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Unable to claim Constitution Cruiser

omegasprimeomegasprime Member Posts: 289 Arc User
edited September 2014 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I am unable to claim my Constitution Cruiser even though I own it already.
---Screen Shot

Ticket# 140911-001195

UPDATE 9/15/2014:
Constitution Cruiser is back.
TOS bundle is back
AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
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Intel Core i7-5700
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Post edited by omegasprime on


  • leighandrew12leighandrew12 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Have you tried claiming it directly from the C-store?

    Exposing fakes since 2374
  • omegasprimeomegasprime Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    It does not even show up in my C-Store anymore along with some other items.


    AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
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  • leighandrew12leighandrew12 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Please go through step by step what you did

    You bought the ship in the C-store under Federation ships right? Then went to your ship selecter in ESD and set it as your usable ship?

    Exposing fakes since 2374
  • leighandrew12leighandrew12 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Is this your first ship purchase? I noticed your rank is LT. For one thing the constitution class cruiser is located at the bottom of the ship page can you scroll down and screen capture it?

    When you buy a new ship from the c-store, if you are the correct rank, you need to go to the SHIP SELECTER guy in ESD not STARSHIP REQUESITIONS in order to select that ship to fly

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  • omegasprimeomegasprime Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I got the Constitution Cruiser with the pre-order when the game started long ago. I went to ESD like I normally do when I don't want to us the starter ship that they automatically give you when you start a new character or when you go the the next level ship.

    I went to requisition my Constitution Cruiser, but the "buy ship" button was grayed out. I thought that was weird so I tried to get it from the C-Store, but to my surprise it does not even show up in the C-Store.
    AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
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  • leighandrew12leighandrew12 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I apologise I thought you were a new player. I know this is a stupid question but do you have enough room in your ship inventory?

    Exposing fakes since 2374
  • omegasprimeomegasprime Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Yes, it is a new character so I have 3 remaining slot to use. None of my other characters can claim it either.
    AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
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  • leighandrew12leighandrew12 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I don't know if I know I can help other then suggesting sending the devs a report. Iv'e been through all the obvious questions i think...

    Exposing fakes since 2374
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I am unable to claim my Constitution Cruiser even though I own it already.
    ---Screen Shot

    Ticket# 140911-001195

    in this image the price is shown as a dash rather than a 0 which means you were trying to claim it on the test server. On the test server the store is disabled so nothing can be got from there at all.
    It does not even show up in my C-Store anymore along with some other items.



    In these images you have selected a Commander ship with an LT 2 character so you get an error to say you cannot use it. The mouse is just highlighting the other ship and not selecting anything so not sure the purpose of them at all. They certainly are not there to prove you own a Constitution class vessel or a constellation class vessel.

    Ps: The T1 vessel shows in the list as USS Enterprise

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • omegasprimeomegasprime Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    dirlettia wrote: »
    in this image the price is shown as a dash rather than a 0 which means you were trying to claim it on the test server. On the test server the store is disabled so nothing can be got from there at all.

    In these images you have selected a Commander ship with an LT 2 character so you get an error to say you cannot use it. The mouse is just highlighting the other ship and not selecting anything so not sure the purpose of them at all. They certainly are not there to prove you own a Constitution class vessel or a constellation class vessel.

    Ps: The T1 vessel shows in the list as USS Enterprise

    This was on the holodeck not tribble. I have been with the game since close beta and not a novice. I own the Constitution Cruiser.

    If Constitution Cruiser was unpurchased it would have shown on top of the list. All ship purchased are in alphabetical to what is available to me and what is not available to me do to rank.

    Zen would not show at all on tribble right now.
    AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
    Windows 10 Pro
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  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    The screen shots do seem to show the USS Enterprise Missing. Guess your account must be bugged then if it's not further down in the list waiting to be purchased.

    Ps: they are sorted alphabetically but not by rank. and really only account support can help with missing stuff.

    Edit 2: having just gone into the game on a level 11 toon, I can almost replicate your screen shots. The USS Enterprise disappears from the store list but the ship reqisition still shows as a 0 and not a -. The ship however is available in the ship selector NPC as its already claimed.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • omegasprimeomegasprime Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    dirlettia wrote: »
    The screen shots do seem to show the Exeter and Gladius missing as well as the USS Enterprise. Guess your account must be bugged then if they are not further down in the list waiting to be purchased.

