Mk XIV [CrtH] [Dmg]x3] 3 times
* [Advanced Fleet Quantum Torpedo Launcher Mk XIV [CrtD] [Dmg]x3]
* [Counter-Command Deflector Array Mk XIV [Inert]]
* [Counter-Command Hyper Impulse Engines Mk XIV [+CRes]]
* [Counter-Command Hyper Injection Warp Core Mk XIV [AMP]]
* [Heavy Bio-Molecular Phaser Turret Mk XIV [CrtH]]
* [Console - Tactical - Counter-Command Multi-Conduit Energy Relay Mk XIV]
all upgrade nicely with improved stats
* [Counter-Command Exo-Armor Mk XIV [Tox]]
* [Counter-Command Personal Shield Mk XIV [Resx2]] one note there is no difference in stats Between MKIII and the MKIV Grade.
Please use this thread to post all feedback and bugs found in the new Upgrade System.
Upgrade System
The upgrade system allows you to upgrade your items on your ship and your crew.
Access the Upgrade System by choosing the option when right clicking on an item or, click the Upgrade button on the bottom left of the Inventory window.
This includes some items which cannot be upgraded, text, and icons.
I wish to just test the UI for the upgrade system. I do not want to discuss the exact costs, time, resourses, what can or not be upgraded Etc. There are pleanty of folks doing that already. Whatever it is will be what it is when the product is released. I,m not sure if the numbers are even set as final yet. SO...
The interface is accessable as stated it should be. However, when I click on the blank item to be upgraded, on the UI, I see a pop up window showing all my account bank Items only.
When I click an item individually, and then click upgrade this item loads into the interface, but not each time. Sometimes it does not load.(perhaps these may not be an upgradable).. I understand this may be not final as yet.
Most importantly, to me, I wanted to test a Beam, Cannon, Shield, concole Etc. all the way from start to what I thought would be final state.
I was able to test a Beam, and a Cannon (fleet MK12 violet) with a number of upgrade kits and Dil for each. These were upgraded to an increased level as the end product suggested it would. (MK14) with rarity as stated it could be. It was then placed into my Inventory for pick up, not from the interface.
The resourses required on Tribble, and lack of any way to gain more in a workable timeframe prohibits complete runthrough of all types of upgrade. I must assume that sinse the cannon, and beam went as expected, the others will as well... though I dont like supposition in testing. I would also like to test the Accelerator and its workings, but do not have or know if I can even get these to test with.
I did not see upgrade kits for tac consoles as I did for the other consoles\ gear. Am I missing something? With no resourses remaining, I am not able to even continue to use the system to learn its complete functions and 'usability'
I beleave that this will be an improvement to the game in its final functional working state, A concern of there being just three slots with gear by the dozens may present "issues" though.
May I suggest a testing alteration as was done with timers in the Delta Reputation to resolve this on Tribble? (Forgo dil \ec requirements)
Thanks to ALL the Development Team for
working to improve the game..
I figure the pricing is still in flux, but one thing to consider: DO you want the gear acquisition from Mark XII to Mark XIV to be as costly as the original Mark XII gear acquisition? What would the resulting cost be for new player, and will they be willing to pay that much? And how angry will players get that already invested heavily into endgame gear and now have to spend the same again (or more?).
What do you think the baseline of upgrades people will use?
The system itself seems cool, but it seems a bit too costly perhaps, assuming that Very Rare crafting components remain as very rare as they are and most people will have to resort to the medium upgrade...
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
I don't think it is. Its in line with the upgrade pricing from neverwinter. Its awful and we need to make a fuss about it if we don't want it to stay awful.... actually there probably isn't any point, no amount of fuss ever seems to move cryptic to change anything...
I don't think it is. Its in line with the upgrade pricing from neverwinter. Its awful and we need to make a fuss about it if we don't want it to stay awful.... actually there probably isn't any point, no amount of fuss ever seems to move cryptic to change anything...
If the costs remain the same as now, then I think we truly will see the end of STO ... As it stands now, the "money grab" is bad enough.
Stupidly priced items on the exchange, that can only be bought if you spend money on Keys and open LB's, or sell the keys ... But even how long does it take to reach 100,000,000 EC? Let alone 400,000,000 for the "must have" bug ship.
The rich are selling to the rich, and the rest, just aren't/won't bother, trouble is, when the rest get sick of having second rate gear, what then?
Do we hope that the prices will slowly drop as items become more available? I haven't noticed any significant drop in Pricing in Neverwinter, and essentially this same system has been in use their for a while now.
I wanted to update my list of gear that is NOT available for upgrade. Some of these have already been reported by others. I still haven't looked at every piece of gear, and I don't own every Lock Box weapon available, but here is what I found:
Actually, if we were going by Fitts' Law, the UI would be designed around circles and arcs. But we use an LCARS-inspired UI.
still, mightybobcnc's point is valid. The UI in this game is really bad in almost every posible aspect:
- Is annoying to use. For get the menu i want, i have to go for another 3-4 menus.
- Is hard to use, for example how many clicks i have to do to start a reputation proyect?. An UX designer can have a feast with this
- the UI bootlenecks the perfomance of game. If i turn off the UI using alt+f12 i gain around 40 fps. And the performance degradation of the UI is tied with the ammount of element on the screen. CCE event, or Starbase Fleet Defense drop below 30frames in mid-high end computers
You don't need to do a circle-arc based UI like CS:GO in order to have a decent UI, most of the clicks here are repetitive , for example: why i need to add each resource in a proyect one by one using buttons and sliders? can just have a "fill" button?
And how many people have spend there dilitium to get that high ??
Aren't they going to use most of the tech's for them self and will ask a high price for them ??
You need lots of them just to level 1 beam array up from mk xii to ivx.
Both thats Cryptic new system... you can buy/pay it so its ok...
I saw the "Upgrade Item" option for both of these, but when I clicked it, they did not show up in the upgrade window. And now, the Upgrade Item option is gone. Just wanted to confirm.
8 different items is wayyyyyyy overboard.
I would rather just have a TP boost to the current items so that each one adds a larger chunk so that I don't have to click as much. I upgraded fewer than 8 items today (that's less than 1 ship worth of gear) and I couldn't even tell you how many thousands (literally) of times I had to click in order to craft the components to craft the upgrades to apply the upgrades to upgrade the items. It's insanity.
Joined January 2009
Idea how to make this:
1. The rifle must have 100% shield penetration as TR-116B do.
2. Reduce damage and shield penetration by 50% (or more if will needed) versus players.
3. Make it leveless as lobi gear.
I don't see real reasons why it cannot be upgradable. With 20% shield penetration I will not upgrade it so it must be changed to 100% as I said above.
The costs are not too high, the time it takes is also bearable (we're talking about epic endgame stuff after all)
My only suggestion would be that don't leave out any items from this system.
It would be cool if we could upgrade all of the items to Mk XIV epic level,
this could open up a lot of options in character, and ship building.
For thoose who are worried about upgrade token exchange prices:
Check the prices of Mk XII Very Rare stuff on holodeck.
I found they are much lower than before, because there is a steady supply of them from crafting.
There isn't one in the Neverwinter system, so why did you add one in STO?
Also I'd like to suggest that "basic" Tech upgrades cost EC instead of Dilithium, this would add a useful EC sink into the game, that players might just use.
I would suggest:
"Basic" Upgrades cost EC, with a very low chance of Rarity upgrade.
"Improved" upgrades cost half as much Dil as current, but require a Catalyst, and have a "medium" chance of Rarity upgrade.
"Superior" upgrades cost the same amount of Dil as current, but do NOT require a catalyst, and have a greater chance of Rarity upgrade.
the drop rates should probably get fixed up so there's at least some chance of getting them without hours of painful grinding for one item that'll be consumed in an instant, or alternatively make the new elite stfs always give guaranteed very rare materials along with that new ultra rare one rather than an occasional one in 20 stf runs.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
of course :rolleyes: clearly it is going to cost you 10 mil to get a hold of a kit that cost someone 2 rare components and 1 trellium-k
Question, will there be mk14 ultra-rare gear available for purchase from fleet holdings, or are new players expected to first grind out mk 12 gear and then upgrade that afterwards.
I.e. is the upgrade system to be seen as a convenience feature for existing players, or will all players have to deal with it. If it is the latter, I wonder what must go through a new players head when faced with the prospect of having to grind out several reputation systems, contribute enough to fleet to gain access to enough fleet credits to buy fleet shields, tactical consoles and likely weapons, and then on top of that having to upgrade all that gear once more.
It's a daunting prospect for me as an old-time regular player, and I can't imagine how the casuals this game has been aimed at lately will react to it.
Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine? [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
First step: Crafting the tech item, doing so one by one (or with high skill currently mostly three per run). Just creating them is as of now already quite a click-orgy.
Now apply each tech item individually. Another good dozen of clicks. 6 (XIII) + 10 (XIV) superior items, each accompanied with 1075 dil as additional cost (not counting dil to accelerate).... sigh. Quite an investment to overcome your planned obsolescence.