    Ps: they are sorted alphabetically but not by rank.

    Those are available but not at my rank. My character that is an Engineer is level 2. In the C-Store under Federation Ships you see what you can purchase with Zen First. Next you see what is available to you based on your rank in alphabetical. Then you see what is unavailable to you do to rank in alphabetical order.
    AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
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  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I edited and added stuff since you posted that which was more relevant.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • wanderintxwanderintx Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I am experiencing the same error. At first I thought it was just for the new alt I created. Long time player who received the Enterprise from the start. Unable to see it in the Cstore now. Button to purchase at the shipyard is greyed out. Also on the holodeck server and it is the the same if I switch over to an older Fed character.
  • omegasprimeomegasprime Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    So I am not the only person with this issue.

    The CS are not very bright. They said I had to be a Lt Commander to access my next ship. I just turned around and told them that the Constitution Cruiser is Lt level ship and NOT a Lt Commander level ship and please fix the issue. It is apparent that the CS didn't read the ticket and/or never played the game.
    AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
    Windows 10 Pro
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  • solostryker1solostryker1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Also ran into this issue, came here when doing a google search so I'll add my bit in.

    I bought STO in store I think, many years ago and it came with the Constitution as a bonus. I've used it as my starter ship on all of my characters since (as soon as I get the chance to switch to it at least).

    Verifying first. I have the Constitution class on all of my characters, saved in storage for when I want to take it out and play with it :)
    In Storage

    I created a new character, like OP, and went to grab it but same as he mentioned, the cost it a dash and the buy is greyed out. (Included the same shot of the NX-01 replica, which I also have unlocked, for comparison)
    Greyed out Purchase Button
    NX-01 for Comparison

    Oddly though I can click on the grey button and a screen comes up... but stays empty.

    And finally, it is not in the C-Store at all, though other ships I unlocked are still there.

    *pity there's no option (that I could find) to embed images
  • xandercorvusxandercorvus Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Also ran into this issue, came here when doing a google search so I'll add my bit in.

    I bought STO in store I think, many years ago and it came with the Constitution as a bonus. I've used it as my starter ship on all of my characters since (as soon as I get the chance to switch to it at least).

    Verifying first. I have the Constitution class on all of my characters, saved in storage for when I want to take it out and play with it :)
    In Storage

    I created a new character, like OP, and went to grab it but same as he mentioned, the cost it a dash and the buy is greyed out. (Included the same shot of the NX-01 replica, which I also have unlocked, for comparison)
    Greyed out Purchase Button
    NX-01 for Comparison

    Oddly though I can click on the grey button and a screen comes up... but stays empty.

    And finally, it is not in the C-Store at all, though other ships I unlocked are still there.

    *pity there's no option (that I could find) to embed images

    I'm having this same issue.
    I've been having this problem on the Holodeck Shard ever since Delta Rising content started hitting Tribble.

    The TOS Constitution Cruiser was a starting-level Account Wide Unlock that could be reclaimed at any time, on any Fed toon for free.
    I had to let it go the other day so I could try another ship, then found that it was removed from the C-Store entirely.
    It was still in the in-store ship store, but its price was -Zen...so I couldn't buy it with the greyed-out "Buy Ship button, even after discharging yet another ship just to make sure I had a free slot.
    Now, it's back in the C-Store, but I have to pay 500 Zen to reclaim it every single time?!
    How is that fair business practice?
    That's bait & switch at the least, if this has been done on purpose.

    Either they screwed something up, they're purposely TRIBBLE us over, or it's just a glitch because I'm not fully-patched.
    Regardless, when you buy an Account Wide Unlock that says it reclaimable for no charge, you shouldn't just go & take it out, and start charging $5 a pop to the same customer to use something they used to already have access to for free?!