But this is only the beginning. Each additional upgrade cycle adds ~2% chance to increase rarity. So another few dozens of upgrade cycles, each (now ~16 superior tech and dil) taking 36 hours to complete. Being on tribble I decided to accelerate with dil. Half an hour of clicking, countless of superior tech items and over half a million of dilithium (a lot of it for accelerating) later, my beam has finally gotten the rarity upgrade (before after screenshot:
And now I imagine to repeat that with the items I have on my ship and char... I'm puzzled: What's the point of this upgrade system, for whom is this system designed?
My first thought: You'll might have to be causal - one set of items for you, one for your ship. That should keep the costs in check - or not. Still a lot of tech items, still a lot of dilithium -likely much more than any causal player has spend ever before-, and your items are unavailable for overall quite a lot of time, even if you'll just upgrade to 14 without also trying to upgrade rarity. Thus, I guess most causals are likely long gone playing another game before seeing the end of their upgrade reign.
Now it might be for the hardcore crowd - those who play a lot and have a load of dil and mats. But those will also have many items on their chars, and likely have a lot of alts. Just thinking about upgrading more than a few items and on a number of chars... might be cheaper to build your own starbase than upgrading your stuff.
Please cryptic, cut down the costs of this upgrade system. Regardless if it's a causal player or a whale, you're bleeding them to death with the current setup.
- Let us craft tech items in bulk, preferable stacks way beyond the 5 we got for components (may as well increase that limit too). This would add quite a bit of QoL improvement on the crafting side.
- Let us use any very rare material instead of a specific one to craft superior/experimental upgrade items. The availability of those mats is largely different, and with the required amounts there will otherwise be an insane shortage for some of them.
- Double the research xp for all tech upgrade items. This would cut a bit of the tedious clicking, and would bring dil costs down to a slightly more reasonable level for an upgrade.
- Increase the chance to upgrade rarity for "regular" tech upgrade items. I'm aware that there is the experimental upgrade item, but with the UR material requirement they'll likely going to be quite elusive for most players, just like cstore/lockbox accelerators. Thus there should be a more reasonable chance to do it with just regular (superior) upgrade items.
you provide the mats of course
That's cool of you : ) Still, I'm worried about the actual purple material cost.
This is rather disappointing as I'd gone through the trouble of getting myself Fleet quality kit modules only for them to be rendered superfluous.
they might have less overkill effect than gold mk xiv would, but hey, those mk xi items from borg mission are worse than fleet mk xii, but that doesn't make them obsolete either. just not entirely min maxed. unless you're a hardcore pvper you probably won't even notice the difference.
besides, there's no upgrade probably for the very simple reason that there's no kit/kit module r&d section. hopefully that'll be added after dr release, before or during the inevitable season 10.5 which will likely also redo romulan mystery.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
Overall though love it
i got all items up to ultra rare MKXIV and thats a lot off dilithium and update tech items i will not post the exact cost out of this because that depends on the change rate.
I also bumpt most off them up to epic i leave the cost for ultra to epic out off this because that heavily depends on the change rate.
List i got upgraded to Ultra Rare MKXIV
* [Advanced Fleet Phaser Beam Array Mk XIV [CrtH] [Dmg]x3] 3 times
* [Advanced Fleet Quantum Torpedo Launcher Mk XIV [CrtD] [Dmg]x3]
* [Counter-Command Deflector Array Mk XIV [Inert]]
* [Counter-Command Hyper Impulse Engines Mk XIV [+CRes]]
* [Counter-Command Hyper Injection Warp Core Mk XIV [AMP]]
* [Heavy Bio-Molecular Phaser Turret Mk XIV [CrtH]]
* [Console - Tactical - Counter-Command Multi-Conduit Energy Relay Mk XIV]
all upgrade nicely with improved stats
* [Counter-Command Exo-Armor Mk XIV [Tox]]
* [Counter-Command Personal Shield Mk XIV [Resx2]] one note there is no difference in stats Between MKIII and the MKIV Grade.
Upgraded to Epic
Space Items
* [Advanced Fleet Phaser Beam Array Mk XIV [Ac/Dm] [CrtH] [Dmg]x3] times 2
* [Counter-Command Covariant Shield Array Mk XIV [Cp/Rg] [Reg]]
* [Console - Engineering - Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk XIV Console - Engineering - Structural Reinforcement] Times 3
* [Console - Engineering - Enhanced RCS Accelerator Mk XIV Console - Engineering - Structural Reinforcement]
* [Console - Science - Field Generator Mk XIV] times 2
* [Console - Science - Shield Emitter Amplifier Mk XIV]
* [Console - Tactical - Vulnerability Locator Mk XIV Console - Tactical - Phaser Relay]
Ground Items
* [Elite Fleet Phaser Full Auto Rifle Mk XIV [Dm/CrH] [Dmg]x2 [KB3] [SHeal]]
No Problems found on these.
Is has to be noted that for the rep Counter Command space and ground set that only upgrading 1 or 2 items breaks the set bonuses!
I hope the total cost of upgrading the items is not in it final state
click for bigger image
I wish to just test the UI for the upgrade system. I do not want to discuss the exact costs, time, resourses, what can or not be upgraded Etc. There are pleanty of folks doing that already. Whatever it is will be what it is when the product is released. I,m not sure if the numbers are even set as final yet. SO...
The interface is accessable as stated it should be. However, when I click on the blank item to be upgraded, on the UI, I see a pop up window showing all my account bank Items only.
When I click an item individually, and then click upgrade this item loads into the interface, but not each time. Sometimes it does not load.(perhaps these may not be an upgradable).. I understand this may be not final as yet.
Most importantly, to me, I wanted to test a Beam, Cannon, Shield, concole Etc. all the way from start to what I thought would be final state.
I was able to test a Beam, and a Cannon (fleet MK12 violet) with a number of upgrade kits and Dil for each. These were upgraded to an increased level as the end product suggested it would. (MK14) with rarity as stated it could be. It was then placed into my Inventory for pick up, not from the interface.
The resourses required on Tribble, and lack of any way to gain more in a workable timeframe prohibits complete runthrough of all types of upgrade. I must assume that sinse the cannon, and beam went as expected, the others will as well... though I dont like supposition in testing. I would also like to test the Accelerator and its workings, but do not have or know if I can even get these to test with.
I did not see upgrade kits for tac consoles as I did for the other consoles\ gear. Am I missing something? With no resourses remaining, I am not able to even continue to use the system to learn its complete functions and 'usability'
I beleave that this will be an improvement to the game in its final functional working state, A concern of there being just three slots with gear by the dozens may present "issues" though.
May I suggest a testing alteration as was done with timers in the Delta Reputation to resolve this on Tribble? (Forgo dil \ec requirements)
Thanks to ALL the Development Team for
working to improve the game..
What do you think the baseline of upgrades people will use?
The system itself seems cool, but it seems a bit too costly perhaps, assuming that Very Rare crafting components remain as very rare as they are and most people will have to resort to the medium upgrade...
Tried it out last night (at a cost of an absolutely STUPID amount of Dilithium) on the Counter Command Shield, and you lose the set bonus.
Is this WAI? Or is the set bonus still supposed to work? If it's WAI, then be prepared for a LOT of incoming rage posts ...
I don't think it is. Its in line with the upgrade pricing from neverwinter. Its awful and we need to make a fuss about it if we don't want it to stay awful.... actually there probably isn't any point, no amount of fuss ever seems to move cryptic to change anything...
If the costs remain the same as now, then I think we truly will see the end of STO ... As it stands now, the "money grab" is bad enough.
Stupidly priced items on the exchange, that can only be bought if you spend money on Keys and open LB's, or sell the keys ... But even how long does it take to reach 100,000,000 EC? Let alone 400,000,000 for the "must have" bug ship.
The rich are selling to the rich, and the rest, just aren't/won't bother, trouble is, when the rest get sick of having second rate gear, what then?
Do we hope that the prices will slowly drop as items become more available? I haven't noticed any significant drop in Pricing in Neverwinter, and essentially this same system has been in use their for a while now.
Rare Items:
Bajoran Phaser Rifle
Bajoran Phaser Pistol
Synchronic Proton Distortion Prototype Assault Rifle
Very Rare Items:
Phaser Quad Cannons [Dmg]x4
Assimilated Subtranswarp Engines Mk XII
Omega Force Hyper-Impulse Engines Mk XII
Console - Universal - Assimilated Module
Plasma Flamethrower Mk XII [Dmg]x3
Adaptive Transphasic Torpedo Mk XII [Dmg]x3 [Borg]
Aegis Deflector Array*
Aegis Hyper-Impulse Engines*
Aegis Covariant Shield Array*
* - legacy Aegis Set from old crafting system
I will keep trying to update my list, and I will try and copy over some new toons to Tribble to test their gear.
still, mightybobcnc's point is valid. The UI in this game is really bad in almost every posible aspect:
- Is annoying to use. For get the menu i want, i have to go for another 3-4 menus.
- Is hard to use, for example how many clicks i have to do to start a reputation proyect?. An UX designer can have a feast with this
- the UI bootlenecks the perfomance of game. If i turn off the UI using alt+f12 i gain around 40 fps. And the performance degradation of the UI is tied with the ammount of element on the screen. CCE event, or Starbase Fleet Defense drop below 30frames in mid-high end computers
You don't need to do a circle-arc based UI like CS:GO in order to have a decent UI, most of the clicks here are repetitive , for example: why i need to add each resource in a proyect one by one using buttons and sliders? can just have a "fill" button?
Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)