    EDIT: I turned off On Demand patching and am patching the necessary 2.7GB.
    I guess in about a week, I'll know if I'm really getting borked over or if it's just a patch-glitch.
    I'm hoping for the latter of the 2; I didn't buy a Lifetime Subscription so I could pay for stuff I used to have for free whether I subbed or not.
    "Join Date: Jun 2012" Says Cryptic's "new" forum system. I've been here since a week before launch, but SOME stuff just didn't carry over through multiple system changes/updates. :rolleyes:
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I am also having this issue. I can see the ship in the store, but attempting to claim it attempts to charge me 500 Zen.

    I have claimed the ship for free in the past- in fact I have screenshots from 2010 of me using it- unlocked by purchasing a copy of the game from Gamestop as one of the retail bonuses. None of my characters currently has the ship in their inventory, however.

    I will submit a billing support ticket and see what they say.

    Edit: ticket reference # 140912-001706
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Confirmed. The Constitution that should be available for free in the C-Store as part of my Collector's Edition is now demanding 500 Zen for me to be able to claim it.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Confirmed. The Constitution that should be available for free in the C-Store as part of my Collector's Edition is now demanding 500 Zen for me to be able to claim it.

    Confirmed for me as well.

    Sent in a ticket. Ticket #: 2,719,618
  • tfcivtfciv Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Doing the same thing for me, it no longer says this ship is available to claim, requires zen. In fact I still have some toons that have those blue phasers that level up with you stashed somewhere.
  • omegasprimeomegasprime Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    tfciv wrote: »
    Doing the same thing for me, it no longer says this ship is available to claim, requires zen. In fact I still have some toons that have those blue phasers that level up with you stashed somewhere.

    I can see the Constitution Cruiser now, but now I am being charged 500 Zen to claim my ship which is a pre-order item. Who ever is doing this TRIBBLE is pissing me off. No way do I believe this whole thing is some kind of bug from a patch!! If it is then that programmer need to go back to school to reeducate themselves on Object Oriented Programming.

    AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
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  • stostargatewarsstostargatewars Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I am getting this as well.
  • strahn794strahn794 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Confirmed. The Constitution that should be available for free in the C-Store as part of my Collector's Edition is now demanding 500 Zen for me to be able to claim it.

    This is also what myself and several of my fleetmates are getting. Personally, I rec'd the TOS Connie as my pre-order bonus way back when; now the store wants to charge me 500 zen to claim the ship. I've always been able to claim it multiple times in the past, on the same character if need be.
  • xandercorvusxandercorvus Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    As I stated earlier in this thread (and another), I am having this problem, too, and it's not the first time this has happened to me with this same exact ship.
    The last time this happened to me, I turned of On Demand Patching, and fully patched the game; That fixed it.

    I'm currently doing this exact same thing, now...although it's going to take me a couple of days, and I'd really like to play some more.
    So, could everyone in here that's having this problem confirm for me whether they are ACTUALLY fully patched or not? Because I'd rather not waste time patching data I otherwise really don't need when I could be playing some more.
    "Join Date: Jun 2012" Says Cryptic's "new" forum system. I've been here since a week before launch, but SOME stuff just didn't carry over through multiple system changes/updates. :rolleyes:
  • nafka74nafka74 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Same problem, submiited a ticket waiting on response.
  • felisdraconiusfelisdraconius Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I have this issue/bug. I do not use on demand patching at all. I don't think that is the issue. I also do not have the collector's edition. I DO however have the TOS bundle. I noticed that that bundle does not seem listed anywhere in the c-store currently.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I have this issue/bug. I do not use on demand patching at all. I don't think that is the issue. I also do not have the collector's edition. I DO however have the TOS bundle. I noticed that that bundle does not seem listed anywhere in the c-store currently.

    I've never purchased the TOS bundle (someday!) and it's still visible in the Bundles section for 2000 Zen when I look.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • omegasprimeomegasprime Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I have this issue/bug. I do not use on demand patching at all. I don't think that is the issue. I also do not have the collector's edition. I DO however have the TOS bundle. I noticed that that bundle does not seem listed anywhere in the c-store currently.

    I just check mine and it is missing too!!!
    AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
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  • biidibiidi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Normally this wouldn't be an issue for me since I haven't made any new characters in so long and don't intend to either, but I want my TOS Constitution available if/when I want to fly it. I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition at Gamestop JUST to get the Connie. Those of us who did that should not have to pay for it AGAIN.
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